Always Check the Packing Slip P1

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#1 of Always Check the Packing Slip

A chimera learns the hard way to make sure to check that the package you receive really is yours, because you never know what you might accidentally get in the mail.

Part 1 of 4

Part of a trade with LuxVolans

Edited by Texotic

"It's finally here, Velan!"

The jackal looked up from the kindle he was reading to see his boyfriend bound towards the table with a large box that he put down on the table in front of him. "Alright Lux, I'll bite on this one," he asked as he watched the chimera creature use a claw to open the packing tape. "What did you order this time?"

"I don't know!" Lux replied as packing peanuts went flying everywhere. "It's one of those mystery box things that you can order online, where you pay like five dollars and they send you a random item. It could be a pencil, it could be a flat screen television, and it's all on the luck of the draw!"

"Well, whatever it is you got, it's bigger than a pencil," Velan commented as the red-scaled hands of his boyfriend finally got to the contents inside. "Or maybe it's a really big pencil? Or perhaps it's a regular pencil they put in a big box? They certainly have enough packing peanuts in there that you're cleaning up, either way."

Finally Lux pulled out a large metal box and shoved the cardboard off the table to set it on, then quickly opened it up and his look of excitement turned to confusion when he pulled out a metal bottle. "It's a... thermos?" he said as he pulled off the tape and unscrewed the cap to look inside, though as soon as he brought it up to his face he sneezed and caused a cloud of silver powder to erupt from the inside of the bottle. "That is... exceptionally dusty."

"Hey, there's something on the side of the bottle there," Velan said as he took the thermos away from the dusty hybrid and read the words etched into the metal. "It says here they're syntheticizied plant seeds... though that first one isn't even a word I've ever heard of. Seems odd to just send something like this without an instruction manual or anything like that."

"Well there was a packing slip... somewhere around here," Lux replied as he looked around, then shrugged. "Ah well, it was only five dollars anyway. I'm going to go out and get something from the cart, you want me to pick you something up?"

Velan shook his head and the chimera put the steel bottle back in the metal case, then put the metal case on one of the nearby shelves. Once he had put it away he left the door, chuckling when he heard the jackal shout that he was cleaning up the packing peanuts when he came back. The chimera paid it little heed and walked out of the apartment building and onto the street, his snake tail swaying in the warm breeze as he enjoyed the sun on his face for a moment before he began to walk. About halfway to the familiar cart he sneezed once again, then a second, and finally a third time before he made it to the fox that manned the small corner stand.

"You alright there?" he asked as he handed Lux a couple of tissues. "You know how spring gets, all the pollen in the air and such."

"I've never had allergies like this before," Lux replied as he wiped his nose, unaware of the silver that was deposited on it as he tossed them away. Once he had gotten himself cleaned up he made his order, and just as he was about to pay for it, the fox suddenly waved his hand and told him that it was on the house. When he asked about the sudden generosity, the vendor just shrugged and told him was feeling particularly generous towards him today since he was a frequent customer, a statement that rang true to the chimera as his head nodded. As he turned around he nearly bumped into the next customer at the line that had gotten to within an inch of him, but strangely instead of being angry, the female lynx just laughed it off and gave him an alluring look that caused him to tilt his head in confusion.

Just as he thought the strangeness of the situation was finished, he noticed a guy staring at him that had been next to the cart as well. At first he just ignored them, but even as he started to move away he noticed that he started to follow him, and finally after about half a block he finally stopped and turned towards them. "Can I help you?"

"I don't know..." the white-furred male wolf said as he grinned sheepishly at him. "There's just something about you that I can't quite put my finger on, perhaps your unique anatomy?"

"Um... thanks," Lux replied with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't mean it to be a deficit to you!" The wolf said as he brought his hands up into the air. "On the contrary, I consider it to be quite a fascinating and beautiful prospect, more than most. I know this seems a bit brash, but perhaps you could come to my studio and let me take a few reference photos of you?"

"...nah, I'm good," Lux replied with an uneasy smile. "No offense, but it's a little weird to ask someone off the street to go to your apartment so you can take pictures of them."

The wolf tilted his head in confusion for a few seconds before he smacked his forehead. "I'm so sorry!" he once again apologized as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. "Perhaps I should have led with this in order to ease up some of the confusion that you are no doubt feeling. You see, I just moved here with my girlfriend and I'm actually trying to find material to shoot, which I'd like to think might be you, if you accept!"

Lux looked down at the card and it looked legit; the name of the card read Hans Markin and gave the address of his studio as an address that was close to where they stood. Once he had finished looking the piece of paper over the wolf once more asked if he would do it, and though it still seemed strange to him the chimera found himself saying yes. Getting more excited than expected, Hans grabbed Lux by the hand and nearly dragged him across the street and down the sidewalk. The chimera's hooves clapped noisily against the concrete as they made their way past the glass doorway and went up three flights of stairs.

Once they arrived at the top loft, the wolf opened the door and let Lux in before shutting it behind him. The entire area was one large open room, save for the bathroom tucked away near an area set up to be a bedroom with a simple bed and nightstand. On the other side of the room was a kitchen, and finally most of the space seemed to be dominated by a large stage set up for the purpose of shooting photographs. The only other furniture besides the equipment for the photography studio was a couch and television, where a brown and white-furred female wolf laid on the couch with her laptop on her lap. "It's about time that you got back, Hans," she said as she sat up, reaching out to grab her coffee from her overactive boyfriend before she looked at Lux in confusion.

"I apologize for the short notice, Eva," Hans said before he gestured to the chimera, who uneasily shook his head. "I saw him at the cart with the coffee and something in my head just clicked, I knew I had to shoot him."

The female wolf closed her laptop and stood up, and for a second he thought she was about to say something when her eyes widened slightly. Her black nose wrinkled slightly as she sniffed the air, approaching him as she did so. "You know, if it's really too much trouble I could just leave," Lux stated as she came up so close to him he had to take a step back. "This was kind of strange thing to do in the first place, and though I'm glad that this is an actual studio and he's not going to murder me, I really don't have to be here."

"No... no you should stay," Eva said as she took him by the hand and led him onto the stage. "My boyfriend has a wonderful eye for art and I think he's right in trying to capture you."

Lux nodded but felt a pang of anxiety as the male wolf got behind the lens of the camera while the female wolf stayed on stage to pose him. Despite everything, though, he realized that a growing part of him was glad to be there, watching the two wolves dote on him as was guided into position. It wasn't lost on him that the room had grown increasingly charged sensually as well, something that he hadn't expected when he heard the two were together. Nevertheless, more than once he felt a hand on his groin and under his tail as she bit her lip, and when he looked over to the boyfriend he noticed that he had started to sport a tent in his pants as well.

"So... I suppose I should have asked what type of photography you-" he started to ask before his head was turned and he was kissed full on the lips by Eva. At first Lux's eyes widened and he was about to back away, but in the next heartbeat his resolve seemed to melt and he found his lips open to allow the persistent tongue in. At that point he hadn't realized how horny he felt, himself, but as their bodies began to grind against one another, he could feel his own lengths strain against the confines of their fabric prison. Before he could do anything, though, he felt a pair of hands reach into his waistband and deftly undo the button on his pants.

In the background he could hear the snap of the camera in the background as he found himself suddenly sans pants and underwear; his twin dicks jutted out into the air which caused both wolves to gasp. "Here I was wondering if we were going to have to take turns," she said as she broke the kiss and nuzzled white fur around Lux's neck. "Looks like we're both going to be able to take a turn."

The chimera was stunned enough by the statement for his thoughts to rise above the haze he was in in time to see Hans abandoning the shoot to move towards him as well. The absurdity of the situation allowed him to realize that he had just gone from getting a coffee, which remained on the table with the other two the photographer had gotten, to having two canines fawn over his half-naked body. The strangest thing was that he didn't have any thought to leave, in fact the longer he stood there, the more he wanted it as the male wolf's muzzle met his own for a kiss. This time he found himself the aggressor as his tongue slid out of his mouth and into the canine's, exploring his maw as Eva slid down his body until she was at eye level with his throbbing cock.

"I think I'm going to take this one," she said as one hand wrapped around Lux's thigh while her lips pressed against the tapered, ridged tip of his cock. Her other hand slipped down and began to grope the fuzzy sack and rubbed between his legs, the chimera shuddering as his sack felt oddly larger under her ministrations. None of that mattered as he continued to kiss Hans, though, their muzzles pushing harder against one another as Lux swore he could feel the tip of his tongue press against the back of the wolf's throat.

Finally Hans separated from their intense embrace and left Lux panting as he slid down, as well, before he was next to his girlfriend.

Lux let out a moan as the flared end of his other cock was suddenly engulfed by Hans, both wolves now each sucking on one as it multiplied the waves of pleasure that he was experiencing. He could feel himself lick his lips as the two muzzles on his groin started to rub against one another as they sucked, hearing them slurp loudly as they continued to bob their heads up and down on the sensitive flesh. While he wasn't sure if they did such things often, or together for that matter, it certainly felt like they did as they moaned around his shafts. Soon the two had gotten into a synchronous rhythm that spiked the chimera's pleasure so fast he felt himself go from zero to climax fast. Before he even had a chance to say anything, his two cocks throbbed and dumped several copious jets of seed down the two eager canines' throats.

"Wow..." Lux panted as he wiped the drool that had accumulated on his lips, failing to notice the unnatural thickness or tinge to it as he wiped it on his fur. What he did notice; however, caused his eyes to widen as the two wolves continued to have their muzzles suctioned around his dual members, which felt like they were at the back of their throat. Droplets of liquid silver escaped past their lips as he tried to disengage, only to feel their arms wrap around his furry legs as they pushed themselves down harder. As they did he saw something bulge out their throats, a lump that seemed to wiggle as it continued to slide downward.

Lux began to panic and tried to pull away once again, only to be countered with such intensity that he fell backwards and nearly crushed his own wings. "Ow..." he moaned as he sat up, only to go from in pain to perplexed at what he saw. "What in the..."

For the brief instance before the eager canine couple once again impaled themselves on them, he saw that what was nestled between his legs was not his two normal cocks. Instead of the flared head and ridges to which he was accustomed, the shafts were uniform and smooth on both, as well as colored an unnaturally shiny silver. It looked like they had been completely covered in thick rubber that obscured their features as they disappeared once more down the throats of the two wolves. Though he hadn't had a chance to gauge their length, they now completely stretched the throats of the two as more of the strange liquid silver dripped from their maws onto his groin. Despite the renewed and intense pleasure Lux tried to get their attention, only to stop when he saw the same silver tendrils on their eyes.

Just as the chimera was about to call for help, a sudden surge of pure bliss radiated from his groin with such power that it would have knocked him off his feet had he not already been on the floor. It was soon followed by a second wave, then a third that caused his mouth to open wide in pure pleasure as his body slowly lowered back down onto the floor. His vision grew unfocused and hazy as he felt something thick begin to drip out of the corner of his maw, and though he was unable to see, his own green eyes had begun to shift, though instead of tiny tentacles assimilating the sclera, it was the irises themselves that gleamed with a silver hue. As he laid there paralyzed with pleasure, he felt something shift from inside his stomach and begin to slide down towards his twin members.

As though they could sense it coming Eva and Markin both began to groan and wiggle, their heads bobbing shallowly at the root of his cocks as though to get it deeper inside them. Lux was far too gone to fully comprehend anything, his fingers dug into the wood as whatever was buried in his body began to migrate into his members. Had he been able to see he would have seen the bases of his silver-coated maleness swell as something pushed its way from his groin into it, causing his entire body to spasm. As it began to travel upwards the canine lovers allowed it to easily slip into their muzzles and down into them, their fur pushed out unnaturally as they both let out gurgles of pure lust as the lumps migrated down into their chests. Eva had her hands clutched against her breasts and were massaging them vigorously as Markin continued to rub his own against his naked body, as though the sheer act of the object being inside them drove them to mindless ecstasy.

Finally Lux let out a loud shout of pleasure as the objects finally reached the end of his mutated rubber members and properly entered the two, reaching his second orgasm in only a few minutes. As he felt his entire body twitch he could feel himself losing consciousness from sheer exhaustion. He managed to look up for just a few seconds to see the two wolves on their knees now, his cocks still inside their maws despite being further away. Their fur was nearly coated on their heads and chest by the silver liquid that they began to spread before Lux finally felt his head flop back as he passed out...


When Lux awoke again it was with a snort, nearly bolting upright when he realized where he was. The first thing he noticed was that his two hosts were no longer between his legs, the only thing left as evidence they were there was the puddle of silver on the floor. The very next thing he noticed were his cocks, or at least what used to be them. Now that they weren't covered with the muzzles of the amorous wolves, he could see they looked more like tentacles or vines then anything humanoid, and glistened like they were covered in black rubber. As he reached out his hand to touch one it curled around his wrist, which made him realize the foot-long appendages were not only incredibly flexible but, prehensile as well. The smooth, slick skin was pleasurable to the touch, but before he could get lost in those sensations once more, he pulled his hand back and watched as they retracted back until they were a more manageable size.

"Markin?" Lux called out as he slowly stood up and looked around, putting on his pants carefully with his new appendages. "Eva?" When he didn't see them in the studio area it made him wonder where they had gone, though as his gaze once more reached the puddle on the floor, he began to fear the worst. A loud clang caused his head to bolt up and look at the one area that was separate from the rest of the place, the bathroom. Though part of him just wanted to leave to try and figure out what happened to him, he wanted to be sure that they were okay; a mental image of them with their mouths dripping that silver goo caused him to shudder as he approached the door.

Before he even reached the wooden door he could identify the distinctive sounds being made, which caused him to pause before he reached out for the brass doorknob. The thought suddenly crossed his mind that what was happening was absolutely ridiculous, especially as the memories of what had just happened a few minutes ago filtered back into his mind. He looked down at his new cocks and realized that this whole situation wasn't normal and he should be freaking out about everything that had just happened to him. Yet even as the voice inside his head screamed such a thing at him, he couldn't help but be focused on the fate of the wolves as he finally reached out and pulled open the door.

The chimera stood there at the threshold as the wooden door opened to reveal the answer to his question. Eva was pinned against the wall with her legs around Markin's waist as he thrusted his cock into her, but any normalcy that Lux had hoped for ended there. Their bodies were a solid, shiny black from head to toe, their skin squeaking loudly as they pushed hard against one another. Their features were also distorted by the sheer amount of similarly textured vines that grew over their bodies and their surroundings. The wall behind Eva crawled with new growth while the floor where Markin stood had thicker, rubber vines that had started to wrap around the sink and bathtub as well.

There was a loud tap as Lux slowly took a step back, the shock of the situation finally enough to jog his brain back into the absurdness in front of him. He was just about to run out the door when he turned and saw the camera still on the tripod. With a bit of fumbling he managed to get it off of the stand and went back to the bathroom with it. The two vine-encased creatures didn't seem to even notice his presence until he took a picture; the second the flash went off they turned their rubber-covered head towards him and suddenly all the tendrils in the room began to rush him. The chimera managed to react fast enough to slam the door shut, but even as he began to back away, he saw thin black lines grow out of the edges of the door.

Lux swallowed hard and took his camera out of the studio, and a few seconds after he shut the door behind him, the sound of metal cracking could be heard as black-tinged water flowed out from under the bathroom door...


The chimera hardly got down to the first platform of stairs when he nearly ran head-first into another person coming up. He managed to brace himself to avoid the collision, but had startled the other creature into dropping the grocery bags they were holding, which caused the contents to roll about on the floor. "I'm so sorry about that!" Lux said as he reached down to help gather up all the spilt items.

"It's alright," the artic fox replied as she put the groceries back into the bag. "Luckily I didn't happen to get anything that would be easily breakable. Do you work with Markin and Eva up at their photography studio?"

For a second Lux stood there in confusion before she gestured down at the camera he was holding. "Um... yes?" the chimera replied, though as he stood there he realized he wasn't sure why he was there in the first place. He had been running down the stairs for... some reason, something extremely important he thought. His gaze drifted back towards the equipment he held and was just about to pull up the pictures on the digital screen when he saw a white-furred hand reach out at him.

"My name is Darian," the arctic fox introduced with a smile.

"Lux," the chimera replied as he shook her hand. Something in the back of his mind continued to nag him as she told him that her and her roommate had already met the two wolves and didn't realize they had an assistant. As he continued to stare at her a new voice was kicking in; however, one that admired her very shapely figure as he found himself licking his lips. The feeling appeared to be mutual, too, as with every second they talked, she seemed to grow more flush and giggled more despite herself.

"I hate to be a bother," she stated as she held up the partially torn bag. "But do you mind helping me with this? I'm afraid that if I try and make a grab for my keys while I hold this, we're going to be playing pick up once again."

Lux just nodded and grabbed the plastic bag as carefully as he could before the vulpine reached into her pocket for her keys. As she did the chimera couldn't help but look down and notice a sizable bulge in her pants as well, revealing her to be some sort of herm as the door opened. He followed her inside the apartment and heard the sound of the shower running, which Darian was quick to inform him was her roommate. Despite his task being fulfilled he couldn't help but continue to linger, and the vixen appeared to be in no hurry to show him the door. The chimera helped her put away the groceries, but as soon as the last bag was empty, they found themselves staring at one another in a state of awkward, confused want. In the end the two lunged for one another and their muzzles met in a deep kiss that lasted for at least a minute.

Once they had broken their embrace Darian motioned for him to follow her to the bedroom, the camera he had been carrying during the whole time was left forgotten as they migrated towards her room. As soon as they were inside their clothes came off and they were both on the bed, and as Lux's hands drifted downwards, he found out very quickly that she was a true herm, complete with female sex nestled between her legs accompanied by the throbbing cock pressed against the bedspread. Both of them were so lust-addled they didn't question the latex tentacles that were released from their cotton confines, the only comment made from the artic fox who commented on the fact he had two of them and that he had better use both.

"I wanted you to know I normally don't do this," Darian commented as she got on all fours, wagging her tail in front of Lux's face. "There's something intoxicating about you, though, no wonder the two wolves upstairs wanted you, too."

The mention of Eva and Markin was enough to cause Lux to finally pause, though his hands continued to run through the silken fur of the herm beneath him, his sluggish thoughts revealed the image of the two corrupted creatures against the bathroom wall. He had been a part of that, he thought to himself as he leaned back, and now he had jumped into bed with someone else while they were still up there. Just as he began to get his thoughts back to normal; however, one of his silver latex cocks decided to take the initiative and press against the folds of the fox's pussy, which caused them both to moan slightly. As he continued to feel his tool slide into her, it obliterated his line of thought with a wave of pure pleasure.

The vixen leaned backwards as Lux's hands groped against her breasts, her entire body shaking as she was spread wide by the chimera's rubber cock. "So deep..." she groaned, her own hand sliding down to her cock as she began to stroke along the length. "I don't think... I can take any more of it..."

Lux didn't respond, his eyes grew glassy and his irises once more turned silver as a line of latex drool began to leak out past his lips. His tongue slowly slid out, and like his members, now slithered in the air with inhuman length and dexterity. He slowly leaned forward and nuzzled against her neck, the tip of the appendage slowly pushed against her cheek and made its way to her muzzle.

A sudden shout from somewhere inside the apartment caused both to stop and look up, Lux's body returning to normal as he felt the vixen scramble out from underneath him. "That was Sandy!" she shouted as she pulled off of him, causing both of them to shudder silently from the sudden decoupling. Lux felt his thoughts return to him as he got off the bed and followed the arctic fox out of her room and into the apartment. When they found that empty, as well, they heard another noise from the bathroom and they tried to open the door only to find it locked.

"She locks the door when she takes a shower?" Lux asked, which Darian nodded as she ran a hand through her headfur. When he looked down at the handle he realized it was a rather simple one to bypass and told the fox to get him something thin and long. She nodded and as she ran into the kitchen to look while the chimera pressed his curled, horned head against the wood of the door. He couldn't hear the sound of water anymore or the girl that was inside, but every so often he could hear some type of movement that made him question. Before he could really hear anything, though, Darian came back and presented him with an ice pick, which he pushed into the hole on the doorknob until he heard the click of the lock disengaging.

Darian was the first to enter the bathroom and as soon as she did she covered her mouth in a loud gasp, which Lux was able to see why as soon as he entered himself. The husky girl was suspended in midair, her head completely engulfed in a huge rubber tentacle that had burst out of the showerhead, and her hands stuck fast to the sides of it to keep them there. At the same time a second black tentacle had pushed its way out of the drain and between her legs, which seemed to pulse and cause the suspended female to convulse with pleasure. More of the shiny latex substance had begun to spread down her neck and around her groin, and as she continued to writhe in the tentacle's embrace, they could see her uncovered fur swell as something snaked its way beneath her skin.

Another black tentacle reached from the nearby sink towards Darian but Lux had wrapped his arm around her naked waist and pulled her back before he closed the door behind them. "What the hell?!" the arctic fox shouted as she held her head, eyes wide in fear. "We have to... we have to go in and get her! Get those things off of her or something!"

"It won't help her!" Lux shouted as he held her until she calmed down, though he could feel himself panic as the events up in the photographer's studio began to come back to him with crystal clarity. "We need to get out of here and get back to my place, something happened to your neighbor's upstairs and they were infected with... something that is spreading through the pipes."

"Infected?" Darian asked. "How do you know that?"

Lux bit his lip as he looked at the camera on the countertop. "Because I'm infected," he revealed, looking up at the arctic fox as her eyes widened once again. "And I think you are, too..."

Always Check the Packing Slip P2

Velan paced up and down the room while Lux and Darian sat on the couch, none of them looking at each other after the chaos chimera had explained everything that had happened after he left for coffee. On the countertop was the metal thermos that had...

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An Argos Experience - Day Two and Departure

Day 2: Kajiit awoke to find his room had changed yet again, this time with an ancient civilization theme that had a futuristic twist to it reminiscent of the alien experience he just had. As he got out of bed he found that his body had reverted...

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When Kajiit awoke again he found his settings had changed dramatically since he went to sleep. He could smelt the faint hint of salt in the air as he saw semi-translucent curtains hanging around him, which he pulled aside once he got out of his bed....

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