A Beneficial Deal: Scrambled Eggs.

Story by pierva on SoFurry


#2 of A Beneficial Deal

Another chapter of Josh's dealings with his sister. Contains Ballbusting

Sophie awoke the next day nice and early. She quietly made her way out of her brothers room, she wasn't entirely sure that the previous night had happened, but she found her brother passed out on the couch his heavy eggs resting peacefully against his thighs. She couldn't resist waking him up painfully. She snuck back into his room and dug around for something heavy to wake him up with. Finding nothing that interested her she grabbed her purse and hefted it. It had a nice weight to it, she'd used it to nail more than a few guys in the past, gripping the straps tightly as to not make too much noise she crept back out to where he was sleeping peacefully. When she got in range she saw that his dick was erect. "Heh, must be having one hell of a good dream," she whispered to herself smirking as she thought about nailing him on the dick, but she decided against it she didn't want to break him just yet. But she wasn't going to let him enjoy himself too much. She grinned evilly as she hefted the heavy bag over her shoulder and swung it at his pouch smashing both orbs flat against his thigh snapping him out of whatever dream he must have been having as he swiftly doubled up grabbing his squashed nuts. "Morning brother," giggled his sister as her brother rolled off the couch agony plastered across his muzzle. "Awwwww. What the hell is in that purse of yours? Bricks?" moaned her brother as his tail lashed back and forth in agony. "Hmm no, but I like the idea. Maybe next time I'll drop a brick on you," she giggled as he just groaned in agony. "I'm going to make some breakfast you want something? I'm making eggs. I'm going to fry mine. You want yours scrambled?" asked Sophie watching Josh climb back onto the couch and gently letting his nuts dangle over the side. "Yea scrambled's fine." he said not catching the wicked grin on his sister's face as she swung the back of her hand into his already tenderized nuts. "Awwwrrrrrp" he yelped as his testicles were distorted by force of her blow. "Nice and scrambled now huh?" she asked before busting out laughing at his attempt at a mean glare. "Now put some clothes on or I'll have to pop them," she threatened while heading off to the kitchen to make breakfast.

As Josh sat on the couch cradling his throbbing eggs. He thought about the kick his sister had given him that previous night. How much he had fantasized about her kicking him in the nuts. In his mind he knew it would hurt, hell he'd been hit in the nuts before plenty of times, but not anywhere near the strength, accuracy or ferocity his sister unleashed upon him last night. Cradling his nuts Josh walked back into his room to try to find some clothes to wear. Digging through his clean clothes he found only a pair of boxers that hugged his package. Deciding to risk it since it was his place he decided to go back to the kitchen and see what his sister was making. Walking into the kitchen wearing a t-shirt and boxers he stopped and watched her making burritos. "Mmmm smells great, what'd you put into these?" he asked. "It'll be your sausage if you don't get out of the kitchen." she replied waving a knife teasingly in the air. Josh quickly covered his crotch and walked quickly out of the kitchen as his sister laughed hysterically. She went back to cooking humming happily.

Sophie watched brother leaving the kitchen tail between his legs. She couldn't contain her mirth as he quickly tried to get out of the kitchen with his eggs intact. She finished spicing the eggs and potatoes she was making. The smell of bell peppers and onions drifted throughout the apartment bringing her starving brother creeping back into the kitchen. Upon hearing him creep back in to see when breakfast would be done she decided to ambush him. As Josh rounded the corner to see if he could eat yet he found his sister waiting there instead. "What didn't I just say?" she said holding a frying pan at the ready. She smirked happily as he realized the danger he was in way too late. "Oh shiiiiIIII...." he yelped as she swung the pan up between his legs right into his unsuspecting sack. She giggled as Josh's eyes bugged out. His large eggs flattening around the edge of the pan as they were smashed against his pelvis. As soon as she removed the pan from his eggs he wrapped his paws around his battered baby makers. He sunk to his knees eyes wide open cradling his wrecked testicles. His eyes rolled back into his head as he fell onto his side curled up into fetal position rolling around slowly as he waited for the pain to subside. "Ohhhhhhhh you really cracked my nuts," he said gently rolling onto his back. "Anything remaining?" she said tail swishing excitedly as she giggled at her brothers agony. Josh just groaned in response as he tried to feel if he was still intact. "Oh I just love it here," she said eating her burrito watching her brother as he lay there in agony.

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