Beneath the Stars - A Braixen x Trainer Tale

Story by TogoMizui on SoFurry

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#4 of Pokemon Stories

And here we have our third installment, a braixen x trainer story! This time around I wanted to add a little bit more dialogue/interaction into the fray, while not keeping you all confused on the characters. Be sure to let me know if I did it well once you read through it! And btw, the next story's gonna be good, trust me ;D

TY all again for reading, you fill me with the desire to write!!! :D

"Haha! How about this one?" Sounded a foolhardy voice.

A group of young adults, all ranging from ages 19-22, marched onwards. They organized themselves in a line, 2 girls in the middle, and a guy on each end as they walked through a lush forest. Each one had a backpack on, some heavier than others, while they kept their hands full holding maps for directions, or walking sticks to ease the aches on their feet.

The voice that sounded out from before came from the man in front, echoing slightly through the array of trees that surrounded the group. He was a few paces ahead of the rest of the group, so he turned around to acknowledge them as they caught up. "Look, it's got a nice view, and it's far enough from town so that we don't have to worry about anybody barging in on us!"

The rest of them stopped once they had reached him, and took a glimpse around at the area. It was a nice inlet surrounded by tall trees, which castes small, patterned shadows on the ground, along with a couple of stones lying about here and there. Looking farther out into the woods captured a beautiful scene as well, as the rays of sunlight coming down to the ground were cut up by the many leaves and branches from the trees above them. This caused a nice light haze to fill the forest, which complimented the deep brown of the dirt covered ground and the many branches and logs that laid about. The man in the back, who had a dark skin color and a light flannel t-shirt, nodded in approval.

"Yeah, I have to admit this does seem pretty nice."

"You see, Josh gets it! I told you guys that I could pick us out a perfect place to stay." The leader of the group said, giving a light punch Josh's shoulder. "All courtesy of monsier Randy- or, however they say it in Kalos."

"How about you stick to whatever they say here in Sinnoh instead?" A third member said, crossing her arms around her sides. She had short, dyed purple and black hair, with a cropped v-neck shirt on. "Your attempts at foreign tongue kill me on the inside."

"I think it's kinda funny." A fourth spoke up, with long brunette hair, light freckles scattered about her face, and a sky blue colored hoodie on. She smiled at the comments made by her friends.

"And would ya look at that, I impressed the Kalos native. Got anything to say to that, Anna?"

"Oh you bet I've got something to say! How about when you-" and with that, the girl in the v-neck (Anna) and the man with the beanie (Randy) both went off on a small arguing tangent, creating somewhat of a white noise for the other two in the group. Josh, the man in flannel, broke off with Katie, the girl with the hoodie, over to the side. They got around undistracted, and chuckled to each other while their friends bickered.

"They'll be at it for a while, why don't you get started on collecting some firewood and I'll take out some of those tents?" He said, soothingly and lightly. She nodded.

"Are you sure you want to be left alone with these two?"

"Ah you know them," He waved them off with a hand. "They'll act all rough and tough, and when the fun's all over they'll be back to normal."

"Yeah I guess." She watched Randy and Anna go at it a for bit with Josh, more so yelling pointlessly than arguing at this point. "I'll just leave my stuff here with you then?"

"Sounds good to me." Josh said, offering his hands to take the load. With that, Katie took off her camping bag that was latched onto her back, and placed it in the man's arms. Before leaving though, she reached into a side pocket and pulled out a purple tinted pokeball. It was designed with a swirly blue fog cloud, which wrapped around the sides of it as it came to a heart at the top. She held it firmly within her hand as she walked away, glancing down upon it every so often. The ball, and its contents, held significant sentimental value to Katie. This caused her to smile as she walked, thinking of the many delightful occasions this ball reminded her of.

Once a good five minutes had passed and the trifles of her friends weren't audible anymore, she found a nice brocken log to sit on by a river, and made space for herself. Before attending to the ball, she took a moment to take in all that was around her. The smell of the trees, the dirt, and some fresh water had completely enveloped her, complimenting the light filtering in from above nicely. To her left was a seemingly unending pathway of trees, rocks, bushes, and leaves, and to her right was a little stream. It made the quietest noises of running water which blended in with the background, along with the chirping of the many nearby bird Pokémon. Randy really did pick a nice area. She thought to herself, enjoying the atmosphere.

Once done admiring all that was around her though, she finally focused her attention on the ball. She clicked the singular button on it, which enlarged it by at least three times its original size, and it made a quiet warping sound. She then clicked it a second time, and threw it up into the air with a nice top spin, and with a pop, a white flash filled the area. A small pokemon appeared before the girl as it materialized on the ground while the ball fell back down into her hand. It stood on two legs- or, paws rather, that were black all the way up to its waist. From there, a sizeable tuft of yellow-ish fur took over, and covered most of the remainder of its body, followed by some white fur. As for smaller details, a small branch that closely resembled the log Katie was sitting on stuck out of its tail, and red fur that resembled fire stuck out from its ears; A braixen stood before her. With a stretch of her body, and a flip of a bang of hair hanging down in her face, she looked up at Katie and wagged her tail. "Braix!"

"Morning Celia." Katie said with a smile, opening her arms out for her pokemon to step forward into. The female pokemon did exactly that, and hugged her trainer tightly. "I didn't want to take you out of your ball earlier because of the hike. It was tiring and got a bit...loud, so I decided to wait. Hope you don't mind."

"Braixen." Celia said, shaking her head.

"Awesome." Katie turned her head around to inspect the log, and brought both her hands behind her back to allow herself to lean backwards. "Did you get a chance to look around? This place is beautiful."

On command, the braixen stepped back out of the arms of her trainer, and gazed all around her. She hit upon all of the points that Katie had marvelled at, first "ooh"-ing at the nearby stream, then "aah"-ing at the beautiful autumn colors. She also closed her eyes and basked in the sunlight that poured in from above, seemingly taking in energy from it as it shone harshly through the lines of leaves and branches. "Braaiiiii~" She said, enjoying the atmosphere.

"I know right? Here, come sit." Katie patted the empty space next to her on the log. Celia followed, taking a seat next to her trainer, and slumping her body weight down onto Katie's. They were silent as they sat together, taking in the sounds and sights before them, sharing the moment together. It would have been a nice time for Katie to think over some of the problems that have been occurring in her life, but that was the opposite of what she wanted to do. Now would be the perfect time not to think. The whole reason she came out here with her friends in the first place was to stay away from the troubles that plagued her everyday life, the least she could do was take a break from them. And besides, she has her number one pokemon sitting right next to her, why would she try to focus on anything else?

Breaking the silence not long after it started, Celia gave a very light sigh, exhaling a puff a warm air from her tiny nose. The noise snapped Katie out of a little daydream, causing her to turn her head towards her pokemon. She looked down upon her tiny frame, making her heart wrench slightly with both excitement and fear. She loves her so much, why does the world have to step in and-

...No. She thought to herself. Now's not the time for this. I have to distract myself. She brought a spare hand up behind the braixen's head, and gave it a light scratch. This earned a soft mewl out of her pokemon, which brought a smile to her face. "Does this remind you of when we first met?"

"Braix..." Celia responded. Her tone was light and content.

"I remember it like it was yesterday you know...when you were but a tiny little fennekin kit." The image of Celia when she was younger popped into the trainer's head. "You were such an adorable thing back then,"

"Brai Braixen!"

"Okay okay, you're still adorable now too! So much so that I just wanna pinch your furry cheeks!" She took both of her hands and brought them to the braixen's face, tugging on them slightly. Celia laughed and waved them away, causing Katie to chuckle as well. "Hah..." She said, the fit of laughter now past her. "Okay, we should probably start gathering some firewood now. Josh gave us that job while he was gonna start setting up camp...what do you think?"

"Brai Brai..." Her pokemon said, intimatly. She moved in closer to her human counterpart, and brought her paws around her body to tug at both the light blue hoodie, and the pair of black leggings. The sudden contact surprised the trainer, and flustered her slightly, causing a light blush to shine on her face before she could react properly.

"Wha- No! Not now!" Katie said, flicking away the paws of the fox pokemon, and peering out frantically at her surroundings. Once sure there were no other people near them, she brought her mouth up close to Celia's closest ear and whispered. "Someone could easily come out here and catch us. If we wanna do something, we have to wait until the weekend is over when we're alone. We can't risk doing that again!" The information caused a droop in the ears of the pokemon, and a decrease in speed of her wagging tail.

"Braixen." She said, sad but understanding.

"I'm sorry, I really wish we could, but it's too dangerous. You know what happened last time!" She glanced over at her pokemon, which made her feel extremely upset seeing her all sad. As much as she wanted to herself, she couldn't just put the two of them at stake like that. The last time they tried to get frisky in public someone caught them, and thank goodness that someone was understanding, or else the two of them could have been separated.

She looked around both the forest floor and where she was sitting, seeing a variety of broken branches, and fallen leaves. Most of it covered the dirt floor, and she spotted a decent sized stream not too far away; An idea popped into her head. "Hey," she said turning her body to face her partner with a large smile. "I know it's not much but...wanna burn some stuff instead?" The braixen looked up to see her bubbly trainer, and immediately was lightened up. Her tail wagged, and she smiled back.

"Brai Braixen!" She said jumping off the log, pulling out the branch that was nestled within her tail fur and igniting it. It sparked like the fire in her eyes, which caused Katie's mood to lighten up as well. Seeing Celia happy always made her happy. She prepared a couple of branches and leaves to be thrown up into the air, and watched as her partner stared at her intently to start the game.

"Okay, ready?" Celia nodded. "On your mark, get set, go!"

Cracking twigs and the shuffling of leaves could be heard from the outskirts of the camp. Four tents had been set up, all a decent size to house at least to people inside. Considering there were four people that had gone, they all accounted for their ace Pokémon to sleep with them as well. As Katie and her Pokémon made their way back with many types of wood in hand, they noticed the organized set up. There wasn't anymore bickering, and the camp looked nice. Josh was outside one of the tents tuning it up, while Randy had been setting up stones in the center of camp. Amy was nowhere to be found.

"Josh!" She yelled, catching the guy's attention.

"Mm? Oh, you're back!" He said, putting whatever tool he had in his hand down to run over to her. "And I see you've got a good amount of- Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" From afar, he could see that it was Katie and Braixen walking back with some wood in hand, but up close, he could also see a couple of bruises and burnt marks on her as well.

"Brai braixen!" Celia said, giving the human a toothy grin.

"Yeah, we're fine. Just a couple of bumps and scratches here and there, but nothing too bad." Katie added.

" did you two try to light the fire out there on your own or...?"

"No, this happened before we collected the firewood. Celia and I decided to train a little bit since we had some free time!" She said cheerily, as if she hadn't looked half burnt.


"Well alright...I guess if you're okay." He then turned his back to head towards camp, and ushered the two to follow after him. Once closer, he pointed in the direction of the tents, where a huge bundle of rocks were gathered with Randy sitting down next to them. "We were thinking of putting the campfire right over there. It'd be nice to set up some benches around the outside of the tents too so we can all sit around it while eating dinner. What do you think?"

"Looks nice so far." She complimented, "We should put the wood down where Randy is then?"

"Yeah somewhere over there is fine, we won't get to it till later though so you can just hang around in your tent if you want. Or maybe go on a walk? That's what Anna did, really it doesn't matter what you do so long as you're here for some more set up later." He explained, making many different motions and gestures with his hands as he spoke.

"All right, I think Celia and I might wanna wind down in our tent for a bit if that's okay. Sound good Celia?"

"Xen." The fire type said, walking ahead of the two humans to place her wood down.

"Great! Call you out when we're ready." Josh said, clasping his hands and waving her off. Katie made her way forward, and dropped the wood bundle she had been carrying near the pile her Pokémon made. The Braixen had the step ahead of her trainer though, so she was the first to walk into the tent that had a little picket sign outside that read -Katie and Celia-. Rather than follow her right away though, the girl looked over at Randy and decided to take a seat next to him. He had some sort of contraption in his hands that he was trying to figure out, while being surrounded in stones.

"Hey Rand." She said. He hadn't paid her much attention immediately, but answered in the midst of working.

"Hey." He said simply, clearly investing his attention in his little activity. Katie decided to press anyways.

"Whatcha working on?"

"Not much..." As he said that, a clicking sound came from the device, followed by a hunk of metal shifting out of it. "Just trying to figure out how to work this thing I bought the other day."

"What is it?"

"I dunno, some sort of army knife mixed with a flint and steel I think? It came discounted with the camping pack so I figured why not."

"Oh, ok. Wait a second," A thought popped into her mind. "You do realize that I have Celia with me, right?"


"And Celia's a braixen...A fire type? Wouldn't that just make your device kind of pointless?"

"Aha, but it's a flint and steel AND a knife! Think of the flint and steel as an extra, in case I'm not with the two of you or something."

"Right." She said, shaking her head with a smile. She continued to sit and watch for a while until his fiddling became slightly boring and repetitive. Her original train of thought then came back to her, and she broke the silence that had been present between the two. "Hey, Celia and I went out and grabbed some firewood, weren't you making the pit for us right over here?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah!" Randy said, stepping off from his spot and shoving the knife/tool into his pocket. "I collected a bunch of different stones and stuff, so what if we made the campfire into like a pit in a way?"

"How so?" Katie got up from her spot as well, and followed along as Randy pointed around the area.

"We could take all of these stones, arrange them into a circular pattern thing, and put all the firewood and flammable stuff either in the middle or on top of it. Get what I'm saying?"

"Yeah I get it." Katie said, nodding her head. "Would you like me set up the stones or round up the wood over here then?"

"Nah." Randy said, dismissing her with a hand. "I'll take care of it later. Or maybe I can get ol' Josh to help me out with it.

"Okay, I'm just going to head into the tent with Celia then. Just call me out when you're ready." She said, allowing Randy to sit back down and wave her off.

"See ya Kates."

Now done stalling time, Katie made her way over to her tent. She found the sign that read both her name and her Pokemon's name, and stepped into the corresponding space. The inside was very roomy, and dimly lit when compared to outside. A single lantern sat off to the side on top of a miniature table, which was in turn next to two little bedrolls on the floor. Under the table was also the backpack that Katie had brought with her, but it looked ragged, as if it had just been ransacked. Her eyes followed the end of the backpack that was opened, to one of the bed rolls which held a couple of items she brought with her, all the way to the last bedroll on the floor. Rather than have items on it though, or to simply be empty, a familiar pokemon sat rather indecently.

"C-celia!" She said, shocked at the braixen who revealed herself before her trainer. The fox pokemon was hunched backwards, one arm on the floor and one arm hovering over her private region. The paw that belonged to the arm extended downwards had been pulling ever so slightly at the black furred lips of Celia's own pussy. She did so with precision as to only reveal slight hints of pink to her trainer, enough to be both revealing, and make Katie want to see even more. Not only was the position of her pokemon a surprise, but in the maw of the Braixen sat a long, floppy blue dildo. It was already moistened up, so she must have had some practice on it before assuming the position she was in now. The eyes of the two beings met, and Celia egged her on with a sultry glare.

"Braixen Brai~" She mewled with lust, making head gestures for her trainer to step forward and join her.

"No! Didn't I just say now is not the time for this?!" She said, firmly yet quietly. She ran forward, but not in the fashion the braixen had been expecting. Katie grabbed the dildo that was sitting snugly in across the braixen's maw, sliding it through her fangs and making a sloppy sound. "You're gonna get us in trouble! Don't you understand?"

"Brai Braixen...."

"I don't care if you're horny! Do you want to be separated from me?!" She asked frantically, which made her pokemon sit up from her position with a glum look on her face. She remained quiet, thinking things over in her head and staring off into the distance. The sudden change in attitude calmed Katie down, and she threw the dildo off to the side, hitting her bag with great accuracy. "Look, if it wasn't a law that made it so trainers couldn't be together, I would so totally have sex with you. All the time. You know that right?"


"It's just...I don't wanna lose you. I love you so much..." Celia looked up at her partner, went in for another hug. The arms she had been using for a way to get sex quickly turned into comforting ones, as she embraced her trainer tightly. Katie, now emotional over the whole deal, brought an arm around the back of her pokemon to return the hug. With a sigh, she spoke up to break the good couple of seconds of silence. "Wanna cuddle instead?"

Without responding verbal, Celia nodded her head whilst tucked it tucked within her trainer's chest. The two then worked together to arrange themselves on the bedroll together, lying down one on top of the other, savoring each other's presence. Katie was on the bottom, with her arms resting along the waist of her pokemon. She could feel the breathing of the braixen atop her, and every so often feel the thumping of her tiny heartbeat. Since they were so close, the scent of Celia easily infiltrated the nose of Katie, though she hadn't any complaints. Although she's heard many people complain about how pokemon stink up their homes, or hate it when they smell so bad when not taking a bath, she's never come to hate how her pokemon smells. In fact, she'd rather Celia when she kept up her natural scent rather than the countless artificial smells that come with soap and shampoo for pokemon. It felt more wild and natural, and when it bed, made it seem all the more lustful and passionate for her. She inhaled deeply through her nose, taking wonderful whiffs through the braixen's fur, and breathing out with a smile.

They laid this way for about an hour or so before Katie could hear a very low grumbling sound come from her pokemon. She listened closely for it to sound off again, and when it did, it got louder. Now able to recognize it, She realized Celia had dozed off. She couldn't blame her, she was getting slightly tired herself as well. Rather than join her in the world of slumber though, she decided it was time to hop outside and see if her friends needed her in any way. Moving very carefully as to not wake her up, Katie shifted her body outwards and grabbed her pokemon's sides to make sure she wouldn't fall. Then, with one swift movement, she slid out from below the braixen, and guided her very gently down to the ground. This caused Celia to turn over onto her side, but still remain asleep. Her maw was open slightly, and she was drooling very tiny droplets onto the pillow where her head now rested. Whenever she took a deep breath in, her body expanded as her lungs filled up, and she let out the lightest snore as she exhaled the concentrated air.

Katie could have sworn she was going to die right then and there watching her little partner sleep so adorably. People could say she was only this lovey-dovey with her pokemon because of how beautiful she was, but really, she loved what was on the inside as well. She was lazier than most pokemon, for sure, and she wasn't as fast as the other braixen in terms of picking up new moves and abilities to utilize in battle. People have called her a show pokemon, but Katie knew Celia loved to battle. She would work very closely with the braixen to ensure they could learn the new techniques together, and any time she would get frustrated or flustered, Katie would run in and reassure her everything was okay. Quite fondly, she could remember that's how the two of them had their first love session together. It was when learning flame burst, Celia got extremely confused and angry with herself for not picking up the technique right away, so she ran off. Katie followed after, and when the two met up, they had a long and heartfelt talk, leading to some feelings being revealed, and a very intense round of lovemaking afterwards. Sure, her braixen was beautiful on the outside, but the determination and passion she held on the inside made her special, which is why she loved her so much.

"Katie!" A voice from outside yelled, breaking her out of her trance. She shook her head, and came to. Before yelling back though, she remembered Celia had been asleep, so she quietly backed out of the tent. Now outside, she saw Josh standing outside, holding a couple of pieces of wood in open arms.

"Yeah?" She asked, returning her voice to normal levels.

"Just calling you out to see if you're ready to help out around camp."

"Oh, sure! I thought we were going to be doing this a bit later though?"

"We were, but Anna came back and saw Randy sitting there with that thing in his hand, and got how she usually is again. Then she decided to take some initiative and, well, here we are." The situation brightened Katie up. Especially after hearing the faint complaining of Anna in the background, followed by the subtly hilarious comments made by Randy.

"Alright, I get it.What do you need me to do?" She asked, ready to help. Josh nodded off to the side, in the direction of the rest of the pieces of wood.

"Why don't you bring around the rest of the firewood? Randy's almost got his stones all set up and Anna's working on the benches."

"Sure thing!" She said gingerly, ready to walk away.

"Wait," Josh said, stopping her from parting ways. "Is Celia asleep?"

"Yeah, why?" She asked, wondering how he could have known. He chuckled, and pointed at her with his head.

"You've got a little something." She looked down at her hoodie, and noticed a decent sized wet spot at around the higher part of it. It was right around where Celia had rested her head, which made her remember the small pool of drool she was making on the pillow.

"Oh...haha.." She said, slightly embarrassed.

"Nice." He said, still laughing while slightly walking walking away.

Set up took a good while, with everybody doing their jobs and operations running semi-smoothly, it lasted all the way up until dusk to be finished. They marveled at how great of a job they'd done, and after the brief period of relaxation, got the food all ready to be sorted out. From Josh's bag, they pulled out sacks of bread, meat, and other essentials for an atmospheric camping dinner. They laid out how many they'd be having for the day, and got the fire started using Randy's newly bought item for a change. While their food had been cooking up, Anna worked on getting a few more items out of her own bag. Pulling out three bowls, and a bag of poke-kebble, she laid out a dinner set for the four pokemon that tagged along with the trainers for the camping experience.

Then, one by one, each of them let out their pokemon to signal the time for dinner to be started. Josh was the first to do this, letting loose a Zweilous who was quick to nudge him on the side. Then Anna followed suite, throwing her own soul ball up into the air to release a Roserade from its confines. Lastly, after maintaining the fire for long enough, Randy reached into his bag to pull out his own dainty soul ball, releasing a Quagsire. While this was happening, Katie ran into her tent to fetch Celia, who'd been sitting around playing with a couple of items in Katie's bag.

Now that everyone had been attended for, dinner was served generously by Josh, giving out burgers and hot dogs to the humans, pre-made poffins for Celia, and poke-kibble for the rest. They all socialized, making jokes, and talking about their lives with one another as the sky darkened slowly above them. Many of the pokemon participated in the conversations as well, considering they'd spent almost the same amount time with their trainer's friends as their trainers had themselves. Overall, everybody had enjoyed their time, and walked away with smiles on their faces as they started to clean up the mess they made.

While this was happening, night had fully taken over the day as stars and constellations lined the skies beautifully. Celia was first to take note of this, alarming Katie, who then passed on the information to her friends.

"Wow, it doesn't get that starry back at home." Josh said, throwing away the last of the paper plates.

"I know right? It's not even like that back at Kalos!" Katie exclaimed, sharing the same enthusiasm as her pokemon. Anna walked over with crossed arms next to the group, gazing up at the sky as well.

"Y'know, when I went out walking before, I passed by this cool clearing where you have a perfect view of the sky."

"Really?" Josh said.

"We should go!" Katie offered, earning an excited mewl out of the braixen who was beside her.

"Brai Brai!"

"Yeah, I'm up for that!" Randy yelled from afar. Josh nodded with a smile, signaling the group had a new plan for the evening.

"Alright, we'll head over once we're finished cleaning up then."

And that was exactly what they did. All utensils, plates, and excess food were placed in the trash, along with the pokemon's bowls, and kibble stashed away in the bags. Everybody was given a good five minutes to gather anything they wanted to bring with them as well, in which most of them spent the time pulling out cameras and such from their tents.

Once everybody was ready, they marched onwards out of camp, following Anna and Roserade into the dark forest. Flashlights guided them through landmarks, until they came unto a break in the patterns of trees and rocks, opening up to a sizeable clearing. The clearing, not like much of the denser forest, was pretty heavily illuminated by the stars above, creating a beautiful blue ambiance across the field of grass and flowers. They all "ooh"-d and "aah"-d upon witnessing this incredible view, and ran out all at once to reach the middle of the floral area. From there, all heads craned upwards to see what caused this beauty. Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of stars lined the sky; The white, glittering sparkles contrasting the deep blue hue perfectly. They shined unendingly, and created a very indistinguishable emotion of awe and amazement that captivated the group gazing upon it.

"Wow." Randy said, the first to speak up of the crew. "That's beauty if I've ever seen it."

"Yeah." Anna agreed. She then walked forward and pointed to the ground of the clearing. "Hey, we can sit over there!"

The group followed her in towards the little inlet of trees, making sure to take in all of their surroundings as they did so. Then, as if they were all one being, each person decided to sit down besides their pokemon and gaze up at the starry sky. Randy pointed at the constellations with his quagsire, Anna chatting with her roserade, and Josh playing with his zweilous. Katie, on the other hand, was busy trying to tame her braixen, who'd decided it was time to get a little bit frisky again. She went around to paw at her trainer, pulling at her sides and her shirt, which made Katie get a bit nervous.

"Celia..." She whispered. "You know what I'm about to say."

"Braixennn. Xen brai brai." She responded, making Katie think a bit to herself.

"Sure, it's dark and stuff but people are still around us." Celia made a pouty face, and continued to lay dormant next to her trainer. She had her paws crossed against her sides, quite noticeably trying to gauge a reaction. Katie took note of this, but continued to be silent. Typically she would have given into her pokemon already, but she was determined to keep her ground. Minutes passed, all of her other friends sat having a wonderful time conversing with their pokemon, while the two of them sat silently. Celia began questioning the legitimacy of this method, and once she couldn't take it anymore, she turned back over to her trainer.

"Brai Brai Xen!" She said, whining a little bit.

" A deal? Go on, I'm listening."

"Braixen xen brai. Braiii...xen brai brai, Braixen braixen xen." The idea was an interesting one, that when heard from Katie's ears, roughy said: How about once all of the others leave, THEN we get to be more physical?

"That's an interesting offer," She started, "But it doesn't guarantee that no one will be watching. I mean, we're still out in the open."

"Braixen braiaia." Celia replied, meaning that they should at least try. What would wrong would there be in hugging.

"I make a point." She admitted. Triumphantly, braixen made a light hum, and went back to her original position. Now chatting very softly, the two watched the stars that shone above, sharing both friendly and intimate thoughts as the time passed by. Soon enough, one of the pairs of trainer and pokemon got up and brushed the terrain off of their backs. It was Randy, who soon announced himself to the group.

"Hey, Finnley and I are going back to camp. We'll see you all later." He said, about to walk off before another person got up as well.

"Wait, you'll probably get lost on the way back." Anna said, roserade nodding along with her. "I'll go back with you."

"Alright." He said, waiting for her to catch up.

"Night guys!" She said before walking off with Randy into the unknown. Now that left Katie and Celia with Josh and his pokemon, who seemed all too content with what they were doing. If they were going to stay and do what they'd promised, they had to wait out the time a little bit more.

What felt like a good ten or so minutes went by, and shuffling could be heard from the other side of the clearing. Katie and Celia turned their heads and saw Josh hop onto his Zweilous's back. He then rode over to where they sat, and squinted down upon them.

"Hey, Kobold and I are gonna head back now too. Wanna ride?" He offered. Katie kindly declined by shaking her head while glancing up at him.

"No thanks, Celia and I might stay for a bit more. The view's nice and all, y'know?" She said.

"You sure? I know the way back pretty well, and it won't take too long to get there on Kobold."

"Brai Brai!" Celia said with the same meaning as Katie.

"Okay, see you two back at camp then." He said, waving them off as he rode off on the dual headed beast. The sound of stampeding footprints seceded off in the distance, and once completely inaudible, Celia took the opportunity to jump onto her trainer lovingly. She grinded her body against her quickly, making light "Nya" sounds as she did so.

"Celia, not too quickly!" Katie said, pushing back the vulpine. Once off completely, braixen looked up at her with a pleading expression.

"Braiiiiixen?" She asked, purposely drawing out the word. Katie sighed, never being able to get past her pokemon's adorable face, and opened her arms out.

"O-okay..but only cuddling for now!" Celia squee-d with joy, and threw herself into her trainer's body again.

They typically only got this close to each other- and all acted lovey dovey for that matter- when they knew they were alone, so this new and strange feeling of being this close in an unknown environment created a feeling of dangerous excitement. The same dangerous excitement that got the two of them in trouble that one day...but surely this was different. After all, they were only just cuddling, there's nothing wrong with that.

It shouldn't be too bad, right? Celia knows both her and my limits. She thought, calming herself down. Her Braixen companion on the other hand, wasn't second-thinking the situation, and was quick to dive into a barrage of embraces. Katie joined in soon enough, not moving as passionately as Celia though because of a careful eye she was keeping on her surroundings.

Eventually, after a good couple of minutes of this, Katie dismissed the idea of someone watching them, and felt more at ease with the situation. Okay, we're in the middle of the forest. Who's going to be watching us? No one. Upon realizing this, she picked up her pace to match the braixen's, and brought their bodies closer together than one could possibly imagine.

Celia picked up on this, noticing her trainer was getting more and more into the act, so she decided to take it a step forward. She moved her face in, aligning it perfectly up against Katie's, and matched muzzle to mouth in order to make a sloppy wet lick across her trainer's lips.

"Celia!" Katie said- surprised, though not resisting.

"Braiiii..." Celia whined in a breathy tone. This wrenched the heart of her trainer who was getting both excited, knowing where this is going, and scared, knowing exactly what Braixen is trying to get her to do.

"I-I...I don't know, I mean, the hugging and stuff is fine b-but kissing-"

"Braixen." Celia said, cutting her trainer off and sitting herself up. She gazed into the eyes of Katie with a serious look, different from her lustful one before. "Brai braixen brai, xen brai raixen. Brai Brai?"

The words hit the human harshly, who deeply considered them to heart. Since she had caught Celia in a soul ball, and had spent the majority of her life with her, she could easily understand what the pokemon said. To translate roughly, Celia sternly told her trainer that she needed to have her right then and there; No more waiting around. If they were to get caught, and face some hefty problems, they would put up a fight because no matter what - they will always be together. "...Celia..." She said, thinking it over deeply.

"Braixen braixen xen." She said, smiling and bringing a paw up to her trainer's face. She complimented on how Katie was always the worrier; All the more reasons to love her.

Katie grabbed the paw with her own hand and held it close as it caressed her face. "I know, but it at least has to be one of us." They sat there in another short silence, bringing the tops of their heads together with closed eyes. Katie realized she wasn't going to win this fight, though she didn't have any complaints about it. She felt the need to share this intimacy with her braixen right then and there as well, but had a better time trying to conceal it. Concealing it wasn't going to do her any more good though, because she was about to give in to her pokemon's needs and share with her the deepest connection that two lovers could achieve.

After the silence, Celia was the first to act. She dragged the paw she had plastered up against the human's face along with her second free one, and let them float downwards towards the girl's body. They glazed past the neck and reached the chest, pushing forward to encircle the outline of Katie's decent sized breasts. They had only been that though, and outline, because of the hoodie that was still prominent on the girl's body.

"Braixen?" Celia asked, wanting to receive permission before removing any article of clothing. Katie nodded firmly.

"Go ahead." She said, which lead to the white paws of the braixen to grab firmly on the edges of the hoodie, and pull up to lift the clothing off of her trainer. Katie now sat near topless, the only thing stopping Celia from fully seeing her breasts being the bra she had on. Celia, assuming her trainer allowed her to do this as well, then brought her paws around back to unclip the soft piece of cloth, and let it drop to the ground once working the contraption.

Katie felt her breasts plop down after their resistance was lifted, now fully revealing her topside to her pokemon. This was nothing new to the two of them considering their many past exploits, but no matter how many times they've done it, passion was something that was never lost. Celia reached forward and grabbed the plump boobs, squishing and caressing them as she saw fit. This earned a pleasurable grunt out of her trainer every once and awhile as she made tiny circles around the part. Each time she would start on the outermost parts working inwards, both slowly and delicately as to enamore her trainer. These circles would then lead up to the finer point on the breast, where she applied the most pressure to, and tugging at a bit. Katie moaned as her nipples were seen attention, surprised at how much of an expert her pokemon had gotten at this.

These actions were repeated continuously until Celia decided to venture forth and explore more of the unclaimed land. She smoothly travelled downwards to her belly, tickling a little bit to earn a giggle or two, and stopping at the edge of her waist, where her leggings started.

"Brai Braixen?" She asked, still keeping her intimate tone.

"I'm ready." Katie replied, matching the tone with excitement and anxiousness. She felt the furry paws wiggle around the extremities of the pants, and pull down slowly as to reveal each bit of her body one by one. Pink panties were immediately visible after pulling the leggings down a short way, followed by skinnier legs, all the way down to the feet. The braixen then wasted no time before placing her paw on the edge of the pink cloth, and shoving it inwards to feel out the area she would soon be working with.

"Aah!" Katie yelped, sudden contact surprising her. She looked up into the face of her braixen who was smiling, and looking down at her body. Her paw was very intricately wiggling around its digits to spread apart the outer lips of her labia, revealing her innermost parts to the colder outside air. Then, one of the middle digits began getting frisky and rubbing itself along the fleshier parts of her vagina, causing Katie's breath to increase in rate. "C-celia, don't you think you're going a bit fa-"

Her sentence was then broken off by a maw knocking itself against her mouth; She was forced into a kiss with her pokemon, and quite passionately so. Celia's sloppy, sweet tasting tongue entering her mouth immediately, looking for another tongue to mingle with. After being frozen for a couple of seconds in shellshock, Katie granted it conference by mashing her own tongue against it. A combination of saliva mixed together in Katie's mouth, which to her, was incredibly hot when done forcefully like this. It added to the intensity of the scenario, and she could have sworn increased the pleasure she was receiving from the paw pleasuring her from below. She moaned multiple times while being fingered by her pokemon, and wasn't allowed the relief of air until Celia had pulled out to take some deep breaths of her own.

Upon doing so, the two of them gazed into each others eyes and knew exactly what they were thinking. Celia hastily grabbed the pink panties that were still attached to Katie, and pulled them off, now leaving the girl stark naked in the middle of the forest. She didn't care though; Nothing else mattered other than experiencing this intense, pleasurable moment with the pokemon she loved.

They switched positions, Katie reorganizing herself on the ground and Celia shuffling her body around as to hover her lower half over Katie's head. On a mental count of three, the braixen lowered her entire body onto the human's, and dug her paws into the throbbing sex of her partner. Katie jumped at the contact, which was her cue to start away at the area in front of her. Pink flesh outlined with black lips sat before her, oozing with bodily fluids- waiting to be attended to. As she felt her own insides being tickled, she started working on licking along the outside of the pokemon's labia. Shivers were felt coursing through her braixen's body, letting her know she was doing a good job, while the wagging of her tail offered the same praise to Katie.

Celia had been doing the same, though instead of starting on licking, she focused on paw-work. With one paw, she grinded in and out of Katie, causing wet sopping sounds to be heard every time she caught onto some of her vaginal juices, and with the other, she made small circles around a tiny bump in the uppermost part of Katie's sex. This little bump held the majority of the nerve ends for Katie, so upon doing so, she was immediately shot up into a state of heavenly bliss.

The two worked at each other nonstop, not wanting to take any breaks to show each other the deep hunger they felt for one another. The wet sounds both Celia and Katie's bodies were making filled the air as they pleasured each other, and a heavy smell of sex consumed the area to the point where anybody walking on by would have definitely known what was going on. The two were too deep into the act to halt and notice though, and if something had arisen, the chances of them stopping were slim.

Feeling a familiar squeezing sensation overcome her, Katie's breath picked up in speed, and she lost concentration on the act in front of her. She was too busy being lost in the abyss of pleasure to pay much attention to the braixen pussy in front of her, which Celia had noticed. "Celia, I can feel myself...!" She said, trailing off as her body tensed and shook in pleasure. Celia grinned to herself, quickly bringing back a paw to reach behind her. She quickly replaced it with her tongue though, as to not give Katie a lack of stimulation. Alas, the item she was looking for was pulled out of her tail fur, and wringed around to the human's nether region. Katie hadn't paid any attention to this, too busy being overstimulated in ecstasy, so the next thing that had happened caught her by surprise.

The fluffy, delicate texture of the braixen paw was quickly retracted from her vagina, and replaced by a thicker, warmer specimen. It was shoved into her with great force, and moved at the same rapid pace as the paws from beforehand. She yelped very loudly in surprise, and her eyes rolled back into her head. The feeling of being full completely taking over her emotions, driving her into a state of complete primal lust. The only thing her mind was able to wrap its head around was the concept of the object going deeper and harder to maximize the total pleasure.

"Yes! Celia, push it deeper!" She yelled, which startled even the braixen compared to the volume she was used to hearing. Not to mention the were in the woods still, somewhat close to their group of friends.

"Brai Braixen!" She said, both out of intimacy and worry. Katie hadn't shared those emotions though, too far lost in her own pool of ecstasy. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth now, and her deep heavy breaths evolved into animal-like panting.

"I don't care how loud we are, just fuck me HARDER!" She yelled, completely overcome with the pleasure the blue dildo from before was giving her. Braxien, getting her own pleasure from watching this, decided to act upon her trainers orders, and pulled the dildo all the way out before shoving it back in. She did this multiple times, hitting up against a bump all the way within Katie, which could only mean she had reached her cervix.

"YESSSS!!" Katie yelled, every nerve ending in her body releasing pleasurable jolts of energy throughout her body as she was brought to orgasm. The feeling of being stretched beyond max, along with the addictive full feeling tossed her body over onto a climax. She writhed with pleasure, her insides squeezing against the dildo and releasing as she made powerful contractions. As she did this, her body juices began leaking out of her as she experienced one of the most powerful orgasms of her life. It took a good couple of seconds to die down, until she was degraded into a panting pile of sweat, and vaginal juices. Her chest lifted up and down, recovering from the intense moment as she looked up to the sky. The stars mixed between each other and the dark blue color looked very warped and mysterious. She knew she was on a high after that orgasm, which made her smile as warmth spread throughout her body.

Celia took the dildo out of Katie and laid it on the ground, hunching over her trainer to lay beside her. "Braixen Xen?" She asked, smiling and laughing. Katie turned her head, meeting the gaze of her pokemon.

"Yeah, you were good. REALLY good." She said. As she looked at Celia though, realization hit her. She completely disregarded her pokemon's needs. With whatever strength she had left in her, she picked her body up and placed her arms across the braixen's body. This locked Celia into place. "Though, come to think of it, I don't think I finished up with you." She said teasingly.

"Brai..." Celia said, offering for her trainer to not have to continue if she didn't want to. Before answering though, Katie dove right in by taking one of her hands and placing it within her Braixen's pussy. The contact immediately sparked the same pleasurable energy that overcame Celia's body from before, making her moan upon contact. Katie found her pokemon's moans to be adorable, as they went from little mewls, to louder squeaks, onto the shouts of her species name.

With her second hand, Katie then brought it up to the small, human like breast of the Braixen, which had a tiny nipple protruding out of the fur. She smiled upon seeing this, and immediately dove right into pleasuring it. Celia's body went from one to ten on a scale of pleasure, and she soon joined her trainer in being a moaning mess. Katie used her time wisely, spending most of it on the tiny pokemon clit, and making sure to caress both nipples instead of just one.

Considering how much energy she spent on her earlier, Celia was already relatively close, and without any warning, began convulsing- Squeaking little braixen cries involuntarily. Tiny clear liquid droplets also squirted out of her, coating Katie's hand in a nice amount of Braixen juice as Celia rocked out her orgasm. Hers hadn't lasted as long as Katie's had, but it certainly looked just as intense..

Katie laughed as she flopped herself down beside her pokemon, curling some of the fur that was sticking out of her shoulder. Once Celia came to, she turned her head and glanced towards her trainer as well, giving her a nice smile.

"That was fun." Katie said, the first of the two to speak up. Celia nodded. "Maybe we should do it outside more often, there seems to be an extra edge about it."

"Brai braixen." Celia said, most likely referring to the irony of the situation considering Katie was the more reluctant of the two to start. She sighed, then looked up at the stars, creating a beautiful view for the two of them watching.

"I'm glad we came here. You'd never get to see these stars back at home." She said, thinking back to her Kalos days and how simple childhood had been. Old memories flooded her mind, but as they did, some of them mingled with recent ones. Sure, most of it had been a blur, and her past wasn't the greatest when compared to many of her friends, but one thing she was proud of was sticking with Celia. From day one, the two of them had been an odd couple, and they'd been ridiculed by others, but she never ever let go of her companion, because she loved her. And whether she had sex with her or not, she knew that she wasn't doing it out of malicious intent, or for any selfish purposes, but out of passion and true love. No one could separate the two of them, and she would make sure of that to her dying breath.

With those kinds of thoughts running amok in her mind again, Katie brough an arm down beside her, and reached for the white furred paw that belonged to her braixen; Her lover. She grabbed it, and looked deep into Celia's eyes, who felt the same deep connection as she had.

"Celia." She started, with a serious, and delicate tone. "I love you with all of my heart, and through all the years that we'll live together, I'll make sure that no one will ever get in the way of the two of us."

Celia smiled, and pushed her head forward to nuzzle her partner. They tucked their heads in and found a comfortable spot to situate themselves so they could spend the rest of the night together; Beneath the stars.

The Bell - A Riolu x Alolan Vulpix Tale

"-And that shall be your assignment for today. Do you both understand?" "Yessir!" A riolu said, rounding his paw up to his face to salute his superior. "Excellent, hop to it then." He replied, before walking into the office behind him and...

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Partners in Love: A Zootopia Story

Life was as good as it could be now. Nick sat in the passenger seat of a police cruiser, nibbling away at a bagel he and his partner had just picked up for breakfast. They were assigned a nice and easy task for the day. Patrol around one section of...

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New Mates

**A young Shaymin walks through the flowers, in the thick of heat. She aches for attention, her scent wafting through the field. She sits, eating an Oran berry.** **A Vaporeon, amidst his travel, discovers a peculiar flowery field on his adventure....

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