[Chapter 4] One For The History Books

Story by Russell The Fox on SoFurry

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#4 of The Stories of Tiffany the Cat

Chapter of Tiffany's ongoing story

Story written and edited by me

Tiffany belongs to me

**Three days passed since Tiffany's strange ordeal. She went to work and back without much of an issue, and tried her hardest to suppress any sort of feelings about anything attractive. But it was stressful and after work Tiffany was so close to giving into temptation. She sat on her bed, her turned face red from realising something...she actually was starting to want to become horny! She wanted to give, let go and let herself swell and let her body rush with pleasure.

But now that she knew what to expect, she had to not let her clothes get destroyed in the process. Just as she finally decided to remove her shirt there was a knock on her door. "Tiff? You okay? You've been awfully quiet...did it happen again?" asked her nervous aunt. "No, Auntie, I'm fine," she replies, giving a disappointed tone. "Can I come in?"

Her aunt walks in anyway, to find Tiffany sitting on her nervously fiddling with her hand paws. "Dear, we're going to the doctor. I set up an appointment the other day. Get your things and let's go," she says in a quiet, yet firm voice. Tiffany bottles up her emotions once more, and grabs her shoes and gets ready to leave.

Inside the car, Tiffany leans over towards the passenger side window. She sighs, her warm breath clouding up the window as she is lost in thought watching the scenery of her town pass by. Her aunt, although worried, is somewhat nervous about handling this situation wrong and possibly driving a wedge through their relationship. "Tiff? You alright?" she asks. "Yeah, I guess,"

"I have to ask you somethin'. When that...well, happens to you. Do you...um, I guess, enjoy it?" Her aunt is awkward about addressing it, but she's trying to help the only way she knows how to. It's not working, as Tiffany's ears droop and she turns back towards the window. "I-I don't wanna talks about it, Auntie," she says timidly. She goes back to staring out the window, and once again gets lost in her own thoughts.

What does this all mean? How did that book curse me with such a strange thing? I mean, swelling? I don't even know what to really call it, but I get turned on in any way shape or form I just swell up. Why it's just my belly, I don't know. But last time my boobs just kinda swelled up too. Is there even any way to fix it? I mean, back in my room, I was starting to be convinced that I actually like it. What is wrong with me?

"Tiffany? Dear? We're here," says her aunt. Tiffany stirs, she had completely spaced for a half an hour in the car and now they were at a well know doctor's office that Tiffany's aunt trusted. She sighs as she opens the car door and steps out. She closes the door behind her and turns towards the building and looks in awe. It was an old building, but clean and fresh. It was recently renovated, and on top of the tenth floor on the corners of the building adorned two massive bronze gargoyles.

Her aunt made her way towards the front door, Tiffany clung to her tail, nervous about what the doctors may find. "Oh! Hello Margret! I see you brought Tiffany down for that appointment. Please, sign in and take a seat in the waiting room, Dr. Veloski is just about done with his current patient,"

Tiffany's aunt signed herself and her niece in, as Tiffany found a seat quickly. But it wasn't for along, as the aged doctor came down into the waiting room. His species was feline himself, but his fur color had gone grey with his age, his whiskers crooked and one ear just lazily to the side. His glasses were thick but fairly new looking, as he looked at the clipboard his secretary handed him. As he makes out the names, he calls out. "Uh, Tiff...uh, oh yes. Tiffany? That's you? Ah, yes. Follow me, come with," as he makes his way down the hallway. Tiffany nervously looks at her aunt as she walks by. Her aunt follows suit as the two walk down the quiet hallway.

Veloski opens a door to his right halfway down, then gestures for Tiffany to go inside. He stops her aunt though. "Now, Margret, I need you to wait back there. Going by what you said, this may be a sensitive matter. There's coffee down the other way, I'll let you know when we're done," he says. Margret didn't want to hear that, but considering the situation, she knew Tiffany may not be honest with her in the room. She softly smiles and nods, and makes her way back to the waiting room.

The doctor then enters the room, slowly shutting the door behind him. Tiffany had already sat upon the examining bench, unsure of what was going to happen. As she nervously played with her tail, the doctor pulls up his stool to the bench and removes his glasses, tucking them away in his white lab coat pocket. "My dear, from what your aunt has told me, your condition is strange, so much that I am skeptical of what really happened. Now, I want you to be honest, your aunt told me that you had a situation where your stomach swelled in size? From no fluid ingestion?"

Tiffany sighed, she looked away and started to tell the doctor about the book she found deep from her book archives. "There was a saying I came across in it...it said this, 'For those that can accept the fate, indulgence in self pleasure cannot wait,' and I really just dismissed it as some sort of silly faux curse, but...it was something. Not long after, my belly started to swell in size. It was slow the first time, I pretty much had to remove my clothes otherwise they would have gotten torn up. It was then I realised that it made me flustered, I needed sexual relief...because after I found stimulation and release, I passed out and woke up back to normal. I don't know how it happens,"

Veloski scratches his chin, unsure if this were a true story or not. But as a doctor, he needed to find out if this were true and to find out the real cause and possibly find a cure. But causing stimulation would be tricky, because her source was sexual stimulation. He needed to maintain a professional attitude towards something very embarrassing in nature for his new patient. But most of all, he needed to recreate this stimulation and she needed to be observed and monitored for why this happens and what happens to her body to cause it. He had a job to do!

"Tiffany, my dear, with this sort of strange condition, we are going to need to observe and monitor you. Monitor your body's vital signs and see what is causing this to happen. For that to happen, I need to willingly want to participate. I cannot force you to do this, as much as I would like to find out the cause of this strange anomaly. What do you say?"

Tiffany wanted to know the cause, she knew there had to be something within her body triggering these growths, she knew science always can find the truth. She sighs, but responds to Veloski. "Yes, there's no sense in running away from this," she says. "Good! Let me tell your aunt and I will be right back,"

Margret was nervously shaking her foot, it has been fifteen minutes but it felt like an hour to her. When she hear a door open, she sees Veloski come out and walk down towards to waiting room. He was alone, but approached Marget confidently. "Your niece will be spending a few days here. She agreed for us to observe her and start to find out why this happens. This is something I have never seen or heard of before, and more than likely, modern medical science has not either. You have my word she will be in the best care possible. Please, go home and rest, as we have work to do here,"

As Marget sadly walks out of the building, he makes his way back to the exam room Tiffany is waiting in. He mumbles to himself, just not knowing what to expect from the tests that were to come. As he goes back into the room, Tiffany was curled into a ball. "My dear, are you okay?" Veloski nervously asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just...trying to be strong," Tiffany replied. "Good, now follow me. We shall begin testing today and hopefully it will not last more than a few days. Come!" he says, gesturing her to follow.

They make their way down further in the quiet hallway, he turns to the left to an elevator door. It was labeled "MED OBV LAB". Tiffany's ears perked, this was the real deal, she was going to be observed all right. Her heart started to race, but she knew this was for the best. The steel doors open up, to a very industrial interior of the elevator. They step inside, and Veloski presses a button with a simple down arrow. It glows orange as he pressed it, a very electronic ding sounds as the doors close. The elevator quickly drops down, but there was no real indication of what floor it was. Before she could ask, the elevator slowed, and on the digital readout above the doors it lit up with "LAB" as it opened it's doors.

it opened up to a strange and small lobby, massive windows behind a simple desk. What looked to be another doctor sitting there, they recognised Veloski and nodded. To the right, was the entrance to the large observation lab. It was the size of a small gymnasium on the inside, but aside from some basic equipment, it was mostly empty. "Please, step inside Tiffany," said Veloski. As she stepped in he follow a few steps behind her. "We are going to observe your changes, as you said this happens because of a stimulation that is sexual in nature, we are going to trigger such stimuli with you and see this reaction. My nurse here will fit you with equipment that will monitor your vitals and help us try to understand this change. As you said also, you grow quite a bit in size, simply because we don't need you being hurt by constrictive garments, we need you to remove all your clothes," Tiffany started to blush. "Wait, I have to be naked?" she asked. Veloski slowly nodded. "We don't want to risk anything hurting you, so it for the best. Please, make ready for the nurse,"

Tiffany's heart raced more, this was it. These people wanted to discover what caused her swelling, nothing in modern science has ever encountered her situation before. She took a deep breath, and started to undress. Her shirt, bra, pants, panties, all of it needed to be off for safety reasons for her body changes. The nurse applied the vital monitors, one on her stomach, another by her heart, one that went on her finger and another by her left temple. There was a mat to her right they asked her to stay on. Knowing how she grows, she kneels onto the mat. The nurse walks over to her, and kneels down. "I need to you excite yourself. Think of something that will make you sexually excited, the equipment is active so whenever it begins, it will monitor it. I'll be in the next room,"

The nurse walks out to a different door to the right. Tiffany's heart raced again, this was it. She had to let go and let it happen. She closed her eyes and thought of the man that she always saw walking home from work. She started to smirk, as she thought of his kind smile. She rested her hand on her belly and it started. Her belly grew, not fast, but it was noticeable. Veloski and his nurse couldn't believe it was really happening. "My word, how? What's her vitals like?" he asked. "Well, her heart rate increased, but that's the only thing we're detecting," she said, in disbelief that nothing else was wrong. Veloski scratched his chin in wonder.

"Looks like this one is for the history books,"**

[Chapter 5] The Observation

**"Her vital signs are the same? What is causing the expansion?" Veloski observed the monitors for Tiffany's vitals. Her heart rate was increased, but then the first change they noticed. The mat Tiffany was resting on has weight sensors, her weight...

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[Chapter 3] Out of the Box

**"New life? New life about what? Why am I here?" Tiffany was confused by what the woman in white said to her, even more so is that she was still at her full size when she is sexually flustered. She was still kneeling, and not really able to much...

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[Chapter 2] In The Public's Eye

**Another day, another dollar. Tiffany worked her usual seven hour shift at the old library a mile from her apartment. The whole time, she tried not to think of yesterday's incident. In fact, she felt like it was over and done with. As she was...

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