Always Check the Packing Slip P3

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Always Check the Packing Slip

A chimera learns the hard way to make sure to check that the package you receive really is yours, because you never know what you might accidentally get in the mail.

Part 3 of 4

Part of a trade with LuxVolans

Edited by Texotic

When Lux awoke again he found himself in some sort of car, his body lying down on the cheap plastic cushioning as he felt his consciousness return to him. As the memories of what happened before his sudden trip to darkness flooded back to him, it didn't take long to figure out where he was and managed to bolt himself upright despite the cuffs he realized were now secured to his wrists. His breathing quickened and he felt his heart pound in his chest as he realized that the vehicle thankfully wasn't moving or that there was anyone in there with him, though when he looked out the window he was just in time to see a thick layer of white plastic sheeting get tossed over the last of the uncovered electronics store. The first thought in his mind was that he needed to get out of the police car, though with his hands bound and the doors locked, it seemed next to impossible.

After a few minutes of squirming to try and shake the restraints loose he suddenly heard the car door open and two police officers sit in the front seats. "See, I told you that I didn't give him too much juice," the equine officer said with a smirk as he gestured towards Lux. "Looks like the little punk is awake just in time to enjoy the scenic ride to jail."

"Chief says to hurry up and drop him off in holding and then join the rest on patrol," the cheetah said as he buckled up his seat belt. "Between the calls from that apartment complex and this store, there's apparently some sort of strange outbreak going on. The city wants us on patrol for people acting strangely until a specialist comes in to figure out what's going on."

"CDC?" the horse asked as he pulled out.

"No, independent contractor apparently," the cheetah replied. "Says that they'll be coming in to assess the situation and see what type of protocol needs to be put into play in order to handle the situation. Strange thing is that it's just one guy, don't they usually bring in a whole team of the guys in white hazmat suits in order to contain something like this?"

Lux just rolled his eyes as he continued to try and get himself free, though now he tried to do so covertly as to not attract the attention of the two officers. He guessed that with the thick sheet of hardened plastic with only a few holes drilled into it separating the seats, the spores or pheromones he produced couldn't reach them, or at least not a high enough quantity to change their behavior. Part of him wanted to scream that they were in danger and that if they knew what was good for them they'd let him out, but even if they did believe him for some reason, they would likely try to open the door to get at him and expose themselves. The best he could do was escape by himself, though that proved increasingly unlikely as he banged around the back seat.

As they left the affected area and began to drive towards the police station; however, Lux suddenly found his body relaxing. He felt... better, as though a weight was taken off his chest as they left the containment zone. His body could sense that he was far enough away from the outbreak he had created, which meant that he could create a new one without too much overlap. Soon the chimera couldn't even remember why he was in the back of the police car in the first place, and as he looked at the rear view mirror of the police car, he could see tendrils of silver begin to creep into his eyes that meant... something...

After a few minutes Lux's head twitched as his completely coated eyes glanced back and forth between the two officers. He couldn't understand why they were still driving while he had so much to give him. As his mind began to speed up again he remembered the plastic barrier between the two of them, a completely impenetrable barrier save for the holes cut into it so that the officer could talk to their prisoner. Wordlessly, the chaos chimera took a deep breath in and pressed his lips against those holes, exhaling his spore-laden breath into the front seats of the car.

The effects of such a potent dose of his pheromone breath became instant as the equine's pants nearly split open from the force of his sudden erection. In the other seat the cheetah's hands shot to his own groin as he let out a low moan despite himself. "Oh my god, Gerald..." the feline said in embarrassment. "I need... I need to stop somewhere..."

"You and me both, Simon," Gerald replied with a grunt as he used one hand to drive and the other to massage his throbbing tool. "Oh man, I am so horny! I need something wrapped around my cock right now or I'm going to bust through these pants."

"Perhaps I could be of some help," Lux suggested in a cool, calm voice with only the slightest hint of a smirk. "Why don't you pull over into the nearby park, I could certainly help both of you out."

"Gerald, we can't..." Simon warned before another wave of pleasure surged through his body and nearly caused him to double over.

"There is no way I'm passing this up!" Gerald shouted as he suddenly turned left and sped down the street before pulling into an underground parking lot. "If he's offering to handle this, I'm not going to be one to turn him down. Plus I didn't want to say this before, but he is hot as hell... and I'm normally not even into dudes, so you know I'm speaking the truth."

After a few minutes they arrived in an emergency section of the parking garage, completely secluded from the rest of the cars as a place for ambulances to come in quickly. The car hardly came to a stop before the horse got out, unbuttoning his pants in the process as he opened the back door. As the chimera looked up he saw that the equine officer had also managed to get his shirt unbuttoned, his muscular chest heaving in lust as he looked down at him. Before he could say anything Lux heard the other door open, and when he turned his head, he saw something that caused a slight surprise.

The cheetah had stripped completely before he had opened the door, and as he stood there the chimera realized that there were a pair of feminine lips between the legs of the otherwise male feline. Though not as ripped as his partner, Simon was lithe and handsome, and Lux couldn't help but stare between his legs before the cheetah put a hand in front of his groin. "I still can't believe we're doing this," he said as he looked up at Gerald. "Speaking of... how exactly are we doing this?"

"I think it would be best if he fucks you," Gerald said as he eyed up the chimera's body as Lux began to strip of his own accord. "Then I'm gonna fuck him while he does. Agreed?"

The cheetah looked so flustered that he would have likely agreed to almost anything if that meant finding satisfaction, and before Lux even had his pants completely off, the cunt boy had slid into the backseat while still on his back. At this point Lux's thoughts were so far lost in the sea of blissful lust that, while he knew in his mind that he was about to seed these two, the thought never reached the rest of his body. His twin cocks shined in the light as they were exposed, another warning flag to the two officers had they not been stricken with such dire need. Even before he could position himself Lux felt his ridged and flared member smooth out and regain their prehensile qualities, the silver appendages eagerly seeking out the feline holes placed beneath him.

As the tips of his new cocks began to push their way into the tailhole and slit of the feline beneath him, Lux realized that he remained remarkably clearheaded about the entire situation. There was still the haze of lust, but instead of the all-consuming fire that normally burned away his rationality, it was more like a shining beacon of clarity. He realized that he had been giving pleasure to so many; the wolves in the apartment, Darian and the electronic store employees, now these two were about to be given such a wonderful gift. The chimera could have smacked his forehead with how blind he had been to the possibilities as he watched the cheetah's mouth gasp open in pleasure before he leaned in and stuck his silver rubber tongue into it.

His penetration of the female was given a boost when he suddenly felt a heavy weight press against his back and his own rear get penetrated by something large and slick. "Lubed it up as best I could," the equine officer said before Lux heard a scoff. "Wait, you already got some on you? Why didn't you tell me, I could have saved myself some spit... that silver isn't going to stain my uniform, is it?"

"I assure you that you will not have to worry about your uniform when we're done here," Lux replied with the slightest hint of a growl in his voice as he tried to push his hips back up into the horse to speed him along. In the back of his mind some rational part of his brain tried to tell him that this wasn't him, that there was a plan in place to get him cured of the infection that coursed through his body, but that one voice was drowned out by the whispers that began to take its place. At first he thought it might have been the plant itself, but as he listened he began to realize that the voices were... familiar... somehow...

Another sudden shove forward and a grunt from Gerald made Lux narrow his silver eyes, realizing it was time to take control of the situation. The tip of equine shift now inside him, the chimera let out a huff and groaned loudly as the fur on his back began to push up and writhe around his wings. The officer looked down just in time to see thick rubber silver vines push out form his fur as they wrapped around his body and pulled him downward. The horse tried to shout out, but two of the tentacles near Lux's shoulders had wrapped around his muzzle until it was completely covered, then wrapped around his head and down his neck. Once the equine was completely immobilized, Lux's tail also stretched and coiled once around the chestnut brown horsehair of the officer's powerful waist as the scales melted into a uniform black color.

As Lux continued to thrust his twin vine cocks into the cunt boy beneath him, it had become clear to him that whatever was in his body had reached its critical mass. The plant spores that he had inhaled only a few hours ago had sprouted, taking root inside his very cells as it assimilated them. As his tongue continued to push its way down Simon's throat, he watched the cheetah's eyes roll back into his head, both from the pleasure of the tentacles inside every orifice and from the life-enhancing fluid that had begun to seep into his body. He watched as his vines continued to push their way into the writhing cheetah and golden fluid began to leak out of his nostrils and ears.

There was a muffled cry of pleasure out from behind him as the horse's cock continued to push inside Lux's backside. Even before the thick rod of flesh was completely inside, thin tendrils had already grown out to stimulate the sensitive flesh while at the same time Lux's tail vine began a similar action of spreading out the horse's cheeks. The thickly muscled male began to flail as the tail inside him not only began to stimulate his prostate, but also pushed his hips downwards and slid another few inches of horsecock inside the corrupted male. Even before they had become to fully convert Lux could begin to hear their thoughts, lost in the ecstasy of their transformation that normally swept him up, too.

Despite running the show Lux found himself sandwiched between two male torsos, his tongue and cocks buried deep in the cheetah while his tail was inside the horse, whose cock was buried deep in him. Their bodies were pressed against each other to the point they could feel the alien rubber vines slithering in all three of their bodies, the heavily infected cheetah's tongue slipping out of his mouth as it turned a shimmering gold to wrap around Lux's. As the bulge in Simon's throat continued to slide down into his stomach Lux felt one of his own sliding up, and it wasn't long until a second silver vine joined the first inside the cheetah. It was so close, Lux thought to himself as two smaller tentacles pushed their way out of the feline's chest and wrapped around his own, just a little bit more and he could finally... finally complete the transformation he didn't even know he wanted.

Lux groaned around his vine filled maw as the horse hilted inside him, hearing the squeak of his thighs where the horsehair had turned to bright blue latex. Just like the cunt boy below him the horse had begun to radically change, even faster than the others Lux had infested as he felt rubber vines begin to push their way out of his tailhole and wrap around his tail, as well. Underneath the cocoon of silver that Gerald had been wrapped up in, more vines began to poke their way out from between Lux, and the chimera could feel the pressure in the horse's muzzle as blue liquid began to leak out past his lips. As much as Lux wanted to see the officer transform, he already had a subject to watch beneath him, and he enjoyed simply feeling the larger male squirm as he pushed his tail in deeper to make him thrust into his own tailhole.

For the first time since he'd been infected, he was able to watch someone succumb completely to the rubber plant. A capture bulb grew on the end of the cheetah's tail as his back arched up and pressed against Lux's, and several synthetic vines similar to his own slithered out to wrap around his body. Like the chimera, Simon's maw was stretched open as several more tentacles joined his tongue vine in pushing their way into Lux's muzzle. The tawny fur of the cunt boy became wet and matted as more vines sprouted from and wrapped around his own body while bigger ones formed inside his snatch and tailhole to wrap around and massage the latex members inside him. It wasn't long before Simon's entire body convulsed with pleasure, the rubberized feline gripping the seat as his eyes turned to solid rubber as he orgasmed for the first time as a completely alien creature.

Strangely, though Lux had plenty of stimulation, he found himself unable to climax alongside his newest convert, hearing the cheetah pant and moan both from his stuffed maw and in his mind as a new instinct began to creep into his overloaded mind. Lux knew that feeling well, soon the cunt boy would need to find another host to spread the seed... his seed, and he found the thought caused a deep swelling of pride as behind him the encased horse began to speed up his own thrusts without the aid of the tentacle inside his tailhole urging him on. At this point the chimera realized that it was because of him, and he unfurled his own vines to feel a heavy weight immediately press down on him and cause one of the hardest, deepest thrusts that he swore made his belly bulge with the outline of the horse's cock.

The car shook slightly as bright blue and gold vines spilled out from it and rooted into the ground while the creature that had been Gerald smashed his hands into the seats. The former equine was bright blue latex from the tips of his toes to the top of his head, his uniform saturated in a similarly colored liquid as his new skin. The tentacles that Lux had wrapped around him were replaced with his own that sprouted from his body and began to creep over the car. Lux gasped slightly as he had to push the new vine cock further inside him to pull out of the cheetah, a nest of vines spilling out of both holes he had penetrated as the cunt boy's vines began to spread over the car seat and mingle with the bright blue ones.

Lux suddenly felt the urge to leave, but with the wall of muscle still blocking the door, the only way he could go was through the other side. As he crawled over the rubber plant creature on the seat, he could feel its vines wrapping around his body, slowly trying to draw him back and grow over him to continue their spread exponentially. It no longer seemed to care that he had been the one to infest them in the first place, as he reached out for the door handle blue and gold vines already started to wrap around his arm and try to pull it down. As the vines began to push inside his mouth and tailhole, he finally grabbed the handle and pushed it, only to find the door locked.

"Damnit..." Lux muttered as he turned himself around and laid his back down on the cheetah's body, which was all too eager to bring its muzzle up and bury it into the chimera's tailhole. He let out a yelp and kicked forward, hearing the sound of metal groan against his hardened hooves before he kicked again. By now the tentacles had spread up over his chest, and as he looked back the rubber equine plant stretched down and his own tongue, which had a flower on it made for capturing muzzles that flared open, but before it could strike the last kick popped open the door, and with a burst of strength he didn't even know he had, he broke free of the vine's hold and rolled out onto the ground.

After he quickly scrambled to his feet and managed to get to a safe distance, he turned around to look at the car. When he looked inside he could see that his position was quickly replaced by the two synthetic plant creatures coming together, their mutual vines continuing to spread out and completely cover the car, as well as the ground around it. It reminded him of the two wolves at the apartment, how they began to spread after he had converted him and then they began to infest the building. Though they were hidden in the underground parking lot he wasn't sure how long that would be, and even as he watched they seemed to spread outwards at a healthy rate. Once they got to the top... he shook his head and began to run up the ramp of the lot and away from the situation.

After he got up a few floors towards the surface he stopped and coughed, bright silver liquid splattering the ground as he realized not only that he was still naked, but unlike the last few encounters, he still retained his plant traits. And the whispers... he could still hear the thoughts of the others in his mind, especially the two that were just below him. They wanted to spread... and they wanted him to help spread. Even as he shook his head, bright red vines began to emerge from the scale of his arms and turn the surrounding keratin unnaturally shiny. As he leaned up against one of the cars to try and clear his head he accidently activated its alarm, though that was nothing to the voices in his mind as held his head.

Once voice in particular began to grow louder and louder, until finally it was practically shouting in his ear until he turned his head and saw a concerned doe looking at him. "Please calm down, sir!" she shouted, her phone already out. "I'm calling an ambulance for you, just try and stay where you are until they get here!"

Before Lux could even say anything to tell her about the dangers below, he felt the need return and the voices grew clearer once again. His already partially transformed body began to shift as the assimilating rubber plants grew once more, his horns wiggling of their own accord as his silver tongue stretched down to the top of his chest. As he began to step forward with purpose he could feel larger tentacles grow out from his legs, but instead of digging into the concrete like so many others, they wrapped tightly around him to give him the mobility he needed. His eyes glazed over until they were completely silvered, as his corrupted mind knew its purpose now...

To rule over this new land he has created...

His land...

Lux's face turned into a twisted grin as he held out his hand towards the doe, who looked at him with confusion as she began to slowly back away. With her focus on him she failed to see the blacktop crack behind her and something slither up from it. It wasn't until she physically bumped against the thickening stalk did she turn to see it, but by that time the bud on top opened and clamped down around her head. Her scream was muffled as a thick, shiny, viscous liquid leaked out from the edges where they rested around her neck, and as the black substance began to coat over her suit, Lux could see a vine already stuff her muzzle and push down her throat. As her hands clawed against the latex petals covering her face more vines pushed their way out along with the liquid and wrapped around her hands and legs before they drew them upwards.

By the time the stalk was finished only the outline of the female could be seen as the rubber fluid cooled into a tight cocoon around her body as she hung there. The entrapped female wiggled as he heard her voice whisper with the others, fear and doubt being replaced with sublime pleasure as her body was transformed. With a twist of his fingers in the air several vines could be seen against the stretchy latex shell as they curled around her breasts and pushed their way up into her snatch as a reward for her submission. Lux's vines wiggled in anticipation as he now felt every sensation of a creature's transformation, a sublime feeling that made him desire so much more of that feeling.

But priorities had to be kept, he knew, and that meant that he would need to stay ahead of those who wish to prevent him from spreading. Already they knew of his presence, but so far the spread had been kept to a minimum in order to prevent a response until the right time. With his germination almost complete he knew that now was that time, and after he took the keys and cell phone from where the doe had dropped them, he found her car and drove it out of the parking lot. He had to stay away from the sites he seeded, his latex-assimilated mind reasoned, something he had been doing subconsciously up until now.

Once he made it back up to the city streets proper he took the phone he had grabbed and, after using his newly acquired mental link to its owner to unlock it, punched in Velan's number. The phone rang a few times before a confused voice answered it, and Lux explained that he was using Darian's phone as he tried not to sound like the cat that ate the canary as he heard his boyfriend's voice. "Good news Lux," Velan said on the other end. "I managed to get in touch with this Sibergon Labs and they said that they're glad we managed to find their package, and that they potentially knew how to stop it. They said to keep the canister with us until they sent a 'risk assessment analyst' in order to see what they were looking at."

"That's great to hear, Velan," Lux said as he tried to keep the disgust out his voice upon hearing someone that may potentially wreck his plan, though when he heard the jackal still had the canister, he hatched an idea that caused him to grin. "I have some good news, too, I managed to find someone that got my infection completely under control, and now I can hang around people without losing my mind."

"That's great!" Velan replied happily. "Darian too?"

"Darian is completely fine," Lux said, and as he thought of the arctic fox he got a mental image of the herm with her mutated, rubber cock deep inside someone through the torn hole of their hazmat suit, which had already begun to swell with more vines as she seeded another host for them. "It sounds like we're about to be at the end of this thing and I would really like to be there when you meet this guy, where are you at?"

There was a moment of pause on the other end of the line before the jackal finally replied. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Velan asked. "You may think you're fine, but what if it's temporary? Or what if it only works in that area."

"You can trust me, Velan," Lux replied with a fanged grin as a droplet of silvered saliva dripped down his chin.

"...alright," Velan finally caved after another round of thinking. "The guy said that we shouldn't be anywhere near the other 'hot zones', whatever that meant, so he said to meet down at a warehouse that's a subsidiary of the company he works for. He said if everything was still within certain parameters he could have you back to normal in no time. I'll text you the address."

Lux and Velan exchanged their good-byes and once he had hung up, the transforming chimera waited until the screen lit up once more with the address where he would find his boyfriend. He put it into the phone's GPS and then put it against the seat next to him. While the address was important, Lux knew that he had things to tend to before his meeting. If this representative from Sibergon Labs was here to assess their risk, then he was going to give them some risk to assess...

Always Check The Packing Slip P4

After a few minutes Lux sat on the rooftop of a nearby building to the apartment complex he had originally infested, feeling those that had been transformed squirming within. After they had spread through the building and taken those who dwelled within...

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Always Check the Packing Slip P2

Velan paced up and down the room while Lux and Darian sat on the couch, none of them looking at each other after the chaos chimera had explained everything that had happened after he left for coffee. On the countertop was the metal thermos that had...

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Always Check the Packing Slip P1

"It's finally here, Velan!" The jackal looked up from the kindle he was reading to see his boyfriend bound towards the table with a large box that he put down on the table in front of him. "Alright Lux, I'll bite on this one," he asked as he watched...

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