Pumping Hot Steel

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Aaron goes to the gym and finds out that he's not as alone there as he thought he would be, entering the gym after hours. What's him to do when a cocky college Doberman starts challenging the surly black wuff?






A little commission for avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2 Aaron Blackpaw featuring two of his fursonas/characters, getting involved in some...hijinks, I think that's a word to describe it. Expect raunchy, musky times ahead, so...you have been warned. I shall look forward to your comments on the topic.

Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



It was almost ten PM when Aaron parked his car on the deserted lot outside the squat Sports Department annex at the university campus. The black wolf cast a long shadow under the heavy street lamps above him. It made his tail twitch when he crossed the damp black tarmac, gym bag in paw. His breath misted up in the air.


The door was closed but opened with the wolf tapping on an associated keypad. It lit up under the wolf's touch and the electronic lock whirred open.


Aaron stepped inside. It was dark except for the green glow of the various EXIT signs on the corridor. He didn't mind the dim lighting. The black wolf knew the way he had to take. He stomped along the corridor and through another door he had to open with the keypad. In this room he felt up the all by the door to find the light switch. The black wolf's eyes narrowed when the incandescent tubes flickered on above him.

It was a locker room. Aaron didn't end up using any of the white painted steel lockers that lined the walls and the center of the room. Instead of that he simply shucked off his coat onto the bench. He put his bag down to it as well and unzipped it to start pulling out the change of clothing he had brought with him. The black wolf ended up naked for a brief moment before he was swathed in fur-tight grey fabric, knee-length compression shorts, short-sleeved compression shirt, training shoes and fingerless weightlifting gloves. They smelled of sweat, leather and talcum powder and felt good when Aaron pulled them on. He couldn't keep back a smile. The cloth and the leather snagging onto his muscles was a good sensation for him.

Aaron rolled his shoulders and stretched a little while he made his way for another door. That door was usually closed, he remembered, but now he found it unlocked. There were lights on in the gym, and the first thing his ears picked up was the slap of leather on leather.


Aaron discovered the source soon. There was a Doberman standing by the punching bag hanging from the ceiling on the other side of the room, the sole occupant of the sports department gym at this late hour besides the wolf who had just entered, water bottle in paw.

"Hey!" the dog barked out.

"Hrrmrmm," Aaron rumbled warily.

"Sup sup?" said the Doberman between jabs on the punching bag.

"Not much," Aaron grunted "Who're you?"

Jab. Jab.

"Mauser," the Doberman stated.

Aaron got the feeling that the Doberman was suspicious of his presence as well. The black wolf felt equally curious and doubtful over the dog's presence in the gym that he knew was usually deserted at this time.

"Rudy lets me use the gym after hours," Aaron decided to explain. "I've got the door code from him."

He didn't have to tell the Doberman that he had fucked the code out of the muscle bear in question. The Dog looked like a typical dumb muscle jock in his sleeveless shirt and training pants.

Left upper thrust.

"You know Rudy?"

"Ya," Aaron grunted.

The dog grinned. It was one of those big shit-eating grins Aaron expected from canines of that breed. He always liked the idea of wiping it off those long doggy lips.

"He's a good guy!" the dog called Mauser said. "Lets me use the gym."

"That so," Aaron muttered.

"Plenty room here," the Doberman said. "And I don't mind an audience. Heh heh!"

"Hrmm," was all Aaron vocalized.

The Doberman's arms looked sweaty, like he'd been pounding the bag for some time already.

"Well I'll let you get to it!" Mauser grinned.

"Ya," Aaron said.

The black wolf marched over to the treadmill, his ears and tail tense, his back straight. His steps were punctuated by the slaps of paws on leather coming from behind him. He found it annoying. Usually he would not bat a second ear at such a noise, i was part of the general ambience of most gyms he had gone to, but now, when it was just him and the Doberman in the deserted, cavernous gym, it sounded loud.

Aaron put his water bottle down and took on to the treadmill. He wanted to warm up the cardio a bit before getting to the machines. Work had been a complete pain in the ass and now the black wolf only wished to unwind by putting his attention into the mindless physical activity.

His footpaws began to fly on the treadmill. His arms pumped in rhythm, helping the wolf set up the pace. Usually he'd be listening to some music, to distract himself from the others in the gym, but this time he'd forgotten his headphones at home.


Instead of death metal there was now the pat of his paws on the treadmill and the continued smacking of leather from the Doberman's solo boxing. He didn't go on it for much longer but then moved to one of the arms machines. Aaron's ears picked up the clank of metal on metal. He found that moderately more annoying than the previous punching noises.


He ramped up the speed and hoped that would flood out the dog's noises. It only worked to a degree.

Plonk! Plonk! Plonk!

Aaron only stayed on the treadmill until he worked up a bit of a sweat and then decided to swap for the machines. He loaded 70 pounds onto the leg curl machine and planted himself onto the bench. He enjoyed the feel of the leather under himself, the feel of his legs slotting into place and the tension in his muscles when he felt the resistance of the machine.

Aaron gripped the bars and let his legs do the work. His own machine's noises were solid thuds that made his ears flick. That was more satisfying to the wolf than the patter the treadmill had made earlier. The physical sensation of pumping the iron with his legs pleased him. It made Aaron feel alive and like he did something useful. He saw few things better than working to shape his body to what he wanted it to be.

The burn on his hamstrings and the musky sweat coming out of his pores were strong reminders that it really was happening, too. The clang of metal added a counterbeat to his constrained grunts of satisfaction.

The Doberman was doing chest presses now on a machine. He pumped the iron slowly, and each motion made his pecs bulge. Aaron thought he saw the dog's nipples through the sweaty, thin fabric of the dog's training shirt. The sight piqued him, but only casually. He wasn't going to start ogling, not in this location. Not meant for it.

Aaron switched to an arm press and the Doberman took to the leg extension machine.

By then the wolf started to suspect the the dog wanted him to watch. The Doberman appeared to be taking his sweet time setting things up and then worked out slowly, unhurried. He wasn't even using so much weight as to require such care with his motions. The Doberman's ears flicked with the clank of the machine.

Aaron's rumbles were slowly becoming growls. He'd put enough resistance into the machine to make it a real workout for him.

The Doberman panted when he finished with the leg extensions. He grabbed his own water bottle and gulped deeply from it, messily so that his entire muzzle got a coating of water. The dark splotch that appeared on his shirt made Aaron suspect that the Doberman's nipples were not only visible but hard, pressing to the fabric.

Dirty dog. Getting horny from gym.

The dog did a few cursory stretches before he swapped to the abdo crunches machine. Aaron continued to work with his arms. He felt like he was getting into a good upper body flow, even if he had to listen to the dog's grunts while he made a big show of his crunches. Aaron wasn't sure how anyone who worked out seriously would make that much noise while doing it. The Doberman was probably just showing it off.


Aaron knew that it wasn't really up to him to lay any claims, but he was starting to feel territorial. The bear let him use the gym at night and that didn't include muscle dogs invading in the black wolf's privacy. This Mauser guy's presence felt more and more annoying. It was hard to decide what to feel about it. The dog was big and obviously did keep in shape and had worked for it, but the way he was going at it now seemed inefficient. So much time spent grunting and stretching and sipping water while he should have been pumping iron.


Didn't help that the bulging muscles weren't the only thing filling out the Doberman's clothing. Those nipples Aaron had spied on were definitely not just there, but hard. The dog's groin appeared full enough too, although not quite as much as to suggest he had popped a full boner. Something had to be going on, Aaron was sure of that.


Either the dog really got off from the physical exercise or he was being a homo hound over Aaron's own muscular, musky presence.

Clank. Plonk. Clank.

Aaron took over the leg extender next. His arms already had a good burn going on them when he settled down and started to work the rest of his legs muscles after the earlier curls. The Doberman still occupied the machine nearby, and his current location meant that he would have a direct line of sight onto the black wolf.

Let's see which one you are, a selfish prick or after prick, Aaron thought darkly.

The wolf began his leg extensions. All the muscles on his legs and his ass flexed with every movement. It could've only been more blatant if he'd been doing prone leg curls, lying on the bench as if he was fucking someone, ass clenching and bunching with each thrusts. This move did highlight Aaron's groin in equal measures while he went through the motions steadily. He'd made sure to adjust the weight so that he really had to work against it and make all of his muscles bulge with effort.

Aaron made sure to punctuate each move with a deep grunt. If the Doberman was going to watch him, he would make sure that he was getting the dog's attention. Aaron put himself out as an irresistible target, the black wolf thought evilly. Either the dog would just ogle him or start to feel uncomfortable. He knew how it worked. The queer ones wouldn't be able to stop looking. The straight ones who got off only on themselves would perhaps realize that something awkward was going on and make some extra distance, physical or mental.

Heh. Maybe he'll just leave, thinking he made a wuff bone up.

The black wolf felt slightly odd, mimicking the Doberman's apparent exhibitionism. Stuff like that had a tendency to backfire, in his experience. If the gym hadn't been empty like it was he wouldn't have gone down that route. He'd just left. Right now their relative privacy allowed him to try it out.




Sweat rolled along Aaron's neck and glued his shorts into his thighs. The wolf started to feel somewhat aroused himself, both from the effort and the possibility that the Doberman was watching and getting off on it too.

Come on gay-dog...


Aaron wasn't sure what else he could still do. The Doberman finished a couple more crunches and then hopped off the bench. He was all panting and tongue-lolling when he picked his water bottle and slurped from it noisily. That made Aaron's ears flatten.


The Doberman did a few stretches, first by rotating his hips from side to side with his arms up and to the sides. Then the dog curled his back by bending over and apparently trying to touch his toes. Aaron wasn't sure if the Doberman still could do that or whether his muscles were about to stop him from accomplishing.

What the move did at the very least was to push his ass back and really show it off.

Aaron stared at the sight of the pair of tight, muscled doggie glutes in the tight training pants. The thighs were equally beefy and filled out the pants legs. A docked tail poked out on the top like some sort of a marker pointing at the goodies on display.

Ya. Aaron was sure that they were on display and he looked, straight ass, gay ass, whatever-ass, he looked and almost forgot his extensions while the Doberman maintained his stretching pose for much longer than necessary.


Aaron felt blood rush to his sheath. He quit on the machine and stood up, pretending to be very busy with his own water bottle and presenting his back mostly for the Doberman so that he didn't see the bulge Aaron was packing now, all swollen and hot in the sweaty compression shorts.

"Good workout huh?" the Doberman barked out.

Aaron only gave him a profile of his muzzle, still standing like he was.


The Doberman kept rolling his shoulders while he looked at Aaron. The black wolf's eyes caught the sight of the dog's erection...and the Doberman's eyes. There was no mistaking on either of them what the other was looking at.

The dog didn't say anything yet. He folded his thick arms over his chest and smirked. That shit-eating grin made Aaron feel only more riled up.


Aaron turned to face the Doberman head on then. He let the dog see his own bulge, his aggressive posture, the angle of his tail and ears, the full power of an Aaron Blackpaw glare on this cocky stranger. The dog didn't cower away even under the black wolf look, although he paid special attention the sight of the swollen lupine sheath in the compression shorts.

"Looks like it's really good for you, dude," the Doberman grinned.

"Hrmhm," Aaron grunted. His paws were clenched into fists and pressed onto his hips.

The Doberman took a lazy step forward. Aaron noticed the exaggerated swing of hips on the dog with his approach.

"I can tell why Rudy would want you to come after hours," the Doberman said.

"Ya?" Aaron questioned.

The Doberman stepped even closer.

"You definitely look like his type," Mauser said roughly.

"That so?" Aaron suggested.

"Definitely," Mauser rumbled. "Big...hot...bad..."

Aaron smirked at the mention of the last word. He didn't mind that description at all. It made his tail snap from side to side, not without pleasure.

"You don't know how bad," Aaron grumbled.

The Doberman licked his lips. His eyes didn't shift away from the black wolf in front of him.

"Bad enough to give me a hot show when I was working out a sweat," the Doberman stated.

Figures, Aaron thought. The Doberman must've been ogling him from the start, and didn't deny it for one moment.

"Ha," Aaron snorted.

"I think so," the dog grinned and wagged his nub.

Aaron moved in for action. He grabbed the Doberman's arm and twisted it behind the dog's bag while manhandling the muscled bastard into a hold. He let out a yelp and a bark and struggled, at least tokenly so, while the big bad wolf pulled the Doberman painfully against his own chest.

"Slutty fucker," Aaron hissed.

He used his spare arm to push the Doberman's head down against his chest - and in turn, into the pit if the wolf's arm. Aaron wanted him to breathe in the musk of the male who was going to claim him. The dog was about to learn what happened when one played with a wolf and thought they weren't going to get burnt in the process.


The Doberman grunted and huffed briefly before he appeared to submit to his fate and just inhaled the sweaty pit provided for him. Aaron felt the dog's nub whisk against his stomach. He had to admit that it was a thrill to manhandle someone who was his own size, slabs of muscle and a deep rumble he could feel all the way in his own chest. It seemed to intensify when he pulled his arm more tightly across the Doberman's chest.

It was during this little wriggling struggle that Aaron felt something brush against his arm, and he let out a grunt.

"Well, well..."

He spun the Doberman around. Mauser grinned and lolled his tongue nonetheless. His bulge looked like his dick could break the fabric at some point if he got any more aroused. Aaron had a fairly good idea on just what might do the trick. He attacked the nubs on the Doberman's chest and squeezed fingers around each nipple he could see poking at the cloth. The dog first rumbled and then almost whimpered at the feeling of those naughty fingers clamping down on his nipples.

"Hhmmm..." Mauser almost purred.

Aaron's ears flattened. His fingerpads had picked up an alien sensation, besides the hot flesh of the younger male's nips. The black wolf's eyes narrowed curiously.

"What's this..." the wolf grumbled.

The dog flicked his ears cheerfully. The expression grew into one of surprise when Aaron's fingers reached for his shirt collar and tugged.


Aaron's paws and claws joined the first. Both pairs of ears flicked quickly at the noise of tearing fabric. The compression shirt had no chance to survive against Aaron's insistent tug and pull, like he was unzipping the shirt instead of ripping the Doberman's clothing into shreds in his dominant lust.

The black wolf's eyes caught a peculiar rainbow flash under the bright lights above them. The Doberman's nipples were adorned with bars through them, locked into place with little balls on each end. The fat man-nipples were erect and slightly swollen from arousal and the earlier lupine pinching on them.

"Like 'em?" Mauser asked. "Titanium oxynitride is sooo pretty...hurt like motherfucker to get them in but - "

The Doberman made his pecs bounce and grinned rudely at the wolf observing his every move. Aaron followed the ride of the nipple bars up and down on the slabs of muscle on the dog's chest.

" - they're so hot..."

Mauser lifted his arms over his head and let his muscles flex some further. Aaron bared his teeth at the sight of the teasing gesture. The Doberman leered at him lustfully.

"Ha," the black wolf exclaimed.

Aaron snapped his fingers around the left nipple and twisted the bar full 90 degrees. The Doberman let out a surprised bark.


He lifted his paw and clasped Aaron's wrist. It appeared he hoped to try and stop the painful twist. Aaron would not have any of it. He tore the Doberman's paw away and only made the treatment on Mauser's fleshy bud all that rougher.

"OwwwwOOH - "

Now Aaron slapped the Doberman's tightly muscled ass and got a proper holler out of him. It sounded even louder in the big space they occupied. If Aaron hadn't been sure that they were there only people left in the entire building he would have told the dog to be quiet. For now, however...he simply enjoyed the pained noises the Doberman made.

"Gets your blood moving properly, bitch dog," Aaron smirked.

"Nhhhh...sir..." the Doberman moaned.

Aaron spat on Mauser's face. The huge glob of his saliva landed on his muzzle and made the Doberman's eyes widen and ears flat. His footpaw kicked on the floor, as if trying to control the discomfort of the nipple twist that way.

"Try 'Alpha', boy," the black wolf growled.

"F-fuck...yes, Alpha."

Aaron wasn't sure if the Doberman's expletives were for the pain or speaking of approval for the title of sorts that the black wolf preferred. Whatever the dog meant with it, the wolf decided he deserved another rough spank. e


"Stay, pup."

"Yes, Alpha."

Aaron gave the Doberman's nipple a parting twist before he walked away. He saw that the dog looked after him hungrily, staring at his every step and movement when Aaron moved about the room. He walked over to the series of shelves by the long wall of the room, mirrored panels and stacks of free weights on it for lifting and practice. A bunch of jumping ropes hung among them, apparently haphazardly left there by previous users of the gym. The sight of them made Aaron grin and snp his tail about.

"Heh," said the wolf to himself.

Aaron tugged a couple of the dangling ropes into his paw and then headed over to where the Doberman waited. Mauser gave them a look that was both aroused and somewhat concerned.

"What you gonna do with those, Alpha?" the muscle dog asked.

"Over there," Aaron gestured at one of the weightlifting benches. "On your knees. Lose the shirt."

"Hmmm...I like the sound of that..."

A ripped, bulky body came into view once the remains of the shirt were dropped to the floor. Aaron's glaring eyes were obvious and the Doberman did not shy from the gaze, but showed off all the way during the short walk to the weight lifting bench.



Aaron had caught the Doberman's ass with the swung handle of one of the jumping ropes. Mauser's ears drooped when he climbed onto the bench he made creak with his weight.

"Grab the bar supports. "

"That's gonna - "

Aaron pushed the Doberman down so that his chest landed on the padded bench. That put the dog on his knees with his ass up and his head down. He reached for the bars and grabbed their shiny metal as he had been ordered.

"And now stay still."

"Yes, sir," Mauser wagged his nub despite the rough treatment.

Aaron tied the dog's arms onto the supports. The rope was coated with plastic and the knots he made were tight, almost enough to turn Mauser's fingers numb once Aaron was done with them.

"No point in struggling, boy," Aaron growled.

The sweaty Doberman nodded, despite his awkward position. Aaron was mostly concentrated on the sight of his ass now. Those training pants were straining to be a nuisance, he thought.


He was quite rough when he pulled the sweatpants off the dog and threw them to the floor as well. What the Doberman was revealed to be wearing underneath was a pair of black boxer shorts. They were tight enough to ride in the Doberman's ass crack in this current position that pushed his rump backwards.

"Ha. Wearing fuck pants to gym..."

"F-fuck pants?"

Aaron let his paw land on the Doberman's butt for a rough grope.

"Ya. Ones that make everyone want to fuck your ass," Aaron snorted with a gleeful smirk while feeling up the rump in question.

"Hmmm..." the dog wriggled into the touch, "more..."

Aaron shook his head briefly at the Doberman's wanton gesture. He knew how to wipe that big smirk off the muscle boy's muzz, he thought.

"Gonna teach you some respect 'n manners," Aaron grunted.

"Yeeah...I'm a really bad dog..." Mauser pushed his ass towards the wolf's demanding paws.

"Fucker," Aaron snorted.

He delivered another series of blows to the Doberman's rump. He intended to make those cheeks glow nice and red before he would destroy that ass completely in every way he liked.

"Augh! Yeowch!" the dog's ears went flat again.

"Loud shit," Aaron commented.



"You take it like a man or I'll get the rope and see how you like that," Aaron growled.

He spanked the smarting ass cheeks without waiting for the Doberman to comment on the prospect of being whipped with a jumping rope. Mauser tried to keep the curve of his ass steady despite the slaps on his rump. His paws clenched hard on the support bars of the bench and made them rattle when his body was rocked back and forth by the force of Aaron's smacks on his muscled rear. The tight ass flexed, its muscles burning up from the wolf's dark-minded attack. He had been growing more and more pent up through the day and had thought that the simple physical exercise would've taken the edge off. Now that his more lusty side had been given free reign there was nothing that would stop one Mr. Blackpaw from exercising it to its fullest extent.

The black wolf kept slapping the Doberman's rear until he could see the knuckles on the dog's paws going white with the way how he held onto the bench for his dear ass. That pleased Aaron and made him want to simply tear away the slutty underwear from the Doberman's rump and just go to town at him in other ways.

"Think you can handle what I've got waitin' for ya?" Aaron heckled the dog mercilessly.

"Hmm..." moaned the flat-eared Doberman, "yeeah..."

Aaron poked his middle and index fingers against the Doberman's tailbase and pushed hard, even through the fabric of his boxer shorts. The tight cloth caved in towards Mauser's asshole and made contact with his sweaty pucker, clenching roughly at the prodding.

"Meeehhhmmm..." moaned the dog.

Aaron slammed his paw down on the Doberman's ass to take him down another notch. Mauser whimpered at that.

"Jesus ffff-fuck - "

Aaron grabbed the dog's nub and twisted it, like screwing a lightbulb. The Doberman almost howled.


"No blasphemy in the Lord's house!" Aaron hollered.


Aaron let go of the tail-nub and returned to tanning the Dobierman's hide. Marker groaned and snorted and almost collapsed to his belly on the weight bench as a result of the slapping action.


"Dirty pup."






Aaron went on until the Doberman was practically mewling under the wolf's heavy leather-clad paws. He was sure that the dog wasn't going to be sitting right or shaking that teasing tush of his at big strong men any time soon.

"Can't take it, boy?" the wolf growled to the panting Doberman.

"Uhhh...I can, A..Alpha..." Mauser moaned.

Aaron moved to untie Mauser's wrists from the weight bench.

"On your back, boy, and grab the bars again. This rope is going back on."

"Okay, Alpha," Mauser breathed.

The dog hissed when his ass landed on the padded bench. Aaron was swift to secure his paws back to their earlier places, although now reversed with the Doberman's new position.

"Since you're so keen on yapping that tongue of yours, better give it something proper to do," Aaron stated.

Mauser looked curiously at the wolf. Aaron just chortled at him and grabbed his waistband so that he could get his compression shorts down.

The Doberman's eyes flashed when he saw the big red rocket pop into view from its furtight spandex home. Aaron stepped out of the compressions shorts and dropped them to the floor by the weight bench. He smirked at the sight of the lusty look his arousal created in the Doberman tied down to the bench. Mauser's erection was remarkably obvious in the tight boxer shorts.

Something about it made Aaron curious enough to step over and pull the front of the Doberman's boxers down to reveal his dick. Aaron's tail jumped at the sight of the penis popping into view, especially with what adorned the canine cock he uncovered. A curved barbell of a good size pierced the glans on the tip and emerged from his urethra, and both ends had little balls on the tips made of the same exotic material as the piercings on the Doberman's nipples. Pre-cum glazed the Prince Albert and made it even shinier in the light coming from above.

"Well fuck me," Aaron snorted, "got extra bling on you, boy."

Mauser licked his lips.

"I think it's so sick," he grinned dreamily. "Feels fucking sexy."

Aaron prodded one end of the barbell. The dog let out a happy yip.

"Hmmm..." he wagged.

"You ever fuck someone with that thing?" Aaron questioned.

The dog let his tongue loll out of his maw.

"Not really my thing," Mauser grinned. "But I like playing with that..."

"Hmph," Aaron snorting, "pulling your pud while imagining real men knotting your lil' hole..."

"Fuck yeah..." the Doberman wriggled his sore ass on the bench despite the smarting pain he must've been experiencing from the earlier hard spanking.

"Ha," Aaron snuffled, "figures you'd prefer your dick to be out of order..."

"Hey, it's not!" the dog pouted. "Just look at it - OW!"

Aaron flicked the barbell with a snap from his fingers. The whole shaft seemed to tremble under the surprise touch. The dog was breathless and bit his teeth together while holding back growls and whines.

"Figures," Aaron clicked his tongue.

Mauser did a lusty, sexy face and appeared to hope that it would attract more attention from the big bad wolf. What he did get was another slap on his ass and Aaron moving about the bench and swinging a leg over it.


Mauser gasped when he realized what was happening. He saw the black tail swung upright and the thick thighs belonging to the wolf before all his nose knew was a pair of hefty, sweaty balls and Aaron's ass crack landed on his muzzle.


"Heh - " Aaron hissed at the feel of the surprised huff flowing along his taint, "eat that ass out."

The Doberman could only answer with muffled groans that came from having his face stuffed with ass and balls. Aaron put most of his weight down with his squat and put his paws on his knees for balance while he crouched on top of the Doberman he wanted to service him in all the possible ways. The college kid's tongue was currently rather still and only remained somewhere in the perilous territory between Aaron's asshole and his big balls, struggling to comprehend the fuzziness that had been plastered on him without much of a warning.

Aaron's tail curved up rigidly as he balanced himself on the Doberman's muzzle. His cock throbbed from the flow of hot air about his nuts.

"More licking, boy," he growled.

The wolf decided to spare a paw to abuse the Doberman's nipples again, to give him some extra encouragement to get on eating sweaty gym ass. It did prompt a moan, the sensation of fingers twisting one titanium barbell on a plump swollen nipple that looked ripe for picking.


The twisted nipple prompted the Doberman to put more effort into the art of eating ass. Mauser grooved his tongue and swiped it onto the wolf's hidden pucker. The acrid taste made him moan almost as much as Aaron's rough treatment of his nipples, each in turn while he remained perched on his muzzle seat. It was almost ticklish, the way how Mauser's lips gnawed on the hairy, dimpled asshole once he got his thing figured out.

"Eat that hole, boy."

Aaron loved dirty talk when it was appropriate, and this time around he deemed it necessary. Sitting on the Doberman's face made him feel powerful and dominant, and that made the words come easier too. Heckling the dog was fun, especially when he could punctuate his comments with yanks on the nipples or the Prince Albert poking obscenely from the Doberman's tip. Aaron couldn't fathom why anyone wanted to get one of those things, although he had to admit that it looked kinda sexy. And the dog moaned with extra enthusiasm and oozed pre-cum when he flicked the little barbells.

Aaron's own cock was rigid and hard, fully knotty and looking as dangerous as the rest of the beefcake of a wolf now perched on his brand new throne. The Doberman's ass-eating action was enthusiastic to the level of pigginess in the way he drilled his tongue against Aaron's spit-slimy hole. The wolf shuffled a little from side to side to really drive it home to the Doberman on who was in charge here.


He wasn't sure how the Doberman exactly breathed at the moment but it didn't seem to hinder Mauser at all while he continued to polish the black wolf's crack. For all the pleasure it gave to Aaron, it made him feel like he was in total control. He forced the Doberman's tongue onto his muskiest and most forbidden body part and made the dog worship it. Aaron saw it as a gift he was giving, his private musk shared so openly, for pleasure. Aaron was mostly concerned with his own but considered that the Doberman didn't exactly look like he was terrorized by the experience.

At least not yet.

Aaron enjoyed being knotty and horny, but only to a certain point. He decided the Doberman needed another reminder of his place, and to do that he would have to relinquish the ass eating services for now.

"Dirty boy."

"Hhmmmm...yeeeah..." the dog moaned happily.

Aaron looked down at the Doberman's messy muzzle and shook his head. He looked like he'd been gorging down a burger rather than a wolf-asshole. The black wolf wasn't sure whether he found the sight of the dog's gaping maw erotic or somewhat unsettling.

"Let's get you back on all fours, boy," Aaron growled. "Good dogs get fucked doggy style."

"Gonna fuck me, Alpha?" Mauser sounded hopeful.

Aaron shook his head.

"Slutpup," he snorted.

It took less time to untie the Doberman's paws and then tie them again to the previous position the dog had assumed when they started their session on the bench. This time he did not shy from pushing his ass up and wagging that entire rump in the air in the hopes of catching Aaron's attention.

"You're asking for the spanking again," Aaron grunted.

"Hmmmm..." the Doberman hung his head, but didn't stop.

Aaron looked at the boxer shorts-clad ass and came into another decision. He pinched the fabric between his fingers below the base of the tail and then pushed a claw onto it. The cloth couldn't resist the sharp nail and allowed it to pass easily. The wolf licked his upper lip.


Mauser's ears flicked and perked when he heard the cloth tear. Aaron pulled his claw down along the dog's taint until he was happy with the cut he had made and then stuck his fingers into the hole. A quick yank to either side created a ripping noise and a sizeable opening on the back of the Doberman's underwear.

"Oooh maaan..."

"Surprised this doesn't already have a zipper or something," Aaron mused.

"Uuh, nice idea, dude!"

Aaron chortled.

"What a slut," he grunted.

"You ruined my underwear..." Mauser muttered.

"Gonna ruin something else too," Aaron huffed.

The black wolf grabbed the Doberman's rump and gave each hard ass cheek a firm groping squeeze. Mauser let out a rumble at the feeling of the paws on his sore rear. The way his muscles were parted only made him rumble with lust.

"You know what's coming, boy," Aaron growled.


Aaron decided that the Doberman needed another reminder of just who he was messing around with in the deserted gym. The black wolf picked up his compression shorts from the floor and bunched them up into a ball in his paw before he used his fingers to yank Mauser's muzzle open. The dog gave him a surprised look but could not stop the wolf from pushing much of the shorts into his maw.


Aaron moved to the foot of the lifting bench now that he had gagged the Doberman with his musky underwear. The positioning was alright, even if he felt slightly awkward kneeling on the relatively narrow bench. He didn't think he was going to stumble off it, not once he got things properly started.

"GHhaagh!" Aaron hacked up thick spittle from his muzzle and onto his fingers and slapped the goop onto his dick. The Doberman's ears flickered at the sound of the wolf providing and applying some natural makeshift lubricant onto his thick tool. The noise told Mauser that this was going to be rough session, whatever the wolf had in mind. He didn't expect the big bad wolf to go easy on him when it came to the actual fucking. The so-called foreplay had already left Mauser sore enough that he might be regretting this come the next morning.

Aaron slathered his saliva onto his fingers to put some on the Doberman's asshole as well. He didn't exactly linger on the act of spreading the gunk at the pucker he found at the dog's crack. It was relatively pliable, a muscled spot that felt like it was inviting visitors to explore the depths of the Doberman's firm rump. Mauser had obviously had a lot of experience in taking things up there, Aaron thought, although he wasn't at a barn door state yet. Aaron chortled at the mental image that conjured. It made him feel like giving the Doberman another spank.

"OWhh!" Mauser growled and drooled through his new shorts gag.

"For good luck," Aaron snickered rudely.

He's gonna need it.

The black wolf began to rub his slimy cock against the Doberman's crack. He made a mess of the shorts before his blunt tip popped through the hole he had torn onto the dog's underwear. The muscled rear was as ready for him as it ever would be under the circumstances, Aaron thought, and he was ready to claim his prize. He humped into the hole and the dog's ass crack, his cock sliding towards the Doberman's hole he had only cursorily prepared for the action. In spirit, Aaron knew the dog was more than eager to get his ass filled by a thick red wolf rocket.

The big lupine paws gripped onto Doberman hips. Aaron decided that he was going to use Mauser like the good fuckdog he was. The Doberman was about to prove to the wolf just what he could or couldn't do. The rippling of muscles on Mauser's back and the kiss of a puckerhole on Aaron's cock told the wolf that the dog was doing his best to prepare for the inevitable.

The naked black wolf pushed his spit-slickened dick directly on the Doberman's spot. Mauser's hole stretched a little starting with the very first thrust, but managed to resist the initial onslaught for a few moments. Aaron bit his teeth, growled, and adjusted his angle a little so that he was putting more weight to it. No amount of anal training would make the Doberman able to stop such an intrusion, once Aaron decided that he wanted to stick his dick into Mauser's muscle rump.


The Doberman's body tensed when his ass opened under the duress of Aaron's penetration. Aaron's big cock was slowly swallowed by the hungry hole that kept stretching more and more open until finally the thickest part popped in and the rest of the wolf slid in almost on gravity alone. the Doberman hollered and moaned into his gag, with his insides spreading wide by the thick shaft now lodged under his tail. The black wolf didn't hold himself back but let all of his cock enter the Doberman on a long, smooth motion.

He expected the dog to be able to take it, rough or not.


It almost sounded like a chant, really. The Doberman's protracted moan vibrated throughout his muscled body, poised on the bench that was now used for the purpose of fucking the dog's ass. Aaron watched intently on the spot where his ruddy cock plunged amidst the creamy furs that lined the Doberman's asshole. The sight was a sexy reminder of what was happening and made it feel even better, somehow. It had to be psychological, thought the wolf, due to bearing witness to the raunchy vision.

Aaron growled victoriously. He had to crouch a little to keep at the right height for the act. It put amusing tension to his thighs he knew he could use to his advantage.

He gripped the muscular thighs firmly and gave a few little thrusts. He only used a couple of inches on each of them, testing out the territory. The Doberman took his cock with further grunts into the sweat-soiled gag that filled his muzzle and slowly grew more and more saturated with the Doberman's drooling spittle.

"You better now chew my shorts or you'll be buying me new ones, boy," Aaron threatened the dog.


He was pretty much ready to write them off by now. He could see the dog's jaws clenching while he gnawed on the gag and tried to keep his moans down. Perhaps the Doberman had some pride left, despite the wanton way how he pushed his ass at the wolf at the prospect of getting some cock in his butt.

"Dirty lil' cock warmer," Aaron heckled the Doberman.


The college kid was gonna get it now, whether he was ready for it or not. Aaron hunched away on the upturned rump, setting up a rhythm he found adequate to make the bench rattle. Aaron started to give it to him up the ass, breeding his cock back and forth through the clenching heat.

"Like getting fucked, muscle slave?" growled the black wolf.

Mauser's ears drooped, but he didn't even try to speak. He appeared too concentrated in holding onto the bench and surviving the pounding. Aaron made sure that he was keeping the dog too busy to try to start up any further uppity antics. His hard dick pumping away did a good job at that. The spit-lubed shaft dicked the college dog good. His asshole swallowed Aaron good, to the knot, squeezed on hi for the passing moment it took for Aaron to go in and then out.


The black wolf held firmly to the dog's ass while he pounded it. Big, sweaty balls slapped against the more snug pair on the Doberman whose nuts had drawn up closer to his body during his ordeal.

"Coach's pet," Aaron hissed.

The Doberman's ears flicked at that curious comment coming from the wolf who kept pumping his rump full of nasty wolfcock. Aaron thought it was appropriate. The Doberman had probably gotten his chance to use the gym after hours with some sexual favors for the bear who was in charge of the place. It was possibly hypocritical, considering a hard fuck like the one Aaron dished out on the Doberman's ass was the kind of a thing that had secured the right for him as well. But the dog didn't have to know, especially not when the wolf was knot deep in his butt.

"Sports major!"


Aaron was pretty sure he heard the dog grumble something to disagree with his latest remark, but several quick jabs on his prostate and a good slap on the Doberman's rosy ass cheeks made him push his muzzle down to the sweaty leather padding again and moan into it when his rump received another deep stretching from the thick canine shaft pumping into his hole.

"Darn cheerleader - "

Aaron wished the dog had a long tail he could pull properly. He had to go with spanking instead, good solid slaps that made the Doberman whine into the messy boxers.

"Ass polisher - "

The black wolf found the heckling to be refreshingly arousing. He wasn't always for dirty talk, but something about the Doberman's demeanor and character made him want to knock the dog down a notch.

"Cock hound - "

Mostly he just concentrated on growling and grunting, in pleasure and to assert his territory as well. The wolfy noises were almost as useful as the slaps or the gropes that were gonna leave the Doberman with marks, most likely. Aaron suspected he was going to carry them proudly, remembering the wolf who had given them to him.


Aaron pressed his thickly furred, muscled belly and chest onto the Doberman's sweaty back. He saw the dog's neck glistening with it, but did not go to lick it. He didn't feel like that now. But he wanted to tease the dog some more, and he knew jus the perfect way to do that.

"Tittie boy..."

The previously abused nipples were still as hard as they ever were, and perfect for Aaron to fondle and play with when he found them with his grabby paws. He could feel the reaction to the initial touch all the way down in the Doberman's asshole, closing down on him like a clamp. Maybe the nipples were directly wired to the dog's ass. Each tweak brought a squeeze that nuzzled at Aaron's knot, pounding away at the Doberman's hole.

"Lousy fuck!"

That was probably harsh, thought Aaron. The college dog wasn't very bad. It was erotic to dominate someone of that size, an obviously strong male who might've been a real stud in his own right if he wasn't so keen on getting it up the butt instead.


Not that Aaron minded. Every big red wolf rocket needed a slutty butt to sink into, and the Doberman provided an available orifice for the wolf's use. Aaron grinned at the thought of the dog not being able to walk properly once the wolf was done with him. He decided to give Mauser a couple of extra hard thrusts just to be nice.


"Can't handle it, boy?" Aaron growled. "Maybe shouldn't wag you ass at strangers then..."

The dog couldn't really protest the claim, not with the ass in question currently impaled with a big cock and proving the point. There was no stopping the wolf from pounding the Doberman onto the weight bench. The act of breeding his rear was accompanied by rough, wet slaps not only from Aaron's balls but also with his hips making fleshy contact with the Doberman's rump. It was their luck that the bench was capable of supporting a great deal of weight, although it creaked while the wolf's momentum jolted it back and forth.

Aaron liked the sounds of rough sex in the empty gym. It almost reminded him of the Doberman's earlier workout, his paws pounding the punching bag.

Fap fap fap!

The wolf thought the Doberman was slowly loosening up, too. That made him go even harder at his muscled rear. Both of them knew what Aaron wanted. He'd made it more than obvious with the way he ground his knot to the Doberman's hole. He wasn't one of the pussies who didn't dare to stick theirs into their bitch for the fear of hurting them. There was no doubt in Aaron's mind that the dog could take it. He wanted to sink his knot into Mauser's ass, fill it up, and then yank his fleshy tool out through that stretched hole to let the Doberman really feel his size, to show him how a real man fucked.

"You know what's coming, boy."

The wolf growled his warning to the Doberman's ear. He bit on the flicky appendage to make sure that the message got through. The dog pushed his ass back towards Aaron's lap and shifted his butt from side to side.

Wagging fucker.

Aaron grabbed the Doberman's shoulders, for extra leverage. This way, leaning forward, he could put his whole weight behind the thrusts. He knew that getting his knot into a butthole required some effort even on the most dedicated of doggie bottoms. The Doberman's hole didn't look like he had yet reduced it into a sloppy loose snatch yet, nor it felt like one. No, the Doberman was in prime state, and Aaron was going to enjoy every moment of claiming him as his toy.

He was going to start by ramming his knot home. Aaron was of the opinion that it belonged in the Doberman's butt, and he was going to do everything he could to force its way through the dog's pucker. The groaning, whimpering thing was going to get it. Aaron was already working to put it in, by pushing his knot repeatedly onto the dog's hole. His ass cheeks took the impact for most part, caressing on Aaron's meat when he pushed as much ash e would go and tried to overpowered the muscles still giving resistance.

He had patience, but only just. Doing some real damage wasn't fun. The wolf knew the dog could take it, he would just have to be persistent.

"Cocktease," Aaron huffed.

Drool dripped from his lips and onto the Doberman's back. It created dark splotches where the thick spittle landed on Mauser's silky fur. The muscled college jock barely noticed it, being mostly covered on the horny, dommy wolf drilling him a new one.

Aaron was sure he loved the experience, though. The pierced bastard took dick at championship levels. His guts were quickly forming into a right sleeve for Aaron to put himself into.

Only needed the knot...the not so sublime crown to the thick dick that Aaron was putting into great use, plundering the Doberman's experienced insides. The wolf knew that both of them knew that it would not be over until that mighty know was locked into place.

"Take it, bitch boy."

Aaron's growl was as dark as his fur. His tail swung from side to side, almost windmilling about while he ground his hips from side to side and went at it with quick, hard jab.s

He thought he could hear a genuine pop when the thickest part of his knot quite suddenly slipped past the resistance and he was in.


Not a single knotting was ever the same, at least in Aaron's mind. Bodies had different ways of reacting to the huge fleshy penetration. Some just went loose. Others grew even tighter to the point of discomfort to the top. Their muscles might tremble. Some wailed.

A few cried.

Most cussed.

The Doberman was mostly quiet, gagged or not. His pumped up muscles grew tense, from his sinewy neck to the legs that struggled to maintain his position, ass poised for the wolf.

Aaron knew what he wanted. That wasn't just sticking it in and waiting for the floodgates to open. He had a particular desire, and he was going to get it.

He began to pull out.

Mauser's fingers grabbed onto the bars for comfort. He was sliding backwards with the pull of Aaron's hips, his belly too sweaty to offer enough friction on the slick surface underneath him. Eventually his asshole gave out and the knot came out



Aaron only gave a few quick thrusts before the knot went back in. The Doberman's hole was slack from the extreme stretching and took the knot with more ease on this second go. He let it simmer in for a second or two before he made another pass.


Aaron's claws left marks on the Doberman's shoulders, showing his territory.

"That's more like it," he hissed.

It was quick and rough from then on. Aaron couldn't keep up much of a pace, with the effort it took to yank the knot back and forth through the Doberman's hole. Yet each slamming thrusts drove its way home and the dog had no chance but to take them. He yelped and yipped into Aaron's ruined boxer shorts whenever the big bad wolf bottomed out on him.

Mauser''s prostate was being drained by the experience. Each time the knot slammed against it, his cock jerked and leaked clear, sitcky fluid from his slit and to the bench, yet what he felt was only fire. There was no orgasm, none of the usual urgency of a proper climax. The Doberman knew that it felt good, but there were no words to describe what happened exactly.

Aaron covered the Doberman and felt his body tremble with whatever was going on with him. The black wolf didn't find it an entirely novel experience. Sometimes the bottoms just went into such a state, living and breathing their role as a cock sleeve. At least it made them very receptive for what he had to offer, the pounding of a knot in and out of their hole that was going to need a holiday once the wolf was done.

He didn't keep up the last stretch for too long. The long arm on the big wall clock might've moved one or two notches by the time Aaron's teeth gripped on the Doberman's fleshy neck. The wolf made sure that he was buried as deep as he would go, with the skinny folds of his seaht touching the Doberman's asshole when he truly took him as deeply as he physically could. Their mating was complete, on this level, and with that Aaron sensed the submission, of the Doberman giving himself over to the wolf.

That deserved a reward, the wolf thought, almost idly, when his cock grew vert rigid and he began to fill the dog up. He contined very short, quick little thrusts, half an inch on either direction to keep himself right on the edge for as long as posible. He churned into Mauser's guts, wanting to fill him up as well as he could. Huge lupine nuts pulled close to the flicking tial and the clenching asshole underneath it when every muscle in Aaron's pelvis worked to pump the epic load up the Doberman's gym-honed butt he had decided should be used like a cheerleader on a prom night.

It all made the wolf feel victorious. He'd given the punk a taste of what a real male could do with someone who made their ass into a target. Aaron knew that he would want to stay tied to his new bitch for a while, to make sure that every single drop would squirt out of him and fill the Doberman's bowels. He wanted the dog to know just who he was dealing with, a true man whose sweaty, musky armpit he was going to be made to worship once Aaron felt like moving again. For the moment he was happy simply where he was, keeping the dog under his body and not running away. He suspected the Doberman was not going to be prancing around anywhere any time soon, not with the kind of a job the wolf had done on his ass.

The muscled rump felt a like a cosy cushion for him, for now, very different to the last ass he had fucked in that same gym. Aaron smiled privately at the memory of the fuzzy bear rump belonging to Rudy, bent over a pommel horse in the equipment storage room.

He might have to have a bit of a chat with the bear about just who he let to come into the gym after hours. Aaron really wanted to preserve the peaceful workout times for himself.


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