Meet Me at the Tower (Patreon Extreme)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#3 of Meet Me (Extreme)

A hermaphrodite druid enjoys a horse with her apprentice before they embark on a long journey through the forest.

Read the full story here:

The expanse of the Bahlreloo forest was something that the world knew very well. The magical potential that it held was unparalleled, and those that resided within its massive canopy were sought as being powerful mages and incredibly intelligent scholars. It was true, the gifts that it provided were most often bestowments of great wisdom and strength. The secrets and majesty that the massive, three thousand foot trees held was renown and inspired settlements of many different species to take refuge among their branches. Here there was a universal understanding of working together, as if the forest itself was its own world and that there wasn't a need to concern one's self with what laid beyond it.

What were likely the most well known and powerful individuals of the forest was the council of druids. They acted as a governing force between almost every dispute between those that called the forest home. They covered every grievance from invaders meaning to cause war to disputes among insects.

Hubs for the druids had been set up all around the forest in the form of great towers. Within these towers were gardens, libraries, and quarters to reside between different assignments. Various guilds and bodies of noteworthy rank came to these obelisks to inquire about help or to pay homage to the council. While they were tall and quite intimidating, wrapped in vines and made of wooden bricks that were harder than steel, they were nowhere near the height of the mega flora around them.

At the northern most part of the forest was one such tower that was no different than the others. It had a bustle of activity from within as various druids went about their business. At the very base of the structure was one druid of some renown, waiting patiently for her entourage to arrive. She had sent a message through a courier flower to the nearby city where her apprentice was going to college in the hopes of becoming an artificer, detailing that they had a mission and would need a horse for their travels.

The druid woman was a tall lapine, though compared to others of her sect she was about average. Her arms and legs showed quite a bit of muscular definition, which was also the norm for her kind. Often being construed as physically weak since magic and nature itself seemed to do most of their hard work, the truth was that their bodies handled quite a bit of stress when it came to such things. Meditation and intense training often resulted in abdominal muscles and broad shoulders. She was afforded a more petite figure, but she was surely not mistaken to be frail.

Over her shoulders was a long robe that reached down to her feet, concealing her entire form beneath its flowing length. It was made entirely of layered leaves like the scales of some giant snake, like most druid garb was. Most of all that the conjurers of the forest possessed came from the forest itself. Gifts. It included staffs, tables, clothing, utensils, and of course food.

The rabbit pulled the hood of her robe from over her head and peered with keen eyes at the horizon. A horse and rider soon appeared in the distance at a canter towards her position. She recognized her apprentice right away and a warm smile broke across her face. They didn't take long to arrive, and before either of them knew it they were waving to catch the other's attention.

"Salem, it's been a while," the druid laughed as the horse trotted closer and stopped. The rider smiled, a sheep that had just blossomed into adult a couple years back. She wore some leather armor that had been honed from some great lizard, it was lightweight and flexible but was strong enough to stop arrows.

"Madam Ferous, it is nice to be in your service once again," the girl replied and gracefully disembarked her mount, settling on the ground and coming around the side of the rabbit.

"Please, when it's just the two of us, call me Wesha," the druid replied with a smirk.

"Sorry, formalities are a force of habit now," Salem giggled. Although she was a head shorter than her teacher, she was about the same as far as muscular physique. Despite her tinkering of various clockwork machines, she often had a heavy influence of druidic magic with her creations.

"I sure hope they're teaching you more than just formalities at that college," the lapin grumbled as she stepped up to the horse's flank and gently nuzzled into the soft, brown fur.

"They are!" Salem defended quickly with a hot blush drawing over her cheeks.

"Hmm, good. Do me a favor and get our things straightened away on Damiscus here, won't you?" Wesha ordered nonchalantly and waved her paw for some leather straps and bags that were meant to be fit over the equine's flanks and back. It was easy to see that she was prepared for quite the trip.

"Wait, how did you know his name?" the sheep girl asked as she meandered over to the luggage and brought it closer.

"He told me," the druid retorted.

"I suppose he told you because every creature has a language?" the younger woman retorted as she went about affixing straps and harnesses to the equine.

Wesha grinned. "Very good! Maybe I'm not wasting my money sending you to that college after all." she leaned in again and gave the horse's side another kiss and nuzzle, softly resting her paws against his form before giving a gentle pat and gingerly walk around behind him. The sheep girl was busying herself with getting things squared away for their travels, but it was when she began to affix one of the saddlebags to the stallion that she realized her mistress was doing something naughty to their mount.

Salem blinked in disbelief as the sight of Wesha's face buried into the horse's ass came to her. The rabbit had taken a hold of Damiscus's tail and hiked it up, exposing the large, black pucker that she was hungrily lashing her tongue at. The druid gave a low moan as she circled the thick ring, smearing it in her saliva before she brought it to the center and began to prod at the opening. It was easily let in of course, and so her nose became mashed into the stallion's asshole as her tongue explored the feral's rectum.

Read the full story here:

Meet Me Near the Windmills (Patreon)

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