Dragon Harem (Reboot) Chapter 12: Horse Power

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#16 of Dragon's Harem

Another sponsored chapter, this one from FA: animorph59 which involves some non-canon stuff that we both agreed was kinda fun. You'll see.

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Dragon Harem Chapter 12: Horse Power Sponsored by Animorph59 By Draconicon

(Special note. This story is partially canon, partially not. There will be a point where Draconicon indulges himself in something that he doesn't canonically do here, and there will be a note when that happens. Just a heads up.)

Since becoming part of Draconicon's harem, Strike's life had changed considerably. Being a horse was something that he had fantasized about for some time, and so far, it had lived up to that fantasy. Having a big, fat ass with a sensitive hole was something that attracted all the attention that he had envied others of having in the past, and having a massive cock kept people from looking away from him.

Admittedly, the latter was something that he almost never used, considering his place at the bottom of the dragon Overlord's harem, but it was something that he enjoyed, nonetheless.

Still, as the days went by, and he enjoyed being fucked by foxes, dragons, and other species, he couldn't help but wonder how many more changes he might have a chance to indulge in. After all, he was the personal property of one of the Overlords, and that meant that he was in a place of magic. Why should he be limited to just the body of a human-like horse? Why shouldn't he have a little more?

The idea had come to him after he'd been fucked up the ass by the rat member of the harem, and while he was still oozing seed from his donut-shaped pucker, the stallion let himself enjoy the mental images of a big horse being fucked by a little rat. The size difference between them was already tremendous, but what if it was bigger? What if it was more than simply seven feet of height over someone barely over five feet tall? What if it was more like eight feet...or nine...or even ten?

His cock throbbed against the harem pillows as he imagined it, and he groaned as he rolled over, seed still oozing out and staining the pillow covers as his cock throbbed towards the ceiling.

Resisting the urge to stroke the massive shaft, he looked past it at the ceiling, already wondering what it would be like, to be literally the 'biggest' slut in the room. To be so tall that he should have been the done dominating everyone else, but instead, he was just a slutty stallion that would have to lay down or keep on all fours for anyone to have any chance to enjoy his ass.

Mmmph...the idea...

His cock throbbed, the flared head already swimming with pre and drooling it down one end like a fountain, running down and over his belly button as the images kept filling his head. Being so huge that he couldn't even walk through a door without bending almost in half, his cock almost at head height for everyone, his ass just the same. He was panting, he knew, and his cock was getting so hard that he might just cum hands-free.

Strike whimpered, groaning as his hips bucked, his muscles twitching like a feral horse to bring his dick swinging down against his belly with a loud, wet thump.

"Mmph...I'm gonna...gonna have to ask Master about this."

"About what?"

He looked around his cock at the rat, who was already stroking himself again. Strike blushed a bit, starting to turn over, but his fellow harem member shook his head.

"Nah, nah, stay on your back. That's a sexy cock, after all, and you shouldn't hide it from people."

"If you say so..."

"What are you going to talk to Master about, then?"

"Well, um...I kinda...wanna be bigger."

"You mean, you don't want to stay the way he made you?"

"Well...I like it, but...why just stay with one thing if you can try a lot of different ones?"

"But he made us the way that he likes us to be."

It was true enough, and something that Strike had been wrestling with ever since the fantasy had come to him. The Overlord had been the one to transform them all, and every bit of the transformation had come from him. Even though Strike had requested to become a big horse, the idea of being this big, the idea of being so full of himself and being such a muscular, big-dicked hunk had come from the Overlord.

But...at the same time...he couldn't resist the allure of further transformation. He felt bad about it, and more than a bit guilty that he couldn't feel satisfied with what he already had, but the temptation had already seized hold of him. He wanted more.

"I just...I just want to try. It doesn't hurt to ask, after all."

"I guess, though it might hurt his feelings."

"I...I don't know. I'll try and figure out a nice way to ask."

"Your choice, buddy."

The next day, after the Ambassadors of the other Overlords had finally departed, Strike made his way down to the Master's room. He'd gone somewhere private after dealing with them, and had shut down the proclamations and the petitioning for the day, and the Master had been rather...quiet, after all that.

He just hoped that he wasn't catching the Master in a bad mood. This was already sensitive, and he didn't want to make it worse.

Strike approached the big, black, wooden door, and knocked on it a few times. His cock was already starting to slink out of his sheath, dangling and then rising in anticipation when the Master answered.

"What is it?"

"It's, um...it's me, Master. Strike."

"...Come in."

He reached for the doorknob, but it was already turning before he could touch it. The Master's magic opened it for him, and he stepped inside, blushing still as the Master looked at him. The Overlord was wearing a robe, rather than going naked, and was sitting behind a desk as he leaned on one hand. The dragon gestured him forward, and as soon as Strike was through the door, it shut behind him.

"What is the matter, little pony?"

Another blush hit his cheeks, hard. The idea of being called a pony...when he was this big...

His cock throbbed as he cleared his throat, trying to ignore his own needs for a few seconds. He needed to be clear, and respectful.

"I...I wanted to ask a favor, Master."

"You want to be fucked again? I thought that you were getting through the harem members a little fast, but -"

"N-no, no, not that."

Strike's cheeks were burning hotter than the city sidewalks in the middle of summer. Gods, how did he ask this? Maybe just...flat out? Was worth a shot.

"I was...um...wondering if you could make me...bigger."


"Like, um...taller. More muscular. That sort of thing. I just...I want to be the biggest stallion...stallion slut I can be, and...and I want to try hitting the double digits."

The dragon Overlord just stared at him, and it took everything Strike had to not immediately run away. Here he was, already given something well beyond anything that anyone else had, and he was asking for more. How the hell was he supposed to get away with something like this? How was this supposed to be a good thing? He shouldn't have come here. He should have just tried to ignore the temptation and the fantasy until it went away. He should have -

"You want to be bigger. Why?"

"I...I just want to be the biggest slut."

"I think you already are."

"I mean...I mean, there's..."

"You like the size difference?"

The horse nodded, trying to find the words, but the dragon kept talking, keeping him from talking.

"You like the fact that you are so huge, yet you're the one getting fucked, huh? The fact that you should be a powerful dominant person in your own right, with a cock that'd break people apart again and again, yet you're the one getting fucked up your big, fat horse-ass turns you on. You want to make it that much bigger, just so you can get off harder, hmm?"

It was harder to listen to it that way, particularly when he was supposed to be the one here to serve, not the one that came to the Master to keep getting his fantasies fulfilled. Strike looked down slowly, kicking his hoof against the floor. The dragon continued.

"So, rather than continue in the shape that I gave you - which you begged for, let me remind you - you want me to make you bigger, and bigger, just so you can indulge a fantasy. Is that about right?"


"I see."

"...I'll...I'll just -"

"You'll stay where you are, or you'll ruin the spell."

Strike blinked, lifting his eyes back up from the ground.


The dragon Overlord was already up from his desk, the open robe letting the stallion see his Master's cock swaying from side to side inside of the clothes he wore. He blushed a bit as the dragon seemed to be completely unbothered by it, reaching out and pulling down a book and reading from it as the stallion stared at him.

I...is he really...


"I do take care of you guys, you know. And just because you are a harem doesn't mean that you don't get treats." The dragon looked up at him, and suddenly, there was that firmness again. "That said, you need to remember that you are beneath me, here. You are here, and owned, by me. That means that you do as I say, and you get the gifts because I want to give them to you."

"I...I think I understand, Master."

"I think you need a reminder. You are getting this, but only because you are going to serve a purpose with it. A purpose that you aren't going to tell anyone else about. Do you understand me?"


"Let me make this very clear, Strike. I will give you that extra size. However, when I do, I will also bind you with a spell of silence, keeping what else you do with that extra size secret from everyone else. You will not be able to talk about it, and you'll serve a very special purpose for the war coming up, as well as for me. One that has to be kept secret, even from the other harem members. Do you understand me?"


"Do you still want this?"

It was a worrying thing, that his master was pulling this on him now, but the more that Strike thought about it, the less he could consider going back on it. The fact that he was getting his fantasy, the fact that he was going to be so much bigger, was more than he could really ask for from anyone else, and if he had to pay for it...

Well, it soothed his guilt for asking about it in the first place.

"I still do."

"Then hold still."

The Master's magic came shooting at him in the form of black fire, and slammed into him with all the heat of a summer sun. Strike groaned, driven back a pace by the sheer potency of the dragon's magic, feeling it spreading through his body from head to hooves, and leaving a tingle wherever it touched.

As he looked down, he felt a stretching feeling at the back of his head, dragging at him, pulling at his mane and his skull. He felt the same sensation at his legs, along his ribs, down at his hips, even. Everything felt like it was getting gripped by some sort of hand, all getting a solid hold on him...and then pulling.

A harsh neigh left his lips as he was suddenly tugged from both ends, dragged upwards as his hooves were kept locked against the floor beneath him. He gasped and groaned, arching his back against the transformation magic as he was pulled upwards, his body stretched at both ends.

One foot was added to him as he stretched like rubber, pulled apart almost painfully, but never quite to the point of being actually hurt. Discomfort, certainly, but nothing more. He felt like he was rubber, for a moment, even going so far as to hear the springing sound of it in his ears.

Another tug, another foot of height, leaving him looming over his master as he stared down at him, leaving him groaning at the idea of being bent over again, of feeling so huge compared to the people that were fucking him. He wobbled on his hooves, knowing his balance was off, knowing that he'd barely be able to fit through the tallest of the doors in the palace, let alone the average ones that he usually slipped through here and there. He'd have to duck for everything, now.

Another tug, and he groaned louder than ever as he soared up to the ceiling, his head bonking off of it and forcing him to lean forward a bit. He was thin, thinner than he'd ever been, but the Master's magic was already fixing that, running through him and adding bulk to his shoulders, his hips and his ass, to his arms and his legs, to his chest and his abs again. Soon, he was filling out like he'd always been this height, and with more muscle besides.

Strike panted hard, slumping forward a little out of exhaustion and lack of room. Even as he went to his knees again, he was almost at eye level with his master, so much bigger than he had been, and he couldn't help but groan and throb.

His cock was rock-hard, he realized, and bigger than it had been. Two feet before, now it was almost three feet long, standing out with a massive flare and a thick medial ring, his balls dangling down and bigger than bowling balls. He could feel the urge to get off, the need to cum, but he held back...for now.

The black dragon nodded at him, and Strike was vaguely aware that his master was hard. He blushed, starting to go down to all fours, but the Master stopped him.

"Not yet."


"First, you need to hear what your new purpose is."

Leaning forward, the Master whispered to him, all the while holding a hand of black fire, deep magic up as he spoke. The instructions slipped into his ear, and were sealed away from his mouth in seconds...and the more he heard, the more Strike realized why the Master would need to keep this secret.

"And that is your purpose, Strike...for the war."

"And what...what about for you?"

(Non-canon begins here.)

The dragon...blushed. His Master blushed, and Strike groaned as the smaller dragon reached down to the throbbing, dripping horse-cock sticking out from his crotch. He shivered more as hands, formerly so big and now so small on him, stroked just under the flared head.

"I admit...I have always had a weakness for horses...but I've never had the chance to really indulge with them."

Is...is he saying what I think he's saying? Strike wondered, staring around his cock at the dragon. The Overlord was so much smaller than him, but now that he was looking...he could see that his Master had a thicker, rounder ass than many of the dragons he'd seen in the past, and the way that his Master was stroking him, teasing him, while also staring so admiringly at his cock...

The horse gasped as the dragon suddenly leaned in, feeling a forked tongue along his cock for the first time. The sensation was almost enough to knock him on his ass, and he only stayed up because the Overlord was gripping at his balls at the same time as sucking on him, keeping him from sliding away.

His only choice was to thrust forward...and in his need, he did.

"Oh gods...oh gods..."

He was fucking the mouth of his Master, and yet, the dragon did nothing to stop him. If anything, the black dragon sucked it in deeper, taking that flare down his throat and almost into his stomach from the sheer size of it, and Strike stared as he realized just how much their roles had been reversed in the course of a few seconds.

And...he couldn't stop.

He slowly stood up, helping his Master stay on his cock, watching in shock and more than a little lust as the big-bottomed dragon worked his way further and further down the stallion cock. This had never happened...and yet...yet...

His nostrils flared, some stallion instinct making him buck forward, forcing the Master to take his cock down to the medial ring. The dragon did, not resisting in the slightest, and the horse snorted softly.


The dragon moaned around his cock, and he couldn't help himself...he needed...more.

Something snapped, and he pulled the dragon off of his cock, pushing him back to the desk. No sooner had the Master hit the top of the desk than his ass cheeks were spread, and the Master looked back at him, grinning.

"Fuck me..."

And for once, for one brief moment, there was something in Strike that craved nothing so much as fucking that big, round, fat dragon ass...

(Non-canon ends here.)

Strike woke up in the harem quarters, his eyes a bit glazed, and his cock and his ass soaking wet with some sort of goo. Cum, of course, but something else that he didn't quite recognize. The horse groaned, shaking his head as he sat up -



He opened his eyes, and saw the beams that lay over some of the pillows in the harem quarters. They were placed high enough to hang things but not whack one's head on...usually.

Strike blinked, and slowly dragged himself to the edge of the bed, where the beams weren't, and stood up. Up, and up, and up he went, until he loomed over the entire room, his body dwarfing everything. His head even bumped the ceiling, uncomfortably, but enough to tell him that the growth hadn't been his imagination.

His mouth turned up in a huge grin, then slowly lowered again as he realized that he had a new job besides fucking. And not a job he could talk about, either...


What was his new purpose for his master, now? He couldn't remember what the answer had been...

The End

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