Contain and Release

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A raccoon with a hair trigger seeks help with his situation, and finds more than he ever bargained or hoped for.

This story was written as a 4000 word Patreon commission for Teriyaki. It contains sexual acts involving a consenting adult male, orgasm denial, ball-growth, and all manners of teasy fun, followed by copious and glorious release. :3

Contain and Release

Jack blushed as he settled into the large, comfortable chair which had been provided for him, feeling the back of his green hospital gown falling open and allowing his bare ass to rest against the leather-like material. His ringed tail twitched, and the raccoon's eyes darted around the quiet, clean white treatment room into which he had been ushered. He breathed deeply, trying to stay calm, to not get too excited by the knowledge of where he was and what he was doing here. Despite that though, it took less than a minute before Jack noticed the front of his hospital gown tenting upward. He blushed, squirmed, and tried to re-arrange it to be as unnoticeable as possible. And yet, the more he tried to hide it, the more his arousal twitched and strained with desire, making itself appear all the more prominent.

By the time a pair of nurses arrived in the room, a large dark scaled dragon and a tall, athletic otter, Jack was not only physically aroused, but pretty worked up in his own mind by his own body's sheer lack of control. There was a dark spot visible at the front of his gown where his cock had begun to leak pre, and though he initially covered it and the bulge with his hands, the nurses were obviously entirely prepared for it. After all, the whole reason why Jack was here was his enjoyment of certain things. No-one, at least no-one in their right mind, would sign up for the programme if they weren't.

"Okay, Mr Greengarden, if you'd like to remove your gown..."

They may have asked, but they didn't wait for an answer. Jack gave a little yip of shock as the two larger, stronger men began to peel the hospital gown away from his lithe body, and even as they pulled it off, each grasped at one of the raccoon's extended arms to prevent him from concealing his modesty.

"Ah. Good, already up and about. That's very considerate of you, sir. Now, just sit back, and relax..."

The otter stepped away briefly, but the dragon remained, and reached out with his other hand towards the raccoon's crotch. Jack's eyes bulged as he felt smooth scaled fingers closing around his erection, and beginning to jerk him off.

"A-aaah! No... n-nnnhh, please, don't. I... I'm..."

There was a very good reason why Jack had signed up for this experiment. Why he was willing to put himself through all the things that the various forms he had signed were promising. He had a problem. A problem regarding... haste. He had tried to fix it numerous times through different methods such as desensitising gels and creams, rings, even cages. But while through denial in the most basic sense he could allow his body to hold itself back from release longer, the same issue still remained. Just a little intimate, active contact with his cock, barely thirty seconds, certainly never more than a minute, and he would cum. Uncontrollably. Unavoidably. Humiliatingly quick.

"Please... aaaahhhhplease, g-god... fuck yes..."

And the worst part of all, it felt amazing. Better, judging by what he had discussed with many partners and even professionals through his adult life, than it had any right to feel. He didn't have a hair trigger. He didn't have a lack of stamina. Quite simply, his cock was just so receptive, so sensitive to stimulation, that after thirty or forty seconds of stroking and squeezing it, there was no way he could not be ready to cum.

Even now, as the dragon squeezed and rubbed his shaft simply between his smooth scaled fingers and palm, the raccoon was beside himself with ecstasy. Thrashing, bucking out of his seat, wailing and grunting like some sort of primal reversion of a man. He was so close. So painfully close. He could feel his balls swelling, his cum ready to unload at any given moment. He could feel his cock straining, flexing and primed for release. He howled again, curling his toes in a combination of a desperate, futile attempt not to cum, and his body's frantic desire to let it all out.

The dragon stopped. He let go, and grabbed hold of both Jack's arms before the raccoon could reach down and grant himself that final squeeze which was all he required. And in that moment, as he flailed and howled in desperation and the frantic need to cum... the otter approached him from behind, grabbed the bottom jaw of his open mouth in one hand, and slipped a small capsule pill onto the raccoon's tongue before pressing his mouth forcibly closed.

"Swallow, Mr Greengarden. Swallow... and we'll keep touching you."

At any other moment, being tricked into swallowing unknown medication might have seemed like the worst idea possible to Jack. But right in that second, as he thrashed and flailed in desire, as his cock drooled and dribbled copious volumes of pre-cum down its length, it didn't matter that less than a minute ago he had been begging the dragon now addressing him not to stimulate him and not to make him cum. Now, all he wanted, all he needed was his release. And if all he had to do to secure it was to swallow one little pill...

He swallowed.

"Show us."

He opened his mouth, raised his tongue and lowered it again, and allowed the dragon to peer inside, nodding at the otter with a grin.

"Good boy..."

The otter's arms reached around the back of the chair, rubbing tenderly at the raccoon's bare chest. The dragon meanwhile dropped to his knees, and growled happily as Jack's eyes got wider still, watching him lean in towards his twitching, aching cock.

"You wanna cum? Then cum for us. Make your body give us every drop."

Jack let loose a frantic squeal, his legs kicking out uncontrollably and wrapping themselves around the dragon's head as he engulfed the six inches of rock hard raccoon cock in a single sweeping motion of his black scaled and toothy maw.

"Oh god. Oh god, I... I'm gonna cum. So close, I'm... s-so..."

He felt the dragon suckling on him. Felt his whole body writhing, thrashing as the unbearable pleasure piled on in greater and greater quantities. He thrust upward against the dragon's muzzle, he arched his chest out against the tender touch of the otter's fingertips running through his fur and teasing at his firm nipples. He felt the content of his balls boiling, eager, ready for release. But... it didn't happen.

Not then.

Not ten seconds later. Or twenty. Or thirty.

Jack howled in shock. In dismay. He'd never lasted this long. A blowjob could get him from soft to hard in a matter of twenty seconds, and from hard to spent in less than that again. He had dreamed of being able to last this long. Of being able to let himself actually revel in the feelings of the blowjob itself without being overwhelmed by already forceful surges of near orgasmic pleasure. But now, although those same wild surges of pleasure were coursing through him almost non-stop... he was able to relish them, quite simply because what should have followed according to every last cell in his body, was suddenly failing to do so.

He was ready to cum. Desperate. His whole body begging himself to let loose. And yet, still, he wailed, and bucked, and waited, until another whole minute later, he was screaming... begging for it to happen.

"Please. Please, y-you... aaaahgodfuck, fuck, you have to let me... h-have to make me cum. I can't stand it. I c-can't wait. I need to. I have to cum. Now!"

The twinkish raccoon may have been barely half the man the dragon was, but he had both hands wrapped around the vastly more powerful male's face now, and was furiously humping upward against the scaled figure's maw. His body hung on the edge, trapped there by some impossible force. It was as though each time he was certain he was going to cum, his brain went blank for a split-second, just long enough to deny the impulse that would have sent him back over the edge and re-setting his sensory inputs to a split-second before they'd reached that point of no return. Over and over he was driven to the brink, coming so very close to tipping over, but then being pulled forcibly back at the last second.

He was being denied. Controlled. Edged, without the stimulation pouring through his body needing to cease or slow in its efforts for even an instant.

And if Jack thought for even a moment that those first few minutes of denial were going to be the worst... that he might begin to grow in any way accustomed to it, were this hellish lack of ability to climax to continue? He was wrong.

Very, very wrong.


"Harder. F-fuck... fuck me harder, please!"

Kneeling in his chair, facing its rear and whimpering as the otter still standing behind the seat nuzzled and kissed playfully at his flushed, panting face, Jack wailed as the dragon's thick cock ploughed him from behind. The two nurses were still dressed, mostly at least. The dragon's blue scrubs had simply been tugged down to reveal his own thick cock and swollen balls, both easily twice the size of those owned by the raccoon, and now that cock was buried a good nine of its twelve inches deep inside Jack's body. Those heavy balls were slapping against Jack's own, and each time they did so, Jack swore he could feel his own testicles growing more heavy and taut, as though filled to near capacity.

"Ah. Ahh, yeah. Cum with me. Cum with me, y-you slut..."

The nurses' professionalism had shifted slightly over the last half hour, and both Jack and the otter moaned happily as they heard the dragon snarl into the needy, unsatisfied male's ear. A frantic, almost panicked scream escaped the raccoon as he felt the dragon's hand wrapping around his cock once again, beginning to jerk him off in a feverish reach-around that matched the speed and force with which he was currently driving his cock back and forth along the bulb of Jack's prostate.

"I'm gonna cum. I... am! I am!"

Jack shrieked at the top of his lungs. He wailed it, forcing those around him and indeed the whole universe to believe that he believed it to be true. It had to be.

But as the dragon roared, and the otter whimpered happily upon seeing his colleague's panting, snarling face twist and contort in obvious orgasmic rapture, a manic and anguished wail erupted from Jack's muzzle as he felt himself being filled up... but not drained of even a single drop of his own pent up seed.


He stared at the otter, at the male's handsome face, at his strong, lean figure, and the substantial tent in his own hospital scrubs.

"Please. You next. Don't stop. D-don't let this feeling stop. I know I can do it. I... I know, if I feel it for long enough, I can cum. I... I have to. I have to cum!"


Later that day, many, many long hours of sex and stimulation later, still the raccoon writhed and whimpered, almost mindless in his need for orgasmic relief as he was guided, and tumbled forward onto the bed provided for him.

The otter and dragon had long since departed, spent and in need of a break, and in their place new nurses had been provided. They too had been worn out, and the two who replaced them. Now it was a lean rabbit not much larger in stature than the twinkish raccoon himself, and a burly tiger, who had guided him to his bedroom. It was them who began to remove their clothes as Jack continued his near constant begging, and who scrambled up onto the bed to join the seemingly relentless, unsatisfied raccoon.

"Mmhh... mmhhrr..."

Jack continued to gurgle, to plead and beg, even as he found himself locked in a passionate sixty-nine with the rabbit, while the powerful tiger seemed more than content to lie between his legs and dart between nuzzling and licking at his swollen balls, and at the pucker of his repeatedly cum filled ass.

"God... they're already getting bigger..."

He could hear the tiger growling, moaning lustily as he felt fingers caressing his achingly full balls, but the meaning of the words was lost on Jack's pleasure-crazed mind. His eyes bulged, and he wailed around the rabbit's cock as he felt the tiger squeeze his balls hard. A droplet. A single drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip of his straining erection, and within Jack's body in that instant, the fire that had been burning with his need to cum erupted into an inferno of volcanic proportions.


When the final pair of nurses retreated, worn out, blushing, grinning and high-fiving one another as they departed an hour or so after their arrival, Jack was left alone in his room. He began to masturbate feverishly, convinced now that somehow all these people had been holding back, and that he alone held the key to his own relief. He grabbed his cock in one hand and his balls in the other, and stroked, and squeezed, and massaged both with all the haste and force he dared muster. His body writhed. He bucked his hips off the bed and arched his back, thrusting his aching member skyward. He stroked himself till his arms ached, and then rolled over, humping the bed with shameless grunts of effort, and feeling his balls swelling heavier and larger with each time he made now even the slightest contact with them.

No orgasm came though. Not an hour later. Not two. Not even a whole day.

All day, every day, Jack was presented with every opportunity conceivable to make him cum. All he had to do was ask, and if it was in their power, the nurses would make it happen. Any act. Any species performing it. Any external source of stimulation whatsoever. Machines. Toys. Hands. Mouths. Asses. Cocks. Everything and anything Jack had ever fantasised about, and a good deal of things that he hadn't.

But the only result... the only measurable change, aside from a reduction in the raccoon's able to think or reason with any coherence, was the size of his balls.

They grew bigger. Not just a little bigger, but a lot.

After two days, they were perhaps double their original size.

After a week, he had to walk like a cowboy ready to dual, pendulous balls spreading his thighs wide apart to make room.

And after a month... a long, intense, impossible month of constant near-orgasmic edging, the raccoon stood before a new door, in a new section of the facility he had never before been allowed to visit. He stood, shuddering and moaning as he stroked his cock, while before him a small metal trolley supported the vast weight of his balls, allowing him to push it, and manoeuvre himself despite his hyper engorged and tender testicles.

The door opened from within, and inside, grinning and licking his lips, stood a dark scaled dragon.


Jack rolled his balls forward, and with one hand, the other still rubbing his cock hungrily, he embraced the dragon who for a month now had been one of his closest friends and most frequent lovers.

"Hey, J. You ready?"

The raccoon whimpered, raising an eyebrow. Richard grinned apologetically.

"Okay, dumb question. C'mon in. Settle down over there."

He pointed to a chair. A chair similar to the one that Jack remembered seeing during his first few days here, before it became perfectly clear to him and the staff that it didn't matter whether his treatment was carried out in the treatment room, in his bedroom, or right out in the corridors and offices of this medical complex.

"What? N-nhh... aahh... no blowjob before we get started? Not gonna push me over again so I'm lying flat over my balls, a-and... fuck me?"

The raccoon turned as best as his trolley-bound balls would allow, and wiggled his ass temptingly at Richard. It had been more than an hour since his prostate had last been pounded, and he felt agonisingly empty without something buried inside him. No, he couldn't cum with or without prostate stimulation, but at least with it, there was a fraction of a percent more stimulation that Jack felt as though he was no longer being denied.

Richard chuckled, but simply gestured towards the chair again. He assisted Jack in getting into it, coaxing his vast balls off the trolley and onto a seemingly purpose built resting point at the base of the chair, like a much broader and more sturdy version of a footwell. Only when the raccoon was seated did he move around behind the chair, and flick some sort of switch, or perhaps open a hatch. The gentle sound of whistling air, of suction reached Jack's ears, and a few moments later he saw why.

Returning from around the chair's rear, the dragon was holding a small device attached to a thinner stretch of rubber tubing. Jack whimpered. He'd seen a version of such a device before. He'd had it used on him for a couple of days around the two week mark. A portable milker. It had wrapped around his cock, inflated a rubbery seal to lock itself in place, and had then proceeded to suck and squeeze his cock with tireless mechanical precision for over fifty two hours before its motors finally gave out.

Considering the hellish denial to which Jack had been subjected, those few days had been the closest thing to heaven he had probably known during his time here. And now... to hear that sound, to see such a device again...

"O-oh... please..."

Those familiar words slipped from his muzzle, and a few seconds later he was grunting, gurgling, whining in desperate agony, but also with joy all at once as he felt the suction engulf him once more. It didn't make him cum... of course it didn't, but goddamn, it felt incredible.

"Ah. Aahh... yes..."

Rubbing at his vastly engorged balls not just with his hands, but the sides of his legs and feet as well, Jack allowed his head to tilt back and his whole body to rest against the seat. His lean but now rather muscular arms were granted a respite from their month of hard, near constant work, and his eyes fell lazily shut as he prepared to doze, to dream of sex, of release.

"Hey. C'mon, one more thing, then you can sleep or lose yourself in whatever fantasy you want."

A gentle nudge to one shoulder from the dragon stirred Jack from his fantasies of satisfaction before they could even begin, forcing a frantic wail from his lips as even in his daydreams he was denied release. His cry soon turned to a strained whimper of disbelief however, one of absolute joy and confused delight, when he saw what Richard was holding in his hand. Something he hadn't seen for thirty one long days.

A pill.

He whimpered, reaching out to take it, then drawing his hand sharply back as though in fright.

His eyes widened, and he groaned in horror as he realised the thought that had just crossed his mind, if only for a split second.

He had asked himself, after all he had been through.... if he was really ready for this to be over.

Again his hand reached out. The pill had barely landed in his palm before he tossed it back into his mouth, gulping it down in the same breath that he used to unleash a frantic whimper of anticipation.


He looked deep into Richard's eyes, begging for some clue, some sign that this wasn't a trick. A placebo, or something to simply re-ignite the desperate need that came with the belief he might actually be able to achieve release.

"Please... oh. Oh. O-oh my..."

But the dragon's reassurance wasn't required. Indeed, Richard was only here for one reason, and one reason alone.

He stepped forward, reached out, and clasped one of Jack's hands tight in his own.

"Cum. Cum, Jack. Not for me. Not for anyone. For you. Just... let it out. All of it. And... cum. Now."

He said it. And more importantly, Jack did it.

The raccoon's face drew entirely blank for a moment, and then his eyes got wider. And wider. His mouth fell open, letting loose a long, ragged breath, before being drawn back in as his hips thrust sharply upward. His muscles spasmed the whole way across his body, and a savage, shrieking scream tore itself from deep in the back of his throat.

"O-oh my god, I...!"

He didn't manage to speak another word before his orgasm crashed over him, and the tube covering and suckling upon his cock with the force and speed only a machine could muster was suddenly transformed from clear plastic with the image of the raccoon's cock within to a pure, rich white.


Richard rubbed his own cock through the fabric of his scrubs as he watched the tube leading to the back of the chair filling itself with cum, drawing it away to a tank in the base of the chair and then being carried off to other portions of the facility for further testing and investigation.

"Oh fuck. Fuck, Jack... you're doing it. You're... a-ahh..."

He squeezed the raccoon's hand tighter still, but Jack didn't seem to recognise, or even acknowledge the dragon's continued presence. He was just staring. Grunting and huffing. Thrusting his hips, and cumming with the most adorably goofy, gleeful look spread all the way across his grey furred, rosy cheeked face.

Jack had been denied for a month. Edged, controlled, forced to writhe and howl and beg for over four weeks, and now all of that pleasure, all of that desperation, it was all being made worth it as his balls began to empty. Squirt by squirt. Shot by shot. Load by load, drained away by the milking device slurping and suckling upon him, but issued forth by the same six inch cock which he had been in command of from the very beginning. These weren't back to back orgasms, it was one long, constant release. One potent flood being set loose through his twitching cock, slowly but surely emptying out what had swelled to such mammoth proportions.

After a minute, it was more than clear this was no ordinary orgasm.

After five, with trickles of drool running down the corners of Jack's whimpering, panting face, Richard roared as he filled his scrubs with streaks of his own cum, and in doing so realised just how much Jack still had to let loose. He soaked the front of his scrubs with streaks of his thick cum, and that was only after a matter of hours since his last session with another client of the facility. Jack though... his balls still seemed as big and swollen as ever, no matter what how many gallons of cum he had already let loose.

After an hour spent cumming, Jack thought that maybe he could feel his balls starting to shrink ever so slightly. Perhaps having lost a percentage of their volume compared to the previous hour. But if that, or even a little more, not by much.

After two hours, he once more found himself being entertained by companionship. By Richard, yes, but others too. Carson the otter. Brent the rabbit. Mo. Keiran. Tyler. All those who had gotten him so wonderfully worked up, and kept him that way over the last month. They held his hands. They kissed him. They stroked and rubbed his balls, and in a few cases they even emptied their own balls over the swollen mass of his own, grinding up against the raccoon's balls until they joined him briefly in his orgasmic cries.

All day, and all night Jack came. By the time the morning shift resumed anew, his balls were down to the size of a basketball. By lunch, two tennis balls. And by mid-afternoon, they were normal again.

But still... still, Jack climaxed.

"I... c-can't... stop..."

He whimpered between frantic cries of pleasure, humping at the device still suckling on his cock, watching his erection bounce, twitch, and shoot absolutely nothing, drawing blank after blank as his utterly emptied balls sought to continue production. It wasn't a complaint of course, just an observation. Mo laughed from where he was standing close by, the tiger gently stroking the raccoon's hair as he leaned against the chair from behind.

"Of course you can't. If you ask of course, we can give you one of the other pills again. Make it so you can't cum. So you need to... so your body has to, but you can't."

Jack wailed and shook his head from side to side in a frenzy.

"N-no... oh god, please, no..."

He looked up, face still stricken with pleasure, and craned his neck round to meet Mo's gaze.

"W-what about... ahhhyes... a pill to... to put me back to normal? What do I... a-ah... have to do, how long do I have to wait, to get that?"

The tiger just laughed again, and shook his own head in amusement as he looked down at the writhing, dry-cumming raccoon's fatigued, utterly ecstasy stricken expression.

"Oh... Jack. If we had a pill that could stop it, we wouldn't have needed to hire you as a test subject in the first place. There are two options so far. Contain, and release. Hopefully your data, your cum, and that of the others... hopefully that'll give us a third option sooner or later."

He licked his lips, and circled around to the front of the chair. Gently, he reached down and grasped at the mechanical device still suckling on Jack's cock. With a flick of a little clasp at the top, the suction was diverted, and the device came loose.

"But until then... here's an upside. Now you're drained dry, you don't have to be hooked up here any more. So, how about we go find some of your favourite other nurses... and we all find out how good it can feel for you to cum non-stop, while you get tag-team fucked in the ass for a whole night."

Helping the stunned, still trembling, cumming raccoon to his shaky feet, Mo grinned as Jack almost immediately collapsed. That was okay though. He swept the twink of a guy up into his strong arms, and carried him as the smaller male continued to shudder and cum, not requiring a single touch to his cock to keep the pleasure going as strong as ever.

"H-hey... ah... Mo?"

As he was carried out of the treatment room and into the corridor, Jack wrapped his arms around the tiger's neck half for support, half through sheer intimacy as he continued to be overwhelmed by those deeply passionate surges of constant, unending pleasure.


The raccoon shuddered. His toes curled, and he buried his face in the tiger's cheek, letting loose a mindless wail of euphoria before he was able to continue.

"H-how... how long has your company been looking for a... u-uh... a way to make the effects of the first two pills... oohhgod... stop?"

Mo chuckled.

"Oh, don't worry. Not too long."

Jack smiled, not sure whether he was honestly happy about that, or not. The tiger smirked.

"Just... five... maybe six... years."

The raccoon's wail of ecstasy echoed through the corridors of the facility, and into many rooms he had yet to visit.

A dozen or so other men raised their heads, some shuddering in desire and denial, others filling tanks with cum, or shooting blanks into their own hands, or the hands, the mouths, the rear ends of the facility's nurses. They heard Jack cry out, and they cried out back to him. They knew exactly what his cry meant... for they'd all let loose the same cry themselves at some point in the past.

They too hoped that they never found whatever they needed to make the third pill. Restoration of normality was the last thing they wanted. All they needed, all they craved, were two simple options.

Contain, and release.

By Jeeves

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