"On Time" (HH)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#5 of The Hockey Hunk Season 7







Hello, sweethearts!

I am glad to be presenting this chapter to you as a special treat for all my readers - you've been over here for many years now, and I am always humbled to see so many of you drop by to see the new chapters whenever they come. And I really hope that this story will continue at a steady pace now, giving you something to look forward to as much as it does for me, all things considered.

Next chapter will be up on Monday, and then on I will keep up to once a week posting schedule for the time being.

Thank you for your feedback, and I shall look forward to your comments!



"Hey there!" Victor barked out.

His tone was as warm as the smile spread across his long muzzle, and that made me smile as well. I practically floated into his apartment, to the smell of cooking food and lots of shower fresh Dobie.

"Hi!" I almost chimed.

We exchanged nuzzles and Victor clapped a paw over my butt. That sent my tail painting a happy number eight behind me. He kept a paw on my hip even as he walked me out of the hall and into the living room. I liked that. It made me want to wrap my tail around him somehow, which was something I liked to do while cuddling. It might've been just a little awkward while walking, so I held myself back for the moment.

"Something smells nice here," I commented as the pleasant scent intensified with our approach to its source.

"It's a roast," Victor told me.

"One of Cobb's recipes?" I suggested.

Victor knuckled my jaw with his paw and chuckled.

"You think I can't cook a proper meal without imitating my brother, huh?" he teased me.

"He is the one who boasts about it all the time," I told Victor, "and you gotta admit, he is pretty good with what he does."

"I'll give him that," Victor rumbled. "If it was the only thing he does..."

"...he wouldn't be Cobb," I proposed.

Victor chuckled a little further. He steered the two of us over to the couch, past the dining table I saw was already set for two. We landed to the smooth leather with a pleasant thump. I felt a bit tired after the workday, both mentally and physically. It was nice to get off my feet and it appeared

that Victor had a similar idea. Besides, this restful couch came with extra Dobie benefits, and that was nice too.

"How're you doing?" I asked.

"I'm good," he said. "Nothing weird going on today. The school term start mayhem is slowly subsiding and we're down to a more steady pace of sales. Bambang's gone to Germany to a trade conference, too."

I chuckled at that.

"I can't get over the fact that your boss has the same name as a Cher song," I told him. He laughed, almost barking at the sound of it. The chuckle was nearly Cobb-like, I noted, although I didn't find that fact too suspicious. They were twins, after all. Sometimes they reflected each other in surprising ways.

"One of his more cheerful qualities," Victor said.

He sounded like quite the character, much like my very own boss, or my coworkers in general. I smiled further at his comment on that. Victor smiled too, and put his paw on my thigh. It wasn't doing anything too naughty at the moment, but there were only so many inches of space there before those fingers were going to move over to some more interesting territory. It felt good either way. I decided to put a paw to his arm, too.

Victor took this as a cue and gave me a big proper kiss. It became tongue-heavy quite soon, and Victor's paws pulled me closer to himself while it felt like he planned to wash my gums before dinner. Not that I minded, or Rory Jr. did. His breathing fell into a rumble by the time we took a little break.

"Well..." I said.

Victor grinned.

"There's a bit of time before the dinner is ready," he said.

The implications were explicit, and I was starting to feel the mood coming over to me as well. How could I not to, with a sexy Dobie laying his paws on me like that? I rewarded him with a purr.

"How much is a bit of time?" I asked.

Victor's ears flicked, as if he was doing math in his head. He might've just been teasing me for all I knew.

"Half an hour?" Victor raised his brow. "Forty minutes?"

"Your meat might get burnt in the oven," I told him. I had my fingers on his butt now and had a pawful of ass to deal with, almost my favorite kind of meat. Possibly my very favorite, if I really thought about it.

Victor's grin grew almost cocky. It was definitely confident, and it looked good on him.

"Guess we better make sure we won't take too much time then, huh?" he said.

His paw went for my groin even before he got an answer from me, which was by then composed of a rumble and a squeeze on Victor's ass.

"You seem to know what you want," I told him.

"You betcha," Victor said.

We didn't have to negotiate it any further.

The two of us got up from the couch and we made it to Victor's bedroom, still grappling one another. The smell of Dobie was much stronger in there, probably because he spent more time there without his clothes which meant he shed fur there, and rubbed himself on that towel hanging over the bathroom door to dry, and rolled on those sheets on his king-sized bed while dreaming of lions...just maybe?

My supremely sexy doggie pushed me down to sit on the foot of the bed. I gave him a rather lusty, curious look upon my landing there while I arranged my tail more comfortably and let my eyes just rest on the sight of the Dobie. Victor looked very attractive, and most of all, relaxed. He was only dressed in some gray sweatpants and one of the oversized T-shirts that really hid his body in a way that made me want to slip my paws under his clothing. His footpaws were bare. The bulge on the front of his very casual pants suggested that no underwear existed beneath the fabric.


Nothing should mar what was only slightly hidden from view now. I wanted to get my paws on that waistband and pull those pants down in the hopes of seeing my treat properly.

I grinned to him rudely and flopped my tail along his bed, an inviting gesture if any. I wondered what Victor had in mind.

He stood in front of me only for a moment before he did the somewhat surprising maneuver of sitting down on my lap. He wasn't a little man by any means, which meant that I definitely felt it when that much Dobie suddenly flopped on me. The big dog grinned at me over his shoulder when he saw my surprised expression, and wriggled his butt at me. He definitely knew where that contact got me the best, since I felt his ass rub against my groin. The back and forth movement felt very good. It prompted me to put my paws on his hips. I could feel his pleased rumble all the way down there.

I held onto him tighter.

"A lap dance?" I said with a grin. "That what you want to do?"

"Lots of things I wanna do," said Victor, who still rocked himself onto me.

"Hmmm...I can tell..."

He continued this sexy teasing for a few moments more, encouraged by my groping of his ass. Just when I was about to fetch my wallet to get some dollars out for his waistband, he hopped off me long enough to bounce onto the bed and on top of me instead.


He grinned at me from above, licked my nose, and then stuck his tongue down my muzzle. I put my paws over his broad back and felt him up there, with my fingers running over towards that gorgeous ass he was teasing me with. Victor's own boner rubbed onto my stomach and poked mine in the process. He sure knew how to make a lion horny in record time, and it showed.

We made out and humped, and got very cozy on the bed alright. The clothes were starting to feel like a nuisance and I wanted to be rid of them on both of us. It'd be a shame to keep that sexy Dobie body hidden for any longer, especially now that I could put my paws at it at will.

Maybe Victor was thinking the same. He licked my lips and then moved backwards in a crouch and pulled my shirt out of my pants. I purred at the feel of his muzzle when it came down and he nuzzled and licked on my bare belly. He made me moan. I didn't keep any of it back, there was no need to. It made Victor feel good to know how he affected me. I pushed my hips up towards him and put my paws on his head, to invite him to touch me even further.

He flashed me a grin and pawed on my waistband. I helped him by opening my fly and wriggled myself when Victor pulled my pants down. His smile widened and turned into the hungry look of a male at the sight of my cock, now in open view.

"Like what you see?" I asked him.


The dirty dog nosed and sniffed around my groin. He even put his own paws on my hips to make sure that I couldn't just shove myself onto his face, the way I desired to do in my increasing lust. He was definitely teasing me with all that, getting so close but not actually touching my cock with his lips or his tongue...oh God, that big Dobie tongue...

"Looks like we won't have any trouble getting started...maybe we'll be finished on time for the dinner," he said.

I gave him a frustrated look.

"Only now figured it out?" I mused, mostly playfully.

He blew a hot breath against my shaft and left it twitching there against my belly when he climbed off the bed. I watched Victor pull off his T-shirt, revealing that attractive body, and then shuck off the pants as well. My feeling that he was not wearing anything under them was proven right with the sight of his swollen sheath, knot and all poking out of him. He grinned rudely at my hungry look on him.

"Well you're in luck then," Victor grinned, "since I kinda got started on my own before you came over."

He turned about during this statement and presented his rear for me. His tail wagged and he grabbed one ass cheek to pull it apart and expose himself even further. That lustrous, furred taint and his balls were in perfect view and also what laid under the base of that tail. Victor looked at me over his shoulder and must've seen the look on me, how my eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets at the sight he provided.

"Y-you did?"

"Hmm..." his fingers dug onto the muscled curve of his ass and I was sure I saw his hole clench at the feeling, even from this distance, "I was in the shower and thought about you coming over..."

Oh God, was he gonna touch himself there? I suspected I might actually pop prematurely if he started -

"...got me in the mood and I hoped that you'd be in the mood too, so I got all ready for you..."

I almost growled at the sight, not to mention the idea of him playing with himself in the shower and hoping that I'd just walk in and -

"-and what if I wouldn't have been in the mood?" I asked, even if the very thought felt like blasphemy, and my cheerful tigerhood felt like he was going to explode.

His tail flicked at me, so did his ears, and those fingers inched ever so closer to their target, _my_target, I hoped it to be.

"Then I would have to take matters into my own paws."

Victor only had the time to stroke himself once before I let out a kind of a yowl and tried to get out of the bed as quickly as I could. I almost stumbled on my own pants since they tried to fall down to my ankles when I got up, and I had to spend a couple of precious seconds getting rid of them before I got over to him. He was grinning by the time I hobbled over, in only my T-shirt, and put my paws on him.

"No you don't when I'm around," I told him hotly, "Although it does look damn sexy you when you do."

He chuckled and kissed me, and our bellies rubbed together and so did our dicks, even though my shirt was a nuisance when it dropped down between us.

"Put your paws down there," I told him and pointed at his dresser.

Victor's ears flicked curiously, though his grin, and the throb of his shaft against mine, told me that he approved of my more commanding tone.

"Heh heh."

I shucked my T-shirt off and ended up completely naked once I was done. Victor sauntered over to the dresser I had gestured on and planted his paws on it. He spread his legs and was obviously comfortable in the pose, with his back arching to it. The way he did it...how it was really inviting me to come even closer and the not so subtle jut of those hips and the ass that was at touching distance and I was a naked lion in front of an equally naked Doberman rump.

My poor dick.

My even poorer hip gave a slight twinge of protest at my new posture, kneeling behind Victor, but it was only a dull reminder that couldn't take my lusty mind away from the fact that I could just grab the Dobie's rump and spread those muscular cheeks apart. Victor rumbled when I did so, and pushed back a little, accepting my gesture so very openly.

"You've left me with no choice..." I muttered.

I should've probably spanked him and told him he was a bad boy, but my mind wasn't going there. I was more pleased with the prospect of simply touching him, and to find Victor so very much in need of some good times, and with me in particular. It was an equally big turn-on that he was following my orders, even though he could've easily been the one calling the shots. The thought of Victor being the one to pin me down on the bed gave me a little thrill, but for now I concentrated on the pleasures that could be shared between the two of us in a mutual, amicable manner.

It was a good thing I knew the perfect way to do just that - especially now that the Doberman had told me about his previous shower, and a quick sniff told me that he had not been joking about getting ready for everything. Oh yes, Victor came fully prepared, shower fresh as much as one ever could in that department, and looking ever so...dare I say, fuckable?

Whatever rude words my mind could conjure, there was the fact that I could get my muzzle down on him and lick my tongue along his taint. Victor let out an instant moan and pushed his ass backwards to meet the new touch, wet, warm and sensual, I hoped to make it to be, and continued on my trail towards his big balls. Feeling them shift under my slurp felt good, especially combined with the scent of aroused Dobie filling my nose.

The sheer noise that Victor made during my tongue bath was plain pornographic. A growl, a moan, the shuffle of foot paws when he readjusted his positioning. I caressed and fondled his rear with my paws while my tongue played with his pleasantly hefty nuts. Covering them with my saliva changed the texture a little, but I was sure that it still felt good for both of us, me going at them and snuffling and sniffling on his crack.

Uuuh. I was redefining the term 'crack whore' for sure with my worshipful behavior. (And I would better make sure never to tell Victor that I thought about such terrible world play.) But it was making Victor feel so good, and it was pretty damn sexy for myself too, playing with this very special Dobie dog who was really enjoying every moment of it.


The hissed obscenity from Victor only made it better. I ramped up the pressure on him by slipping my paw between his legs so that I could wrap my fingers around his shaft. He hissed and growled when my pads tugged on the fold of skin on the base of his cock, where his sheath had withdrawn into a snug ring almost flush with his belly. It was a very sensitive place and made him throb anew in my soft grip. I didn't have to do much of a jacking off motion, Victor provided it on his own by flexing his hips back and forth into my fingers. It also pushed his ass backwards so that the touch of my tongue on his good bits grew more insistent as well.

I wanted him to feel wonderful. And I wanted to be inside him, and I was also oddly aroused by the fact that Victor could go in a space of ten minutes from talking civilized stuff about his pencil sharpener empire into thrusting his ass wantonly on my face and wanting my tongue at his asshole.


Not that there was anything truly illicit about what we did, we were just two grownups having fun. We weren't hurting anyone, or causing a public disturbance. We weren't undermining public morale with our sodomite ways. Quite the opposite, I think the positive morale we were generating would be enough to keep us paying our taxes for the next few years or so.


Victor's very scent was growing more aroused, I could tell. He probably had a more sensitive nose than I did, but it was evident to me as well. He rumbled, he grunted, his body moved sensually while I played with him, he obviously needed it as much as I did.

I decided to make my teasing even more mischievous. I hauled myself up from the floor and planted my heated, leaking shaft into his newly spit-soaked crevice. Victor's butt cheeks swallowed my dick into a warm embrace that felt very good, wonderful enough to make my toes curl onto his bedroom carpet. I leaned to his back and went for his neck. That was as far as I could kiss properly, considering he was a bit taller than I was and in his bent over position his muzzle was out of reach. The sight of his sinewy neck so close to my face was quite lovely, though, and I kissed him to my best ability while wrapping my arms around his midriff.


What a lovely sound. I wanted him to make more of them, and put my fingers on his knot for a little squeeze I hoped would be enough to get them out of Victor's throat. My quick maneuver was a resounding success at least from that viewpoint. Victor grumbled and pushed himself wantonly onto me. I returned it and we ground together mutually for some wonderful moments.

"Come on...you know it's waiting for you," Victor beckoned to me.

I stroked my paws over his chest and his hard nipples. He rumbled upon that touch as well.

"Let's get on the bed," I told him, pulling on him.

I stepped away from him and admired Victor's form when he stood up to his full height and showed himself off some more across the few steps it took for him to stride from the dresser to the bed. He didn't waste time in getting on all fours, solid, handsome, and almost painfully sexy with his ass up in the air and supported on those solid legs.

I joined him very soon, after a brief detour by the bedside drawer to fetch the necessary equipment. We were still fastidious about safety, and it certainly made things comfortable between us.

"No need to put more on me," Victor commented while I was anointing myself, "it's all done."

I looked at his rump and felt the temptation to play with him some more, using my fingers, but Rory Jr. had its own ideas as well. Maybe I'd share further teasing for another time.

I was ready, he was ready...that just meant that I had to get into place and get into it, so to speak. Victor managed to get a proper growl out of me when he arched his back and lowered his chest down to the bed so that his ass was pointing at me, his parted legs spreading his rear as well.

"Damn you," I hissed to him.

I suppose the physical reaction to my comment could've been called a wink, even with his face pointing at the headboard. It did also have the effect of getting me mounting him like the proverbial raging bull - and I had seen...ah...video material of raging bulls doing such things.

Even though Victor had assured me that he was all ready for action, he was still tight and zealous, and once I negotiated myself into him, his warm walls closed on me snugly. The feeling spread with every inch I put inside him and forced me to bite my teeth together and count my breaths in the hopes of not getting too excited too quickly. I put my paws on him and felt his muscles flex and roll, his whole body getting used to the penetration he wanted so much, but still had to convince his body that it was a great idea, that this was what should happen now.

His bark was more of a 'ruff, ruff', a throaty sound that only added to my lust when I hunched over him. It was a rather classical position, both of us on all fours and with my knees hugging onto his thighs. I wasn't sure if I would be comfortable like this for a very long session, but I knew that this would not go on for very long. I didn't trust myself after the amount of teasing Victor had done earlier.

It also meant I wanted to give back to him as much as I could. To do that, I probably would have to do him up the ass. I was perfectly poised to do such a thing, considering our balls were already kissing where our bodies met in a thorough combination of fur and wet heat.


Victor's sound of approval was like the one you did after finally getting to scratch a particularly annoying itch. Perhaps the analogy went further than that, but my mind was slowly losing the capacity to do anything except concentrate on the sensations produced by our pleasant interaction.

He was simply gorgeous, there was no other way of putting it for now. The Dobie was so receptive to me, answering my every move while we rocked together on his bed and musked up the air in the room. I tasted his sweat on his back when I kissed him there, along the spine that curved while he worked his muscles to maintain his posture on the bed. Victor was incredibly solid on all fours, barely rocking away even when I put my weight to it. I knew that Victor could take a real pounding, and sometimes craved it, too.

It felt like the right move for this moment, when both of us were getting heated into the action and just wanted this to happen. The urgency was there, and our bodies worked into it, moving faster, taking all the pleasure that was on the offer and just waiting to be had.

So he rocked onto me and I held onto him. I kept rolling my hips to make sure that Victor was getting it from various angles, to maximize the pleasure I could give to him. The clenching from his rear was almost a suckling sensation, the way his muscles worked, both consciously and without any special effort from Victor while he took me with ease.

I didn't have to doubt Victor's enjoyment during the vigorous mating. My paw moved under him and gripped his cock, to find it fully hard, knotty, and damp on the tip where he oozed pre, likely from the amount of pressure I was putting on his prostate with every thrust I made. He was very swollen but I wasn't sure just how close he was from the earlier teasing and the actual penetration.

Nothing like some old-fashioned reach-around, I thought, and began to stroke his shaft in something of sync with my thrusts onto his muscled rear. The feel of his body under mine, hot and heavy, while I pumped away...I just wanted him to feel so very good.

I felt wonderful, too. I wasn't sure how long I could last, and with my hips going fast, I didn't think I could keep it up. Just watching the droplets of sweat forming on his neck aroused me even further, and the scent, and the taste of his skin in my maw on his shoulder -

My feline stamina was true to my nature, in the end. Victor drained me in a series of hot, blinding spurts into him, my hips flush with his body. My paw flew on him, hoping that he too would reach his climax as soon as possible. It wasn't quite mutual, something I had hoped for, but he didn't have to wait too long before I felt his shaft jerk in my paw and he grew so tight that I thought it might've milked another few globs out of me as well. Victor let out a satisfied growl when his own balls gave up their treasure and he messed up the sheets under both of us.

We were left panting there until the egg timer went off in the kitchen, and we both laughed.


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