New Mates

Story by TogoMizui on SoFurry

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Hallo everyone! This here is an RP that I had just done with someone yesterday, and I felt like it was a pretty good one at that! I decided on posting it, and the person that I did this with has a profile on FurAffinity and she goes by the name AndraBluh. Just one more thing, the character I used happens to be Vaps and I want to tell you that this situation has nothing to do with my series of eeveulution stories' timeline. Thank ya'll for coming and enjoy the story! :D

A young Shaymin walks through the flowers, in the thick of heat. She aches for attention, her scent wafting through the field. She sits, eating an Oran berry.

A Vaporeon, amidst his travel, discovers a peculiar flowery field on his adventure. With curiosity, he continues forward until picking up a scent that smells all too familiar to him, a female in heat. He lifts his nose, seeking the source of the enticing aroma before noticing a Shaymin eating in the flowers.

She has found an Oran berry bush, and has been taking quite a few, from the looks of her muzzle. It's stained blue with the juice of the berries. She currently is trying to reach one slightly above her reach.

As he approached this Pokémon, he noticed her struggle to reach the berry above her. Wanting to help, he walked right up the flower Pokémon and grabbed the berry for her. He then extended his paw out to her. "Is this what you were looking for?" He asked her.

**She quickly grabs the berry, stuffing it into her mouth as she nods "Mm-hmm!" with her face full of berry. She smiles at the newcomer, thankful for the help reaching the berry.


The Vaporeon chuckled a bit, and decided to take a little rest. He sat down next to the Shaymin and gazed out into the field of flowers in front of him. "You're welcome." He then turned to the Pokémon next to him and smiled "I'm Vaps, you?"

She smiles "Thanks! I'm Sheimi! These berries are so good! You're so nice! Why'd you do that for me?" She is a bit confused, but doesn't really care that much.

Vaps shrugged his shoulders "dunno, I saw you needed help so I just did it. I hope you don't mind." He said smiling back at her.

She shakes her head "Nope! Don't mind at all! Thanks so much! I like you Vaps, I had to run away from some mean old Staravia! They chased me, but I went into the field so they wouldn't see me!" She seemed disjointed, her thoughts bouncing this way and that, and everything she thinks just being blurted out.

**"Wow, that must have been crazy!" He said. Before continuing his sentence though, another wave of the sweet aroma hit his nostrils, making his nerves relax and filling his mind with irrelevant thoughts. Vaps finally put two and two together to figure out that the wonderful smell was coming from the small Pokémon beside him. As he looked down at her, he noticed she was twitching a bit and shaking in place. All he could do was stare at and admire her.


She sits on the ground, her little hedgehog-y body twitching every few seconds. She smiles at Vaps, happy to have company. She feels overly horny, but is doing her best to hide it.

Vaps can easily tell what's wrong with Sheimi, her efforts not helping to cover it up. After a moment of thinking, he decided to act. "Uh...l-look Sheimi....I can tell you in h-heat right now and...Um..." His member was now starting to show as he was speaking. "...uh...I-I want to know if you will let me mate you?" He said rushing the last part.

Her eyes widen, not surprising that he'd be so upfront, and she feels annoyed that she couldn't hide it, but she looks up to him "R-really? You really want to-to mate me?" She's obviously VERY surprised.

Vaps started to get worried, thinking he was to forward and demanding to his new friend. "W-well I mean only if you want me to! I know it's sudden but... I would really like to..."

**She nods "I-yes please. I just, um. I never had a mate, okay? Sorry... I'm not the best... but if you want to, it'd make me very happy. Sorry that I seemed bad or something." She isn't offended, she just hasn't been asked before.


" neither..." Vaps said before shifting himself to face the shaymin. " you think you could like....lie on your back?" He asked. As he got up to direct the Shaymin, his fully erect penis dangled below him from the pungent smell coming from the Shaymin's rear end.

She nods "O-okay" She rolls over, her feet up in the air and her virgin sex open to the air, the smell more noticeable and pungent now. She looks up at him, smiling "So... what now?"

Vaps' head started spinning now that the heat smell grew heavier in the air. "N-now...uh..." Was all he said before closing his eyes and letting his nose take in the thick air. His maw inched closer and closer to Sheimi's dripping sex before taking a deep breath and whispering "now this..." He dug his tongue deep into the Shaymin's virgin hole, savoring all of the sweet juices that coated her insides.

**She squeaks, not expecting the sudden intrusion. She starts to moan shortly after, savoring the tongue, a small amount of drool escaping her mouth. "Th-thank you... oh, this feels so good..."


Vaps grunted in response since most of his maw was buried inside of the Shaymin's sex. This went on for quite a while until Vaps decided to move his paw up and feel one of the sky Pokémon's nipples. He got the reaction he wanted as she jumped and squeaked again, letting out even more moans than before.

She starts just staying in place, and enjoying the amazing feeling that Vaps gave her. She kept moaning in pleasure, letting out a yelp every once and a while when vaps did something new. She slowly, but surely built up to climax, sitting just on the edge.

He knew that Sheimi was approaching climax, so it only made sense for him to give her as much pleasure as he could. He quickly took his tongue out of her wet sex and slid it across the little bundle of nerves right above her hole, hoping that this would bring her off the edge.

His plan was a success, her juices oozing from her sex as she screams out in climax. She can barely believe the feeling, having never experienced it before.

**Once the liquids stopped flowing, he retreated his maw away from her and allowed her to take a quick breather. "So...*pant*...was that good enough?" He asked, trying to catch his own breath.


She nods, still recovering from the wave of pleasure, "It-It was amazing... where did you learn to DO that?"

He shook his head in disbelief, unable to answer. "I dunno, I just...did it." He responded, now fully recovered and satisfied. Well...almost satisfied. As he got up once more, he realized that he was still rock hard, and needed to get off badly.

She still lies on her back, her virgin pussy still in the air. She looks over at him, seeing his issue. She nods to him "You can. I owe you so much already, and that'd be more fun!"

**Vaps smiled at the grass type's excitement. "Really? Thanks!" He said back, excited as well but also nervous. He walked back over to Sheimi and this time instead of lowering his head, he lowered his rear end toward her crotch to align the head of his penis with her entrance. He have the Shaymin a quick glance and she nodded, allowing him to enter her. He pushed in slowly, feeling her right walls squeeze against his rather large member compared to her. He kept moving until he hit her hymen, stopping him from going any further. He knew what to do, but wasn't sure if he should. "Are you really sure?" He asked her one more time.


She stops for a second, before giving another small nod "Yes. I am!" She braced for the feeling she knows is coming.

"Ok..." He said before thrusting his haunches into her, breaking the barrier that had identifies her as a virgin. She screamed out in pain as she felt her insides tearing, but knew it was all for a good cause. Vaps licked the top of her head to show sympathy before bucking his haunches back and forth very slowly.

She starts moaning, the pleasure that his thrusting gave her overpowering the residual pain from her hymen tearing. Her body knew that this was exactly what it wanted, and moved with him, trying to get as much pleasure out of both of them as possible.

**Vaps grunted as he felt his cock getting milked by the small Shaymin's insides. The smell of a female in heat quickly mixed with the musk of a male, creating an overpowering cloud of pheromones around the two. As they got used to this set up, they moved faster and faster, making squishing noises every time Vaps went in and out of Sheimi.


She shaymin sighs in pleasure, never imagining how good this could feel. She can barely think through the haze the pleasure puts her in, just caught up in the feeling of being penetrated.

Their love making started coming to an end when Vaps felt his climax rise. He himself started moaning from the intense feeling this Shaymin was making him feel. "S-Sheimi...I'm gonna cum..." He said in between moans and grunts.

She braces herself for his cum, not having any experience, she has no idea what to expect. She waits for him to cum, and seal them together as mates.

With one final pump, the Vaporeon yelled out Sheimi's name as he filled her up with his seed, dousing the flame that had bothered the Shaymin for a while now. Wave after wave, Vaps cum flowed into the grass type's depths. The intense pleasure he felt almost knocked him off his paws, but he managed to remain still.

**With the feeling of being filled, Sheimi was brought to a second, more intense orgasm that put her in a state of pure ecstasy. As her insides were contracting due to her orgasm, it milked Vaps' length even more so than before, pleasuring him beyond belief. After what felt like an eternity, the two of them separated and a pool of mixed cum spilled onto the floor.


She pants "Oh... that was so amazing... thank you. You're wonderful. So... wonderful."

Vaps tried to get up, but ended up falling right back down into the Shaymin from post-orgasmic pleasure. "Ha...same" He replied before kissing her on the nose. She smiled and kissed him back on the cheek. The two of them spent the rest of the day cuddling and kissing together as new mates.

A Series of Eeveelution Stories: Damp Feelings

---- **Day 1----** Running along the brick road leading to the beach, a somewhat childish vaporeon enjoys the warm feeling of the sun on his body. It was a nice mild day outside compared to the rest of the week and the vaporeon hoped to spend it...

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