The Bell - A Riolu x Alolan Vulpix Tale

Story by TogoMizui on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokemon Stories

And here we have our second installation! Kudos to me for finishing this on time AND as promised! So I think it's safe to say that this folder of pokemon stories will be dedicated to individual stories only, no sequels or prequels or any lineage whatsoever; just a compilation of short stories!

Like I said in my last one, these will be uploaded weekly so get your popcorn ready and tune in every friday! 18+ rating ofc for juicy sex, and I hope you all enjoy!!

"-And that shall be your assignment for today. Do you both understand?"

"Yessir!" A riolu said, rounding his paw up to his face to salute his superior.

"Excellent, hop to it then." He replied, before walking into the office behind him and shutting the door. Doing so left only but two pokemon standing in the hub room alone, who then turned to each other with excitement on their faces.

"Alrighty! Bulletin board it is today!" The riolu had said, the first of the two to speak up. He stood at about the typical height for a riolu, a little bit more than two feet tall, and had all of the resemblances of one as well. The only way one could extract him from the rest would be a simple blue scarf he wore around his neck, signifying his enrollment in the Altaria Guild. He wasn't the only one sporting this look though, as the alolan vulpix standing next to him wore the same type of scarf around his own neck.

"Yeah, wanna do the rescue side today?" He said, speaking much smoother as compared to the energetic tone of the riolu.

"Nah, we did that yesterday!" They kept talking as they walked over to the other side of the room. "What about the outlaw side?"

"No! I mean," The vulpix took a moment to think over an answer. "Remember what happened last time?"

"Oh come on, we could have totally taken him on! He was too much of a wuss to fight us alone though."

"Right..." The two then reached a huge bulletin board on the other side of the room, holding papers filled with all sorts of information. It was divided into two sections, rescue, and outlaws. The rescue side was embroidered with light blue fabric, while the outlaw side had a sharp contrasting red fabric around it.

"Pascal," The riolu said, facing his partner. "I promise you it won't be too bad this time! Here, we'll pick out an easier looking mission to start off with, and work up from there. Look!" He brought a paw up to one of the papers tacked onto the wall. It had a big "WANTED" sign at the top, followed by an enlarged mugshot of a pokemon. "This guy doesn't look too tough, we can take him!" Pascal leaned over to look at the picture.

"I don't know..."

"For crying out loud, it's a chimeco! What the heck is a chimeco gonna do to us?"

"Aren't you weak to psychic types." The vulpix mumbled, low enough for the riolu to pretend not to here.

"Exactly! So it's agreed, we're doing an outlaw mission for today!" Pascal rolled his eyes, and went along with his partner for the time being. The two pokemon, with the wanted sheet in paw, took a wooden ladder up to the second floor and padded on over to a desk. It was a flimsy desk, looking as though a young kit had put it together, that held multiple stacks of papers on it. Behind them sat an espeon, who seemed intent on what she had been doing. It wasn't until the riolu and vulpix had walked up in front of her when she was startled out of her concentration.

"Oh, good morning you two!" She said cheerfully. "Have a mission you would like to verify?"

"You bet we do!" The riolu said, holding out the paper. The espeon's orb then glowed a faint blue, matching that of a new aura around the paper, and she picked it up with her psychic powers. It floated over in front of her to allow her to read it.

"Thank you Kilo. Now let's see here..." Her eyes scanned the paper for any and all important details to note. "Mischievous Chimeco, last spotted on the fifth floor of connecting cavern. Useful notations...has yet to be captured. Seems like you've got a real slippery one today."

"Sounds good to us!" Kilo said, sounding confident as ever. "Are we good to go?"

"Looks like it." The espeon then picked up a stamp with her powers again, and stamped the paper down. "You're all set, good luck out there!"

"Thanks." Pascal said, giving a smile, and the two were waved off as they took their leave up another ladder. Now reaching the third floor, an exitway that lead out of the tent was in sight, in which the two of them went through.

Bunches of clouds lined the sky, absorbing most of the oncoming light from the sun. It had been the perfect mix of cloudy and sunny though, or else it would have been too hot or too cold. Kilo ran ahead once stepping outside, feeling the gentle breeze flow through his fur as he did so. This often happened to Pascal, being left behind, but he had come to enjoy it. The bond between him and Kilo was a strange one, but something Pascal cherished to its full extent. The two had been together since the beginning, and have seemingly never left each other's side since birth; they were truly inseparable friends. So although it may seem like Pascal has to put up with a lot of Kilo's unpredictable behavior, he wouldn't have rathered it any other way.

The riolu had just reached a signpost that had been dug into the ground before coming to a halt and turning around. He waved over to his friend. "Hey Pascal, c'mon ya slowpoke!"

"Coming." He replied, taking his time walking down the steps. He then padded on over to his riolu friend, and stood next to the signpost. Written on it was a list of available hours of service, followed by a small sticker of a drifblim. For the majority of the dungeons the two journeyed to, they had to travel quite a ways away from the guild, so their main method of transportation was via drifblim air shuttle. It was quick, effortless, and scenic as well.

Their drifblim ride hadn't shown up for a couple minutes though, in which they simply spent chatting like normal. The ghost pokemon landed it's basket body onto the ground, and opened up for the two pokemon waiting on queue.

"Why hello boys, where to today?" It spoke, closing it's compartment once the two stepped inside.

"Hi drifblim, connecting cavern if that's okay?"

"Sure thing!" Following their exchange, the drifblim filled up it's balloon appendage with hot air, and took off into the skies to begin their adventure.


After a good amount of time, spent both socializing and playing games, the duo landed on a patch of rocky terrain. "We're here~!" The drifblim announced, opening its carriage for the two pokemon to step out of.

"Awesome! Thanks Drifblim!" Kilo said, giving courteous nods towards the ghost type.

"Just doing my job, my boys. I shall be back later for you, have fun now!"

"We will!" Pascal said, watching as their ride floated away. The pair was left alone again, this time in a more hostile environment though. The entrance to the cave screamed danger and mystery; Exactly what the riolu had hoped for. He looked upon the scene with a glimmer in his eyes, and a toothy grin on his face, which held great contrast to his partner's look of horror. "Oh no."

"More like oh yeah." Kilo said, awestruck. Once the two had finished sizing up the place, Kilo was the first to start moving forward. Unable to think of any complaints, Pascal followed, and they entered the first floor of the dungeon together.

It was quiet. Water flowed gently from the walls, and through the paws of the two pokemon. They both had their guard up, ready for an ambush, or an encounter with a baddie.

"Okay, there's pathway right down there. You got my back?" Kilo said.

"Yeah, be careful." They walked back to back, Kilo taking the eyes in front while Pascal watched the rear. Their battle formation was almost indestructible through the entirety of the floor, every enemy they bumped into having a hard time penetrating through their heavy barricade. After searching through multiple passageways, a staircase was found that lead deeper into the cave. They entered floor B2F, completely unsure of where the chimeco was located out of the 6-7 floors. Hopefully close enough so they wouldn't be worn out by the time they reached him.

The second floor went similarly to the first, the two splitting Pokémon encounters evenly while ensuring each other's backs were covered. In no time at all, they cleared the second floor and moved onto the third. Natural light faded to almost nothing around here, and the two pokemon had to really squint in order to see what was in front of them. Now being extremely careful, the two grabbed onto a wall and followed it along the way. They figured without leaving the wall, they would have an even chance at discovering the passageway onwards, and yet still not get lost. Their strategy turned out successful after beating their way through a couple of baddies, and hovering over the next staircase.

"Are you okay?" Pascal asked, curious before moving forward.

"Yeah, you?" Kilo responded.

"I'm fine. I've got a scratch or two, but nothing too bad."

"Same. Hey, this isn't as bad as I thought! I'm sure this'll be a breeze once we get to the chimeco!" With his last word, Kilo ran down the stairs into the 4th floor below ground level. The vulpix followed after him quickly. They set themselves up again at the bottom of the staircase, Pascal in the back and kilo in the front, and started moving.

This isn't going so bad. Pascal thought to himself smiling. He could tell his partner was growing more and more antsy with every floor deeper they went. He was getting anxious himself, but tried to think nothing of it. They were almost clear without any intrusions, though no need to jinx it.

This time before reaching the next set of stairs, they ran into a rather powerful boldore, dealing some serious damage to Pascal before Kilo had the opportunity to get rid of him. They exchanged worries, but pressed further deciding to deal with the problem when in a safer area. Luckily for them, the next room held the passage downwards, where they decided to lay and heal up. Kilo grabbed an herb from his pouch and wrapped it around the vulpix's shoulder blade; The area that suffered the most damage.

"That should stabilize it." The Riolu said, earning a nod of approval from his partner.

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem, you fine to move forward?"

"Just about so. Be careful though."

"Don't worry about me! Make sure you're fine first before I am!" With the last words coming out of Kilo, he stepped up off his knee and started his way down the stairs. Pascal followed slowly, still regaining his composure.

The fifth floor was reached, and upon entering it, the two of them heard slight jingling in the background. "Wait, do you hear that?" Kilo asked first, swiveling his jackal ears into the air.

"Slightly, yeah."

"Must be that chimeco!" As he exclaimed that though, the faint ringing had disappeared into nothingness. "No wait, it's gone now! Cmon let's go after it!" Without even regarding his teammate, The riolu dashed ahead to follow the sound.

"Kilo wait! KILO!!" The vulpix shouted, but to no avail. He tried to run after his friend, but the stinging pain in his shoulder caught him off guard and slowed him down. "Dang it...why can't he just wait for me?"

Working through the pain, the vulpix limped his way over to the corner he saw his partner go through. He hoped with all of his heart there wouldn't be another enemy to run into; He wouldn't be able to do anything much in that state.

He turned the corner, padding down the hallway. The sound of his pawprints matching his heartbeat, thumping at slow rates. "Kilo!" He tried yelling, anything to attract his partner back over to him. No response. "Kilo!!" Still nothing after a second or two of silence. Worry began to wash over the vulpix. What if something serious had happened to his partner? What if the chimeco got his hands on him and did the deed? Kilo was weak to psychic types, which made him even more scared.

While thinking up the possible scenarios, a familiar ringing sound met the fox-like ears of the ice-type. His eyes sprung open in horror; The chimeco was close. Wherever he was, the Riolu must have been as well. He attempted to break into a sprint, causing the resonating sound to get louder and louder, until the high pitched frequency began making the vulpix's head spin. Eventually, the hallway he was running down began extending in width, and opened up to become a room. Light for some reason had shone brighter over here, and Pascal could see more than a few steps in front of him.

What he saw was a petrifying seen.

The chimeco was at the end of the room, waving his body back and forth in order to make the bell atop his head buzz a constant sound. Before him was his riolu friend stopped dead in tracks, paws at his side, and staring up intently at the chimeco. His back was faced towards the vulpix though, so he hadn't a clue what Kilo had been doing. Without thinking, the vulpix barreled into the room, revealing himself.

"Kilo!" He yelled, attracting the audible attention of the chimeco as well as the visual.

"Oh? And who might you be?" It said in a high pitched, sinister voice. It was slightly strained, and deep enough while being high pitched to match that of a male chimeco. The ringing seceeded in volume, and became background noise soon enough.

"I-i-I'm," He stuttered, eyes focused on his partner more so than the psychic type. "I'm Pascal. What have you done to Kilo?"

"Kilo?" He then turned to the riolu, and back at the vulpix. "Oh, the name of this little riolu happens to be Kilo then, does it? Then you two are partners on an exploration team I assume?" Pascal nodded slowly, creeping into a subtle battle stance. He may not be well equipped to fight, but he had to try and save his friend. "Oh how cute, you want to battle me, don't you? Well I'll have you know, you're severely outnumbered."

"Who else is here?" The vulpix said, trying to drop his frightened tone and pick up a stern one.

"No one you can't see. The numbers are a simple two to one." He then turned to face the Riolu. "Isn't that right, little Kilo?" Without moving an inch of his body but his head, the Riolu nodded towards the chimeco.

"What are you talking about? Kilo, get over here and help me fight this guy!" His words were heard, but no reaction accompanied them. "Kilo! Hello?" The chimeco chuckled to himself.

"Oh silly vulpix, your words mean nothing to him. He no longer cares for you."

"That's impossible! He's my partner; My best friend!"

"Well then why don't you take a good look for yourself?" Pascal hesitated. "Well come on now, I don't bite." Cautiously, the vulpix began inching towards his friend, keeping an eye on the chimeco for any funny business. When he was but a pawstep away from his friend though, he jumped in front of him to see what was wrong.

"Kilo, what's going on?" As he had said that, his eyes took a quick run up and down the Riolu's body. Nothing had seemed out of place at first, but upon closer inspection, the look in his partner's eyes was very distant. As if he wasn't paying attention to the two of them. "Hello? Are you listening to me?" He waved a paw in front of Kilo's face, but earned no reaction. Fur standing on edge now, he turned to the chimeco. "What have you done with him?"

"Nothing terribly wrong, little one. Just a some...fine tuning here and there. I've come to enjoy him quite a bit this way. Not as much useless blabber." His words cut daggers into the vulpix's fur. He assumed battle stance once again, and faced the chimeco.

"Tell me what you did to him!" He said raising his voice. His foe hadn't responded as aggressively as Pascal had expected.

"I just told you. He needed to be fixed, so I fixed him. Just having a little fun, no need to take that tone with me mister....ah....what is your name?"

"Nothing," Pascal spat, getting irritated. "Tell me what you did to him, now." He emphasized the last part which earned him a distasteful look from the psychic type.

"Well that isn't very nice to say to your master, now is it?"

Master? He thought to himself. He didn't know what this chimeco was saying, and he sure as hell didn't want to find out. Before he could respond though, the chimeco kept going.

"Kilo, grab him." The command was sudden, and surprising to the ears of Pascal. Before he could fully register it though, he felt two paws wrap around his backside and grab him by the waist. He struggled as best he could, but the strength of the attacker was too strong. He turned around and saw his partner following orders mindlessly, holding him back with all of his strength.

"Kilo, stop!" He yelled while struggling, yet without success. Now completely bound, he faced the chimeco who moved in front of him. "What're you going to do to me?"

"You'll see soon enough. I had my fun toying with you already, but now it's time to get interesting." With that, the chimeco began moving his body back and forth, establishing a rhythm that looked quite strange. Atop his head though, the bell began picking up momentum with his body, and started ringing. It was faint at first, but the more the psychic type moved his body, the louder it grew.

The whole scenario was strange at first to the ice type, but once the frequency began growing louder and louder, a familiar thumping creeped its way back into his head. He felt this at first when he was nearing the sound before, which made his head spin and caused him to grow rather nauseous. It was only slightly faint then though, so now, it began to take its full effect.

Waves of strange feelings overcame him, and the world around him started spinning along with his head. He struggled to focus on one thing, as his vision was being severely distorted by the sound. His head also moved with the direction of his mind, so he was making very slight circular rotations as the world around him was being turned upside down. The chimeco was taking note of this, and slowed down his rapidly increasing bouncing rate.

"Now let's try that again," He started, focusing in on the vulpine. "What is it that you go by?"

The question rang in Pascal's head over and over again. He consciously knew that he hadn't wanted to answer it,so he focused in on one simple word; Nothing. Nothing nothing nothing nothing. He kept repeating it over and over to ensure he would not agree with the chimeco. As he was doing so though, a familiar buzzing hazed his mind, and distorted his thoughts slightly. He was saying nothing...but to what? Oh right, my name. He thought. Of course. How could he have forgotten the one thing he was trying to avoid? After all, if he were to keep up with his current plan, he surely wouldn't be able to say that his name was-

"Pascal." He spoke aloud. The outburst took a second to register in his mind, but soon enough, it baffled him completely. Did I just say my name? The chimeco smiled.

"Pascal, what a pretty name for a boy such as yourself."

His mind kept dwindling on the fact that he said his name aloud. Confusion was his first emotions, but after he spoke up, the mist in his head gave him a new sort of warmth, rather than the discomfort. He felt it spread from the depths of his mind, outwards to the fur on his face, making him tingle all over. Oooh....what was that? Was complying with the chimeco giving him this extraordinary pleasure? Although he hated to admit it, following the orders of this new found pokemon gave him this incredible feeling of security and reliability; He loved to follow his commands because it gave him great pleasure, and safety.

No! A small, fighting word in his mind cried. That's what he wants you to think! You have to fight it!

"Ngh...!" His body shook, the mental war he was fighting within his own head began to take a toll on him physically as well.

"Kilo, release the boy." The chimeco said, and upon command, the riolu let go. Pascal fell to the floor, struggling and panting to keep hold of his conscience self. The Spell tag body of the psychic type whisked it's way down to the ground, so he was at eye level with the vulpix. "Aww, look at how adorable you are trying to resist me. You know it's futile, you know you just want to give in. Just submit." The last words were very soothing, and wrapped around the Pascal's brain like velvet ribbons.

No no no...can't...give in...can't...submit! As he said submit in his mind, the voice of the chimeco rang over and over, each time dropping him deeper into a hypnotic state. Can't submit....can't submit...can't...submit...submit....submit.... His voice overplayed with the chimeco's, and his eyes went wide. Any last remnants of his free will were squashed by the hypnotic abilities of the psychic type.

The outlaw noticed this, and floated back up to normal position. "There we are, was that so hard?"

Now fully transformed, the vulpix stood up on all fours and stared forward. His mind raced on its own, processing what his new master had told him. His new self was happy now. It felt so good to be owned by someone else, and it felt great to be commanded. He lived to serve, and wondered why he hadn't been doing this his whole life.


"You're lucky I have such patience for a pretty boy like yourself."

Pascal smiled; He called him pretty. This was a new feeling for the vulpix completely, but not a weird new. He liked it; It felt good to be called pretty. The same pleasurable wave hit him upon realizing this, which complimented the harsh buzzing in his head quite nicely. He couldn't just accept such a hearty compliment without saying thank you though, that would be rude, and would upset his master.

"Thank you." He said with a smile, expecting a familiar wave of pleasure to hit him. He was granted that shortly after, which dragged him deeper down into the hypnotic abyss the chimeco had created for him.

"Come to think of it, pretty little boys like you must love to be complemented. Hearing other pokemon call you pretty and beautiful must make you writhe with pleasure." As the chimeco shared this, the vulpix shuddered a little bit to himself. It was as if everything the chimeco had said came true.

"Yes it does." He said obediently.

"And from now on, refer to me as master." The word sent a shiver down the vulpix's spine. It repeated itself constantly in his head; Master....Master....Master... The more he thought it, the more relaxed he felt with the idea of having a master. It seemed so right to him, as if it was the piece he had been missing in his life.

"Master..." He said aloud, once fully acquainted with the word.

"Excellent, it seems your training is just about finished, isn't it?" He stopped moving as vigorously, causing the ringing of the bell atop his head to lower in volume. This caused the buzz in Pascal's mind to calm down as well, leaving nothing but the newly found appreciation and obedience to his new master.

"Yes, master. I am yours now, and see no reason to disobey you." It felt good to say that. Any time he would be allowed to obey his master felt amazingly addicting to him.

"Beautiful." He fully stopped any and all movements, and ceased the sound of the bell. "Now, greet your pal Kilo again for me. You both still know each other, but see each other in a new light now."

Pascal faced his partner, seeing the same, energetic pokemon he's come to love all of his life. Though this time, along with seeing the connection he had with the riolu, a new similarity between the two had surfaced; They were both slaves under the rule of chimeco. They both were disciples of the incredible pleasure that wracked their body any time they fulfilled an order. "Kilo..."


"How adorable, the two of you seem to have so much in common now!" The psychic type then floated over to a rock in the distance, and rested his body down on it. "Now listen closely, I have some very important orders for the two of you. Do you think you can handle the responsibility?"

Both pokemon jumped up on command and faced the chimeco.

"Yes master!" They said in unison.

"Alright. I will only reign control of you temporarily, as I've had enough fun messing with long term slaves in my previous adventures. I want to view something exciting, something that will cause me to 'ooh!' and 'aah!'" Kilo and Pascal nodded, listening intently.

"What is it we could do for you, master?" Kilo spoke up.

"That's a very good question, young one." The chimeco took a second to bounce between the two pokemon, thinking of a good way to use them. The comments he made before came to mind when viewing the vulpix, about how well he reacted to being called pretty. "Pascal."

"Yes master?"

"You said you liked feeling pretty, correct?"

"Of course master. Feeling pretty makes me feel good." He hadn't lied. Even before being under the spell of the chimeco, he had always enjoyed the idea of being thought of as cute. Compared to most of the other males he knew, he acted pretty feminine as well.

"Well you are; You are very pretty indeed. In fact, you are almost too pretty to be masculine! Young Pascal, you were born a male, and consider yourself one, but you are all too much like a female!"

"Yes...I act like a female...I yearn to be feminine....."

"You love all things that females love! You love to be cute! You love to flaunt your beauty! But most of love males."

Pascal growled under his breath. The image of a hefty, masculine vulpix was silhouetted in his mind, and his desire was centered completely around it. "Yes...I love males. I want to please males....I want to be with males."

"Then quickly, look next to you! There's one right there!" Pascal snapped out of his daydream and looked at the riolu next to him. A new light shined over his partner, as he looked much more attractive in the Ice-type's eyes. "Your friend Kilo seems to be so much more lovely to look at eye candy. You want nothing else in this world but him. And Kilo, you feel the same for Pascal."

Kilo's head turned to face his partner as well, and he looked down upon him with desire. The two of their needs were flaring up, they wanted to act quickly and heartily, but they awaited the command of their master. His command was law, of course.

"You're so close, you want to just move in and kiss each other, don't you?"

"Yes master." Kilo said, losing the robotic sort of tone, and picking up more of a natural one.

"Of course, master." Pascal said, the same happening with his voice.

"Then do it, lunge at each other with passion and pride! Unite as one!" Upon his order, the two pokemon let go of any barrier their minds set up and threw themselves into each other's arms. The warmness that blurred their minds spread around their bodies as well. Their heads craned together to fulfill a deep, lusty kiss. Fuzziness enveloped them as they shared such a wonderful moment together, under the command of their new master.

Chimeco was enjoying his time, giggling to himself as the two pokemon went at it. He typically messed with other pokemon who tried to capture him, and let them partake in whatever activity he saw fit. He figured the pair looked cute enough trying to stop him, so why not let them share all of that cuteness with each other? "Wonderful so far my disciples! But you feel a new urge overcoming you now...something deep and sensual."

Pascal was the first to react to this, a new fire igniting within his body. The feeling of wrestling the riolu's tongue was a pleasurable action within itself, but he wanted more. "Mmmf..." He moaned, the increasing energy becoming too powerful for his own body. Kilo was experiencing the same feelings, but not as rapidly as his partner had been.

Mmm, this one seems to be much more susceptible than his little friend. Chimeco thought to himself. He floated over next to Pascal, who had still been fiercely kissing his friend, and whispered in his ear. "You feel it young one, don't you? That strange, insatiable feeling within your belly." On cue, a bundle of burning energy focused itself inside the vulpix's abdomen. "It feels so strong, so pleasant. But wait! It's moving, ever so slowly...touching upon all of your vital parts and stretching down alongside your body, and it stops! Where does it stop though? You search hard, oh so hard, until you find it reorganizing its intensity within one of your most sacred areas...your crotch!"

All this time, as the chimeco had been guiding Pascal's mind through a mental journey, he's been writhing in pleasure as both his mind and mouth were stimulated. He felt the concentrated energy from his stomach grind its way downward through his body. It passed through whatever stood in its way, fading away slightly as it neared his private area. Once it was there though, only a fraction had survived, and Pascal had desperately tried to find it the rest of it. Concentrating all of his power to search, he stopped the kiss with his partner, and grunted as his body trembled. It was so close, he could feel it within him...but where? He searched and searched, almost coming back empty handed, but the chimeco had come closer to utter the answer to his one problem. My crotch! He thought, the words immediately making the energy resurface within his private area. He moaned out loud, unable to control the incredible feelings that enveloped his nether region, or rather, his entire body at this point. The chimeco smiled, watching his own handiwork unravel.

"There it is, just like that. Are you feeling this immense pleasure young Pascal?" The vulpix nodded, finding it hard to stay up on all fours with the focused attention down in his crotch. The pleasure was so incredible in fact, that his own sheath began unfolding, revealing a bright red member. "Oh my, it's too much for you! It's making you so hard! How does that feel?"

"It feels good to be hard, master!" Pascal yelled, unable to control his voice. His penis had also been another part of him he couldn't control, growing at rapid rates until fully out of its furry pouch, knot and all. The chimeco gazed down upon it, impressed.

"My, how beautiful your little member is! Red and throbbing, you must really want to use it?" Pascal nodded, humping the air to relieve some of the stress he had been under. "To bad you won't though!~ Remember, you are a pretty boy Pascal! You mustn't use your penis because you aren't meant to please other males; Other males must please you."

"O-of course, master. How could I have forgotten?" He replied, sorrow washing over him. He upset his master, which upset him.

"Do not worry about it though, because I do happen to have a use for you! Kilo, come around here and inspect your little friend for me." The riolu obeyed, and stepped back into eyesight of the vulpix. Pascal's eyes went wide upon seeing his partner again, who had his own penis out in the open as well. It throbbed very similar to his, and had the same red tint to it, but it looked much more delectable. He had a strong urge right then and there to jump forward and latch onto it, licking and sucking and pleasing like he was meant to; But that would make master angry. Instead, he allowed Kilo to walk around behind him, and kneel down.

With two of his black paws, Kilo grabbed the loins of his partner, and gently spread apart the icy blue bottom. From his point of view, he could see a pair of light blue balls hung slightly down from the body, swaying back and forth every time the vulpix shook, and a light red tinted opening to indicate his butthole. "Do you see that Kilo, your treasure! It awaits you now as it has always been, because it was made for you. You desperately want to dig your tongue inside and pleasure your partner. Do it."

Without hesitation, the Riolu closed his eyes and moved his head forward. His moist tongue sloppily entered Pascal's rear end, causing him to squeal aloud with glee. "Yess!" He yelled, not able to contain any amount of energy in his body. Immediately after the warm appendage entered, he rocked backwards to get it deeper within him. The tongue made rotational motions while inside of him, coating his walls in thick coverings of saliva, leaving behind trails of pleasure with them. His whole life led up to this point; he lived to please males, and get pleased in the process. As he rocked back and forth, the pleasure wasn't only growing within his bottom. His penis was swinging back and forth as well, letting go small droplets of precum onto the rocky ground. Pascal was in heaven, whether he was aware of it or not.

Kilo hadn't been paying much attention to what his counterpart was doing, but so long as it pleased his master, he would obey. His own member began growing very needy as well though, so with a free paw, he brought it down and began stroking it unintentionally. "Kilo, what do you think you're doing?!" Chimeco commanded. "Use that paw for pleasuring your friend, not yourself! You'll get a chance soon enough." Kilo immediately retracted his arm, and brought it forward onto Pascal's body. This time, instead of grabbing his loins though, he went for the swaying ballsack. Not only had it looked cute and plump, but it felt soft and adorable as well. He squished it in rhythm with his moving tongue, earning hearty reactions from the vulpix.

Pascal's tongue lolled out of his mouth, a huge grin now spreading across his muzzle. This entire event felt surreal. The squeezing and the throbbing and the licking all brought about great tremors to his body, and inched him closer to an edge he had been striving for this entire time.

The chimeco took note of this, and decided to interfere.

"Okay you two, that is enough." He said, which caused Kilo to let go of his partner and part ways with his meal. The vulpix whined, and swayed his ass back and forth to attract the attention of his friend again. "Now now Pascal, you'll experience that pleasure soon enough again. What I'm going to have you do though, Kilo, is stand up and line your member up with Pascal's rear end." Kilo did exactly that, stepping up from the ground and pacing forward towards the submissive vulpine. His penis bounced before the tip of it was pressed against Pascal's butthole, who shivered at the contact. "Once you are ready, you may enter. Push with all of your might, and please your subordinate partner to orgasm!" He said, giving one last command before shutting up again. The riolu nodded, grabbed the icy haunches, and thrust himself forward.

"Aghh!" Pascal yelled involuntarily, feeling the member slide inside of him. It was a nice and easy fit thanks to how wet his insides were already, allowing for the Riolu to begin pumping almost immediately. The vulpix couldn't help but smile in between grunts. He loved the sensation of being filled again; It made him feel complete and whole. Every pump inside of him heightened his pleasure and reception levels, making him moan and cry loud affirmations like "More!" and "Harder!" The Riolu hadn't listened to him though, only taking commands from his superior.

"Go ahead young one, push harder!"

The penis inside of him then picked up in pace, and rammed harder into him. This caused the entrance of his backside (his anal ring) to stretch open wider, surfacing a whole new level of ecstasy. He could feel his partner's knot bang up against him, giving the vulpix a newfound excitement for the possible increase in girth. He growled under his breath and turned his head around to stare at it with need, though only momentarily as it returned back due to uncomfort, and to continue his moaning. With eyes rolled back in head, and tongue lolled back outside of his maw, Pascal began making unintelligible noises. The feelings were too much for him to handle, as his own penis shook with incredible fervor alongside his body. It bounced, swayed, and throbbed as it was aching to release all of the fluid it contained. It was missing something though; A trigger. Something had to be pulled in order to allow it to break its dam. Piecing this together in his mind, Pascal realized he had to take the entire length in order to maximize his pleasure. He pushed back when his partner pushed forward, hoping the knot would just slide in on its own, but it ended up unsuccessful. There was only one thing to do in a situation as desperate as this one.

"M-master!" Pascal called out in between pants.

"Yes, little Pascal?"

"C-can you...hah....tell Kilo to- Nngh!! T-to push his...k-knot inside of me?" Chimeco was surprised at the request, not knowing how The vulpix was able to think under these conditions.

"Of course, my slave, but brace yourself! This will be the most immense pleasure of your life!" Pascal braced himself, his entire body tensing up, ready to be shook with and immense force. "Kilo, go on! Knot the boy!"

On command, the fighting type pulled back one last time, and rammed into his partner will full force. This allowed for his member to dig deep inside of Pascal, deep enough for his knot to be allowed entrance, and nestle itself snugly inside of the vulpix.

On Pascal's side, the sudden change in length, and increase in force was exactly what he had hoped for. The Knot rammed deep into him, pressing against a special cluster of nerves in his body, and throwing him over the edge. His prostate writhed at the sudden change in pressure, pumping and pumping over and over again, opening the entrance to his penis, allowing the flood of liquids to come barreling out. Pascal howled in pleasure, his entire body tensing up and relaxing over and over again as he came hard onto the ground. Wave after wave of sticky liquid rushed out of his body, matching the tightening muscles both inside of his penis and his anus, causing the Riolu's member inside of him to be milked. Kilo grunted as this was all happening, and joined the vulpine in orgasm. His own white liquid coated the insides of the vulpine body, creating the ultimate full feeling for the vulpix.

This lasted for a good couple of seconds, before the two collapsed on the ground due to fatigue. Kilo laid on top of Pascal, both panting in a heap of both sweat and cum. His penis was still locked inside of his friend, thanks to the knot, so the two weren't going anywhere anytime soon. The chimeco lowered himself to gaze upon the two pokemon.

"Bravo! Bravo! That was truly a show of both passion and lust, I must applaud you two for that."

"T-thank you, master." The two of them said, almost in perfect unison.

"I'm afraid that'll be as long as I keep you two though, permanent slaves aren't what I'm looking for at the moment. Hopefully you had a nice time though! I really should be on my way, I've got an important mission to be carrying out, and I'm sure a ton of other rescue teams are on my tail." He then shook his own body back and forth, ringing the bell atop his head again. "You will forget most of what has happened here today, and will continue to lead on your normal lives. Hope you've enjoyed yourselves!" He danced around, creating the right frequency to turn the two of them back into their normal selves. "You will now enter back into the state of mind before meeting me. Let go of your slavehood, let go of your lust, and let go of your hypnotic necessities. Revert. Revert. Revert." As he was speaking, he came into eye contact with Pascal, who could barely keep himself conscience. The exhausted pokemon gave a faint smile to his superior.

"Thank you master, for everything." He said, before the ringing and fatigue took over him. He passed out right then and there.

Typically, temporary slaves of his wouldn't acknowledge him while he was reverting them back. Though then again, the vulpix had been a strange occurrence since the beginning. He thought it over to himself for a bit, before dismissing it, and continuing on with the ritual.

"Pascal, wake up! Pascal!" Eyes of the vulpix fluttered open slowly, taking in the harsh light of the outside world. He was on a bed of rocks, outside of a cavern that looked dark beyond entrance. He came to soon enough, shaking his head of the drowsiness, and stepping up on all fours. Before him was a Riolu with a blue scarf around his neck. "Thank goodness, you had me worried!"

"Ugh...what happened?" He asked, head banging slightly.

"I don't know, all I remember was walking into there, everything going black, then before I knew it I was waking up right over there!" Kilo pointed over to a second bed of rocks, only centimeters away from where his was.

"Huh, weird." He said, looking towards the entrance of the cave. He does recall some of the events, stepping inside and heading down a couple of floors, but nothing more. Strange. "Maybe we just got KO'd?"

"Maybe..." Kilo thought it over for a second or two, but then shrugged it off and walked towards a sign post. "Eh, no use worrying about it now. C'mon, let's head home!" Pascal followed after him, and the two stood next to each other as they waited for the drifblim. Then out of nowhere, a sudden wave of fatigue hit the vulpix, and he staggered in place.

"Whoa!" Kilo said, noticing and holding his paws out to hold his partner. "You okay?"

"Yeah...I don't know what came over me." He said. The entire situation was getting weirder and weirder by the second, but as he looked up at his partner, their gazes met. Immediately after sharing eye contact, a sudden spark hit them, and their looks had softened. Realization had hit them right then and there, and they leaned into a kiss. It was a soft, lovely kiss that made both of their hearts flutter.

"Mmm..." Pascal said, enjoying the contact for the whole five seconds they held the kiss, before parting. "Thanks hun, you always make me feel better."

"Anything for my favorite vulpix." Kilo responded, smiling and wrapping an arm around his loved one as they gazed upon the sunset, waiting for their ride back to town.

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