Dragon By Day P3

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Dragon By Day

Welcome to Dragon By Day, a high fantasy story where an elf and his dragon friend are thrown quite literally into a plot that threatens to wreck chaos across their entire world... which they might get around to if they can first solve the chaos of their own bodies. This will eventually be turned into a book once the cover art is finished, so stay tuned for that!

Commission for Xakrai

Edited by Texotic

For twelve nights and days the group traveled in pursuit of the fallen star. When night fell and the moon rose in the air Ashimaru, Calivara, and Kriss all traveled as quickly as they could to follow the trail, and when dawn broke and the drow transformed into a dragon, Ellowyn would fly high in the air to scout the surrounding area while the others slept. Though Ellowyn wished for more company he knew that the others required sleep while their shared body did not, and with his wings and the drow's affinity for the night, their arrangement made more sense this way. Plus he still joined the others in spirit, and as time wore on, he and Ashimaru's abilities grew even stronger.

It also gave Ashimaru and Calivara more time to get to know one another, Ellowyn thought with a smirk. At first the two drow were more focused on their task and travels than each other, but as time wore on the barriers between the two began to erode and they grew friendly towards one another. Calivara in particular was quite forward in her flirtatious efforts, and while Ashimaru was still too shy to act on it, Ellowyn knew that he had started to feel similar things. It was for the best, the dragon mused, especially since more than once they had ended their travels later and Kriss stayed up to use the dragon's tailhole to satisfy his growing lusts. To his surprise Ashimaru rarely put up any resistance to the idea anymore, and though he cited the need to keep their new werewolf in control, Ellowyn began to wonder...

The emerald-scaled dragon quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he realized the light of day was beginning to fade away as the sun disappeared behind the treeline. While they weren't exactly sure what would happen if their body was caught in the middle of the air when they changed, neither wanted to find out as Ellowyn glided back down towards the campsite they had made. As he landed he could hear the other two starting to stir from their slumber, hearing the rustling in their tents as the dragon felt his body starting to shift.

By the time Calivara and Kriss got out a naked drow stood near their campfire while he put on the clothes he had set aside at dawn to prevent him from losing yet another set. Next to him the translucent form of the dragon that had just been flesh and blood a few minutes ago stood, nodding to them as they walked up. "It's still bizarre that we can see you now, Ellowyn," Calivara stated. "So did you see the cart with the fallen star yet on your scouting?"

"Not yet," Ellowyn reported. "I did see a structure worth investigating though, it has the same feel of magical energy that the star has. Perhaps he is holed up there waiting for the night like we were?"

"If that's true we'd better get moving," Calivara instructed before she and Kriss quickly broke down the campsite and packed everything. It wasn't long before they were on the road again, Ellowyn guiding them towards the building he had found. They ended up leaving the beaten path quite a distance before they arrived at their destination, which remained as dark and still as the night air.

"It looks like a church," Ashimaru commented as they hid in the bushes of the treeline.

"Not quite," Calivara corrected. "It's a demon hunter's temple. Most of them were constructed during the purges nearly a century ago and many still have quite a devout following. This one appears to be well-maintained despite the lack of any signs of life."

Kriss started to learn forward, his nose taking in deep huffs of air as his face grew concern. "There's the smell of blood on the wind," he informed them ominously. "Blood and... something else, sulfur maybe. Whatever it is, I think something bad went down here."

They all slowly readied their weapons and made their approach towards the temple, carefully surveying their surroundings as they moved forwards. None of them needed a torch, their werewolf and drow eyes excelled at taking advantage of the dark in order to stealthily make their approach. They knew their opponent had a similar advantage, as well, so they kept as low to the ground and behind as much cover as they could before they made it to a side entrance of the building. The continued silence of the area gave the impression their approach was not witnessed, and Calivara nodded to the two others before she carefully opened the door and slid inside.

When Ashimaru was next he was almost knocked back by the sudden and overwhelming odor of blood that permeated the air. He was frozen in place by the horrific scene that was laid out before him, frozen in place until the solid wall of muscle and fur bumped up behind him and pushed him further inside the room. "By all that is holy..." Kriss gasped in shock as he witnessed the carnage for himself.

"Nothing holy here, Kriss," Calivara said as she slowly stepped over the bodies that were littered about the floor. "Blood looks somewhat old, whatever party happened here was not recent." When she got further up to the pedestal situation near the front of the room she pushed one of the bodies over and exposed the twisted, half-transformed visage of a human that no doubt had been one of the demon hunters. "Looks like whatever caused this started up here and began to change those closest to the font, then as it began to spread outwards, they all turned on each other."

"I can't believe that the star's power would do something like this," Ashimaru said as he followed the path the other drow took, looking over to his left to see his ghostly draconic companion looking away from it all. He knew his friend was squeamish about such things and felt the churning panic that was starting to well up from the other creature. There was a loud squish as Kriss walked in without any bother to what was under his footpaws, which caused a shudder to run up his spine before he looked back towards the font. "What are you doing, Calivara!?"

The drowess had on a heavy leather glove inscribed with runes on and had dipped her hand below the surface of the water. "I think I see a shard of the star in the water," she explained as she reached down to the bottom of the font. "I do believe that this font is infused with demonic energy, from what I've read about them, they believed the waters would give them the power to not only see, but also do harm against their enemies. No doubt our enemy spiked the water with a shard of the star in order to turn them against the very things they hated, but whether it was their zeal against their own turning into their hated foes or simply insanity caused by the transformation, they tore each other apart."

"Perhaps we should just leave it in there," Kriss chimed in as he walked up next to Ashimaru and watched. "I wasn't even close to the shard when Ashimaru picked it up and it changed me into... this."

"Relax," Calivara reassured as she carefully scooped the piece of glowing white crystal into her gloved hand. "This rune glove was specially made to handle objects that are either dangerous or have effects if you touch it. As long as I got this on and I don't let any of the tainted water touch me, I should be good to go."

The other three watched as she very slowly pulled up the star shard from the surface of the water, then took a step back as it started to glow even brighter. In the next second she took the still dry edge of the enchanted leather and pulled it inside out while still clutching the crystal. Soon the glow disappeared entirely as she took her hand completely out of the glove and clutched the edges tight together before she took a thin strap of leather and tied the makeshift bag shut. Once she was finished she put in her shoulder satchel while smirking at the others.

"Well... of course you would be prepared," Ashimaru tried to retort as she carefully walked towards them before continuing out the door.

"C'mon, I think I saw enough stuff outside to help burn this place to the ground," Calivara said once she had gotten to the door. "Even though the source has removed I wouldn't want some wayward traveler to stumble upon this place and turn into some scourge because we decided to leave this place standing. Then, once this place turns into a funeral pyre, we're going to want to find a river as close by as possible..."

A few hours later the two drow and a werewolf had found the river Calivara wanted, the dark elves stripping their potentially contaminated clothes to wash later while Kriss splashed around downriver of them. Ashimaru had suggested that he and Kriss could go around the bend to give her some privacy, but she quickly shrugged them off before she proceeded to strip down. Part of him wished he couldn't see well in the dark as he ducked low in the water and splashed some of the cool water on his face to try and calm himself. Even though it helped to calm his burning embarrassment of the situation, he couldn't help but continue to peek over his shoulder at her as she stood waist deep in the water.

"You should go over there," Ellowyn said suddenly, which caused Ashimaru to yelp and fall into the water when he turned back to stare straight at the grinning muzzle of the ethereal dragon. "I think she wants you to go and help her scrub up, you know, get her clean and such."

"You don't even like girls," Ashimaru scowled as he shook the water from his naked form.

"I know when they like me," Ellowyn shot back as Ashimaru felt his body start to turn towards the other drow against his will. "Do you want me to guide you through it? I could take over for a bit and get you through the first part."

"Are you kidding me?!" Ashimaru shouted before both dragon and drow turned back to see Calivara looking at them quizzically, both of them waved to her before turning back to their whispered discussion. "I'm not going to let you possess my body just so I can try and bed her!"

"Well I think she's the kind that would take you right in this river," Ellowyn grinned sheepishly, which only caused a scowl to form on the face of the elf. "Look, you're my best friend and you've been through quite a bit with me and Kriss, so let me just do this for you. Plus every time I watch you shrug her off, I get blue balls by proxy. Just let me get in there so I can take one for the team for you, alright?"

There was a moment of pause from the drow as it appeared he tried to form another reason why this shouldn't happen, but his brain was focused on something else and it prevented him from doing anything, then letting out a huff. Eventually the two agreed on what they were about to do and Ashimaru let out a sigh before his elven form laid down on the shallow bank of the river. The cool water continued to wash over the drow as his eyes fluttered closed and the ghostly dragon disappeared from sight. When his eyes opened again a confident smile drifted onto his face as Ashimaru stood up, though it was no longer Ashimaru in the driver's seat as he waded over to where Calivara was.

"If you had come over to help me wash my back, I'm afraid you're too late," the female drow said with a chuckle as she rang her snow-white hair out.

"Actually, I was wondering about something else," Ellowyn said, trying to get as used to being in full control of the dark elf body as quickly as possible. "I was wondering if you wanted to take a small stroll a little further up the bank, even if just to avoid the smell of wet dog."

Both Ellowyn and Calivara looked back to see Kriss trying to catch fish in the river, splashing around the water and completely oblivious to everything around him. The two drow looked at each other and nodded off towards the shore behind a small rocky outcropping. There the stones were large and flat enough to suit their purpose just fine as they swam in the deeper water to get around to the other side. "I'd say that we'd have to remain quiet, but with a werewolf's hearing we'd have to be about a day's journey probably," Calivara explained, which caused Ellowyn's eyes to widen slightly and the female drow to smirk. "You just asked to go for a walk while completely naked and away from our other companion, I can take a guess on what you wanted to do."

"Was I that obvious?" Ellowyn asked.

"Well I have been sending you some rather strong signals that I wouldn't mind such a thing, myself," she replied coyly as she swam around him and grabbed his hand. "Plus I have a thing for being able to read people. For instance I happen to know who I'm dealing with... Ellowyn."

The shimmering visage of Ashimaru appeared next to the surprised Ellowyn, the ethereal elf looked exactly like its fleshy counterpart as he stared at the smirking female in surprise. "How on earth did you know that Ellowyn was in control of my form?" Ashimaru asked.

"I've traveled with both of you for quite some time now," Calivara explained as she brought Ellowyn in close to her body. "Plus I know what Ellowyn sounds like when he wants to mate, and even though I know he prefers the strong, beastly type... I could tell he was trying to do the same for me. I was going to call you out on it, but if that's what it took to get Ashimaru out of his shell, I was willing to play along. Speaking of such things, though, I think it's time to get him back in control. Though I do have something for you, Ellowyn, for all your help in the matter."

Ellowyn looked at the other drow in curiosity before she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss on the lips. As both parties did they felt an electric tingle shoot through their bodies, which made Calivara jump back slightly and giggled despite herself. "So that's what it's like to kiss a dragon," she mused as she tapped Ellowyn on the nose. "But if you don't mind, I would like Ashimaru back and a little privacy..."

Meanwhile Kriss stuck his head up out of the water with a fish flapping around in his jaws, a pleased smirk on his muzzle. As he looked he realized that he was alone, though their clothes and gear were still where they had left it on the banks. His smirk grew even larger when he realized what they were likely off doing, but it started to turn to surprise and confusion when he saw something glowing in Calivara's bag. Cautiously he got to shore and moved up to the lit satchel, huffing at the air for any sort of scent as he approached, but before he could open it, the black leather suddenly erupted with a bright shower of sparks that swirled in the air. The werewolf's ears drooped as the burst open arcane glove hit the ground in front of him before he frantically began to look for the other two.

When Ashimaru opened his eyes again he found himself wrapped in Calivara's arms, their naked ebon flesh pressed together as the water of the river ran past them. He couldn't feel the presence of the dragon inside, though that was expected since they learned how to disconnect themselves temporarily from one another. It would only be for a few minutes, but as Calivara leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, Ashimaru couldn't care less if the dragon walked in on him or not. He couldn't believe what was happening, after enduring all the times between Ellowyn and Kriss, he was finally going to have his chance with a stunningly beautiful, female dark elf.

When they broke their embrace Calivara turned to swim back towards the shoreline, but as she did, she swooned slightly that caused Ashimaru to catch her once again. "You alright?" he asked, glad that she was turned around so he couldn't see him blush when he felt her backside press against him underneath the water.

"I'm fine," Calivara waved off. "I daresay your kiss is as good as your friend's, it's making me tingle all over. If this just a preview of what's to come, I can't wait to get to the main event."

Ashimaru let the other drow go once again and the two plodded their way up the riverbank and out of the water. Once they were waist deep he stopped suddenly in his tracks, his actions so abrupt that the female dark elf turned to him and asked if something was wrong. While he couldn't quite put his finger on it something felt... off about the way Calivara looked. Normally he would just consider it a trick of the moonlight, but his new eyes could see every detail of the drow's form as the water glistened on it. Finally he realized what it was after staring for a bit, and without thinking, blurted out that her breasts seemed smaller than usual.

The look of anger on Calivara's face caused Ashimaru to take a step backwards in fear, but it was quickly replaced with confusion as her hands went up to the mounds of flesh on her chest and gave them a squeeze. "What in all the hells," she muttered as she continued to move them around, which once more caused the male elf to blush slightly as he watched. "This... this isn't right. I mean I know I wasn't terribly big, but they were decently sized... now I don't even need anything to support them. At this rate I could pass for a guy."

A guy... the thought shot through Ashimaru's brain like a lance as Calivara continued to look at herself. It wasn't just her chest that seemed off, he realized, but all her proportions seemed off as well. Her hips had slimmed down and her flat stomach had grown wider and more taut, and though the rest of her was still underwater, he could only imagine the bottom half of her body had underwent a similar shift. Ashimaru tried to shake off the possibility that ran through his mind, but even as he approached her he could see that she had lost even more on her chest to the point there was very little left. There was one thing that would prove or disprove his theory, though, and when he reached down under the water and placed a hand against her groin, the female drow froze in pure shock.

"Oh c'mon..." Ashimaru muttered in disbelief as his fingers wrapped around the shaft of a very male cock between Calivara's legs. The length surged from the sudden stimulation before Calivara stumbled backwards and fell into the water completely. He quickly dived forward after her and was thankful that they had moved as close to the shore as they did as he pulled her up from the shallow water, though what broke through the surface no longer looked like a female drow. As Calivara sputtered and moved her wet hair out of her eyes, she saw the look of awe in Ashimaru's face, then looked down into the reflection of the water.

What stared back at her was a face that had lost a lot of its femininity, stopping just on the other side of masculine. Her body was much the same, with the water now cascading around her ankles, they could both see how much her lithe form had changed. Though she might pass for female if she was wearing clothes, Calivara's naked body now looked much like Ashimaru's, complete with a set of male genitals that dangled there as the shocked dark elf continued to examine herself. "What happened to me?" Calivara asked in shock as she finally stood up and looked back at Ashimaru.

"I... I don't know," Ashimaru replied, his gaze still fixated on the new endowments of the other drow. "Maybe some sort of residual energy from the shard of the fallen star before you were able to contain it in the glove? I'm not sure why it would turn you male, though, but in any case I suppose we should get you back to our stuff and figure it out."

Ashimaru was surprised when he was suddenly pushed backwards, splashing loudly as Calivara looked at him, a glint in her eyes as she grinned down at him. "Not quite yet, stud," the former female said as she let him scoot backwards onto the shore before she got on all fours and spread his legs. "I'm not going to let you go that easily, and just because I've got something different down there doesn't make me want you any less. If it bothers you I'll stop, otherwise you can close your eyes and imagine the former me between your legs, cause this male drow wants to make you groan."

At first Ashimaru was about to push her away and tell her... or him, as it appeared since Calivara had taken her shift in gender in stride, that they should really focus on the quest at hand. As he looked into his eyes, though, there was a seductive charm there he couldn't quite shake and he felt his own arousal begin to rise again despite the situation. In the back of his mind a little voice said they were about to have sex anyway just a minute ago, and Calivara was still essentially the same, which seemed to settle his nerves as he leaned back onto the rock. That seemed to be all the invitation the recently changed drow needed as Calivara leaned forward and began to lick along his inner thigh downward.

"It looks like someone hasn't lost their enthusiasm over all this," Calivara teased as his finger along the erect length. "Part of me is wondering if you really knew what you wanted before this time, or perhaps Ellowyn is rubbing off on you. Either way, it's good news for me."

Ashimaru was about to reply when the other drow leaned down and licked his tongue along the entire shaft from root to tip, which caused his entire body to shudder as he laid there. Part of him wanted to lay back and close his eyes, taking Calivara's advice to imagine her as a female, but something caused him to prop himself up on his arms to look down and watch. All he could do was lay there and groan occasionally as his partner continued to use their tongue all over him, but with each lick the drow was able to see something that caused a spark of curiosity over the haze of lust. Each time the slick appendage seemed slightly longer, drawing out slightly more pleasure than before, which caused some concern.

His discomfort seemed to get picked up by Calivara as he looked up at him. "Something wrong?" he asked, staring at him. "This isn't getting too weird for you, is it?"

At first Ashimaru was about to say something, but looking into his eyes he felt any type of concern over it melt away and he waved his hand in dismissal. This caused the grin to return to Calivara's face before he pressed his lips against the head of Ashimaru's cock and began to slide down on it, the pleasured male arching his back from the sudden stimulation. He could feel his entire body shaking slightly from the blissful sensations as the first spike passed, and as he settled down a bit, his gaze returned to his groin where his eyes immediately widened. While Calivara's mouth had completely engulfed the head of Ashimaru's member, his tongue and slid out to cover the shaft, which had completely coiled around it with unnatural flexibility and length.

Once again; however, as soon as Ashimaru felt the need to say something, he was overwhelmed with need the second Calivara looked up at him. In the back of his mind his voice of reason screamed something was wrong but it grew increasingly ignored, even when Calivara's body continued to change right in front of him. His hair grew longer and gained electric blue streaks before something poked out from the lengthening strands. A pair of deep, black horns swept back from the other drow's skull as his head slurped up and down, keeping Ashimaru in a state of constant, writhing pleasure. When Calivara buried Ashimaru's cock entirely in his mouth up to the root, the transforming male's spine extended outwards, forming into a ropy tail that writhed about in the air as it thickened with muscle.

Despite the changes Ashimaru continued to remain enthralled in the lustful pleasure he was being given, in fact the male drow seemed to grow even more beautiful in his eyes as Calivara's pace increased. There was an erotic charge to the transformation as a pair of hands tipped with sharper, black fingernails dragged firmly but gently along his chest which sent tingles throughout Ashimaru's entire body. It wasn't long before Ashimaru's hips thrusted upwards and he came hard, his own hands grabbing the freshly-minted horns as he climaxed deep in the changed drow's mouth. When he was finally finished he fell back against the rock, the river still tickling against his overstimulated body as Calivara gave one last suckle before he pulled off and gave him a fanged grin.

As Ashimaru opened his mouth to try and speak, a shadow and a wall of fur suddenly flew over him and in the next second Calivara disappeared into the river. There was a loud snarling as Kriss grabbed the pinned drow he had just pounced and pushed him under the water. "Run Ash!" the werewolf shouted as one of the big paws waved at him before returning under the surface. "I'll hold him here, you find Calivara and get out!"

"That is Calivara!" Ashimaru shouted finally, the werewolf pausing as his fearsome face dropped slightly.

There was a few moments of pause as the information Ashimaru just gave in sank into Kriss's furred skull. "Are you sure about that?" Kriss finally replied. "I know an incubus demon when I see one, this thing could have charmed you into thinking that it was her, since she is a female drow and this is a male demon."

"I watched her change myself," Ashimaru stated as he sat up. "One second we were talking together in the river before things started to get a bit serious, then as we started getting into it she just... transformed." The drow glanced at the area of the water where bubbles had been coming up and jerked forward slightly when he saw they were no longer there. "Kriss, the bubbles!"

The werewolf looked down and saw the same thing before he pulled up his prey above the surface. Calivara gasped and sputtered as he struggled to fill his lungs, taking short breaths until he finally managed to calm himself down. "Sorry about that, you alright?" Kriss asked, which the still panting drow managed to nod. "Good, now deep breath."

Calivara was just able to fill his lungs again before Kriss dunked him under the water yet again, then turned to the stunned Ashimaru. "She could be possessed by a demon," he reasoned. "Did you feel her, er... him slowly siphoning your soul out of you while you were together?"

"No..." Ashimaru replied as he thought back to when they were in the act, but instead of feeling drained, he felt more charged than anything. "I think it has to do with the crystal of the fallen star we picked up. I think it was saturated with the demonic energy of the basin it was submerged in, like you with your cloak."

"Oh yeah..." Kriss mentioned as he tilted his head. "I forgot the reason I was looking for you two in the first place, the shard exploded out of Calivara's bag and disintegrated. You're probably right then, what happened to me is what probably happened to him."

"Then why in all the hells are you still holding him underwater?!" Ashimaru screamed as the stream of air bubbles began to taper off once again.

At that time, unbeknownst to the others a white light began to coalesce on the nearby outcropping, Ellowyn returning from his sojourn away from Ashimaru to give him some privacy. "Hey guys, I hope I'm not..." his words trailed off when he saw a naked Ashimaru and Kriss staring up at him just as the werewolf pulled up a demonic male drow from the river, "interrupting... anything..."

Once Ellowyn was filled in on the situation and Calivara was helped onto a nearby rock to recover, Kriss showed them the bag that had been ripped to shreds by the fallen star. The former female grabbed it from his paws and dug around inside the hole until he pulled out the tattered remains of the glove she had used, its magical wards long since spent. A somber mood fell over them as they realized the power that their enemy had, one that even the strongest wards couldn't seem to contain a small part of.

"We need to get going and continue to try and catch up with our target," Calivara explained resolutely, the others staring at him as he shrugged. "What, do you think I'm going to let a little thing like this stop me? I can still wear my clothes, though they'll be a bit ill-fitting until I have a chance to do some field alterations when we stop for the night."

"Are you sure?" Ashimaru asked. "You didn't receive some wound or break a bone, you were completely changed into a demon. A male demon. If you want to take a day to try and at least acclimate to your new form we would understand, I know with Ellowyn and I it was rough going for a while."

"Yeah, but did you guys stop?" Calivara retorted, Ashimaru and Ellowyn looked at each other before they shook their heads no. "Exactly, plus this form isn't so bad, though there are a lot of new instincts I appear to need to get used to. Plus, I'm sure Kriss didn't slow you guys down when he changed, right?" When she looked over her face turned to concern, as did the faces of the other two as they saw the pained look on his face. "Kriss?"

"Sorry..." Kriss groaned as he put one of his massive hands against his sheath while he bit his lip. "I was watching you two for a bit before I thought you were a demon, and I thought the rage may have purged it from my system... but you two were so hot, and it got me very riled up. Now it's coming back with a vengeance, and if I let it slip from my sheath, I know I'm going to have to put it in something."

"It's still hours until sunrise, though," Ashimaru stated as he looked up in the sky at the moon overhead. "Ellowyn and I haven't figured out how to physically change when the other is out, either, and since it's my time I can't leave like he did. Do you think you could maybe take care of it yourself until we get to sunrise?"

Kriss grunted and appeared to try to compose himself, but to their surprise it was Calivara who spoke up. "There's no way he can travel efficiently with that much lust built up into him," he explained. "I can... I can sense it now, those instincts that threaten to overwhelm him if he doesn't release. That and he's an alpha werewolf; it's not just about the sex, but the need to dominate, as well. You're going to have to take one for the team Ashimaru."

"Me!?" Ashimaru exclaimed. "Why me!? Why not you!?"

"Because he needs someone submissive," Calivara explained. "I was pretty dominant before I became an incubus, so I can only imagine that has not subsided any."

"But I'm not a dragon, either!" the drow nearly shouted. "There's no way I can take all of him!"

"Like I said, it's about the dominance," Calivara repeated. "Just do to him what I did to you and we should be good to get going again." Ashimaru was about to protest again but the red, slit-pupiled eyes of the demonic drow glowed slightly. "We're burning night here."

Almost immediately Ashimaru and Ellowyn felt a wave of lust wash over them, no doubt from the new incubus flexing his powers, and the misty dragon disappeared before his presence could be felt in the drow's body once more. He felt his cock throb and grow erect once more despite its recent release, and his eyes became fixated on the furry sheath that Kriss continued to paw at. Mentally Ellowyn asked if he wanted to at least take over the control of their shared body, but Ashimaru declined. Whatever Calivara had done to them had removed any inhibitions and reservations of the act, which combined with what he had already experienced through Ellowyn made Ashimaru want for more of that pleasure, no matter what the source. Though the drow couldn't tell for certain, he swore he could feel the dragon grinning as Ashimaru walked up to the werewolf and laid his own hands on his groin.

Kriss let out a growl of pleasure as the tip of his cock poked its way out of his sheath, something Ashimaru had only seen through Ellowyn's eyes now throbbed between his. Despite his need to get off, the drow was still a little unsure of what to do and fumbled around slightly until he felt his hands lift of their own accord to wrap around the shaft. Though the dragon didn't take direct control, Ashimaru could feel his guiding paws as his palms pressed against the thick, throbbing flesh. As he felt his confidence began to waver slightly he turned back towards Calivara, and as he looked into those glowing eyes once more, it returned ten-fold.

Despite his enthusiasm as Ashimaru pushed the head of the werewolf's cock into his mouth, he found there was room for little else, though as he felt the furry body shudder above him he realized it was enough. With the aid of Ellowyn, his tongue swirled around the tip as his hands gripped the shaft of the thick length and began to stroke it. Kriss began to pant as his own clawed digits gripped against the back of the drow's head in order to spur him on further. Just as Ashimaru was about to pull back, he felt a presence behind him and managed to glance back far enough to see the demonic male slide up behind him.

"Mind if I join you, boys?" Calivara asked, both drow and werewolf's eyes widening slightly before they stared into his slitted pupils and grew glassy before they nodded. "I think I could get used to a power like this, course it helps when you guys are already peaked with lust. Now if you two don't mind, I'd like to return the favor by using this wonderful new tool in you."

Even with the thick fog of pleasure that slowed Ashimaru's thoughts to a crawl he knew what the incubus wanted, especially when he felt a finger prod between his prominently displayed cheeks. At this point neither he nor Ellowyn cared, especially if it meant more wonderful stimulation for them as they worked their mouth up and down the throbbing shaft. His fingers moved down to the furry flanks of the werewolf's thighs as he felt the ring of muscle behind him get teased and massaged open. He began to feel his body, already flushed with arousal, began to tingle as he tried to focus on the maleness in his mouth.

Ashimaru let out a muffled groan as he felt the teasing cease, quickly replaced with the presence of something much bigger that began to spread him open. His mouth pushed down even further on the werewolf's shaft in response, and he was surprised himself able to take in a few more inches than before. As he slid back off he realized that it took longer for him to do so, and finally his brain managed to register that his face had significantly elongated. Before he could bring a hand up to touch the extended flesh, a rough push from the back of his head slid him back down and strengthened the haze of lust in his mind.

Suddenly a muffled groan escaped from Ashimaru's lips as something significantly thicker replaced the fingers that had been teasing him from behind. It was the first time the drow had been penetrated, both in physical form and in psyche, as he felt the head continue to slide slowly inside of him. If it wasn't for the mouthful of cock stifling him he would have shouted as the incubus drow impaled him, hearing him gasp behind him as he did. Even with the preparations given to him, including a strange sensation of being lubed, it still burned as he was spread open for the first time. But whether by the power of the incubus or the previous sessions in their draconic form, the momentary sensations of pain were quickly replaced with pleasure as Calivara continued to slide every inch of his cock inside him.

With the drow filled from both ends, the endless buzz of pleasure from both sides of his body masked the continued transformation he was experiencing. Scales of deep, dark green began to appear on Ashimaru's body as the proto-muzzle of his mouth grew out until his entire face had a draconic visage to it, including a longer tongue that slid out past his scaled lips and caused the werewolf to growl deeply. The lithe frame of the drow grew more athletic and bigger as claw-tipped fingers and toes dug into the stone beneath him. Even when he became aware of his spine extending into a tail and the skin of his arms drooping down to form a wing membrane, the only thing both Ashimaru and Ellowyn cared about were the two thick cocks buried deep in their flexible throat and tailhole.

As Calivara began to thrust harder into the male in front of him, he did notice that the skin underneath his fingers had hardened considerably and looked down to see the rear he was thrusting into had ballooned with muscle and scale. "Kriss!" he shouted as he continued his rhythm, which drew a snarl from the werewolf until he opened his eyes and stared into the glowing red orbs of the demon. "I think it's time we drew our fun to a close. Finish it up, now."

A few thrusts later Ashimaru had wrapped his arms around the powerful legs of the werewolf as the other male exploded down his throat, forcing the canine seed down his gullet as he felt a similar sensation inside his slick, anal walls. The reaction of two males climaxing inside him was enough to make him have one, himself; his ridged, mutated cock spurting its own seed on the ground as the bodies of all three males shuddered intensely. A loud howl pierced the night air as their orgasms subsided, the tired trio slowly dislodging themselves from the strange creature between them. As the excess seed was washed away by the waters of the river Ashimaru was unsteadily helped to his feet, which were now thicker with three toes just like his hands.

"Um... you alright there?" Kriss finally asked as the wyvern-like creature stood woozily and stretched out his wing arms to brace himself against the other two. "Are we speaking to Ash or Wyn?"

"Ash...or...wyn?" the creature managed to reply as he tried to shake his head. Even as they stood there, though, the scales had begun to recede back to ebon skin and the draconic features melted away to elf. Kriss and Calivara watched in awe as they soon held a wet, confused dark elf who once again shook his head before looking up at the concerned werewolf. "Kriss?"

"Yeah?" Kriss replied. "That you, Ashimaru?"

"Yeah, it's me," Ashimaru replied as his stance grew more confident and the other two let go of him. "What happened? Last thing I remember is that Calivara came in to take me from behind and... hey!" He pointed at the incubus, who just pointed at himself. "I was just supposed to give Kriss his release, and you took me!"

"Sorry..." Calivara replied sheepishly. "I saw you two going at it and, I don't know, I couldn't help myself. There was such a rush of energy coming from you guys, I was drawn like a moth to a flame, no doubt due to my new physiology, like Kriss and his werewolf instincts."

Ashimaru just nodded and tried to ignore the soreness in his backside as Ellowyn appeared once more in his spiritual form, the drow suddenly feeling his presence for the first time since they had started to transform. "That's something that I've been pondering, actually," he confessed as the others looked at him. "We all saw the carnage at the demon hunter temple, which is no doubt where Calivara got her transformation from, but when he went from female drow to male incubus, it wasn't like any of the changes we saw from the other bodies. It's the same for Kriss, we can all agree he doesn't act like a typical alpha werewolf, and hasn't since the beginning."

"That's a good question," Calivara spoke up. "But I don't think it's one we're going to solve while we stand naked in a river. Why don't we get our things and press on while we still have night to travel under, and I'm going to have to think of a new name to go by, because Calivara is simply not going to work for this form anymore."

The others nodded their heads in agreement and slowly made their way back up the river, Ashimaru falling behind slightly as Ellowyn float-walked next to him. For a while the two said nothing, their walking turning to a swim as they followed the other two back to the shore that contained their stuff. "Don't suppose you want to talk about what just happened," Ellowyn asked.

"Nope," Ashimaru replied simply.

"You know it's nothing to be ashamed of," Ellowyn tried to reassure, though a sharp glance from the drow caused him to swallow hard. "I mean, Kriss doesn't mind, and he was just as straight as you. If you enjoyed it-"

"Ellowyn, please stop," Ashimaru pleaded as he stopped and waded in place. "The problem isn't the fact that yes, I did enjoy that, but rather that I know I wouldn't have before all this started. I thought that maybe it was just pleasure for pleasure's sake or possibly that I might have become interested in both sexes, but after Calivara turned into a male I found myself... more aroused by his presence. Maybe it's because he became a pleasure demon, as well, but it's given me more to think about than what would be possible in a single night, so if you could remain quiet about it until dawn, maybe we can discuss when you take over."

Ellown opened his mouth as though to say more, but quickly closed it and the two continued on in silence until they met up with the others. Once they had dried off and geared up once more, Calivara frowning as his feminine clothes hung on him strangely, and set back off down the road. Through the course of the night they talked little, letting their escapade by the river hang over them. When dawn finally came they were all more than willing to bed down for the day while Ellowyn took the skies after their transformation from drow to dragon, though Ashimaru continued to remain silent as they they flew.

Dragon By Day P4

As the nights continued to pass and their travels grew faster, the initial awkwardness that had grown between them quickly passed. Ellowyn continued to service Kriss after he changed over and Calivara, who changed his name to Varren, had convinced...

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Dragon By Day P2

Once they had left the gate of the village, Ashimaru hiding his face in his cloak as Kriss explained to the gate guard why there were leaving, he and Ellowyn had a quiet mental conversation on what they were going to do with their unexpected tagalong....

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Dragon By Day P1

The sun was just starting to set over the mountain range surrounded by forest, the rich orange light reflecting off the stony walls of the cliffside. It illuminated two creatures that walked along the trail that led up it; an elf in front with a...

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