Dragon By Day P2

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon By Day

Welcome to Dragon By Day, a high fantasy story where an elf and his dragon friend are thrown quite literally into a plot that threatens to wreck chaos across their entire world... which they might get around to if they can first solve the chaos of their own bodies. This will eventually be turned into a book once the cover art is finished, so stay tuned for that!

Commission for Xakrai

Edited by Texotic

Once they had left the gate of the village, Ashimaru hiding his face in his cloak as Kriss explained to the gate guard why there were leaving, he and Ellowyn had a quiet mental conversation on what they were going to do with their unexpected tagalong. There would be no elf that they were meeting up with, since that elf stood next to Kriss at that moment. Right now their primary hope was that, once they found the impact site of the fallen star, they could try and undo whatever magic it had, or at least provide some sort of proof that they were who they said they were. Unfortunately they had to stop once they reached the edge of the impact zone, the devastation from the impact becoming clear as they climbed over snapped trees.

"By the gods, how could the seers miss something of this magnitude?" Kriss muttered to himself as wooden chips and splinters crunched under their feet, his gaze then glancing over to Ashimaru. "I don't suppose you have anything like that, drow? Someone to help guide your tribe, or clan... or whatever you all call yourselves?"

"Oh yeah, totally," Ashimaru replied nervously. In truth he had no idea what dark elves had for clan structure, if they even had such a thing at all. He could tell though that the other elf was still curious, so he decided to shift that curiosity towards another direction. "I heard that there is a group of dragons around here too, I wonder if they may have had any idea."

Kriss just shrugged, but the question was meant for Ellowyn as Ashimaru felt him try to recall. "No, there was nothing that our clan foresaw as out of the ordinary," the dragon spirit admitted. "Of course we're more creatures in the now than the future, you know, long life spans and such."

The comment made Ashimaru wonder what would happen to them if this idea to get the fallen star didn't work. Would they share a body forever, and would he continue to remain a dark elf, or would draconic features begin to sprout up? His mind recalled the scene of his transformation just before he passed out after the impact and his body shuddered. When he brought it up to Ellowyn, he stated that he was so disoriented he didn't even know where he was until Ashimaru woke up.

The hours passed and the traveling was slow, even with Ashimaru's enhanced sight, the devastation of the region made it hard for them to travel. Eventually the storm finally passed through and the moon glowed once more, though with its position they realized that it was almost dawn already. Ashimaru's stomach growled loudly but he wanted to continue pressing on, especially when Kriss began to ask at what point they were going to meet up with the Ashimaru that didn't actually exist. The real Ashimaru continued to try and stall; he knew that the elf was getting nervous, though whether it was out of concern for his friend or a growing mistrust of the drow that traveled with him, Ashimaru couldn't guess.

Luckily for Ashimaru, before anything could blossom from the tension, they reached the edge of the crater where the star had fallen and both their jaws dropped. The ground had been thrown up as far as his new night vision could see, though the furrow in the earth was surprisingly shallow. When they crawled over the edge of the lip, they only dropped a foot below the usual level of the ground as their boots thudded on the hardened ground beneath it. "In all my life I have never seen anything like this," Kriss said in awe as his gaze scanned the area in the dim moonlight.

Ashimaru looked around as well, though his search was for something he quickly realized was not there. "It's not here..." he said as he walked hurriedly forward on the scorched dirt towards the epicenter of the event. When he got to the middle there was no star, no stone, nothing that was an indicator of what would cause such widespread destruction. As he began to wonder if the object vaporized on impact, he saw something that caused him to pause; a set of cart tracks had been pushed into the clay of the crater, the vehicle carrying something heavy enough for the wheels to break through the fused crust of the dirt.

"You can feel the saturation of magic in this area," Kriss stated as Ashimaru knelt down to investigate the tracks, only to feel something cold and sharp press into the back of his neck. "I've taken you far enough drow, now tell me where Ashimaru is, or else we'll see if this hardened earth will be able to soak up your blood."

"Please..." Ashimaru pleaded as he started to raise his hands in his air, only to see a glint near his shoe. "What I'm about to tell you is going to sound absolutely crazy, but it's one-hundred percent true." The dark elf slowly pushed his hands down onto the ground to help him stand up, and as he did he palmed the object near him.

"Hands in the air!" Kriss demanded as Ashimaru slowly turned around. "Anything funny and I'll run you through, now tell me where Ashimaru is!"

There was a moment of pause as Ashimaru thought carefully about what he was going to say, the dragon possessing him silent as he faced his potential attacker. "I was on the mountain ridge a few miles behind you watching the meteor shower with Ellowyn when I saw the star fall," he started to explain, the anger on Kriss's face replaced with a mixture of shock and disbelief when he realized what he was insinuating. "When it crashed, something happened... Ellowyn lost his body and is possessing me, and I somehow became what you see here. I was hoping we would find the star and I could somehow reverse whatever magic changed me, but it's gone... and what's worse is it looks like someone was here to take it."

"That's... that's impossible," Kriss replied, the tip of his blade shaking slightly. "I think you should have stuck with the lovers story, that at least is somewhat plausible."

"Kriss, I'm telling you, this star has magic we can't possibly fathom!" Ashimaru shouted as he held out his hand, a shard of pure white stone against his dark palm. "You said yourself you can feel this place dripping with magic, do you think that just came out of nowhere? If you don't believe me fine, but I think this is a piece of that star, and we can bring it back to the elder to examine it himself!"

Ashimaru was about to continue when he noticed his friend staring at his palm with wide eyes, and when he looked down himself, he saw why. The shard had begun to dissolve into dust and float away in front of them, though as the last of it vaporized, the particles seemed to have a particular path they followed. It swirled around Kriss a few times before it landed on him, seeming to specifically fall between the strands of fur on his wolf cloak. Kriss kept his blade up on Ashimaru, but couldn't help but try to investigate the strange dust, only as he tried to brush it off it clung stubbornly to him.

"Kriss... didn't you say you made that cloak from the hide of an alpha werewolf you had slain?" Ashimaru asked, which the other elf confirmed with a nod. "Take off the cloak, Kriss."

"What is this, some kind of trick?" Kriss asked with a scoff, unable to see as the ears on the hood of the cloak twitched.

"Damnit Kriss, take off the cloak!" Ashimaru shouted as he tried to move forward, only to be stopped by the point of a sword being waved at his face. "I think the magic of the star is somehow reacting to-"

The drow didn't even have the chance to finish his sentence as the elf suddenly dropped the sword when the furry cloak contracted around him. His arms, wrapped in the 'sleeves' created from the werewolf's limbs, bristled as the inert flesh suddenly came to life. Ashimaru stepped forward to try and pry the animate object off his friend, only to get pushed back an impressive distance to land on his back several feet away. After a few rolls he stood up once more to see the hood of the cloak cover the head of the other elven male, the yellow eyes glowing slightly as Ashimaru could see fur begin to sprout on the uncovered flesh.

"Ash, help me!" the elf shouted, the pitch of his voice dropping as thicker, sharper teeth began to push out past his swelling lips. All Ashimaru could do was stand there as he watched the other male begin to change drastically, hearing the sounds of seams ripping as the lithe hunter's body began to swell with muscle. Thick grey fur could be seen sticking out of the rips in the fabric as Kriss fell to all fours, his previously short fingernails dug furrows into the ground as they thickened into sharp, deadly claws while fur erupted from his hands and fingers. The tail that had normally hung limply from the back of the cloak suddenly started to rise up and start twitching, the hollow appendage growing thicker with new muscle and bone as Kriss let out a loud snarl.

Once more it looked like Kriss tried to speak, but all that came out of his mouth now were grunts and growls as the black nose of the hood merged with the elf and began to pull it outwards, bringing the rest of his face with it. As the top portion of the wolf skin slid further down the changing male's face, the more animated it grew as Kriss managed to get up to his knees. A loud howl escaped the proto-muzzle of the changing creature as his new, clawed hands reached up and shredded the painfully tight cloth and leather tunic to reveal a muscular chest and abs, covered with a layer of fur that only seemed to accentuate his new endowments even more. Ashimaru wasn't sure whether to run towards his afflicted friend or away, but a stern warning to keep still from Ellowyn kept him where he was.

"You run and he's going to remember you're here," Ellowyn explained as Kriss's face cracked and popped until it formed into a fully-formed canine snout. "Last thing you want to do is trigger the instincts of a werewolf mid-transformation, best to let it play out and then deal with the aftermath from there."

Ashimaru swallowed hard but stayed still, though every fiber of his being screamed at him to run away as the leather of Kriss's boots split under the swelling foot paws tipped with sizable claws. By then the elf was almost completely indistinguishable from his former self; a hard shake caused the last of his clothing to fall away like the skin of snake. The last change occurred while Kriss continued to snort and growl in resistance of the hood of the cloak, which was now almost completely merged with his skin as the hollow, empty eye holes covered his own. Kriss arched his muscular head back and howled long and deep as the elf's eyes turned from bright green to deep amber as the last seam disappeared and formed only furry flesh.

When the transformation was completed, a hulking werewolf stood in the tattered remains of his friend's old clothes. The creature seemed to be in awe of itself, flexing its muscles in the growing light of dawn before its eyes turned towards Ashimaru. "Uh, Ellowyn..." Ashimaru said as he slowly began to back away. "I think the aftermath part that you said we would have to deal with is now upon us."

"Uh... I'm thinking..." Ellowyn said as Kriss continued to slowly approach him with drool dripping down his lips. Just as it looked like the large creature was about to close the gap between them, a pale orange glow hit the werewolf right in the eyes. Ashimaru turned around to see the sun peek it's edge from the horizon, and as it did his vision suddenly started to swim and he grew light headed. At first he thought it was because the drow hate the sun, but as it grew more intense, he realized something was wrong and lost his balance. The last thing he saw before he felt himself falling and his vision turning to black was the werewolf running straight at him...


When Ellowyn and Ashimaru awoke once again, they found their eyes slowly opening as their consciousness slowly cleared, and the first thing they saw caused their shared body's eyes to widen as their vision was filled with fearsome face of a werewolf. The scream echoed through the forest as Ellowyn bolted upright, smashing his head right into the creature above him, causing them both to howl in pain and clutch their heads. "Son of a wyrm!" the dragon cursed as he waited for his head to stop throbbing before he opened his eyes and realized he had just headbutted a werewolf in the face.

To his surprise, Kriss held out a hand and waved it in the air as he cradled his own forehead, grimacing in pain for a few more moments before he shook his head. "First day with a muzzle and it's nearly broken," the werewolf muttered as he rubbed the tender appendage. "What was all that for?"

"Are you kidding?" Ellowyn cried out. "You turn into a snarling werewolf and then lunge for us just before I pass out, and when I woke up again I see that same dangerous creature a few inches from my face, and you think I'm just going to give you a hug?"

"Well this is weird for me,oo!" Kriss shot back. "I didn't ask to be turned into a werewolf, or get dragged out into the woods in the middle of the night, or find out my friend is somehow a drow, and then watch that drow turn into a dragon right before my eyes! I think I deserve just as much slack as you!"

Ellowyn was about to shout back another series of insults when the words of the large creature sank in, and he realized something was very amiss about the situation. Not only did he feel like he was in control of the body, but it no longer felt like a drow, or even a humanoid body, anymore. His excitement rose as he thought, for the briefest of seconds, that the magic had somehow dissipated and the two of them had been returned to normal, but when he looked down at himself, he found his body was anything but.

As the dragon got to his feet, his emerald scales gleamed brightly in the light as though they were made from pure gemstone as his jaw dropped. His body type had changed as well. While he had been fit before, there were still some signs of his laziness and lack of exercise, but all the body fat had disappeared completely and left only a lean, sleek form in its place. His claws and horns had changed as well, from dingy black to pure, dazzling white that reminded Ellowyn of ivory. A quick confirmation from Kriss informed him that his eyes had changed as well, from the dull amber color they used to be to a shimmering silver color.

"I am... a sexy beast..." Ellowyn commented as he looked over himself before his head suddenly shot up. "Wait, where's Ashimaru? Ashimaru?!"

Before Ellowyn could call out too much, he suddenly heard the groggy voice of his elven friend next to him. He looked over to see the drow elf, or rather through him, as the semi-translucent figure stood up and seemed to shake his head. "Where am I..." he said as he held his head and looked over at the dragon that stared at him blankly. "Oh wow Ellowyn... wait, I can see you, which means we're separated!"

"Um, I don't think that's quite it..." Ellowyn said as the ghostly elf looked from the dragon to the werewolf, who had his head cocked in question back at the dragon. "Hey Kriss, I don't suppose you can see anything to the left of me, can you?"

Kriss just shook his head, which caused Ashimaru's jaw to drop and Ellowyn to shake his head. "Your turn Ashimaru," Ellowyn said as he looked around on the ground before he spotted their satchel nearby and tossed it to Ashimaru's feet. "I want you to try and pick that up and raise it over your head."

To both Ashimaru's and Ellowyn's surprise, as he tried to reach down for it, his arm disappeared completely and the dragon felt his own forepaw stretch out and grab the bag. Ellowyn felt like he had completely lost control of his limb as it held the leather container over his head while the elf mimicked the action though everything up to his shoulder had vanished. With a loud sigh, Ashimaru dropped his arm and the dragon could feel his body regain control as the spirit form of the elf regained his own appendage.

"It appears we still share a body," Ashimaru stated as he crossed his arms. "However, it appears with the addition of the power of that crystal, we seem to be able to somewhat separate ourselves when not manipulating the body. At least now we won't be disembodied voices in one another's heads."

At this point Ellowyn was only half-listening as his gaze turned back to Kriss, who had a hand on his sheath and started to massage it. The hulking beast panted slightly as he tried to adjust himself discretely, or at least as discretely as an eight foot tall canine could. "You... alright there Kriss?" the dragon asked, his tongue subconsciously licking his lips as the sheath began to swell slightly.

"Well, this is rather embarrassing..." Kriss admitted as he turned his head away and frowned. "It appears that while I managed to retain my intelligence and sanity, I have inherited this particular alpha wolf's... libido." The canine let out a small whine as his ears drooped and his hand squeezed his groin once again. "I'm so horny right now, and with you strutting your stuff and showing off that, I can't believe I'm actually saying this... sexy body of yours, it's taking every fiber of my being not to get hard and... and..."

"Raise my tail, so to speak," Ellowyn finished, the werewolf nodding with another wince. "Well, you know I could help you out with that, since you seem to be in a lot of discomfort."

Ashimaru's jaw dropped and his hands fell to his sides as he quickly caught onto what the dragon was insinuating. "You can't be serious," he said as Ellowyn merely glanced in his direction before he locked eyes back with the werewolf. "Are you actually going to let him use our body like this? OUR body?"

"Could you please excuse me for a second?" Ellowyn asked sheepishly before he padded away from the werewolf until he was out of earshot as he looked down at the visage of the elf. "You have to let me have this one, Ashimaru, please..."

"No!" Ashimaru replied immediately and sharply.

"C'mon, look at him!" Ellowyn gestured back, Ashimaru looking back to see the werewolf about two steps away from masturbating. "Now you know as well as I that we have to bring him along to try and change him back, and do you really want a sexually-frustrated alpha werewolf to be traveling with us? Plus... you already know that I like males, you've seen and felt it enough already, and it's been so long since I've been with one that I'm practically ready to pop."

Ashimaru was unsure of what to say at the moment as he stood there. Part of him knew that what the dragon said was true, to have Kriss in such a volatile state with a powerful new body while they traveled would likely end poorly no matter what scenario came up. On the other hand, the elf knew that he was going to likely feel what was happening to their shared form, since neither of them knew how to prevent sensation, something that he had not planned on experiencing ever. Still... the pleading look in his friend's eyes, and the fact that it likely wouldn't be the most bizarre thing to happen to him finally caused Ashimaru's resolve to crumble enough to nod his head.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Ashimaru said as Ellowyn practically skipped up to Kriss, then turned around on all fours and lifted his tail in the air. In part it was also shocking to the elf to see this side of his friend. Normally they didn't speak much about their sexual encounters, and now he saw why. The werewolf was drooling as his cock shot out from its furry sheath; the tool throbbing hard from the knowledge it would soon be sheathed inside the creature in front of him. Ashimaru tried to cover his eyes as Kriss slid his already dripping tool against the dragon's backside, though with being semi-transparent, it failed to do anything to obscure his vision of the event.

Meanwhile, Ellowyn's body trembled in anticipation as he felt the clawed hands of the male behind him. Despite being a fully grown dragon, the werewolf was slightly bigger than him, and in more ways than one as he felt the head of the thick, canine tool begin to push inside the tight ring of muscle under his tail. As he let out a low groan, he saw Ashimaru out of the corner of his eye and realized what a surreal situation they were in. His friend was about to watch and potentially feel him have sex with another male, where less than a day ago, he had been shy to even sport an erection around him. But the offer was too good to pass up, having the handsome werewolf ream his hole was almost as good a thought as Ashimaru, though as his head snapped up and saw the wide-eyed, surprise stare on the ethereal elf's face, he realized too late that his friend would have likely sensed that thought.

The shock and embarrassment of that situation was quickly forgotten, though, as Kriss roughly pushed the first inch of his cock inside the dragon's pucker, his anal walls clenching around the sudden intrusion that was slicked up only by the copious amount of pre. As Elloywn looked back over to where Ashimaru stood, he found him to be gone, and it took the dragon a few moments of introspection to figure out that the elf had somehow returned inside his body. His eyes widened when he realized that he was now going to feel everything, but before he could turn around to tell Kriss to wait, the impatient werewolf began to push insistently inside him. Even with the fluids soaking his insides, his claws still dug into the ground as he felt like he was being split open from the impressive wolfhood the former elf sported; Kriss growled deeply in pleasure as he continued his insistent push inside the dragon's hole.

Ellowyn let out a long, deep roar as the werewolf behind him slid inch after inch of his hard canine member into his needy hole, then began to pant heavily as he felt fur rub up against his thighs. For the first time in quite a while, his tailhole felt completely filled as those furry hands started to rub against his flanks and hips now that they were no longer needed for leverage. He could tell that Kriss was trying to hold onto his rational thought and give the male beneath him time to adjust, which turned out not to be very long as Ellowyn felt it start to pull out of his large, scaly rump.

*As Kriss began to thrust into him and Ellowyn braced himself against the ground, he suddenly felt Ashimaru's presence lift up above the feelings of lust, and though his first reaction was concern for his friend's predicament, he heard the mental moan of the drow elf. Was it possible that his friend was actually enjoying the pounding they were getting from the werewolf? The thought seemed to enhance his experience even more as Ellowyn began to counter-thrust to drive the thick cock even deeper inside him.

With any reservations gone, the two creatures continued to mate at an almost frantic pace until finally the werewolf tipped his head back and let out a long howl of climax after several particularly deep thrusts. Ellowyn snarled and pawed at the ground as he felt the hot seed flood his insides while his own erect cock spilled his onto the ground. After the two had a chance to catch their breath and let the pleasure of their coupling die down to manageable levels, they finally separated, the dragon letting out a small yelp as the still thick cock was quickly slid out of him. Kriss quickly apologized and turned away, Ellowyn seeing the look of embarrassment on the other male's face that he gently inquired about.

"It's just, that was very..." the werewolf stammered slightly, which looked strange for such a massive creature. "I was so horny I probably would have put a hole in a tree to get relief, but that still doesn't change the fact I just had sex with a male dragon. Don't get me wrong though, that was probably the most intense experience of my entire life, and I thank you for letting me clear my head, but it's still weird I just threw myself at you like that."

"Well I'm happy to help," Ellowyn grinned sheepishly before he motioned towards the edge of the forest. "Now that your instincts have been satisfied, we should probably follow these tracks if we want any hope of changing you back to an elf and getting me and Ashimaru separated."

The werewolf merely nodded, and together the two began to walk along the set of tracks engraved in the hard earth. As they did their conversation became rather muted and only related to the situation they were in, though when Kriss brought up the subject of where Ashimaru actually was, it caused Ellowyn concern. Ever since they had finished having sex the drow had grown quiet, and though he could still feel the presence inside, him he continued to grow concerned that what they had done had somehow traumatized the straight male. Once they had left the impact site, their focus shifted away from their awkward relationship to the task at hand as they had to focus harder to follow the path of the cart as it wound its way through the damaged areas.

Finally, after several miles of intense hiking, the two made it to a main road where the cart had gone on as well, their eyes traveling up to where it led into the village that Ashimaru's elven community traded with on a regular basis. Both creatures looked at each other in concern, if one shard was enough to transform an elf into a werewolf, then what would passing the whole of the star through the town have done? "I better stay on the outskirts on this one," Kriss commented as he ducked back into the woods to avoid being observed. "Dragons may be relatively well-received in human settlements, but werewolves are not, and I'd rather not become a cloak for someone else. I'll keep to the edges if I can in case something terrible has happened."

Ellowyn waved Kriss off and then looked back to the village, the feeling of dread still deep in the pit of his stomach as he began to move towards the outskirts of the city itself. The shadows around him began to lengthen as the sun behind them slowly set below the horizon and gave an even more ominous wash over the area. When the dragon reached the top of a small hill and looked down; however, he noticed there were still townspeople milling about in the street going about their daily activities. The sight of such normalcy caused a sigh of relief to escape the dragon, though now his concern was less about the fate of the town's citizens and more how he was going to find out where the star had been taken.

As soon as Ellowyn walked into the town, he could feel eyes turn and stare at him as he walked by. At first he thought it might have been fear or concern, but instead as whispers started to fly about, he realized that they were actually in awe of him. Part of him wasn't terribly surprised; while human-dragon relations were rather good at the moment, it was rare for one to find the necessity to visit a human settlement. Plus, even for those who had seen dragons before, he likely looked very odd to them, as well, with his brilliant gemstone scales and ivory horns. Thankfully none of them seemed to be overly curious enough to approach him and he quickly made his way to a stable on the other side of the town that also accommodated dragons.

Once he had gotten into the privacy of his room, which was really just a modified stable with no hay in it and a few other amenities, Ellowyn sat down on the makeshift bed and set down the items he had been carrying. "So it looks like merely being around the star doesn't turn people into monsters," Ashimaru's voice came from nowhere as the dragon saw the ghostly apparition of his friend standing there. "Or perhaps the cart carrying it just passed through and it takes more exposure to trigger a change. Either way, we're going to need to find out where it went if we ever have the hope of turning everything back to normal."

"Ashimaru, I-" Ellowyn started to apologize before Ashimaru waved him off.

"You were right," Ashimaru replied factually. "Kriss was on the edge of being unable to control his instincts, and had you not intervened, things could have ended poorly. I have to say that I never in my life thought that I would witness my best friend having sex with a male, or a werewolf, or that I would also be there to experience it. You know if I wanted it to stop, I could have taken control and tried to escape, right? You owe me big time, you got that?"

Ellowyn quickly nodded and the two started to talk once more with one another, the dragon happy that his disembodied friend was able to get past their tryst with Kriss. With that out of the way they could focus on the problem at hand; they had to find out about one specific cart that had passed through amongst many, as well as the direction where it went. Then there was the matter of supplies. Now that they had a hungry werewolf they had to buy supplies for as well besides just themselves, it meant even more money spent. Thankfully they still had Ashimaru's weapons and the painting, they reasoned to one another, which they could sell in exchange for the necessary money.

"It's getting dark out," Ashimaru said as he looked out at the dying light of the sun. "Perhaps we should..."

"Perhaps we should what?" Ellowyn asked as he looked around, only to find his friend nowhere in sight. "Ash? Where did you go Ash?"

As the dragon stood up he immediately had to sit down again as a wave of vertigo washed over him. Ellowyn tried to cry out as everything grew fuzzy only to find that his mouth refused to work, and the rest of his body quickly following suit. Though he could feel the blackness press around him, he refused to submit to it, and with herculean effort he managed to keep his consciousness above the level long enough for the feeling to pass. But his body continued to refuse to move, and when he finally managed to tilt his head to look down at himself, his eyes widened at what he saw.

The normally glossy scales grew matted and darkened considerably all over his body. He could feel his horns begin to slide into his skull and watched as his claws and talons did the same into their respective digits. There was the surreal sensation of his entire body growing more compact and realized in shock that he was quickly shrinking. The rather small bed was now large to him as his joints snapped into a different position with a loud cracking noise, something Ellowyn guessed should have hurt, but instead felt nothing as the transformation continued.

Soon the dragon's scaled texture was lost completely, smoothed over into solid ebon skin as dark as night. He realized what was happening to him as he felt his scalp itch with new hair growth that cascaded down to his altered shoulders. Muscle and bone continued to scale down on his body as he felt his wings melt into his back and disappear completely into the knit muscle of a humanoid back. Just as his muzzle began to sink into his face, he felt another presence bubble up to the surface; Ashimaru letting out a sharp gasp as Ellowyn felt his body begin to move on its own accord. By the time the drow had regained complete control, there was no trace of the dragon left; the last vestige disappearing as a pair of pointed ears poked up through the silver hair.

"Well then..." Ashimaru commented as he stood up, his naked body shivering slightly as he looked around until he saw the ghostly form of Ellowyn standing there in confusion. "It appears that's one mystery solved."

"This just keeps getting weirder and weirder," Ellowyn replied before he looked at the dark elf and held up his forepaw, which disappeared as Ashimaru felt his fingers wiggle without his knowledge. "Looks like I have the same thing where I can control your body if I concentrate hard enough. So... the star has changed us so that we're a drow at night and dragon by day?"

"It appears so," Ashimaru stated before he looked up with wide eyes. "Kriss! If this happened to us..."

"Something might have happened to him, too!"

The drow almost immediately ran to his backpack and pulled out his spare pair of clothes, thankful that he had the sense to pack an extra set as he pulled them on. Once he was finished, he armed himself as well, and carefully snuck out of the stable he was staying at. While he wasn't sure how the village saw drow, he didn't feel the need to find out at the moment. Once he was safely outside the city, he began to look around the surrounding forest for his furry friend, hoping that he had the sense to stay close to where Ellowyn had decided to bed down. It didn't take long to find his friend, though was the werewolf who found him first, feeling a pair of powerful paws clamp down on his shoulders.

"I see you're back to your drow form, there," the deep, resounding voice of Kriss stated as Ashimaru turned to face him.

"And I see you're still a werewolf," Ashimaru replied as he looked at the wall of grey-furred muscle in front of him. "When I changed I thought you might have done the same, so I ran out here to make sure you were alright. It appears that you don't suffer from the same exact affliction."

The werewolf shook his head in response. "Nope, still big and fuzzy," Kriss replied. "I saw where you were staying, though, and I think I can find a way to sneak in so we don't have a problem like this again. Plus, if the stable is willing to keep in dragons for the night, they likely have a means to keep the horses calm, which means I won't scare them either."

They both started back down the path, and with their enhanced visions, it was an easy trek back to their room, though it didn't stop either of them from breathing a sigh of relief when they finally got to the door. When Ashimaru opened it; however, they were greeted with a sight that shocked both of them and caused the drow to drop the keys to the floor. "Well well, what have we here?" the cloaked female asked as she stood up from the chair she had been on. "I was surprised when I watched a statuesque dragon come into this place, and then not more than an hour later, a drow walk out of it, but now with the inclusion of a sentient werewolf, I have to say I'm downright curious."

"Who are you?" Kriss growled threateningly, though it was short-lived as the woman brought a finger up to her lips.

"You don't want to spook the horses with that bark of yours, do you?" she asked as she pulled down her hood and revealed her drow features that caused Ashimaru's jaw to drop. "My name is Calivara, and I was here for the fallen star. Considering your unusual conditions and the traces of magic that you trail about unknowingly, I'd say that you are well aware of what I'm talking about."

"You could say that," Ashimaru replied. "The question is how did your people know about it? I know that there are no dark elf settlements within many miles of here, so that means you had to have known about it ahead of time in order to get here as fast as you did. Our seers couldn't see it happening and it landed right in their woods, so why did your kind see it?"

There was a moment of pause from the female drow before she sat back down on the chair, sighing deeply. "Because it wasn't something that was supposed to happen," she admitted, which caused the two to look at her in question. "When the shooting stars were predicted to happen en mass, one of the mages from our tribe decided he was going to try and bring one down to harvest its strange energies. Obviously most refused such a potentially threatening plan, but it was only later when we found out that he had set out to do it anyway. I was dispatched to try and catch up with him, but I didn't know the location he was using, and by the time I did he had already caused the star to fall."

The three stood there and listened intently as she told them about the other drow's plan, how he was part of a group that believed that their kind shouldn't be the only ones that have to live under the constant threat of monsters. While Calivara wasn't exactly sure of their plan, she knew that he was going to take the star to where its powers would have the most devastating effect; the kingdom's capital. She had been tasked, along with several others who had spread out in order to find the landing site, to find and stop him before he went through with the plan, but now with her failure, she was now resolved to stop the drow before he can get the star where it can harm many people.

"I don't suppose you would mind if we tagged along?" Ashimaru asked, which caused the werewolf's ears to perk up and look down at him. "This star might be the only thing that changes us back, and if we can help you get it out of this guy's hands, then all the better."

"Well, I can't exactly say no to a handsome stud like yourself," Calivara replied with a wink, which Ashimaru felt himself blush deeply as she stood up. "I also have some proper clothes for you to wear, not sure what elf's backside you took those off, of but they're very unbecoming. I'll gather my things and meet you here, then we leave immediately while we still have the darkness to cover ourselves with."

The others nodded and Calivara left, and once she did, Kriss slumped down on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep. Ashimaru didn't mind that the werewolf had essentially taken his bed; he was far too awake at the moment, and his mind was racing on what the drow had just said. Someone had caused the star to fall intentionally, and in doing so, radically changed his and Ellowyn's life, potentially forever. Now that same star is being brought to the capital in order to cause catastrophic damage, and they were the only ones that could possibly stop it in time.

"I think she likes you," Ellowyn's voice suddenly spoke up, the drow looking over at the grinning spirit dragon. "She was totally flirting with you."

"I think we have a slightly bigger situation on our hands then my love life," Ashimaru replied.

"I know we're in a bit of a dire situation here," Ellowyn admitted. "But if you let the weight of it drag you down, you won't be able keep yourself sharp and focused for the task ahead. All I'm saying is that it might be something that you want to pursue. Doesn't even have to be now, could be in the future. Plus... I do still feel a little bad about the whole werewolf thing at the impact site, and I figure I could make it up to you."

Ashimaru couldn't help but chuckle at the dragon, who looked away in slight embarrassment. "As touching as it is for you to want to try and get me laid, as well as how entertaining it is to see you squirm about it, you really don't have to," the drow reassured. "As I told you before, it's alright. I'm not going to hold it against you or anything like that. Plus, once we turn ourselves back to normal, I'm sure I can find some way to torture you over this information."

The two laughed and continued to talk for a bit until Calivara returned with her gear and some additional clothes for Ashimaru. Though the male drow insisted his elven clothes were good enough for the time being, she insisted to the point of dragging him into the nearest empty stall and putting them in his hands. At first he wondered if he was going to have to change in front of her, as well, but was thankful when she left him alone. When he took a look at the clothes, he realized that, like her own, they were mostly black with little details in silver or purple; even the leathers that he had been given were a rich, dark color. He understood why they would wear such things, in the darkness he would be near invisible, just like how his elven clothes provided him camouflage in the woods.

Once he had finished getting dressed, Ashimaru was surprised that they fit as well as they did, only needing minor adjustment by Calivara as he told her as much. "Well, I used to travel with another male drow that was similar to you in size, but we split up when we got to the valley forest in order to cover more ground," she explained as she tightened the waist up a bit. "For a second I thought you were him when you came out of these stables, though it does beg the question of where its previous occupant went."

"Oh, uh..." Ashimaru was taken aback by the sudden interest as she looked up at him with dark blue eyes. "That dragon was a friend of mine, we were both affected by the falling star and have decided to travel together. You must have just missed him, he flew further down the road to see if he could catch up with the cart. You'll probably see him again in the morning."

Ashimaru could tell that the female drow was neither impressed by nor believed his story, and the male let out a small yipe as she pulled up the crotch of his pants. "You know I'm not going to go and blab about your little secret," she reassured, which caused the male drow to swallow hard. "I actually know of dragons that can turn into human, not drow though, that one is new... So if you think that I'm going to tell everyone that you have that ability, I can tell you right now that you're quite mistaken."

"No, it's not that..." Ashimaru replied with a sigh. "You already know about the star and its power, so I suppose trying to keep what happened a secret is kind of a moot point. My friend Ellowyn is a dragon and I'm actually an elf, and we were on the bluffs of a mountain when we saw the star fall. It changed him into the dragon you saw this morning, and me into this, but not only that; it somehow merged us into one body. We're both somewhat in control, but his draconic form comes out during the day and my new drow form comes out during the night."

For a few seconds Calivara said nothing and stared at him, but before he could say anything else, she shocked him by laughing. "Sorry, I just can't imagine how bad you must be freaking out right now," she said once she had stopped enough to talk. "So you used to be one of our sun-kissed cousins and now you are an elf of the night? Does the rest of your village know, or did you sneak off once you realized?"

"Well I had snuck back into the village in order to get my things," Ashimaru admitted. "Kriss actually caught me on the way out... he's the werewolf by the way." Ashimaru saw the female drow's eyebrows raise up in question when he made the statement and realized what he just said sounded bizarre out of context. "He uh... also used to be an elf until we found a shard of the star and it caused him to merge with the werewolf-skin cloak that he had been wearing."

"I am very sorry that you two, or three rather, have been altered so extremely by the magic that this fallen star brought," Calivara sympathized. "This is all the more reason to try and prevent the one who did this from succeeding in getting it into the capital. Speaking of such things, it appears you are ready. Why don't we gather your hound and get on the road while the moon is still high?"

Dragon By Day P3

For twelve nights and days the group traveled in pursuit of the fallen star. When night fell and the moon rose in the air Ashimaru, Calivara, and Kriss all traveled as quickly as they could to follow the trail, and when dawn broke and the drow...

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Dragon By Day P1

The sun was just starting to set over the mountain range surrounded by forest, the rich orange light reflecting off the stony walls of the cliffside. It illuminated two creatures that walked along the trail that led up it; an elf in front with a...

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Always Check The Packing Slip P4

After a few minutes Lux sat on the rooftop of a nearby building to the apartment complex he had originally infested, feeling those that had been transformed squirming within. After they had spread through the building and taken those who dwelled within...

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