Meet Me on the Volcano (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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The air was thick with the smell of sulfur and the billowing clouds of smoke that were constantly wafting from the massive volcano. It was an incredible sight to see, its pools of magma always churning and bubbling with the constant activity of the fault line that it resided over. In all it was a revered symbol of the settlements and cities that dotted the base of the geological monument, and though it would often shake the earth and roar, it had never erupted.

Many mortals saw their safety as a gift due to their praises uplifted to the gods of the mountain and the many others that joined to make the chain that stretched from coast to coast. The entire stretch acted like a barrier against any of the invading forces of other lands, but even if they did come and attack, those that resided in the Mooyoova mountains' shadow had faith that their gods would do well to protect them.

However, as of late there had been a bit of controversy stirred up among the mortals of the cities and settlements. Dissension of the various churches that often gave praise to the gods was underway, as the gods rarely ever meddled in the affairs of mortals or rarely answered prayers. Some began to turn their attention to those that were tangible, such as the mighty dragons that were known to fly in the skies of the area and would sometimes bring their fury upon the volcano's cities for fun. One such great wyrm had garnered quite a bit of attention, enough so that a particular god had taken notice. They would chant her name as she would pass by in the sky, the great and powerful Lakatuu!

From the sky a bright red figure soared, getting closer as its flight deteriorated to one of the large pools of lava that dotted the volcano's side. This was Lakatuu's home, where she had grown up and lived for most of her life, and this was where she decided to have a domain.

When she came near enough she thrust out her wings to catch the updraft of hot air that the volcano produced and drifted until she was standing on the sharp rock ledge the lined her favorite lava pool. She was a beautiful creature, her body strong and agile, easily able to take on whole armies with the magic and abilities that she was able to wield. She stood on two legs, and although she was just a bit larger than what a normal mortal was, she was far more powerful.

She wore no clothing, so her bright, crimson scales shone like polished rubies, her belly and under arms being a shimmering silver like the light from a full moon. Her large breasts heaved as she took in a deep breath and let a low growl escape from her throat, as she could sense there was an intruder here.

Within the pool of bubbling, molten rock, there was an individual that relaxed their body among the fiery liquid, their back braced against the basalt ledge like it were some large swimming oasis. To the dragon it was, but to have someone use the volcano's heat like it was there own was a bit rude. Asked there by a sign from above, the dragon knew what this meeting was all about, and a smirk pulled at the sides of her mouth, a few sharp teeth showing.

It was easy to see that the newcomer was a god in their physical form. The being within the pool was as every bit gorgeous as the dragon, though their features were vastly different. The woman had a protective aura about her that shielded her from the heat of the molten rock, though she was still able to appreciate its warmth. As every bit naked as the dragoness, she was sleek and strong, her breasts modest and perky, perfectly round with erect nipples that were as dark as night. Her hips held a curve as if sculpted by an artisan and a rear end that was toned and apply shaped. She truly held the image of a luxurious woman formed from the greatest wet dream of some painter.

What was stunning of all was the unique pattern of her fur. She was a tigress that had alluring golden fur where orange or white would have normally been, and instead of stripes she had black swirls in their stead. All of the gods were like this, some unique version of a normal mortal species. She was known as the goddess of courage and fortitude, the beautiful Fai. Her eyes glowed a solid hue of sapphire without pupil or iris, but they were still just as easy to read.

"I'm glad you heeded my message," the goddess stated simply, scooping up a paw full of magma and then letting it cascade from her palm back into he pool.

"I didn't come here because of your message," the dragon huffed and crossed her arms under her breasts. "You're in my spot."

"Ah, yes. Irritating when someone takes something that doesn't belong to them, isn't it?" the goddess retorted and stood up from her relaxed position, letting the extremely hot material part as she waded through it to get closer to the opposite ledge. "A lot of the gods are getting pissed about what you're doing with the mortals, myself included.

So that's why she's here, the dragoness thought to herself, a smirk coming across her lips. "What? You mean by showing up, answering prayers, and being a positive idol for them?"

"Don't push yourself!" the tigress snarled. "This is our domain! You'll have more than just me to worry about if things don't settle down with you and the mortals," she continued to glower and narrowed her eyes.

Read the full story here:

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