Dragon By Day P7

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of Dragon By Day

Welcome to Dragon By Day, a high fantasy story where an elf and his dragon friend are thrown quite literally into a plot that threatens to wreck chaos across their entire world... which they might get around to if they can first solve the chaos of their own bodies.

Commission for Xakrai

Edited by Texotic

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A few hours later the rains finally let up and everyone joined together where they had parked the cart, save for the purple dragon that sat on the steps of the cart with book after having switched back to anthro form. "I suppose we should get going again now that the storm has let up," Kriss said with a shrug before he put a hand to his furred forehead. "The strength potion! I could have totally used that to kick your ass."

"That's cheating and you know it, pup," Gavios replied, swatting the werewolf on the rear and causing the huge creature as he adjusted his gaze down to the mage. "In either case he is correct, we must go now if we are to catch the fiend before he does this to the capital."

"Yes, about that," Alexandre said as he stood up. "I believe now that I had a chance to study the magic at work here, I may have a way to neutralize this threat once and for all. It is a lengthy explanation, though, one best while traveling on the road ahead, I just hope we can get what we need on the journey as well..."

Their next few days were filled with traveling and preparing, guided by the information found by the mage's studies. They soon ran into increased traffic and more than once they had to forgo their usual lupine driver with one of Alexandre's magical horse constructs. They also ran into problems when it came to their more lustful antics; either Kriss or Gavios hiding as guards came out wondering where the monster attack was. Nevertheless they continued to make good time, particularly at night, and as the sun rose one day they saw their destination in the distance.

"Maralin seems to grow more beautiful each time I see it," Gavios commented, the others nodding in agreement. Though they were all happy that their intense traveling was about to come to an end it also meant another ugly truth, that they hadn't caught up with their foe and that he might already be in the capital. Their first logistical problem was how to get everyone in the city in the first place, but as they grew closer to the capital, they luckily found that due to the influx of people coming in for the festival, they were hurrying them in as fast as they could.

Once they were inside the group found the city streets to be packed; all manner of people were out and about celebrating in the streets or shopping at one of the many stalls that had been set up. Though they lamented it they knew they would have to ditch the cart, which they soon did after Varren came back from a brief shopping trip to buy all of them cloaks. "Now comes the real question," the incubus stated as they started to walk back into the crowd. "How are we supposed to find one drow in this many people?"

"I don't know, but whatever it is we have to do it quick," Alexandre responded. "The first night of the festival is tomorrow and is always packed, so if he is going to release the stardust to maximize contamination, that's when he would likely do it."

"Well you're from here Alexandre," Gavios said. "Surely you must know how we can quickly search this city, perhaps using the guard?"

The anthro dragon thought about it for a second, then shook his head. "They're going to be too busy with the festivities," the mage explained. "Even if we could get them to believe us, by the time they mobilize and search it may already be too late. However... there may be something that we can contact in order to find what we're looking for... it's a longshot, but if this works we may have our answer."

The group pushed their way as best they could through the crowd, luckily with Ellowyn in the lead the other partygoers parted way for the dragon to pass by. Even with their advantage, though, it took several hours to reach their destination, a large temple-like structure that sat in the middle of a small enclave of trees near the center of the capital itself. Despite the bustle of the city around them, they felt a strange sense of calm in the area as Alexandre led them past the garden and into the doors themselves. Once they were inside an eerie silence fell over the group as they walked into the large room filled with statues.

"I know what this is," Varren said as he looked at the various pieces of art and writing strewn about. "This is a shrine for the guardian spirits that are said to protect the city. People can come here and make donations to them and ask for their help."

"So... you want us to pray and hope they answer us?" Kriss asked as he looked around.

"Not quite... Ash!" Alexandre called out, the ethereal drow appearing next to Ellowyn. "I need you to call out and try and gather them. I've only heard stories of such things, but when I saw you I thought you were one of them, and hopefully they think the same way."

Ashimaru nodded and called out for the guardian spirits to come forth, and then everyone waited and watched. When nothing happened he tried again, and then a third time even louder. The drow was about to try one last time when a cloud of blue smoke began to materialize in front of them, the group watching as it formed into a human man who wore a set of full plate armor. "Certainly not the traditional way of trying to summon us, but given the state of you all, I suspect you are anything but traditional," the ethereal creature stated just as the massive head of a ghostly dragon pushed through the wall and looked at them.

"We can see them..." Alexandre gasped in amazement. "All this time I knew Guardian Spirits actually existed, and now I can see them with my own eyes!"

"Your curiosity can come later, mage," Gavios responded before he looked back at the creature. "Guardian, we need the help of your kind in order to protect the city, a foul being has a magical item of terrible power and wants to unleash it on these innocent citizens. If there is some way you and yours can find this person, we might have a chance to stop him."

As the two looked at each other more spectral creatures continued to flow into the grand hall, most of them humanoid in nature with a few creatures and even one or two that would be considered monsters. The group stood in awe at what they could only assume was their collaborative conversation as they all wordlessly nodded or shook their heads at one another, talking only when they wanted to ask one of them a question. Then once it appeared they had reached a consensus they all flew off, leaving only the knight once more.

"We will attempt to find this magical item you are looking for," the Guardian Spirit informed them. "If what you say is true then we will scour the city and try to locate its signature, though given we haven't already sensed it, it means that your foe is likely masking it. That in itself can be a clue, but if you will come back here in the morning we will hopefully have more information to expand upon. For now you must rest, you have all had a very arduous journey and you're not quite done yet."

The group agreed and made their way back to try and find an inn, though with the festival going on they ended up having to separate in order to find rooms or opt to sleep in Alexandre's cart. Ellowyn and Varren decided to stick together, and once the dragon became the drow after the sun set they found it easier to rent a room for themselves. After they got inside and away from the others Ellowyn came out as well, the two drow sitting on the bed while Ellowyn sat in the corner of the cramped room. Once they got settled in Ashimaru could tell that there was something off between the other two, especially when they kept looking at each other nervously.

When he finally asked the two what was going on it was Varren who spoke first. "I had been talking to Alex about this new form of mine," the incubus explained as he laid back. "As he listed the potential powers that I had, one struck out at me that could help you two with your little problem."

"Our... problem?" Ashimaru asked.

"Well ever since this started we've never really had a face to face conversation in the flesh," Ellowyn blurted out. "Alex said that as a demon Varren can potentially possess people, which means he can also be possessed. He's offered up his body for one night before we have to face the enemy so we can really talk."

Ashimaru raised an eyebrow and looked over at Varren who grinned at him. "I think it would be good for you guys to be able to look eye to eye without one of those eyes being see-through," the demonic drow commented before his face turned serious. "But this is a one time thing, Alex said that incubi have a special resistance to prevent being possessed multiple times, so even if I was willing, it wouldn't work. So what do you think, care to finally have that face to face?"

The drow took a second to think about it, and when he glanced over at Ellowyn he saw the hopeful look in his eyes that caused him to nod. The spectral dragon clapped his hands together and Varren began to strip naked, which when asked why the demon mentioned the mage said there may be some physical alterations and he didn't feel like needing to shop right before they fought their greatest enemy. Once he had laid down the drow took a deep breath and gestured to the dragon, whose form grew more hazy and incorporeal as he hopped up on the bed and approached the incubus. The demonic creature let out a startled gasp as Ellowyn's spiritual form settled down over his physical one, the dragon's body turning to vapor as it seemed to get absorbed into his ebon skin.

All Ashimaru could do was watch as Varren squirmed slightly on the bed and before he could wonder if it was in pain or pleasure, he saw the other male's maleness begin to harden while a moan escaped his lips. "Should have figured that even getting possessed would be a lustful act for an incubus," the drow said to himself as the creature on the bed begin to shift, the very familiar pattern of scales appearing on the skin as the flesh hardened and turned a dark emerald green. Varren flipped over onto all fours as the muscles of his back thickened from his shoulders down to his rump that waved in the air as his spine extended into a thick tail. At first Ashimaru thought the other drow was going to sprout a set of wings, too, but as soon as it started to happen the transformation slowed down to a halt as his swelling muscles subsided.

As Varren's body flopped down on the bed once again, Ashimaru was left with a humanoid creature that, while draconic in nature, looked more like a muscular demon than anything else. When Varren's eyes opened once again they were a solid, glowing white for a few seconds before the light retreated and left a white draconic form in its stead as it looked at him. "It... really worked..." a deeper version of Varren's voice came out of the blunt muzzle as he looked at himself, flexing his muscular form from biceps to his huge feet. "Not what I thought I would look like, to be honest."

"You look perfectly fine," Ashimaru replied as he sat down next to the reptilian demon. "So how long do we have to talk?"

"Alex said that since Varren isn't fighting it, we would probably have a few hours," Ellowyn said with a small sigh as he looked away. "This is certainly not where I imagined I would be with you when we went up to that ridge, at the Capital talking through a demon because we possess the same body. Hopefully if those other spirits find that drow and the fallen star, this may be the last night that we spend together like this after we fight him, or possibly our last night ever. Whether we're stuck swapping the same body or we manage to return to some semblance of normal I would like to know where we stand, or at the very least I'd like to know where you stand since you pretty much know mine."

Ashimaru couldn't help but bite his lip as he looked down at the floor, even though he knew it defeated the purpose of Ellowyn possessing a body in the first place. It was true the drow knew how he felt, ever since he saw the lewd images of elven forms and he found out that the dragon prefered the company of other males. The two sat in silence for a few minutes while Ashimaru continued to think until the feel of a scaly hand on his shoulder caused him to look up. "Ellowyn... I-" the drow started to say before he was silenced with a claw placed gently on his lips.

"I want you, Ash," the dragon said bluntly, taking the drow by surprise as he leaned in. "Even when we were friends the only time I felt truly happy when I was around you, and later when I started to develop these feelings I wanted to tell you so badly... but I know the stigma that would be attached to our coupling, both species and gender wise, especially since you only appeared to be interested in females. Now if I'm wrong and you still just see me as a friend or pursue Varren I guess I can understand, but if you feel anything for me I want-"

This time it was Ellowyn who was interrupted with something on his lips, only instead of a finger it was Ashimaru's own mouth as it pressed against his muzzle. It was a small kiss, but it took the breath away of both males as they stared at each other. "I'm going to admit that this whole thing is still incredibly bizarre for me," Ashimaru admitted with a small grin. "But considering everything we've gone through, I'm willing to see where these feelings take us."

"You mean?" Ellowyn asked, his question trailing off.

Ashimaru slowly nodded. "Ever since my time with Varren opened me up to the possibility of being with a male I've wondered what it would be like to be with you," the drow admitted as he began to take his clothes off. "Now while having sex with a demon is fun, I don't think there's any real deep feelings there besides lust, like when you and Kriss were together I'm sure, but even though we haven't done anything physical, I feel like there's a deeper connection there. Normally I'd say we take this slow, but all things considered, we've done more impulsive and I would hate to have to try and find another demon who would be willing to lend us his body."

Despite having scales Ellowyn could feel himself blush as Ashimaru kissed him once more, his tail curling around himself as the drow became more amorous towards him. "I never thought I would see this day..." the dragon whispered as he began to kiss back along the dark elf's body. "Though I imagined it a bit differently in my head..."

Both of them couldn't help but laugh before their passions took hold of one another once again, Ellowyn's muscular form was pushed down on the bed as Ashimaru continued to kiss down his chest. Despite being the bigger of the two males Ellowyn let his lover take control of him, positioning his body on the bed while their hands groped over each other's bodies. Even when they went back to making out as they ground their forms against one another they both knew this was different than any other experience they've had so far. While the others certainly felt good, as Ashimaru slid up on the other male's scaly chest, this felt... right.

"Gonna need you to help me out here," Ashimaru grinned as he positions his groin right in front of Ellowyn's snout. "I bet that muzzle of yours can slick me up just fine, would hate to ruin our first night by going in dry." Ellowyn was more than ready to oblige the demanding drow as he craned his flexible neck up and gave a long, slow lick from root to tip before taking it into his maw. "Geez Ellowyn..."

The possessing dragon just smiled and winked before he continued to bob his head up and down while Ashimaru wove his fingers into the long mane of hair to help control the rhythm. The drow bit his lip and looked down to watch that scaly muzzle envelop his member while inside Ellowyn's maw he used his dexterous tongue to wrap around the sensitive flesh. It wasn't long before Ashimaru could already start to feel himself build up to climax, something he definitely didn't want as he pulled Ellowyn's head back and slid down his chest.

The drow couldn't help but smile when he felt Ellowyn's cock throb against his abdomen as his own slid against the soft underside of the thick tail underneath him. Ashimaru made the scaly male's body tremble beneath him as his hands rubbed the sensitive flesh between his legs. "You ready?" Ashimaru asked as he positioned his saliva-slickened member against the quivering hole. "No going back after this."

"There wasn't any going back for me for a long time," Ellowyn confessed, causing them to both pause and look at each other with small smiles before the reptilian creature's eyes widened and he let out a loud gasp. "Ash, you jerk!"

Ashimaru couldn't help but laugh despite his own tremor of pleasure as he had pushed the head of his dick past the tight ring of muscle in one smooth motion. Once the drow had given the other male the chance to relax once again he continued to move his hips forward, staying slow as he could to allow the contracting walls of the tight tailhole to get used to his presence. There was no urgency for either of them, no lust-fueled drive or dominating instinct, all either of them cared about was the pleasure of the other as he continued to spread open the scaled cheeks beneath him.

Both males gasped and groaned as Ashimaru buried himself deeper into Ellowyn's tailhole until finally they felt the flesh of the dark elf's groin against the inner thighs of the demon. Once Ashimaru had completely hilted himself he gave Ellowyn some time to adjust to his new fullness, though after only a minute or so his hips began to pull back out. Claws pressed firmly but delicately on his dark hips as he pulled out, only to push back in slightly faster. The bed beneath them began to creak with a steady rhythm as the two grew more at ease with each stroke.

Time was lost on the both of them as they became lost in each other's pleasure. Despite being in different bodies they could still touch each other's psyches, and when they did they experienced not only their own lust, but that of their partner, as well. The two continued their slow rut as Ashimaru's hand drifted to Ellowyn's ridged cock and began to stroke it as Ellowyn's tail wrapped around Ashimaru's waist and wiggled the tip against his own hole. As their shared pleasure intensified their coupling quickened until the air was filled with their loudened grunts and gasps.

It wasn't long after they lost control that they both orgasmed, Ashimaru came first as he filled the borrowed body with his seed and it quickly prompted Ellowyn to do the same. For a few minutes after they continued to pant heavily as they kept their hips joined together until finally the drow pulled out. Both were a sticky mess at this point, Ellowyn's seed mixing with Ashimaru's sweat as he flopped over on the side of the bed. "That was better than I could ever imagine..." the reptilian demon purred as he turned on his side and draped his arm over the drow, both their eyes fluttering shut as they slept for the first time in months...

Dragon By Day P8

As morning came Ellowyn and Ashimaru once more found themselves in the same body as Varren transformed back to his normal self, giving them both a fanged grin at their activities in his body. Once they had finished preparing for the morning the three...

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Dragon By Day P6

A few days later Ellowyn was on the ground walking next to Alexandre as he pulled the cart, the larger, purple-scaled dragon walking slightly funny. Late that night the dark clouds that had threatened their travel all day finally opened and unleashed a...

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Dragon By Day P5

With their new travel arrangements the group made good time towards the capital. By their second day Ellowyn had taken the reins and pulled the large cart along the path towards their destination. He moved slightly slower than his werewolf counterpart...

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