Blitzen Unbound

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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With Christmas rapidly approaching, Blitzen is at last allowed to relax and unwind in the manner to which all Santa's reindeer are accustomed. <3

This flash fiction was written for Serling as part of his Patreon reward for December. It contains M/F/F sex and bondage involving consenting adults. :3

Blitzen Unbound

The stable door swung open, and Blitzen lifted his head with a gurgling moan. Strands of his own saliva dripped from the base of the ball-gag stuffed in his mouth, and his eyes bulged as he stared at the two figures who wandered in so casually. They approached the hay-strewn, wooden-fenced enclosure in which he was waiting, and leaned over the fence to admire him. Both the women in question were stark naked, not a scrap of clothing covering their bodies despite the chill in the air. Much like the reindeer himself, they were used to the cold, vastly preferring it to the heat of summer. And much like the reindeer himself, it was obvious at just a momentary glance that each of these women were desperately horny. The only difference was, they were in a position where they could do something about it.

Blitzen struggled in his bonds, an utterly pointless gesture, but one that he felt almost obligated to attempt as his gaze drifted from the rabbit to the otter with a mixture of pure lust and desperate frustration, bordering on what could almost be called anger. He knew what was coming. The same thing that happened each and every day, first thing in the morning. The first of many torments. The first of countless tortures he was going to have to endure. And what made it all the more agonising and humiliating, was that these women knew how much he loved it. Every last second of it.

He bellowed through his gag, struggling at the restraints binding his wrists high up over his head, metal chains clinking loudly against the rafters of the stable. He bucked his hips, and felt his thick, swollen cock throbbing, dripping, helplessly aroused as the thick rubber plug buried in his ass continued to buzz at a low, steady pace. He fought to be free, to be fulfilled and satisfied despite knowing it wasn't going to happen, and watched, intensifying his desperate, needy agony a thousand times over as the two women pulled away from the fence, and flung themselves into one another's arms. Bunny and otter began to make out, to grind and rub their respectively white and brown furred bodies up against their companion's own. Hands squeezed plump rear ends and modest but firm, perky breasts. Noses bumped, prompting soft and girlish giggles, followed by longing moans as tongues danced and teased. And all the while, with painful regularity, they would inevitably glance over at Blitzen. To make sure he was watching, and to eye up his dripping cock with desperate hunger.

After just a couple of minutes though, with barely more than the briefest touches having been delivered between one another's legs, they stopped. Blitzen's eyes widened, and he snorted loudly in frustration and confusion. Normally they'd go on for at least thirty minutes, driving one another to orgasms right there upon the straw-strewn floor. It would be hell to watch, unable to react or interact even as they begged him to fuck them as they worked fingers and tongues against one another, but at least it was something. Some form of stimulation, even if it only drove him ever more crazy in its eventual denial. To be denied even that though, that was the cruellest fate Blitzen could imagine.

He watched as the two women, red faced and breathing heavily, entered the pen in which he was bound. Ready to set him loose for the day no doubt. To bind his hands and of course his cock in chastity so he couldn't touch himself or stimulate himself, and get him ready for breakfast with the other reindeer. To start the daily routine. Their off-season training, so that when Christmas came once again, they'd be ready.

Except, once again they broke from routine. They didn't set him loose. Not immediately at least, as they should have. They didn't prepare his other restraints either. Indeed, both women approached him totally empty handed, and began to touch his body. To caress his strong, broad chest where it towered before them, his figure easily a full foot higher than either female not including his antlers, but most definitely including the length of the white rabbit's ears. They kissed his flanks. They stroked his buttocks, and even came dangerously close to moving their fingers from his inner thighs to his crotch, where a single touch might have been all it took to send him over the edge and ending months upon months of pent up denial.

"It's been a long time since Midsummer. Since you started your training again. These six months of the year... we know how tough they are on all of you."

The otter was the one to speak first, but the rabbit swiftly picked up from her when she fell silent.

"But, the other six make it worth it, right? From Christmas day to Midsummer. Rewarding all your hard work with all the fucking... all the luxury, all the excess you can handle?"

Through his gag, Blitzen gurgled as he nodded. And yet, those six months seemed so very far away. It felt like an eternity since Midsummer, and yet it had to be even longer before Christmas would arrive, and their six months of debauched revelry would begin anew. He knew he could make it. He knew he could handle the regimented control of his diet, his exercise, even his sex life. He'd do anything to ensure that when Christmas day came, he'd be at peak condition for another flawless flight. But... goddamn, it was tough to resist the urges that lingered from those first six hedonistic months.

"Hey, Blitzen?"

The rabbit, one of Santa's most senior helpers, someone who'd been on the team almost as long as the reindeer himself, placed a hand over the strong male's heart, and addressed him in a tone far more sincere than her usual teasing giggles. He looked down at her, trembling with desire, huffing through his nose as yet more drool dripped out from around his thick, black leather gag. She smiled up at him so sincerely, and with such wry, knowing glee as she saw that he was totally unaware, and thus wholly unprepared for what she was about to say.

"Merry Christmas eve."

With a snap of the fingers from her free hand, the chains binding the reindeer's arms magically vanished. The gag holding his muzzle wide open dissipated so suddenly he nearly broke his own teeth as his jaws snapped instinctively together, and while the plug in his ass didn't disappear, he did feel the otter's own hand creeping around to its base, and twisting the dial upon it up to its maximum setting.

His eyes bulged. He watched as the two women took a step back from him, but not in fright or nervousness. They held their arms out wide. They bared their bodies to him, and moaned in anticipation as they stared at the now free reindeer's vast, throbbing cock. Until that evening, when he and the other reindeer would report for duty to Santa himself, they were here for one reason and one reason only. To reward him for his good behaviour. To reward him for his patience and dedication. And of course, to ensure that he wasn't flying over the night skies of the world with a raging erection.

For six months he had been waiting for this moment, and now it was upon him. The start of the next six months, and undeniably the sweetest day of all. Freed. Unleashed. And now able to spend the best part of a day unleashing all that had been restrained and denied to him for the last half of the year.

Blitzen flung himself forward, bellowing like a feral beast, and the two women's squeals of joy soon turned to screams of absolute, shameless pleasure... deafened and overwhelmed only by the male's own orgasmic cries.

By Jeeves

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