A Fireside Bargain

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Oni finds himself outnumbered and outmatched, but as ever the adventurous bunny finds that there's always a way to emerge victorious... if somewhat sticky. ^^

This story was written for Onigrift! It contains M/M sex in copious quantities involving consenting adults. :3

A Fireside Bargain

It had been more than three days since Oni had stabled his chocobo mount at the last inn to be found amongst the already mountainous foothills. More than three days of trekking slowly, oh so slowly upward on his short legs. The rabbit's teeth chattered within his mouth as he drew the fur coat he had purchased a week or so ago closer around himself. His hat had long since blown away, exposing his ears to the chill of the whistling wind and whipping, thick flurries of snow, and it was through those adorable floppy ears that he was losing a painful amount of body-heat. He stumbled, but didn't fall. Falling wasn't an option. Stopping wasn't an option. He was an adventurer. A hero. And even if there were no grand treasures at the top of this mountain like the information he'd bought seemed to claim, he would not return until he could at least have claimed to reach the summit. He would prove himself. Prove his valour. His strength. His resolve to all those who would look at his diminutive stature and laugh.

At least... he would, if he didn't freeze first, and end up a bunny popsicle.

For another hour he walked, the snow only getting heavier, his feet digging into the loose powder despite his light weight and dropping him dangerously close to the point where he'd be burying his balls in the snow. Already his member was shrivelled to a new extreme by the cold, practically an 'innie' to make a belly-button related metaphor. But still, he continued on. And on. Every so often he pulled his fur coat open, and peered at the compass held close to his chest within. It was said that the peaks of this mountain range were full of magnetic rock, and made compass needles spin when you reached the top. That was Oni's only metric for his progress. That, and of course whether or not there was yet more rocky terrain which he could scale ahead of him.

For the last day or so, the needle had been rattling. Now it was beginning to turn. Slowly rotating, around and around. He kept moving. Kept shivering and pushing on forward, and sure enough the next time he checked, it was spinning faster. Then faster. And by the time the day's light began to fade, and the snow died down just as it grew too dim to see what lay ahead with any clarity, it was practically a blur.

And then, like a beacon against the almost painfully white snow, Oni saw it. Not really all that far away, but hidden until now by the blizzard. A cabin. A large cabin, rather more stately than simple in its design, with windows that flickered with firelight.

Surely, if there was treasure to be found, it would be found there. Oni slipped one hand inside his coat, clasping at the dagger... sword-sized relative to his own meagre height, and squeezed its hilt. He would be ready. For whatever, whoever lay within. Bandits. A witch. Monsters who had slaughtered the prior owners. Monks with their mouths sewn shut, and a new, toothy maw gaping in the middle of their foreheads...

"Nope. Nopenopenopenope..."

Oni turned around, and began to walk the other way for a few seconds before realising that he was letting his imagination get the better of him. He huffed at his own foolishness, then turned once more and began to resume his trek towards the cabin. The closer he grew, the more the monks and a dozen other images that would make any adventurer quake in their boots flooded his mind. But he did not allow himself to be swayed. He had to stand strong. He had to prove himself, to himself if no-one else. It didn't matter if everyone else in the entire prime material plane believed that he wasn't, so long as he could look himself in the mirror and believe with genuine certainty that he was a brave, valiant adventurer, just as he had always dreamed.

Scrambling up onto the cabin's front porch, each step tall and wide as though made to accommodate large inhabitants, Oni drew his blade. He could hear voices coming from within the cabin. Loud, obnoxious voices laughing and yelling. The sound bandits would make, rather than mouthless monks. Lifting the sword, he span it around in his hand, presented the base of the handle, and rapped sharply at the door.

The inhabitants of the cabin fell absolutely silent, clearly not having been expecting company on top of the mountain in the midst of winter. A muttering whisper broke out, and Oni heard footsteps rumbling in his direction. Not running, but landing heavily, like hooves rather than paws.

The door swung open. Light blazed out from within, and Oni looked up. And up. And up. Up seven foot and change of broad, athletic flesh and fur in shades of brown, not bearing a single stitch of clothing, with a pair of substantially branched antlers at the very top, almost brushing the frame of the large door with their peaks. The rabbit actually had to clear his throat for the figure, a powerful and utterly naked reindeer, to even notice him. And when he did, the brave adventurer, having just scaled an entire mountain solo, heard an all too familiar sound.


Except, not the kind he was used to hearing. Not mocking. Not joking laughter. The sort of laughter that came from a man who had been wandering the desert, only to find himself by the shores of a crystal clear, frosty watered lake.

"Holy shit. What the hell are you doing here? C'mon in, let's get you a drink and somewhere warm to sit."

Before Oni could speak, before he could utter a single word, he was being scooped up into the reindeer's embrace. Cradled not like a child, but rather, a dear lover being carried over a threshold upon the wedding night. As he entered the cabin, a wave of warmth engulfed Oni with such force that it almost knocked him unconscious with how overwhelmingly comfortable it felt. His head span, and it was a good thing he had been cradled in the reindeer's arms, or he would surely have fallen to his hands and knees. He looked around, dazed and already beginning to pant as his cold-acclimated body began to overheat within his fur coat. His head span, and as he was carried towards the huge, crackling fireplace set into the centre of the room, he saw a flurry of blurred motion around himself. Other figures all crowding in, eyes wide. Laughing. Snorting. In a few cases, even what sounded like moaning escaping them.

Laid down upon the softest, most comfortably padded chair before the fire, Oni squirmed until he was less wrapped up in and more lying under his fur coat like a blanket, shuffling his feet and shoulders free to allow himself to regulate his heat a little better. He looked at the fire for a short while, getting his bearings and beginning to adjust once more, then towards his saviour. Or rather, saviours. Not one broad-shouldered and strong looking hunk of a reindeer, but almost a dozen. Eleven men, all with antlers of differing shapes and variations in the colours of their coats, but all equally tanked in physique, and all the same variety of reindeer.

Each and every one of them, Oni could now confirm with greater ease, was naked. And while they didn't seem in any way phased by one another's nudity, it didn't seem to have escaped their attention any more than it escaped Oni's own that several of them were already starting to get hard. Some hands were resting upon or near their own cocks, while others pointedly remained by their sides despite the swelling and throbbing of their rapidly growing states of respective arousal.

Kneeling down before Oni, the reindeer who had greeted him bore his own cock in a state of almost full erection, having had a little while longer than the rest to look upon the rabbit, who undeniably seemed to be the source of their excitement. He grinned down at the small, fur-strewn figure of the snowy white furred adventurer, and licked his lips.

"You are the answer to so many prayers and wishes. Such a beautiful sight. An incredible gift. We... we'll do anything we can for you. Food. Wealth. Your heart's desire. And all we ask... a-all we need..."

He reached down, shuddering and moaning as he squeezed his cock.

"All we need, is your touch. Your beautiful body."

From behind that particular reindeer, another voice rang out, brash and masculine, as douchy as they came.

"Fucking sap. Just tell her about the treasure we can offer if she agrees to stay, then either fuck her or more over."

The first reindeer rose to his feet, and span around, already raising his hands in a threatening gesture as though demanding the speaker of those words come forward and defend them. Before Oni knew it the reindeer were arguing, then shoving one another, yelling and flailing, not quite throwing outright punches yet but getting closer with each passing moment. That still wasn't quite enough to distract the bunny from something they'd said however which had deeply confused him. Or rather, something they'd said that had shown how deeply confused they were.

Her. They'd called him, her.

" Quiet!"

A bellowing roar of a voice rang out around the cabin, and Oni looked towards its source as each and every other reindeer fell not only silent, but began to shuffle nervously back, away from the one who had brought Oni inside and indeed away from the rabbit himself. Another deer, darker in fur tone and easily a foot taller, if not also broader than the others stepped forth from what must have been one of the side-rooms attached to this large communal living area. In one hand he held his own cock, equally bare and equally as hard as all the others, though dripping, glistening with pre-cum. And in the other, a statue. An ornately carved statue of a female reindeer, her hands between her legs, her head tossed back, breasts pushed out, locked in an expertly sculpted expression of absolute ecstasy.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?! I am trying to get off. Trying to imagine a beautiful, supple bodied doe in my arms... lowering herself down around me, so hot, so wet..."

He shuddered, and several of the other men did too, their cheeks flushing with shame and gruff coughs following as they cleared their throats in as masculine a manner as they could.

"...and instead, I hear a bunch of pathetic men bitching at each other about... what? Did one of you cum on one of Darian's napkin doodles again?"

He didn't require an answer though, for just a second or so later the lead reindeer's eyes were able to follow the gaze of his subordinates, and settle upon the chair in which Oni was still laid out. His nostrils flared. His eyes bulged, and though the hand upon the statue remained as tightly gripped as ever, the head of the group of buff males released his erection as he half strode, half raced across the cabin floor towards where the bunny lay at rest.

Kneeling down before Oni, the reindeer's gaze poured over the rabbit with an intensity equal to that of all the other men combined. He reached out a powerful hand, but held it a few inches over the rabbit as it moved back and forth, as though terrified to even consider touching him. He sniffed. He narrowed his eyes. He looked back over his shoulder, and snorted with mirth.

"Oh, you guys... you dumb, horny morons."

Without another moment's hesitation, nostrils still flared as he drank down the rabbit's unique scent, the head of the group reached down and snatched away Oni's blanket. The rabbit gave a squeak of shock, but could do nothing to resist the much more powerful man as his fur coat was ripped away, leaving him lying in his normal attire; nothing more than his belt, sword, leather jerkin and short britches. This of course might not have been enough to out him as a man rather than the woman they believed him to be, but there was one small flaw that made it rather obvious. The fact that as much as he was embarrassed to admit it, Oni had not been unaffected by the sight of all these reindeer with their cocks out, rock hard and throbbing in desire for him. It was just like the other reindeer had said. They would have worshipped him. Given him anything.

Only... it kinda relied on him being a her, which was rather difficult to maintain, even as a ruse, given that his own little cock was no-longer shrivelled by the chill of the mountain air. Instead it stood at full mast, and while by no means impressive compared to the throbbing monsters possessed by some of the reindeer, it was still undeniable in its pointed protrusion through the fabric of Oni's britches.

"This isn't a woman. They might be cute as all hell, and a hole oh so ready and willing for your needy cocks. But... I'm afraid if you want a shot with this little gift from the gods, you'll have to ask yourselves the same question you ask every morning, when you wake up with that ache in your balls that you know only a bleating, heat-stricken doe could possibly satiate. Are you willing to fool around with another man, if it means cumming a little harder. Getting a few hours more respite before that ache starts up all over again, and you realise just how tough it is to live up here without the companionship of a good woman."

Dragging Oni to his feet, the reindeer leader just laughed as the rabbit squealed and flailed, finding himself suddenly pantsed by one of the male's strong arms while the other lifted both his hands helplessly up over his head. He looked down, and saw his own cock now twitching free in the air. He then looked up, and whimpered in humiliated excitement as he saw every pair of eyes in the room fixated upon his twitching member.

"Hell no. I'm no fag."

The first murmur from one of the reindeer was immediately followed by another.

"I'd rather just jerk it than have his ass bouncing up and down on my lap."

And another.

"Pussy or nothing. That's the way it is."

And so on and so on, until the whole room had wandered away from where Oni stood, exposed and trembling in a mixture of embarrassment and overwhelming arousal. The whole room, except of course for the man still holding the rabbit's arms aloft and his britches around his ankles. The lead reindeer leaned in closer, and whispered to Oni.

"They talk big. They act butch and manly to save face around one another. To keep up the appearance of being men's men. But I know what goes on. I've had almost all of them in my room, sucking my cock for a chance to jerk it or rub themselves off on my prize possession."

He gestured to the statue of the erotically positioned doe, now set down upon the seat beside Oni.

"I know that some nights, you hear moaning from the bunks. And it's not the moans of a guy jerking it alone. It's the sound of cocks rubbing. Of an ass being hot-dogged until there's a very sticky tail left behind. The sounds of men getting so horny, they don't care what or how, just so long as they can have someone else touch them. There's just one difference between those horny fuckers, and me. Wanna know what it is?"

Oni whimpered, but nodded. The head reindeer grinned.

"I'm not ashamed to admit that much as I love women... a guy's ass or muzzle around my cock feels every bit as good as one belonging to a lady."

He released his grasp on Oni's britches, and snatched up his statue once more. Before the rabbit could even consider trying to struggle free though, now that he at least had control of his legs, he found himself being lifted off the ground as the reindeer stood up. He squealed and kicked as his britches, belt and sword were left behind, but couldn't help moaning in longing as he heard the head of the reindeer call out to the rest of the men, sitting around sullenly, trying to pretend like they weren't all still trying to figure out a way they could still jerk off their rock hard cocks without looking like they were in some way getting off to the recent images of rabbit cock with which they'd been faced.

"Well boys, you enjoy your blue balls. I'm gonna fuck this little bitch till I ache. If any of you decide you're not too manly and straight to welcome a hole when it's offered to you, you can join me in the office. Our statuesque lady-friend will be under lock and key though, so the only eye candy will be this tender piece of ass."

The other reindeer stared after their boss in dismay, but far more so with jealousy and hunger. Many of their eyes fell to the statue in his right hand, but others found their gaze drawn to the wriggling bunny in his left. To that soft, snowy white ass, and that quivering, now dripping, rock hard cock. Oni whimpered and squirmed as he was carried into a smaller, more lushy decorated room by the large, lean reindeer. He fell quiet though as he looked at the lush surroundings. At the obvious and opulent decoration, not just set in place with taste, but with obvious great expense.

With a squeal, he found himself thrown down upon a large bed, and without even being asked squirmed his way out of his jerkin. He lay back, shivering with nervous excitement, and watching as the boss reindeer did indeed slip the statue into a safe, locking it with a combination that the rabbit took the time to memorise. By the time the buff reindeer rose back to his feet however, hands now free, and turned back towards the bed, Oni was resting on his hands and knees. Ass up, looking back over one shoulder, and wiggling his cotton-tail at the powerful male.

He knew there was no escaping this, and frankly, he wasn't sure he wanted to. Time after time his adventures always seemed to wind up this way, and the more times he found himself in these sorts of situations, the more Oni found himself revelling in the abject debauchery they forced him to endure. And now... now he was actually following along with the reindeer's very own words. There was no sense in denying it. No sense in hiding his feelings. Thus, he slicked his ears back behind his head like long, flowing hair, and spoke in his softest and most feminine voice... not that it required much modulation to reach such a state.

"C'mon then, big guy. Show me how long you've been waiting for a chance at a lady like me. Show me how long it's been since you've fucked an ass this tight."

He whimpered in bashful glee as the reindeer approached, slowly, heavily trampling across the smaller room upon his hooves. He shuddered. He wiggled his ass once again. And as the bed creaked, and the powerful reindeer's weight fell over his body, he heard a gentle voice grunt into his left ear.

"My name is Cirrus. I want you to know that, because when you cum... and you will, I promise you that... when you cum, I want you to scream it. So loud, and so long, any man not already tempted to join us will be breaking down my door."

Oni moaned as he felt the reindeer's thick cock, easily a foot long, rub between the cheeks of his ass. When he felt it poking at his backside though, he did look up at the man straddling him with a curious whimper.

"W-what about... lube?"

The reindeer grunted with laughter.

"What about lube? We're on top of a mountain, my sweet little slut. You want lube? Squeeze me a little tighter, milk yourself some pre-cum."

Oni opened his muzzle to say that wasn't how that worked, but it was too late. His eyes bulged. He squealed in pleasure and discomfort all rolled into one as he felt the reindeer's thick shaft begin to press inside him. And on the far side of the bedroom door, Oni could swear that already, mere seconds after beginning, he could already hear other voices from the room beyond... debating amongst their fellow bros whether or not there was any wiggle room on how a straight guy could still fuck a cute, femmy bunny in the ass.


"Mnnhhh! Mmmh... C-Cirrus!"

Barely fifteen minutes later, Oni squealed in ecstasy as his cock began to let loose ribbons of cum over his own heaving chest and stomach. He flailed helplessly where he rested impaled upon the reindeer leader's cock, kicking, squirming, moaning in ecstasy over and over as the buff male lifted him up and down, hands wrapped around his legs and using them as levers to control the rabbit's motion like he was nothing but a toy. Toy or not though, the cock throbbing inside him was doing one hell of a job pounding his prostate. So much so that Cirrus hadn't even reached his own first orgasm, no matter how much he obviously wanted it, by the time Oni let loose.

Sure enough, that cry was all it took. Mere seconds after he announced his orgasm's arrival, still shooting his load over himself and tossing his head as he was bounced upon the lead male's lap, Oni saw the bedroom door burst open, and two more reindeer fighting one another to get inside. He wailed as he saw their rock hard cocks, both twitching and dripping, eager to be fed into his waiting muzzle. But from behind him, the lead reindeer had other ideas.

"New rule. No-one gets a turn with the needy bitch here until they've helped another of our men blow a load."

More men were already peering in through the open bedroom door, and stared in wide eyed dismay at their boss as he continued to help Oni ride him hard and fast, the rabbit's cock still twitching and his prostate aching with pleasure even though his climax was beginning to wane. They then turned their gaze to the two reindeer already standing expectantly before the bed, now looking at one another with mixed lust and horror.

"I... I can't. I don't swing that way."

One of them shook his head at the other, who nodded urgently in response.

"Nor me. I'm all about the pussy."

Their boss laughed, lustily, yet with genuine humour too.

"Oh sure. A-ah... you burst in here, racing each other to get a shot at a rabbit's ass, but you're both straight as an arrow."

The two other reindeer looked at one another, then back at their boss's face, stricken with pleasure as he revelled in the sensation of a tight ass milking his thick cock. They looked back at one another once again.

"I mean... if... l-like, I jerked you off, but you promised not to think it was because I'm horny for you or something."

Again, the other nodded to the first speaker.

"Y-yeah. Totally. I'd jerk you too. But, y'know... no homo. Pretend it's some girl's hand. Soft and pretty."

From the doorway, they all heard a longing moan, and another couple of reindeer entered.

"If... if we jerk each other off too, can we have a turn after?"

Their boss grinned, but shook his head at them.

"No, Darian. You and your stick figure doe drawings have kept us all thinking straight as an arrow for months. If you want a turn? You've gotta suck a cock."

And before long, though they moaned and complained about it, the first two reindeer were stroking one another, staring wide eyed at their own cocks being teased by another's touch, and the one by the name of Darian was on his knees before another of the group, that male bellowing and moaning like he'd never been sucked off before... which for all Oni knew might well have been true.

"Look at them... look at them all go. Abandoning their principles so quickly, and all because they finally had a reason to do so. I don't know whether it was Gods, fate or pure dumb luck that brought you to us today, my sweet slut... but you have no idea how long I've waited for this chance. How long I've had to spend jerking off to a statue of some lady jilling herself, waiting for the times when a real man will be needy enough to come and beg me for a turn, giving me the leverage I need to get some real action."

Cirrus didn't break for a moment in his fucking Oni as he whispered into the rabbit's ears. He did pick up his pace though, and grow ever more breathy and lustful in his motions as he stopped whispering, and started grunting to the squirming, stuffed rabbit.

"Ah. B-but... even my guys don't have an ass like yours. So tight, but so... ready. So practised at taking cock. They'll learn, though. If you can get them started tonight... each and every one of them, they'll learn. Oh. Ohh... f-fuck. Yes."

He grunted, ceasing his efforts to lift and lower Oni, and instead beginning to lift his hips from the bed. To actively fuck the bunny, and push himself deep, deep inside of the tight ass wrapped so hungrily around him as at last he tipped his own body over the edge.

"Every l-last one of them is gonna fuck you today... a-and soon... they'll be begging me to do the same to them. Ah. Ahh god. Yes!"


Sure enough, as the hours passed by in a haze of lust and stickiness, Oni watched, listened, and felt first hand as Cirrus' prediction came true. It wasn't long before the whole cabin full of deer was crammed into Cirrus' bedroom, no fewer than eight of them laying across his double bed, half squabbling over, half sharing Oni between them while others occupied the chairs and indeed the wooden floor all around. Oni squeezed reindeer cocks within his hands as he bobbed hungrily up and down on a third, and all the while felt a fourth pounding deep into his ass from behind, a far heavier set of balls slapping against his own. His face was already streaked with cum, strings drying even now between his quivering ears, and he whimpered happily as one of the cocks in his hands began to unload, pumping yet more ribbons of hot cum out towards his whimpering features as he gulped down copious pre-orgasmic volumes of pre from the male invading his maw.

These reindeer were insatiable, and by the time one group of three or four were done with him, those who had been going at him the previous time around were already queuing behind those next in line. Little by little though, one by one, Oni noticed some of them drifting away from the group and to the far side of the room. Watching through eyes half lidded and heavy with near constant pleasure, the rabbit was able to see Cirrus beckoning them forward, into his arms. He saw the powerful male whispering to them. Nodding, grinning, and then he had his lips wrapped around their cock, or their lips around his, or the two of them standing by the fire, silhouetted by the flames as they ground their stiff, twitching members together.

"God, your pussy's so tight..."

There were of course those who fought to keep their illusion of straightness alive a little longer, whispering to him like a woman, calling him by feminine or outright female names no doubt plucked from their own masturbatory fantasies. But even they, when they heard Oni beginning to whimper and squeal as he came under the thrall of them pounding his prostate and unloading their cum deep inside his ass, couldn't help but let slip a moan of such genuine excitement, it was as good as admitting that they knew what they'd really done... and enjoyed it nonetheless.

Oni was passed back and forth, used, filled, stained with cum over and over again, until finally... he found himself lying flat on the bed, looking up in expectation of another reindeer's cock being guided towards him, but finding no-one. At least, no-one not already occupied.

All around him, men lay writhing, moaning, grunting in pleasure. Gasping as they sixty-nined, suckling and bobbing on one another's cocks. Snorting and huffing loudly as they fought to remain in control, before spilling hot cum over another man's body, or delighting in feeling it spilling over their own from someone else's cock. Hands. Muzzles. Only one barrier remained uncrossed. At least, that was the case for a few minutes, right up to the moment where Oni found himself joined upon the bed by Cirrus and the male who had first let him into the building. Oni lay back, spreading his legs, ready and now frankly desperate to be fucked as he watched other men being tended to all around. But instead, the sticky, cum-stained rabbit was all but ignored. Cast aside as Cirrus lay back, and the other reindeer straddled him with a pleading moan.

"G-go easy on me. I've... I've only ever used my fingers."


By the time the group was sated, it was morning. Indeed, it was well on the way to the afternoon of the following day when Cirrus and Oni found themselves seated by the fireplace in the central room of the cabin. At last, Oni had another cock up his ass. His body was still streaked with dried on cum, but it had been several hours since a man's load had met with his body as anything more than the run-off of an orgasm caused by one of the other reindeer. Whining and whimpering, Oni rode the big, burly reindeer hard, and left no time or breath for himself to speak as Cirrus murmured to him.

"Thanks to you, my boys know there's no shame in finding pleasure in the flesh that presents itself. No shame in casting gender aside, and just delighting in your enjoyment of a person for who they are, and what they can offer you... not to mention what bliss you can offer them in return."

Oni moaned happily, his cock twitching, spurting, shooting cum out over the reindeer's taut stomach, but his hips continuing to slide him up and down Cirrus' thick manhood.

"S-so... you're gonna keep doing it, then? All of you, f-fucking?"

Cirrus grunted, and caressed the rabbit's lithe flanks before reaching up to tease and fondle his floppy ears.

"Trust me. After the years we've spent living up here writing stories and drawing stick art about imaginary women to jerk off to, it'll be all I can do to get my men to do anything but fuck now they've realised that's an option they won't get mocked for enjoying."

Oni's smile got wider, and he rode the reindeer harder, drawing a strained bellow from Cirrus as hot streaks of seed began to flood out into the rabbit's tight backside.

"So... a-aaah... yes... then maybe... y-you'd be willing to part with something, as a thank you for my help? Something you don't actually need any-more?"

Through his lust, still grunting, gasping as he filled up the rabbit's backside, Cirrus chuckled.


A full week later, Oni arrived at the nearest large town. Pulling Sphinx to a halt and tying the chocobo up outside the Adventurer's Guild, he strode inside with pride, clutching a velvet drawstring bag between his arms.

Giggling almost uncontrollably, he approached the Guild merchant, and placed the bag down. Unfastening the drawstring, he took great pleasure in slowly, ever so slowly revealing what lay within.

All around the Guild Hall, people had been smirking from the very first moment Oni wandered in. Watching, waiting to see what paltry treasure the slutty bunny had been able to gather to pay his dues for the month.

This time however, their eyes, along with those of the merchant, bulged as the object slid out of the bag.

A statue of a doe, reclining, head tossed back, lost in masturbatory ecstasy.

A statue that had been old and grimy from countless sweaty pairs of hands pawing over it, but which now shone clean and clear.

A bright, shining, solid gold statue.

Oni giggled as he watched the merchant doing some mental calculations, and realising slowly but surely that this treasure wasn't just some drop in the bucket trinket with a little monetary value. It was serious, genuine treasure.

The bunny dragged himself up so that he could rest his elbows upon the counter, feet dangling in mid-air beyond it, and smiled pleasantly at the merchant. His ass wiggled in the air in excitement as he looked around the room, all eyes upon him. Was this it? Had Oni really made the score of a lifetime that most adventurers dreamed of? Was he going to retire now? Spend the rest of his days living in luxury, off the profits made from selling this incredible piece of art.

"Could you put this in my personal vault, please? And... show me the Quest log to see if there's any new bounties or help wanted signs been posted locally?"

Oni grinned wider and wider as the whole room began to murmur and mutter in surprise. They shouldn't have been shocked though. After all, nothing had changed. He didn't adventure to prove himself to them. He didn't adventure so he could stop adventuring. He adventured so he could be who he had always known himself to be in his heart of hearts. Oni the Brave. Oni the Daring. Oni, the adventurer to whom all others could look as an example of how to be the best.

Besides... if he stopped adventuring now, how else would he entertain himself? How else would he satisfy his need for excitement, for thrills, and indeed, his need for... well, the certain satisfaction to which his quests so often seemed to lead.

By Jeeves

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