
Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A dragon looms over a small and defenseless village, but it does not mean them harm. Quite the contrary, in fact. <3

This flash fiction was written for BlueTippedWolf as a Patreon reward for the month of January. It contains sexual and masturbatory acts involving a feral dragon and several anthros.


When the shadow of the dragon fell over the hamlet, the people there thought they were doomed. The nearest town and its adventurer's guild was at least five days away by their fastest steed, and yet as they looked outside and saw the flying shape of that great beast blocking out the sun, they knew they had mere minutes at most.

The elderly, the children, they fled to one of the barns on the edge of the farmland close by, to a cellar in its basement used to brew spirits unlicensed and untaxed by the local authorities. All those who could stand and fight though, men and women of all species, friends, neighbours, enemies with life-long grudges, strode out clutching pitchforks, shovels, and whatever pitiful weaponry was at their disposal.

They watched, trembling, weeping, but standing strong, as the dragon landed before them. Its shimmering golden body stood over thirty feet in length, and with its neck raised high, it towered over them many times. It peered down, wings still spread, mouth slightly open. The villagers waited to be immolated. To be chewed up.

The dragon smiled.

'My friends... I come to you today, with an offer. I offer you wealth. A mere fraction of my hoard, but, in your terms... I believe it would amount to millions in gold, to be shared freely amongst you and your families.'

Several villagers fainted. Several others screamed, clutching at their heads in madness as they heard the dragon speak inside their minds, before realising that they weren't mad, unless they were all mad together.

'And all I ask, is that you grant me... companionship.'

Only now did the dragon rise up, pushing his legs away from the earth and revealing his pale scaled belly, and what lay beneath it, close to the base of his tail. A thick, colossal shaft of red flesh, ridged and pointed at the tip, and throbbing visibly. Several more villagers fainted. The waters of urine stained the britches of a couple of others as they stared at the dragon's vast erection, and the villagers stared at one another in collective confusion, shock, and embarrassment as they realised what the dragon might well be asking. It wasn't long however before the vast, legendary creature made his needs all too clear.

'I wish to watch you make love. I wish to lie upon my back, and have bare bodies, furred and soft, writhe upon my manhood. I wish to climax, not to breed, not to secure a mate with whom to share my hoard. For pleasure. I wish to... masturbate. And, I find it far more pleasant to do so in the company of mortals. I have visited many settlements over the millennia. Many of them still exist, though now as great fortresses or the centre of Kingdoms in their own right, still rich, benevolent, and kind. And now, my request, my plea, goes out to you. So... what say you? Which among you will aid me, and earn my favour?'

The dragon rose up higher, and seemed to thrust forward with its hips, a thick, several foot long gout of pre-cum pouring forth as it manoeuvred its needy cock closer to the wide eyed, assembled anthros before it.

At first, just one figure stepped forward. A sheep girl, barely beyond her teenage years. Her husband gasped and called her back, but he dared not act to back up his words. Dared not do anything to stop her as she peeled off her simple attire, and approached the dragon as nude as the day she was born.

She reached out a hand, and touched the tip of the golden dragon's cock.

It growled. Happily. Joyously. It looked down at her, and with a single blink of its eyes, the woman began to scream. To cum, and to throw her arms around the throbbing dragon cock, wider than the thickest oak tree in the nearby forests, to steady herself under the assault of the magically enhanced orgasm.

Needless to say, others soon began to disrobe, and soon, the field was filled with screams and cries. Not of battle though. Not of the dying and wounded. Cries of pleasure. Screams of euphoric satisfaction. And roars. Powerful, echoing roars as the dragon received what he had come to seek. Pleasure. Love. Intimacy. Priceless beyond any gold or jewels. Sensations, memories that he would hoard and recall for centuries to come, until once more they began to fade, and again he would stride out into the world, in search of pleasurable, mortal companionship.

By Jeeves

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