[Chapter 2] In The Public's Eye

Story by Russell The Fox on SoFurry

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#2 of The Stories of Tiffany the Cat

Chapter two of Tiffany's story.

Story written and edited by me

Tiffany belongs to me

**Another day, another dollar. Tiffany worked her usual seven hour shift at the old library a mile from her apartment. The whole time, she tried not to think of yesterday's incident. In fact, she felt like it was over and done with.

As she was walking home, she stopped to sit on a bench on the sidewalk. Some of her friends were messaging her, and it was too much to walk and type. A friend of hers from the library wasn't feeling too good, she was wondering if she should go to the hospital...she then seemed to stop responding after that. Before Tiffany got back up, a handsome young male walked by. She's seen him before, and always admired him from afar...she never even knew his name. But as she dazed off, she felt a tingle...that tingle from last night.

"Oh...oh crap!" she says to herself. She tries to stand up, but her legs give out. They felt numb and weak, she couldn't run home. Her eyes widened out of fear and embarrassment, there was no stopping it. But this time, she grew quicker than before. Her skin was already stretchy, before she knew it, her pants here popping open, her belt gives way to her girth, and her shirt pushed upwards.

She put her hands around her belly, but it grew faster than yesterday. Before she knew it, her belly was already beach ball size, and growing. Her legs still weak, as her belly grew more rounder and outwards. Her face was bright red, by now two people have noticed her, all she could do was whimper. Her belly continued to grow as somebody approached her, in complete disbelief.

"Ma'am...uh, I'm calling 911 for you,"

All Tiffany can do is whimper back. Her belly was three times the size of a beach ball, and starting to hang over the bench seat. The bystander lost in a complete daze, forgets to dial 911, and stares. Tiffany growing frustrated, she muffled out, "Help me!" and pouts. The bystander snaps out of if, and dials for help. By now, the sides of her jeans were starting to tear, the fabric digging into her growing skin.

"Yes, uh...there's a female here, she's...growing. Like, I don't know if she's pregnant, but her stomach is rapidly expanding...no I don't know why!!"

The bench starts to creak, her weight was rising and the bench wasn't liking any of it. Her belly doubled in size again! Now six times the size of a beach ball, and now her breasts tingled. "Oh no, please no!" whimpered Tiffany. She had no control, she stopped trying to resist like last time. She looks upwards, then sighs.

Tiffany relaxes herself, and gives in. Her belly's growth doubled. The sound of ripping fabric is heard, as her breasts push through her bra and shirt. The sides of her pants tear completely, as her belly now becomes ten times the size of a beach ball. She rests her arms on top of her still growing breasts, and wonders why this had to happen to her. The bench still holds, but her belly droops closer to the ground. She tries to move, but noticed her pussy was...soaked! She was excited! She realized what had come over her...she wanted to grow, she was enjoying having a big plump belly.

When her belly reached twelve times the size of a beach ball, it stopped. By now, she gathered a crowd. Nobody understood what had happened to her, but they were all dumbfounded. Tiffany couldn't reach her pussy due to her girth, and she couldn't thrust her hips to pleasure herself, but she had an idea, an idea that could use one of the people around her...

She forced herself onto her feet, but her legs gave out. But she fell forward, landing on her big inflated belly. She couldn't have planned it any better. She got the attention of one of the bystanders. "Hey, you! I need your help. Come over please?" The girl she pointed out walks over, very confused. "W-What is it?"

Tiffany takes a big breath, "Take off my pants,"

The the young lady seems more confused, "Why?"

"Just do it, please," Tiffany begs. "They're already torn up, they'll slide off,"

She grabs Tiffany's pants at the thighs, and pulls down. Because of her bloated belly, her pussy wasn't tucked away. All saw the giant wet spot in her panties, the girl backed away...she didn't want to help anymore. "Dang it, I don't even care anymore," Tiffany says. She tugs on the back of her panties, and is able to yank them down to her knees. Half the crowd gasps, as she wastes no time going to town on herself.

Not long after, an ambulance arrives. Tiffany can't finish, and ends up passing out. Awkwardly, the EMTs manage to safely get her into the ambulance, not having a clue what is wrong with her. Her belly was not going back down, and little did they know, it wouldn't go away until she hit another orgasm. But away she went, lost in strange dreams only to awake in a white room, all padded, completely naked and still inflated to her new full size.

Still groggy, a figure walks into the room. Somebody she didn't recognize, an older woman with dark brown hair, striking blue eyes and in a white outfit.

"Tiffany, you have much to show us, and there's much to see what your body can do. Sleep for now, as tomorrow your new life can start,"**

[Chapter 3] Out of the Box

**"New life? New life about what? Why am I here?" Tiffany was confused by what the woman in white said to her, even more so is that she was still at her full size when she is sexually flustered. She was still kneeling, and not really able to much...

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[Chapter 1] Tiffany and the Growing Curse

**"Ugh, there's nothing to do today!" A day off from work, you'd think somebody would be happy and make use of the spare time. But not Tiffany, not this poor distracted girl. Lacking a real social life, she dedicates most of her time to her job at...

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