Bareback Birthday Party

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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It's Gritou's birthday...and who's idea was it to invite Druff over? Oooh boy.

Bareback Birthday





Heheh. An orca is having his birthday and what else would Druff do than to help him celebrate it? And avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou and his counterpartavatar?user=71693&character=0&clevel=2 Perrin Wolfbrother certainly are going to throw quite the birthday party, with a special guest in attendance. The orca must be one lucky guy. You better read on and see what happens!

I hope you'll have a good time reading, and I shall look forward to your comments as well! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to read!



"Well what do we have here..."

_ "Hhngngh!" _

_ "Hmmmphh!" _

"Yes...I'm afraid I had to do that because you were giving me some lip and quite frankly, your drooling maws are rather entertaining to behold when you do so."

The tiger padded slowly about the room while he kept looking at his two charges. The orca and the wolf stared back towards the cat, one with wary eyes, the other rather more curiously, though avoiding direct contact with the daddy tiger prancing in front of him. The tiger, one named Druff, naturally, gave them a broad smile. His further steps creaked with the noise of his leather pants.

His ears flicked away along to this soundtrack he made.

"You're quite pretty like this," said the Druff, "naked, cuffed...though your carpet is going to be stained with all that drool...and pre-cum..."

He wore fingerless leather gloves, and spared one paw for each of the hard cocks in front of him. One knotty, the other thick and emerging from a curious aquatic sheath, yet these stout members both stood upright and proud, fully engorged and contributing to the arousing musk in the room.

Both young men shuddered at the feel of those warm, leathery pads. The tiger licked his lips when he pinched glans between each thumb and index finger.

"Tut tut tut...these are rather hard poles we've got here..." said the cat.

_"Hhmmhrrr!"_the orca huffed into the big red rubber ball gag in his mouth.

"Oh it can't be that bad, boy," the tiger shook his head, "You''ve only been wearing it for a few minutes. I've seen guys go with them all night and enjoy it."

He saw the wolf's ears flatten at the mention of such a timeframe. A fresh trail of spittle exited the hole on the center of the identical gag in his own muzzle. It got stuck to the fuzz on his chin. Hot breathing emerged from the same opening.

"These though..."

The tiger pulled each dick down and then released them. Two pricks bounced upwards and smacked onto bare abs. Both young males grunted at the sensation, bordering between pleasure and pain from the suddenness of the stimulation.

"...these you don't seem to mind."

Both of the young men wore black leather collars. They were matching except for the tags on each of them. The orca's read 'Daddy's Cum Bucket' in curly engraved letters on gold. The wolf's was silver and said 'Daddy's Fuck Toy' in the same style. The thick studded collars adorned their necks well, or so the tiger thought. Jangling the little tags on them gave him pleasure that made him purr.

"You carry them well, I think," Druff said. "Almost with pride."

The orca's eyes flashed. The wolf averted his own.

Druff tousled the furs on the wolf's chin with his thumb. The wolf stared down at his bare footpaws and his cock, as hard as ever. The Druff grinned.

"Such a good boy," he stated.

The wolf's tail gave a solitary wag. The Druff clicked his tongue, quite suddenly, making the wolf's ears flatten.

"You, on the other paw..."

Druff poked the spit-slickened thumb against Gritou's chest. The uppity killer whale let out a honk through his blowhole at the sensation. The Druff chuckled very briefly.

"'re supposed to be birthday boy. You're supposed to earn special treats all day, my little friend..."

The Druff smacked his lips. Gritou continued to glare at him.

"I think I know exactly what you need, fish boy."

The tiger grabbed the orca by the arms and pulled him forward.

"You stay put, wolfslut," the tiger winked at Perrin before he headed for the bedroom.

Gritou didn't really put up a fight, although he almost stumbled when the tiger pushed on him. He staggered along awkwardly, with his hands cuffed behind his back, above the long tail fin that kept swinging from side to side. Druff walked by him and tried to avoid being smacked by it.

"Easy there..."

They walked through the open bedroom door. Druff didn't waste much time when he pushed Gritou onto the double bed. He landed with a thud and a creak of the springs. Gritou made another honk at the sudden crashing sensation.

"Ain't that a pretty sight...bound orca face down ass up on the bed..."

Gritou wriggled a little on the bed. He tried to adjust himself into a more comfortable position, with his cock stuck between his body and the mattress.


Druff had brought a sports bag with him when he arrived to the boys' apartment. It sat near the foot of the bed, open, with a couple of lengths of leather extending from within. Druff smiled at the sight. He had rummaged through the bag while looking for the cuffs and collars for the wolf and the orca to wear, and had left something of a mess.


He didn't have to search for what he wanted. It was a large bottle, one with a long tapered nozzle for a particular purpose. He shook the bottle in one paw when he moved back to near the orca.

"I think you know how this feels like."

Druff squeezed lube onto his fingers. He rubbed them together to warm the substance, if only briefly, before he applied the digits onto the orca's furrowed puckerhole. Gritou moaned into his gag at the surprisingly sensual touch. The fingers made rounds on his hole and poked on its dimpled center, too. The touch didn't last very long. The tiger soon replaced it with the slick tip of the bottle and stuck it promptly into Gritou's butt.


He gave it a couple of hearty squeezes before he pulled the bottle out of the orca's butt. His asshole clenched and oozed some out, a sensual, lurid trickle if any, under an orca tail.

"Well ain't that a sight."

Apparently he didn't really stay to linger to enjoy it for long. Gritou heard the tiger step about and then walk away, through the open bedroom door.

"Let's go, wolfy."

The orca laid on his belly and listened to the rush of blood in his ears. He heard the two walk again, quick steps and the telltale noise of Perrin colliding with the doorframe. Druff chuckled at that.

"Careful there. We don't want any non-recreational bruising to happen."

The tiger laughed all the way into the bedroom. Gritou listened to the tiger, joined now by the wolf whose breathing was hard and quick.

"Tonight, a special treat for you lovebirds. The wonderful, joyful union of two husbands, in the most carnal way possible, so very intimate, although possibly with some little help from old Druff..."

The lube bottle splurted and the slick noise of it being spread happened anew.

"In other words, Daddy's Fuck Toy is going to screw Daddy's Cum Buck up the ass while I watch."

This time the orca's honk made ears flatten on those who had articulated ears on their heads. He shuffled and tried to look behind himself over his shoulder, to see what was going on. Gritou spotted Perrin standing on the foot of the bed, his knotty cock fully hard and currently being held in Druff's smutty paw. The big tiger stood behind the wolf and grinned broadly while he gave the wolf's cock the final priming strokes. The wolf in his embrace and grip appeared to be shivering and jittering again, his tail flicking so that it rubbed on Druff's legs.

"Isn't this lovely, boys? Expanding new horizons...and buttholes..."

Perrin whimpered. Druff gave his shaft a quick squeeze.

"Come'll be like taking off a band-aid..."

The tiger stepped forward and with that pushed Perrin over to the bed,too. Druff manhandled the wolf onto a kneeling position before he gripped Perrin's dick again. He took slick aim while he positioned himself onto an appropriate place, straddling the bed behind the two boyfriends and husbands he had under his power and spell.

"Now, you remember how this works...there's a hole and a cock...and this wolf cock is gonna go deep into orca butt..."

Druff rubbed the wolf's cocktip against the orca's slickened up pucker. Gritou huffed at the sensation. Perrin let out a surprised 'ruff' that might have been a bark without the gag filling his muzzle so rudely.

"...although you think that your orca is a great top, his ass also happens to know how to swallow dick, like you do, boy..." Druff breathed into the wolf's ear.

Perrin's cheeks flushed crimson under his furs. The situation was incredibly humiliating, being made to do such a thing he was not used to doing. It was simply not something they did, they had their well set roles and this sudden reversal was both very hot and simply...odd..."

Druff patted the wolf's rump and gave his tail a little tug. The tiger squeezed on Perrin's dick again.

"Give it to him hard, boy," he said.

Druff maintained his hold on the wolf's shaft. He used his own weight to start pushing the wolf into the orca's ass. The tiger had his own hips flush against Perrin's butt and he only had to lean forward to transmit his intentions, across the wolf's body, and to the dick that nuzzled at the orca's rear opening. Perrin spurted pre-cum despite any misgivings he might be feeling about surprise-fucking his husband's ass.

"Go on," Druff breathed.

Druff's fingers turned his dick into a guided missile. Gritou moaned out through his gag when he felt the pressure increase, and his relatively rarely visited hole slowly flexed, its resistance waning. The orca honked repeatedly at the sensation of his asshole stretching open. Perrin's 'ruff' came louder this time around. Not only he was feeling his cock being swallowed by Gritou's, ass, he also had Druff's stout erection digging onto his own butt and reminding him just who he was dealing with.

"...there we go."

Druff moved his paw so that he was touching exactly at the juncture of wolf and orca. His fingers teased the raunchy lubed hole and ran around the cock that was making its inevitable way into the ass in question. He felt Gritou's hole tremble at the unusual sensation of a canine dick sliding through him.


The wolf's body hunched forward when the resistance suddenly waned and he slid in.


Druff's weight made it a deep penetration quite quickly. The tiger purred at the feeling of the wolf underneath him. He must've been at least halfway through into the orca's ass.

"That's a good boy."

Druff wrapped his arms around the wolf. He leaned forward and began to hump into the wolf. He'd given Perrin enough time to get used to what was happening, and now it was time for action. Stripe hips collided with grey canine ones, and the push of Perrin's own hips forward meant that his cock slid deeper into Gritou's ass.


"That's the way to go...we'll make a breeding stud out of you yet, boy..." Druff drawled rudely at the wolf He licked on Perrin's neck and played with his nipples over the young man's fuzzy chest.

The wolf moaned into his gag. His hips were also beginning to move more on their own accord now, trying out the feeling of sliding his cock back and forth even with the added effect of the hotdogged tiger cock rubbing on his own rear.

"There, there..."

The bed made rude noises with their threeway sex. Perrin fucked Gritou's ass under Druff's kinky guidance. Gritou was pressed onto the bed under the two of them, and couldn't really move away. Plus, his cock hadn't gotten any less hard with Perrin's dick pumping its way deep into his rear. The warm, fuzzy body rubbing all over his back and his ass felt good, good, even with the smarting caused by the relatively thick lupine shaft.

Perrin got the brunt of it, either way. The loudly panting wolf's ass was ground on by strong tiger hips that pumped Druff's barbed length into his crack. Pre-cum oozed from his slit and messed the furs on the base of Perrin's swishing tail.

"I think that's enough training wheels, boy."

Druff pushed Perrin to lie on his belly against Gritou's back. The daddy tiger adjusted his own position a little, with a big smirk on his lips when he reached for the lube bottle. He looked at the wolf's hips that flexed ever so slowly while he couldn't resist the continued thrusts into Gritou's ass. It looked like the boyfriends were enjoying what they were doing, despite the mild protests at the beginning.

"Let's make this interesting."

He lubed his cock copiously before pushing it again to Perrin's crack. The feel of Druff's weight on him and the barbed shaft tickling at his own hole made the wolf forget what he was doing. The stop made Gritou quit moaning, and he began to look at what was going on again.

"Pfft...keep going!"

Druff decided that he had given enough carrot and it was time for the lubricated tiger stick instead. He made a minor adjust to his aim and began to push.


Perrin's ass was much more accustomed to penetration than the orca and did not really put up much resistance. He opened as if on a cue, and got several inches in his butt without trouble. The wolf groaned and pushed his muzzle down against Gritou's back. He could only barely suppress a loud moan.

"Go on...make it good for all of us..." the Druff growled.

He shoved another two inches into the wolf. Perrin's insides clenched deliciously around the tiger who enjoyed claiming the wolf's ass again. And in a way he was also taking the orca, too, although Perrin was in-between them.

"Just let daddy do the work."

He bottomed out and with that made Perrin slide to the hilt on Gritou too, so that his knot pushed against the orca's hole. Their hips were flush momentarily before Druff withdrew and pushed again into Perrin's rump. The weight of his body landing down made Perrin's dick churn into Gritou's ass, and that made the orca huff and moan.

The tiger was truly in charge now. The wolf underneath him could do little but take the hard thrusts and then try to flex his hips to contribute his own actions into it. Yet Perrin was feeling very much overwhelmed by the double pleasures of fucking and also getting screwed at the same time. He found it new, and exhilarating in a way. It wasn't the very first time he had ever topped but it was still quite novel to him. Pumping in and out of his boyfriend's ass was one thing...and getting Druff's huge barbed shaft in his own rump was a remarkable pleasure as well.

It grew to be musky, noisy, dirty sex between three kinky men. Druff pumped away, growling and pawing on his two toys, while Perrin took it in the ass. The wolf riding on the tiger's cock got his own massaged by Gritou's strong internal muscles. The bed began to creak under their undulating weight. If the pair had been thinking of having an interesting birthday party with the inclusion of the Druff as a guest, he had definitely delivered all of it, coming in a leather-wrapped package.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was Perrin who lost it first. His knot ground onto the orca's ultra right hole and while it couldn't really get inside, the stimulation of the contact was still enough to make him go over the edge. The wolf growled and spit flew out of his gag when he felt his balls explode into the warm glow of an orgasm and his hips rammed into the jackrabbit speed, to simulate the rapid breeding thrusts that usually followed a good knotting. It did make him spill his load in thick spurts, quickly filling up the orca's ass with his seed.


The wolf grew tighter as a result of the muscles working to pump out his load, and that was enough to give Druff what he hoped was only the first orgasm of the night. He made sure to shoot every drop into the wolf's hole, to mark him as Daddy's property for as long as Perrin would carry his smutty seed inside him. He felt pleasantly breathless, even with Perrin's asshole gnawing on him occasionally still while the wolf's body gave the occasional pleasured jerk.

Neither had to worry about Gritou. They could smell it, and a quick paw from Druff found the orca's seed from the now ruined bedsheets. He wasn't sure when the usually toppy orca had blown his own load all over the bed and his belly. The tiger smirked at the sight of the pearly smear on his fingertips.

"Good boys," he said.

Druff licked the cum from his lips and decided to share it with both the orca and the wolf by showing his tongue down their muzzles in a good, wet, sloppy threeway kiss, with their hips still firmly joined and hopefully only temporarily spent.

They hadn't even gotten to the birthday spankings yet, the tiger thought.




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