Dragon By Day P5

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of Dragon By Day

Welcome to Dragon By Day, a high fantasy story where an elf and his dragon friend are thrown quite literally into a plot that threatens to wreck chaos across their entire world... which they might get around to if they can first solve the chaos of their own bodies. This will eventually be turned into a book once the cover art is finished, so stay tuned for that!

Commission for Xakrai

Edited by Texotic

With their new travel arrangements the group made good time towards the capital. By their second day Ellowyn had taken the reins and pulled the large cart along the path towards their destination. He moved slightly slower than his werewolf counterpart during the night, partially because he was doing the work of two horses himself, but mostly because he had to walk tenderly due to the soreness in his backside. Varren had not lied on how horny the canine creature would be, and with the added strength and size of his tool, it made for some extremely pleasurable, albeit exhausting sex.

"You know, I bet we could get Alex to make you something for that," Ashimaru said as he laid on the top of the cart, his astral form able to sprawl out on the canvas top without causing it to collapse. "He already had that ointment to help stretch you out, I'm sure he can make something for the aftermath."

Ellowyn just shook his head and continued stoically forward. Once they had gotten the chance they filled the elf in on everything that had happened to them so far, including the falling star and the reason for their hasty journey towards the capital. As soon as he heard that so many people were in danger of becoming monsters he was more than willing to lend a hand, as well as his magical expertise. After the first night it quickly became clear how blind they had been flying beforehand without the knowledge of an experienced arcanist to help them out. Both Ellowyn and Ashimaru were curious on what he would tell them once the sun set, the elf being the only one awake besides them as the rest of their party slept.

After a long, hard day of traveling, Ellowyn finally stopped as the sun began to set beyond the horizon. Despite the looks of shock at a creature like him doing something like pulling a cart, their journey throughout the day had been uneventful, which was exactly how they liked it. Once they had pulled to the side of the road to let the werewolf take over, Alexandre excitedly hopped out of the cart and told both Ellowyn and Ashimaru to follow him into the forest quickly. They moved into a small clearing bordered on one side by a brook where he told them to stop as he pulled out one of his magical tomes.

"So I think I may have found a solution to your conjoinment problem," Alexandre gushed as he flipped through the pages. "Luckily for you two there's not too many things that can create a condition such as yours, and with your very specific set of circumstances, I was able to narrow down a magical effect that you're suffering under. Now that I have, it was relatively simple to find a counter-spell, which means even though you'd still be a drow and an emerald dragon, you can at least be those things in your own bodies."

Both Ellowyn and Ashimaru looked at each other in surprise at the arcanist's words. "What do you think?" The dark elf asked mentally through their connection. "Even though he's been extraordinarily helpful with our situation, I'm not sure we want him experimenting on us."

"I think we should trust him," Ellowyn replied telepathically as he gave a small nod to the elf. "There's something about him I can't place, but I know that he has our best interests in mind."

"It's not his interests that worry me," Ashimaru retorted. "I'm sure he's an experienced magic user, but if this goes wrong, who knows what's going to happen."

"C'mon Ash, this is our chance!" Ellowyn playfully jabbed mentally. "Don't be a chicken, as you said Alex knows what he's doing, I'm sure."

Ashimaru took a second to mentally shield himself from Ellowyn and sighed internally. He had noticed that his draconic counterpart had taken quite the shining to their new traveling companion, more than the others. At first he thought it was merely curiosity, but as they continued to grow closer he was reminded of the mental image of the naked elves while they were outside his village. The dragon knowingly had a thing for his kind, and even while being the bottom to an alpha werewolf, he wondered if he still had such attractions to fairer folk as well. Part of him wanted to prod the confines of the dragon's mind, but ever since they grew even more adept in reading each other and figured out how to keep their thoughts separate, they agreed not to pry mentally without asking.

A sudden shout turned the drow's attention back to Alexandre, who waved in front of his face. "I just said that we need to get a move on and set up," the mage said as he already had prompted Ellowyn where to go. "In order for this to work I have to isolate the magic when your astral forms start to shift,but before you start to physically change. If this works then the energy will coalesce on the material plane and create a brand new body for you to inhabit, Ash."

Though still leery on the idea Ashimaru could see that his friend was already all in, which prompted him to nod and stand where he was told. Once they were done with positioning Alexandre took out a few stones from his pocket and laid them out strategically around the two of them. As the light of the sun continued to wane, the two began to feel the now familiar pull of the magic on them as the mage announced he had one last step. The elf pulled out a bright purple paste and speared it quickly in several patterns on Ellowyn's body, then discarded the rest once he was finished and took several steps back from them.

The spectral drow was about to open his mouth to voice his continued concern about the plan when arcs of amethyst electricity danced across the mage's fingers. The elf's lips began to move as he spoke in an unintelligible manner, the gemstones scattered around them glowing. Both dragon and drow began to feel a tingling in their shared body as well as in their psyches, and the two looked at each other as the spell continued to increase in intensity. The charge that had grown around Alex's fingers began to spread out, striking both the gemstones and the two recipients of the spell as he held his arms up into the air.

Just as Ashimaru and Ellowyn began to feel the magic seeping into them, there was a bright flash of white light and a shockwave that pushed everyone backwards, even the incorporeal dark elf. Once the blinding light faded away and they were able to see again, Ashimaru looked down at himself to see if it worked, only to continue to be able to see through his own body. "Well it was worth a shot I suppose," Ashimaru commented as he stood up while Ellowyn did the same, though as he looked up at Alexandre he saw him struggle to get up as he groaned. "You alright over there, Alex?"

"Just got the wind knocked out of me," the mage grunted as he slowly got to his feet, Ellowyn padding over to lend a forepaw to help him up. "I must say I did not expect the feedback to be-" he stopped mid-sentence when he grabbed Ellowyn's paw with his hands and saw they no longer looked elven in nature. When he was hoisted back onto his feet he looked down at his swollen fingers, and as he tried to wiggle the stiff digits, the waxy skin flaked off and revealed shiny, purple scales underneath.

Ellowyn's eyes widened as the elf's hands continued to puff out and grow, becoming disproportionate to the rest of his body until his wrists and forearms began to follow suit. "Why is this happening?" the dragon asked in a panic as Alex grunted when the sleeves of his robe began to tighten as his arms grew to twice their size. "We don't have any of the fallen star on us, and you're not wearing anything of another creature to transform into. Could your ritual have really caused this?"

"I think it might have been my... unf... magic..." Alexandre said as he tried to grin sheepishly, his teeth poking past his lips as they grew longer and sharper as the growth moved up into his upper arms. "All mages have... a place where their magic comes from. I happen to have a lineage attached to mine... a draconic one..."

"He's a dragon mage," Ellowyn heard in his mind as he realized Ashimaru had already returned into their body as their own transformation drew very near. "I've heard of this before, sometimes when elves or humans sire children from a dragon, they are born with mystical powers that remain in their blood for generations, should have guessed Alex was one of those descendents."

The two watched in both shock and fascination as the shoes on the mage's feet exploded, the leather popping out as the toes fused together and his entire foot arched up while thick, deep purple plates covered them. Alexandre was able to shed his robe with his transforming arms before the growth destroyed it, but the changes in his legs were so accelerated his pants had already tightened to their limit before he could get his clawed fingers on the buttons. With a single flex of his thickening thighs the stretched cloth gave up the fight and ripped off of him with a loud tearing noise. Alex tried to take a few steps forward but stumbled as the bones and muscles on his feet spread out into a huge draconian configuration, Ellowyn catching him before he fell over.

"I'm so sorry, Alex," Ellowyn said as he held up the transforming creature as best he could. "This is all our fault."

"Don't say that," the transforming elf replied, grunting even louder as his joints in his thick legs shifted from a normal humanoid to a quadrupedal configuration. "This is like every magic user's dream... to become such a powerful creature is a small sacrifice... or not so small considering how huge I'm getting. I feel... like I'm in your debt..."

Despite the mage's declaration, Ellowyn still felt terrible as Alexandre let out a loud gasp from his spine stretching out, adding length to his body as well as pushing out into a heavily muscled tail. The thick patches of muscle continued to develop on his lower body and became too unwieldy for the dragon to support the elf anymore, causing him to fall to all fours. When his clawed paws hit the ground what had been his elbows snapped backwards, forming into a proper draconic forelimb as he let out another loud groan. At this point the transformation had completely changed his legs and his arms, the new limbs almost looking cartoonish on his otherwise elven frame as the scales began to crawl up his naked hips.

As Ellowyn tried to figure out what he could possibly do to reverse the transformation, he felt something he hadn't expected before, a stirring in his sheath as blood began to rush to his maleness. His eyes widened at the sudden sensation and he felt himself turn away slightly to avoid eye contact with the elf, even though it was unlikely the preoccupied mage would notice as he continued to watch the scaled backside sway from side to side with its new tail. Once he was sure his erection couldn't be seen, his mind began to race on what caused such a reaction and realized that, without even noticing, his eyes had been focused on the expanding rump of the elf and the hole framed out by the shifting flesh and growing tail above it. "Ash... is that you?"

At first there was no reply, but as another spurt of growth hit Alexandre's legs and caused him to hoist his hips up even higher, there was an unmistakeable gasp of pleasure from the drow inside Ellowyn's body. Ashimaru was just as surprised at his sudden interest, but he had taken control of their eyes specially to watch the pert cheeks of the elf's backside grow thick with muscle and become covered in scale. Even as the transformation progressed, seeing the hearty hindquarters of the growing male would have made Ashimaru lick his lips if he could. Something about seeing that hole framed perfectly by the powerful new tail and muscular haunches flipped a switch within the drow that awakened new and interesting desires.

"Looks like this time with you has rubbed off on me more than I thought," Ashimaru finally admitted as Ellowyn's attention drew further down away from the purple-scaled posterior and towards the thickening cock and growing sheath underneath. "Or maybe it's Varren and her demonic energy... Either way, if I don't get this I think I might go crazier than Kriss."

"Well..." Ellowyn bit his lip as he couldn't help but admit his counterpart was right, even half-changed the elf was proving to have an incredibly sexy lineage that looked like it would be bigger than him. "I suppose if he's alright with it... his transformation did gift him with a very glorious tool between his legs."

"Oh no, no no no," Ashimaru said suddenly with such force it took the dragon by surprise. "I'm already getting plowed by a horny werewolf in your body and a lustful incubus in mine. You said back when you raised your tail for Kriss that you owed me, so I'm going to fill this tailhole, which apparently will be the closest I'll ever get to having a female. Now look out, it's my turn."

As Alexandre felt his shoulders began to swell along with his hips as the transformation progressed, he noticed Ellowyn sway slightly before he steadied himself on all fours. Once he seemed to regain his balance and shook his head, he looked back at the mage with a growing smirk on his muzzle. "You still with us, Alex?" the dragon asked as he walked over towards him, the mage nodding slightly in reply, which shook some of his hair out of his skull. "I was wondering if you were serious about being in our debt, and if you didn't mind me cashing it in now."

"...like, right now?" the mage huffed as his abdomen began to swell out like someone had filled it with air, turning his still mostly elven upper body around to see the lustful look in the other dragon's eye. "You want that?"

"No better time," Ashimaru replied through Ellowyn's mouth, feeling the draconic spirit of his friend huff mentally in the background as he took full control. "Of course if you aren't interested you can just let me know..." Ashimaru ran his clawed forepaws along the lengths of Alexandre's outer thighs, which caused the transforming elf to shudder as his torso expanded. "It might speed along that transformation of yours, too."

Ashimaru could tell that he had gotten to the mage as he watched the elf bite his lip, which had thankfully began to harden to prevent his sharper teeth from biting clean through. "I'm not ashamed to admit this isn't the first time I've had another male bed me before," Alexandre confessed, his words slightly garbled as his tongue began to expand. "But in a field while turning to a dragon is a first. How is it even going to work?"

"Like this," Ashimaru replied as he moved behind the purple scaled dragon, his erect cock already dripping with pre as he mounted Alexandre. He was surprised when he had to stand up on his hindpaws to get close to position himself. The mage's draconic form must have be even bigger than his own, Ashimaru mused as he pushed down on those purple scaled hips to provide him a more comfortable stance.

"I... I thought everyone said you were a bottom," Alexandre said timidly as he felt his tail get raised into the air and something throb against his backside.

"Not this time," Ashimaru nearly growled as he let his tip rest against the tight opening, letting his own pre lube them both up. The dark elf could feel the draconic body he possessed tremble as his forepaws rested on Alexandre's sides, the elven flesh underneath his clawed digits thickening as he began to push in. Even with the transforming dragon's increased size, it was still tight as his tip slid inside the other gasping male. As Alexandre arched his neck up from the stimulation it began to grow thicker and longer, the changes spreading up from his arms and shoulders while his upper body began to swell in turn.

Ashimaru could feel his entire body thrum with pure pleasure as he continued to gently push and felt the soft flesh yield to his intrusion. While it was certainly not what he had imagined, his first time he claimed another the dragon's tailhole felt like heaven against him. He couldn't help but arch his neck and lift his hind leg up slightly to watch his cock disappear into the purple hole, inch after inch disappearing as both males groaned loudly. By the time his rigid length was halfway in Alexandre was panting, partially from the overload of sensations and mostly from his face as it began to expand outwards as though some invisible force had pulled him from his lips.

Then suddenly both Ashimaru and Alexandre let out a yelp of surprise as the top dragon's groin slapped against the bottom's backside, hilting him completely. It was mostly confusing for Ashimaru as he knew he still had several inches of sensitive flesh to go, but as he looked back he realized why as his tail began to shrink. "Oh no..." he said as he looked up at the sky, which had turned pitch black save for the stars overhead. "Come on!"

"What's wrong?!" Alexandre cried out as his new neck turned around just as his pointed ears flared out into finned points. "Is something happening? I knew this was too good to be true!"

"It's not you," Ashimaru growled, though his voice lost some of its intensity as he could feel his entire body begin to shrink. Despite his desire to remain in Ellowyn's draconic form, he felt his forelimbs snap back into the familiar configuration of his own arms as his wrists and fingers popped back into place. As his own changes continued, though, he noticed that this time the transformation was progressing differently; unlike the usual shift back where he would quickly return to his dark elf form, it seemed his body was going in a different direction as he continued to thrust his maleness into the dragon's hole.

As the two males continued to rut Ashimaru's eyes began to glaze over as he thrusted, lost both in pleasure and from the strange changes happening to his body. His wings folded down over his form, but instead of sinking into his back, they merged into his arms as the scales turned from bright emerald green to a glassy, obsidian black. More than once the transforming elf had to push down the purple-scaled tail of the dragon in front of him as he regained his humanoid configuration but retained his draconic features, Ellowyn and Ashimaru so deep in their pleasure they lost track of who was who. At the same time Alexandre's own form seemed to accelerate its own changes, the last of the pale flesh of the elf disappearing as a pair of wings sprouted from his back and flared out into the air.

Ashimaru's thrusts became more frantic as his clawed hands gripped Alexandre's sides, the mage roaring as his skull reshaped fully into a dragon's head at the same time as the obsidian scaled anthro wyvern behind him climaxed inside him. Despite having shrunk, the smaller male let out a loud shout, himself, as the much larger dragon's internal walls clamped down on his still impressive cock like a vice as he orgasmed as well. Once he had finished pumping the purple dragon full of his seed his senses began to return to him, though he had trouble concentrating as both Ashimaru and Ellowyn had a hard time distinguishing whose thoughts where their own. Finally once it seemed they had their mental faculties about them, it seemed their body did the same as it shifted once more until it was a dark elf that stood behind the dragon with his maleness still inside the other's tailhole.

A sharp clearing of the throat from the edge of the clearing caused both males to snap their necks towards the noise. Their eyes widened as they saw Varren and Kriss standing there, the werewolf already in his hulking state as he stared at them with drool on his lips and an erect cock. Ashimaru quickly pulled out of the dragon, which caused Alex to let out a small yelp of surprise, and felt himself begin to blush as he put on his clothes. A low growl from the werewolf and a shake of incubus' head caused him to stop as they approached.

"There's no way you're going to get out of this that easily," Varren said with a grin as he pointed to Kriss's enhanced, throbbing member. "This beast won't go back into the cage without a treat, luckily it looks like we found a more accommodating tailhole than Ellowyn's."

Ashimaru looked over at the mage's draconic form and realized now that other dragon was probably around twice the size of Ellowyn. "Yeah... but can't you just use your power to calm Kriss down until morning?" the dark elf asked. "I'm sure Alex would like some time to get used to his new body."

"You're not allowed to use that argument, stud," Varren replied with a smirk, Ashimaru once again blushing as he could feel those demonic eyes lustfully look at him. "Plus I got to watch the show as well, which means I could use a little satisfaction, myself. Why don't you get washed up in the stream over there and get ready for round two."

Though Ashimaru wanted to say otherwise, he suddenly felt compelled to move to the water and clean himself off. As he let the cool liquid wash the evidence of his latest romp off of his ebon, skin he heard Ellowyn chuckle as he appeared next to him. "Looks like you may have bit off a little more than you can chew," the ghostly dragon teased as the drow shot him a look while he washed himself. "Both of those guys look like they are about to pop right there. Varren can hardly keep a hold of his incubus powers, and Kriss is literally drooling."

"Yeah yeah, gloat all you want," Ashimaru replied as he stepped back onto the bank. Even before he got back into the clearing proper he felt his lust return, which he assumed was from the pair of glowing red eyes as the demonic drow's tail flicked behind him. Kriss had already gotten behind Alexandre's new body and the dragon's muzzle already had a blissed out look to it. Varren explained as he held out his hand to Ashimaru that the mage was having some anxiety about taking a strength-enhanced alpha werewolf, so he calmed him down with a little of his power.

The drow felt a small amount of anxiety himself, both for their new friend about to be taken twice in one night and for his own role to play. As the incubus lead Ashimaru around to the front of Alexandre he could feel Varren's hands stroke down the lithe muscles of his chest and sides, which riled him up even more as they walked. Finally when Varren stopped the other drow, they stood right in front of Alexandre's head. Back in his dark elf form the dragon's head was huge to him as the incubus sat down in the cool grass while stroking himself.

Before Ashimaru could ask what was about to happen, another wave of pleasure overwhelmed him as he looked down at the sizable erection between Varren's legs. Without even needing to ask, the drow knew what had to be done as he positioned himself to where his back was against the demon's muscular chest and his rear positioned just over the head of his cock. "You're going to enjoy this," Varren whispered in Ashimaru's pointed ear as he gripped the drow by the thighs and began to spread open his cheeks. "Just remember to relax and let him do all the work."

It took Ashimaru a few seconds to realize what the incubus meant before his eyes traveled up to the maw of the dragon in front of him and found himself swallowing hard. The drow's body trembled as his distraction allowed Varren to slip inside of him, feeling his hole stretch around the girth of the cock impaling him as his own jutted out right at Alexandre. As the muzzle approached closer Ashimaru found himself trying to back away and only succeeded in sliding down further on the male beneath him as the dragon's breath washed over him. Eventually he felt the skin of his backside pressed against Varren's groin, the entirety of the incubus cock inside him, leaving him nowhere else to go.

As the purple scaled lips grew close to his sensitive flesh, Ashimaru wondered how the dragon was able to stay so still with a horny werewolf behind him, and as he looked back he saw the massive furred beast completely still with his own member deep inside the dragon's tailhole and his eyes completely glazed over. The drow was able to twist his head back just enough to see Varren smirk at his realization, then back to see that Alexandre had his muzzle open with his thick tongue approaching him. Ashimaru's breath caught in his throat as his body was pressed entirely against the male behind him as the dragon began to slide the dexterous appendage against his groin. He couldn't help but let out a groan as the slick, hot flesh rubbed against his member and caused his entire body to shudder in pleasure, even as those pointed teeth continued to grow ever closer.

The dark elf's hands dug into the ground when his member was suddenly and completely engulfed, Ashimaru gasping loudly and pushing the thick maleness even deeper inside him. With the sudden burst of pleasure the incubus seemed to lose a bit of control over Kriss and he began to thrust once more inside the dragon. Though the strokes were still controlled, the powerful push buried Alexandre's snout down against Ashimaru's groin as the tongue continued to swirl around his cock. After a very slow start the four males started to get into a rhythm, eventually Varren and Kriss were so in tune they would roll their hips up at the same time and push Alexandre's wet maw down as Ashimaru's hips were thrusted up.

Time was lost on the four as they fed into each other's lusts, but eventually the werewolf's growls and snarls intensified as he hunched over and pounded his furry hips into the dragon below him until his massive muscles bulged from climax. Ashimaru could feel Alexandre huffing as his insides were filled, and though the orgasm caused the saliva-coated walls to clamp down on his own cock, it was remarkably tooth free as the drow came, as well. Through the blissful haze he could feel Varren continue to thrust up into him a few more times before he also finished, leaving them all exhausted but satisfied. "So... how cold is that creek water?" Varren asked as he looked down at his seed-soaked groin, causing the dark elf to chuckle despite his exhaustion.

After a few minutes and a mutual cleaning the four walked back up the now pitch dark forest back to the road, where they saw the cart and Gavios waiting for them. None of them could make eye contact with the dwarf, and when Alexandre finally emerged from the treeline Gavios did a double take before he sighed. "Do I even want to know what happened to you all down there?" Gavios asked, which everyone responded by shaking their head. "Fair enough, I take it our fair mage has become the big amethyst dragon, which now poses a logistical problem concerning our cart's weight capacity."

"Actually I was thinking about that on the way back to the road," Alexandre piped up. "Gavios, could you be so kind as to get me the blue leather bound book at the end of my shelf? I would do it myself, but as you said..."

Gavios rolled his eyes and walked back into the cart, then came out a minute later with a thick tome that the dragon mage eagerly grabbed from him. When asked if he needed a light Alexandre waved them off as he flipped through several pages in the book itself. "Amazing, I could never read this book before now without magical aid," he said as he waved everyone back. "I think that, funnily enough, this will solve all our problems. Hopefully the fact this was a different kind of magic won't affect the spell, but I guess we'll see here in a second."

Ashimaru was just about to speak up that testing more magic might not be such a good idea when a soft lilac glow began to surround the mage as his reptilian eyes rolled back into his head. As they all watched Alexandre's body began to change yet again, only this time his huge frame began to shrink back towards a more humanoid shape. Bones and muscles reformed until the former elf once again stood on two legs with two arms, only they were still covered in scales and tipped with sharp talons. When the spell completed the dragon was a humanoid version of his new form that was slightly taller than the two drow, but with a similar athletic build.

"Wow..." Ellowyn said as they watched the mage studied himself, tail swishing in the air. "How did you manage that, some sort of lost draconic spell?"

"Actually it was thanks to Kriss that I was able to do this," Alexandre replied as he walked into the cart and grabbed another robe to put on after a bit of modification. "Even though he isn't infectious the underlying magic was still there, so when he um... gave me his seed... all I did was activate it and used it to transform back. I tried to get back to an elf, but apparently even this magic has its limits, but at least I can catch a ride and sleep while Kriss pulls us. Once morning comes I'll probably have to change back, anyway, so I can pull the cart and Ellowyn can scout."

"So... what about the next night?" Varren asked. "Can you just switch between this form and your full dragon form now?"

For a few seconds Alexandre seemed to falter at his explanation and found himself grabbing his own tail as he looked at the ground. "Well I would need to recast the entire spell again," he admitted. "Which means I would have to... harvest the component once more."

There was a loud growl behind the group and they all looked back to see Kriss with a huge grin on his face and his tail wagging so fiercely behind him that it had kicked up a small cloud of dust. The rest of the group couldn't help but grin at each other, save for Gavios who just shook his head as they all loaded up on the cart. Once again Kriss grabbed the front of the cart and began to move back down the road towards the capital city.

Dragon By Day P6

A few days later Ellowyn was on the ground walking next to Alexandre as he pulled the cart, the larger, purple-scaled dragon walking slightly funny. Late that night the dark clouds that had threatened their travel all day finally opened and unleashed a...

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Dragon By Day P4

As the nights continued to pass and their travels grew faster, the initial awkwardness that had grown between them quickly passed. Ellowyn continued to service Kriss after he changed over and Calivara, who changed his name to Varren, had convinced...

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Dragon By Day P3

For twelve nights and days the group traveled in pursuit of the fallen star. When night fell and the moon rose in the air Ashimaru, Calivara, and Kriss all traveled as quickly as they could to follow the trail, and when dawn broke and the drow...

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