Flashes and Showers

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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In the midst of a storm, a brother and sister venture out into public to relieve some very private urges.

This story was written for Tekhnikos as one of December's patreon flash fictions :3 It contains incestuous M/F sexual acts involving consenting adults, and watersports. :3

Flashes and Showers

Thunder rumbled loudly across the skies and flashes of lightning cast eerie shadows over what should have been brightly sun-lit streets. The rain was torrential, and aside from a few cars here and there fighting to get their occupants to shelter, the streets were mostly deserted.

Mostly, because just leaving their home, slipping out of the front door of their apartment block and into the pouring rain, two figures dared to brave the storm. They laughed as they raced hand in hand out into the middle of the road, bare paws splashing ankle-deep in running water. Their fluffy white fur was soaked through in seconds, as were the clothes they were wearing, but they didn't care. In fact, they wanted to be soaked. To be drenched. They stood in the middle of the road, in the midst of the city block upon which they lived, and embraced. They kissed deeply, and groaned hungrily to one another as they did so.

"I love you, brother."

Alice whimpered happily to her sibling, moaning as she felt his hands sliding under the creamy white sundress she had chosen to wear, now clinging to her body, almost entirely transparent. Even though her ass was clearly on display through the sodden fabric though, she still moaned loudly as he lifted it away simply by pulling her tail up and exposing all that lay beneath it. No panties. No underwear of any kind. Just her bare ass, which stayed bared even as Shaun released her tail and instead reached down to squeeze at his sister's rump.

"I love you too. Now, do it. Show me... show the whole city what a naughty bitch you are."

The male samoyed kissed his sister tenderly upon the lips once more, and took a couple of steps back. He looked around through the pouring rain for sights of any other people, half hoping there was no-one around, half hoping there was. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled almost immediately after, the storm right overhead. It illuminated them both, as well as Alice's pussy as she dragged the soaking front of her dress up, and spread her legs wide. She reached down between her legs, and with one hand holding her attire out of the way, spread her lips wide open with the other to expose the pinkness within. She looked around, but before long her gaze was drawn back to her brother. To him staring hungrily at her pussy, rubbing with urgent lust at the front of his own soaking wet jeans.

Closing her eyes, Alice whimpered as she tried to do what she had been looking for a chance to do for months now. Looking for exactly the right spot. Exactly the right moment to do it with her brother watching, enjoying the sight.

"O-ooh... fuck..."

She grunted as she felt herself beginning to let go, and a small trickle of her own urine began to run down the inside of one of her legs.

"I'm... doing it. Aahh... here... it's... aaaaahh..."

Her stream began to grow stronger, and as it did so it broke away from her inner thigh, gushing out from the hole just above her pussy in full view of Shaun and right in the middle of her own neighbourhood. All it would take is one person looking out of the window at the right moment. One car driving down this street in an effort to get home. One other person outside to revel in this extreme weather, and they would not only see her pissing, pussy on full display, in the middle of the street. They'd see her doing all that as a show for her brother, while he rubbed his rock hard cock through his trousers.

"Watch me, Shaun... w-watch... ahh..."

Still holding her lips apart, Alice broke the flood of her urine slightly as she caressed her clit with her thumb, the clenching of her crotch's muscles not just visibly contracting the walls of her pussy, but closing off her stream for a moment or so too. She saw her brother's eyes getting wider and wider as she rained her golden flow down into the already swirling water around their feet, saw his own hips rocking and his hands moving faster and faster as they squeezed his crotch's bulge. And then, all of a sudden, he was stumbling forward. Grunting, whimpering, grabbing at her for support to keep from toppling over... and to press one hand between her legs, and feel the still flowing stream of her piss raining down hot and heavy all over his digits as cum filled the underwear hidden beneath his soaking jeans.

For another ten seconds or so, Alice emptied her bladder. Then she was done, and giggling bashfully as she saw the look on her brother's face. Still lost in pleasure even if his orgasm was practically over. Still desperate. Horny. Obsessed with what he'd just witnessed.

"C'mon. Let's go back inside. You can lick me clean."

She grasped him by one hand, and began to lead him back towards their building. Her ass was still showing as her tail stood proud and tall, wagging eagerly from side to side. By the time they reached the front door, Shaun's hand was already squeezing her cheeks one by one, rubbing and caressing her, marvelling at her body's beauty.

By the time they made it to their floor, regardless of whether he'd just cum or not, her brother was giving her some very wet dry-humps from behind as she fumbled to unlock their apartment door. And without undressing, without discarding their soaking wet clothes, forming a puddle upon the carpet of their living room, Shaun laid his sister down upon her back, pressed his muzzle to her pussy, and did not emerge from between her rain and urine-soaked thighs until the storm was long gone.

By Jeeves

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