Hope - A Gardevoir x Noivern Tale

Story by TogoMizui on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokemon Stories

Here comes our next update, A Noivern x Gardevoir Tale!! Once again, the support on these is always amazing to here, and I love every single one of you who takes the time out of their schedule to read. Humbles me beyond belief :'D

I'm really proud of how this story came out, and I hope you all believe so as well! As another reminder, these are updated weekly, so be sure to check out the next story around this time next week!

"How many times must I tell you, I don't want to be a part of this!" A gardevoir, who looked both mature and well into her youth, sat firmly on a stool, hands laying across her lap. Behind her, was another older looking gardevoir who held many of the same qualities as the one before her. She was busy weaving her own hands though in an intricate pattern, whilst arranging a set of flowers and ingredients along a thin strip of string.

"Honey, neither had I when I was your age, but we unfortunately don't have a say in this matter." The elder of the two spoke, keeping a level, monotone tongue. Her voice was slightly deeper than younger gardevoir, though still held many feminine qualities to it. The task she was working hard on took place around the neckline of her client, as she was seemingly creating a special necklace of some sort to be worn.

"But why not?" The younger said, keeping the same infuriated tone as before. "I'm my own pokemon, mother. I should be allowed to make my own decisions. Why is it that you refuse to listen to me?" Silence followed after the comment. She couldn't see from behind her head, making the action of her mother biting her bottom lip undetectable. The lack of an answer only frustrated the girl even more, and she found it hard to control her rising emotions. "What? Haven't you anything to say against that? Or perhaps, under that delicate, submissive act of yours, you do agree with me somewhat?"

"We mustn't be speaking about this." She snapped back quickly. A break in her tone was evident, though not great enough to be pointed out.

"But WHY shouldn't we be doing so?" The daughter's voice rose. "Let them know that you want no part in this. Stand up for yourself! If you don't, they're going to keep running their disgusting little feet all over you. Unless, you find yourself to be a glutton of the sort." The hands held around the girl's neck tightened, and a sharp piece of the material jabbed her harshly.

"Think about who you are speaking to young girl. I am your mother. Just because you feel the need to play the hero, doesn't allow you to disregard your respect towards your own kin. I suggest you keep a level tongue for the rest of the day, or else worse will befall upon you."

"And why is it that you say that? Are you in league with those who tear down our very own freedom? You do enjoy to be treated this way, don't you?"

"It's because I acted in the same way when I was your age!" She said, meeting the same tone as her daughter. She turned around to glance upon the trembling face of her mother. "You don't understand these things like I do, Fauna! I'm only trying to protect you!"

"By setting your only daughter up for sale? Destined to be abused by the wicked males of this tribe? Any other would believe that to be a strange way to protect your child." As they had been in the middle of discussing this, a loud bang sounded off closeby. Both of their ears had risen from their dormant positions, and they quickly determined its source to be coming from the other room. A look of fear replaced the one previously on the mother's face, and she quickly scurried to return her and her daughter back to their original positions.

"Hush, sweetie. I believe your father is coming."

The immediate switch in emotions- the immediate attitude and presence of fear set off bombs in the young gardevoir's head. "You know what, no. Why should I? I should be allowed to express what happens to be on my mind!"

"What's going on in here?"

"Good morning dear," The mother said while bowing towards the hulking gallade "I was just getting Fauna ready for the ceremony later." The tall, bulky figure looked between the two females in front of him, one sitting defiantly, and one cowering slightly in fear.

"If I heard correctly, that doesn't seem to be the case." He then walked forward, extending an arm out towards his wife and latching onto it very harshly. She struggled and recoiled as he did so. "You'd better not be lying to me, Soleil. You and I both know the consequences quite clearly."

"P-please, no..." The mother said, breaking down in front of him. She threw her free hand onto the arm of the large gallade, and rubbed it frantically as if doing so would allow her caught arm to be granted freedom. "I swear by the heavens we were simply doing so. Just some idle chatter may have stirred your attention, t-that's all..."

A hint of fear now overcame Fauna as she watched the string of events take place; She'd seen her mother in this state before. It surfaced only when she'd done wrong in front of her father, or at least, where her father thought she'd done wrong. Most of the time it was pointless quarrels or misheard words that gauged the worst reactions, which was completely unjust within itself.

The inner fire inside of her burned harsher than ever now. Although she had little spots of fear that ate away at her slowly, she felt the rage build faster. Shooting up from her seat awkwardly, she pointed at her father while trying to hold a serious face. "DON'T. Touch. Her." She said, sustaining a powerful tone. She was proud of the way she said it, smirking to herself slightly thinking she somewhat made a difference; until her father turned his head.

Harsh eyes burned their way into her soul. He kept a firm grip on Soleil's arm, though fixated his gaze intently on her. "Excuse me, miss?" His tone beat hers by a landslide, carrying the ability to bend the will of anybody listening. Fauna was strong though, she'd put up with this far too long.

"I said, keep your repulsive hands off of my mother."

"That's a bold tone to carry against your father, you know. But fine." He retracted his arm from the frightened gardevoir, who presumed to fall to the ground. "There, you got what you wanted. But now," He started walking towards his daughter slowly; Menacingly. "I think it's time I got what I wanted. What were the two of you talking about?"

"Nothing!" She said, keeping her tone steady as her father approached close.

"Hmm. No, that won't do. Let's try again, shall we?" His eyes lit a dim pink, and he lifted his hand with the same energy to unleash a firm bolt of energy across the gardevoir's face. With a loud "oof!", she was thrown off balance and staggered slightly, a red mark burning itself on her pale face. "What were you two talking about?"

"I-I-" She stuttered, unsure of how to answer. The eyes of the gallade lit hazily again, making her heart drop. "The marriage! We were talking about how I don't want to participate in the marriage!" She exclaimed, expecting another strike to her face. Instead, she was met with a light caress across the cheek that was glowing red.

"There we are. That wasn't too bad now, was it?" The calm overtake of his tone set an eerie mood throughout the room, making whatever hair or fur on Fauna stand on edge.

"No..." She said cautiously. "Would that mean I don't have to attend today's wedding?"

"Oh no, you are still to participate in today's ceremonies. It is your duty as daughter of a political figure to be wed with the sons of the other figures, and what must be done to secure power within the tribe. Come now Fauna, you should know this already." She silently sat as he rubbed his green colored hands across her face ominously. "Though if you DO happen to feel somewhat rebellious today," He then lowered his hand down closer to her neck and circled it strangely. "Let's just say I'll see to it that you're more than excited to offer yourself for the benefit of the tribe."

Before she could say anything else, he stepped back, and turned towards the exit. While doing so, he passed by the trembling gardevoir on the floor, giving her a hard kick on the side. She toppled over wheezing in pain, earning only a shake of the head from the dominant gallade before he stepped out of the room entirely.

Now free from whatever restrictions held her in place before, Fauna ran up to her mother and kneeled down. She checked the side that took the mighty blow, followed by her arm that was nearly strangled off her body. As she was doing so, Soleil turned her head in the midst coughing and struggling for air to face her daughter.

"Fauna..." She said weakly.

"Yes mother?" She asked, now scared herself.

"Run. Run from this place. Don't make the same mistakes I have." Tears now saturated Fauna's eyes.


"No, don't question it. Get out of here now." Soleil said, sounding more stern.

"But where to? We're the only tribe in this area!"

"The farther the better, my love. Just go!"

Following her mother's last words, Fauna hesitated while overwhelmed with emotions. With no other directive or advice on what to do, she stood up slowly from the spot, and mindlessly padded out of the house. From what started as a slow hobble, accelerated onwards into a speedwalk. Several members of the tribe who were minding their daily business turned their heads in suspicion, though Fauna hadn't paid any attention to them. She had one goal, and that was to get out of there.

Wind breaking in front of her, the gardevoir dropped her speed walk and made it to a running pace once at the exit of the tribe. A lightly hung wooden sign signified its entrance, surrounded by two or three gallade guards who were intent on watching the forest in front of them. She blasted past them, startling them out of their activities, and ran without looking behind her. It wasn't until she got a good lead ahead of them before she heard voices yelling from their spots, sounding off mini alarms she could only assume to be used to notify the tribe of her departure.

Now past any point of return, Fauna weaved through an assortment of obstacles in her way. Trees, large stones, thorned bushes, blazing bast them as to not get caught by any incoming guards. She glanced behind her, and saw hints of green and white figures running towards her, picking up in speed as well.

Blast it, they're faster than me! She though, not having the same rigorous training as the males that were chasing her. The only other ways she could fully escape from them would be to hide, or out perform them in combat. Well, combat would be a direct method to be brought back home...

Fauna glanced around her surroundings. They blurred past her as she moved at incredible speeds. What she was able to see, though, had almost no value if she wasn't able to hide in it. She'd drown in the river, the tree's aren't thick enough to take cover behind, and any guard with a brain would look behind a large rock. She was stuck, and had to think fast or be brought back to the hell she'd called home.

"There! I see her!" A voice sounded not too far from her. Ears raising immediately and swiveling in the direction of the sound, Fauna tracked down just how far her chasers had been. Then, putting her technical mind to use, estimated how long it would take for them to catch up.

Okay, ten seconds. She thought to herself, formulating a plan in her mind on how to shake them loose. As these events were taking place, they were all still running. Passing by landmarks, and dodging obstacles to ensure they were still running at optimal speeds- the gallades to catch the girl, and Fauna to run off. The only difference between the two though, was Fauna had kept her eye out for anything that may have stood out to her. Fallen trees, loose vines, whatever she could to slow down her enemies.

Her mental countdown had just ticked down to 5 seconds. She was now able to hear the footsteps of the gallade troops behind her quite clearly. C'mon, c'mon! She thought. Adrenaline ran through her as her eyes moved almost as fast as her legs, scanning the area. Now down to three, she was desperate. If anything could show up to allow her to delay her chasers!

Two. A thick patch of grass immersed itself before her, different from the rest of the dirt covered ground she had previously been running on.

One. A quick, last-minute idea popped into her head. To hell with it! She jumped above the ground and hovered slightly as she turned around to face the gallades. Her estimation was just about correct, as they had been mere meters away from her now- feet stomping hard on the grass. With both arms, she formed an intricate signal and pointed it towards the group of males. Then, with a loud shout, she unleashed her move.

"Grass knot!" She yelled. The grass beneath the feet of the gallade quickly grew by a sizeable amount, and shaped into thick vine-like structures. Then, matching the speed of the gallades, grabbed their ankles and legs, and tugged them down to the ground with a hard thud. They had been caught off guard, and seemed slightly shocked from the blow, giving Fauna ample time to set herself back to the ground and continue running.

No time, no time, no time- She repeated in her head. Her search for a hiding place only became ever more demanding, though the pressure of the constant chasers eased her up a bit. For the good couple of seconds they'd be down though, she had to capitalize on the opportunity she'd made for herself. C'mon...let me find somewhere!

Much of the terrain she'd covered differed in almost no way since she left the guards; Trees, rocks, grass, vines, a river, and not much else. Quickly becoming tired, and losing some hope, Fauna longed for an opportunity to present itself. Lucky for her, that opportunity was right around the corner. "Wait. Is that-" She jumped through a series of thick bushes, finding herself out of the forest and into a small clearing. The lack of trees in the area was justifiable due to a large cave- mouth opened wide to face the gardevoir- leading to an obscure veil of darkness. She stood outside of it, giving it a quick gaze of uncertainty. "A cave." She said. "Certainly better than dashing out in the open." She glanced back in the direction of the gallade guards, then again the cave. "Well, not much else I can do."

Fauna stepped inside, and found a rock to hide behind. From this vantage point, she could see the path she took out of the forest very clearly. If the gallade males were to have followed her, they'd see the tracks she made on the ground and end up jumping through the same thickets she had. Hopefully- as her best case scenario- they wouldn't think to check the cave.

Seconds went by, which then turned into minutes, until eventually her predictions came true. Three athletic, male gallade slashed their way through the tall bushes and stopped clear once in the little opening.

"Where to now?" One of them said. "The tracks stop here."

"We can't waste time contemplating this, we have to continue onwards before she gets away!" Another said, pointing to a different entryway back into the forest. Fauna's heart beat rapidly in her hiding place, wishing dearly the group of males would just run past.

"Hold on! We can't get reckless under these circumstances. Look, there's a cave sitting right there. She may have gotten tricky and stepped inside to lead us away."

"And if she hadn't?"

"Well that's why there's three of us, isn't it you idiot?" The one speaking seemed to have been the group's commander, or at least higher ranking than the two,considering they hadn't retorted to his insult in any way. He pointed a hand towards the pathway into the forest. "You two run up ahead and see if she kept going. I'll check the cave."

"And if either of us find her?"

"Report back to the her father by dusk. At least one of us will bring her back." He said. With that, the other two gallade ran off into the forest, while the taller one slowly made his way towards the entrance of the cave.

Fauna was struck with fear. She'd watched the entire scene unfold before her eyes, and now, the leader of the group was heading her way. Carefully, as to keep from making noise, she backed up from the rock she was hiding behind, and slowly retreated into the cave. Her back was faced towards the growing darkness, and front faced the entrance to keep an eye on her pursuer. Hopefully the obscure lighting would work to her advantage in not letting her be seen. After all, she just had to stay hidden long enough to run out his patience.

While in the midst of this, the gallade slowly started making his way inside. "Giiiiiirl." He called out into the unknown. The eerie vibe it carried sent chills down Fauna's spine. "I know you're in here. Why don't you come back home with me? I'm sure we can work things out."

She refrained from answering, focusing mostly on keeping steady footing while inching backwards. The only problem being the speed at which she moved matched that of the gallade, so she wasn't getting out of this too easily. "If you're not going to answer me, I'm sure I can just blast my way through here. No matter how silent you may be, pain is an excellent way to yield a response." The threats meant nothing to her. What more is an extra bit of pain to add to what she's been through already? Whatever risk she has to take to have a chance of getting out of here, she'd gladly take it.

Her feet moved on their own at this point. Paying attention to the gallade's responses and reactions concerned her the most. Unfortunately for her though, her lack of attention didn't help her detect what was about to stop her steady progress. Feeling a hard structure bump up against a soft part of her ankle, Fauna yelped near silently as her whole balance was distorted. Unable to accommodate for the shift in weight, she toppled over and fell to the ground with a soft thump. Her heart sank and she flicked her head over to the gallade, who had his ears pointed upwards with a smile on his face.

"Found you." He said, dashing into the cave to where he assumed she'd to be. She could see his silhouetted figure coming at her, and struggled to get up off the ground onto her feet again. The time it took her to do so though, gave the gallade just enough time to reach where she was, and tackle her back down to the ground. Her second fall hurt a lot more, thanks to the extra weight now on top of her. Her back was pushed down against the musty cave floor with the hands of the gallade on both her shoulders. She was pinned against her will.

"Get off of me!" She screamed, wiggling in place.

"Now why would I do that?" He said, struggling himself to stay atop of her. "I spent so much time and energy trying to catch you in the first place!"

"Leave me alone!" She yelled. At this point, making noise was the least she could do to either get help, or annoy the pokemon off of her. The latter seemed to be closest to reality- causing the gallade to stuff one of his hands into Fauna's mouth. Her cries became muffled, and her eyes widened in disgust.

"Shut up, will you!" He said menacingly. "For just a helpless little pokemon, you sure know how to make a ruckus."

"Mfff Mf mff!!"

"Aww, I'm sorry, I can't quite understand you sweetie. Maybe if you spoke just a little more clearly?" The tone he took ticked her off, so she decided to remain quiet. "That's it? No more whining or struggling or anything? Or are you trying to put that brain of yours to use again and plot against me?"

Fauna stayed silent, giving the male a deadly glare even though he couldn't quite see it. "Whatever suits you." He continued. "Although, the plans you may be thinking of right now won't be of use to you in the next couple of seconds. I'm not bringing you back to your father by brute strength because quite frankly, I fear you may outsmart me somehow. Which is why I shall cast hypnosis on you to calm you down some before taking you back. Can't do too much when incapacitated now can you?"

Fauna froze in place, a look of worry now replacing the glares she was giving the gallade. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. She couldn't do anything if she was passed out. She'd be returned back to her father against her free will, and whatever punishment he had in store for her wouldn't be pretty in the slightest. Her mind began thinking of various other opportunities or possibilities that could arise before being cast asleep, but while doing so, she could already feel some of the effects of the spell wash over her. A faint pink glow shone over her which she could only assume was the guard's eyes, which grew increasingly more blurry as she stared at them.

She tried to fight it, using every ounce of willpower in her brain to push back the wave of incoming drowsiness. No matter how hard she tried though, the fatigue-like feeling kept growing stronger and stronger by the second, and before she knew it her eyelids were dropping slowly. Whatever strength she had left in her body she used to struggle under the gallade to lift him off or anything, but whatever she tried never seemed to work. The only thing she could do was succumb to the sleepy feeling. Let it wash over her and take control of her body.

Just as she was about to pass out- just when she thought it was over- a bright red and yellow flash resonated from deep within the cave and flew over her. This followed by a loud, agonizing cry as the weight above her body suddenly diminished and the bright pink haze disappeared. Unfortunately for her though, she was far too deep into the effects of the hypnosis, and dozed off before she could see the events unfold before her.

Darkness clouded Fauna's vision. She awoke slowly from what seemed like a blur, and jolted up from her lying down position. The light that filled the entrance of the cave before diminished completely, instead a dark cloud filling her vision. She was on edge, glancing all around her trying to find the gallade, or any other perpetrator that was after her. While in this alert position, she felt a deep pang of pain spread all across her back and her upper body, wracking her body in all sorts of uncomfortable sensations. She winced, though kept her guard up.

"Good to see you're awake." A voice sounded, breaking the silence that filled the void. It was different from the voice Fauna associated with the gallade- smoother.

"Who are you?" She replied. Unsure of where to look, she waved her hands all around her to protect herself from whatever it was. "Where am I?"

"I think you know where you are." It said, having a deep voice signifying that of a male. "And as for who I am, you shouldn't concern yourself with."

"I am allowed to know who it is I'm speaking to."

"I don't have to explain myself to you, girl. Listen to me and listen closely. If it weren't for me, you'd be packed up and sent back wherever you came from, and from my understanding, you don't really want to be there. Now I won't ask for details, but if I were you, I'd watch my tongue from now on." The tone matched that of her superiors back at home...did she get herself in a worse situation?

"...okay." She said in agreement. She was helpless now.

"Good. Now that we're on equal terms, I need you to sit still. That fumbling around won't do you any good if you're hurt."

"You...what do you mean?" Fauna asked. Rather than hearing an answer, silence filled the room, and she felt a pang of worry overcome her. "I-If you don't mind, that is."

"That gallade." He said simply. "He hurt you pretty bad on the way down. You've got bruises and marks all over your back and shoulders."

"Oh..." She felt the strange Pokémon- or what she assumed was a Pokémon- move its claws around her torso in special patterns, soothing the muscles in around the area. The edge she had upon waking up in the strange area quickly disappeared, replaced by a calming sensation. Her body was worked on with care, and she could already feel the aches and sores melt on out of her. "Thank you." She said aloud followed by a deep inhale and exhale.

"I do what I must." He said, spending most of his attention towards caring for Fauna. She couldn't rest easy with the idea of not knowing who this was though. She was naturally curious, and decided to press on.

"Well, if it's alright to ask, why must you do so?" She asked. "You could have easily just left me there and stayed content with yourself."

"I could have. But I didn't. Must there be a motive for helping someone in need?"

"I guess not...but you barely knew me! I could have easily been a robber or a criminal, and the gallade could have been trying to catch me and punish me for my crimes!"

"Are you?" Before she could answer though, he cut her off with his continued speech. "You need not answer that. I know you aren't. Though, if you really must know why I came to your rescue, that gallade irked me quite a bit. Reminds me of someone from my past."

The creature's response resonated in Fauna's mind. As if whatever he answered her made the mysterious cloud surrounding him grow bigger and bigger. She couldn't understand who he was, or what he wanted with her.

Rather than beat around the question anymore, Fauna threw her cards onto the table and dove right into it. "...who are you?"

Silence filled the room again. Not even the kneading of her muscles filled the soundless void- the creature stopping his actions after hearing the question. Instead of answering right away though, she felt his weight shift off of her and she could sense him scurrying around on the ground. Rather than prepare herself for a surprise attack though, she kept herself at ease. She strangely had trust in this thing.

Mere seconds after the scurrying stopped, a bright red and yellow flash appeared before her. The intense contrast in brightness caused Fauna to bring her hands up to her face and shield her eyes. Once acquainted with the lighting change though, she distanced them slowly, and gazed upon what stood before her.

A large, winged beast sat idle on the ground. Next to him was a small bundle of sticks set on fire which she could only assume he just lit. He had a light blue color on the inside of his wings, outlined in black, followed by a more purple colored outside. His scrawny body was a smooth black beside his underbelly which held the same deep hue of purple on his wings. This color scheme lined up from head to toe, though a tuft of white fur separated his neckline from the rest of his body. Compared to Fauna, he had large, pulsating ears and an upside-down fang shaped nose, with deep piercing yellow eyes. She was gazing upon a Noivern, a pokemon she and her tribe had thought to be way past extinct.

"Y-you're a-"

"Yes. I'm a Noivern." He said, cutting her off. "Surprised? Scared? Intrigued?" Her mind was having a hard time processing what she was seeing. Back when she was but a young ralts, the elders spoke of dark times between her tribe and a Noivern tribe. For many years there had been battles between the two, until eventually, gallade knights of her tribe rallied and defeated the evil Noivern pokemon. They slaughtered the lot of them, or at least that's what she was told. No one had ever verified if any remained to this day, so she reasoned it was just a kit's tale. Something the older generation makes up to keep their children in line. She guessed wrong.

"A little bit of everything..." She said, trying to formulate what to say. "I mean...I always thought you were-"

"Extinct?" He cut her off again. The way he blurted out the word created an awkward vibe for the girl.


"Well, you thought wrong. Mostly, at least. You see," He took a deep breath, and shifted his body on the ground to make himself more comfortable. "The ancient war your tribe pokemon speak of was nothing but a fluke. What had happened was my tribe and your tribe coexisted peacefully in this here forest. The region outlined by this cave marked our land, while the region buried deep into the trees marked yours. One day, a powerful leader of your clan discovered a new type of move your hereditary line can use. You know about move typings, correct?" Fauna nodded her head at his question. "Good. Well, the most simple, and most powerful type of move your tribe can use is psychic-type, derived by mental power. On top of that, the power gained when males evolve into gallades allows for them to master the art of fighting type moves as well. What your leader discovered was a new manifestation of power derived by the moon; Fairy type moves. It's power seemed limitless at the time, and created a whole new type of aggression for your people. That was what led to the conquering of my tribe and my people because we, unfortunately, have quite the weakness for that type."

The long monologue made Fauna think. Was all of what she'd been taught about the 'horrible noivern pokemon,' and the ruthless, oppressive rule they had over her tribe a complete lie? It was hard to believe at first, but something about it seemed right almost. "You're entirely sure about all of this?" She asked, semi-hesitantly.

"As sure as my two dead parents, yes." The comment seemed morbid, but held somewhat of a sentimental value to Fauna. The big, scary creature she was staring at soon turned into a small, fragile pokemon.

"I'm so sorry about this..."

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about." He said, now gazing at the ground. "You didn't cause any of this to happen. You're simply a result of a horrible turn in events."

"What do you mean?" She kept asking questions, feeling more and more at ease with the situation.

"You know what I mean- Fauna, is it?" He said. She was taken aback at the statement, wondering how he could have known her name. He chuckled upon watching her reaction. "Tell me, have you ever had an affinity towards the moon?"

"Kind of..." She said, thinking it over. She'd always loved nighttime more than day. She could even remember back when she was a ralts, herself and her mother would always gaze upon the moon whenever there father hadn't been around. The warm feeling she felt coarse through her body at the time- she thought everybody felt that way. "Actually, now that I think about it, yeah. Why?"

"It's because while male's harness the power of physical strength, females wield the capability of the moon and it's grace. Fauna, you're a fairy type."

"A what?!" Outraged and confused, she threw her arms at her side requiring further explanation.

"Do you ever wonder why your society is so patriarchal? Why is it that women are condoned to their homes and are given little to no power? It's because you're stronger than males. YOU hold the power to defeat them because THEIR fighting-type archetype renders them weak to fairy-type moves. They're scared of you, Fauna."

The noivern sat back and watched the storm of emotions overcome the gardevoir. First she thought it over, trying to wrap her head around the prospect of being a type she'd never heard of before. Then realization, thinking back to all the instances in her life that previously hadn't made any sense until now. And lastly, hatred. Filled to the brim with complete anger, the idea of males like her father taking advantage of her because she had a slight edge in combat made her writhe in a rage. "So you're telling me that they've been taking advantage of me and my mother, along with every other female in this clan, because we're fairy types?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Unsure of what else to do, Fauna disregarded any form of thinking and had one goal focused in on her mind. She was going to get back to her tribe, and face her father one on one. No more running away, no more unfair tactics- he was going to get what he deserved.

Wasting no time, she placed her arms down onto the ground and tried to lift herself up. Trying was just as far as she got though, considering as soon as she put weight down onto her arms, she felt an uncomfortable buckling sensation wrack her shoulders, causing her to fall back down. With a hefty "oof!" Fauna was forced back down to her side thanks to gravity and her failing muscles.

"Don't do that!" The noivern said, slinking his body in one fluid movement to rush over to the girl. With his two claw-like feet, he brushed over to her injured shoulders and started massaging again. "You're going to hurt yourself more than you have already!"

Silence filled the room once more as Fauna watched the creature from above her tend to her wounds. This calmed her down, and placed her back into a thinking mind frame again, feeling the talons of the bat pokemon work their way into her skin. "Sorry..." She said, feeling bad immediately after bursting out like she had.

"It's okay." He said, paying close attention to her bruises. "I understand your anger, it's only natural." She laid there, and he attended to her. It matched the situation from when she woke up here not too long ago, though this time it was much more relaxing. She felt as though she knew this noivern forever, and she hadn't even known his name. Wait a second, she completely forgot to ask him of his name!

"Hey uh...I know you didn't want me to ask this before but, do you go by something?"

"I do." He said, not as rattled as before. "Back when I was young, I remember my parents and the people around me calling me Velthunaxx. I've never heard it spoken aloud in quite some time though. If you wish, I may also go by Vel for simplicity's sake."

"Oh...." She said. That was the second time he brought up the demise of his family. "Y'know, I don't really have much of a family either."

"I know. Quite a charmer your father is, isn't he?"

"You know my father?"

"Know of." He corrected. "I've never had any direct contact with him, but I have had some past quarrels against those who were related to him. You're a princess, are you not?"


"It was your ancestors who waged war on us and defeated my clan. Ever since I've been lurking in the forest around your parts, which is why I happen to know so much about you."

"Oh my..." She said. She wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as she should have been though. Every word this Noivern uttered gave her a whim of confidence- it's the deepest connection she's ever felt with anyone in her life! Aside from her mother, of course. Besides the comments she made already, Fauna stayed silent as she watched Vel continue to care for her. He raised a brow in suspicion.

"Well isn't that interesting, here I thought I would have to explain myself all over again. No detesting? No more inquiries?" He asked, amused by her quiet demeanor.

"No, not this time anyways." She said. "I strangely feel like I can trust you about this information. I mean, not coming from much in the first place, it feels wonderful to be cared for and to have the ability to share thoughts with someone almost intimately."

"I understand." Vel said. He then removed his claws from her torso and made a circular signal with them. "Turn over, I need to tend to your backside." Fauna hadn't argued, and used whatever strength she had in her to flip her body over. Then, placing his claws back onto her, he continued to massage her bruised back. "If I may also input my personal emotions, it's nice to be able to speak to someone as well. Living in seclusion for almost all of your life can take its toll on you."

"Yeah, I'd imagine so." She said with an uneven tone. Her back being massaged generated much more of a sensation than her shoulders had, so every once and awhile Vel's talons would scrape over her and send a jolt of pleasure down her spine. "Though I have to say, living with a bunch of dishonest, immoral pokemon isn't exactly a ball either. I mean, my own parents were going to sell my body for the 'benefit of the tribe' tonight!"

"Sell?" He asked, a hint of confusion in his voice. "I don't believe I'm familiar with the custom."

"You don't want to be." She said harshly. "It's a horrible tradition the superiors of the tribe make us do." A break in silence filled the cave before Vel answered, who seemed to be hesitating.

"Well if you don't mind my curiosity... I would much rather be informed on the subject. Of all things I've picked up of your tribe's strange behaviours, this is one I've not been acquainted with." Fauna thought it over for a second, and answered blatantly.

"Fine." She said, not too thrilled about being reminded of the horrible occasion. "On the first of every moon cycle, the daughters of the tribe council members give offering to the rest of the tribe. They say a man's best gift is his mind, while a woman's is her fertility. This is just an excuse to verify their perverted way though. What they do is round us up in a public square and chain us down with magic superior to ours. Then, sons of the council members may take their picking and go at us first. The one whom they choose on their first participation is then claimed territory- like a marriage in a way. A horrible, perverted way. Once he's finished, he then offers his newly wedded property to the rest of the tribe, so then every other male may use us however they see fit until the night is over." From beginning to end, Fauna's voice went from a harsh monotone to a shaky, broken down voice. She seemed as though she was on the verge of tears, and Vel couldn't help but feel responsible for it.

"My goodness." He said, followed by the retraction of his feet. He stopped massaging in order to carry out his next action, hobbling over to her head and kneeling down. She noticed his presence and looked up, allowing for him to wrap his wing around her torso and help lift her into a sitting position. "I hadn't known anything about that...I'm sorry for making you recall such events." His words brought upon the tears she had been holding back- not just from the moment, but from her whole life. She sobbed right there within his wings, letting go of the bundle of emotions that troubled her ever since she was a child. She never had anyone to do this with, her father being one of the perpetrators, and her mother too weak a soul to confess to. Having this someone by her side that shared her ideals, and understood her situation comforted her more than she could ever imagine.

Vel, expecting this reaction, said nothing more. His presence simply showed both his concern and his support for her. For him, the contact with another Pokémon was comforting as well. Never before had he felt these emotions, and he was quick to warm up and blush at the female who threw herself into him.

Once done with her small crying fit, Fauna was left to deep breaths as she sat still in the noivern's wings. "Thank you." She said, softly. "You feel...warm."

"As do you." He responded, trying to keep his own emotions cool. This exciting, new feeling rushed all throughout his body and he could only explain it as if his heart was fluttering! "It feels nice to have someone at my side."

"Yes it does."

Just then, Fauna felt a subtle poking down by her lower abdomen. Out of curiosity's sake, she tilted her head and caught an angle at which she could clearly see the strange object. It was deep red hued, and teemed with some sort of life to it. From now and then it would rise and fall with relative fervor, along with small throbbing in place as well. Her eyes widened once sure of what it was, but she tried to remain calm. Bringing her head around to its original position again, she looked up at the Noivern who held her in the small embrace, who seemed to be eyeing around the cave.

"Erm...Vel?" She asked awkwardly.

"Yes?" He said, quick to attend to the gardevoir.

"You seem to be...ah...excited. If you catch my meaning." Vel looked at her with a confused glance, then- once he'd deciphered her words- displayed a look of horror. He jumped off of her, flying to the other side of the cave with a beat or two of his powerful wings, ultimately revealing himself. Poking out of his purple scales was indeed his dark red penis. It stood at attention, very smooth and silky in texture, and quite sizeable compared to the many Fauna's had to see.

"D-dearest me!" He exclaimed, covering himself after his big reveal with one of his wings. His face quickly flushed into a similar red color as he blushed in embarrassment and regret. "I hadn't meant to do that! I mean- not after what you'd just told me! Oh heavens, the contact between you and I was just so great and produced such a wonderful sensation that it may have just happened on its own! I promise you, sometimes I don't have control over this myself as I haven't-"

In the middle of his rambling tirade, Fauna used all of the strength in her body to lift herself off the ground and fling herself onto the noivern. The massage had done her well considering her muscles hadn't failed her this time around, and she was able to launch herself a decent distance over to the flustered bat pokemon. Now on top of him, Fauna could only think of one thing to do to keep him quiet, so she pushed her face forward into his to fulfill a passionate kiss.

They held this wonderful consummation of bodies for as long as they could, before Fauna fell back to fill her lungs with air again. Even more confused than before, Vel looked down upon the gardevoir unsure of what to say next.


"Shhhh...." Fauna said, lifting her hand up to the bat's lips. "You need not speak anymore, Vel. I know exactly what you mean when you describe this warmth. It's something that just enveloped you completely when we were hugging, right?" The Noivern nodded slowly at her question. "It was beautiful. Like I was actually loved, and someone actually cared for me. I've never experienced these emotions in my life before."

"Neither have I." He said in agreement with her. The two of them were now speaking in very low tones, as if doing so increased the connection they felt for one another. "That's why I got so worked up like that. I've never felt contact such as that before and...It felt right."

"It did." She said. Then, both involuntarily and needily, she rubbed her body against the bat, generating sparks between the two of them. "And feeling you against me like that...and seeing you worked up like that...It filled me with this desire as well."

"Desire?" He asked, unsure if the situation was heading where he thought it was.

"Desire. Passion. Lust." Fauna said, reaching her hands around to grab both of the bat's wings and pull them away from his body. This revealed his torso and abdomen to her again, but most importantly, his thick and throbbing penis as well. She smiled at it while fostering a blush of her own on her face. "All of these emotions that run through me are so new but...I feel this strange urge to be filled by you."

"Are you sure you really want that though?" Vel asked, not completely overtaken my lust yet. "I mean, after hearing such tales of females in your tribe being taken advantage of, I don't want to contribute to that number." The kindness of his words were enough to break Fauna out of her own lust-filled trance, and she gazed up at the bats face. Now with an even wider grin plastered across her face, she leaned in and quickly kissed the bat.

"Vel, your sweetness is almost too much for me. Of all people who should be worried about taking advantage of me, it shouldn't be you. And besides, I know you want me-" Following her words, she leaned back down and brought her face next to the Noivern's active penis. "-and I want you too."

Without waiting for a response, affirmation, or negation, Fauna pushed her head forward and took a good lick of the bat's penis. The taste was sweet, reminding her of some local berries, and had somewhat of a salty aftertaste. She found it to be quite pleasant and, after taking a couple more taste tests, rather addictive as well.

The stimulation was way beyond what Vel could have ever imagined. The smooth tongue of the Gardevoir caressed his member very gently, sending waves of voluptuous pleasure rippling through his body. He shook and trembled in place, almost unable to keep himself on his two claws as the psychic type before him gave him the most intense blow job he'd ever known. "F-Fauna!" He exclaimed in between grunts. "So good!"

"Mmmf!" She replied, knowing full well he wouldn't be able to understand her. Starting off with small licks was her plan, and now ready to move onto the next stage, she released her mouth and grabbed the sloppy penis with a free hand. "Mmm, you like when I do that Vel?" She asked quite seductively.


"Then I bet you'll love this~." Going back down again, Fauna made a ring with her fingers, encircling the base of his penis, and pushing the majority of her maw down on the rest of the member. Now taking the entire meat in her mouth, she was better able to perform tricks and tactics of various kinds. First, she focused on the basics though, bobbing her head backwards and forwards to simulate that of Vel humping a vagina.

In heaven, the Noivern moaned aloud once the gardevoir wrapped her full mouth around his penis. Feeling the warmness of her insides when compared to the cool atmosphere of the cave made him melt into a puddle of pleasure, and found himself unable to control a wave of immense tingling wash over him. With the claws on his wing, he worked into the gardevoir's head and began to grind in and out of her mouth, hereby increasing the speed.

"I-I'm close!" He said, maw now agape as he could feel his climax rush over him quickly. While he was in such a state though, he could still react to his surroundings, so when Fauna tapped him on the wing and gave a light "mmf!" sound, he knew to let go.

Now free and in the air again, Fauna stared head on at the Noivern's penis. She was just given the heads up that he was about to cum soon, and she knew just how she wanted to spend this. "Yes, right on my face!" She said, excited to partake in this for the first time. Both of her hands surrounded Vel's member as she rapidly pumped, ending him on a wonderful handjob. With one loud grunt, the bat over her humped harshly into her hands for the last couple of seconds before giving one final thrust and stopping completely in mid-air. His penis had only just begun its motions though- now throbbing and writhing within her hands, it shot mounds after mounds of ropey cum onto her face. She willingly accepted, closing her eyes to shield from the storm that rained upon her, and opening her mouth to catch some of it and taste it. The orgasm lasted for a good couple of seconds, and ended with one final strand of goop, leaving Fauna in a white-colored sticky mess.

Now done with one of the most pleasureable experiences of his life, Vel sighed and relaxed his whole body. His penis was released by the gardevoir, and he plopped himself on the cave floor as he watched the girl lap up whatever excess cum was on her body. She went at it fiercely like an animal until she seemed satisfied with herself, and turned her attention towards him.

"How was it?" She asked, smiling greatly.

"Inexplicable." He said, matching her smile. "I never thought such feelings were possible. You did a wonderful job." Fauna giggled at the compliment.

"Thank you."

"I have a feeling we aren't finished though, are we?" She shook her head in response to him.

"Of course not! What pokemon would leave their fair lady hanging?"

"Not myself, of course." He said, standing up on his haunches again and making his way over to the gardevoir. "Now, how would my 'fair lady' like to be treated?"

Fauna brought a finger up to her chin and thought to herself- faking the severity of it of course. "Well, I believe she seems to have a bit of an itch." Following her comment, Fauna slowly made her way back down onto the ground, backside flat of the floor and legs bent upwards facing the Noivern. She then opened them up, revealing her own sex to the bat pokemon. "Would you be a dear and scratch it for me?"

"With the utmost pleasure, my lady." He said, bending down beside her and craning his neck downwards into her nether region. The area was hypnotic to him, never being able to fully see a female's private area. She had wonderfully toned white outer lips, along with a bubbly pink nub at the top of her labia, and fleshy pink insides. He started off with one long lick, moving from the bottom upwards. She responded with a wholehearted moan, and a light shake of her body. Enjoying the reaction, Vel went and did it again. And again, and again, until he made a rhythm out of the laps he made at the gardevoir's vagina.

Fauna was fully enjoying the sensation. The feeling of the noivern tongue roll up against her vagina sent jolts all throughout her body. The feeling of her muscles being pulled and tugged down there were absolutely ecstatic, and she'd never imagined it to feel this pleasureable. Only a fraction of the way to completely bliss though, she had yet to realize what was about to hit her next.

Vel decided to get more adventurous with his next move, circling his tongue around the tiny nub at the top of her lips. He circled rapidly around her clit, unbeknownst to him how much pleasure he was bringing her. For Fauna, this new energy that enveloped her body felt as though it took her through a ringer of ecstasy. Her body contracted along with the muscles of her insides, and caused her to become more vocal along with the moans she was making.

"Ohhhh yes...!" She said, commending the Noivern. "Right there is so good!"

Happy he was able to bring her such joy, Vel spent a good amount of time on this body part. As he did so, he could sense an increase in state of stimulation from the female in front of him, so he knew he was doing her some good. Not only were these the signs she was giving him, but within her pussy he could also see a faint glow of liquids dribble out of it. The strange substance had a powerful scent along with it, and made his head buzz in both wonder and excitement. It smelled so good- just like Fauna- and he wanted to be able to go deeper within her and extract as much of it as he could.

Once he couldn't take it anymore, he removed his tongue from her clit, earning a whine from her, but then immediately pushed it within her aching sex. With a gasp, Fauna felt herself get filled up by the enlarged bat tongue, causing her eyes to roll back into her head. "Yesssss! This is even better!" She screamed.

Vel had to admit, this was better for him as well. He could not only smell her much easier, but the taste of her was so much more potent. The liquid she was secreting was very sweet, giving him a faint warmth as he lapped it up. Each time he tasted some though, he itched for more, thus creating a never ending cycle of his pleasuring inside of her to get more of the addictive taste.

After a while, his long, slinky tongue made its way to a while at the end of her fleshy passage, which he could only assume was as far as her vagina went. He quickly gazed up at the female above him to see how she was doing. Fauna was completely lost in her own world, her hands attending to her breasts as she bounced up and down on his maw. The sight brought smile to his face, and he wanted no more than to finish her off just as she had to him.

His pacing increased, and he made sure to attend to the walls and roof of her insides as well as its linear direction. As he was doing so, he could feel an increase in the rate of her convulsions as well, and he could hear her mumbling atop him. "Veeeel...!" She said, half moan. "I'm about to cum~!"

Preparing himself for the flood of liquids, he shoved his maw completely onto her entrance, which caused his snout to bump up against her slit in the process. The combination of his tongue deep within her and his snout stimulating her clitoris, Fauna gave into the collapsing dam and came right there. With a loud moan, she let loose a range of different body spasms and verbal cries to signify the beginning of her orgasm. Within her, her pussy let loose copious amounts of fluid as well to serve the Bat who was attending to her.

The feeling of her clench around his tongue was amazing, but what brought him the most pleasure was watching her ride out her orgams full force. He found it both intriguing, and intimate. The connection between him and her was no mere coincidence now, he believed they were destined to meet, and were made for each other.

The end of Fauna's orgasm came as her moans toned down and she was degraded to heavy panting. Vel then retracted his tongue from within her, and climbed back towards her side. Now warped back to the world in which she lived in, Fauna glanced up at the Noivern who sat idle beside her and ushered for him to join. With a swift movement, he sprawled his body across the cave floor next to her, and they spent the next couple of minutes staring into each other's eyes, letting the lust die down and escape from them.

"Thank you for that." Fauna said, the first to break the silence.

"Anything for my lovely Gardevoir." He said, bringing smiles to both of their faces.

"I'm glad I came here." She continued, looking up at the cavern ceiling now. "I mean, if I hadn't listened to my mother, or if I got caught by those guards, we wouldn't have ever met."

"Maybe not then," Vel said, looking up as well. "But at some point, I feel as though we might have crossed paths. If there's one thing I recall quite clearly from my past, it's how my parents always spoke of destiny. It isn't something we can prevent, rather, something we should embrace. Because no matter what outcome there is, the same end results will still occur."

"Wow." She said in awe. "Your clan seems so knowledgeable."

"That they were...but let's not reminisce on the past. We should look to the future." He then got up from his lying down position, and ushered for Fauna to do the same. "Fauna, what are you going to do now?"

She got up as well, letting her weight shift back onto her arms supporting her from behind. "I...don't know. I can't simply go back home, I'll be punished beyond belief and be sold back into slavery." She said, depressed.

"Then don't." Vel said quickly, earning her attention. "Hear me out on this. Stay here with me. Though it may not seem like much, I may be able to provide for you what your tribe has not." She thought over the idea carefully, and answered very seriously.

"I would love to do that, with all of my heart Vel, but I can't simply leave those poor pokemon of my tribe like their are. I have to do something about it." Vel nodded.

"I figured you would suggest as much, and I too have thought out that possibility." He took a slight break to figure out how he'd word his next part. "Which is why I may be able to teach you how to learn the ancient moves of your people. I can offer you the power of the moon, allowing for you to end the oppression of your people once and for all."

"You can do that?" She asked, excited. "You can teach me fairy type moves?"

"It would be a difficult task, but with a bright gardevoir like yourself, I don't see it as impossible." Overwhelmed with happiness, Fauna flung herself back into the wings of the Noivern to give him a deep hug.

"Thank you." She said. "You bring hope to my people and I." He smiled, and hugged her back.

"Whatever I must do for you, and your tribe, I will. You're very welcome Fauna."

The two embraced for the remainder of the time, before feeling exhausted once more, and drifting off to sleep together. They never let go of each other's bodies as they did so, as to not break the connection they've established for themselves as both training partners, and lovers, for the future and onwards.

Beneath the Stars - A Braixen x Trainer Tale

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The Bell - A Riolu x Alolan Vulpix Tale

"-And that shall be your assignment for today. Do you both understand?" "Yessir!" A riolu said, rounding his paw up to his face to salute his superior. "Excellent, hop to it then." He replied, before walking into the office behind him and...

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Partners in Love: A Zootopia Story

Life was as good as it could be now. Nick sat in the passenger seat of a police cruiser, nibbling away at a bagel he and his partner had just picked up for breakfast. They were assigned a nice and easy task for the day. Patrol around one section of...

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