Dragon By Day P6

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Dragon By Day

Welcome to Dragon By Day, a high fantasy story where an elf and his dragon friend are thrown quite literally into a plot that threatens to wreck chaos across their entire world... which they might get around to if they can first solve the chaos of their own bodies.

Commission for Xakrai

Edited by Texotic

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A few days later Ellowyn was on the ground walking next to Alexandre as he pulled the cart, the larger, purple-scaled dragon walking slightly funny. Late that night the dark clouds that had threatened their travel all day finally opened and unleashed a torrent of rain upon them. Thankfully, due to the nature of their mount they were able to continue their journey while other caravans and travelers had pulled to the side. It was still slow going, and as they reached a fork in the road they saw the more direct path to the capital had been cut off by a makeshift roadblock that warned others to stay off of it.

"You think the road washed out?" Ellowyn asked as Ashimaru suddenly appeared next to him to investigate the mysterious blockage as well.

"It just started raining," Ashimaru reasoned as the shadowy elf moved to the other side of it. "Even though it's intense I doubt that it would be enough to destroy an entire path, and especially not this quickly that someone was able to put up a roadblock. Plus... " Ashimaru trailed off for a second as he looked down the road, obscured by the fog and rain. "I can feel the energy of the fallen star, I'm almost positive it went down this path."

With Alexandre and Ellowyn's powerful bodies they made quick work of the barrier and continued down the road. As they kept a wary eye out for any possible dangers they found nothing that hindered their travels or posed a threat to them. Just as the grey sky began to darken the road emptied into a small farming town, and even in the dimming light they could see something wasn't right. Once they got into the town proper their suspicions were confirmed when they saw something that caused them to rouse everyone from the cart to look for themselves.

Once everyone was out they stopped when they got to the front of the cart and saw what the two dragon had seen. "Damn him..." Varren cringed as they gazed at the crater at the center of town that was surrounded by the remains of destroyed structures and dead bodies. Even those on the outer edge of the blast had their bodies twisted, only instead of being from the explosion it was clearly from being transformed by the warped magic of the fallen star. The group fanned out a bit and began to search for survivors or clues, though the darkening sky and still heavy rain made both very difficult.

"It looks like our renegade drow tried to blow up a piece of the fallen star with the dwarven powder in order to increase it's efficiency," Alexandre deduced as he walked with Ellowyn around ground zero. "It seems to have worked somewhat, though I think he underestimated the destruction of what he had created. I think it might have been amplified by the crystal itself, too, with the number of dead where there was no blast damage."

Ellowyn nodded and knelt down in the middle of the hole in the ground, running his forepaw through the dark dust that had settled there. At first he thought it was unburnt powder, but as his scales touched the heavy dust the blackness receded and turned crystal clear. Both Ellowyn and Ashimaru could suddenly feel the same magic that they had been tracking all this time, and from the sudden interest that came from the mage they could tell he could, too. As Ellowyn moved his hand over the pile the grains seemed to follow his movements, some of them even gravitating upwards when he got his scaled paw close enough.

"Amazing..." Alexandre mumbled into the ground as he leaned his snout down close to the glimmering material. "It appears your presence has revitalized the crystal, it must need someone affected by it's power in order in order to gain resonant stability."

"Then why isn't it attracted to you?" Ashimaru asked.

"Must only be those that were initially exposed," Alexandre mused. "So the drow that Varren says caused all of this... and you guys."

Both Ashimaru and Ellowyn looked at each other, then back at the mage who continued to investigate the strange mineral. While the two knew that they had been involved when the star fell to earth, they didn't realize just how pivotal a role they had played in it all. Kriss, Varren, neither of them would have been transformed had he not been around when those other shards were found. When they shared this theory with the mage; however, he just shook his head and stood back up on his haunches.

"No, this stuff would still likely transform anyone that came in contact with it," Alexandre clarified. "Interestingly it seems that it resonates differently between you and our adversary, though I can only speculate that from what I've seen so far and the stories you've told me. While it still needs a catalyst that guides the change, it seems that the fundamental nature of it depends on who the crystal is resonating with, so while in that demon hunter's temple you saw monstrous demons created by the other drow, you got something completely different with Varren."

Ellowyn and Ashimaru nodded slowly as they let the information sink in, then suddenly the dragon's head shot up with wide eyes. "The magic in this entire area is still active," Ellowyn reiterated in a panic. "The only reason we're not affected is because we've all been changed already... except..."

"Gavios!" Ashimaru shouted before the three scrambled up to find the dwarf. They managed to find Varren sitting under a porch where he had gone to escape the rain, and when they asked about Gavios he said that he had seen him wonder into a larger building that was likely the inn. The incubus tagged along with them as they made their way to it, and even before they got up to the door they could hear the sounds of crashing inside. Even though the doors were large Alexandre knew he couldn't fit, but he was able to use his tail to smash in the wood and allow the others to burst inside.

As soon as they got into the main room Varren had to duck to avoid a chair flung at him. Inside the otherwise empty tavern the dwarf yelled various profanities as he grabbed anything he could get his hands on and smashed it, his hair and beard growing long and wild as his facial features began to distort. "No doubt an effect of the corrupted star dust," Alexandre said as he stuck his head in as far as it would go. "If we don't do something soon he's going to turn into a monster... or perish in the transformation."

"What are we supposed to do!?" Ellowyn shouted as he and Varren ducked behind the bar when a table came flying at them. "We can't even get close to him!"

"I can," Ashimaru said as he slowly walked forward, a vase chucked in his direction flying through his incorporeal body. The others watched as he continued to approach until the changing male stopped his rampage and looked at him with a snarl, drool leaking down his crooked, elongated teeth. "There there, easy now..."

"I want to kill him..." Gavios spat as the leathers he wore groaned from his slowly increasing size. "My clan, my friend, these innocent people... I want to rend him until he's nothing but bloody pulp and bone!"

Ashimaru could hear the dwarf's spine crack as he grew more hunched over and his enlarged hands grabbed onto a fireplace poker. "I'll kill them all!" The transforming dwarf shouted as threw the metal object with all his might, flying through the drow's vaporous form and burying itself into the wall several inches from where Alexandre's head stared at it with wide eyes. "Murdrawr rawwr!"

"You're not doing a very good job at the calming down," Varren stated as he peaked out from behind the bar.

"Not helpful," Ashimaru replied before he got Gavios' attention once more. "Listen! We've all lost something because of this drow and what he's brought to the land. I know you feel like you want to lash out at anything that moves, but that's just the magic of the star influencing you! The dwarf I know should realize that if we're going to bring this guy to justice, it's not going to be this way!"

At first Ashimaru wondered if he was actually getting through or if Gavios was too far gone, but as they watched the dwarf appeared to stop changing. "It's working..." Alexandre said. "Alright, you remember the dust in the crater? You have to do the same thing to the stardust in his body."

"Ash is right, Gavios!" Ellowyn said suddenly as he shuffled out from behind the bar towards the other two. "If you succumb to this then you'll just be playing into our enemy's hand, you gotta think of the good that you can do by not changing." The dragon backed away slightly when Gavios seemed to charge towards them, but as they continued to talk they saw the bestial features begin to recede from the dwarf's face. The anger on Gavios' place was replaced with a profound look of sadness as he sat down on one of the few chairs not destroyed as he was handed a glass filled with amber liquid from Varren, who also approached.

"What is that?" Ashimaru asked, which Varren responded with a shrug as the dwarf drank it. "Anyway, we really are sorry that this affected you so profoundly, if you want-"

Varren and Ellowyn looked around when Ashimaru disappeared mid-sentence, then the dragon informed the incubus that it is getting close to dusk. When the two looked back at Gavios they saw that not only was the glass completely empty, but the hand that held it was covered in a layer of thickening red fur. "Uh... Alex..." Varren said as they both backed away. "I thought you said he'd stop transforming."

"No, I said he'd stop turning into a monster," the mage clarified as Gavios, alerted by the other two, pulled his hands to his face to see that they both were covered with the rich red pelt as his fingernails darkened and curled slightly. "Look at any of us, did we stop transforming when we were exposed to the magic of the fallen star? This way, though, he's more like one of us; in control of his faculties rather than a snarling, drooling beast."

"Thank you... for that update," Varren replied sarcastically as he and Ellowyn watched the already dark hair on the dwarf's face and head begin to turn a deep black. "What is he even turning into, then? I thought you didn't have anything of a monster or animal nature on you, Gavios!"

"I swear to you I had nothing of the sort, you fiend!" Gavios replied, his breathing starting to wheeze as he struggled to take off his armor. "Everything I have on me was either made from cloth, leather, or metal, so unless I'm turning into a sheep or cow, I should have been unaffected."

"As funny as that would be I highly doubt it," Ellowyn said as he and Ashimaru mentally collaborated on the possible solution before the dark elf pointed out something they had missed. "The booze!" Varren turned in confusion to watch the dragon run back behind the bar, his larger body just able to squeeze by carefully without breaking any of the bottles as he looked at them. "Varren, from which bottle did you pour him his drink?"

As Gavios managed to let out a groan of relief when he armor dropped to the floor and his growth was unhindered by the garment, Varren hopped up on the bar and searched through the bottles until he found the one that he had used. "I know this brand," Ashimaru said as he took control of their draconic form and picked up the bright red bottle. "A kingdom in the south makes it, we get a few bottles from the clan of elves down there near our borders. It isn't aged in barrels..."

"What's it aged in?" Varren asked, his gaze shifting back towards the changing dwarf as he finally got his armor off and threw it to the ground.

"Lavion skins," Varren's eyes widening told Ashimaru he didn't have to explain further. Both knew of the Lavion, a fierce creature said to be born from the volcanic mountains of the south. It looks like a huge lion with bright red fur, two tails, and was said to drip flaming saliva from its mouth when it got angry. When they made their way back to Gavios it appeared their suspicions were confirmed as the bright red fur continued to spread over the dwarf's growing frame.

Both Varren and Ashimaru tried to pull off Gavios' clothes before he grew too big, but by the time they had started the cloth was so tight on his body that he could see the contours of his growing muscles underneath the fabric. Finally the two looked at each other and then grabbed a side to tear apart. The sounds of ripping filled the air as bright red fur fluffed up as the clothes disappeared from Gavios' body. As they got down to his pants Ashimaru saw his own hands beginning to shift, losing their scales as he felt his body begin to shrink.

Fortunately for Ashimaru his transformation was far quicker than the dwarf's, and a minute later a naked dark elf was sitting next to Gavios trying to help Varren get his pants off. As he sat there he noticed that the transforming dwarf was now taller than him and still growing. The already hardened muscles of the other male continued to bulge and expand underneath the fur as it spread up to Gavios' face wherever the midnight black mane hadn't touched. At the same time both drow finally had to give up trying to rip off the now skin tight pants, the seams starting to rip, anyway, as the bulge in the front surged in growth as it throbbed hard.

"Why is it so blasted warm in here?!" Gavios yelled, his voice deepening with every word as his face began to grow puffy. "I've been around forges that were less intense!"

"Well it's definitely a Lavion," Varren said as the leather still clinging to the dwarf's sides began to smoke. "If he stays here he might burn this place to the ground."

"Right, outside then," Ashimaru replied before they both started to pick up Gavios by his thick arms. The heat he felt from the furry body was intense and he wished he still had the scales of his former form, but with Varren's help they managed to get the transforming male to his feet. As soon as Gavios got onto his feet his pants finally gave up, falling down around his huge paws that thankfully had been released of their boots early as the toes fused and grew. Ashimaru's eyes widened slightly as he saw a dick that rivaled Kriss' flop out and hang between the male's legs, continuing to stare at it until a sharp look from Varren snapped him out of it and they moved forward.

"Why is everything so small?" Gavios slurred as he stumbled forward, the creature's shoulders now at the two drows' heads as his ears migrated to the top of his head and grew triangular.

"Probably because you doubled your height," Varren replied with a smirk as they saw Alexandre still at the door ushering them out. "Can you do us a favor and hold back from lighting on fire until Ashimaru and I are no longer holding you?"

Gavios laughed at the question as Ashimaru looked worriedly behind him to see that every footstep the former dwarf took left a charred pawprint on the wood of the floor. As they finally got outside Ashimaru was drenched in sweat as he felt something swat against his backside, the two pronged feline tail whipping around behind him as the furry hand against his chest cracked and expanded with fresh growth. Once they reached the threshold Alexandre took over, and with a giant forepaw pushed Gavios out into the pouring rain.

As soon as the water hit the fur of the changing male, he let out a loud roar as it seemed to catalyze his transformation. Gavios' jaw cracked and popped as his swollen face stretched out into a proper feline muzzle, complete with sharp teeth. His clawed hands were outstretched as steam rose from his body to the point where he became hard to see; Ashimaru, Varren, and Alexandre all could feel the heat as the white cloud swept over them. When the roar stopped a silence settled over them that grew eerie as the two drow stepped out into the rain and mist towards where Gavios had stood.

Then, as quickly as it came, the steam dissipated and in the darkness and rain an imposing figure stood. Tendrils of white smoke continued to trail off of the ripped physique of the red-furred feline man, his eyes glowing a bright yellow in the darkness as every muscle rippled with power as he moved. The creature oozed strength as his thick, black mane clung wetly to his back and neck. The regal feline features of his muzzle and ears flicked with new sensations as he looked down at the two drow before he turned and began to walk back towards the cart.

"You... alright there Gavios?" Ashimaru asked as the naked male passed by, two tails flicking in the air.

"Fine," Gavios replied simply with his deep voice, waves of heat visible on his breath and creating steam where it hit the droplets of water.

"Where are you going?" Varren chimed in.

"To find clothes that fit," Gavios continued to answer in short snippets as he didn't even look at them.

"You want to talk about it?" Alexandre spoke up.

"No," the last word had the air of finality to it as he continued to walk through the rain. The dragon and two drow looked at each other as the transformed male disappeared into the night. After a small bit of discussion they decided it would be best to follow in case he did need them, though they kept far enough back that they wouldn't be easily seen in the night.

"Man, what is it with you guys creating total studs?" Varren said as he watched the tight, muscular rump sway slightly as Gavios moved. "Kriss, Gavios, myself... even Alex when he's in that humanoid form." Ashimaru just shrugged, his own eyes drawn to the same area on the feline's anatomy despite himself. When the lion disappeared around the corner the three moved up and Ellowyn appeared beside the other dragon, who had been blushing ever since the incubus made his comment.

Before the astral dragon could comment they all suddenly heard a loud roar that caused them all to run forward towards the source of the noise. When they got to the destroyed town center they saw Gavios standing there in a prideful stance while Kriss was hunched over with a snarl on his face. "Kriss, wait!" Ashimaru shouted. "That's just Gavios!"

"I already informed him of that," Gavios replied as he continued to hold his ground against the werewolf. "It appears that we have some things we need to settle out first."

Ashimaru was about to ask why when Varren pressed a hand against his chest to get his attention and motioned for them to move towards a partially obscured area of the town square. "Don't waste your breath," the demonic drow informed him once they were somewhat sheltered. "Kriss sees the threat of another potential alpha in the group, which means he's going to want to try and assert his dominance over the other male. Lavions are like that, too, so it's best if we just stand aside and let them work this out."

"We're just going to stand by and let them kill each other?" Ellowyn asked nervously. "Can't you use your power to calm them down?"

"Nothing I could throw at them would slake those instincts," Varren said as his eyes glowed crimson. "But given Kriss and Gavios' natures I don't think it's going to get to that, they're probably just going to wrestle a bit until one of them is victorious, and then that creature will be on top."

It took a few seconds for the two to realize what Varren meant, both of their eyes widening slightly when they did. "Wait a second," Ashimaru spoke up, "Gavios doesn't like males that way."

"Neither did Kriss from your story," Varren shot back. "But yet he continues to assert himself over the two subby dragons in the group, and Gavios will likely follow suit once everything is said and done. Speaking of such things, while those two boys work it out, why don't we head back to that inn and have a bit of dominance play of our own? I saw you back there with Alexandre when he was transforming, and I have to say it's shed a whole new light on you."

Before Ashimaru could say anything he was grabbed by the hand and yanked back towards the building they had just left, Ellowyn rolled his eyes and continued after them as Kriss and Gavios continued to focus only on one another. Neither one approached the other yet, both of them content at the moment to circle around one another as their paws squished against the muddy ground. The continuing storm had caused the entire square to turn to a churning mess, the crater that had been there completely washed away as the two eyed each other up. "If you want at me you better do it soon, pup," Gavios finally said.

That seemed to be all the motivation that Kriss needed as he lunged forward, clawed feet digging into the ground as he quickly built up speed. Gavios waited until the werewolf was only a few feet from him when he countered with a move of his own, he stepped to the side and let Kriss pass him before he grabbed him by the arm and swung out his leg. Kriss let out a small yipe as he found himself in the air for a few seconds before he was brought down into the mud with a hard thud. He could hear the big cat laugh and the werewolf growled before he twisted his body around and kicked Gavios in the head to let him go.

As soon as Kriss got up the rain began to wash off his mud-caked fur as Gavios took a few steps back and readied himself. This time when the werewolf charged him, the red lion fell backwards in turn and used his powerful legs to launch him in the air, this time Kriss landed a few feet away with a loud thud as Gavios quickly popped back up onto his feet. "There's definitely a few physical advantages to this form," he said with a grin as he flexed his fingertips.

Kriss attempted to try and take advantage of his opponents momentary distraction by diving at his legs, but Gavios jumped up and let the werewolf fall into the mud once again before he landed on top of him and drove his body even further into the muck. "I take it you hadn't have much hand-to-hand training in your former life," the lion said as he stepped off the wolf onto the ground. "I, on the other hand, fought with five brothers all my life, both in and out of training."

The declaration of skill wasn't enough to detract Kriss as he rolled over and grabbed the ankle of the lionman. Before Gavios could react the werewolf pulled and sent him flying onto his back, hitting the mud with a dull thud. Kriss was on top of him in an instant and attempted to pin him before Gavios pushed him off and tried to do the same. For what seemed like an eternity to the two fighters, they rolled around trying to establish a hold on one another, their wet fur caked in mud.

Finally Gavios managed to get on Kriss' back and used his entire body to pin the werewolf on his stomach. As Kriss tried to wiggle away they both stopped suddenly and their eyes widened as the werewolf's ears perked straight up. "Is that what I think it is?" Kriss asked, Gavios slowly muttering out confirmation. "Is it where I think it is?"

"I don't even know how that happened," Gavios replied. "All I wanted to do was show you who's boss and calm you down. I never intended for... that to happen."

The two muscular creatures continued to lay there for a few seconds, rain pouring around them before Kriss finally looked back. "Well?" he asked, surprising the lionman. "I don't need anything inside me to know when I've been beat, which means you can assert your dominance over me. It's my first time having anything back there, though, so... just take it slow, okay?"

Gavios bit his lip as he looked down and saw what had caused their fight to end with his victory, the head of his cock slipped past the werewolf's furry cheeks and into the hole between them. The Lavion hadn't gone into the fight wanting this, all he wanted to do was teach the pup a lesson, but despite his apprehension, he found his rock hard maleness still embedded inside his opponent and even pushed in another inch when he tried to adjust his body. When he heard Kriss whimper in pleasure and submission it caused his tool to throb from the thought of dominating him in a more carnal sense, too, and a grin began to appear on his muzzle. He was already in, the lionman thought to himself as he shifted slightly to get a better angle, and what better way to show the proud werewolf some humility than to truly show him his superior?

Kriss let out a loud grunt as he felt the male on top of him begin to thrust further into him, his paws slipping against the muddy ground as the girthy member spread him open. There were a few twinges of pain as he lost his anal virginity, but once his walls got used to something so big pushed against him, his wincing turned to moans. It was very clear to the werewolf that Gavios would now take his reward, cementing his place as the dominant male while Kriss resigned himself to that of a beta... for the time being. Soon the thoughts of hierarchy and his want to be on top melted away by the heat of the pleasure given to him by the lionman male thrusting into his tailhole.

"You're so warm..." Kriss grunted as moved his limbs to better receive the hot cock inside of him. Gavios only responded with a low growl as he hilted, pressing the canine's thighs even deeper into the mud. Wisps of steam began to surround their bodies as every thrust seemed to lower the Lavion's inhibitions, both their predatory minds soaked in pure lust as their rut continued. Though they had both given in to their baser instincts, they quickly began to figure out how to draw out the most pleasure from each other's bodies through their coupling, which with their inhuman stamina would prove to be a long time...

Meanwhile Ashimaru and Varren were in a somewhat similar position, both of the drow on their sides with their cocks in each other's mouths. The incubus had not needed to use his power at all as he pushed the naked dark elf onto the bed before shedding his soaked clothing. No sooner had he gotten naked himself were the two on one another, starting with ravaging each other's mouths while grinding their wet bodies against one another until Varren flipped himself over and drew Ashimaru's erect member into his mouth while presenting his own. After a few minutes of filling the air with the sounds of their muffled moans and lewd slurping sounds, Varren pulled off and backed his hips to do the same to Ashimaru.

"Alright, let's see if you still got that spark in you," Varren teased as he laid back on the bed. "Go ahead Ashimaru, take me however you wish."

Ashimaru looked at the demon's form laid out sensuously on the bed and slowly crawled on top of him until their lips met once more in a deep kiss. As they made out the drow positioned himself so he was straddling the lithe sides of the male beneath him. He could feel a thin tail wrap around his ankle as he positioned his hole above the head of the shaft. Once he was ready, Ashimaru leaned back and used one hand to guide the incubus' cock inside him, his muscles yielding easily with a bit of help from Varren's magic as the drow slid down the throbbing pole of flesh.

"How interesting..." Varren smirked once the other dark elf had reached his hilt and let the thick length settle inside him. "I gave you the chance to take me, and yet you insist on filling yourself."

"What?" Ashimaru asked once he caught his breath. "I'm still on top, that's dominant."

"True, but the way you took that dragon's tailhole I thought you were more interested in that," Varren explained as he pushed his hips upwards and caused Ashimaru to gasp slightly. "Or maybe it's not the hole itself that you're interested in, but rather what type. Perhaps you would have been more eager if you were able to bury yourself in something more... scaly?"

"What are you saying, Varren?" Ashimaru accused as he eyed up the grinning demon.

"Well it's pretty obvious that Ellowyn has a thing for you," Varren replied, once again shifting position so that he slid a few inches out before pushing even deeper into the drow. "I knew that back when I still had boobs, the thing is I don't think you were into him, or at least not that you knew of. Now that you're all in on being with males, I think you've opened yourself up to the possibility of being with a male dragon."

Ashimaru sighed and leaned back, causing both drow to shiver as he began to ride up and down Varren's shaft. "You know, you're usually not this chatty when we're having sex," the drow said. "Perhaps I'm losing my touch, or you are."

The drow's snarky comment was quickly met with a hard push upwards from the incubus that caused him to gasp and fall forward again from the stimulation. "This was the only time I knew I could talk to you without Ellowyn hanging around," Varren explained. "That jealousy being another indicator that his feelings have only grown for you. Tell me, what do you plan on doing once we've defeated our enemy and hopefully restored you and Ellowyn to normal?"

"I... don't know, honestly," Ashimaru admitted as he stopped and let Varren's cock continue to throb inside him as he thought. "How does someone come back from something like this? Even if I become a regular elf again, I don't know if I can go back to my new village with these appetites, and I'm pretty sure Ellowyn and I couldn't just revert to our usual friendly conversations and trips up the bluff."

Ashimaru let out a small yelp as Varren sat up and wrapped his arms around him, keeping himself lodged firmly in the other drow's backside as they looked at each other. "You know you and him are going to have to talk about it sometime before this ends," Varren said stoically. "Of course if you stay a drow and choose not to be with the dragon, you can always travel back with me and we can do this all the time. Something for you to consider."

Before Ashimaru could say anything the incubus began to rock back and forth, sliding in and out of his clenched walls while his own cock rubbed between their taut stomachs. Even as they began to get into it the drow couldn't help but think what the demon had said to him, about what he may have to talk about with Ellowyn eventually. Varren seemed to sense that and his eyes flashed red, and almost instantly those cares melted away into pleasure as the two continued their lust-fueled thrusting.

Dragon By Day P7

A few hours later the rains finally let up and everyone joined together where they had parked the cart, save for the purple dragon that sat on the steps of the cart with book after having switched back to anthro form. "I suppose we should get going...

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Dragon By Day P5

With their new travel arrangements the group made good time towards the capital. By their second day Ellowyn had taken the reins and pulled the large cart along the path towards their destination. He moved slightly slower than his werewolf counterpart...

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Dragon By Day P4

As the nights continued to pass and their travels grew faster, the initial awkwardness that had grown between them quickly passed. Ellowyn continued to service Kriss after he changed over and Calivara, who changed his name to Varren, had convinced...

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