[Chapter 6] The Source

Story by Russell The Fox on SoFurry

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#6 of The Stories of Tiffany the Cat

Tiffany's ongoing story

Story written and edited by me

Tiffany belongs to me

**"Will she wake soon?"

The assistant nurse wondered when Tiffany would wake back up, it was late in the evening and Tiffany had been asleep for about four hours now. Veloski gestures towards the elevator, "Go, dear. She needs rest. She'll be fine. I'm sure it was mentally and physically exhausting for her to basically expose herself like that to us," he says. His assistant nods in agreement and grabs a few of her notebooks and coffee mug.

Velsoki sits back down in his office chair, still bewildered by Tiffany's condition. "What in the world could her body produce to swell to such a size? And for what reason? I can't even begin to understand what purpose it would serve," as he talks to himself. He rests his head on his right hand, tired but not wanting to give up. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Tiffany stir about.

Tiffany's eyes finally open, as she noticed she was wrapped up in a blanket, along with a fluffy pillow beneath her head. The blanket felt homemade and was quite warm. She stretches out her arms and lets out a big yawn. She had no idea what time it was, but it did feel late to her. She rolls over to her right and realises her glasses around on. She reaches near the edge of her pillow to see them folded up nicely. Tiffany quickly snatches them up and puts them on. Now able to see, she sees her clothes all nicely folded up and stacked. She looks under the covers and noticed she was still naked. She didn't care since she was still tired.

"My dear, you're finally up," Tiffany's ears perk up and she leans up to see the doctor on a stool with a timid smile upon his face. He then points at her and raises an eyebrow. Tiffany cocks her head to the side, confused. "Ahem," he says, and points more abruptly towards her exposed chest. "EEP!" she squeaks, grabbing the blanket and covering herself. She blushes and looks away. But also hit with the sudden realization of she was naked in front of him and his assistant prior without an issue. She quickly feels silly for panicking in front of him.

"Doctor, what did you find?" Tiffany says turning back to face Veloski. He scratches his chin, unsure of what to tell Tiffany about his findings. "Well, the only thing I know as of now is that is a fluid that causes your swelling. Why? How? I do not know, I know of nothing of any organ that would produce such a fluid or such a high volume of it. Even more so, it is tied to your sexual organs as you need stimulation to reverse the process," he says, as he stands up from his stool. Tiffany looks down, unsure of what to make of the doctor's discovery.

"Is it dangerous to my health? Will I be okay or is this hurting me?" Tiffany asks. Veloski walks past her, reaching for a small binder on a shelf on the wall. "I need a sample of whatever that fluid is, Tiffany. With that I can figure out what is causing this and even create a suppressant or even a cure of some sort-" "Wait," Tiffany interrupts Veloski, he looks towards her, wondering why she would interrupt as soon as he said cure. "I...don't want to be cured,"

Veloski scratches his chin. "No? Why not, this is a strange abnormality that could really hinder your daily life my dear. Why would you want to keep this strange trait?" he asks, confused by her refusal. "I-I actually...like it. The pleasure it brings, it...I can't even describe it. I get pent up, yes, but when you were observing me...I just, I wanted to grow! It's just hard for me to get my release," says Tiffany as she looks away again.

"You...enjoy it?" Veloski says, in disbelief. For a man of such logic, this certainly baffled him greatly. "Yes, I do," she replies. "You said you could make a suppressant, could you focus on that? I like my gift," Veloski scratches his chin once more. "You consider it a gift? How curious,"

Veloski paces back and forth, pondering of a way to extract the fluid from Tiffany while in her inflated state. "Wait, here," he says, as he walks back to his observation office. He remembered his scanner uploads whatever data it finds to his main computer. He sits back down in his office chair and logs onto his computer and begins bringing up the data recorded from earlier. Tiffany waits on her mat, still curled up in her blanket and wondering what the doctor was up to. But in the meantime, she didn't feel like being naked anymore. She stands up, leans over to her pile of folded clothes and gets dressed. She puts on her pants and t-shirt again, but leaves herself bare pawed. She sits back down and sees Veloski still busy in front of his computer.

Veloski sees what his scanner has found, the fluid that causes Tiffany to swell is not inside her organs, but it comes from a dormant organ that's never been seen before. A mutation? Veloski ponders the idea of Tiffany being the first of her kind of feline, with an inflation organ responding to sexual arousal stimulus. Strange for a function, but he needed to analysis what the fluid was to make a suppressant. A cure was more out of the question now that he knew the cause. But what about what Tiffany found in that old book? Was it a coincidence? Or did her reading that book have an effect? It certainly wasn't a curse anymore, but biological.

Tiffany nervously plays with her feet paws as Veloski comes back out with his finds. "Well my dear, I've found the source of your swelling. Oddly enough I'd dubbed it the inflation gland for it's effects on you," he says. Tiffany is bewildered but oddly delighted to know the cause. "What the fluid is exactly, I do not know. However, I can extract a sample, but it may be uncomfortable slightly for you and you will need to be stimulated once more," Before Tiffany could say anything Veloski chuckles. "No my dear, that is for tomorrow. It's almost midnight, get some rest in the meantime. Over in the other corner of the room here, I have a medical bed you can use. No worries, it's very comfortable I promise,"

Tiffany grabs her blanket and pillow and makes her way to the bed. "Tiffany, I have sleeping quarters here, so I'll be in the next few rooms over. You need anything just let me know. A few more days hopefully and this will be over," he says. She nods and tosses the pillow onto the bed. She lays out the blanket and crawls under the covers. She knew the cause, but she's learned to not just accept it, but want it!

"Tomorrow was going to be strange, that's for sure,"**

[Chapter 7] Lucid Dreamstate

**"This day is so lovely!" Tiffany sat on a picnic blanket at the park down the road from her house, it was a very warm day. She had on her shorts and a t-shirt, she felt confident today despite her chubbier size and on a day like today, she felt...

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[Chapter 5] The Observation

**"Her vital signs are the same? What is causing the expansion?" Veloski observed the monitors for Tiffany's vitals. Her heart rate was increased, but then the first change they noticed. The mat Tiffany was resting on has weight sensors, her weight...

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[Chapter 4] One For The History Books

**Three days passed since Tiffany's strange ordeal. She went to work and back without much of an issue, and tried her hardest to suppress any sort of feelings about anything attractive. But it was stressful and after work Tiffany was so close to giving...

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