Cosplaying for Keeps

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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While Sasha and Tenny are enjoying showing off their cosplay together, the bear soon finds herself showing off more than she expected at her lover's behest. <3

This story was written for Kio Redsen as one of December's Patron only request day stories. :3 It contains M/F sexual acts involving multiple consenting adults in a semi-public space. :3

Cosplaying for Keeps

All day Sasha's face had been shifting between various shades of red beneath her cream coloured fur, knowing how exposed her plump body was in its current state of dress, and feeling countless pairs of eyes roaming over her... some innocently enjoying her costume, but others most certainly looking at it in precisely the way it was intended to be looked at. Every few minutes she and her husband were stopped for pictures, posing together either in a more friendly manner, or in combat poses like they were ready to come to blows. After all, Cammy and M. Bison weren't the most friendly of characters in the Street Fighter franchise.

"Holy shit, babe... look at her. That ass in that costume. Goddamn..."

As they perused a table full of vintage action figures and toys, including a mint condition Tracy Island play-set that Sasha was seriously considering shelling out for purely on the nostalgia it brought from her childhood, both she and the horse-zebra hybrid male standing beside her overheard the familiar whispers directed their way. Or rather, more specifically towards Sasha's ass. She was dressed in the most revealing of outfits from Cammy's video game career; a green bodysuit custom made for cosplay with gloves, a red beret, and boots. Essentially her plump, curvaceous form was bound within a sculpted one piece bikini, only even more deliciously firm and provocative than such swimwear would have been if bought off the store shelves. Compared to Tenny's rather elaborate red and black uniform, his jacket, smart trousers, boots, cape and military style cap, Sasha might as well have been entirely nude already.

And yet, obviously objectified as her outfit was... Sasha's blushing and squirming wasn't born of shame or discomfort. She was embarrassed to be so exposed in public, sure. But she was excited as well. Thrilled, knowing how much showing her off like this would overwhelm and enthral her husband, and indeed feeling herself getting pretty severely turned on by it too.

"Uh, excuse me..."

The voice from before, the one who had encouraged her 'babe' to check Sasha out, emerged from much closer now, and a hand gently touched the bear's bare shoulder. She turned her head, red faced of course, but smiling, and regarded the other woman standing before her. A snowy white arctic fox, dressed in a Vault 101 jumpsuit and with a beautifully hand-crafted metal pip-boy attached to her arm. Close behind her, obviously the person with whom she had been talking about Sasha, stood a wolf in the white, crisp suited attire of Mr Burke.

"Hi. Oh, wow, great costume."

Beaming warmly to the other woman, Sasha knew what was coming. She slipped one hand into Tenny's own, and felt the much larger equine male's hand squeeze back with fond firmness.

"My boyfriend and I were wondering, could we get some photos with you and Bison? Your outfits are amazing."

They departed the table as Sasha and Tenny nodded warmly, and headed off in search of a spot where it would be quiet enough to snap some photos without blocking off half an aisle. In the end they managed to dart into a currently unused panel room, and the foursome took it in turns to take photos of one another paired off. Cammy with Mr Burke, Mr Burke with M. Bison. Bison with the Vault dweller, and then the two women together. Finally, each couple got some shots of the other pair together, to add to the rather large collection of cosplay photos they had collected throughout the convention so far.

It should have ended there of course. A final thank you. A warm farewell and a wish to enjoy the rest of the con. Maybe they'd see each other later on, and wave, or smile, or even say a brief hello. But that would be all.


"Before you go... do you want to see more of Sasha? I know you love her costume, but... you said it yourself. The ass she's got going on underneath that body suit, trust me... it's not something you wanna miss out on, if you have the chance."

The bear squealed in shock. Her husband had told her that today was just about showing off. Seeing how many cocks they could get to spring to attention, seeing how many people's faces they could made burn as bright as Sasha's own just at the sight of her attire. Then, at the end of the day, Tenny had promised that they could reflect on all of that, and Sasha could fantasise about all the folks who would have fucked her given the chance, while the equine hybrid's tongue delved deep into her pussy, followed up by his very own cock.

But this?! They hadn't discussed this. And yet, as she instinctively reached up to her neck and fondled the one part of her costume that wasn't canon... her collar, she moaned in the wake of that initial cry of surprise, and blushed as she looked at the stunned expressions upon the wolf and arctic fox's faces.

"You could even take a couple more photos. Capture her best side."

Like it was the most casual thing in the world, the stallion gestured for Sasha to place herself up against the nearest wall, and with the same casual ease... though admittedly a lot of whimpering and giggling too, Sasha did so. She wailed as she felt one of her lover's hands press against the back of her head, holding it against the wall, and the other on her ass. Grasping at the fabric of her bodysuit, teasing it aside gently so as not to damage the material, but ensuring that first one cheek of her plump ass was made visible and bared for the other pair to see, and then, soon enough, the plump outer limits of her pussy too.

"C'mon now. We heard you talking. You were dying to check out that ass in closer quarters. And all the time we've been snapping these shots, I've watched you check out every inch of my wife. Sasha doesn't mind. Do you, teddy bear?"

The bear's body stiffened, then relaxed abruptly as two of the equine hybrid's thick fingers pressed between the now exposed, uncovered lips of her pussy. She gurgled happily, and wiggled her hips in a definitive no, only to cry out as he removed those digits after just a few quick, firm strokes. Feeling Tenny's hand on her head withdraw, she turned to look back over her shoulder. Her muzzle was open and panting. Her eyes were wide and glazed, and as she looked at the two rather stunned, overwhelmed looking canids watching the scene unfolding before them, she groaned happily. Shocked as they may have been, both of the couple's pairs of eyes were still rooted hungrily upon her exposed and now slightly glistening pussy. They were tempted as hell, that much was obvious. And it would only require the slightest bit more encouragement to tip them over the edge from tempted to giving in.

Sasha groaned, and gurgled pleadingly towards the pair as she reached down between her own legs, pushed the fabric of her body-suit a little further aside, and grazed her own clit with one of her gloved hands.

"P-please... let my husband watch... let him see you touching me. Using me. Making me... mhh... ah... cum..."

And mere moments later, addressing her own male partner rather than either one of them, the bear's words had precisely their desired effect upon the arctic fox.

"Go eat her pussy, babe. Get on your knees... and work her till your muzzle is soaked."

Even as she spoke, the white furred female was regarding Tenny with a gleeful grin. Not just the smile of someone who knew they were about to get lucky, but the knowing smirk of someone who understood the mechanics of a relationship like the one which the zorse and bear shared.

"As for you, Bison..."

She began to unzip the front of her vault dweller suit. To open it up, and reveal that beneath she wasn't wearing a single scrap of clothing. Not a t-shirt. Not a bra. Nothing. Her breasts were modest in size, but utterly flawless in form. The unzipping didn't finish there though. She exposed more and more of herself, until the suit was undone all the way down to her crotch, exposing the mound of her pussy, its fur trimmed shorter than the surrounding soft, white fluff.

"Wanna watch my man make your wife scream? And... wanna fuck me senseless while they have their fun?"

Tenny grinned. He watched as the wolf moved towards Sasha before dropping to his knees, placing his hands upon her ass and dipping his muzzle between her legs. He watched his wife's body stiffen, and listened to the strangled cry of bashful ecstasy that escaped her as a relative stranger's tongue began to lick at her swollen clit. With one hand he removed his hat, and with the other began to unzip the front of his uniform's trousers. Licking his lips, he watched as the arctic fox rubbed at her pussy teasingly, waiting for him to take over stimulating her. He stepped towards her, and finally answered her question in the only way that seemed appropriate.

"Of course."

By Jeeves

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