Meet Me Near the Windmills (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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Pleasantly enough, the sun had been out all day, and yet the temperature stayed moderate. A gentle breeze wafted around, the area being a mostly flat stretch of farmland, though the skyline was breached by a long line of towering windmills. Their massive, metal structures were at least a hundred and fifty feet high, all of their tri-bladed noses were spirally, producing energy for some far off utility. Nearby there was a few buildings that were tasked with maintaining the turbines, but for the most part there wasn't much happening.

On the far road that ran parallel to the farmland and windmills, a single green car ran down its length. Far removed from the maintenance buildings and down near the last windmill there was an old dirt road that not many really knew of or cared to go down. What scared most off was likely because it was all private property, but for those that were gutsy, they would find that there was no consequence for the bold initiative.

The vehicle slowed down and turned into the nearly hidden path, rumbling easy towards the far windmill that took hardly any time at all to get out to. The driver peered through a pair of sunglasses, a doe named Suzy with remarkably cute features and a body that could call out the lusts of most of anyone. She had an hourglass form, large breasts and a wide rear end with thick thighs. In the past, she was known for being able to get anyone to go home with her, and it had been the case almost every night for a couple years. Recently she had decided to settle down, and had entered into a marriage two years ago with a lovely individual.

As she came more near to the windmill, she could see a set of trucks had been parked at the end of the gravel road. She recognized them both, one being her mate's, and the one was their close friend. She could even see both of them standing outside leaning against the turbine's base. They waved her down as she pulled in and parked next to her mate's vehicle.

"Hey, guys!" the doe called out as she stepped out from her car.

"Hey, sweetheart!" her mate named Alex shouted back, a border collie that was a bit taller than her though they had the same body type. The canine had a moderate bust size and wide hips, though there was one thing that she had that her mate didn't. Hidden away between the collie's leg's was a very impressive sheath that bulged the front of her pants. Being a hermaphrodite, she allowed for the two to have quite a bit of fun, something that the doe took advantage of quite a bit.

Next to the canine was her friend, a similarly hermaphrodite donkey and both of their close friend. Her name was Tatiana, and she wore a big, devious grin as she watched the doe approach her lover. The two embraced and shared a kiss before letting go, Alex gently taking the girl's hand in her paw.

"Heyas, Tatiana!" the doe called out excitedly and gave an enthusiastic wave. "It's nice to see you. You should come around more often,"

"Heh, would love to," Tatiana replied and gave a wink. The donkey herm worked on a different farm a county over, so she often wore suspenders or a pair of jeans with a baggy shirt tucked into the waist. Now was one of the times she was wearing a pair of suspenders, though the front of them had the definite indent of an equine shaped cock traveling down the pant leg. Suzy was quick to notice this and she tried to hide her blush and avert her eyes. Hoping that Tatiana hadn't seen her notice the hidden erection, she spoke again to change the subject.

"What's got you two all the way out here, love? Reminiscing?" she asked with a smirk, her friendly eyes turning to the dog but she found that her mate was purposely turning her eyes away, as if guilty of something. This particular spot had been pretty special to the couple, as it was not only the first place that they had sex at, but also the place that Alex had asked Suzy to marry her.

"Not exactly," Alex mumbled and brought a paw up to rub at the back of her neck. Something was bothering her, and Suzy could tell right away.

"Okay, what's going on here?" the doe asked and folded her arms over her chest, a wry smile playing at her lips. She glanced back and forth between the herms and made a sound for one of them to speak. "Well?"

"So...the thing is..." Alex began and slowly approached her mate. "I sort of lost a bet to Tatiana about something," she said uncomfortably. Her mate blinked in confusion.

"Okay? What does that have to do with anything?" Suzy asked and let her hands fall to rest on her hips.

"The terms of the bet were that the winner would be allowed to fuck the loser's mate," The donkey herm explained quickly. From how forward she was about the situation caused Suzy and Alex to flinch. The doe turned back to stare at her friend and then reeled on the boarder collie.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she demanded, suddenly angry. "What the hell did you even lose at?"

" was a game of poker," Alex admitted as she coughed and cleared her throat, eyes turned to the side.

Suzy was stunned into silence for a moment, and then burst with a growl "Poker?" she shouted, "You're terrible at poker!"

"To be fair, she did have a pretty decent hand," Tatiana chuckled and playfully stuck her tongue out at the canine.

"Wait a second! You'd have fucked Rachel if you'd won?" Suzy accused and stomped up to the canine who flinched and withdrew from her mate's anger.

"I would have brought it up to you first of course!" Alex defended quickly but took a step back. Suzy still wasn't having any of her mate's excuses, it came off as quite the treacherous act that was to defile their mateship. It was then that realization dawned on her.

Read the full story here:

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