The Siren's Search

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A creature without form or soul seeks companionship, and offers the same to those it finds.

This story was written for Razz. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, as well as hypnosis and transformation of sorts. :3

The Siren's Search

The siren's song rang out through the woods. Ancient forest as old as any part of the world still remaining above ground, yet somehow forgotten; lost and untouched by the ravages of the modern world.

Birds alighted upon the siren's form, casting a gentle, pale white glow around it; anthropoid, but bearing no discernible features of any species. A vague tail. Ears. An extension of the face in some form of muzzle. But whether it was cat or dog or frog or dragon, it was not merely impossible to say, but wholly unnecessary. The siren stood alone, alone as it had been for as much of eternity as it could vaguely consider itself aware. Still and peaceful in the forest's depths, singing a single clear note out to the birds and beasts of the land... soothing, comforting, but so very lonely.

Quite how the first mortal found himself there, in that forested land that the world had so mercifully left behind, was unclear. Even Robin himself didn't know. His car had broken down in the middle of nowhere, no cell signal, less than half its battery charge remaining, and with more than eight hours drive back to the nearest populated area and god only knew how far to the next one, he had wandered into the woods in search of anthro habitation. A cabin. A campsite. A forest ranger station. Anything.

The more he'd walked though, the more strangely at peace the tabby feline had found himself. The woodland was quiet and calm. Even in the dark, it wasn't scary or oppressive. Indeed, the more he walked, the more this place seemed to feel like some sort of home that Robin had never known he'd been away from. A place he had always meant to return to, but had been unable to find until now. It felt like fate was compelling him to be here. And thus, he walked on, confident, smiling, marvelling at the beauty that nature had bore... so much grander and larger in scale than anything he had ever seen people come together to create.

And then, just before dawn, he saw it. Through the trees, distant, and yet finally close enough to be visible. A glowing light. Not unnatural. Not man-made. But by the same token, not formed from any natural source of light that Robin had ever sought to comprehend. He drew closer to it, stumbling a little in his haste, feeling the jacket he was wearing get caught on an outstretched branch and tearing slightly, but not even glancing at it to inspect the damage. The sounds of the forest were already beginning to fade away, the noises of rustling leaves and cracking twigs underfoot. The sounds of living creatures large and small rustling and crowing and living their lives entirely unconcerned with this blundering figure on two legs. They all seemed to grow muffled, and were replaced by another undeniably natural, yet wholly unfamiliar sound.

A single note. Constant. Hanging in the air like a silvery mist. It was... beautiful. It was more than beautiful, it was everything.

Robin wept as he moved towards that light. That sound. Towards his destiny. He wasn't being compelled or controlled. He just had to be there. Had to find out what it was, though, in a way he already knew. In a way, it was as though he had always known.

Now that he thought about it... he couldn't even remember how his car had broken down. He just remembered pulling off to the roadside, taking the key out of the ignition, and... well, then the car hadn't been moving any more, so, it must have been broken. As for his phone, he reached into his pocket and pulled it out, peering at the screen which, though lit up, seemed dull and unappealing. It hurt his eyes, just as anything seemed to now, if his gaze fell away from the source of light which he was approaching. He did see the flickering image representing bars of signal however. And the battery, almost wholly full thanks to the in car charger to which it had been attached for most of the ride.

The more he thought back, and the closer he got to the light and the music, still one note and yet akin to the most beautiful classical scores he had ever heard, the more the cat realised how much of what he had told himself just to make sure he ended up here had been false. It wasn't just a lie that the car had failed him, or that his phone had failed him. He wasn't even meant to be driving today. He was meant to be at work. He had been, in fact, a day or more ago. But then... he'd left. In the middle of a shift. In the midst of hearing his boss yelling at one of his colleagues for a failure that was the sole responsibility of the boss himself, and realising that he didn't want to be here. That he didn't want to be a part of this cruel, selfish business... or any part of the world with which it interacted.

And then, just for a moment, he'd heard it.

He'd blinked. Just for the briefest instant, and he'd seen that light. Heard that song. And he had begun his journey, a day long car ride followed by hours upon hours of walking, just to get here. To arrive amidst the trees, and stand before that glowing anthro form... and fall to his knees, weeping with joy.

"I don't want to be alone any more."

As he cried openly, the cat began to remove his clothes. Every stitch. He pulled himself to his feet to remove his shoes, trousers, socks and underwear. He stood once more, sniffling and shivering in anticipation, the night air oddly warm and soothing against his bare furred form. And as he watched that glowing form turn on the spot, not moving a muscle or limb, just rotating so that it was facing him what must have been head on, he felt his heart racing and his manhood rising in an unexpected but undeniable sudden showing of arousal.

"I'm here. Where I'm meant to be. Where I've always been meant to be. And... I'm yours, now. Now, and always."

Robin smiled as he stepped forward, his own fur seeming to take on a shine of its own as he reached out and touched the glowing form; featureless, but definitively solid. His eyes glazed over. His muzzle fell open, wide and gaping. He toppled unsteadily forward, and as a soft cry of joy escaped him, he felt the glowing figure's previously immobile arms rising up, encircling him while he embraced it tightly in turn. His eyes got wider, but the blue faded from his irises, followed by the black of his pupils. His eyes shone pure white. They blazed, burned with ethereal fire. He cried out, bucking against the shining figure as his cock flexed, stimulated to the extreme by merely brushing against the siren's almost motionless form.

"Please. I... I want to be a part of this. I want to be the beginning. I'm here for you, just as you are for me. Please, Sinclair. Make me the first. The first of so many. Together, we'll start something incredible. Together, we'll b-..."

Light engulfed Robin's body, and the tabby cat's final words were lost in a yowling cry of ecstasy. The light blazed through the forest in all directions, shooting a dazzling beam straight upward into the night's sky, and remained there, flickering and pulsing amidst those giddy cries and the single sonorous note for almost a minute.

Then, all of a sudden as the light faded, the song changed.

Two notes rang out. Complimentary. Melodic. Beautiful. Two notes echoed through the forest louder and clearer than before, and the creature from whom they were emanating smiled.

Sinclair lifted a hand to his face, feeling his furred cheek, touching the upturned corner of his muzzle as he felt himself smile. He opened his mouth and drew in a deep breath. His first breath. And then, he laughed. He laughed because... because he could. Because suddenly, it was possible.

He, the amalgam of his own ethereal form and the first mortal to willingly give himself over to his song, grinned from ear to ear, and considered what would now follow.

He was no longer alone. No longer solitary and immobile. But... much as he would forever cherish the part of himself that was Robin, Sinclair knew he wanted more. There was so much more he could learn. So much more he could add to himself, to his soul, by welcoming those of others. Robin was only the beginning. The catalyst. And now, from that first spark, a fire would begin burning. A fire whose glow would reach out across the whole world eventually, and draw all who sought to share in its warmth together.

For now though, the whole world was a bit of a stretch. The siren still smiled though, as he turned his gaze towards the sky. Towards the stars and moon that others would no doubt be sharing the view of at that very moment.... longing for a better life, a better place, somewhere they could find the shared respect and love they felt were deserved by all anthrokind.

He would call to them. And slowly, inevitably, they would come.


"We have to go, Sarah."

The singing was so loud now. So close. A beautiful, complex melody of dozens of notes interweaving and playing together. And yet, as Darren pulled at his wife's arm with bulging eyes and terror etched across every little bit of his face, she didn't move. Didn't turn away from the edge of the campsite, facing the direction from which the music was approaching with her own wide eyed but entirely unafraid stare.


Shaking off her husband's hands, the raccoon took a step forward. She grunted as Darren grabbed at her again and tried to pull her back. To drag her towards the car. But the rabbit wasn't strong enough. His wife had always been the physically stronger of them, athletic and fit while he was lanky and perhaps a little too slim and untrained. And now, that fact was going to be their undoing. He couldn't leave her behind. He couldn't abandon her. And yet his heart screamed at him to run. His very soul begged him to escape. To run back home. Back to the city. To reality. To his life of work and money and friends. This whole camping trip, getting away from their lives and back to nature had been her idea. He'd come because he loved her. But, not enough. Not enough to die for her. To face whatever monster was approaching.

"Goddammit. Sarah, I'm leaving. Please. I'm leaving now. You have to come."

The raccoon turned her head, looking back towards her husband as he stumbled back towards the car, screaming, pleading, reaching out but still retreating away from her. She smiled, but shook her head from side to side in a firm negative.

"No. I don't have to. Goodbye, Darren. I... I loved you."

She turned back even before he had made it into the car, and by the time the vehicle roared away, the raccoon was too caught up in the music to even listen to its engine getting quieter and quieter as it raced off down the woodland path that three days ago had brought them to this old, slightly overgrown and entirely peaceful, undisturbed campsite. Three days of Darren complaining about the bugs, the cold, the heat, the darkness, the light, the boredom and the amount of chores they had to do. Three days of him in misery, despite seeing that his wife had so obviously been in heaven.

And to think, this had been her trying to fix their marriage. To convince herself that there was something worth saving. That it was just the outside world, the distractions of work and finances and all the myriad things that kept people from connecting in the modern day which had made them seem so distanced from one another.

She hadn't found the solution to her marital problems here. But, that didn't matter now. For she had found something greater. Something so much more wonderful, and joyous, and overwhelmingly beautiful both to listen to, and indeed now to behold.

Sarah watched as a figure emerged through the treeline. A single figure, yet singing with the voice of dozens. He was pale, the fur of his face and bare torso almost pure white, seeming to shine in the natural light of the day. His hands and feet were socked with darker fur, a similar band of black running around the edges of his ears. Violet hair cascaded down around his shoulders, rich and wavy. And though he bore a pair of brownish trousers, hanging loose around waist and tied in place with rope, this did nothing to hide from Sarah the fact that within those trousers a substantial erection was already waiting. It stretched and tented out the fabric, and upon setting eyes on that bulge, the raccoon's enthralled wonder became something else entirely. No longer did she merely desire to gaze upon the owner of that beautiful voice. Now she desired to gaze upon its body, and let it do the very same to her.


Sinclair spoke her name without any pretence, without any explanation, but the raccoon wasn't afraid. Her heart raced, and she whimpered happily, like a teenager who had just realised that their crush wasn't just aware of their existence, but of exactly who they were.

"I am so sorry. I wish your husband could have joined us. I know you believe that deep down he is a good person. I hoped he would believe in himself, or in you, enough to share this."

The siren stepped closer. His mouth was shut but the song surrounding him continued. Indeed it grew louder and more haunting in its beauty the closer he got to the mortal woman, until finally they were standing face to face. She was a little taller than him, and he was lithe compared to her strong frame, though by no means twiggy like Sarah's husband had been. They stood and regarded one another as equals, no matter how much a part of Sarah wished to get down on her knees and worship him as a god. Deep down she knew that was wrong. Not just unpleasant to Sinclair, but wholly inaccurate and pointless. He didn't deserve worship. He didn't deserve reverence. What he deserved was so far beyond that, it made such concepts seem laughable.

Already, Sarah felt like her whole life had been moving her towards this very moment. Towards him. Towards being in a place where she was ready to accept his existence, and what it meant for her own.

She smiled, and reached out to touch him. Her hand caressed one of his cheeks, and as he stepped closer, rising up on his tip-toes to bring their muzzles closer, he moaned reassuringly to the raccoon once more.

"We love you. We have always loved you... and will always love you. Whether you stay with us beyond today, or not, we will still love you more with each passing second. But... whatever your future choice, don't make it now. Don't think about such things. Just, tell me you will lie with me. With us. Tell me I can kiss you. And please you. And... tell me I can share my body with you, so that together, we can create something more wondrous and beautiful than either one of us alone."

A strangled, giddy sob escaped Sarah, though she had not cried for happiness or for sorrow in years. She nodded, tears running freely and shamelessly down her cheeks, and took the siren's face between both her hands now, before kissing him deeply even as she felt his hands upon her flanks. Their lips clung to one another, tongues barely meeting, grazing one another's very tips alone, before being pulled apart as the urge to disrobe grew too overwhelming to bear any longer without action. Sarah's hands fell down across the siren's bare chest even as his digits grasped at the base of her tight fitting t-shirt and began to lift. She plucked the rope tie of his trousers open just before her arms were lifted to slide the t-shirt up and off, and even as Sinclair's fingers began to tease her own shorts down her legs, no underwear present beneath them, she was crying out at the sensation of his muzzle upon her flesh once more, this time with lips wrapped around one peak of her ample, trembling breasts.

They sank to the ground together, to the long, overgrown grass of the abandoned campsite's floor without even a momentary consideration of moving to occupy Sarah's tent where it stood barely ten metres distant. Sarah writhed upon the earth as the siren's lips kissed her over and over, upon her flushed and engorged nipples, then all over her body. Her blushing, panting muzzle. Her forehead. Her shoulders. Her chest once more. Her stomach. And then... then...

She wailed. She tried not to cry out. Tried to be calm. To indulge and delight in this sensation with calm maturity. But not only could she not bring herself to do so, she felt like to even attempt to face these sensations with any degree of discretion would be an insult to their very purpose. Sinclair's lips kissed and nibbled at her nether regions, his hands massaged her inner thighs, spreading her legs wide apart before his exploring touches and licks. He didn't want her to resist. He didn't want her to be embarrassed or reserved. He wanted to please her. To share in the joy that her presence was granting him.

"Please... o-oh, please... Sinclair. Yes. Be with me. Let me be with you... n-now."

Her eyes rolled back in her head, unaccustomed to such pleasure not just from oral attentions, but through any means granted to her by a man. She had been faithful to her husband, and laid with him many a time not from any obligation, but her own desire to be with him. To pleasure him, and have her own needs satisfied at the same time. But just as the world at large had stolen away his attentions from so many things that could have kept the spark alive within their marriage, so too had work and technology and all manner of solitary pursuits left little time for even love-making to be something they could share at length.

And yet, Sarah didn't want this teasing yet overwhelming stimulation to continue. At least, not in its current form. She didn't want foreplay. Not when she was this ready, and knew with every note of the siren's song that he was too.

"We love you."

Sinclair's voice was layered with others, and yet they were all part of the same single voice that spoke to Sarah as the siren pulled away from her damp, swollen, intensely sensitive nether regions. He crawled up her strong, beautiful body. He kissed her on the lips, smiling as she moaned bashfully at the taste of her own arousal upon his tongue. And as her legs closed around his waist, wrapping him up in her and dragging his hips down against her own, a frantic cry of pleasure escaped Sarah when she felt the thickness and length of the male's erection rubbing teasingly between the flushed outer lips of her pussy.

Sarah could have said those same words back to the siren as he guided himself into her, her mouth hanging open, gasping breathlessly as pleasure like nothing she had ever known invaded and conquered her senses all at once. She could have, but there was no point. Professing her love for Sinclair would have been like professing a love of oxygen, or of her own beating heart. They were so fundamental, so much a part of herself as to not require explanation, just as was her love for the siren. Thus, she didn't speak, but screamed instead. With pleasure. Over and over, as Sinclair began to press himself into her, his hips constantly in motion with a tireless speed and an uncanny ability to strike at exactly the right moment, in exactly the right series of spots.

The raccoon could not count the orgasms they shared that day. Not hers, nor indeed his in any number that didn't seem either ridiculously high, or low compared to what felt like reality. There did come a point however when they reached what was the last one, and somehow even as it washed over them, their trembling, writhing, gushing bodies howling to one another in frantic elation, they both knew that it was the last.

Red faced, panting, shivering and shamelessly stained by the activities that had turned day to night around them, they rose to their feet and immediately, wordlessly took the other figure's hand in their own.

They walked, away from the camp and without a shred of clothing upon their bodies. They walked, and held one another's paws, all the way to the cave. Not a cave, but what Sarah somehow knew was the final destination for her body.

She whimpered happily as Sinclair took her in his arms once more, and listened to his song echoing off the cave's crystalline walls even as he addressed her calmly, wanting to make sure she understood every word with the same clarity as the shining walls all around them.

"If ever you wish to return to the world you have known... your body will await you here. Unchanged. Unharmed. Resting with others, and under my protection."

He gestured, and only now did Sarah see that they were not alone in the cave. Others lay silently beneath and behind slabs of pure, pale crystal of various colours. All near flawless, though not nearly as beautiful as the peaceful, smiling faces of the bodies behind them. Bodies neither living nor dead. Simply waiting, locked in time, for the spark of life that was the soul to return to them. Though... if Sarah was right in considering what was to happen now, she very much doubted that any of those bodies would ever be inhabited again.

"I understand. And... I'm ready."

Sinclair beamed.

"I know you are."

He embraced her. He kissed her. He looked deep into her eyes, and she looked deep into his. And as Sarah exhaled, a silvery mist passed from her muzzle to that of the siren.

A new note joined the song.

An empty vessel fell limp in Sinclair's strong arms.

And as he began to move the raccoon's body towards a new resting chamber, Sinclair smiled as felt Sarah's mind, her very soul mingling with those who already helped to make him who he was. He laughed abruptly at a memory that swam to the surface, one he had never had the pleasure of experiencing until this very moment. His smile faltered as he found himself experiencing another memory, more sorrowful and grim than the last. But within seconds he was beaming again, and thanking himself... for that was whom Sarah was now, a fully fledged part of him, for bringing these new experiences into his life. Another step closer to being complete. To the whole world sharing and understanding what joy and peace could be found in the boundless love he offered to all takers.


With his truck parked up for the night in a quiet lay-by, not a car had passed for almost an hour when Mekhi heard the music begin. An orchestra. A symphony of such complexity and yet simple, undeniable wonder that it brought him to tears, and forced his weary body to drag itself out of the cot located in the back of his rig's cabin.

He barely had to step out of the truck before he saw its source. A figure, dancing in the middle of the road. Weaving and twisting in a flowing red matching top and trousers that resembled something one might have seen on an episode of I Dream of Jeannie, Sinclair danced to the sound of his own music. He beamed, swaying and rolling his hips, his belly at the burly truck driver as the wide eyed bull approached him. The trucker was dressed in nothing more than his boxer shorts, all that he had gone to sleep in, and yet still his body was more concealed and modest than that of the siren. Sinclair's entire ensemble was translucent, exposing not just his chest through the soft, silky fabric draped around him, but the waving length of his cock and his jiggling, firm balls too.

"I... w-who are you?"

Mekhi wasn't destined to be with him. Not forever. Not in the way so many others were. But that was okay. Sinclair didn't need to coax the soul of every person he met into joining him. Indeed, it was always reassuring to meet one who was truly happy with their life as it was. In this case a man who revelled in his freedom and independence, out on the road with no family to tie him down, and new friends, new opportunities in every city he visited on his routes.

"I am a friend. A welcome night of respite for you... should you wish it."

Siren dropped to his knees as the burly bovine stopped directly before him, and tugged down the front of the bull's boxer shorts before Mekhi could react. Though mostly flaccid, the male's cock was still thick and more than a mouthful's worth. His eyes bulged as the siren took it into his muzzle without another word, and began to suckle tenderly, working it to arousal in the most direct way he knew how. Mekhi grunted, and though he was kicking himself even as he did so, he spoke honestly.

"Ah... f-fuck. That feels good. But, look, man... I... I'm not into guys. I'm sorry."

Sinclair drew back from the now swelling, stiffening cock, holding it and caressing it in his hands as he responded to the bull with a warm giggle.

"Would you like me to stop? I'm not going to expect you to return the favour. I'm not going to ask you to take it in the ass, or even give it that way. I won't make you do anything you don't want to do. But, if you would like to cum tonight, with more than your hand and the videos on your tablet for company... I am more than happy to oblige."

Mekhi's eyes got wider still, and he gave a low, deep groan of confusion as he glanced both ways down the empty, unoccupied stretch of road. He shuddered, and felt his cock oozing pre-cum as the siren patiently stroked his cock. He would have said no. But... that music. That face. Everything about this man, in fact. It was telling him it was okay. He should be open to this experience. He had everything to gain and nothing to lose. And for better or worse, Mekhi felt like he could trust that feeling. That incredible, heavenly song.

"Okay. B-but... in my truck. Please?"

Less than a minute later, Mekhi was sitting back in the passenger seat of his rig, and Sinclair was straddling his lap.

"Hey... y-you said... not in the ass. C'mon, man, I'm not..."

His breath escaped him in a long, rattling gasp as Mekhi felt his cock slipping into the siren's body. But not, as he was concerned was the case, into the ass of this unknown, unbearably enticing figure. Into depths hidden away behind his balls, but far too far forward for his back passage. Depths wetter, warmer, far more inviting and appealing for a straight male's cock.

"Oh fuck. Fuck. W-who... oh, god, I don't care..."

Sinclair giggled at the bull's rather rapid change of tune as his pussy's inner walls began to milk the first few inches of the powerful male's cock, and let slip a lingering moan of his very own as he pushed himself down upon it, forcing himself to spread wider and wider open as he accepted inch after swollen, needy inch of the male's cock.

"That's right. You don't need to worry about who I am. You don't need to worry about why I'm here. That's not what matters. What matters is that we share this experience with all our hearts. With all the passion and enthusiasm we have to give. We may not be destined for a life as one... but tonight, we can make it feel like we're pretty damn close."

He began to ride the bull. To fuck himself upon that powerful male's cock, with his own erection straining and dripping over the trucker's slight beer gut. He watched, grinning, as the male's eyes rolled and his face grew strained with pleasure. The trucker was fighting to hold back. To restrain a cry perhaps. A longing plea. Maybe even trying to resist giving into a far too premature orgasm for his own liking. But Sinclair couldn't allow that. He wouldn't let the bull deny himself... not when he would soon realise that the rules did not quite apply where the siren was concerned, certainly not as long as that song was filling his body with passionate vitality.

Stroking the side of Mekhi's face, leaning in close to the bull, Sinclair whispered something into the already huffing, grunting male's ear. He drew back mere moments later, and grinned happily as the bull's already wide eyed bulged with first shock, then realisation... as though a blindfold had only just been removed.

The bull grasped at the hips of the figure straddling him, and with a bellowing cry, began to fuck her senseless. To buck hard off his seat, and drag her down upon his thick, throbbing cock. He snorted, he grunted, he roared in shameless lust. How could he have held back this long, restrained himself when making love to such an incredible creature.... the very type of woman of whom he dreamed night after night.

"Oh! Ohhh, Mekhi! F-fuck me, stud!"

The chubby zebra wailed to him shamelessly, and he bellowed shamelessly back as he pounded her thick, hot pussy with his vast cock. Her huge breasts jiggled in front of his face, and he leaned forward to suckle on one ample, swollen black nipple. He squeezed her ass tightly, so warm and soft, jiggling within his grasp. He opened his mouth wide, ready to wail her name over the loud, wet slurps of their bodies fucking so forcefully and unabashed, seeking nothing but non-stop ecstasy from one another. Before his hazy, pleasure-fogged mind could call that name to mind though, she whinnied in such sweet rapture that it could only mean one thing. She pressed herself down to the hilt upon his thick cock, and drummed her fists against his strong chest, screaming and shrieking at the top of her lungs as she doused his cock in hot, powerful gushes of female ejaculate.

"Yes! Cum with me. Oh fuck. Fuck! Don't stop! Baby, keep... aa-aaaahhh yes!"

Sinclair's own howls of pleasure were utterly outmatched by the bull's cries to the lover he was so passionately engaged with. The woman of his dreams. Not an illusion. Not a falsehood. Simply one of Sinclair's many abilities that had come to him as he grew in strength and those who comprised him swelled in numbers. To become the very embodiment of desire, of arousal to those he approached. To reach into their minds, find their most perfect partner, and become them.

Right now, he was the plump zebra lady whose orgasmic self-filmed masturbation clips had helped Mekhi through so very many lonely nights on the road. And even as the siren's own body was pushed beyond its limits by the shameless force of the bull's bliss, and he came long and hard, clutching at and soaking the male's cock, he did so as that big, beautiful zebra... even though he could still feel his own manhood twitching, throbbing, and pouring its essence out over the trucker's own plump belly.

The night would wear on, and on, and on like this, with Mekhi seeing only the woman of his dreams as Sinclair's song pushed him over the edge time and time again without a break, or any desire for one. And when it eventually came to an end, Sinclair knew that he would be leaving alone, no more enriched than when he had felt Mekhi's heart, even in some small way, reaching out towards his song. But that was okay. For he would have his memories of the bull's passion. The bull's strength and confidence and self-worth. And he would take them away, even if the soul from which those feelings had spawned remained independent. And in return, Mekhi would have his own memories. Of the night when the woman of his dreams came knocking on his truck-cab's door... and fucked him so long, and so hard, that he eventually passed out, his ears ringing not only with her screams, but also beautiful, wonderfully enrapturing music.



Sinclair gurgled happily as he was indulged by not one but two souls eager to join him. Neither one would have shared that desire alone, but together, this incredible couple re-enforced the best parts of one another. Together they strived for new heights, and greater satisfaction in life so that they could make one another happier and happier. And that wish, that will, had led them to Sinclair.

With his violet hair hanging loose over his shoulders, and his tail flagged high up into the air, the siren's song sang loud and clear even as he was spit-roasted by the tiger humping him feverishly from behind and the burly wolf whose cock was stuffed in his muzzle. His untouched cock and unfilled pussy dripped and drooled as his ass and maw were filled with urgently bucking, flexing lengths of manhood. A thick, swollen knot brushed against his lips over and over again, while rubbery barbs teased his prostate to delicious excess. Prior loads of cum dribbled from his lips and the tight but well worked outer sphincter of his rump, and over his trembling body, he heard the two men moaning to one another as they leaned forward, making out with loud, slurping smooches across the length of the siren.

"I promised you, Joseph... t-the day we married. I'd find a way for us to be together for all time."

"God, Ben. I... I never doubted it for a second. Oh, I love you so much..."

They yelped. Mewled. Moaned in ecstasy. They fucked the siren long and hard, before finally two words from the striped cat signalled the end. Or as they knew it to be, only the beginning.

"I'm ready."

His body shook. Fighting to hold back for just a moment. On this occasion however, Sinclair let him. He let them both hold back, and share one last lingering look at the man they adored. At the body they had spent so many nights with. At the soul with whom they had spent almost half their lives intertwined.

Normally, Sinclair waited until the people he chose were calm and relaxed before drawing them into himself. But today... today was a rare treat for the siren.

He grunted, and moaned around the cock in his maw as it began to thrust in time with the one filling his rear end once again. He felt them flexing. Throbbing. Ready to blow. He suckled, he pushed back upon Ben's barbed cock, and claimed them. Their eyes bulged. Their bodies stiffened. The most potent, unfathomable ecstasy crashed through them both, ripping their conscious minds to shreds with the sheer force of the pleasure. And as they roared and howled, as they shuddered and bucked and spilled themselves out into Sinclair from both ends, their cum wasn't all that was let loose deep into the siren. Sinclair suckled the soul from the cock of the wolf, and let his backside milk it out of the tiger fucking him from behind.

Their bodies fell limp over him, still twitching, still dribbling cum. And as he collapsed beneath their combined weight, Sinclair blushed as he felt the two new souls adding themselves not only to himself... but to one another as well. Such joy. Such happiness, raw and uninhibited by the bounds of separate forms.

He lay beneath their spent, empty bodies, just smiling like an idiot at how happy they were helping all those who comprised him to feel. And yet, he knew he couldn't wait too long. After all... he wasn't out in the countryside any more. He was in the big city now. And soon, there'd be another knock on his door. Another person seeking the freedom he offered, and the companionship, the togetherness, the unity and joy that came with it. And then another. And another.

So many people in this city were unhappy. Unsatisfied. And while not all of them were a suitable match for the siren, even if they could hear his song, he could at least do his best to offer them a night of pure happiness if not an eternity, and all the hope, all the reassurance that came with it.


"My name is Sinclair."

The siren held a blushing, shivering squirrel within his arms. She didn't know him. They'd never met. But, she'd run up to him on the street, and hugged him... and now, five minutes later, they were still standing together, tears of joy streaming down her face, and a warm, reassuring smile upon his.

"I can help you. I can give you the life you crave."

He touched his forehead to hers, and her eyes bulged as she felt waves of happiness, of satisfaction, of completion... not from one mind or heart, not from a dozen, or a hundred even. Hundreds upon hundreds of people, all filled with the same unifying belief. That she should say yes.

Drawing her head back, the squirrel whimpered bashfully as she looked into the face not of the siren, but of a smiling female collie in glasses and a sweater. A college goer just like herself. A woman the squirrel just somehow knew was smart like her, and into girls, just like her.

"You don't have to come with me. Even if you do, you don't have to stay. I know you still aren't sure one way or the other. But... if you will let me? I'll show you the happiness we could share, for all time."

The two young women clung to one another for almost a minute more before the squirrel nodded, and with a nervous whimper, spoke her assent.

"Please. Show me."

Sinclair smiled through her collie guise.

"Follow me. I have a room."


The city had been big. And fun. But soon, it wasn't big enough. Sinclair's song now sang out for all the world to hear, and the world was knocking on his door.

The forest rang out with cries of pleasure. Laughter. Love, and passion, and delight in rampant abundance. Sinclair watched as people who had met mere hours ago laughed and talked and fucked more freely than they had with friends they'd known for decades, their united purpose connecting them in a way far deeper than they had ever experienced before. Here, everybody was a soulmate. Here, you could throw a balled up leaf and hit the love of your life, and even if they had already sworn their love to three other people that morning, they'd take you in their arms, hold you tight, tell you that they loved you, and mean every word of it.

And at the centre of it all, surrounded by two or three dozen bodies entwined in delirious love-making with one another, men and women touching and pleasing and revelling in those around them, stood Sinclair. He stood watching for a brief period between sessions, panting with fatigue... something he had never really believed possible. But soon he was ready again, and with a smile towards one of the writhing, moaning crowd, drew them to his side as the song began to play just for them.

"Have you met many lovers while here?"

He spoke in flawless Cantonese to the mouse blushing and squirming before him, pink cock quivering as he watched men and women continuing to fuck and suck and tease one another in a hundred different ways all around them, all with at least one eye on Sinclair, and thus in part upon him too.

"More than I'd known in my entire life before now. They don't care that I'm not from around here. They don't care that I can't speak with them. They know what's in my heart... just like you."

Sinclair beamed at the mouse's words, and drew the rodent into his embrace, their bare bodies touching and two cocks rubbing against one another tenderly, provoking longing moans from them both.

"And... you're sure you want to do this? You could share your love with so many by remaining out here, with the rest of my beloved friends. With this little band of the world's most warm-hearted."

The mouse shivered, and whimpered in anticipation.

"I know I would be so happy to do that. But... Sinclair, if I give myself to you, I'll get to experience all of that. I'll get to be with each and every one of them when they come to you as I am now, as a part of you. And, all those you have already been with. Everything you are. I'll be a part of all of that, too. I... I'm sure. I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life. But after today, I'll never doubt it ever again."

Beaming fondly, the siren thrust his hips forward, rubbing his cock over the length of the mouse's own once again. For the second time, they moaned in unison, and again as Sinclair reached down between them, and wrapped a hand around both their cocks at once.

"Then... tell me, what can I do to make this perfect for you? What dream can I fulfil? What fantasy can I make real?"

The mouse's answer was immediate, and simple. And yet, it made the siren's cheeks flush, and his desire to make this particular man cum long and hard and over and over again all the more overwhelming.

"It's not about me. All I want... all I could ask for... is for you to make sure that no-one of these incredible people goes unsatisfied. And, for me to be there to be a part of making that happen."

Sinclair moaned tenderly as he squeezed his and the mouse's cocks, stroking them in unison. He spoke in English now, but with the enchantment of his song ringing loud in the kind mouse's mind, he knew the male would understand.

"Then hold me close. And watch those around us. And listen... to their moans. Their screams. See them, feel them cumming. And every time one of them does..."

A woman close by, riding the thick cock of a Clydesdale stallion, screamed in unbearable orgasmic lust. The mouse's eyes bulged. His cock throbbed within Sinclair's grasp, and began to spray hot ribbons of his seed over both his and the siren's stomachs. He stared at the shrieking lioness, then at the man holding him, grinning, and stroking his cumming cock.

" will too. And my friend... my beloved... that's just a fraction of how good it will feel when we are all finally united. When our search is over, and we are at finally whole."

By Jeeves

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