Do Me Hard

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Muscle daddy Max's been clubbing and has made some very nice new friends whom decide to take him home and show the pit bull a good time. Nobody's gonna be left unsatisfied, now that's for sure! Nice and long, detailed, all canine muscle daddy action from Gruffy!






Heheh. This is a quick little something for avatar?user=91230&character=0&clevel=2 pittbull paw , whose big daddy sona Max loves the good times...and I think he's in for quite the ride now as well, courtesies of me, and some of Max's...friends. And who wouldn't have a good time when you have fun with a big pit bull doggie?

Hope you have a good time reading, and I shall look forward to your feedback! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



They entered with a bit of a shuffle and a scuffle, three big bodies stuck in a slightly too small hall once they passed the doorway into the apartment.

"Hahah - "

"Hey, move it!"


"Come on!"

Lights came on at the cheerful trio and made all of them squint. The light in the stairwell outside was dim compared to what the lamp on the ceiling produced in the hall. They seemed quite cheerful, however, wagging tails and perky ears that told that everyone was having a good time. The distinct scent of alcohol hovering about them only added to the effect, as did their slightly drunken laughter.

"I need to take a piss," one of the trio, a white wolf announced loudly.

"We don't need to know that," said another canine, the portly husky who mostly occupied the doorway into the apartment.

"Hah!" the white wolf barked out.

The third party smirked at the sound of the bickering tones. The pit bull dog, in his golden furs, was the guest in the apartment. He felt amused at being privy to this somewhat private conversation, or at least that was the feeling he felt from the way it was delivered between the two, in an easy manner that spoke of deep familiarity he did not have with either of them.

"Guess that we need to go and get a drink then," the husky spoke to the pit bull, "you fancy a beer or a shot of something stronger, Max?"

"Sure," the big pit grinned brightly. His tail gave another affirming snap.

"Come on," the husky patted Max's shoulder.

"Shoo!" the white wolf waved a paw. "You're blocking the way."

Both Max and his husky host had to move out of the hall to let the white wolf at the bathroom door. He entered while Max dwelled deeper into the apartment. It was quite comfortable, not large, but for the part of town it was located to, Max thought it was nicely set up. He knew that the two probably lived in it for the proximity to all the services and amusements they liked, rather than with the plan to live like rappers in a mansion. He didn't know what they did for a living, though suspected they were professionals of some kind.

Max didn't really have to possess that knowledge to visit them, though, the pit bull thought, watching the husky shuffle about the living room.

"So, there's either...Jägermeister...Campari...or some beer in the fridge," the husky dictated while looking into a small cabinet, "I can't say I stand Campari myself, but Peter likes that stuff..."

Max's nosepad wrinkled at the idea of the blood-colored bitter he saw in the bottle.

"Maybe I'll just stick to the beer," the pit said. "Don't want to get too drunk."

"Hahah," the husky chuckled. "Just wait a sec here."

The husky wandered into the kitchen. Max looked about the room some more, while his ears picked up the noises of the white wolf pissing in the bathroom, followed by the flush and the running of water before the lupine emerged back into view.

"There, much better, "he said, "where did Tom go?"

"He's getting a beer," Max said. He assumed that 'Tom' was the husky. Max realized that he barely remembered that the dog was called. The white wolf was Peter, that much he knew with more certainty. They had exchanged names at the club but that'd been some time ago, before the brisk walk back over to their place. Max had agreed to join them for a more private after party due to the fact that it would only be a short trip, not needing a cab. He didn't feel like sitting in a sweaty taxi on that night.

"BRING ME A BEER TOO!" Peter called after the husky.

"YEEEEEAH!" came the hollered reply.

The white wolf began to unbutton the grey shirt he wore while he walked into the living room. He was almost down to the hem by the time the husky returned with open beer bottles in both paws.

"Your waiter is here!" the husky grinned.

"Oh you're a savior," the white wolf chuckled.

"Silly" the husky blew him a kiss as he offered a beer bottle to his partner, before turning towards Max, "here you go, big guy."

Max's smile broadened at the comment. He took it as a compliment, while accepting the cold bottle in his paw. The white wolf slurped deeply from his own, making quite a lot of noise.

"Thanks," Max said.

"Should we put some music on?" Peter asked.

Max felt looked at.

"I don't mind either way," he said, "as long as it's not disco."

Tom laughed.

"It's been a long time since we fucked to Donna Summer," the husky said. His white wolf companion snickered and almost blasted beer out of his nose. He started to cough. Max smiled too.


"Something that's not disco then," Tom said.

There was a small stereo set on the bookshelf, which the husky manipulated to make some jazz appear out of wireless speakers about the room. The music appeared to be coming from an USB stick attached to the stereo.

"That's more like it," Tom wagged his tail.

"I'm so hot," said Peter.

The white wolf dropped his shirt over the backrest of the couch. He was in rather good shape, Max thought while looking at him, his torso bare now. Solid pecs, good biceps and a nice belly with just the perfect ratio of muscles and gut. Pure boner material for Max, who enjoyed the sight. He liked how it made his pants tighter.

"It doesn't feel like May out there," Tom opined. "Remarkably warm."

Max felt like his own warm skin was due to reasons not related to the weather they had experienced during the stroll from the club to the apartment.

"Yeah..." Peter said.

Max scratched his belly and drank some more beer. He was still enjoying the easygoing mood and the company, and even the music was growing on him.

"It's nice," he commented. He hadn't said much yet, after coming over.

Both the husky and the wolf looked at him now, with interest. It didn't make Max really feel like he was on the spot. He was sure they'd broken the ice many drinks ago at the club. He felt quite nice, being given attention now that the couple had gotten themselves settled.

"We like these IPAs," Tom said. "Nice and refreshing after a night out."

"Oh yeah," Peter nodded.

"It's good," Max said. "Comfortable apartment, too."

"We've lived here for...what is it, three, four years?" Tom mused.

"Gonna be four years in...August?" said Peter.

"I think so," the husky said. "I think that's right."

"Yeah!" the white wolf wagged.

"Seems like a nice location," Max said. He waved a paw towards the big pane window facing the night-lit city.

"We never thought we'd live downtown but...we couldn't resist it when it came on the market," the husky smiled.

"We were just sold," the white wolf added.

Max smiled, although he was not feeling quite as enthusiastic as his hosts.

"I kinda prefer a bit more space around myself," Max stated. "But I can see why you love this place."

"You haven't even seen the best part," Tom said.

The husky and the white wolf shared a look that Max noticed.

"Oh yeah?" he asked.

The shirtless wolf moved past Max and to another door.

"Come on here," he said.

Max followed the white wolf through the doorway. He had a fairly good idea where he was going even before the lights came on, based on what he could smell in the darkness. It was the kind of a mixture of scents, dominated by the wolf and the husky's personal aromas, that he had no doubts what awaited.

The lighting level remained quite low and comfortable for intoxicated eyes. Max got the sense that it could be adjusted at will. The room wasn't terribly big but not claustrophobic, although much of the floor space was occupied by the king-sized bed. It was a sturdy, large thing, definitely comfortable for two big men, and now that Max contemplated it, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to add a third.

"Well this does look very cozy," Max grinned to the wolf.

"Hmmmmhh - "

He felt warm breath on his neck and a big paw landing on his rump from behind. The husky had decided to follow them as well. Max's ears flicked curiously, though the rumble he produced was a pleased one. He looked at the dog over his shoulder and smiled. The husky called Tom smiled back, and let his tongue loll out of his muzzle.

"Let's make it really cozy," said Peter.

The white wolf stepped over and felt up Max's chest. The pit bull let out another rumble. The husky added another paw and now both of his butt cheeks were cupped in the big canine mits. The sexy white wolf daddy in front of him had a big smile on his muzzle too.

"Hell yeah," the white wolf said.

Max wagged a little, with his tail snapping gently against the husky's wrists. Tom chuckled at the feeling. He began to kiss on the pit bull's neck.

"We like our guests cozy," Peter said.

Max saw the white wolf's paw slide down towards the pit bull's crotch just before Peter kissed the dog in front of him. Max closed his eyes to enjoy the kiss properly, all the tongue and the rub of lips together accompanied by a soft murr from both of them. The wolf's paw squeezed and fondled his aroused package and made him rumble more eagerly into the kiss. He landed his own paws onto the wolf's hips and squeezed. He liked the combination of solid and soft there, skin, fur, muscles and heft that came together in a very sexy manner.

Max really got into the kiss, but it was Peter who parted it.

"You try him now, too, bud."

The wolf's paw cupped Max's chin and pushed his head to the side where the husky awaited. Max saw the husky's big smile that corresponded to the one he had received from the wolf. The dog was an equally eager kisser as well, with lots of tongue sliding into his maw even while the wolf played with Max's nipples through his shirt. The pit bull couldn't help but moan when Peter began to nip and nibble on his exposed neck.

It felt good, warm, hot, and moved along his neck and to his jawline. The wolf moved closer to him and their bodies met quite nicely, with Peter's arms moving about Max while his tongue reached the corner of the dog's maw. The kiss became a three-sided one at that point, since both of Max's hosts were using their tongues and they managed to rub onto one another and Max's tongue where they met on the centrepoint that was Max's own mouth.

He liked the embrace a lot. There was a fluffy husky behind him, with his muscle gut pressing to Max's back, and the more trim wolf at the front, with a big knotty wolf-cock pressing onto Max's belly. The proximity invited the pit bull to grind at the wolf holding him, to receive even more pleasure and give some in return.

"He's a good kisser," Tom commented, on his way to nip at Max's ear.

"Ah," rumbled Max.

"And he's hung," said the wolf who squeezed on Max's dick again through his pants.

"You gotta feel this ass too," Tom said.

"I shall," the white wolf grinned at the flushed pit bull in front of him, "mind if I help you with these?"

He tugged on Max's waistband. Max nodded.

"Please," Max said.

Tom went on to grope on Max's ass some more while Peter released Max's belt and unzipped his pants. A total of four paws were used to tug and pull and push on his pants to get them down to his knees. The paws came back at full force to grab at his rump, now with only the thin white underwear separating the husky fingers from bare pit bull buns.

"Lift your arms?" Peter grinned to Max.

"Sure," Max breathed out.

He did, and his helpful hosts helped him get rid of his shirt as well.


Tom began to nibble on Max's neck on his turn now. Peter grinned at the sight of the muscle gut daddy dog, now bare for his view, to be played with in any way he liked. He ducked his head down to lap across one of the hard nipples he found. Max barked out.


The flicky-eared white wolf delivered a lick on the other nipple too before he travelled down below. Max felt it quite natural to drop paws onto Peter's head when the wolf began to kiss and nuzzle along Max's belly. It felt good, hot breath and fuss and tongue, and there were fingers playing with his nuts through his undies.

"Hmmm..." rumbled the wolf, "smells sexy..."

"Heheh," Tom mouthed against the pit bull's neck.

Max didn't mind being the meat in a daddy sandwich. These two knew what they were doing and they played his body with eagerness, tact and happy abandon in the act. Max enjoyed staying on for the ride for now. It felt too good not to appreciate it, and he was quite loud with his rumbles while paws played with his rump and his balls, and a lupine muzzle nuzzled on his plump, swollen sheath.

"You wanna swap?" Tom asked.

"Sure," the wolf spoke from the floor, "let's get a bit more naked first, though."

"You know it!" the husky chuckled.

Peter clambered up from the floor and began to rid himself of his pants. Max licked his lips when he saw the fat wolf-cock pop into view. His dick was remarkably dark compared to his fur, almost purple. Max thought it looked very good like that, against the creamy fur of the wolf's belly. The balls hanging below it looked heavy in their sac.

"Let's see yours too, Max," the now naked wolf told the pit bull. "If something smells that nice, it must look pretty darn gorgeous too."

Max almost blushed at such a compliment. He was almost surprised neither the husky nor the wolf were there to help him get out of his undies. He made sure to step out of the rest of his clothing while he was at it. His own erection stood proudly, pink, heavily knotted and very eager to play. He throbbed heavily when Peter grabbed him without further preamble of chatter.

"Hmm...thick 'n nice..." the wolf grinned and wagged.

"Lemme too," Tom chuckled.

The dog watched the erotic show that was two paws exploring his junk. The duo felt up his balls and his shaft, making him throb happily in their joined grip.

"That's a big one alright," the husky opined, "bet you'd want it up your tail..."

Peter chuckled.

"I wouldn't mind, but I know what I want tonight," the wolf grinned.

"Me too," Tom said.

Max caught a glimpse of the husky's act of undressing before the main attention shifted from his dick to his ass. The wolf gripped his right butt cheek and pulled on the muscle to see what kind of a rear he was dealing with. Max's tail wagged and brushed along Peter's paw as well. The well-padded rump cheek flopped back into place once the wolf released his grip on it.

"Gorgeous jiggle," said Tom, who witnessed this.

The husky's cock was as hard and fat as those of the rest of the men playing together in the bedroom. He moved his own paws to occupy another half of pitbull ass. Max grinned at the double attention and gave his butt a bit of a wriggle. It felt good, the pads rubbing over his curves.

"You guys like it?" Max asked.

"Gorgeous like a peach," said the white wolf.

"More like a big pair of melons," the husky suggested from Max's left side.

"Toldja I was right the first time we saw Max here," Tom said.

Max chuckled, too.

"You guys checked me out before you came over to chat?" he questioned them.

The two canines with big knotted dicks grinned at him mischievously.

"You did too when we came and said hi," Tom winked.

"I could smell something growing..." said Peter. The white wolf reached out to fondle Max's dick again.

"Dang," Max chuckled, although he had to keep back a moan at the touch, "here I thought I was subtle."

His partners in crime patted his butt.

"Not at all" said Tom before he smacked a kiss onto Max's cheek.

"Subtle like a hard dick up the ass," Peter opined.

Max liked that comparison. He hoped to feel exactly that soon. Two juicy cocks hovered very close to him and he was eager to see what they could do. Their smirking owners moved closer to him, in synch for now, and pressed to Max's sides. The pit bull flipped his arms up so that he could throw them over their shoulders, and to go and stroke down their backs in a return to their new embrace on him. He was slightly surprised to see the two share a passionate kiss among themselves before their lips descended on Max. It was a repeat of their earlier threeway kiss but more passionate than before. Both the wolf and the husky pressed themselves firmly to the pit bull between them. There was a united mingling of warm skin, fur and bodies, sharing their heat and their wish to explore pleasure with one another.

The musk began to grow heavier, as did their breathing. Their bodies moved together, subtly, but with intent. Max's hips received a coating of pre-cum from the fat canine dicks burgoening against them and oozing from the pleasure of rubbing onto Max's hide. The pit bull was almost flattered that two hot guys like Peter and Tom wanted to have sex with him with such obvious glee to their actions. The way they felt up his tummy, for example, or tweaked nipples, or tried to see if they could fit their tongues into his muzzle both at the same time, they were so obviously loving every moment that Max felt very happy to be at their middle. Plus, there was a great deal of pleasure to be had. The two guys teased his sensual, erogenous zones and made sure that Max felt welcome and well attended to.

"Lemme try that ass now, you played with it first," Peter spoke up.

"Hmm...dick for me then," the husky replied.

They swapped sides, which caused more cock on pit bull rubbing, and planted themselves to their preferred places. Max thought it immensely sexy to see someone kneel down in front of him, with the intent to worship his body, and particularly his dick and balls that were simply waiting for such attention. He got the husky's warm breath on them even before he felt the large wolf paws spread his ass cheeks again and feel up his rear.

"Yeah..." Max rumbled out happily.

Fingers tugged on his balls and fondled them. The husky rolled the pit bull's nuts on his palm, as if trying them for weight.

"Nice 'n full."

"Same here," Tom commented on the ass he had plastered on his paws.

Max felt almost bashful, being talked about in such a lurid manner. Yet once slippery lips and tongue wrapped themselves around his cock, he didn't really think about anything else. The husky teased his shaft with his tongue, lazy circles around the thick tool he tried to gobble down into his maw.

"Hell yeah..." the pit bull grumbled.

Peter had a private smile on his own lips, listening to the pit bull's reaction of pleasure to his boyfriend's oral skills. The white wolf soon put his own muzzle into proper use by exploring Max's ass crack with his own tongue. The pit bull barked out happily at the sensation of the wet, agile appendage going along his furrowed crevice. It slathered a sensual trail from his nuts towards the very base of his tail that was rising up almost as if on a reflex to the approach of the tongue. The wolf murmured with enjoyment at the prospect of playing with a hefty daddy rear and took obvious glee in the act. He slurped openly and loudly, lips pushing onto the silky skin of the dog's crack.


Max ruffled the husky's head furs while he rumbled with pleasure. The dog was obviously no stranger to thick canine cocks in his muzzle. He appeared to know just where to rub with his tongue and how to wrap his lips just right behind the pit bull's glans whenever he almost pulled off Max's wet shaft. His rumbles told the others that the husky was truly savoring the salty flesh popping in and out of his maw. The vibrations felt great for Max, too, making him throb and twitch.

Yet he was but a sexual conduit between the two fellow canines. The wolf behind Max took similar enjoyment in eating out his ass. His tongue was grooved into a sharp point that flicked and twirled against Max's hole and kept it clenching under this sensual activity. Each muscular jerk made for a pleasant pulse of pleasure that flowed through his groin in the exist of joy formed by the big pit's rear, balls and his hard cock the husky slurped on religiously.

Yes, Max enjoyed being the middle in their beef sandwich. He also knew that there was much more to it as well, and when the lusty husky lips slipped away from his dick, he suspected that his hosts were conspiring against him once more.

"Time to get off these weary legs?" Tom patted on Max's thighs and grinned. His lips glistened with saliva and pre-cum he'd been slurping away from Max's leaking tip. It stood up and pointed towards Max's chin, a proper rocket of mighty masculinity.

"Please," Max replied.

"You wanna keep onto that end, Peter?" Tom questioned.


The white wolf smacked his lips once he ducked out from under Max's tail.

The husky climbed onto the bed and shuffled along it until he could prop himself onto the pillows piled on the headboard. Max eyed his hard cock lustily, how it flopped on the dog's belly and looked so very inviting. The husky saw the look and pointed at himself.

"Come on, dawg."

Max joined him on the bed, crawling on all fours towards this beckoning fleshy target. The mattress was very firm and had quite the little give to it. Max found it a comfortable surface, and had a few ideas on just how that could be put into good use quite soon.

"Gimme a kiss first," Tom said.

Max grinned and wagged his tail when he received a paw on his head, to pull him to the husky's maw. Their tongues meeting and wrestling was a sweet distraction, as were the paws that landed on his ass again. The white wolf was behind him still, and massaged his rump while Max kept making out with the lupine's cheeky boyfriend. Max barked into the sloppy kiss when he felt a paw slip between his legs and tug on his balls.


The fingers teased his knot with squeezing pads and stroking motions that made Max leak onto the couple's sheets. Max's nose picked up the additional musk, mixed with that of his two hosts. It smelled like it belonged there, the pit bull thought, nice a addition to the sensual scents that filled the room. He wondered idly on how many guests like himself they had entertained there over the years. Max grew more aroused as he imagined numerous hunky, big, horny men rolling around the bed, their bodies rubbing together.

It was better when he didn't have to just imagine it. What went on in the bedroom was not a mere fapping fantasy, but some proper right man-sex that involved a handsome husky daddy pushing Max's muzzle down to his own straining tool. Max slurped at the cock the husky held up for him to take, murring at the taste and the fleshy texture. It'd been a while since he had the chance to gobble down a proper cock, and now he intended to enjoy it to the fullest.

"Hmmm...that's good," the husky rumbled happily.

His tail wagged against the bedsheets all the more the closer Max's lips approached his knot. The husky's cock was thick rather than long. That suit Max just fine. He'd always been more interested in girth, after all, and this was big enough to stretch his lips tight around the shaft.

The white wolf wasn't staying idle either. This new position let him get even deeper onto Max's ass crack. His tongue swiped up and down on the steamy crevice and covered everything in his copious saliva. It felt to the aroused pit bull that the wolf was very happy to use his muzzle on a puckered doggy-hole. Max loved the feeling, of course, a hungry maw going at his butt like trying to lap up a delicious treat. The white wolf toyed with the pit bull's crack, even going as far as pushing his face directly onto the full ass cheeks for maximum contact with the dog's rear.

Max would've paid more attention to the feeling of a tongue drilling his asshole, but grabby paws meeting behind his neck were a more pressing matter. He looked quickly up to the husky and saw the lusty grin on his muzzle before a combination of a tug from the paws on his head and a flex from Tom's hips thrusts the doggie cock deep into his maw.

He didn't really gag, although Max felt the thick shaft rub on the back of his muzzle now that it almost bottomed out. The bulky knot kissed his lips enticingly. Max knew that he might be able to take that in his mouth too, although it would be a bit of a stretch for his jaws. He soon found out that Tom didn't intend to try and knot his muzzle. Instead, he rolled his hips and thrust, in and out, effectively starting to fuck Max's face.

He let out a growl at first, but soon got used to the slide of the stout shaft in his maw. The pit bull wasn't a stranger to it, and had to admit that there was a particular pleasure to being used like that, a tool of pleasure that was now shared between the two men. Max enjoyed imagining the sexual energy flowing between them, from the wolf's tongue drilling his assshole and through Mxx's muzzle and down to the horny husky's shaft he slobbered on with every hump onto his muzzle.

The pit bull's own thick cock throbbed quite happily on the middle of this all. Max's nose was full of musk from the husky's groin, strong and deep and mixing with the scent of Max's own saliva. It felt like the sexual musk reached all the way into Max's sinuses and made him feel a bit lightheaded. It could've just been him own awkward breathing from having a thick prick closing up his windpipe every time it bottomed out. It was easy to forget to breathe when his nose was almost buried to a richly furred crotch belonging to a dominant male.

"Hngh...wanna swap?" the husky grunted.

The wolf had to remove himself from under the pit bull's tail before he could answer.

"I think I wanna try this out first, if you don't mind," Peter noted.

"Go ahead," said the husky. "Max here really knows what he's doing though..."

"I expect this end to do as well," the white wolf gave Max's rump a hearty spank.

Max grunted around the cock in his maw, but didn't mind the relatively rough treatment. The little smarting on his ass soon melted away and only left the craving to get some proper attention on his ass. The noises of the wolf shuffling behind him suggested to him that he might be getting that very soon.

"RRhh...the water based stuff," the husky commented between thrusts, "if we gonna swap..."

"Sure, sure. We've got the new bottle here..."

Max only heard shuffling sounds and what to him sounded like a drawer being opened and closed, before the wolf returned to the bed. Max felt an expectant thrill from the trundle of the springs under his knees, even before there was a single further touch coming from his rear end. He didn't have to wait long before the wolf's paws were on him again.

"Hope you don't mind if I don't go too easy on ya...I imagine you can take it either way..." the wolf stated from behind the pit bull.

Max wasn't entirely sure just how he was supposed to communicate his agreement at the moment, so he did what felt natural and pushed his ass back towards the paws groping him. This made the white wolf chuckle and give his tail a tug.

"I guess that's a yes alright," said Peter.

"HmmmmMMm!" Max tried to moan for emphasis.

Both of his hosts chuckled. Tom tousled Max's head furs and fed him his cock extra briskly. Having a dick tickle at his tonsils was almost as intense as the feeling of a slick fingertip pressing against his hole. The wolf's digit was quite thick yet he began to worm it into Max's hole without any major resistance. Max had trained himself to be quite receptive, his body as eager for it as his mind was, and this showed for the wolf exploring the pit daddy's rear.

"Heh, nice 'n hot and stretches like rubber," the wolf commented.

Max felt a secret pride at such a compliment. He pushed his ass backwards a little in the hopes of getting even more contact with the playful finger. The wolf rewarded him with a pleasant rub on the small of his back. The wolf's digit disappeared, however, but it was replaced by something more firm, and narrow.

A rude noise was followed by the sensation of something flowing into him. Max realized that the wolf must've pushed the nozzle of the lube bottle up his ass and was now pumping a good deal of the slick stuff directly where it was required. It was somewhat cool, but even that felt sensual, a contrast of sensations if anything else. The finger that soon returned to play with his newly lubed butt felt scorching warm in comparison. This time it passed easily through his pucker.

"Oh, very nice..." the wolf said again.

Max's cock twitched once the finger rubbed along his inner wall and found his prostate with no trouble. His clenching surely told the wolf that the touch dwelling into him was appreciated. Some of the lube was forced out of him by his inner muscles and trickled down his taint. It felt surprisingly sexy in its own right. It only encouraged the pit bull to suck harder on the husky's cock.

The finger rubbed along his walls and gently stretched the pit bull's hole open. Max was no stranger to anal penetration, and found the simple act of a finger inside him to be very familiar, almost comforting. He growled playfully when he felt another one join the first and make the play more...fulfilling.

"Opens like a charm but tight like a glove," Peter mused rudely.

Max's ears flicked at the sound. The husky chuckled.

"You're making me jealous...almost..." he stated.

"You can try it soon," the wolf replied.

"Looking forward to...hmmmhhmmm..."

"I'll try not to keep you waiting for too long. Though may be a while..."


The fingers scissors easily back and forth in Max's ass. The pit bull suspected he'd be getting something much more substantial there soon enough. He'd seen the wolf's cock earlier and felt it rubbing on his hip, and he knew that it was going to be a joy to take something of that calibre up his tail. He felt more and more lusty as time passed, with the musk, the taste of aroused cock in his muzzle, and a sexual flush covering his muzzle and his chest, even the insides of his ears. The husky rubbed over them sometimes, and that too felt good for the sexually charged pit bull between the two horny daddies.

"Feels ready to me..." said the wolf, "think he agrees?"

The husky pulled Max unceremoniously off his dick and let it flop onto his belly. Max gulped in a massive breath, instinctively. He'd been breathing pure musk for several minutes now while giving head to the husky.

"F-fuck yes please..." Max groaned once he got his lungs full. "Jesus Christ, just...just fuck me in the ass!"

He hiked his tail up and hoped that would give the message up as much as his lusty words did. He received several hearty pats on his rump from the wolf kneeling behind him, busy lubing up his own cock with his slick fingers.

"I think that sounds about right," the white wolf said.

"Yep," the husky grinned.

"Well I'm not one to keep a guy waiting," Peter said.

Max rumbled with satisfaction when he felt the sticky cock pat on his taint. It was teasingly close to his asshole and rubbed up and down along the wet mess of spit and lube that had gathered there. He couldn't keep his tail still, and it kept flicking from side to side. He would've looked at the proceedings over his shoulder, but Tom put a paw under his chin and pulled him up so that their eyes met.

"Enjoy, sweetcheeks," the husky murmured to the pit bull, with a broad smirk on his lips, "I sure have..."

He smecked a kiss onto Max's spit-slick lips. Max found it a remarkably intimate gesture between two strangers, especially on a moment like this where one party's better half was about to stick a thick cock into Max's awaiting ass.

And there it was, finally, the tip that was as thick as it ever came, the pit bull thought, trying to bore its way inside him. He knew it was a large dick, but now that it was actually going to penetrate him, the size became much more evident.

Max's paws clenched on the sheets on the bed. He tried to relax as much as he could. He wanted it bad. He knew he could take it, he just had to -

The husky was licking on his lips again, and that was a distraction. His muscles gave and the tip managed to pop through, more or less. He clenched mightily, but his body was unable to expel the intrusion.


The pit bull understood why the husky had taken his cock out of his muzzle before the wolf started to put his dick into Max's rump. The girth was enough to make even a seasoned man-fucker like Max to bite his teeth together at least momentarily. Tom knew what was going on and decided to soothe the pit bull by pushing his muzzle down to breathe in the sweaty musk of the husky hubby's fuzzy balls. Perhaps it acted as an aphrodisiac or a muscle relaxant, Max thought, but the deep sniffs seemed to help in the ass department too.


That was the wolf. Max was squeezing down on him hard. Every inch had to be negotiated past the muscled opening that was not reluctant, but simply overwhelmed.

Max loved every moment it, teeth-grinding beginning or not. He liked it when he could really feel it, stretched open and then filled.

What truly made the differences was that Peter also knew how to use it. He didn't just shove it in and go to town on the pit bull's ass, but he knew how to ease it in and let every inch slide home, under control but only just, perhaps. It didn't stop Max from clawing at the sheets. He wasn't trying to crawl out from under the wolf, although that could've been the impression of someone who wasn't so intimately involved with the session going on between the three horny men on the big bed.

"There you go..." Tom crooned to the pit bull, "Peter's a lover, not just a fucker..."

"Rufff!" Max barked onto the husky's lap.

He didn't really care whether the wolf intended to make love to him, or just to fuck him to the bed. What he knew was that he wanted that cock in his ass, plowing away in his guts until he was moaning with pure joy. Feeling the dick slide into him, he suspected that there would be no alternative. His legs already trembled while trying to maintain his position for the rough mating he expected to begin.

"I think you're safe now," the husky told Max before the cock pushed against his lips again.

The daddy dog slurped happily on the dick offered to him. Max was sure that if he were a feline he would have been purring once he got a piece of meat in his muzzle as well. Being filled on both ends at the same time was a sublime pleasure. He didn't see it as submitting to their will, more like, simply letting himself go and enjoying all the pleasure his body could give to him. And it wasn't every day you found two guys at the same time who both wanted to stick their dicks into you, and might even be fighting over the prospect of who got to do it first. The couple he was playing with were considerate enough not to bigger over something as mundane as a butthole.

Max found that polite.

He also had a big cock in his ass and a full, plump knot pressing on his rump. The wolf was all the way in and Max's eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. He didn't remember the last time he had been quite so full. His insides coiled, trying to get used to the large mass that now occupied his guts. The wolf was as deep inside him as he would go for now, with the knot and a couple of inches to spare. Max wondered if he would even be able to take something like that. It felt humongous, rubbing on his very much stretched out hole while the wolf adjusted his positioning. Even the simple motion churned his shaft within Max's rear.

"Fuck him good," the husky barked to the wolf.

Max wasn't sure if the wolf had truly been waiting for the dog's permission, but he did start once the word had been given. The movement was slow and fluid, pulling inches out before they were returned into Max's rear. The pit bull groaned around the thick cock in his mouth. Having one in his ass seemed to make the act of sucking dick feel more pleasurable too - especially a juice one like the husky's thick tool he slurped at with obvious joy that his partners noted as well.

"Oh he's good," said the white wolf.

"I bet," said the husky. "He's doing all sorts of funny things when you're getting deep back there."

"You know they do," the wolf chuffed.

The wolf went into the knot and caused the pit bull to rumble once more. He was starting to get the idea, by all means, now that the dick was seesawing in and out of his rump. It became an even more sensual experience once the wolf called Peter felt confident that he wasn't about to slip out of an overzealous asshole, and leaned over his prey.

" stuff..."

Max loved the way the wolf's belly rubbed to his back now that he leaned over the pit bull. Their hips were mostly flush and the white wolf kept pumping into him at a good pace. He slid smoothly back and forth, despite the pit bull's ass clenching occasionally when his weary muscles tried to assert themselves. It only brought more pleasure for both of them, waves that amplified deep in the dog's tummy.

The husky hadn't forgotten the pit bull's sweet muzzle either. He didn't mind having to do most of the work when it came to humping Max's mouth. He understood that it was easy to get distracted when his wolf boyfriend's dick was stretching you asshole open. The pit bull was not an exception to the rule, and it was amusing to both of them...all three of them, too, since Max was the one who was getting it in the can.

Max didn't mind. Being a sloppy sex pig was a sublime pleasure. Sometimes the daddy dog enjoyed letting it all go and just let himself go with the flow. Right now that was the flow of three muscled bodies together, sharing in pleasure. The pit bull was so aroused that he didn't really care which position he occupied in the chain as long as he was in it. Getting his prostate massaged by a thick cock while he sucked on another big one sure had its merits. It kept his own dick very hard and oozing a veritable puddle onto the bed underneath him. Max's cock swung back and forth and flapped on his belly when the thrusts came from behind, hard and deep into his rear. There was already enough momentum that the wolf's heavy balls kept slapping against Max's own nuts.

That really got the pit bull going. He grunted and huffed and tried to push his ass back at the wolf in a signal to tell the white wolf to fuck him even harder. He wanted to feel the dick ram into him, spread him wide and to get those balls smacking on his own pair so that he'd feel it till the day after they were done.

But it didn't last. Suddenly there was a growing void in his ass that became an itchy emptiness when the wolfcock was pulled out of him completely. His insides closed up and he was sure that he was gaping out for a few moments before his muscles pursed themselves back into their natural shape. His lips were probably similarly O-shaped when the husky's dick made a similar move and he was left empty on both ends.

"Time to swap, big boy," the husky grinned.

Max almost slumped to the bed. Now that nothing was really happening, he felt exhausted already. Whoever claimed that bottoming was a passive activity? He felt like he'd been running laps or something. Max couldn't remember when he had done something like that. It wasn't his preferred athletic activity.

The bedsprings gave their soft thrumming noises and bounced Max on all fours while the two bulky men changed positions around the pit bull, the center of their joyful attention. Max almost gasped when Peter flopped down on the head of the bed and he finally got a closeup view of the cock that had just been in his ass. It was slimy, carried a deep musky aroma, and it reached the wolf's navel, easily. The dark member was of impressive size, just like Max had expected, but seeing it right in front of him was another thing. It made his asshole clench with the memory. It made a splurting noise when further lube was pushed out of him.

"Dang," said the husky, now behind him. Max assumed he was commenting on the raunchy sight of his ass leaking obscenely. The dog didn't contemplate it very long before he put his spit-sloppy cocktip onto Max's pucker. The pit bull daddy pushed his ass up and arched his back. He might as well give full service to the husband husky just like he'd let the wolf to go into town on him. Max even remembered to hike his tail up and to the side in the most perfect receptive gesture.

Big paws closed around Max's fleshy hips. The husky humped onto his ass crack a few times, to assert the territory, perhaps. Max murred at the sensation. The wet flesh stroked against his hole too and made him want to have it filled again.

"Don't worry 'bout Tom, he's an easy going one," Peter told the pit bull with a smirk, watching the sexy proceedings.

"Hmmm..." Max just sniffled at the white wolf's balls. He loved the musk he found there, even if his nosepad got stained with lube while he did so. Even that smell was erotic to him now, in his sexual reverie.

"Fuck that ass," the wolf told the husky. "Want to hear what you think 'bout it."

"Want me to rate it or something?" the hotdogging husky questioned.

"Just try to leave some for me too after you're done," the wolf said.

Max wasn't sure if he should've thought it ominous, but then the husky's blunt monster found the wet dimple of his asshole and all other thoughts left his mind.


The white wolf laughed.

"Yeah, that's the sound they make..."

Peter pushed Max's muzzle deep onto his balls and let the dog breathe his musk as a little distraction from the inevitable penetration.


The husky was even thicker than the wolf, although shorter, Max thought, although it was only a vague thought when the pole in question was driven through his asshole and into his rear. He tried not to bite his lip, but his eyes did roll back, under his closed lids, when the big daddy cock filled him up.

"Ngh...he's getting tight..."

Peter stroked the pit bull's neck furs and his shoulder.

"Just remember to breathe..."

"You're doing good, fella," the husky said with an edge of amusement to his voice, "there was this wolverine who had to sniff poppers to take it, you're just a natural at this..."

Max thought it was a funny compliment, to be told that his ass was like a barn door, but the way the cock in question milked his well-pounded prostate made him really not care. He kept his ass upright, stoically, and waited for the rub of the big bulb of a knot on his taint. The bull-sized wolf balls sitting on his nosepad offered a bit of a distraction from the toe-curling sensation of being stretched wide.


"Well there you have it," the husky patted on Max's rump, "Peter here did all the hard work..."

"Most of it, maybe," the wolf chuckled. "Can't have all the fun can I?"

"You looked like you did."


Their banter didn't last too long. The husky had his cock in a tight butt and he planned to use it too. He pulled out until his tip almost slipped past the pouting opening of Max's asshole and then drove it all in, to the knot, with enough weight behind the thrust that he pushed Max forward on the bed and towards Peter's lap.

"Hmmmyeah..." the husky yipped.

He made a couple of tentative, experimental thrusts, and then let out a satisfied grumble.

"Not too worn out yet," the dog said. "Hmmmh..."

The wolf gripped the base of his shaft and tapped his dick about Max's muzzle a few times. The dog opened his eyes and looked up at the grinning wolf whose dick hovered on his nose now.

"Want a bone?" the wolf smiled.

"Yes please!" Max almost laughed. The sound became somewhat constrained when the dick pushed onto his prostate and what felt like a coffee cup's worth of pre-cum was milked out of him and onto the bedsheets.

"Keep it nice 'n warm for me..." the wolf crooned.

MAx opened his maw hopefully. The white wolf teased him for a few moments more by tapping his shaft onto the pit bull's lips. Max let his tongue out and licked the underside of the wolf's knotty tool. This made him rumble.


"He sucks as well as he fucks," the husky said, "Max here's an all around nice guy."

"I'm gonna find that out I bet..." the wolf replied.

Max decided that he was not gonna let the wolf down with all the expectations the husky was bringing up. Besides, he wanted the bragging rights to pleasing both a wolf and a husky during a single evening, and at the same time, too.

The dog reached over to grab at the wolf's big balls, the very same that had danced against his own, and gave them a good squeeze and a tug. The white wolf's ears flicked and he let out a bark at the surprise stimulation. Max looked up to him and licked his lips wetly. He flicked his ears in invitation.

"I can take it..." the pitbull rumbled, "come on..."

"Give him some cock if he asks for it!" said the husky, pumping away on Max's deliciously tight, accepting rump, paws on the dog's hefty hips.

"Well you're asking so nicely," the wolf winked.

Max opened his maw wide. He knew that the wolf was big, large enough that he almost gagged when he tried to get the tip and the first couple of inches in past his lips. It got easier once he adjusted the angle of his neck and let his throat open up. That helped with the feeling of getting choked by numerous canine inches, or the fact that every deep fucking thrusts up his ass made him gasp out quite openly.

Hot huffs of air puffed onto the wolf's groin. He didn't put his paws onto Max's neck like his husky had done, but instead spared them to play with his nipples while he watched both the husky's pounding action and the hot sight of the pit bull giving him some prime quality head. His ears flicked in reaction to the various fleshy sounds they made, his chin glistened wetly, and Max's tail kept wagging despite the thick cock pumping its way under its length. The husky didn't appear to mind having that whippy tail slap his muscle gut while he hunched to fill up the dog's ass with his thrusts.

The wolf's length became evident with how it kept poking on the back of Max's mouth. He wasn't exactly a deep throat expert, but he tried his best, swallowing around the length whenever the wolf tried bottoming it into the hole he used for his pleasure at the moment. Max steadied himself on his arms and made sure that he was keeping his head at just the right angle to receive it. He wanted to enjoy the blowjob, not waste the opportunity to suck on a big dick by having to gag on it every few seconds.

He still did, a couple of times, but took it in the stride. The bigger problem was the acute breathlessness caused by the husky pounding away at his rump. Holding back did not come to his mind, it came to the pit bull who took the brunt of the heavy pumping of the husky-dick in his tailhole.

The pit bull was slowly sinking deep into a sexual nirvana. His entire body felt charged, to a degree that any touch, a brush of paw, or the throb of a dick on his prostate, or even the stroke of a warm breath on his fur, gave him pleasure. Max's body became the instrument of their mutual joy. It made the pit bull think back to his earlier idea, of being the conduit through which all of their shared energy flowed. He truly enjoyed his place, on that moment, of husky nuts slapping his own and the wolf's trying their best to rub onto the fuzzy ruff on Max's chin.

Both sensations ceased and for a moment he wondered if something had popped too soon, but it was but it was false assumption. The husky and the wolf simply intended to change their places again.

"Let's try something new," the wolf said.

Paws grabbed his legs and his arms and prompted Max to turn onto his back. The pit bull let out a big sigh when his back finally landed onto the mattress after so long on all fours. His legs didn't get a chance to stay relaxed for very long before the wolf picked them up and instructed Max to wrap them around his waist.

"Let you do some of the work," heh heh.

Max made a face, but flicked a companionable ear. His smirk was quite quickly wiped out when the wolfcock kissed his butthole and began to enter him again.

"Good dawg," said the wolf.

"Very good," his husky commented.

The dog crouched above him and fed his cock down Max's muzzle again. The new position meant that he could view the husky's thighs from an interesting angle, and he got a pair of hefty sweaty lube-slickened balls landing on his forehead of all places. The husky smiled happily when he began to mirror his hubby's thrusts into Max's maw instead of his ass like the wolf did, going in steady and hard.

Max's own cock remained against his belly. Both of his hosts spared an occasional paw to tease with his knot or his shaft, but they did not pay constant attention to his dick. The pit bull was hardly bothered. He was more enjoying the intense action of the cock sliding in and out of his ass, making his insides spread open, then the slow pull back that made him crave for more and the instant gratification of being filled almost to the brim again.

He didn't stop them either when they threw him over like a ragdoll, once again, this time flat on his belly before the husky's cock speared him. Max moaned and buried his muzzle onto one of the pillows that smelled like the wolf. He wasn't sure where the wolf was for the moment, maybe simply enjoying the show while Max's ass was occupied by the husky's thick dick.

Max didn't know how long it went on, but then the wolf was back in him and he was being pulled at,, his ass up and his cock dangling between his legs when he was tugged into the face down, ass up position. The wolf's cock pushed into him with a twinge of by now familiar discomfort and being stretched so much and so deep, and then he went to town. Max grabbed onto the bed and held on for his dear life.

"Hmmmh...might gonna tie soon..." the wolf grunted.

It sounded like he was speaking somewhere far away, at least to Max who was sprawled on the bed and took the pounding like a man. He was getting fucked hard and fast now, the wolf using his standing position for leverage to really drive himself into Max's rump. His knot pounded at Max's fleshy gates on each thrusts, insistent, big, threatening, and all so lusty in the pit bull's mind while he contemplated being filled with something of that size.

"Do it," was all the husky said.

Max opened his eyes and lifted his muzzle, the one that kept expelling moans and grunts with the wolf ramped up the speed. He glanced to the sides to catch a sight of the husky, one paw idly stroking himself, the other playing with a hard nipple. He looked happ doing what he was, and enjoyed the show of the white wolf preparing to breed the dog for good.

Max gave his tail a solitary wag.

"F-fill me up," grunted the dog. "Come on..."

"You heard the boss," the husky laughed.


The wolf's face grew into a scowl of concentration. He fucked hard, really putting his weight into the thrust, to try and stretch the pit bull open, slowly but surely. Every new thrust made his knot push more firmly onto the dog's hole and it added to the caress of the ring muscles that were now being pushed to the very limits of what they could handle.

Max knew that it was coming, but he also knew that it was almost impossible to truly prepare for the sensation of being tied. The knot pounding on his hole was an unyielding presence, something he'd gotten used to, but once it was truly threatening to go inside him for good...that made his breath catch in his throat. His insides glowed, his cheeks were covered in cold sweat and his cock pulsed, between the solid pit bull legs that supported his weight during the fuck.

"Plug him good."

The husky's rude encouragement was heard by the wolf, who kept thrusting up Max's ass. The motions were less frequent but came with even more weight and force, and MAx knew that -

-he knew a blinding flash of pain, less than a second, followed by the simple glow of pleasure and the fullness, the immense sensation of being filled much more than before when the knot made its way into him and he was truly and properly tied.

His cock exploded when the knot mashed onto his prostate. A stream of cum poured out of Max's slit and to the bed. He would've thought he was pissing if the scent wasn't so obviously musky and telltale of cum, not something else that might come out of a dick. The sheer bulk of the knot in his ass had triggered this ejaculation, although the pleasure was not the cathartic boom of a fully blown orgasm but rather the deep, glowing kind of a climax he knew was only achievable from satisfying anal penetration.

The wolf's huge knot surely counted, and Max moaned helplessly onto the bed while he felt his abdominal muscles and his insides contract rapidly, in no particular order. His legs began to shudder and he felt cold and hot streaks of pleasure flow through his entire body, through the fire of his asshole telling him that he'd done something stupid, while his cock spurted and the rest of him suggested that he had actually done something truly great.


It was probably the husky, but the pit bull didn't care anymore. The hard, very short thrusts into his ass made his cock swing and send further spurts of his seed against his belly, his chest, and even back to splatter on his thighs. The wolf held firmly to the dog's hips for balance during this final drive for his own orgasm, the one he intended to spend very deep inside Max's ass.

"Give it to him. Breed him."

The wolf growled and huffed. His movements into the ultra-tight hole became much less controlled. His pubic bone pounded repeatedly against Max's ass and even that felt good, at least after a fashion.

The wolf's claws gripped onto fur and skin.


He almost roared and then he was there, breeding his toy with copious spurts of hot, milky wolf-cum going directly into Max's bowels. The dog felt the growing heat, if not the individual globs, but he had no doubt that it was happening, even in the middle of his own protracted, repeated orgasm that continued to wrack through his sweaty body. His heart hammered in his chest while the pleasure continued to ebb and wane, and his rear received even more of the wolf's sensual offering.

He didn't get to relax into the tie, not properly, not yet. The husky got tired of being a non-participating spectator and climbed to the bed, with a very clear purpose in mind. Max welcomed the stout cock like an old friend, with a kiss on the tip before it was shoved almost to his throat. The husky gave it a few thrusts and used his paw to grip on the knot, simulating the tie to the best of his ability while he adored the feeling of the tongue teasing the underside of his shaft.


The husky didn't hold back his barks and yips. He shoved himself all the way in, knot on Max's lips when his cock jerked and began to shoot cum into the pit bull's maw. Max coughed when the first spurt hit the back of his throat and he was sure that it might've been coming out of his nostrils, or so it felt when the scent grew so very intense and he swallowed instinctively. He tasted cum everywhere, the thick substance covering his tongue and the walls of his maw. Some oozed from the corners of his muzzle and marked his face, the same way his guts were surely streaked with the wolf's steamy offering.

Max felt like a mess when the cock plopped out of his muzzle. He didn't expect the one lodged in his ass to move anywhere any time soon. The wolf had collapsed on top of him and panted heavily. He was a big man, but Max knew that he wasn't tiny either, himself. He could handle ihm, to support the weight of his partner who now enjoyed the satisfying afterglow of a very good fuck. He had the taste of spunk on his lips, smelled it everywhere around them, and his insides squirmed with that well-fucked feeling that Max occasionally craved. The wolf and the husky had both delivered on that promise, and now the pit bull couldn't think of anything else he wanted for the moment.

His hosts had other ideas, but Max was more than amenable to what they had in mind. Peter climbed into the bed and with Tom's help, they managed to maneuver into a more comfortable position. Max was still on the middle, naturally, though put to lie on his side so that the wolf was behind him and still tied, and the the husky faced him. Tom appeared to be all smiles, chin to chin with Max who rested wearily. Hard cocks throbbed between their bodies, even if their more insistent ardour had been expended for now.

Max put one arm over Tom, and got one from each of his new friend, the pair cuddling the dog between them in a mutually satisfying furry pile of randy masculinity. The pit bull felt weary, but he had an inkling that his hosts were not one trick doggies.

Neither was he. He was sure that he could nurse his resources and see what he could do about the lush wolf and husky butts that he could reach over to touch, on either side of him.

Didn't Tom's tail wag ever so nicely when Max rubbed his rump and felt its sexy curve?

Max smiled, and got a husky tongue washing his lips. He murred happily. So did the wolf behind him.


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"On Time" (HH)

" **ON TIME"** **THE HOCKEY HUNK HHS07E02** by Gruffy 2017 **\*** Hello, sweethearts! I am glad to be presenting this chapter to you as a special treat for all my readers - you've been over here for many years now, and I am always humbled to see...

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In Their Place (HH)

**IN THEIR PLACE (HH)** _ **By** _ _ **Gruffy** _ _ **2017** _ **THE HOCKEY HUNK HHS07E01** **\*** Hello, dear people! I present to you, with great pleasure, the latest installment in The Hockey Hunk. It has been some time since the previous...

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A Lion's Education

A Lion's Cultural Education by Gruffy 2016-2017 \* This is an "In bed with Gruffy" story commissioned by...

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