[Chapter 9] Facing Reailty

Story by Russell The Fox on SoFurry

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#9 of The Stories of Tiffany the Cat

Tiffany's ongoing story

Story written and edited by me

Tiffany belongs to me

"Hello, Marget? Yes, Tiffany is doing fine. We ran some tests and I've gotten what I needed for analysis. However, she's in need of some clothes, had an incident last night and she's rather torn them all up,"

Tiffany was already awake, but she lays in bed and still under the covers. Veloski told her what he discovered, but she still didn't understand why her body was doing such a thing. From a logical standpoint, it didn't make any sense to her. But the reality of the situation was unchangeable, she would ether need to find a way to suppress her emotions absolutely, or find something that will keep her inflation reactions in check. "Tiffany, dear? You'll be going home soon. You aunt is bringing you clothes, too," Hearing Sophie say she is going home brought much relief to Tiffany. While she wanted to know what was wrong, she was sort of hoping for a cure. But in a way, she doesn't. The feeling she got while her body swells up and fully inflated was like no other pleasure she's ever felt. However, it's not something she can easily hide, or just let happen anywhere. Tiffany kept thinking about how to live her life with this new ability, how she'll deal with it and if it's something she cannot let get pent up over time. An hour passes, Tiffany is greeted by Sophie who has a handful of familiar looking clothes. Tiffany sighs and smiles, she knows her aunt is waiting. Sophie leaves her clothes on the edge of the bed. "Your aunt is waiting in the lobby, let me know when you're ready, dear," Up in the lobby, Veloski is already speaking with Marget about her niece. Marget is rather confused on the ordeal as well, as she never saw Tiffany swell up and was skeptical. But now she's just confused and upset. "What do you mean it really happens? I know Tiffany is not very social and has a very vivid imagination...but that makes no sense!" Marget paces around the main lobby, refusing to understand. "Marget, this is not a reaction, infection or anything of the sort, this is her body doing this. It's very real, but that's not all that I've discovered," Veloski goes on. "But what has happened to Tiffany, can happen to any female it seems. What actually triggers this, I'm still testing for," "Wait, you're telling me this could even happen to me?" Marget asks. Veloski nods. "Well, since you're blood family, I would say it's a possibility. But it could remain dormant as you are much older than Tiffany," he says. Marget's eyes widen, she thinks about who else in the family could already be having this issue, how long have they known? Or do they even know at all? Marget tries not to overwhelm herself with these thoughts. Down in the observation lab, Tiffany finishes getting dressed. Sophie goes back into the main room to see Tiffany all ready to go. "You okay, dear? Been quite the time here. I've never seen anybody's body do such a thing. It's amazing you don't feel pain, yet rather pleasure from it. It's confusing and fascinating all at once," Sophie says. Tiffany looks down at the floor, unsure how to respond to Sophie's comments. She knows Sophie isn't trying to be rude, but she doesn't know how to respond. "Well..." Tiffany starts. "I guess the best way to describe how I feel when I'm puffed up is...well, ever felt on the edge of climaxing? It's like that, except the feeling won't go away. It's nice at first, but...it gets frustrating if I'm like that for too long," Sophie looks on, rather bewildered by Tiffany's description of how she feels in that state. It goes from fascination to something else. "That's...wow, I can't imagine how that would feel. I...kind of wish I could experience it," Sophie says. Tiffany looks back at Sophie, confused. "Wait, you want to be puffed up like that?" she asks. Sophie nods, "I want to try, I can't explain much past that but I want to experience it!" she says with some excitement. Tiffany is still confused by somebody who seems more normal than herself wants to experience her swelling. "The doctor said he found out why, maybe talk to him on how to make it happen to you?" Tiffany suggests. Sophie looks away, "I don't know how Veloski would take that," she says. Sophie walks up to the elevator controls and calls the elevator. "I could see why he would refuse though," Tiffany replies. "He's still unsure about me. I feel fine, but who knows I guess," The elevator doors open up, the two walk inside. Sophie hits the button for the lobby floor, Tiffany nervously rubs her right arm. She's still trying to plan out how to rearrange her routines because of her knew trait, how to avoid accidentally stimulating herself and whatnot. Tiffany was already getting a headache from worrying so much. As the doors opened up, Tiffany can hear her aunt speaking to Veloski. She didn't like what she was hearing. Sophie and Tiffany walk around the corner and see Veloski and Marget still speaking. "Doctor, please just find a cure. It's not going to be healthy in the long run," she pleads. Veloski shakes his head and walks away. "Marget, I told you, this will have no adverse effects on her health, I've already established this," Marget starts to get upset. "But what about me? How I feel about this?" As they were discussing, Sophie and Tiffany arrive the in the lobby. Marget pouts, she certainly did not want to have Tiffany overhear this discussion. Veloski started to speak up, "Tiffany my dear, you have nothing to worry about. Your health in not in danger, you have my word on that. Now you're fit to go back home, but I want you to return after a month and stay for a second observation," says Veloski. He turns back to Tiffany with a warm smile. "Now, I'm sure you want to get back home," Tiffany follows her aunt as they walk towards the front doors. "Tiffany, if anything comes up, don't hesitate to contact us! See you in a month!" Tiffany waves back towards Sophie and smiles. Outside Tiffany follows her aunt to the car. "Auntie, you don't have to worry about me, I trust the doctor. This is what he does for a living!" explained Tiffany. Marget turned around, "Tiff, I worry about you because you are the only family I have left from my sister. I worry because I made a promise to myself to protect you after that horrid night," Tiffany looks down at her feet, feeling bad for upsetting her aunt. She doesn't forget that night either, it was a day they both try and not think about. As Marget and Tiffany get into the car, Sophie and Veloski were discussing other things. "Doctor, you said this could happen to any female? I know you've developed a suppressant as well," Sophie says with excitement. Veloski removes his glasses, "Yes, it can. Why are you so curious about this? While it's not life threatening, this could cause a panic with the rest of the populace. I don't need a uproar about a non life threatening condition," Veloski explains. Sophie pouts, it was now or never. "Doctor, I...I want to experience this. You know what causes this, I want to have this condition," she says. Veloski can't believe this, his assistant willingly want to have Tiffany's condition? He doesn't understand why, but this may cause an issue with keeping Tiffany swelling condition under wraps. What if other females end up wanting this trait? It's non life threatening, but from a social standpoint, this could cause a major issue. Veloski sighs, he does know Sophie is stubborn. While Tiffany is away, if Sophie successfully inherits this trait as he discovered through a mutation, he can experiment suppressants on her without Tiffany being present. "I'm going to get a form, with it you're consenting to being a test subject, Sophie. Think this through," Veloski says. Sophie smiles, "Yes doctor, I am aware. I'll fill out that form!"

[Chapter 10] Lonely Releases & New Discoveries

**Tiffany sat in her room alone, she was reading a book and trying to keep her mind at peace. She had a week off from her job as it was closed for repairs. She sat on her bed, busy reading one of her novels from her large collection of books. Tiffany...

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[Chapter 8] Extract the Essence

**"Tiffany? Tiffany!" "Wha...what?" Tiffany is woken up by a familiar face, the doctor's assistant! As she comes to, she realised that she is still swollen up. She was not horny though, which was odd. "Tiffany? Oh, you're awake now! You're...

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[Chapter 7] Lucid Dreamstate

**"This day is so lovely!" Tiffany sat on a picnic blanket at the park down the road from her house, it was a very warm day. She had on her shorts and a t-shirt, she felt confident today despite her chubbier size and on a day like today, she felt...

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