A Lion's Education

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Young college student Jake falls under the spell of that charismatic gentletiger, the one and only Professor Druff

A Lion's Cultural Education





This is an "In bed with Gruffy" story commissioned by avatar?user=174069&character=0&clevel=2 Hammerfist , although if you recall this particular lion's sessions with Gruff himself, now it's time for him to make a closer contact with the daddy tiger himself...that's right...Druff is back, and finding his fellow feline quite interesting, now that's for sure!

I hope you enjoy the story, and I look forward to your feedback! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



The image was a classic one, of the kind that could have belonged to another century with even the slightest of imagination. The tiger stood with his profile into his audience on the descending seats of the lecture hall, dressed in a coat that had elbow patches as the matter dictated. A book was held up to eye level so that the bespectacled male could read aloud from it, and his sonorant voice rumbled through the room and into the ears of his quite captive audience.

"...Every age has a definite fund of impulses, fears, dreams, ideas, idiosyncrasies, passions, errors and virtues. The history of each age is the history of the doings and sufferings of a certain human type which has never before existed so and will never again exist so. We might call it the 'representative man' that is, the man who never appears in experience, and yet presents himself as the diagram or morphological outline on which all real men are built up, the prime plant, as it were, on which they are all modelled. - - Every age has too its particular physiology, its characteristic metabolism, blood-circulation, and pulse-frequency, ts specific life-tempo, a general vitality particular to itself , and even individual senses of its own, and optic, acoustic, neural character which belongs to it alone."

The grizzled tiger snapped the old book shut with sufficient flair, and regarded his listeners through his square spectacles.

"Herr Friedell is rather tiring, but satisfying," the tiger murmured, with an expansive smile on his lips, "yet it is appropriate for us to hear his words, written ninety years ago, and how they reflect on today..."

The tiger put the book down on top of the lectern and then put his thumbs casually into the pockets of the ostentatious corduroy pants he wore for the occasion.

"...especially with the knowledge that one particularly noxious clash of cultures caused the brain that produced these words to be splattered on a Munich pavement after he jumped out of a window to escape the SS..."

The tiger held a pause, to let the words sink in.

"But that is metatext," said the Professor, "we do not need to know the fate of the author to appreciate the notions presented in those words."

The room was quiet but for the soft clatter of laptop chiclet keyboards being used for notes.

"That is what this course will be about," the tiger stated, "we will look into the psyche of the man as he passes through the centuries, facing the challenges of each era and seeing it through eyes that only he possessed, through these lenses of preconceptions that are created by that word that defines our discipline here -

"What about the women?"

The tiger's ears perked. The speaker was a cougar of female persuasion, looking down her muzzle towards the pillar of feline masculinity who occupied the center stage in this lecture hall.

"Yes, miss?" the elder fur murmured.

"You speak of men," the cougaress said, "so what about us?"

A couple of others in the room murmured in an approving sotto tone. The tiger rubbed his muzzle while his flicking ears seemed to indicate a thought process going on.

"A quote comes to mind," the Professor mused, "from the playwright Alan Bennett, in one of his plays talking about history. 'What is history?"

He cleared his throat.

"History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. What is history? History is women following behind with the bucket."

There was a lot of laughter, from girls and boys, a veritable wave of chuckles. The cougaress who had posed the initial question appeared unimpressed.

Professor Druff cleared his throat again.

"Perhaps that was something of a hyperbole, but accurate to a degree. It is a fact that history has been for a great part been written by men, about the deeds of orhwe men," the tiger said, "that does not separate us from the fact that fifty percent of the population do happen to be women..."

Another chuckle. Mostly male voices this time around.

"And perhaps Mister Bennett was right when he wrote about the incapabilities of men in realizing that every woman has the same potential as every man, given proper chance for cultivation."

He turned about with a dramatic twirl of his tail behind him as he stepped over to the decisively old-fashioned blackboard and picked up the chalk. The tiger's paw produced a single word onto it on expansive all block letters.

"CULTURE!" the tiger bellowed. He tapped the chalk against the board and caused white dust to stain his black fingerpads in the process.

He regarded his audience, with a passionate grin.

"Is it not exactly what you are here for?" the tiger questioned. "That I may help you cultivate your own understanding of why we are here...how we got here through thousands of years of varying lunacy."

"It's not like things are so great now either," someone snorted. The tiger saw a bear as the speaker.

"No..." the tiger clicked his tongue. "We have our own lunacies going on of course. Every age does, the same way we also find out triumphs. And it is all exciting, and full of vitality...life force...energy..because it is happening right now!"

The tiger put down his chalk and padded over to his lectern so that he could take a sip of water from a glass that awaited him there.

"But do you have a chance of ever understanding any of the trends of contemporary history and culture if you don't know how we got here?" he mused. "What thoughts and counterthoughts brought us to this point? What veritable empires of thought and imagination were built, conquered, and fell in the great paradigm shifts over the centuries, the millennia? How can you even hope to comprehend anything of what is going on without history?"

The tiger rubbed his chin and got a little bit of chalk onto a black part of a stripe there.

"You are here so that I can show you the strings of history that go through from day one and extend to this day. My job is to awaken you to see this, the great story, the myth...it is not for me to tell you. I can only attempt to...make it sound attractive enough that you will grab the books and read the history contained in them. That is the only way to find history, to read it. History is dead but for the books. PBS is not history."

Another round of snickers.

"...although that Mr Burns can be rather entertaining at times," Druff admitted.

A snort.

"But here I shall use my rake to break the soil and hopefully you will find the right words that will ignite a sufficient passion in your hearts for the pursuit of history...at least until your coursework has been graded and the credits drop into your record."

They chuckled. The punchline had come with the precision of a seasoned stand-up comedian.

The tiger glanced at the large wall clock.

"I think we can end for today. For Thursday, you should read the introductory chapter on the philosophy of historiography and chapters 3 and 4. We'll be talking about the early fertility cults and the European pottery trends from the time when fashion could last a thousand years. I'll see you then!"

His students began to gather up their stuff and disperse towards the exits. The tiger watched them go for a little. He'd been doing this job long enough that he could tell based on their initial impressions on how they would fare in the class. The excited ones, the bored ones...and the ones who were bored because they were not impressed yet. Those were the hardest to please, he knew.

Druff sat behind the computer and was logging himself out of the workstation when he noticed that someone had come over to him. The fur in question was a young lion, bespectacled and with a mass of red mane. He was very neatly dressed in black pants and a brown turtleneck.

"Hello," the tiger rumbled, "can I help you?"

"Oh, I'm...Jacob," the lion said.

"Hello, Jacob," said Druff, "I am sure you still remember my name. Do you need something?"

"Well I'm not sure if this is the right time to ask or anything..."

Druff smiled.

"I'm here to answer any questions you might have," he mused, "though if any of it is something you can find from the course info sheet online, I'm going to be pointing you towards that."

He chuckled softly. The lion appeared nonplussed by his mirth. At least he didn't just turn around and escape from the room. Professor Druff had seen that happen a few times and it had left him puzzled each time.

"Well, I'm a music major," the lion called Jacob said, "and we have to do a big project on music history and...you know...the cultural context..."

Druff nodded sagely.

"'Where words leave off, music begins'," the tiger murmured.

The lion appeared quizzical.

Druff smiled.

"What would you wish to ask from me, Jacob?" he questioned.

"I'm not entirely sure," the neatly dressed lion replied, "with what you were talking, I just wondered if you had maybe...some ideas on where to start."

The grizzled tiger tilted his head curiously.

"I am sure that the teachers in your department have better leads on when it comes to sources and topics in music history," Druff said.

"Well that's it," the lion replied. "They know books about music. Composers, pieces, instruments, productions. What do I do with that if I need to write about how some piece of music reflects the...uh...you know?"

Druff chuffed and flicked his ears non-threateningly. He leaned against his desk a little and looked up at the lion standing by him.

"The Zeitgeist," the foreign tiger hissed with obvious pleasure at the syllables passing from his tongue.

"Okay," the lion said. "I guess."

Druff smirked.

"I think I know what you're after," he said, "the torrid affair of culture and history...and music as one of these aspects of culture, since that is what you are interested in."

"Yeah, I know it's not exactly your job but if you could point something out...I think you'd be more trustworthy than Google, Professor."

The Professor in question looked at the lion for quite some time before he let out a proper, chuffing, tiger chuckle.

"At least you didn't compare me to that Wikipedia thing that everyone is so keen on," Druff said, "and yes, of course. You do recall from the course plan that I am always open for discussing topics for the course essays as well? Which means that this would fall under that category, even if it is not necessarily for this course itself...but I am sure that our discussion would be rather fertile in finding one for you as well, for this course too."

"I guess so," the lion replied.

"Splendid!" said the tiger. "You should see me in my office. Let me check my calendar."

The tiger smiled as he took out a pocket-sized calendar with moleskin covers and metal reinforcements on the corners.


It was next Tuesday afternoon at three pm when the tiger's ears picked the tap tap knock on his door.

"Come in! It is not locked!" he announced.

It was the lion, as predicted. His turtleneck was a shade of blue, although the slacks were still black, the Professor noted with his keen eye. A backpack hung slightly too low from the young lion's back. His most determining visual factor was the thick red mane that frames his entire face in a rather bouffant manner. It made Professor Druff wonder whether that was by the choice of nature or a result of some careful grooming and preening. He would not disqualify either option. Lions were naturally endowed when it came to such fur, and the latter he associated with felines as a whole. This red mane had told Druff of the lion's location in the lecture hall as well on the previous Monday.

"Good afternoon," the lion said.

Druff stood up from behind his desk and approached with an extended paw.

"Splendid of you to come!" he greeted the lion enthusiastically.

The young man accepted the big paw that almost engulfed his. Their pawshake did not linger. After it, Druff closed the door into the office.

"Put your bag down and have a seat over there," Druff indicated the chair by his desk, "I have coffee ready as well. Do you drink coffee?"

"Yes, Professor," the lion said.

The tiger chuckled and chuffed. His tail swung expansively while he padded over to the coffeemaker that awaited in one corner of the room.

"No need to be that formal here," Druff said. "you may call me Druff, or sir. No need for the 'Professor' in these confines."

"Yes, sir," the lion replied.

"And you are Jacob..." the tiger mused. He glanced at the lion in question over his shoulder.

"Yes, sir, or Jake..." the lion said.

"Jake sounds splendid!" Druff declared.

"Okay," the lion said.

Jake put his backpack down next to the chair and settled onto it. The tiger noticed that he sat very ill at ease, on the very edge of the chair.

"I hope you have been well, Jake," the tiger commented while he fiddled with his equipment of caffeine joy.

"Yeah," the lion said.

"Very good to hear!"

Druff appeared with two mismatched mugs, both filled with his favorite brew. He placed them on top of an old printout of an essay that had several dried coffee rings adorning its surface. It appeared to have been used as a coaster in the past as well.

"Enjoy!" the tiger declared. "I do not have any biscuits or the like because I'm trying not to eat too many sugary treats at work or I'll balloon into an untigery shape. But the coffee is fine, I assure you."

"I like coffee, sir," Jake said.

Druff sipped from his mug and followed for his guest to do that much as well.

"Thank you, sir," the lion said.

"Apparently my countrymen are the heaviest coffee drinkers in the world," Druff mused. "I am trying to uphold the national pride here as well."

Jake looked at him curiously.

"Finland, right?"

"Yes!" Druff rumbled amiably. "The land of the thousand lakes, Santa, and endless cups of coffee."

"Cool," Jake said.

The tiger chuffed.

"You're not from here, are you?" he asked from the lion.

"No," Jake said. "The South."

"I could swear there was something in your accent," the tiger mused, "I may not be a cunning linguist but I had an inkling you didn't sound like the locals here..."

Jake shrugged.

"Well I'm from the South, you got me."

The tiger flicked his ears at him.

"Do you think that I could have acquired some...native misconceptions about people from certain parts of the United States?" Druff asked.

Jake looked thoughtful.

"I didn't imply so, sir," he said.

Druff laughed.

"People in my country think that everyone here is either a citizen of a little pioneer town in the Wild West or spend an extraordinary amount of time hanging by the lockers in high school," the tiger said.

Jake frowned.


Druff quirked his eyebrows playfully.

"We get all your television," he said, "the good, and the bad. Especially the latter. And everyone watches it."

Jake nodded.

"I didn't realize that all that stuff is shown abroad too," the lion said.

Druff chuffed good-naturedly.

"Isn't college all about expanding your horizons, Jake?" the tiger mused.

"I guess it is," Jake answered after a pause.

"It was certainly that for me...much too many years ago than I would care to admit," the tiger rumbled, "perhaps that is why I never really left. Why I find working here so stimulating. There are always new things to learn...and new people to teach, as well."

"If it's what you want to do, sir," Jake suggested.

The tiger preened his mane fluff idly with one paw. It was a thoughtful gesture, though also had a playful edge to it, the way his fingers moved. He didn't look like he was about to tug his fur out with nervous tension.

"It is a purpose as good as any, Jacob," he said. "And yours is music, I understand?"

Jake shrugged.

"I don't know," he said. "I want it to, but...I don't know if there's a career in it. I'm also doing computers...I just don't know yet."

"You are keeping your options open, and yourself duly stimulated, creatively and intellectually," Druff nodded sagely, "culture and...binaries..."


"But then again, music is a kind of a code..." Druff pontificated, "Pythagoras already tried to arrange the universe into musical spheres...combining mathematics, music, cosmology...the very existence itself..."

Jake nodded.

"I guess that's the kind of stuff you know about music," he said.

"Sound bites," Druff said.

"What?" Jake asked.

"Sexy stories," Druff said.

"Excuse me?" the lion perked his ears.

"Little bits of stories that are wonderfully entertaining, and grab your attention," Druff said, "like me telling you that among other things he did, Pythagoras set up his own religious cult."

Jake frowned.

"He did?"

"Yes...and like all religions, he decided to lay down some rules. He deemed that peas are dangerous and you should never eat them...so when he was chased down by angry enemy soldiers and he had to escape to a field growing full of peas...he died for his faith. "

Jake blinked.

"That's weird," he said.

"I suppose an army of peas is not as dramatic as being thrown to the lions but..." Druff leaned back on his chair.

Jake chuffed.

"I feel like I should be making notes or something."

"No, no, I just enjoy hearing the sound of my voice..." said Druff with a grin.

Jake looked at him with another frown. The older tiger's smile did not abate.

"I'll tell you when I'm saying something that you should really remember, Jacob," the tiger said. "I just like to talk up a storm. Helps putting you at ease, too."

Jake looked up from his coffee mug.


The tiger's smile softened a little.

"To put you at ease, Jacob," he said. "I can tell you're not entirely comfortable."

Professor Druff could hear the lion's heavy tail brush against the floor, quietly yet audible in the tiger's sensitive ears.

"You're not sitting at the principal's office about to have a chewing off," the tiger behind the desk commented to his young charge, "you are here to have a nice cup of coffee and a discussion about the topic you wanted to, history and music."

The lion did not look entirely convinced.

"I'm sure you heard all this during orientation, or something, but there is a kernel of truth to it," Druff mused, "we are a scientific...well...at least an academic community here. Our purpose is to learn, and a lot of that means learning from one another. Stimulating one another, intellectually."

Jake nodded quickly. His bushy red mane moved back and forth with that motion.

"I'm just not sure what I could contribute, really, sir," the lion said. "I've just started studying, more or less, compared to you."

"Academia always needs youth, Jacob!" the tiger enthused. "The history of science has known many cases where important changes in paradigm have only taken place after the previous generation and their outdated ideas have quite literally been buried to the ground."

The lion snorted amusedly. Druff let out his own chuckle.

"I do not intend that fate for myself any time soon," the older male mused, "I might be more concerned over my stipend, but that is another matter and not related to the subject at paw."

"I guess not."

"Besides!" the tiger almost yelped. "History is also about the history of ideas, including the daft and stupid ones that we're glad they were abandoned. Yet learning about them is important in its own way."

"Is it?" Jake asked.

"Of course it is!" Druff smiled. "However inadequate something like the pre-Copernican universe or the humoral theory appears in light of more modern theories, they still reflect ways in which these people understood the world around them. They added structure into the perceived chaos around. They were attempts to build a system...it's not really their fault that it didn't work. But why would it be?"

"I guess it's not stupidity on their part," Jake said.

"No," Druff said. "The intellectual capacity of man has been quite constant, we think. And the Ptolemaic universe with its own system of tracking the movements of the planets and the stars was actually more accurate in predicting their movements until the observations supporting the Copernican universe became more so. Not to mention that much of the evidence was deduced with new observations provided by the telescope. And the same can be said about the humoral theory as well! The idea that our bodies worked via the balance of the four essential fluids was reasonable enough when you think that dissection was banned under the current intellectual and ethical climate, so there was no way of learning what went on ticking inside us for real. Add to that the fact that it wasn't until later that the first scientific eyes observed our cells and microorganisms at work...there just wasn't anything to discredit the theory until we had moved on enough that it simply became untenable to maintain the old ideas any longer."

Druff purred happily once he finished his lecture, and drank a good sip of coffee to celebrate it. He could not yet see the fabled deeper understanding dawning in the eyes of the lion sitting in front of him, but at least there was no boredom there that he could detect. AFter such a long career in teaching, he was able to smell boredom in an instant. He prided in that skill.

"I am a realist in the matter, however," Druff said, "I know that most of the people who go through my class just wants the credit. I allow that to them, but that doesn't mean I let them go easily. Everyone has to do a certain amount of work to pass. But if this course will help you to thrive in your own special area of interest...I am glad to help."

"Thank you, sir," the lion said.

Druff smiled.

"Well, let's see what happens!" the tiger grinned.


"...and for the next session, you should read the chapters on the Greek pantheon and the works of Homer! And remember that I won't be available on Wednesday at the usual time, so if you need to talk with me personally, you must book another time! See you on Thursday!"

Druff began to gather his materials from the lecture hall desk when he noticed a familiar fierce-maned shape approaching.

"Ah, Jacob!" the tiger chuffed pleasantly. "How may I help you?"

The lion looked at him with his usually surly expression. He had his coursebook and a notepad in his paws and held over his chest.

"Well, uh, I might have some ideas for the thing..."

Druff's ears perked amiably.

"I am very happy to hear that!" the tiger rumbled. "I presume you want me to take a look?"

"If you can, sir," the lion said.

"Hmmmmm..." said the tiger, "I have a meeting today, and tomorrow I am very busy and not holding my usual office hours...but during the evening...yes, I think I could make the time. Perhaps you can drop by my place later if you are not too busy."

Jake frowned.

"Your place, sir?"

"I live near the campus," Druff explained, "I find it is rather convenient to sometimes receive students there. Much more casual a setting as well."

Jake shrugged.

"I don't want to intrude or anything, sir."

Druff flicked his paws into the air.

"Nonsense!" he chuffed. "It is much more spacious than the office, too, although lacks the theater like quality of this room, for example..."

His laughter echoed off the walls of the room.

"Well...okay, then," Jake said. "If it's not too much trouble."

"Of course not!" said Druff. "Besides, it will be a fine distraction. I foresee a lot of very boring meetings tomorrow, and any kind of a relief from that shall be more than welcome."

"Eh...if you say so, Professor."

"I do!" the tiger enthused. "Can you be there around eight? I'll give you my address and..."


The doorbell rang almost on the hour, prompting the Professor to pad over to his door.

"Ah, Jacob!" the tiger murmured pleasantly. "Welcome!"

The lion looked as if he'd just come out of a lecture, the Professor thought - in his black slacks and a knit sweater of an indeterminable pattern. He also had his backpack, and looked a bit out of breath after climbing the stairs.


Druff bowed his head playfully.

"Do come in," he said while gesturing at his hall, "I have been expecting you."

"I hope I'm not late, sir."

"You're right on time!" said Druff. "Come in, come in!"

The lion slinked into the apartment in the wake of the tiger. Druff wore black pants and a white shirt with the collar and the cuffs unbuttoned. A black suit jacket was thrown over the backrest of a leather armchair in the sitting room they entered from the hall.

"I apologise for the mess, Jacob," Druff commented, "I've only been home for half an hour since my meeting and I haven't had the time to tidy up the place at all!"

Jake looked about the tastefully decorated living room.

"I couldn't really tell, sir."

Druff smiled to him.

"You're a smooth one," he chuckled. "Sit down, on the couch, maybe, if you like! I'll be just a moment!"

The lion settled onto the couch as indicated and put his backpack down to the floor between his legs. He didn't have much time to try and relax into these new surroundings, before Druff returned, carrying bottles.

"Something refreshing!" he announced. "I hope you don't mind sugar...I need some!"

The bottles he quickly cracked open were cold to the touch and gathered a sheen of condensation upon them. The contents were bubbly, yellowish, and had a sharp scent that floated out of the freshly opened mouths.

"It's a delicious pop," the tiger described the beverage they now held in their paws, "A bit expensive for sure but not that I count every penny. The pleasure is worth it."

"Thank you, sir."

The tiger gulped from his bottle and sighed contently once the bubbles had calmed down in his maw. He suppressed a belch.

"Just call me Druff here," he said, "like I'll just call you Jacob."

"Hmm...okay," Jake said. "Druff."

Druff smiled.

"Isn't that nice?"

The lion looked confused.

"Thank you for the drink...Druff."

The tiger smiled.

"Just the least I can do, really! Everyone likes a soda, right?"

"I guess..." the lion said.

They sat together on the couch for a moment, in silence. Druff drank from his bottle twice to Jake's once. After the tiger belched and stretched a little, he cleared his throat and looked at the young lion. Jake was looking back to him as well.

"Well... " Druff said.

"Yes?" Jake asked.

"I can still tell your unease, Jacob," Druff noted.

The lion's ears flicked curiously.


Druff caressed his own chin.

"I don't know what it is, but you just can't take a break when you're with me..." the tiger mused, "you're so tense...physically..."

He pointed out the lion's tail, which did not have the appearance of a relaxed appendage one would expect from a lion simply sitting down on a couch.

"...and otherwise as well," Druff said, "you're all coiled up, can't get a word out of your maw, even though I know you're very intelligent, I have learned as much already, and still...I don't even think it's intimidation...I'm not quite that scary, am I?"

The lion was starting to look flustered.

"I don't know, really..." he said.

"Hmmm..." Druff vocalized.

They were both quiet. Then Druff stood up.

"Right," he sounded determined.


"Come on!" said Druff. He gestured at the lion who got up from the couch, bottle of soda and all with him.


"Just here," Druff chuckled.

He led the young lion out of the living room and to a pair of doors that opened from the hallway they had entered from. He opened them while smiling to his fellow feline happily.

"I've got a little surprise," he said.

Druff turned on the lights from a switch by the door. The room beyond the doors was revealed to be a dining room. There was a polished wooden table capable of seating eight people on the chairs around it. A doorway opened into another room, lit up and apparently the kitchen. The other end of the room had some spare space that had been occupied by one of the Professor's bookshelves. Next to it sat a small piano.

"Here!" the tiger rumbled on his way into the room.

Jake followed.

"You can play, right?" Druff pointed out the piano.

"Yeah," Jake said.

"I thought so," Druff said. "I wasn't sure, but I thought so. It made sense."


Druff pulled one of the chairs from the table and planted his butt down.

"Play for me, please," he said, pointing at the piano.

"Uh?" Jake frowned.

"I want you to play for me," Druff said. "I've showed you a little of my world, and I would like to see some of yours. And music is your world, is it not?"

The lion ruffled his paw through his mane.

"I'm not sure," he said.

"Pfft," Druff tapped his own relaxed knee in his new crouched sitting position, "I can't promise the piano is perfectly tuned because I can't really play it so good, but perhaps it is serviceable? Wouldn't you try for me? Please?"

The lion shrugged indecisively.

"Well okay."

He put his bottle down to a corner of the large dining table before he took a spot on the piano stool. He opened the cover and put his paws down onto the keys while his feet sought the pedals. The lion plucked a few notes before he played a couple of chords as well. His ears went back and forth and the sounds coming out of the piano.

"That bad?" Druff suggested.

"It's not too bad," Jake said.

Druff clapped his paws together.

"Play for me, then. Anything you like. You're the artist!"

The lion looked at the tiger over his shoulder. Druff sat behind him and to his left. He appeared most observant, and smiled encouragingly at Jake when their eyes met.

"Show me who you are, Jacob," Druff said. "Let me inside you."

The lion shook his head, as if to clear it of unwanted thoughts. His fingers flexes, with his pads barely touching the keys but not yet making the notes. His tail moved more languidly.

"Trying to think.." he said, "I don't remember that many pieces by heart..."

"I understand that," Druff mused, "I do have some sheet music in books somewhere, but those books have been bought for fun rather than...for what you do."


Jake cleared his throat. It took him a beat before he rolled his shoulders and assumed a more confident posture on the piano stool. He flexes his fingers again.


The young lion began to play. The music was gentle, yet flowed from the lion's keys with power he had not observed from the young man before. There was confidence, he thoughts, and there was grace in the way his fingers danced on the piano. It was energetic, not barely ambulatory like most of his kin at the course given by Professor Druff.

The tiger was a rapt audience of one, and even let out a sigh of surprise and delight when the lion began to sing. His voice grew clear, rather than its usual gravely tone, and the words that came out of his muzzle were not only in a foreign language but they sounded like they belonged to another time, a different era...certainly a different room.

The the piece that had become a song ended, Druff both purred and applauded.

"Wunderbar!" he enthused. "Wonderful!"

Jake gave him another sideways look. He was bashful again, that much Druff could tell.

"You know Lieder!" Druff noted.

"That's probably the only one I remember," Jake said. "I wasn't sure I was gonna remember all of it, but since you wanted to hear...I tried."

Druff clapped his paws together once more.

"That was lovely!" the tiger murmured. "Just splendid! You are very good!"

"I try, "Jake said. "My technique isn't all that great.

"Bah!" Druff grumbled. He launched himself from the chair and moved over to the piano so that he was standing next to the lion seated on the stool. He leaned one paw onto the bookshelf by the piano. "Doubts again..."

He clicked his tongue. The red-maned lion's ears drooped at the sound of disapproval.

"...what's going on?" Druff questioned. His paw leashed out and tousled at the thick red mane. That led to Jake looking at the Professor with a quirked brow. The tiger was quick to withdraw his paw.

"That was probably out of order," he said. "I apologise."

"Why?" Jake looked genuinely confused.

It was Druff's turn to shrug.

"I touched you without permission," he noted. "People your age don't usually like to be touched at all, especially not by strangers."

"You're not really a stranger, are you, Druff?" Jake asked.

Druff smiled.

"Perhaps not entirely," he said. "Although old professors shouldn't go fondling their students, no matter how fond they are of them."

Jake rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't call that fondling," the lion said.

"No?" Druff chuckled.

"I guess not," Jake said. "But I don't know. Not really used to something like that."

"Yes?" Druff asked.

Jake shrugged. Druff was starting to think it was the lion's standard physical gesture.

"We don't really touch a lot in my family," he said.

The tiger nodded. He preened his fingers through his own mane while he contemplated this quiet confession from the lion.

"Pity," Druff said.

"What is?"

"Just that," said the tiger. "A lack of physical affection may make it difficult to express such things yourself, when the time comes."

"I don't really think about it much," Jake said.

"Maybe you should," Druff said. "I know you can."

"What do you mean?"

"There is obvious passion in your music, I think," Druff noted. "And maybe in your scholarship as well. You're really enjoying learning, I feel."

"I guess I do," Jake said.

Druff chuckled.

"So indecisive," he clicked his tongue. "Maybe you should learn to let go sometimes."

"I don't know about that," Jake said after a moment of consideration, "I just do my things."

"But wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to do so much more?" Druff asked. "I know the potential is there. I can see it just bubbling away...like that soda I have forgotten to drink..."

He chastised himself with a snort and fetched the drink from where he had left it. The tiger busied himself in a long swig. The lion hadn't gotten up from the piano yet.

"I would offer you something harder but the archaic laws in this country do not allow such things for people of your age," Druff said, "Ironically, considering the amount of young people I have seen drunk here..."

"I don't drink," Jake said.

Druff winked.

"I wouldn't tell anyone if you did," he said. "It's not my place to judge."

Jake frowned.

"Aren't you kinda judging me by telling me that I'm not doing everything I could?" he asked.

Druff's ears flicked curiously.

"Hmm. That is a fair point. I may have to apologise again."

"I think there's no need to, sir."

"Hmmm..." mused the tiger again. Then he snapped his fingers. "Although... come on!"

The lion followed the tiger without a further question. They went back to the living room, where Druff instructed the cat to sit down.

"Wait just a moment."

"Okay," Jake said.

The tiger disappeared from the room for a moment before returning with a photo album. He landed heavily by the lion's side.

"Don't worry, these are not holiday snaps detailing different kinds of Greek columns," the tiger grinned upon his return, "just something I thought I'd share."

"Okay," Jake sounded unimpressed.

Druff opened the red artificial leather cover and pushed the first empty pages away. A curly "1990" had been written onto one of the blank pages he shifted along.

"Old memories," the tiger said.

He flipped over several pages, with determination, until he found what he liked. It was a picture of a young tiger standing confidently in front of an old-looking building. He wore large plastic-rimmed glasses and wore jeans and a sweater not entirely unlike the one Jake wore even now. The old-fashioned clothes and the dated cars parked by the feline told even the casual onlooker that this picture was from the past.


Jake leaned over a little to take a better look at the picture.

"Is that you?" he asked.

"Oh yes!" Druff chuckled. "The year 1990, my second year at the Helsinki University, studying history, culture, philosophy...all the good things."

"Cool," Jake said.

"That was a warm day, thank you," Druff chuckled.

Jake gave him a puzzled look. Druff elbowed him.

"And no, wild polar bears do not roam the streets," the older male continued.

He flipped over to the next page. It showed the same young tiger sitting in front of a desk piled with books. A shelf behind him contained even more of them in neat rows, unlike the more messy stacks that encroached onto the seated cat. The picture appeared somewhat posed, not really a candid shot of a tiger studying. He didn't look cross enough for having been surprised, for once.

"My little student flat..." said Druff, "and me busy at work on an essay. Pen and paper at the moment. I didn't get a computer until my third year. Can you believe that?"

"I guess they weren't common yet," Jake said.

"Not the kind of computers you could do something useful with, not yet," Druff chuckled. "And it was still years before this mysterious thing called Internet became a thing. Can you imagine that? Do you even remember a time before the internet?"

"Not really," Jake confessed.

"Back then only the biggest nerds knew how to talk to each other online over the phone lines, or so I was told. My thoughts were in Ancient Rome and Greece at the moment. I think we were going through that at the time, though my memory might fail me."


Druff chuffed.

"Less than thirty years and the life as we know it has changed entirely," he said. "Mobile phones, Internet, YouTube...smartphones in your pocket with a hundred times the power of that computer I had back then!"

"Guess it's ancient history to your students now?"

Druff gave the lion a glance.

"Ancient history, eh?"

"I guess?"


Druff browsed past some of the pictures, mostly depicting old buildings. The photograph he stopped at was much different from the two before. It showed the top half of a tiger, bare striped fur and all, spread over a wooden platform with water seen to his right. Sun kissed his pelt and the sunglasses he wore for not only for show, that much was for sure. The younger tiger looked quite happy with himself, grinning smugly at whoever was taking the picture.

"Heh..." chuckled Druff, "this is more like it."

"Is that you as well?" Jake asked.

"In the flesh...as nature intended, I think..." the tiger smiled. "I didn't look half bad, did I?"

"You're young in it," Jake observed.

"Hah!" Druff mused.

He turned the page. The next photo showed a lynx leaning against a reeling on what was obviously the deck of a ship. The sky was perfectly blue and everything was bathed in sunlight, much like in the earlier lounging picture. It was obviously winter in this one, considering that ice could be seen covered the water below, and in the distance as well. The lynx smiled to the camera, and wore a thick black winter coat with a fur collar.

"Oh..." said Druff. "Oh, right..."

"Who's he?" Jake asked.

The tiger's smile was almost crooked.

"A friend...well, a boyfriend, on an icebreaker cruise," Druff said casually. "It's been a while."

He looked at the lion sitting by him. Jake's expression was more curious than shocked by such a statement.

"You have a boyfriend?" the question blurted out o his mouth and sounded almost innocent.

"Heheh," chuckled the tiger. "I had one at the time. He was a lovely person, but he ended up pursuing a different kind of a life and our paths just weren't compatible. No hard feelings."

He was still smiling. His young visitor appeared somewhat serious.

"You look shocked," Druff said. "I didn't realize that my...romantic leanings would come as such for you, Jacob. Usually my new students are initiated into the gossip within the first week or so."

There was a silence.

"It's not that," Jake said. The way he did speak it made Druff wonder whether his sexual orientation had really come as a surprise to the lion. Perhaps it was part of it, he thought. There were layers to the lion, he decided, to his expressions, and thoughts.

"What is it then?" Druff asked. "I'm afraid I don't know what you are thinking now and I would hate for you to be feeling uncomfortable."

"No..." Jake said. His paw went through his mane again. "I just...I don't know. I never thought about you that way."

The tiger's ears perked.

"What way?" he asked in a measured tone.

The lion looked almost guilty.

"Well...as someone who does stuff other than teach, I guess?"

Druff chuckled heartily.

"Ah...the horrible realization that even teachers are people..." the tiger mused. His tail danced along his legs like a striped snake, near the floor. "It is a hard lesson to learn."

Jake looked at the tiger and wondered if the older cat was being at all serious. The grin on his muzzle could have been a genuine expression of amusement, or just mischief, or even pity at the lion's state of mind.

"I guess."

"Pffft!" the tiger elbowed the lion again. "So non-committal!"

Jake frowned.

"Is there like something I'm supposed to say?" he asked.

Druff glanced up at the ceiling, as if he was weighing his thoughts.

"Not really, I think," he mused.

"Okay," Jake said.

Druff scratched his chin.

"So tell me then, Jacob..." he said.


"Did it come as a surprise then, after all?" Druff asked.


"Pffft!" Druff's tail patted the side of his couch. "You didn't tell me if you knew or not. I told you that everyone knows but I get the feeling you're not exactly...everyone. "

The lion shrugged eventually.

"I don't know," he said again. "I heard the talk but I didn't...think much about it."

Druff snuffled.

"Sometimes I wonder what you do think about...in there..."

His paw reached out and stopped only inches from the closest whisps of red mane that hugged the lion's neck in so many rich layers. The lion followed the motion from the corner of his eyes, but did not duck away from it.

"Does it matter what I think?" Jake asked.

"I think it does," Druff said. "If it matters to you."

The lion frowned.

"Why would it matter to me what you...do?" the lion suggested.

"Hmmm..." the tiger rumbled away, "perhaps it is preposterous of me to hope that I could at least act as some sort of a role model for anyone still...searching for themselves..."

Jake blinked. He looked at the tiger with a somewhat puzzled expression. Druff's smile remained steady.

"...and maybe even offer further help as well," the tiger said. "If you want to, of course. I would not presume."

The lion's brow furrowed into new depths, listening to his Professor's words. Druff sighed, seeing this.

"Of course I could simply be speaking outrageous things that mean nothing to you, Jacob," the tiger said. "I apologise if that is the case. Your discretion is more than appreciated in that case."

The lion was quiet for a long time. He stared in front of himself and made no sounds besides his breathing. His body was silent, too - not even an ear flicked, nor a tail flopped.

"If I have unsettled you - "

"I don't know what to say," Jake uttered. "I don't even know what to think."

"Hmmm..." said the tiger. "Then maybe...maybe you should just see what happens, and think about it later?"

Jake sighed.

"I probably already have too much to think about," the lion said.

The Druff brushed his fingertips softly through the lion's rich mane. He could feel the tension grown even through such a fleeting contact, and hear the air flowing from Jacob's maw. His tail danced about the floor in a sure feline sign of nerves.

"Better not to think then...just do...feel..."

And the tiger was feeling alright. His fingers had reached the lion's skin and he splayed his paw. He allowed the touch to deepen in that manner, felt over the tantalizing arch of his neck. The warm skin was pliant and alive, growing even hotter under the contact of the surprisingly soft pads on the older male's fingers. Jake's breaths sounded almost like gasps.

"You won't know till you try..." the Druff whispered into the lion's burning ear, "and it doesn't require any thinking."

His wet tongue touched the tender pink inside of the golden-furred ear. It flicked onto his whiskers when the feline kiss was applied onto the fidgety youth's ear.


Druff cupped the lion's muzzle and turned Jake's head so that they faced one another. Their bespectacled eyes met, but only briefly before Druff did the only sensible thing and kissed the lion.

Given the chance, Druff would have declared it as him 'capturing Jake's maw with his own', but for the moment it was just the touching of two pairs of lips, a rather shell-shocked lion and a purring tiger both enjoying the kiss that developed between them.

The Professor did not linger particularly long, although he did keep his hold of the lion's round chin. His fingers felt the heat radiating from Jake's cheeks.

"Now you've kissed a man," Druff mused, "and it wasn't so bad."

Jake pursed his lips. Druff snorted briefly.

"Don't say anything," he said. "You can push me away if you want at any time, but you don't need to say anything. Speaking requires thought and you said you think too much...so don't think...just do..."

The tiger pecked the lion's lips, quickly, and gave his arm a squeeze with his yet free paw.

"And I do find you rather fascinating in your own way, and I can see you have potential for so much if you let yourself go, Jacob..." the tiger crooned.

They sat still for a moment, with the older male slowly stroking along Jake's arm. The gesture was almost soothing, like trying to calm down a spooked animal. It was obvious that it was the reaction the lion had had to the tiger's approach, yet he did not make a move to bolt for it.

Druff's fingers moved to Jake's collar and niftily unbuttoned the top of the shirt. The parted cloth allowed him further access to the lion's neck. He could touch over its curve, like he had done before although touching his throat made it much more intimate. A rather vulnerable primal instinct was still strong, the tiger knew as much, that could make such an approach uncomfortable unless trust was found between them.

"I do hope that you are...agreeing with this and not just frozen with terror, Jacob..." Druff chuffed with a little smirk.

Jake looked puzzled, and his ears said as much upon hearing the tiger's comment.

"Maybe I shouldn't be holding you like this...doesn't really apply to me promising you could move away any time you want" Druff continued his musings. He pulled his paws away and folded them on his lap. Jake followed this movement with his eyes before he looked at the older male.

"I...kinda liked that," Jake said.

Now it was the tiger's ears that perked.

"Oh yes?" he questioned. "Which part?"

Jake shrugged.

"I dunno," he said.

Druff huffed.

"Well there's a lot of things I'd usually do when someone is that indecisive and unruly," he put weight on the last word he spoke, "But something tells me that would not be the best approach here..."

The lion appeared quizzical.

"Like what?"

The tiger chuckled. He tousled fingers through the lion's mane once again.

"That's the advanced course," said the Druff, bemusedly, "I think we better start with the 101."

Jake huffed.

"That's terrible," he said.

"Good!" Druff declared. "You're already smiling. That is very good. It is needed or this would never work."

"You speak like you have a...a curriculum," Jake observed.

Druff poked the lion's collarbone with his thumb.

"I wrote the book, remember?"

The lion smirked.

"Now I can never look at that book again without thinking about...this."

"And you haven't even seen anything yet," Druff observed. "Even my picture on the inside cover is very much clothed..."

Jake snorted.

"You really want me to think about you naked every time I see the course book?"

Druff gave the lion's collar a tug with a curled finger and then slipped his fingers inside his shirt to rub Jake's chest. He let out a surprised purr at the feel of the older male's touch. Druff noted this wirh pleasure.

"I happen to enjoy nudity...especially in interesting company," Druff said, "such as you, Jacob."

The fingers continued to play with the flesh and fur the tiger found.

"Everyone calls me...Jake..." the lion murmured.

Druff pursed his lips.

"I'm not sure we're on such familiar terms yet," the Professor said.

Jake flicked his ears at the tiger.

"Well we already did...kiss..."

Druff nudged the lion's breastbone with his thumb, still reaching into the shirt.

"You'd be surprised what people do without ever learning each other's names, even..."

"I'm not sure I want to know," Jake said.

Druff chuckled.

"I thought you wanted to learn about this whole gay sex thing," said Druff.

He ruffled the lion's mane and then leaned in for another kiss that surely made Jake's cheeks flush even hotter. It could've also been his blunt words that sent the extra blood to the lion's face. Druff certainly took his time lapping up Jake's lips and teasing his fingers through the whispy hairs of the pleasantly thick mane. He even tugged on it, when he was about to get up.

"We need to get more comfortable," the tiger said. "Come on. Couch sex is overrated."

Jake blinked.

"We're gonna have sex?" he said.

"Lots of it," winked the Druff.

"Uh - "

Druff swatted the lion's legs with his tail.

"You coming?" the daddy tiger asked. "Well hopefully you will but...you know..."

Jake got up to his feet.

"You're enjoying this too much," the lion said.

"Of course I am enjoying myself," Druff elbowed the lion, "my main concern is for you enjoying yourself!"

"I haven't not enjoyed anything that has happened yet," Jake said.

Druff's paw was quick to grab the lion's thick tail and give it a tug. The lion let out a surprised rumble at this, and noted that the tiger did not let go of his new fleshy, silky-furred leash.

"Then you're in for a treat. Come on."

He pulled on the lion's tail in a manner that was not unpleasant, and then proceeded to lead his guest into yet another part of the large apartment. When the door was opened and the lights went on, the new area was revealed to be a bedroom of good size, and the bed with the purple silk sheets occupied a considerable part of it.

Druff looked at the lion and smiled.

"What? Expected me to take you to the dungeon?"

"You have a...a dungeon?" the lion asked.

"And not in the medieval sense," Druff mused. "I'll let you have a peep if you like...afterwards..."

"I'm not sure - "

Druff's paw landed on Jake's butt and squeezed on the ample cheek that he discovered under the cloth. The lion's purr was a surprised one, but wasn't displeased.

"I told you to not think so much," Druff said. "I can see that you are enjoying yourself...heck,I feel it, too..."

His paw lingered on the lion's rear, mostly just holding it there although the curl of his fingers certainly matched the curve of Jake's ass. The lion was not escaping from the touch either.

"Your body knows what it wants to do," Druff leaned in to rumble into the lion's ear.

Jake remained silent when the tiger moved in front of him and pulled him into a face to face embrace. His paws met on the small of the lion's back and joined together to make sure the lion felt all the best there was to feel when in the presence of such a large tiger. Bodies pressed together, and Druff knew that the lion would feel a considerable erection pressing onto his belly. The tiger could see that knowledge in the lion's eyes, despite his pursed lips and quiet demeanor.


Druff leaned in to lap the lion's lips once more. This time Jake was more eager to return the kiss, although he mostly did that by purring into it. Druff took that as an encouraging sign. His paws stroked the lion's back and only added to the pleasant rumble that was rising from the young male's chest. It appeared to grow stronger with Druff pressing his paws more firmly onto Jake's back and letting them slowly rub down onto his rear again. He cupped the halves of that rear fondly.

"Let yourself enjoy..." Druff spoke into the kiss itself.

His fingers found the tail and massaged at its base. He could feel the entire length of it flex and coil with the surprisingly stimulating touch. It certainly did not make the purr lessen.

Druff's tongue speared its way past his lips and touched the lion's.


The lion's gasp was a hot huff onto Druff's face. The tiger tipped his head backwards.

"Too much?" he asked.

"Ticklish," said Jake.

Druff chuckled. This time his maw had a better place to go to, the lion's neck. Mouthing and nibbling on the spot that the lion left exposed perhaps instinctively made the lion rumble and grab hold of Druff's sides. The tiger purred himself at the feel of fingers clutching him. He was sure he could see a hint of claws as well.

"Not too ticklish here, then?" Druff suggested.

He didn't wait for the answer. He let his tongue out and made sure that the lion would be properly tickled this time around. It certainly made the grasping on his hips increase in firmness.

"That answers it," the tiger rumbled in approval.

He needed his eyes for the next part, which included him walking the lion over to the bed. The lion wasn't small, but the Professor managed to lift him onto the bed without too much trouble.

"And didn't even sprain my back..." the tiger smirked before he landed himself on top of the lion.

This time he approached even more boldly than before. With his body on top of the young lion, Druff was definitely in control now. Jake was not entirely passive, but he laid down quite still and allowed the tiger to assert his territory with a lot of rumbling and puffed cheeks and tousling the lion's mane with his muzzle.

"You are quite...delicious..." Druff purred.

The lion laid on his back, panting a little, and with his glasses askew. Druff pinched them over the bridge of Jake's muzzle and removed the specs with a smile still on his maw.

"As much as I'd like to see you wearing just those...they were on the way..." the tiger announced.


"I think I'll keep mine on for now," Druff said. "I want to see you as much as I want to hear you...taste you...everywhere..."

His rumble was decisively predatory. The daddy tiger could feel the shiver that went through the lion underneath him. It drove the Druff to nibble on the neck Jake exposed eagerly for that mischievous muzzle. The lion's own erection had grown solid and prominent. It strained in Jake's pants, thoroughly aroused. Druff's tongue on his throat sent fiery sensations flowing through his entire body.


The gasps were beautiful music. Druff wanted to use his tongue to make more of them. He wanted to do other things.

"Time get this extra fur off you..." Druff announced.

Jake looked confused for a brief moment, but the tugging paws told him what he had to do. Getting his sweater off while he was lying down on the bed was an interesting experience for sure, though once he had been rid of this piece of apparel, the tiger was more than happy to go to town opening the buttons on his shirt.

"Now I can take care of ya properly..."

The tiger purred endlessly when he flicked the buttons and kissed each spot that was newly revealed when he parted the lapels of the young lion's shirt. Jake was still but for the jitters that the tiger's tongue created when it brushed a path through the fur on his chest.

Jake's paws flexed over the decadent sheets. He reached for the tiger's head, to touch on the furs of the man who was giving him pleasure now.


Druff looked up from his work and smirked to the lion. Jake almost withdrew his paw from where he had, but the tiger did not appear upset.

"Felt like petting a cat?" Druff commented.

Jake blushed thoroughly.

"Well...this is going to be more than heavy petting very soon...and that is the only warning you'll get."

The tiger's chin already rested on his belly, and the last buttons opened easily. Then it was just a matter of doing the two buttons on his fly. Druff even used his teeth to pull the hem of Jake's T-shirt up to reveal what he was hiding underneath it. It was pink, barbed, and very hard, and the tiger's eyes feasted on what he saw. He sniffed, loudly and deeply, to get the scent of the arousal deep into his senses.


His tongue felt obscenely long and remarkably raspy when it went directly onto the lion's cock. Druff slurped while his paws gripped onto lion hips to stop him from bucking them too much.


Druff purred roughly at the sound of the obscenity that came from the lion's usually very polite muzzle. He rewarded it by running his tongue all the way from the oozing tip to the spot where the lion's sheath, now tight and withdrawn, touched the base of the bare, veined skin.


"Not being hurt I hope..." Druff mused.

Jake's tail danced about the bedspread. The tiger's paws were on his bare hips now and fingers dug onto his butt. The tiger's eyes moved between the sight of the lion's eager erection and his eyes, looking so very comely in the way how he stared at what was happening between his legs. That made Druff smirk.

"Yes...it's a big thing, seeing it happen first time live...no more online videos..."

Jake's expression appeared to be a question of 'you gotta be joking' , for a moment.

"Watch all you like...watching can be fun..."

The tiger busied himself with a blowjob for the moment, however, and left Jake to decide on his own whether to use it as a particularly interactive form of pornography. The throbbing erection in his maw, with Druff's muzzle bobbing up and down, was very visceral indeed. Every purr was transmitted into sensitive nerves and making Jake himself gasp and grunt and try his best not to get too loud. Terribly teasing fingers even cupped his balls and fondled them, rolled them in their sac, tugged and played with these new jewels Druff enjoyed to the fullest.


Druff let the cock rest against Jake's belly for a moment, pulsing and wet with saliva, and he went to put his lips onto the lion's nuts. Jake gasped at the feel of the tongue that now lathered his sack and all it contained. His purr grew rather ragged.


Druff chuckled. He nuzzled on the lion's thigh.

"You do know how to cuss...of course you do..."

"Were you trying to make me do it?" Jake asked.

"Not really..." the tiger mused. "But I know that it can be very liberating to let it rip."


The tiger's fingers massaged the lion's balls and his taint. His mischievous tongue slurped about everything he saw fit before the Druff clambered over the lion once more and stuck that very same tongue into Jake's muzzle again.


The young lion was surprised by his own taste suddenly being introduced to his senses. The tiger on top of him enjoyed the reaction.

"You are very sweet," the tiger said.

"I don't know about that."

Druff licked at the lion's nosepad.


"Heh," the tiger grinned. "I think we should be a bit more naked for this. There is still a lot of lion I haven't seen yet!"

Jake snuffled.

"You think there's something to see?"

"I am certain!"

Jake nodded.

"You're not exactly leaving me with a lot of choice, are you?"

"There's always the choice, of course," Druff said, eyes gleaming, "at least part of you thinks that it's a good choice..."

The tiger glanced down their bodies at the lion's cheerful erection. Jake noted the look and flicked his ears at the tiger's curiosity.

"Do you claim I'm thinking with my dick?"

"It is a very pleasant dick, for sure."

The lion chuckled.

"Thanks, I guess."

Druff licked his lips.

"Maybe you should take a good look at mine."

Jake looked up to him.

"Are you waiting for me to ask if I can do that?" he questioned.

Druff smirked.

"Hmm...that could be amusing...as much as it would be if I simply shoved it into your muzzle..."


The tiger pecked the lion's lips before he gave the lion some more room again.

"Time to get naked," he said. "Excuse me that I don't do a striptease, but I'd just rather get this part over for now. I'm not exactly wearing my sexiest clothes either."

The tiger climbed out of the bed and was carefully followed by the lion's eyes while he was at it.

"I haven't noticed anything wrong with your clothes," Jake said.

The lion watched the tiger's clothes grow scarce. More stripes appeared than Jake had ever seen in person, on the Professor or anyone else of tigery variety. When the underpants joined into the pile on the floor, he also got a good look on that part of the feline he had previously felt pressing onto him, but which now appeared in full view. He was thick and he was barbed, and the cock stood mightily from the creamy-furred sheath. Druff noted the keen look and flicked an ear in amusement.

"Everyone's got one, you see one you've seen them all," he said.


Druff chuckled.

"Well I'll take that back," the tiger said, "they're not all the same, and some of them can be visually very appealing."

Jake glanced at his own before looking at the tiger's endowment once more.

"Is there like a ranking list?"

"That'd be slutty," Druff winked.

The tiger was entirely naked and appeared to enjoy his current state. His erection certainly did not show any signs of diminishing. In Jake's curious and potentially hungry eyes it might have only grown harder.

"Guess it's...my turn then?" Jake asked.

Druff gave him an appreciative eye.

"Well you are already halfway there, but I do admit that I am most curious to see the rest."


The lion was obviously very self-conscious, but it helped that his rather full boner was already in full view, and the shirt he wore only had to be slipped off to bare his upper body. Jake moved to sit on the edge of the bed to pull his pants properly away.

Druff sat to the bed as well once Jake had moved there, and smiled to him.

"This is nice."

The tiger pulled the lion over to his lap. Jake gasped when he felt the tiger's erection stroke against his balls from below. The tiger's arms were surprisingly strong as he moved Jake to sit on him. Druff's arms wrapped around him and pulled the fluffy-maned cat into another firm kiss.

Jake let out a purr of his own when he felt the tongue on his lips again, and allowed the older male to explore his lips and maw with that thick, wet presence. The tiger's arousal was very evident and so was his own. Once Druff's paw moved to cup the lion's rear, the arm stimulated on him as well. Padded fingers felt up the muscle of sensual lionrump and transmitted this touch into mutual pleasure.

"Very nice indeed..." said Druff.

The lion was obviously relaxing into the kiss once more. He even tried using his own tongue, to awkwardly lap at his Professor's lips.

"I'm not very good at this," Jake admonished himself.

Druff gave the lion's butt a little swat.


He licked on the lion's nosepad again, and gave a soothing rub on the rear he had just spanked, if only once. Jake let out a purr at the feel of that new, almost tender touch.

"You don't even know how desirable you are..." Druff murmured.

Jake didn't know what to say to that, or so Druff thought when all he received was bashful silence. At least the next grope on the lion's butt brought a purr.

"Let me show you," Druff said.

To this Jake did nod. Druff flashed him an appreciative smile.

"Lie down again," the tiger said.

It was not really a command, because the tiger did most of the work. He lifted Jake off his lap and laid him onto the bed. Jake got a really good look at the tiger's cock again, considering that the daddy cat decided to straddle him once the lion was on his back on the bed. Jake stared at the sight of this sizeable feline penis, barbs, balls, a musky sheath and all the other goods on perfect display where the smirking tiger hovered.

"Now that you've been shown the toy...time to get playing," Druff said. "I'll let you do the work for now. Nobody's first blowjob should not be a hard face fuck."

The lion swallowed visibly at the idea of the entire large tiger cock being roughly and repeatedly forced into his muzzle. Yet his eyes wouldn't shy away from Druff's member, while his mind worked on the words that had been told him before. It was obvious that the Professor wanted him to try what one could do with a big man's cock, and the tiger's shaft was going to be the perfect tool for demonstration.


Druff made his shaft bounce and made the lion stare at its heavy, flopping motion.

"Take your time...but not too long," the tiger chuckled. "I have to admit that at my age, it has to be kept continuously stimulated or it tends to start drooping."

The Professor did not sound embarrassed even while stating such personal facts.

"I can't see anything wrong about it," Jake said.

The tiger winked.

"Maybe this is a particularly sexy situation for me," the Professor mused.

Jake practically forgot to say something self-deprecating. The sight of the big tigercock hovering in front of his nose was too distracting, although it was quite the inspiring display in its own right.

Jake licked his lips. They suddenly felt very dry, just like most of his face felt very hot.

"My neck's probably going to get stuck like this if I..." he mused as he lifted his head up from the bed.

"Hmpph...excuse me..."

Druff reached over for a pillow and almost smacked the lion in the face with his dick while he did so - a fact Jake acknowledged with a gasp - but then proceeded the prop the pillow under Jake's head.

"There, a better angle for some forbidden pleasures..." the tiger mused.

Jake rolled his eyes.

"Guess I have no more excuses left," Jake said.

The tiger made his dick bounce in that by now infamous way.

"I think it wants a kiss now," Druff stated.

Jake swallowed.

"I do want to," the lion said. "I just don't know...how..."

"Hmmm..." the tiger rumbled.



Druff shuffled slightly closed to the the lion and gently cupped Jake's muzzle. He smiled when his thumb lifted and tickled on the corner of that curious maw. Jake opened his mouth instinctively.

"Well first off...remember that it's very sensitive and vulnerable, going somewhere with so many teeth..." he nudged his thumb against a leonine canine as spoke this explanation, "so you'll have to be careful..."

He moved even closer, this time so close that the tip of his cock whispered against the lion's lips. Jake let out a moan at the feel. Druff let out a purr.

"Hmmmh...yes...even a breath feels good...it's not called a blowjob without a reason..."

Jake snorted through his nosepad at this comment. The tiger nudged his tip gently against the lion's lips.

"Just remember that everything you do will feel good..." the tiger said, "just try closing your lips around it just a little, and then just explore with your tongue. I won't just show it in..."

Jake's lips moved daintily, as if speaking a thanks while he literally had a dick partially inside his muzzle, despite the tiger's assurances. Druff let out a pleased purr at the feel of the lion lips teasing on the barbs adorning his fat tip.

"Use your tongue. It'll work."

Jake got his first proper taste of tigercock. His expression suggested that he had discovered it not to be an acquired one, but something one could enjoy enjoy quite naturally, instinctively. Druff ruffled his head furs and ears in encouragement. The pursed lips and the tentative tongue stroking across his tip felt simply lovely.

"Hmmmrmrr..." purred the big cat, with his tail lashing out about the bed behind them.

The lion was surprised about how strongly the tiger reacted to his clumsy attempts at giving head. He hoped that the Professor wasn't just humoring him...although also considered that it would be hard and superfluous to fake such a thing. He'd already gotten Jake to agree to this...what else was needed? Jake wasn't about to bolt it either, not with a muzzle full of dick.

Relatively speaking, of course. Jake wasn't brave enough to try taking more than the very tip between his lips. At least the Professor seemed content with that for the moment. He was truly letting Jake to do his own thing, to explore and get used to the fact he was actually sucking cock.

He found the forbidden act to be agreeable.

He could do it. It didn't taste bad. It didn't choke him. He didn't get smitten from the heavens above. It was just a prick between his lips, throbbing away and providing its own peculiar tang.

"Still enjoying yourself?" Druff asked.

The lion found it a bit awkward to look up to the older male and to nod with a dick in his mouth. Druff found that amusing too. He tousled the lion's mane.

"You're a keen student," the Professor mused.

Jake snorted. The tiger purred at the feel of warm air running onto his groin.

"Just remember to use your tongue and to keep moving. Sex is all friction...and dirty thoughts," Druff educated the lion.

Jake was sure that the tiger surely had more than enough to share. Having a dick in his muzzle gave him a bunch of his own, too, although for now he was certain that the tiger won in the lewdness competition. The fact he had stuck his cock to one of his students' mouth was a sure sign of this.

"Mmmhhhmmmh," Jake affirmed.

He played with the tiger's cock some more, feeling how it moved and lived. The tiger truly liked the way Jake's tongue touched on different parts of his shaft and teased him to the point of purring more loudly than before.

"Hmm...perhaps you're a natural at this..."

Jake found the remark amusing. He was sure that he wasn't really doing anything that special. He just kept licking the shaft partially inside his maw, and getting used to the taste.

Druff teased one of Jake's ears. His shaft throbbed merrily against the lion's exploring tongue. It was quite sublime, in its own way. He had done such things with many men over the years, and he knew well enough that each one was different, to be savored.

"Just enjoy yourself," he said.

The lion glanced up at the tiger again, as awkward as it was in the current position. The cat looked almost unnervingly calm in this highly charged situation. Jake felt envious of it, in a way. His stomach still churned with nerves, even if his own arousal was unquestionable and strong.

"Just like that," the Professor crooned.

Jake explored how it felt, to tip his head back and forth to make a bit of a bobbing motion. He wanted to see what it was like to have that cock slide over his lips. The barbs were a curious feeling, for sure, as was the warmth and the rest of the texture that met his own skin from the Professor's intimate flesh.

It ended all too soon. The tiger withdrew and he draped himself over the lion again, belly to belly and face to face. Strong paws gripped the lion's paws and pushed them above his head. The tiger's weight was down on him, and Jake felt quite pinned down, under the tiger who now held with firm paws and dominated him with his very scent and his presence.

"This is what it's all about," the Druff opined somewhat esoterically.

His tongue slipped into Jake's maw and explored within the heat it provided, much to the lion's gently purring amusement. The lion's cock felt especially hard and throbbed in its place, rubbed by the tiger's warm belly and with the occasional stroke of the tiger's own shaft onto it. He was wet from Jake's maw and moved very smoothly. Druff's hips flexed slowly and with obvious control to the act. He was just teasing with all this grinding and not trying to actually bring either of them over the edge yet.


Jake moaned loudly at the feel of lips and tongue on his neck. The tiger's muzzle pushed insistently into the crook of his shoulder, inhaled and licked before the tiger French kissed the spot he had decided on. The captive lion found himself repeatedly kissed, touched, the tiger's attention moving along his body from place to place with ease.


Druff went lower again. He kissed Jake's nipples and buried his muzzle onto the young lion's chest, and made him moan again on his way towards the young man's navel and even lower still when his chin ruffled against the very aroused lion-cock he found.

"Delicious," said the Druff.


Jake watched, even through heavy-lidded eyes at the spectacle of the tiger teasing his shaft. That tongue flicked on his barbs and forced the college lion to clench his paws into fists. His tail bounced about anew and hit the tiger's side, although Druff didn't seem to mind.

"Very sensitive," Druff observed.

He nuzzled on the lion's shaft and it seemed a particularly intimate gesture, at least for Jake. The tiger was going to carry Jake's scent on his face after rubbing his cheek onto the straining dick. Jake was surprised he hadn't already simply lost it and shot his load all over himself, and probably the tiger's fancy bed and the grizzled cat in question himself, too. He'd already felt such an incident threatening on him when their bodies pressed together for the first time and he had experienced the true intimate presence of another male.

The Druff licked and toyed with the moaning lion's balls for a few moments before he traced his earlier path again, and finished with a kiss on Jake's by now wet and warm lips. The tiger's eyes were something fierce, the lion thought, looking down to the panting youth.

"What do you want to do next?" Druff asked.

Jake felt surprised by the question, although his own arousal was unquestionable and never waning.

"I don't know...uh...I don't know how this really works," he replied in a flustered tone. "You...aren't you supposed to be in charge? You're on top of me and all...uh..."

"Hmm that is true," the Druff rumbled amiably, "but it really is your first time and no matter what anyone will ever claim to you, believe the consummate top tiger when he says that the true power in the bedroom is always with the recipient party."

"Y-yeah?" Jake sounded puzzzled and curious.

"Obviously!" the Druff exclaimed in a burst of purred mirth. "You don't think that something like this..."

The tiger poked his cock against the lion's belly, which made Jake squirm instinctively, and give even further amusement for the big cat on top of him.

"...can be stuck anywhere without the recipient party's full cooperation?"

The implications were clear and made Jake feel so excited and nervous that his stomach fluttered.

"You...you plan to do that, Professor?" he asked. "You want to?"

"It is a wonderful thing to do, and something I do enjoy," Druff said, "but only if it is something mutually desired."

The tiger's lusty gaze told as much as his words, not to mention the persistent - and rather insistent - erection making its throbbing presence known. Although he sounded quite patient, Jake had the feeling that the tiger was used to getting what he wanted, even if it required some persuasion.

His intuition wasn't far off.

"Of course we don't have to," the tiger spoke then, "but a lush rear such as yours is an irresistible invitation for anyone who enjoys such things."

The tiger's naughty description was more than enough to embarrass poor Jake. What Druff said next made it even more so.

"And I know how to make it feel like the most wonderful thing ever, my beautiful young friend."

Jake didn't mind the sweet talking - he was much too shell shocked by what he found himself about to say in reply.

"I know," he said.

The tiger's brow quirked. His smile remained positively predatory.

"Oh?" he mused. "Has my reputation preceded me?"

He could barely get the words out of his mouth.

"I...I meant...I know it feels good," Jake blurted out.

Druff flashed his teeth.

"Hmm...does this mean that young Jacob is not quite so innocent as he first appears?" he questioned.

Jake was sure that he would not have made such admissions under any other circumstances, but with this direct question, he saw no alternative to the truth.

Jake bit his lip.

"I have...fooled around" the lion admitted.

"With that splendid derriere of yours?" Druff stated.

The lion found the tiger's way of putting it to be rather outrageous, although the idea made his hole clench nervously. He couldn't say it aloud, not yet, so he simply nodded. The tiger kept on smiling encouragingly.

"Then I assure you that whatever pleasures masturbation can bring, with a partner it is many times better," the tiger said, "and if not only better, different, when someone else is doing it for you."

Jake let out a nervous, breathy laugh.

"You're really working me hard, aren't you?"

"But I have barely started!" the tiger smirked. "As you will find out if you let me proceed."

"You make it sound like you really do have a set plan for doing this," Jake said.

Druff licked at the lion's nosepad. Jake let out a surprised chuff.


"There is only so many ways to do it in the end," Druff said. "That's why one tends to stick to what works the best...when sticking..."

"Ahem..." said Jake.

Druff kissed the lion's chin and then moved along the young man's cheek with his kisses.

"I'll make it beautiful..." Druff murmured as he let more of his weight to come upon Jake underneath him, "just trust me..."

The tiger's tongue made its rounds on Jake's fur and skin and sent him back to a state of nervous bliss. The motions were the same as before, but more intense, the lion thought, although he grew even more distracted when the tiger's big paws urged him to move and assume a position on his belly on the bed.

Jake breathed out nervously after he had been thus manhandled, as much as the tiger touched him with care. He glanced over his shoulder to see what the tiger was up to, but found the Professor soon back on top of him. This time it felt different, back to chest rather than belly to belly, and the tiger's heavy cock found its nesting place against Jake's butt. Its presence was a good reminder of the tiger's plans, and made Jake feel ever the more nervous - and aroused - when the tiger grabbed his mane and pushed his tongue against Jake's lips.

He found himself purring into the slightly awkwardly positioned kiss. His head was equally tilted and pulled back by the bigger cat. The kiss was more passionate than the ones they had shared before, and ended up being open-lipped due to the shape of their muzzles clashing together. It was quite wet as well and made their chins as sloppy as the rest of their faces in the wet encounter that ensued. All the while the tiger's body flexed and rolled, and Jake found himself responding with his own motions, the way he pushed back towards the tiger in a clearly wanton gesture. He wasn't entirely sure what he was doing, but the feeling of the big cat's broad chest, his muscle gut and indeed his stout dick rubbing on the lion's backside made Jake feel incredibly aroused.

The tiger's domination of him was simple, not overpowering, almost passive aggressive in a way, yet obviously determined to get where he wanted. The stroke and rub of his loins was more than indicative of that desire, and Jake knew as much.

"Hmmmrr...just relax..." crooned the tiger.

Jake wasn't sure just how relaxed he could be under the circumstances, but the Druff was keen to help him as much as he could. The tiger's paws stroked him firmly yet gently, helping muscles relax over the lion's shoulders and along his sides. His kisses travelled onto Jake's neck. Druff's muzzle ruffled its way through Jake's mane ad made the lion moan at the sensation of the older male's touch reaching deep to his skin.


Jake barely remembered to freak out when he realized just where the tiger's paws and his muzzle where heading. The touches and the kisses followed the lion's spine and had a clear direction. The lion's thick tail began to swing slowly from side to side with his growing tension. The feel of Druffy's paws rubbing warmly over the small of his back soon soothed him, at least for the moment. He still wasn't expecting to feel the tiger nibbling on the base of his tail at the very end of his spine.

"Ohhh..." moaned the lion.

Druff's paws massaged their way onto Jake's ass. The lion's rear was quite lush, he opined, with plenty to grab onto thanks to its curves and the thick, warm fur that covered its muscled layers. It felt pliable and pleasant under his gripping fingers, and the tiger took advantage of this opportunity. Druff fondled the lion's buns to his heart's content. He took decadent pleasure in the act, purring and smiling while he felt the lion up.

Jake was sprawled on his belly for now, purring and enjoying the curious sensations to the best of his ability despite his bothering nerves. His paws clenched and relaxed occasionally on the tiger's swanky sheets and his numerous pillows. His muzzle rested against one of them too, which muffled some of the noises he made. Druff's ears flicked while he listened to the vocalizations, despite his own business at the lion's rear end.

He wasn't entirely fixated on Jake's rump, even though it was the centerpiece of his attention. Druff stroked the lion's thighs, over and about, to ensure that the young man's whole body had a chance to relax properly. Druff knew from deep experience the amount of foreplay jumpy cats required before the true joys followed.

Yet he moved with purpose, in the way the tiger's fingers rolled across the lion's butt cheeks and how Druff's thumbs playfully began to spread them apart too. Jake's tail bounced, as if unsure on how to react to the latest maneuver from the tiger.

"Just let it fall to the side...you want it to be out of the way, I think," was what Druff opined.


Jake had barely had the time to flip his tail to his right hip before the tiger was already on the move. Druff's muzzle tipped and dove into the crevice he had now exposed, both with his pas and his command for Jake to raise his tail out of the way. The solitary sniff that was followed by purr made Jake puzzled, if briefly, before the wet feeling of a tongue descended on his taint.


The surprise made him press his face down onto a pillow to quench some of the moans that threatened to escape from his lungs, despite the action being found on the very opposite end of his body. Druff's fingers cupped Jake's ass cheeks and his muzzle became busy between them. The Professor was keen to explore the lion's hidden delights, now exposed by his grabby paws and toyed with expertly by his lips and tongue. It was unlike anything the lion had ever experienced, the sensation of someone decadently exploring him with zero misgivings at the act. His tongue swirled in the silky depths of the lion's crack, the warm fur and skin and muscle that lined the sides of the golden valley of Jake's rear.

Jake couldn't describe it, not with any meaningful words. The tiger's tongue working on him was ticklish, wet and warm, but the overall sensation was pure pleasure. There was a certain aspect of a mental hurdle to the fact that someone stuck a tongue at his ass, but the sheer pleasure of the feelings associated made the lion relax soon enough.

Druff noted the change, subtle as it was at first. The muscle tension on the lion's ass waned, and he was quite sure that the lion's hips tilted ever so gently to meet the tiger's muzzle a little more intently.

The big tiger purred with delight at the shift in the lion's demeanor. He decided to ramp it up by adding a little pull on the lion's hips. Jake's butt cheeks tensed anew from the new positioning and the swiftness of the motion, but Druff knew just the thing to soothe surprised lions, and that was his tongue slipping along the hairy crack and directly onto his hole.


His cheeks exploded with heat, and so did his ass, or at least so it did feel. Jake's cock went rigid when the muscles on his rump clenched, his butthole included. Druff grinned at the feeling and decided to lavish the hole in question with more of his dirty tricks.

Jake pressed his muzzle down on the bed. His hips pushed backwards, almost instinctively, which put him on a rather classic face down ass up posture, although he really didn't have mind for such things. He was too concerned with the fact that someone was eating his ass out, like he had seen on those videos he had looked at, often only to quickly turn them off when the guilt had become too much to deal with despite his intense arousal.

There was nothing to look at now, just the sensations coming from his rear and the rest of his body while Druff played with him. The evilly purring tiger licked his way along the soft walls of Jake's ass crack and made frequent passes over the happily pulsating hole.


The contact grew more wet with the tiger's saliva, and warmer too when Druff's breath washed over the skin and fur he had slickened with his own spittle. It made the movements of his tongue and lips smoother, and even more pleasurable for both of them, while the tiger explored as much as he liked.

Jake was reduced to asps and purrs, but in a good way. The young man might've been confused before, and a tiny nagging voice still told him that he was doing something terrible, yet the warm glow coming from his backside told him otherwise. Even the way the tiger's paws forced his back to arch a little while he pulled Jake's ass up towards his muzzle felt good in an odd way. It added stretching to his muscles that he didn't usually feel, and combined to that the fact that someone was truly licking his butt.

He almost chuckled with the rude humorous implications. It was hard to burst into laughter when someone was trying to drill their tongue into your anus.


That's what it felt like to Jake, the way the tiger's tongue rolled in quick circles about the taut ring of muscle the Professor's fingers pulled on from the sides to add yet another flavor of sensation to the mix. It even felt good when the licking changed to mere huffs of hot air. Druff had mowed lower down to mouth on Jake's balls and add to the saliva that had dribbled down his crack to his nuts. The daddy tiger rolled the lion's balls about in their sac using his tongue only. The associated purr got right at the lion, who moaned loudly into his pillow in the hopes of keeping it at least a little quiet.

The warmth grew. The lion's loins trembled, muscles in and out when he drove his hips to the mattress underneath them. Sparks of pleasure flowed throughout the young cat's loins when he pushed his hips down. The sensation quickly grew familiar, and inevitable, causing him to yelp in surprise and shock.

"Ohhh - !"

Druff noted the change, but the brief time between the realization and the eventual resolution offered no chance to do anything much. Even his tail went rigid on the moment his poor balls drew closer to his body and Jake blasted his cum all over the Professor's sheets.


Jake's hips jerked and he managed to push his ass onto Druff's face, as if he was trying to scuttle away from the inevitable. Spunk splashed to his belly and streaked the purple silk he had rested on. The musk of his seed filled the room, a potent addition to the rest of the scents they had produced during their sexual encounter.


Druff scooted backwards a little, after which Jake rolled to his side. His now messy dick slapped to his belly, angry red and oozing, with milky pearls of seed clinging to his belly furs. There were dark streaks on the sheets on the bed where he had laid on the moment previously.

"Oh Jesus, I'm sorry!" Jake muttered.

Druff was only smiling despite the lion's nervous chatter and manner.

"Looks like I was doing something right," he mused.

"I, ah, crap, eh..."

Druff gripped the lion's outstretched leg and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Do you think you're the first one who has done that on my bed?" the Professor asked. "I tend to take it as a compliment."

"I really don't know how - "

Druff chuckled. The big tiger rolled himself forward and then crawled on all fours on top of the lion so that his muzzle hovered above Jake's loins.


The tiger began to lap on Jake's still super sensitive flesh. Jake let out a moan and gasped when he felt the raspy tongue wash over his barbs. The tiger was truly licking him over, washing Jake's shaft and his sheath with his eager and pliable tongue. It made him clench his paws on the sheets he had previously defiled.


The profanity made the tiger's ears flick approvingly. His proximity to Jake's spunky parts meant that his muzzle was rather musky as well once he finally stopped and then instead went in for a kiss.

Jake was too shell-shocked to truly shy away, despite the fact that Druff's tongue brought the taste of his own cum to his senses. He had tasted it before, hard as it was to admit it, but to catch the taste and the scent from the hot, wet tongue was something else.

The tiger smiled when their lips popped apart, a few inches or so at least.

"Still think I'm upset?" Druff asked.

"Guess not," Jake said.

Druff brushed his fingers over the lion's shaft. The younger male was still fully hard.

"Still ready to try more?"

Jake nodded softly.

"I don't think I'm going to get many opportunities like this in the future," he said.

"Pffft," Druff chortled. "Of course you will. There are many men, young and...mature...who would surely enjoy your splendid company, just like I have."

"Thanks, I guess," Jake replied. He really didn't know what one said to such a compliment.

Druff cupped the lion's hip into one of his big paws and squeezed it in the same gentle yet firm manner he had employed throughout their encounter.

"Don't thank me yet," the tiger said. "We still haven't gotten to the main course."

Jake's tail undulated along the now messy sheets at the implications.


"Heheh. I think you should roll back to the position you were in before. That is quite traditional for this sort of a thing."


Druff watched keenly how the lion assumed the all fours posture on his large bed. His own erection had not disappeared, even during the little impasse on their activities.

"You do have a very pleasant ass, Jacob," the tiger said.


The tiger gave it a rather more rowdy squeeze than the ones he had applied previously.

"It also feels gorgeous," Druff said. "And I'm going to make sure that you will only feel pleasure from everything that comes next."

"I'll trust you to keep your word on that," Jake said.

The tiger chuckled.

"Don't worry," he patted the rump in question, "I do not go around breaking these. They're much too precious to treat unkindly."

The bed creaked when Druff got off it. This move caused some confusion for Jake who had thought the tiger planned to proceed to do something more to his ass, yet he had left the bed altogether. A glance told him that the tiger went over to one of the dressers in the room. He couldn't see at first what the tiger took out from the top drawer, but when the aroused tiger turned about and returned, he saw the pump bottle.

Druff saw the look, and winked.

"Something especially good for times like these," he said.

"You must have a steady supply," Jake said.

Druff climbed back into the bed, completely with a manly rumble when he knelt again and straightened his back.

"A supply of anal lubricant or fresh college asses?" the tiger asked.

Jake averted his gaze from the smirking tiger. He knew what that kind of a bottle was meant for. His ears picked up the noise of the substance being pumped out of the bottle and onto Druff's paw.

"Since you say that you are not entirely uninitiated, I am sure you have an idea how the infamous back passage works," the tiger stated, "and how one bypasses its usual 'exit only' policy for the purpose of pleasure."

If Jake thought he had felt embarrassed before, the tiger's comments only made it even worse. Even his tail flagged while his ass was talked about in such a manner.


"Persistence, patience, and lots of lube," said Druff.

Jake's tail bounced at the feeling of slick fingers suddenly being pushed underneath it. The tiger stroked these well-lubricated digits against the lion's hole and immediately withdrew, for the Druff only to apply even more of the gel onto his paw. This time around the fingers remained on the spot and massaged the lube against Jake's already wet hole.

The lion tried his best not to squirm. The lube warmed up quickly. The tiger's fingers concentrated their attention on his hole, to make the muscles more pliable for what the big cat intended to do. It was up for his leonine lover to try and relax himself. The gentle stroke of his spare paw along his back and thighs helped to put Jake's mind somewhat more at ease. It helped the jumpy lion a little, but the young cat was sure that no amount of petting was going to soothe his nerves completely.

Yet the tiger did his best. He explored the young lion's hole with his fingers, to gently probe and stretch at the muscular dimple in the hopes of easing himself through whatever resistance his body might attempt. The strong muscle clenched several times around the digits that very subtly dwelled deeper into Jake's core.

Jake wondered idly on just how many men of various age had been on that same bed in that position he was in at the moment, ass up and with a lusty tiger preparing to mount them. The lion wasn't sure whether to feel flattered at being chosen for the honor or to think of himself as just another notch on the tiger's bed posts. He had no doubt that the tiger was treating him kindly, though. He had not made a single bad move, let alone made Jake feel uncomfortable with anything but his own nerves breaking havoc with him.

At some point the tiger ceased with the anal attention, and then gathered the lion onto his arms again. He hugged Jake from behind and kissed onto the lion's neck, with his hard and heavy cock pressing against the lion's rear again. Jake let out a purr at the feeling again, that strong body and the big paws caressing his body. And there was the dick too, a reminder of what the older male intended to do. His nuzzling and stroking comforted Jake into his embrace. He'd even thrown a leg over Jake's to make it a very firm hold, their bodies fitting together in their entirety. Furs mingled, and the tiger softly lapped on Jake's warm lips.

"You can tell me to stop, but I know you want it," Druff murmured. "I feel it."

"Hhmmmrr..." Jake purred.

"Just enjoy what your body can do...and what I shall do..."

Jake didn't resist when the tiger maneuvered them onto yet another position in the bed - one that mimicked how they had laid together previously, but this time with the added charge in the air of what was going to happen any time then, Jake understood. Druff pushed the lion's paws in front of him and used his knee to nudge Jake's legs apart. This made room for himself to move a little further, though he still kept his body close to Jake's. He was loathe to remove the contact between them, the way how their very fur mingled and shared warmth.

"This is how it's meant to feel," said the Druff.

The tiger spared his paw briefly to adjust himself, and let his hips do the rest, to put his shaft into the lubed crack of Jake's ass. He felt the barbed cock slide along the slickened parting of Jake's butt. The barbs caught his hole and made him clench, and not just once because the tiger also pushed.

Jake breathed out.


"Just let it happen, just relax," said the Druff in a steady voice.

Jake knew how it was supposed to go, in theory, from his guilty videos and from his solo explorations. Yet with a real throbbing cock at his back door, his wits barely sustained enough concentration to make sure that there really was a chance for his Professor to actually get inside him. Just pushing wasn't going to do it, no matter how much lube the tiger had slathered the lion's ass with.

It didn't exactly hurt.

"Oh - "

The correct word might have been 'smarting' instead of 'hurt'. Jake knew that there was something there, and it was being pushed and it was stretching him, and it was hot and very wet and it was going to do it -


Jake bit his lip. It really was happening and he had never shoved anything of that size up there. The tiger was about to teach him what his limits were, the natural way, or at least the unnatural way that involved a dick being thrust into a man's asshole.


Whatever nature had intended, Jake was getting it up the ass from a big tiger who pinned him down onto a bed that smelled of tiger and reeked of the lion's own cum from his previous premature orgasm. His body shuddered when brand new nerves were stimulated in very new ways with Druff's cock drilling its way into Jake's rear.

The lion let out an open-mawed breath. He gulped in more musky air and tried to steady his breaths despite feeling like the tiger's cock was thrusting up against his diaphragm.


Druff nuzzled the lion's sweaty neck.

"Just keep breathing...you'll get used to it..." he whispered.

"Ehh..." Jake pawed at the pillows in front of him.

The tiger kept up the steady pressure. He managed to pop past the initial resistance well enough, and then took his time in sinking himself deeper within the lion's slick heat.

"You are very tight," he said.

It sounded like a compliment, despite Jake being unsure of what to think about it.

Druff added another inch of his cock. Another burst of sensations filled Jake's senses, much like the tiger's cock kept adding more and more to the feeling of fullness in his skewered ass. He had no idea how much of it really was inside him, but it felt like a lot, much more than what he had experienced during his so-called fooling around with his butt.


"That was the difficult bit," Druff's voice has gone breathy as well, "Now you'll just relax..."

Jake had no idea how he was supposed to do that. All he knew that he had what felt enormous dick in his ass. It was also not all the way in there yet, which he was more than aware of, panting and huffing away with every subtle movement of the tiger behind him.

"Sssmoooth sailing," sussurred the tiger.

He began to nibble on Jake's ears. The lion wasn't sure how the tiger could concentrate on something like that with Jake's ass clenching down on the older male's shaft. Every jolt of Jake's body caused it to rub in deep within his body, and make more of that pleasurable glow to emanate into his belly. He was pretty sure that was the prostate's doing, but he had never experienced it in the exact manner he did now, under the heavy, heady presence of his very own Professor Druff mounting him rudely.

The tiger didn't say anything else for the moment. There were few words appropriate for such a moment, and even the Druff didn't feel like trying to find them. He was more concerned with the feel of the lion's pleasantly trembling, sexually charged body, the one that he now possessed erotically.

He had gained enough ground to start using it for maneuvers, so to speak. The big tiger's strong hips moved back and forth subtly at first, testing out just how receptive the lion was to the penetration that Druff hoped would be only pleasurable for him.

"Uh..." the lion gasped onto one of the tiger's expensive pillows.

Seems to work just fine.

The tiger moved his muzzle over the lion's shoulder and began to lick on the spot where the collarbone met the lion's neck. At the same time he allowed himself more movement, thrusting slowly into Jake's slowly loosening heat.


The tiger soothed the lion with further purrs and rubs from his paws, although the main attraction laid in the contact of his hips on Jake's upturned rump. His earlier suspicions about the lion's ass had been proven correct, the tiger found out, when more momentum built up in his thrusts and he began to rock properly into the lion's rear.


Jake was about to find out for the very first time what it truly felt like to be fucked in the ass. His own masturbatory explorations and the tiger's previous playing with his rump were nothing but a prelude to the proper act the Professor instigated. The slow thrusts became faster, and with that the contact between their bodies grew firmer, yet more flighty when the tiger moved and rolled.


Druff's teeth nibbled on Jake's neck. His rolling hips drove his dick through the lion's clenching asshole in the classic motion of a good, hearty mating. The mattress added spring to the tiger's movements and the subtle slap of balls on balls told both of them that he was ramping up the speed and effort. He held on tight to the lion underneath him, tasting him, and taking him just the way he wanted.

Jake knew very well that the tiger was in charge now. The slurping tongue on his neck marked him even while the tiger busied himself with pumping his dick into Jake's nearly virginal depths. His barbs were sure to stroke along the lion's tender walls and make him mewl whenever the tiger bottomed out in his ass. The tiger was sure to savor each moment he spent dwelling into Jake's rear before he pulled himself back and then thrust himself back home.

By now he used his entire length and kept all of his barbed tool in motion within Jake's butt. The deep pumping kept Jake's insides churning and made sure that most of the tiger's thrusts caused him to let out a rumble or a moan, unable to keep quiet under the constant flow of sexual stimulation. The scents, the sounds and the sensations all grew together into an overpowering experience for the young lion.

The tiger huffing on top of him appeared slightly more composed, but only just. Thick muscles rolled from head to toe on the cat perched on his bottom lion. His paws pulled Jake's hips up so that his ass was on an even better angle for the pounding that ensued. Striped tail jumped from side to side above the strongly muscled rear that propelled his thrusts into Jake's hole. His fuzzy balls ground against Jake's own pair whenever the tiger got in deep, swiveled his hips, and then came up for another go. The varying angle meant that his barbs and the thickness of his shaft caught Jake from different directions and teased various nerve endings on each pass.

The pleasure was almost tortuous for both of them. Jake was suddenly almost glad that he had already popped once - he was sure that he would have cummed already from the stimulation glowing out of his rump. Right now his own cock remained hard and straining, sandwiched between his musky belly and the bed. The tiger's thrusts also stroked the barbed tip onto the sheets and meant that whenever he got it up the ass, his dick got a workout as well.

The tiger's possessive ways only intensified as the sex continued. He wormed a paw under Jake's body so that his chest rested on one heavy arm belonging to the tiger on top of him. This gave Druff more leverage, and also made Jake feel all the more enveloped in the Professor who kept humping away at his ass. He was properly pinned onto the bed by his eager lover and repeatedly filled by the thick length that still managed to make him feel like he was being stretched open for the very first time on each particularly deep pass on his rump.

Jake's open-mawed panting wet the pillow that his chin rested on. Druff made his shoulder equally damp with his continued licks and nips. It was a gentle version of a proper mating bite. It felt oddly right, even though in a way it told the lion that the tiger was turning him into his bitch.

Jake couldn't find anything wrong with that. A great many things were starting to make sense, although the hearty sodomy made it hard to think about anything on a proper, conscious level. Right now he was mostly just hanging on, riding out the waves of pleasure and the sting of barbs and teeth whenever they caught him good. He had never imagined that being almost literally overpowered by someone would be enjoyable, but Jake found himself experiencing just that while he writhed under the tiger. Whatever he had ever managed to accomplish with a hairbrush handle slathered in pad cream was nothing compared to the sensation of the Professor's stout dick plowing away in his tender rear.

It was not an act that wore out on him as it passed, but instead only grew more intense. The tiger's heated pumping made Jake's loins glow in the same way he had experienced before. It made his woozy mind suspect that another climax was looming close by. He couldn't even raise his muzzle from the pillows to tell the tiger that much. The Professor had him properly pinned on the bed by now, and went in hard and faster than before.

His insides began to coil up. His body's resistance to the penetration grew briefly, but the tiger was not to be stopped anymore. the continued pumping into his tightened back passage added to the pleasure both of them experienced, in increasingly rapid waves and pulses.

Their sweaty bodies rolled together. Jake bit onto the pillows in the hopes of not roaring out when he was sure that he could not take any more of it.

The tiger didn't stop.

"Hrrrrr - "

Druff knew what was happening, just as he had known previously, and acted accordingly. He clamped his jaws on Jake's shoulder and held him very tight, without missing a stroke in his carefully set, intense rhythm. He was fucking an orgasm out of Jake's body and he was about to make sure that the lion experienced the best possible climax during his very first time with another man.

Jake was pushed flat on the bed. He sprawled on his belly and felt the thrusts come hard, ball-slapping hard from the sweaty man that pounded his ass to the ground. Everything itched and even the insides of his cheeks glowed when the pleasure finally burst forward in a rush.

His seed turned the tiger's sheets into an ever worse a mess than before. It came out in squirts and spurts, then trickles once the initial energy was expended and it was the tiger's thrusting that milked even more out of him.

Druff kept thip us as long as he could, but even the daddy tiger had his limits. The sheer musk in the air from Jake's fresh orgasm spurned him on to deliver some hard thrusts that poked Jake's prostate and stimulated him even further. This didn't bode well for Druff's own endurance, considerable as it was. The desire to simply breed the lion's ass into a cum-filled mess took over at some point and he kept going to the very point when the only thing left was to shove himself in and just let go.

He held tight on the lion underneath him, still in the throes of his own post-orgasmic shaking when the Druff added his own to it. He bit, he gripped, and his hips rolled in a motion that churned his spurting cock inside the lion's worn out hole. Though it was not possible for Jake to feel the actual globs of cum seeping into him, he did perceive an increase in the heat, and the intensity of the tiger's hold on him added to it as well. The bite marked the lion as much as the seed that filled his rear.

They swimmed in each other's scent. It was hard for both cats to catch their breaths until later. Druff's careful attention on the young lion did not end to their orgasms. He groomed Jake's mane with his muzzle, and stroked along Jake's arms. He certainly hadn't moved away or pulled himself out of Jake's rump. He remained inside the lion's ass, a presence that Jake could not ignore. He was sure that he was going to be feeling tender soon enough.


"Hmmmyes?" rumbled the Druff.

"So...how long is it gonna take to...recover from this?"

Druff chuffed.

"What do you mean exactly, Jacob?" he asked.

Jake glanced at the tiger over his shoulder.

"How long are you...supposed to stay like this?" he questioned further.

The tiger chuckled and patted Jake's arm with his big, warm paw.

"For exactly as long as we want to, of course!" he said heartily. "And for as long as it's comfortable. This is meant to be a pleasant afterglow, not a tangle of limbs getting numb or unpleasant orifices."

Jake laughed at the sound of that.

"That funny?" Druff poked the young lion's hip with his thumb.

"Just kinda imagining you saying all that in a lecture," he said.

"Hah," said the tiger. "This kind of lessons I keep strictly private."

Jake nodded. The tiger pecked his cheek.

"So does that mean there'll be...other ones too?" he asked.

The tiger's purr deepened. He put a paw onto Jake's hip and squeezed it.

"Well in about five minutes, if my poor blood pressure can handle even more of this dangerous ass of yours, I might demonstrate the missionary position," said the Professor Druff.


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