[Chapter 8] Extract the Essence

Story by Russell The Fox on SoFurry

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#8 of The Stories of Tiffany the Cat

Tiffany's ongoing story

Story written and edited by me

Tiffany belongs to me

**"Tiffany? Tiffany!"


Tiffany is woken up by a familiar face, the doctor's assistant! As she comes to, she realised that she is still swollen up. She was not horny though, which was odd. "Tiffany? Oh, you're awake now! You're swollen up again, are you okay?" Tiffany rubbed the side of her belly, she didn't feel tingly, or wanted release. This may work in the favor of the doctor, as Tiffany is not distressed in her swollen state.

"She's big again?" from his quarters, Veloski came out and was surprised to see Tiffany in her large state again. "My dear, are you having any discomfort, like last time?" he asks. "No, sir," Tiffany responds calmly. Veloski scratches his chin once more. He knows this is a chance he cannot pass up. "Tiffany, my dear, we're going to do this a bit earlier than we had hoped. My assistant will help you over to the other side of the lab room. I am going to extract some of the fluid that builds up inside of you that causes this state. We don't have much time, I don't want you to suddenly become hormonal during the procedure,"

"H-Hey, I never got your name," Tiffany says to the assistant. "Oh! The name's Sophie, how rude of me to not introduce myself. Things have been hectic this week," she says. "Here, let's help you up, okay?" Sophie still couldn't believe the size Tiffany would grow to. Because she was lying down on the medical bed, her belly was covering most of her legs. It grew right about to where Tiffany's feet paws were. The sides of her swollen belly spilled over her hips, all while still attaining a surprisingly round shape. Sophie removes the torn remains of her pants away from her ankles and helps Tiffany get up.

Tiffany takes a deep breath and reaches down off the bed. Her legs feel weak, she certainly feels heavier. She can't see very well in front of her. Her breasts are almost completely pushed up into her line of sight by her belly. Sophie takes her left hand, "Follow me, dear,"

Tiffany follows Sophie to the other side of the room. This feeling of being so large and swollen, Tiffany almost found enjoyment from it. This large physical state she was in, why did it feel...good? She didn't understand why, but she didn't care. As she walked behind Sophie, she felt her belly slosh from the inside. It was definitely some sort of fluid inside of her. Sophie guided Tiffany to a stand, it had rounded metal supports that were cushioned. "Dear, stand here and stay still, okay?" Sophie asked. Tiffany nodded her head. Sophie lowered the stand and rolled it to the edge of her swollen belly. As it started to rest on the stand, she slid it back towards Tiffany's legs. Sophie reaches about halfway and stops, she lifts the stand up a good five inches or so. "O-Oh, that's w-weird feeling," Tiffany says.

Veloski makes his way out to where Tiffany and Sophie were. Tiffany turns her head and sees him, she nervously smiles at him, unsure of what he needed to do. "Tiffany, we are going to take a fluid sample. I've figured out the source of where the fluid comes from, but I have to go through a spot that may not be comfortable for you," he says. "W-Wait, what? Where a-are you g-gonna get this from?" Tiffany nervously replies. Veloski sighs, "Your vagina my dear. I do apologise in advance for any embarrassment this may cause. But I need to know the cause of this to help you out," he says. Tiffany gulps, unsure if this was going to cause pleasure for her at the most inconvenient time and ruin any hopes of the doctor doing his job.

"Doctor, just do what y-you need to d-do please," Tiffany replies. While nervous and anxious, she wanted to get it over with. She was conflicted with becoming so welcoming with being all swollen up like this, some sort of cure or even just a suppressant would help her get back to a normal life, or least she hoped so. Sophie had two small stands, she placed them by Tiffany's feet paws. "Alright, I need you to stand on these. Spread your legs, relax and lean into your belly. That stand has you supported," she says. Tiffany gets one foot on, lifts herself onto the other stand. She leans forward and tries to relax. Veloski, wearing latex gloves, has a small machine with him. Attached was a white hose with a special cone shaped nozzle on the end of it.

"Now Tiffany, we're going to extract a sample, this should take five to ten minutes roughly," says Veloski. On the rolling stand the machine is on, is a small drawer. He slides it out, inside was a handful of things, spare parts, cotton swabs, and a small round jar. He grabs the jar and opens it up. A clear paste was inside, a lubricant. He dabs two fingers in and coats the nozzle and hose. "Relax, Tiffany. We are starting," Veloski says. Tiffany takes one last breath and relaxes as much as she can. Tiffany's rear was pointed outwards as much as she could at this point. Veloski spreads her butt and sees Tiffany's vagina. Using two fingers, he gently spreads open the lips and slips in the hose. Tiffany's face was bright red, she buried her face into her swollen breasts to muffle any sound she could make.

Veloski slides the hose in, little by little. He notices one of her legs shaking. He knew this was giving her pleasure, he had to act fast. Halfway the hose reached in and he stops. He walks back over to the machine and attaches a fresh vial to the end of the pump. He needed a certain amount to sample, test and study for this. He presses a switch by the machine's pump and a small hum is heard. Tiffany lets out a squeak, she feels the suction and it wasn't helping her feel neutral. Her face continues to blush. Veloski notices a bright pink fluid flowing through the hose. It's working!

Tiffany feels a slight tingle from her belly, then a gurgle. The fluid inside of her was being disrupted and it was making her very flustered, very quickly. "Oh, t-that is m-making me feel..." Tiffany trails off. Veloski knows what's going on, but he sees the fluid still filling the vial. Tiffany's heavy breathing starts to quicken, the hose is stimulating her but he needs his sample to study. The vial is just about full when Tiffany can't hold back anymore. "F-F-F-" she stutters. Tiffany clenches her body as she feels her orgasm. The hose was actually pushed out of her she clenched up so much. She buried her face in her swollen breasts to muffle her moans. Fluid leaks from her pussy, her right left trembles and twitches from the overload of stimulation.

Veloski didn't stay while Tiffany had release, as he did not feel it was appropriate. Sophie stayed and made sure Tiffany would be comfortable after it was over. When she came to, she looked over and saw Sophie. Barely able to talk, she whispers to Sophie, "I want to go to bed," Sophie smiles back, and starts to help Tiffany when she notices her belly starting to shrink. Tiffany was too out of it to notice, but she helps Tiffany out of the support stands and off the small stools. Holding her hand, Sophie guides Tiffany to her bed. Tiffany shrunk down in belly size enough to get into bed on her own. Almost as soon as she lays down, she's already about ready to fall asleep.

Sophie makes her way back to Veloski's office. Already he's analyzing the fluid, curious to see what he's found she asks him if he has any idea what causes the swelling. "While I'm not sure just yet, my first tests are showing this to be embryonic fluid. But it makes no sense, she's not been impregnated. Why would her body do that? And why is it triggered by her being turned on? It makes no sense," he says to himself. Sophie overhears, but it doesn't make sense to her either. Why would her body fill up like that when not even impregnated?

"Wait, I've found something, Sophie. And it may not look good for females it seems. This is a genetic mutation, but it seems to be her body trying to adapt for some sort of new stimulus. I ran this against other samples I've had, and the mutation was so slight that this could happen to any female! That book she read wasn't cursed, but it was sheer coincidence that it triggered after that moment," he said. If this were true, Tiffany would be the first of many females with this "inflation" issue, but will this be the new norm for all females?**

[Chapter 9] Facing Reailty

**"Hello, Marget? Yes, Tiffany is doing fine. We ran some tests and I've gotten what I needed for analysis. However, she's in need of some clothes, had an incident last night and she's rather torn them all up,"** **Tiffany was already awake, but...

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[Chapter 7] Lucid Dreamstate

**"This day is so lovely!" Tiffany sat on a picnic blanket at the park down the road from her house, it was a very warm day. She had on her shorts and a t-shirt, she felt confident today despite her chubbier size and on a day like today, she felt...

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[Chapter 6] The Source

**"Will she wake soon?" The assistant nurse wondered when Tiffany would wake back up, it was late in the evening and Tiffany had been asleep for about four hours now. Veloski gestures towards the elevator, "Go, dear. She needs rest. She'll be...

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