Pokemon Ballbusting CYOA Nidoqueen Vs Charizard 50% done

Story by pierva on SoFurry

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#7 of A Beneficial Deal

This is a work in progress Choose Your Own Adventure styled story. I will finish the other half soon, but wanted to post this to

A. Get feedback on what people think

B. Make sure for those few actually watching me know I'm not just doing nothing.

EDIT: Due to the issues surrounding the link...try registering here first. https://www.inklestudios.com/inklewriter/

A Beneficial Deal: Scrambled Eggs.

Sophie awoke the next day nice and early. She quietly made her way out of her brothers room, she wasn't entirely sure that the previous night had happened, but she found her brother passed out on the couch his heavy eggs resting peacefully against his...

A Beneficial Deal

As Josh looked into the mirror he was proud of what he saw. He saw a grey wolf who was smart with his money and saved it allowing him to be able to afford his own place. He loved having this little apartment because he could do whatever he wanted and...


Cobalt and Molrid part I

Cobalt lazed about in his lands knowing he was safe. He could not smell any intruders and he knew how to deftly handle any who would threaten his home. Cobalt was a large dragon with jet-black scales covering his body with royal blue scales on his...

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