The Siblings' Pride

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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So often an incestuous relationship can be defined by shame, but for one pair of dogs, they find only pride in their forbidden romance. <3

This story was written for Tekhnikos as one of December's Patron only request day stories. :3 It contains incestuous M/F sexual acts involving consenting adults. :3

The Siblings' Pride

Alice and Shaun had spent their whole romantic lives hiding their relationship. From their parents. From their friends and teachers in high school and then college. From the whole world. And every time they had to hide it, every time they had to deny how they felt about one another or indeed pretend that they had other romantic or sexual interests just to fit in, it hurt. It hurt the two of them to their very core.

It was impossible to deny that the nature of their incestuous relationship had impacted on how they interacted on a day to day basis. But, it hadn't changed how they handled one another in any negative capacity; certainly not as many might have expected, were they to even be hypothetically told of a relationship like the one the two samoyed siblings shared. It hadn't make them meek and nervous. It hadn't made them wary of hanging out together, or maintaining that they had a close familial relationship. And indeed, it hadn't made them shy about expressing their physical affection to one another when the coast seemed clear enough. Quite the contrary in fact.

"Look at that... it's pretty, huh?"

Walking hand in hand, the two fluffy canines strolled through their local park. It was Alice who pointed out the frozen pond, the surface clear in parts, but criss-crossed with cracks that frosted the glass in other sections. Her brother was quick to agree though, and they detoured towards the nearby park bench which looked out over the water. The park was flat and open, with the pond close to the centre of its open field areas, currently rather sparse earthen borders for flowers in the spring and summer, and asphalt paths. There were only a few trees dotted here and there, not providing much in the way of cover at all. And yet, the weather made it so the park was almost deserted. It was freezing cold, but there lay only the most gentle dusting of snow. Not yet enough to warrant families bringing their kids to play snowball fights and build snowmen, but certainly enough to dissuade some of the less insistent dog owners from taking their pet anywhere other than round the block.

For that reason alone, both siblings knew what was about to happen even as they sat down upon the bench and peered, still holding hands, out across the frozen water.

Their hands parted, and their bodies shuffled closer together. They smiled at one another. Grinned, and licked their lips in near perfect unison. Two sets of paws fell to their own midsections, and began to unbuckle their belts, and unfasten their jeans.

"Ah... f-fuck, that's cold..."

Alice giggled as she shuffled her jeans down her legs a little way, pulling her underwear down along with her trousers. The cold wood of the bench against her bare ass was certainly a shock, but it was as exciting as it was briefly uncomfortable. And as soon as she felt her brother's hand reaching between her legs, the heat of arousal that began to burn within her more than made up for it. He knew just what to do. Where to touch. How to get her going with the least amount of effort in the fastest possible time. Though, that wasn't to imply he didn't make an effort. For one another, they never gave anything less than a hundred percent.

The two incestuous canines rested back in their seats, eyes falling half lidded with pleasure as Alice felt two of her brother's fingers spreading her lips open and teasing the damp flesh within, while she stroked Shaun's hard red cock up and down at the firm, steady pace she knew he loved. They moaned, panted and shuddered. Their hips bucked and their eyes rolled as they got one another worked up. Their heads tilted towards one another, and after another shared growl of longing, they kissed. They shuffled closer, nuzzling and pecking at one another between deeper and more impassioned smooches. Whines of desperation and adoration began to intersperse their pleasured moans as they fondled and fingered one another to greater heights. Until finally, the inevitable came to pass.

"Fuck me, brother."

It wasn't a question. It wasn't a plea. It wasn't a command. It was just a statement. An undeniable fact given form. Alice rose from the bench, moaning as her brother's fingers were pulled free from her pussy, dripping wet even as they joined the rest of his hand in fondling her now exposed ass. She pushed her trousers down, all the way down, and turned to face her brother. He beamed up at her, and reached out with welcoming arms.

"Fuck me, Sis."

They spoke with pride. With delight. With reverence for one another, and unfathomably deep seeded arousal not just for their lover... but for their lover, acknowledging wholly and completely that they were in fact blood relations. It wasn't that they had fetishised their own incestuous behaviour. At least, not by choice. But they didn't want to be lovers in spite of being siblings. They didn't want to be lovers who pretended that their familial relationship was in no way relevant. They had fallen in love with one another because of who they were. Everything they were. And first and foremost amongst the long list that made them utterly and shamelessly adore the other samoyed, was the fact that for all their lives, literally since the day they had been born, they had been united and defined by their closeness.

They wouldn't hide from that. Not for anything, and sure as hell not at a moment as personal and intimate as this.

Shuffling onto her brother's lap, knees bent but feet still tied together by her jeans and panties, Alice straddled him and waited with baited breath as she felt his hands guiding their bodies together. One on the base of his cock, angling it correctly, and the other spreading apart the lips of her nether regions. She lowered her hips. Closer. Closer. She looked down into her brother's grinning, panting face. He licked her across the muzzle, and she licked back. They whined happily. They yelped. And then... then they were fucking.

"Oh, Alice... a-ah, I love you..."

Shaun was watching his beautiful sister's fluffy face bouncing up and down before him, feeling her hands on his face, her hot breath washing out over him each time she leaned in for a heated peck or a more lengthy locking of muzzles and tongues. He grasped at her bare ass, squeezing, revelling in the intimacy of being able to clutch at her bare flesh at such a personal moment. He felt her hot, wet pussy squeezing him. Milking, coaxing his orgasm ever closer as his twitching cock hopefully did the same to her sensitive depths.

"Brother. Shaun. Don't stop. Oh... d-don't... yes..."

She was the one riding him, the one controlling the overall pace and thus the forcefulness of their love-making, but it was still Alice who whimpered for her brother to pick up his pace. To ensure he kept going, that they kept going. It was a plea not for right now, not for this one act, but for their relationship. They had to be forever. Had to be. Anything less than an eternity together was just... the very idea of it was hell. Just thinking about it forced a strained wail of desperation from the female samoyed, and Shaun grunted in almost pained ecstasy as she quickened her actions even more. Now she was rather roughly driving herself down onto the male's cock with loud, lewd slaps and slurps as their bodies were reunited to delicious extremes time and time again in rapid succession. She was pushing herself against his knot, and only now did a bare hint of nervousness enter Shaun's pleasure strained voice. He didn't dissuade her though. He couldn't. Not ever. He merely sought to make sure she wasn't acting without thinking.

"A-are you... are we... ahhh..."

The woman straddling him grinned toothily, and nodded as she let slip her longest, loudest moan yet.

"Fuck yes we are. You're gonna knot me. Gonna cum in me right here. And we're gonna sit, a-and snuggle until I'm free. And then, if you're lucky, I might just fuck you all over again."

Shaun grinned, and growled back at his sister as he watched her eyes rolling in their sockets, knowing that her own climax was drawing deliciously close both by the look on her face and the more rapid, rhythmless convulsions and twitches of her inner walls.

"Then do it. Do it... and let's let the world hear us howl."

He taunted her, dared her. And less than thirty seconds later, together they did precisely as he had predicted. His knot locked them together, swelling thicker and thicker until it felt like it was going to break Alice if it got any bigger. Yet still she bounced. Still she tugged and rocked and rubbed herself against that swollen bulge now lodged inside her pussy, right up to the moment where Shaun's hands clawed their way into the sides of her head, dragged her forward, and pressed their muzzles together in a smooch so drunken and sloppy its only real purpose was to muffle the screams and moans they let loose as together, almost perfectly in unison once again, they began to cum.


The empty park sang with the one involuntary cry not caught and stifled by their kissing, at the very height of Alice's climax, clawing its way from deep in her throat even as she felt herself gushing hot surges of ejaculate over Shaun's crotch. The male samoyed could have held back his response, but he would not be outdone. He would not let anyone believe, even if there was no-one around to hear it, that he was any less proud of his lustful adoration of his sister than she was of him.

"Alice! S-Sis!"

Even though no-one heard them, it was those loudest cries, those most unabashed and shamelessly incestuous declarations that made the twins' orgasms truly satisfying for one simple reason. They knew they could never be open about their relationship. Not truly, not in the casual, offhand ways that because they were so forbidden, mattered most. But when it came to times like this, times of the most high and unbearably extreme passion... those truths couldn't, wouldn't be denied.

At the heights of orgasm, and the heights of their love and lust for one another, the twins samoyed's didn't just cry out in delight to their lover. To their partner. They cried out to one another in the most honest and natural way, addressing one another as they were first and foremost in their hearts. Lover yes. Partner, always. But above all else, and never, ever admitted or spoken in shame, brother and sister.

By Jeeves

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