[Chapter 3] Out of the Box

Story by Russell The Fox on SoFurry

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#3 of The Stories of Tiffany the Cat

Chapter 3 of Tiffany's ongoing story

Story written and edited by me

Tiffany belongs to me

**"New life? New life about what? Why am I here?"

Tiffany was confused by what the woman in white said to her, even more so is that she was still at her full size when she is sexually flustered. She was still kneeling, and not really able to much much because of her size, but the floor was even padded. When she tried to push herself up, she only ended up sliding backwards...and stimulating herself. Her face turned bright red as she did not expect pleasure so quickly, or while trying to get back up.

She covered her mouth to suppress her yelp from pleasure. But chances were, nobody would have heard her at all. Just like when she was at home, she wiggled her hips on the floor. The surge of pleasure Tiffany felt, while overwhelming, made her realise that this was her chance to swell back down. She still kept her hands over her mouth as she wiggled back and forth. Her glasses fogged up from her covered mouth, she could feel her face turning bright red again. But she kept at it because she knew she would have to swell back down to even start to figure out what was going on.

Her tail was all twitchy, her hips started to cramp up...but then, she felt it. She felt her body finally release. Her eyes watered up but she kept her mouth covered as she muffled her yelping. Her orgasm was bittersweet, but she was so worked up, just like last time, she passed out.

Tiffany woke up, still alone in the padded room, still unclothed but her body was back to normal. She clutched onto her tail, wondering what she was going to do. She gets up, her left arm covering her breasts and walks towards the only door in the room. On the door, a single and rectangular pane of glass, as she looked out of it, the hallway outside was half lit. Tiffany did not have her watch on today, so she had no way to tell what time it was. No windows outside were visible either.

Just then, more lights outside go out, and the lights in her padded room go dim. Tiffany looks around curiously, wondering just how late it really was. She leans on the door, when she noticed a strange latch that was halfway out by where what would be a door handle. She slowly pries the handle upwards, followed by a simple 'click'. Her eyes widen, the door was left unlocked? It seemed too convenient, but she wanted to get out of this place. She quietly pushed forwards on the door, as she peered out into the hallway.

To her left, she saw a dead end. To her right, two bins on a large pushcart. So quietly as the cat she was, Tiffany tip toed her way to the bins. Both were empty, but both looked like outdoor bins. Why were they inside? She didn't have time to ponder, she creeps into the one labeled paper and curls up into a ball, hoping some sort of janitor or worker will bring them outside. Just as she started to feel comfortable, she heard voices. One of an older male, and quite grouchy sounding.

"Who the heck left these here? God dang new kids, thinking once their time to go home comes they can leave a mess," he grumbled. Tiffany curled tighter into a ball, hoping she wouldn't be noticed. The old man pushed the cart into the large service elevator, hitting the button for the ground floor. "Bah, it's midnight already. I'll put these outside and take my 30," he said. Tiffany felt relieved, as she felt the elevator go down.

After a few minutes, the elevator finally stopped. She hears the doors open, and the cart moves once again. "Evenin, Mary," she hears the old man say. Soon, she feels a bump, and the sound of crickets. She was outside! A few more minutes and she felt the cart stop, followed by the old man grumbling and walking away. The sound of a door closing ended his footstep sounds. Tiffany peers out of the closed lid of the bin, it was a fairly dark road, lit by street lamps space well between each other. No sounds of passing cars at all, just crickets.

"How far away from town did I go?" she asks herself. Being so far from anything, Tiffany's fear of being naked in the open went away rather quickly. She gets out of the bin, stumbles a bit and scoots away to the road. Off to her left bushes and the cover of woods, she stayed to that side of the road. She walked and followed the road, for what seemed to be an hour already. But she sees headlights down the road, up ahead the road curved off to the left. She darted into the nearest large bush she could find and waited for the car to approach her. It was moving quite slowly. But then, Tiffany's eyes widened.

"Auntie!" she cried. Tiffany recognised her aunt's old sedan anywhere, especially with the diamond shaped dent on the driver's door. Her aunt rolls down the window, her face combined with the expression of relief and and stress all at once. "Tiff! Dear, get in! Where are your clothes? What on earth happened? You've never came home from work! Are you okay?" Tiffany opens the passenger door and sits next to her aunt. "Please, turn around and let's go home, I just want to be home,"

The entire ride home, Tiffany explained what happened the past two days, the book, this strange curse, her incident near the library and being locked away in some strange building. Her aunt was a nervous wreck by this point. But Tiffany insisted she was fine and just wanted to go home, back to her studies and day job.

But it would not be the last she saw of the strange woman in white, or her building in the middle of nowhere.**

[Chapter 4] One For The History Books

**Three days passed since Tiffany's strange ordeal. She went to work and back without much of an issue, and tried her hardest to suppress any sort of feelings about anything attractive. But it was stressful and after work Tiffany was so close to giving...

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[Chapter 2] In The Public's Eye

**Another day, another dollar. Tiffany worked her usual seven hour shift at the old library a mile from her apartment. The whole time, she tried not to think of yesterday's incident. In fact, she felt like it was over and done with. As she was...

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[Chapter 1] Tiffany and the Growing Curse

**"Ugh, there's nothing to do today!" A day off from work, you'd think somebody would be happy and make use of the spare time. But not Tiffany, not this poor distracted girl. Lacking a real social life, she dedicates most of her time to her job at...

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