A Beneficial Deal

Story by pierva on SoFurry

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#1 of A Beneficial Deal

A little story I tossed together recently been meaning to upload. Might write more with these two and add others in but don't know yet.

As Josh looked into the mirror he was proud of what he saw. He saw a grey wolf who was smart with his money and saved it allowing him to be able to afford his own place. He loved having this little apartment because he could do whatever he wanted and never have to worry about his family finding out about his dark secret. He loved the idea of getting his nuts cracked. But not just by anyone he loved the idea of his younger sister and cousin doing it. See both girls were notorious for their ball breaking habits, but they never used it on him. He was in one way glad that they hadn't gone for his. They had gained a reputation for actually having castrated a few unlucky boys in their school. But today was either his lucky or unlucky day. Because his sister had been kicked out of their parents place for a while and she needed a place to crash. Which meant she was going to be very angry and looking for a target. As he continued to get ready he saw his heavy lemon sized testicles jiggling as he moved about. As he got dressed he just decided to wear his shorts to allow himself to be comfortable while she inevitably ranted about how mean her mother was. He wondered why she was kicked out this time. But before he could ponder anymore as to why he heard a knock on his door.

He went to the door and opened it to see his sister sitting there with an agitated look across her face. "I oughta smack your nuts for taking so damn long and leaving me here in the heat," she said bouncing her feet dangerously as Josh felt his nuts throb lightly in fear. "Come on help me with my bag." she said shoving a duffle back in his face as she moved past him and plopped on his couch. "I can't fucking believe her" she said breasts lightly bouncing as she settled. Josh always loved the way his sister looked. She was a huge soccer player for years and that had greatly toned her body into a lithe sports look. She had a very small figure but she was extreamly powerful and on top of soccer she also did kickboxing. Which lead to her having extremely shapely and powerful legs. She once joked that she kicked a guys eggs into mush on a single blow. While Josh watched her take her shoes off and plop her feet on his couch he almost missed her talking about how she broke their mothers favorite tv and she would have to pay her back. But his sister didn't' want to work and stormed out of the house and so she decided to pay her brother a visit she explained. Upon hearing her desperation for money Josh had an idea. "He...umm sis I have an idea of how you could make money," he said shyly. "What do you want to suck your dick?" she said glaring at him. "I oughta kick you so hard that your sperm will always come out bent." she then threatened quickly getting off the couch and shoving her brother back against the wall. She then quickly ran her hand down twords his groin and found his sperm banks. "Now what were you going to say? I'd choose your next set of words carefully or your cargo will join its flattened brethren." she said coldly as she pinched down on the tender glands. Josh replied in a slightly higher pitch tone,"No, nothing like that. I was going to say I'd give you the money to pay mother back if you'd...well..." he trailed off as she pinched harder. "kick and punch me in the nuts..." he quickly stammered out before she could castrate him. "Wait..seriously you want me to smack you in the nuts...you know my reputation right?" she said as puzzlement settled in across her muzzle. Her grip relaxed as she inquired further "Sooo...wait you've always had a fantasy of me busting these...which are freaking huge by the way..." she said hefting the large eggs in her hand. "I always told you those stories because I didn't want you perving on me. I knew you had a huge odd crush on me...but it was because of the fact I loved kicking the idiots balls? But alright you know how much this will hurt but I'll kick you as hard as I can as much as I want. I don't care if you can't have kids or even will have these but ok sure. Strip I wanna see fully what I'm aiming for." she said letting go of his danglers as she watched her brother strip down revealing his massive nuts. She whistled in awe at how huge he was. "It's almost too bad I'm going to break those. Those things are massive. Ok on your knees I wanna see how much they can take." she said eyes never leaving her brother massive oysters. As he was getting on his knees she felt a rush as she thought about how hard she was going to kick his nuts. She brushed her foot against the underside of his testicles as she lined up her kick. "Ok here we go." she said as she reared her leg back as far as it could go before throwing all of her power into the kick, like she would for a penalty kick, and sending her foot sailing twords the two precious jewels. For Josh it was a dream come true as he felt her toes tickle the underside of his tender nuts. Both then watched as the foot slammed into his babymakers with the force of a 16 lbs sledgehammer. Smashing both testicles painfully against his unyielding pelvis bone flattening the the plump eggs to almost paper thin before she pulled her foot away allowing the now screaming eggs to dangle back down loosely while her brother sat there silently screaming as his body tried to process what had just slammed into his sperm banks. He slowly wrapped his hands around his mashed spuds as a high pitched sound starting to escape his lips as he prodded his testicles or what remained to make sure he was still whole before slowly curling forward face down ass in the air as his tail lashed back and forth in agony. His sister sat down next the crying wolf and worked her hand in between his as she felt around his sack to make sure his nuts were both there. "Good news you still are a man. Though they do feel squishy I think we'd better stop here for the night. Wouldn't wanna sterilize you just yet. I haven't fully had my fun yet." she said patting his ball bag as he tried to latch his paws around the eggs again. She giggled as he let out another high pitched whimper. As she danced off to bed she wiggled her feet at him playfully threatening, "I'm taking your bed for the night, if you try anything funny I'll finish the job...but then you might like that. So up to you I guess." she said giggling as he groaned in response paws still wrapped protectively around his eggs.

Cobalt and Molrid part I

Cobalt lazed about in his lands knowing he was safe. He could not smell any intruders and he knew how to deftly handle any who would threaten his home. Cobalt was a large dragon with jet-black scales covering his body with royal blue scales on his...

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