Always Check The Packing Slip P4

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Always Check the Packing Slip

A chimera learns the hard way to make sure to check that the package you receive really is yours, because you never know what you might accidentally get in the mail.

Part 4 of 4

Part of a trade with LuxVolans

Edited by Texotic

After a few minutes Lux sat on the rooftop of a nearby building to the apartment complex he had originally infested, feeling those that had been transformed squirming within. After they had spread through the building and taken those who dwelled within they had stopped, particularly after the authorities had arrived. Now, in combination with the outbreak at the electronics store, they had put a white tarp over it and cordoned it off while police officers tried to prevent curious onlookers and the media from getting in. Despite everything being contained the chimera could still see within through the eyes of the plant creatures that still dwelled there.

Lux couldn't help but scoff at the measures that his prey had put down in order to try and prevent him from spreading. The creatures inside had remained compliant and dormant until they had reason to spread, allowing the corrupted chimera time to fully germinate and grow into his powers. Despite not being completely transformed yet he still had a lot of power to wield, power he directed towards those he had first corrupted and had started his spread...

Meanwhile, two police officers that had been unfortunate enough to still be inside the building with the quarantine dropped continued to make their rounds, the lights flickering as they passed by several doors marked with bright yellow tape. "Can't believe they couldn't even let us out," the bull grumbled as they moved through the empty hallway. "We were right there at the door and we hadn't even gone that far in, all they had to do was tell us what was going on and we would have been out of here."

"Well, I think the gun they pulled on you made it pretty clear that they weren't letting anyone out," the boar replied. "Either way, the chief just told us to keep trying to make sure everyone here remains calm and to make sure that no one tries to leave. I'm sure in a few hours those hazmat people are going to realize that they made a big mistake and we can finally get off shift."

Once the two reached the stairwell they tried to open the door to get into it, only to find the door completely stuck. When one of them couldn't pull it open the other got in as well, but whatever was there held it hard and fast. "Didn't we just go in through this door like an hour ago?" the bull asked his partner as they backed away from it. "You don't think this has anything to do..."

The bull trailed off when he realized the boar wasn't even looking at him anymore, but when he saw the bewildered expression on his face it caused him to turn as well and shout. Standing only a few doors away from them was a creature that had the vague form of a female wolf, though instead of fur her body glistened with shiny, black rubber, and as they watched several tentacle-like appendages had emerged from her breasts, mouth, and between her legs. As the vines in her mouth writhed in the air her muzzle turned up into a hungry grin, which caused both cops to pull out their guns and shout at her to stay there. To their surprise she immediately stopped moving, but when she put her hands against the wall, shiny black vines moved out from her arms and legs like vines and quickly grew towards the two trapped males.

"Shoot he-" was all the boar managed to shout before the stairwell door exploded outwards to reveal a tangled mess of rubber vines that engulfed the entire area. Both officers turned just in time to see a male rubber wolf with similar vines reach out towards the boar, and in the next second several thick latex tentacles shot out and wrapped around him. The sound of his gun going off was deafening as it shot into the floor, then clattered next to the hole as he was dragged in and promptly enveloped until he was nothing more than a wiggling mass inside a tightly woven stalk. Watching his partner get dragged off snapped the bull out of his shock and he leveled his weapon at the alien wolf, who only stood there with a grin as something wrapped around his wrist and yanked the gun out of his grasp.

The bull looked over to see that the vines that had spread along the wall had quickly reached him, and when he looked down he realized his feet had been completely covered all the way up past his ankles. As the vines continued to slide into his clothes and around his body he felt a strange numbing sensation spread wherever they touched, and as they began to crawl up his neck he felt his eyes start to grow heavy and his mouth grow slack. The plant's potent mix of aphrodisiacs and relaxants quickly made their new host more pliant, his thick cock swelling out the front of his uniform before it was ripped away from his muscular body. As a thicker tentacle began to push up into his rear, his hazy vision saw the latex vines continue to spread out past him and envelop the rest of the hallway, and as his vision faded to black, he heard the faint whisper of voices as something pushed its way into his muzzle...

Outside of the building what had been a relatively quiet area quickly turned to utter chaos as sections of the wall burst out into the street, causing police, press, and pedestrians alike to duck and scatter away from the building. Those who were closest to the holes and the clouds of dust began to cough and tried to get away before thick multicolored vines shot out and completely encased them on the street or against the walls of neighboring buildings in seconds. Those foolish enough to try and run up to help were soon snagged in the rubber roots that began to grow out from their cocooned states and crawl up their bodies. While many ran the reporters on the scene immediately began to report from what they believed to be the safety of the perimeter, only to have the plant creatures that escaped from the building pounce them.

Once Lux was satisfied he turned and began to walk back towards his car as he felt the hot spot in front of him as well as the other two begin to spread uncontrollably. The parking garage that had been infested had quickly spread up through the skyscraper, pumping its spores through the ventilation system and more of their liquid latex through the pipe to ensnare everyone inside. Unlike the apartment building he planned to use the skyscraper as a spore spire, turning those lustful plant creatures inside to concentrate on the production of their potent transformative seedlings to infest large downtown areas. On the other side of town was Darian and those who would be highly mobile; instead of spreading their roots and infecting the surrounding area, they would spread out and create more hotspots and prevent anyone from containing them.

As he felt the pleasure of his rubbery influence spreading he could hardly contain himself once he got into his car. Every whisper of pleasure that joined the chorus of others was like a heavenly chorus, and as many more voices joined that chorus he felt the vines inside his body begin to grow excited. He had to contain himself, though, before he met with Velan to convert him. Now more than ever he wanted the jackal to join him, to help him spread this wonderful new gift throughout the entire planet until it was all one big synthetic garden.

When Lux finally got to the warehouse he could still hear the sirens in the distance as emergency vehicles attempted to contain the spread of the rubber vines from the three hot zones. The very thought they could do so caused the corrupted chimera to grin, even as he passively felt his sphere of influence grow those he had converted continued to spread their seed through the city. Every creature that they took caused the vines to spread further outwards, so those who tried to help merely added fuel to their spread. At the same time as he drove through the empty district he listened to the radio as an emergency broadcast came on for citizens to evacuate the infected zone.

Once the plant creature checked the address on his phone he slowly got out of the car and began to walk inside. As he looked at himself in the reflection of the dusty, broken window he realized that there was no way he could pass as normal anymore, but luckily that wouldn't matter soon as he grinned to himself. He could feel his vines begin to grow restless as he entered an open side door, and though he wished desperately to stretch them, he needed to appear calm and in control. It took a few minutes of deep breathing in order to steady himself once again, especially when he felt the potential to spread just ahead of him.

The warehouse proper was nearly completely empty once he stepped inside, save for the object of his desire who stood in a beam of orange sunlight from the slowly disappearing sun. "My God..." Velan said with a gasp as he looked at the rubberized creature steadily moving towards him. "I knew you'd be in bad shape, but I never thought... not this..."

"It's alright, Velan," Lux said as he held out his hands, trying to hold back the cocky grin on his muzzle as he slowly approached. "It's me, see? No crazed rubber plant creature, no horny male trying to assimilate you, it's just a slightly changed chimera. The treatment managed to save my mind but not quite my body, I'm sure as soon as your risk assessor comes here he'll tell you the same."

"The risk assessor is already here," a female fox spoke up as she walked out from the shadows, the logo of a dragon and tiger merged together on the lapel on her coat as she held up the silver canister. "It's just like I told you Mr. Velan, alpha spores are very hard to detect the level of infection of because they can act mostly like normal. Of course their bodies change with the more they spread, and given your current state, I imagine there is quite the chaos going on in the city proper."

Lux's smile turned into a sneer as he felt the vines push out from his back, arching around his body like snakes ready to strike. "So what are you going to do, then?" he asked, Velan backing away as he watched his boyfriend's body mutate before their eyes. "I've already claimed the city as my own, there's nothing you can do to stop me from continuing to grow!"

To both their surprise she laughed and tossed the canister to Lux, whose vines wrapped around it before it even hit the ground. "The city is yours, my dear," the vixen replied with a smirk, Velan's jaw dropping in shock. "Consider it Sibergon Lab's way of apologizing for the mistaken shipment, which is the last time we'll ever use those trans-dimensional carriers again. Now while normally there are contracts to sign and non-disclosure agreements, I think we can forgo such formalities considering that we will be studying you while you spread. Oh, and before I forget, we have teams setting up a specialized fence specifically to keep in your synthetic flora so we can remain on the planet while you take over the city. That's it for me, have fun you two!"

Before either of them could react the fox shimmered and disappeared, leaving the jackal and chimera the only ones in the warehouse. Lux looked down at the metal canister that he had and a grin formed on his face as he slowly began to step towards the confused jackal. Before the other male could even think about running several silver and purple vines had struck like lightning to wrap around his waist and legs, causing Velan to nearly fall over had more of the rubbery appendages not caught him by the wrist. As the jackal squirmed in the chimera's grasp, Lux was able to use his free hands to slowly open the canister.

"Two plant lords can spread twice as fast as one," Lux said as his silver eyes gleamed and his shiny rubber tongue slid down past his lips. "It's time for your transformation to begin... and for mine to end. It's time for us to bloom together, all you have to do is take a deep breath..."

Lux held the contents of the silver canister to the jackal's nose while at the same time his rubber snake tail stretched around and rubbed lewdly against his groin, which caused Velan to inhale sharply despite himself. Almost instantly Velan's eyes went wide as he threw his head back, silver spores covering his muzzle and mouth as Lux took a deep breath into the canister, himself, before he tossed the remaining spores aside. His already mostly transformed body absorbed the new particles like a sponge and he could feel his insides squirm with new growth as he held the jackal close to him. With the new fuel the rubber plants were no longer content to just infest him, he thought with a grin as he felt the tiny rubber vines spread through his body, now he and Velan were about to become them.

Velan tried to say something as more of Lux's vines began to slither across his body, but all that came out of his throat was a low gurgle before shiny black fluid and several small vines began to slide out of his stretched open mouth. Unlike the chimera whose body eased into the process, Lux knew that Velan was about to change all at once. Already he could feel several lumps form on the jackal's back as the other male suddenly gasped in pleasure, black veins appearing across his eyes as his half-flaccid member suddenly surged to its full length before continuing to grow. Even though Velan couldn't speak Lux could already hear the whispers of his thoughts, and those whispers were purely moans for pleasure as the plants assimilated him all at once.

"Come with me..." Lux hissed as he slowly backed the two of them up against the wall, Velan's body still partially suspended from the multi-hued vines as they turned the transforming Jackal around. "Let us grow... together..."

The jackal let out a low groan as Lux could feel the other male's mind melt under the pleasure he felt, the canine's body quivering as the tentacle-like vines pushed out from his nipples and then further down his chest. The chimera's own vines grew excited and more joined the ones that had already emerged until both their bodies were held together by rubber vines that had almost completely wrapped around them. As their bodies continued to become pressed together Lux made sure that his hips aligned with the other male's, one of his tentacle cocks sliding into the other male's tailhole, which caused the jackal to arc backwards into the chimera's body.

Velan's moans turned muffled as more vines spilled out from his muzzle and nostrils, though by now both their bodies had been mostly turned to synthetic plant matter that no longer resembled their old anatomies. The rubber cells in their body merely continued to mimic their old forms for simplicity as they evolved, their latex forms squeaking together as Lux's mouth vines slithered around Velan's cheeks and mingled with his. At the same time the chimera's second cock pushed its way in the jackal's already stretched hole, Velan's entire body tensing with sheer pleasure from the insertion as his modified anatomy easily allowed the appendage to the sensitive flesh within. Velan's own cock began to wiggle of its own accord as the cascade of plant latex crawled over it and covered the tip of his sensitive member, which combined with the repeated thrusts of the creature behind him, caused him to orgasm.

Lux watched as the first two spurts of his mate's cock flushed the last of his canine seed from his corrupted sack as the liquid that followed became black and shiny. As soon as the latex seed touched the vines that surrounded them they began to melt into one another, forming into a single solid piece. The chimera sighed and relaxed as he felt his final transformation taking hold, the last of his former form being altered and upgraded by the spores he had inhaled accidently only a few hours ago. In front of him he could feel Velan's mind begin to realize the beauty he had just been embraced by as the liquid rubber continued to fill his skull and corrupt the flesh within. Lux's cocks remained firmly lodged between Velan's cheeks as their cocoon was suddenly filled with fluid brought in from the roots that had taken hold outside the pod.

As time passed their pleasures continued to mingle as the pod swelled and grew, the vines and roots outside it growing over the surrounding area. Flowers sprouted around the parameter of the pod as it spread, beautiful in their nature but with a secret inside their shiny petals. As one male who had entered the warehouse to flee the chaos outside found out, they were armed with a powerful sap that immediately coated him. The creature turned and ran but only got several feet before the thick substance created a uniform coat of rubber around his body as it grew rooted to the ground while the material continued to thicken, until the only thing that could be seen in the thick trunk of the rubber tree was the outline of the male host that quivered in pleasure as its new vine cock waved in the air in front of it.

For ages the two beings inside the rubber cocoon slept and grew, the liquid latex slowly shifted back and forth with every moment of their bodies as they evolved. Outside the perfectly smooth rubber walls shifted only slightly as the shiny roots pulsed with the resources they absorbed from their surroundings. Finally the shiny skin of the pod quivered, then split down the middle as the two creatures slowly emerged from the goo inside. First came their arms, then their bodies as stood up and stepped out of their cocoon.

The first to touch the root laden concrete was Velan, his solid black eyes gleamed unnaturally in the light as he looked around his surroundings as though for the first time. His fur had become completely synthetic and it rustled with unseen vines, the pitch black mixed with gold from the markings that had been on his body. On first glance other than the unusual shine one wouldn't know the jackal's true nature, but as he stood there and surveyed the area his skin shifted and bulged unnaturally from the multitude of plants hidden within. He was not a creature infested with plants, he had been completely assimilated by them as he yawned and extended his tongue out nearly two feet before it came back in.

When it was clear Lux was the next to come out, and like his partner his entire body appeared to be coated with a sheen of latex from head to toe. But where the jackal kept his vines internally the chimera was the opposite, his wings made up of purple tentacles that wiggled in the air as several more silver ones framed his back. Several more seemed to continuously poke out of his muzzle as his plant cocks wiggled freely about, surrounded by others that had emerged from his groin as he moved forward. Even his arms and legs had several vines that continued to wrap around and move against his limbs as he joined his fellow alpha creature. The two no longer needed to speak, their connection was beyond words as they silently made their way back up the hill towards the city proper.

Once they reached the hill where they could see the city once more their tails stretched and wrapped around one another as they saw just how much they had spread. From the three hot zones it appeared their loyal minions had spread out even further. Entire buildings were covered in rubber vines and flowers and the air had the haze of their spores that hung heavily in it that came out of one of the skyscrapers. Anyone caught in its cloud without a full hazmat suit and air supply had quickly found themselves infested, turning to plant creatures or trees that remained where they had been exposed. As their rubber garden continued to find hosts to transform, the rubber vines would continue to spread until it covered the entirety of the city.

But it was a big city, and both Velan and Lux knew that there were those out there that wished to stop them from completing their goals. Even as they stood there they could sense that there were those trying to stop them, trying to take samples safely in order to figure out how to cure or kill them. As he reached out his consciousness towards his minions he could feel that some of them had even gotten trapped by the pesky survivors, though Darian and the others attempted to free them and convert the others, they had somehow erected safe areas within heavily infected zones in order to move freely without being contaminated.

Despite this Lux couldn't help but grin at the progress they had made, and now that their alphas were back, their reach would spread even further. Soon everyone would be theirs, a creature of plant and rubber that could live in and spread their garden to the very limits. The two knew they needed to take ground quickly, though, even though their numbers continued to swell there were many threats they would have to deal with until their hold here was complete. Though the fox had said the city was their limit it was likely not the same for those outside it, which meant they would have to show the world that this city, and all those in it, were now theirs.

"And what of Sibergon Labs and their fence?" Velan interrupted Lux's thoughts, his infectious latex saliva dripping down his lips. "Surely we're not going to stop at their borders."

"A plant does not merely stop growing when it reaches a barrier..." Lux chuckled as he stretched out his arm, the silver spores still present in the air circulating throughout the air. "It merely finds a new way to spread its seeds..."


Meanwhile a research lab sat in a field several miles away from the site of the affected zone, men and women in hazmat suits appeared to place stakes in the ground around the building while in the office that overlooked them, a sharply dressed male panther looked down from the bay windows that dominated one of the walls. On one side of the room was a bank of monitors that were powered down, and the other side was dominated with a symbol with a merged dragon and tiger on it.

As he stood there he heard a knock at the door, and with a slight turn of his body he opened the locks and allowed the female fox inside. "Everything is done as ordered," she said as she sat down and pulled out a cigarette. "Are you so sure it's wise to send in two Special Forces teams to try and get a sample of the two alpha plants?"

"They're training to become one of Sibergon Lab's special Reclamation and Recovery Teams," the panther replied as he turned and pulled the cigarette out of the vixen's mouth before she had a chance to light it and replaced it with a bottle of green smoothie. "I thought I told you no smoking, those things will take ten years off your life... though I suppose for someone like you that isn't a problem. Nevertheless, this outbreak of our rubber flowers is the perfect chance to see what they're made of."

"I do hope you aren't insinuating that the boss dragon and tiger let this all continue in order to train a few troops," the vixen replied, taking a drink from the bottle before she made a face and put it down. "Seems like a waste of assets to me, if word got out about this we'd have to scrap this facility, and building these things on other worlds ain't cheap."

The feline laughed and turned back around towards the window once more. "Our founders are not one for throwing away resources without cause," he said as he took out a remote and pointed it at a wall of monitors, which flickered to life with scenes of the nearby city from a number of different angles. "Plus, you really should ask yourself how such sensitive experimental material would end up so grossly mislabeled and sent to a house where it could expose one or more people."

"You don't mean..." the fox said in shock.

"This wouldn't be the first time," the panther replied. "I remember while I was still in the home office that there were tales of entire planets that fell to one of their experiments simply because of intellectual curiosity. They're dreamers my dear, visionaries, and if a civilization or two gets altered in order to fulfill those visions, then so be it. Plus, this planet is rather lucky that we already have the means to make this right once more."

The vixen looked at her boss with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, which the panther seemed to sense. "We've already set the narrative that a package that was meant to go to another government lab was accidently sent to the wrong house," the panther explained. "They will be the ones to take the fall for the incident, and once our testing is complete and we extract or cure the subjects, we will be regaled as heroes. The stock of Sibergon Labs will go up, not only on this world but in the interdimensional markets, and we get a healthy cut of all the profits that come from it. By the way, what did those two get in their package we switched out?"

"A pen, two pads of sticky notes, and one of those plug-and-play systems with like, ten retro games programmed into it," the vixen stated.

"Lucky us," the panther replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah, the technicians got it plugged into the television down in the break room," the fox informed him. "Should I tell them to stop and get ready to get the alpha plant creatures under control?"

"Oh no, for now we let them have their fun while we get our data," the panther said with a grin as he took his own smoothie from the desk and took a drink while he looked out at the clouds of black smoke that rose from the city skyline. "And oh, what fun they must be having..."

Always Check the Packing Slip P3

When Lux awoke again he found himself in some sort of car, his body lying down on the cheap plastic cushioning as he felt his consciousness return to him. As the memories of what happened before his sudden trip to darkness flooded back to him, it...

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Always Check the Packing Slip P2

Velan paced up and down the room while Lux and Darian sat on the couch, none of them looking at each other after the chaos chimera had explained everything that had happened after he left for coffee. On the countertop was the metal thermos that had...

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Always Check the Packing Slip P1

"It's finally here, Velan!" The jackal looked up from the kindle he was reading to see his boyfriend bound towards the table with a large box that he put down on the table in front of him. "Alright Lux, I'll bite on this one," he asked as he watched...

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