Elegy of Emptiness 2

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#2 of Digital Rescue Squad

Chapter 2 has come out. Please don't forget to rate, comment, enjoy, and if you have any suggestions, let me know. I don't bite, unless that's what your into.

Prayer book lines are Lyrics from Elysions 'Erace Me'

Elegy of Emptiness

Chapter 2

By Kendo Kawabata

He woke up again the next morning. He got himself out of bed. He washed his body, put on his robes, and left his cell when the door opened. He joined the line and ate in the eating hall. Then he worked all morning. He ate again in the eating hall with everyone else. He worked all afternoon. He ate his evening meal. Then he returned to his cell. He read his prayer book and he fell asleep.

He woke up again the next morning. He got himself out of bed. He washed his body, put on his robes, and left his cell when the door opened. He joined the line and ate in the eating hall. Then he worked all morning. He ate again in the eating hall with everyone else. He worked all afternoon. He ate his evening meal. Then he returned to his cell. He read his prayer book and he fell asleep.

He woke up again the next morning. He got himself out of bed. He washed his body, put on his robes, and left his cell when the door opened. He joined the line and ate in the eating hall. Then he worked all morning. He ate again in the eating hall with everyone else. He worked all afternoon. He ate his evening meal. Then he returned to his cell. He read his prayer book and he fell asleep.

He woke up again the next morning. He got himself out of bed. He washed his body, put on his robes, and left his cell when the door opened. He joined the line and ate in the eating hall. Then he worked all....

"How come you're mopping today?"

The Flamedramon was momentarily broken out of his duty by the question, and it took him a few moments more to realize someone had asked him that. He slowly stood up, holding the mop against him as he looked around a moment to see who had addressed him. He expected a hood-less, since they were normally the ones to address anyone.

Instead, he found a hooded brother standing nearby, looking at him over his square red muzzle.

"You.....you are Guilmon" Flamedramon said, somewhat surprised that he knew that.

"How come you're not digging today?" Guilmon asked, tilting his head a little as he looked at the bigger mon with curiosity in his expression. Which was not supposed to be allowed.

"I'm....I'm doing janitor duty today" Flamedramon said as he looked up and down the long obsidian halls around him. There was no-one else around. Having a conversation while you were working, it wasn't allowed. "And you should be working too. So go back and work on your duties" he said as he went back to mop.

"How come your mopping?" Guilmon asked, as if he either didn't hear him or chose to ignore the comment to go back to work.

"I am."

"How come?"

"I...I just am."

"How come?"


"How come?"


"How come?"

"Please stop asking me that question."

It had been at least four days since the Flamedramon's last therapy session, although the days tended to blend into each other so he couldn't have really been sure. It was very hard to tell them apart since every day followed the same routine. Which was supposed to be considered the normal way of things.

He had no errant thoughts or dreams in his mind since, his state of being rather blissfully ignorant of everything around him. He followed the routine without complaint or hesitation, and did his duties to his fellow brothers and sisters without question.

As far as he was aware, he had not accumulated any sins by doing anything he wasn't supposed to. He had been a good and faithful brother with no wandering dreams and no questions thoughts about the place, his brothers and sisters, or even how the food was always the same.

But for some reason, the Guilmon had started to ask questions around him. Questions that he shouldn't have been asking. Like, why he was doing mopping instead of mining. Or why he was taller then he was. Or why he ate with his right hand. It was almost like the Guilmon just decided he could and would ask whatever came into his mind.

"How come your mopping today?"

And he was the unlucky target.

"I just am" Flamedramon said simply as he brushed the mop back and forth along the obsidian floor. The crystals that lined the walls seemed to shimmer brighter in the freshly mopped surfaces. The floor almost had a mirror shine to it now that it was freshly mopped.

"Mopping doesn't look like much fun."

"It isn't supposed to be fun....I think. It's a chore. You do chores."

"Why do you do chores?"

"Because it's a sin not to do them."

"Why is it a sin?"

"Because it is."

"How come it's a sin?"

"It....it just is."

"What is a sin?"

"I do not know."

"How come you don't know?"

The Flamedramon rolled his eyes back in his head out of sheer annoyance as he found the Guilmon was beginning to get on his nerves. He hadn't experienced such an emotion in so long that it took him several moments to realize he was actually pissed off.

"Brother...please do not ask me questions I cannot answer" Flamedramon said as he forced himself to calm down. Getting angry at your fellow brothers and sisters was not a sin he wanted to be held accountable for. "Please return to your duties so you do not commit your sins" he said as he dipped the mop into the bucket.

"I don't care about sins."

He stopped, the mop hanging above the bucket as it dribbled and dripped its water back into the bucket rather loudly in the quiet hallway. Flamedramon stood back up and turned around, a very confused expression on his face.

"You....don't care?" he asked slowly. He had never heard such a concept in his life. How could someone not care about sins, when they were literally the very rules that they all had to live and abide by? The Guilmon shrugged his shoulders, his robes rising and falling with his movements.

"No" he said simply with another shrug of his shoulders. Flamedramon looked back and forth across the hallways again, a sudden foreign panic in his chest. This was an extremely dangerous conversation he was having, and if they were caught having it, he would most likely be punished.

Flamedramon had no idea what he was supposed to say to that, and he could only open and close his mouth silently as he tried very hard to think of something to say about that. But his blanked mind wasn't coming up with anything.

There was, however, a sigh of relief from him as they heard the buzzer for their midday meal was heard overhead. He placed the mop back in the bucket and slipped it to the side, as the turned to face the Guilmon who was watching him and wagging his tail back and forth under his robes.

"Did...you not hear the buzzer?" he asked him. The guilmon just continued to look at him as he wagged his tail. "It means it's time to eat."

"YAY. I'm hungry" Guilmon said as he jumped up and down several times on the spot, his robes going up and down and billowing around his body before he stepped on the front hem and ended up face planting himself onto the floor.

Flamedramon stood in place, wondering if he was ok. Well, he wasn't moving. That....wasn't supposed to be a good sign, right?

"I'm ok....I think..." Guilmon said as he picked himself up after a few moments of complete and utter stillness, picking himself up as if it was nothing. "I'm hungry" he added, as if he had just forgotten that he had face planted himself into the stone floor.

Flamedramon just stared at the Guilmon in complete confusion as the little red dragon began to walk away. It came as a surprise, and a bit of a shock, that he found himself smiling. Only a little, just the corners of his mouth moving slightly upwards, but he was still smiling.

He should have been shocked that he was outwardly showing emotion. That was wrong, that was a sin. Happiness was a bad path to tread as it lead to comfort, contentment and ultimately let yourself become vulnerable. It was a definite sin that he should not have been expressing.

Yet, it kinda felt nice, even if it was for a moment before it faded and he followed on the way to the eating hall. Maybe....that was one sin he didn't need to hold himself accountable for.

Besides, the Guilmon wasn't that bad. Annoying yes, but he was alright.

"May our food fill our bodies for the day ahead. May the result of our work be worthy. We live as one, we work as one, we are all one" The Blackweregarurumon spoke as he held his hands in thoughtful prayer as he recited the words once more.

"We give thanks as one" they all chanted in complete unison back. A moment of silence as the Blackweregarurumon sat back down and then as one everyone began to eat. Flamedramon picked up his spoon and swirled it into his bowl as he watched the grey slush move around in circles.

He brought the spoon up to his lips and slowly gulped it down. It tasted the same as it did before at breakfast. And the same as it had since....well, forever. He got a few spoonfuls into his mouth before he was interrupted with a question.

"What does this taste like?"

The Guilmon was sitting across from him again. It looked like he had changed places with someone, because at breakfast he had been sitting further down on the right.

"Why are you sitting there? That's not your seat" Flamedramon said in a quiet voice. Talking while eating wasn't exactly discouraged, but the topic could get you in trouble. Or just talking in particular. You had to eat, and talking too much prevented you from eating. Plus, chatter could be a distraction that could lead you down a dangerous path.

What was the dangerous path? Flamedramon normally didn't talk anyway, he just preferred to eat in silence.

"Someone was in my seat. There are more people here" Guilmon said as he licked at his spoon. He had a surprisingly large tongue, and it looked like it could wrap around his spoon and part of his hand with no problem.

Flamedramon took the briefest of looks around the room, seeing the hood-less walking amongst the tables as they made sure every-one was eating. He had never actually taken notice as to how many people were in the room, but, it did seem like there was an extra table of brothers and sisters in the room.

"What does this taste like?" Guilmon asked again, bringing Flamedramon back to the somewhat current conversation.

"It....tastes like food" Flamedramon said as he went back to eating. He didn't actually know what it tasted it. He had never questioned it. Anyway, it probably tasted what grey slush was meant to taste like.

"What do you think it tastes like?" Guilmon asked the robed mon on his left, looking up at him like a curious puppy. The mon was robed and hooded like everyone else, but the only thing they could see from under his robe was a very long tubular tendril/vine/thing that was slowly sucking up the grey slush and making loud noises like someone was slurping a milkshake. He didn't answer him back as he continued to suck and slurp.

"I think it tastes like Tasty Wheat. Do you think it tastes like Tasty Wheat?" Guilmon asked him, even though the much bigger mon was eating and either didn't hear him, or just ignored him.

"What's....Tasty Wheat?" Flamedramon found himself asking against his better judgement.

"I don't know. But it tastes like it" Guilmon said with a shrug of his shoulders. "That's what I'm going to call it. We're eating Tasty Wheat" he said with a smile across his features, happy with the new name he had given his food.

"You're annoying" Flamedramon said, although he felt the corners of his mouth twitch rather dangerously upwards. Smiling in private was dangerous enough, but smiling in the vicinity of the hood-less, that was worse. Although he didn't actually think of that, he did think of something else. "In fact, you're so annoying, that's what I'm going to call you. Annoymon" Flamedramon said as he resumed his meal.

However, he dropped his spoon when he heard the Guilmon make a sound that he hadn't heard before in, well, he couldn't remember. The Guilmon actually laughed at him.

"That's funny. You're funny. Funny and silly. I'm gonna call you Sillymon" Guilmon said with a rather childish giggle that started off small, but rather quickly got louder. Flamedramon, at that moment, forgot everything he had been taught and found himself with the very rapidly urge to laugh along with him.

However, he was saved from committing further sin when a hood-less appeared behind the Guilmon. It was a Kamemon, a small turtle digimon with a blue army helmet on his head that covered most of his head. He placed his hand on the Guilmon's shoulder to get his attention. Flamedramon very quickly lost whatever emotions he was feeling as his mind seemed to go blank once more and he automatically resumed his eating with a blank expression on his face.

"Ebemon wishes to see you. You need therapy" the Kamemon said.

"Ok" Guilmon said with a happy smile across his face. The hood-less didn't react in any way as he began to walk away, with the Guilmon rather happily walking after him.

Flamedramon watched him walk away as the Guilmon was lead away for a therapy session. Without Guilmon talking to him, all he could hear around him was the slurping and lapping of the faithful eating their meal.

He brought his bowl back up his lips and began to drink down the rest of the sludge as he licked the bowl clean. The meal had not been out of his sight, nor had anything gone into it, nor had anything touched it other then his spoon. And yet, it suddenly tasted bitter.

He didn't see the Guilmon again during the rest of the day, as he had to return to mopping floors. The other brothers and sisters all returned to their duties, most in the pit hammering away with their hammers and pickaxes. Mopping the floors was just another duty that you ended up doing, although he didn't actually know why he was mopping today. He just did it.

But, as he slid the mop back and forth and left the stone floor shimmering under the crystal torch light, it only took him a short while to realize, how bored he was. And he wasn't supposed to feel bored.

He didn't stop in his work as he continued to work down the hallway and went to mop another section, his back starting to ache slightly from all the twisting and turning that he was doing. And carrying a heavy bucket of water all over the place was also helping ot make his arms tired. But, tired was good. It meant you were doing a good job.

But, it was dull boring work. When Guilmon had been pestering him earlier, sure it was a distraction. And he had found him annoying enough to call him Annoymon. But now that he wasn't there, it was just a little too quiet.

The day just seemed to drag on for him as he washed the hallways over and over, making sure that they were clean as he could make them. It seemed to drag on because his mind wasn't occupied by the content blank state it usually was. He found himself wondering about the Guilmon and if he was alright, and it didn't feel right for him to scold himself for worrying in the first place.

"What is a therapy session, anyway?" he wondered to himself. When was the last time he had seen Ebemon anyway? Didn't he see him....wait...was it yesterday? It could have been yesterday. Or maybe it was a few days ago. Was it longer then that? Or did he see him this morning.

He had the strangest feeling that he had seen Ebemon before, and it felt like it had been recent too. But, he couldn't remember when. He couldn't remember what they talked about, or what actually happened. Or even what his office looked like. He just...remembered seeing the silver door, and that was it.

The mopping motions ceased as he tried to think about it again. Already he was committing several sins against what he was taught by thinking on subjects that weren't allowed, like anything that didn't involve work. But, he just couldn't remember.

Why couldn't he remember?

"Duck-dog-rabbit.....that isn't a joke" he mumbled to himself. What did that mean? Why did he just say that. What was a duck-dog-rabbit anyway? Why was he thinking of things that didn't make sense to him?

"I'm...worried about him" he said to himself as he dropped the mop back on the floor and pushed it forward again. Why was he worried? He was just one of the brothers, one of the many brothers. If he was one of the brothers though, why didn't he know more about him?

Why didn't he know who any of them were?

He stopped mopping when the mop-head pushed up against the robes of someone that was suddenly standing in front of him. He paused in his movement, blinking slightly in surprised before he moved his gaze upwards to see who was there.

It was one of the hood-less, the green large featured Goblimon. The mons large eyes were dull and expressionless, but they were looking right at him with an unwavering gaze.

For a moment neither of them said anything as they just looked at one another. Flamedramon actually felt something trickle down the side of his head, back in his hood that the Goblimon couldn't actually see. It was a drop of sweat. He was starting to sweat.

Sweat was because he was nervous. And why was he nervous?

Did the hood-less Goblimon actually know he was nervous?

"Get back to work."

The Goblimon spoke in a dull monotone voice and just simply walked past, leaving large ugly looking footprints in the cleaned surface of the floor. Flamedramon realized he had been holding his breath and he let it out slowly, suddenly aware of how hard his heart had been beating.

"What's wrong with me?" he asked himself as he felt a new emotion suddenly start to rise up. He was starting to feel scared. Something....something wasn't right, and he just couldn't figure out what.

He placed the mop in the bucket and leant it against the wall as he adjusted his robes and headed in the direction of the eating hall. By the time he arrived, it as almost full and he had to manoeuvre a bit go get to his seat. He sat in silence along with everyone else, staring down into the fresh bowl of slush that was presented before him.

After a few silent moments, a chair was moved as the owner stood up to give thanks.

"May our food fill our bodies for the night ahead. May the result of our work be worthy. We live as one, we work as one, we are all one" The Blackweregarurumon spoke as he held his hands in thoughtful prayer as he recited the words once more.

"We give thanks as one" they all chanted in complete unison back. A moment of silence as the Blackweregarurumon sat back down and then as one everyone began to eat. Flamedramon picked up his spoon and swirled it into his bowl as he watched the grey slush move around in circles.

There was nothing changed about the meal, it was the as every other time he had eaten it, and yet, he was finding himself having to force himself to swallow it as it tasted more bitter then it had during the previous meal.

After a few more mouthfuls, and feeling one of the hood-less pass by behind him and move away, he dared to look up and look around.

Guilmon was there, right across from him at the other side of the table, eating his meal rather carefully. His face was mostly hidden behind his hood, and only the squareness of his muzzle was showing as he slowly ate with his spoon.

Flamedramon felt a twinge of relief as he saw that he was at the table and eating again. It felt strangely comforting to know that he was eating again, but it felt wrong at the same time that he hadn't actually noticed him yet. Or that he wasn't asking questions.

After a couple of discreet glances to either side of him, Flamedramon put down his spoon and leant forward just a little as he looked over at the Guilmon.

"Are you ok Guilmon?" he asked as loudly as he dared, although his naturally soft voice and low tone made it sound like a whisper anyway. Guilmon did not put the spoon down as he continued to eat, as if he didn't hear him.

"Guilmon, are you ok?" he asked again, raising his voice ever so slightly.

That time, Guilmon heard him as he placed his spoon in the bowl and slowly raised his head to look over at him. The hood fell back slightly and Flamedramon got a good look at his face.

"I'm fine" he said briefly before he looked back down and picked up his spoon and resumed his eating. He said he was fine. That meant things were ok, right?

But his face had been completely blank, and his eyes were glazed over and unfocused. he looked as normal as all the other brother and sisters looked, which was the normal expectation around.

But for Flamedramon, he couldn't help but feel even worse then he did when he saw Guilmon acting like everyone else. He felt a wave of sadness wash over him and, perhaps for the first time in his existence, he had the urge to start crying.

"What did he do to you?" Flamedramon whispered as he looked at Guilmon, who continued to eat without any real awareness around him. He didn't even seem to be aware that he was being watched, or if he was, he didn't seem to show it in any capacity. Flamedramon felt a dark hole start to creep into his chest as he watched Guilmon imitate the actions of everyone around him.

It felt like an empty void inside his chest that made him want to clutch at his heart in the hopes that it was still beating. He felt himself literally crushed to see Guilmon acting like that. and he had absolutely no concept as to why he would be feeling that way.

However, he didn't get much of a chance to continue to dwell on it as he noticed a hood-less walking his way out of the corner of his eye, so he forced himself to swallow the lump in his throat that was starting to become prominent and he forced himself to resume eating.

He had the sudden urge to not get caught for a therapy session.

The hood-less, a Gotsumon, who looked like a squat little creature made out of stones and pebbles with very large round blank eyes, walked passed him without stopping as he was the lookout for anyone acting out of the ordinary.

Flamedramon had gone back to eating, so the Gotsumon didn't see anything wrong with that, even though Flamedrmaon was forcing the slush down his throat. It had somehow gone from bitter, to disgusting.

The evening meal thankfully finished as they all stopped eating and stood up as one. Getting into their lines the faithful stood side by side in rows of two as they followed the hallways towards their cells.

Flamedramon could see Guilmon's tail poking out from under his robes in a group ahead of them, and he watched him for as long as he was able to before the Guilmon's group walked down another hallways to their own rooms as Flamedramon followed his group to theirs.

"Guilmon...." he said to himself as he saw him disappear from sight.

Once they arrived at their respective rooms, the buzzer sound was heard again and their doors immediately closed the moment every single one of them were in their rooms. When he heard his door close, Flamedramon took his robes into his hands and slipped them up over his head as he undressed himself.

There was no visible sign that he had been part of the mass group session from several days ago, his stomach was now as flat as it had ever been, no marks or bruises on his flesh from the repeated slapping of hips against his rump. He couldn't even remember being part of it, or even being aware that it had happened.

He hung his robes up on the hook before he walked naked over to his cot and carefully laid himself down on it. Once he laid himself down on his back he reached over and picked up his prayer book from on the bedside cabinet.

It was a thin book, black and bound in leather. It looked and felt old. Of course it was old, he had had it for as long as he could remember. the prayer book was given to you the day you join the faithful, and it was meant to be the only treasured possession you were permitted to have.

He adjusted his position enough that the flickering light from the crystal on the wall helped to illuminate the pages as he turned to the nightly prayer. And he started to read.

"Say goodbye to the comfort, I only wish I could be unlearned, completely forgotten. Me and my meaningless journeying through life, can I just fade away?

"All I do is breathing in, all I do is breathing out.

"Erase me, from all hoping and dreaming, and wishing on stars. Erase me, into lonesome obsessions and unhealing scars. Erase me, there is no other down I am longing to see. Erase me.

"All I do is breathing in, all I do is breathing out.

"Erase me."

He carefully closed his book, the flickering light dancing across the pages was starting to make him sleepy and he could feel his body and his mind grow tired as he felt sleep start to wash over him like water. But he couldn't fall asleep just yet. There was a weight on his mind that wasn't moving.

Flamedramon leant over and placed his book down on the bedside table as he rested back down on his back, his eyes looking up at the ceiling as he felt sleep try to claim him. But it wasn't easily taking him.

"I hope your ok Guilmon" he said quietly as he felt that overwhelming feeling to start crying again as he thought about the smaller dragon. He slowly turned over onto his side, his back facing the door as he brought his legs up, bringing his knees up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around them, pulling himself into the fetal position as he blinked away the tears he was feeling.

Sleep was not going to come easily.

Something was wrong.

Something woke him up from his fitful sleep. It had taken ages, a longer time then normal for him to fall asleep. His mind had been too troubled, constantly moving back and forth from a blank state of mind to worrying thoughts about Guilmon.

He hadn't moved from the fetal position on his cot, as he had eventually managed to drift off. But that was only due to the mental exhaustion of his mind wrestling with its own foreign thoughts when it was supposed to be blank.

There had been a sound, like something hitting metal. And it had come from...nearby? It was loud, loud enough to rouse him from his slumber. He was awake before he opened up his eyes, and he did so slowly.

There was no difference in the lighting of the room during the day or night. Was there a difference? night was when you slept, day was when you were awake. so, it should have been night. but wasn't night meant to be all black? it looked no different from the day.

He didn't move. He wasn't supposed to be awake. waking up early was a sin. even by accident. but something had woken him up.

Then he heard another sound. The utter quiet of the area only seemed to amplify the sound as he heard it, making it louder then it was. it was the sound of metal grinding, moving slow and hard against itself. Wait, he had heard that sound before, but from where?

Wait, it was the sound of the door opening. But it was a lot slower. And.....and it was his door being opened.

He didn't dare move as he heard that long slow drawn out sound of the door being forced open. Each second that passed forced himself to become more wide awake until it was now impossible for him to get back to sleep.

The door was forced open and it finally stopped, silence filling the area once more. This...this was not normal. Something was wrong. He heard footsteps behind him, big heavy ones slowly moving forward.

There was a low growling noise, the kind of pleased growling an animal would make when it saw something it wanted. the growling seemed to grow louder as the footsteps got closer, till whatever it was was literally behind him. The growling was right above his head!!!

He didn't dare move as he felt his heart do something it hadn't done before. It was racing. in fear. he was afraid. he was experiencing fear. he could actually feel his body begin to tremble slightly as a heated breath washed over the side of his neck as whoever it was leant in good and close.

Something heavy touched his side and squeezed. it felt like a hand. It was a big hand, with big thick fingers. fingers with claws. the big strong hand rubbed down his side slowly, feeling his flesh until it reached his hip. That big strong hand rubbed over his hip and then cupped itself over one of his butt-cheeks.

He remained completely still, both fear and confusion running through his mind as he felt that hand squeeze his butt over and over again, that big hand easily covering his mound without hassle. The growling was right next to his ear now, he could feel the heated breath wash over the back of his neck.

Flamedramon let out a sudden and rather high pitched squeak as he was grabbed by his tail and dragged backwards, hips first. he was manhandled too easily, finding himself sliding down his cot till he was bent over, his knees and lower legs hitting the cold stone floor and his torso and hands laying spread over the cot as he was forcibly bent over.

He continued to lie still, unsure of what to do as he felt that hot breath wash over the back of his neck as whoever it was seemed to sniff him, starting at the back of his neck as that breath washed over his shoulders.

Flamedramon let out a gasp as he felt something hot drip down onto his back, something that dripped as the breath seemed to move down his body. those thick large hands held onto his waist as the person behind moved down, more hot liquid and hot breath dripping and wafting down his body.

He found himself panting a little, heart still beating quickly as that breath washed over his backside as his tail was lifted upwards and out of the way, his round rump now exposed and vulnerable to whoever was behind him. He heard a growl, a growl that grew louder and more forceful as that hot breath made him shiver as more hot liquid dripping onto the back of his thighs.

Chancing a look over his shoulder, Flamedramon moved his head enough that he could look back and try and see who it was. There was a pair of large twisted black horns adorned with red rings, a mane of shaggy and stringy white hair, two very large eyes and a mouth that was utterly huge and drooling with a long thick tongue.

Behind him, was a Fugamon, an electric orange version of the common Ogremon. And, as Flamedramon could see, he was completely naked.

The Fugamon's eyes were glazed over somewhat, but they were focused. And they were focused right on him. drool was leaking from around the beasts large sharp teeth lining his mouth and dripping down on the back of Flamedramon's thighs. his huge hands, tipped with fearsome black claws, were gripping his hips tight.

"What....are you doing, brother?" Flamedramon asked as he didn't move from the spot. It had to have been one of his brothers, who else would it have been? But, no brother had ever done this before, as far as he knew. the fear was slowly ebbing away and was beginning to be replaced by more confusion.

The Fugamon didn't reply as he simply growled deep in his throat, leaning in as he breathed out, more hot breath wafting over Flamedramon's naked rump. He hooked his thumbs under the mons tail and pried his cheeks apart, exposing his tight little dark blue ring to the open air.

Flamedramon let out an involuntary shudder and a soft moan as he felt that hot breath wash over his exposed hole and his taint, as the mon behind him pressed his large face into his hindquarters and took a deep long sniff.

Something about the Flamedramon's soft pliable ass got the big ogre more interested as Flamedramon let out another loud squeak as he felt that huge thick tongue suddenly slurp upwards, covering his whole backside as the thick tip of that tongue pushed up against his hole as it was slurped.

He let out an involuntary moan as his tender hole was probed by that big slimey tongue, the ogre slurping loudly and wetly as if he was trying to lick a giant lollipop. That thick tongue slurped up and down rapidly as he felt the heat from the spreading saliva coat his backside.

That tongue slithered and slurped around under his tail, and he felt his body start to react and betray himself as he felt his slit start to bulge with his arousal. He felt his cheeks flush as he realized he was actually starting to enjoy the stimulation of having his butt slathered on, and he let out another longing moan.

Fugamon didn't seem to want to take his time though, as the slurping was sloppy and messy, but also quick. He hadn't been lapping for more then a minute or two before he stopped and growled low, almost as if he was admiring his handiwork.

Flamedramon felt a hand slide up his back and felt those big thick fingers link themselves around his head as those clawed digits clamped down on his head. Only hard enough to get a good grip, not enough to actually hurt as the mon behind him got on its knees.

He gasped as his head was pushed forward, then pulled back as he found himself looking back up at the ceiling, the flickering crystal light now in his vision. Two of the Fugamon's fingers hooked against his eyes, pulling his eyelids back and forcing him, perhaps not intentionally, to look upwards at the crystal.

A gasp came from his lips as he felt something BIG push up against his rump as his tail was held out of the way at the base. It was thick, hard and pulsing, dripping thick slime against his hole as the Fugamon ground it firmly, trying to seek entrance.

Flamedramon felt his slit bulge out even more as the twin heads of his cocks pushed out slowly, his ebony shafts following as they emerged, dangling between his spread legs, slowly dripping his own precum slowly onto the floor below him.

The flickering light was starting to have an effect on him as he was forced to look upwards at it, the constant flickering starting to bore into his vision. After all the therapy sessions with Ebemon that he couldn't recount, the light was just something that tuned into him to help him relax. And he felt his body start to do so as he was forced to stare into it.

His body slowly grew limp, although his cocks grew hard, as the Fugamon continued to grind his fat meaty girth against the mons rump. Flamedramon's fingers unclenched and relaxed as his back arched slowly, his rump pushing back slowly as his hole relaxed as well. Almost with practiced ease and quickness his body became limp and susceptible to whatever the Fugamon wanted.

And the ogre wanted sex.

Flamedramon's tongue lolled from his mouth as his relaxed hole suddenly opened up enough to allow the thick cock entry. The fat mushroom head pushed into his ring, but the shaft behind it was thicker then his wrist. The hypnotic state of the crystal above him took away the pain he felt, only leaving the pleasure of being stuffed with such a big cock.

Slowly but firmly, his ass opened up as it swallowed inch after inch of that big thick orange cock into his depths. A dazed and stupid grin spread across his face, making him look drunk as he was skewered onto that big cock.

With a final push forward, the Fugamon had his huge club sized cock buried into the smaller dragon digimon, growling as he leant over him as he held him firmly in place. His fat dangling balls bumped against the dragons hard cocks, the contact making them spurt pre from his bodies arousal.

And then he started fucking him.

Back and forth went his hips as he gyrated and pumped them back and forth hard and deep, his huge pendulous balls bouncing back and forth as well. The pent up Fugamon had a desire to blow his load, and since he didn't get around to it in the previous group session, he was even more pent up. And desperate to unload.

His breath huffed in the air as he pumped back and forth, growling hotly as saliva dripped down onto the Flamedramon's exposed back. His flowing precum lubed up the mon's insides as lewd slerking noises started to be audible from the constant ploughing back and forth.

Flamedramon had no concept of what was happening to him, his body and mind now reduced to acting on instinct, and that was to be bred and fucked by the beast behind him, even as he was unaware of it. His eyes were locked on the crystal above him, his tongue lolling and drooling from his drunk happy smile, as his own cocks swung back and forth between his legs.

Back and forth went the Fugamons hips, slamming in as he picked up speed, roughly breeding the smaller mon under him. His horned chest heaved up and down as he panted in his lust induced state, drooling dripping like a flowing faucet out of his mouth.

His big orange balls swung back and forth like pendulums, smacking and slapping into the mon's blue skinned thighs, thumping loudly as they jangled in their leathery pouch. The Flamedramon's tight ring seemed to suck the ogres cock back into him with every wet lewd slerking sound before it was pulled out, then suck pushed back in.

He growled and huffed as he kept the mon pinned under him, his hips smack smack smacking over and over again. His cock plunging in balls deep and pulling out cockhead remaining, those supple blue cheeks rippling and jiggling after each solid thwack against his rump.

Flamedramon's body rocked back and forth, not once breaking eye contact with the flickering crystal above him. It kept him in that relaxed state of mind and body that allowed the Fugamon to simply go to town on him like he already was.

The ogres cock started pulsing hard, his hanging balls starting to draw up as those big cum filled orbs began to boil over, signaling an incoming orgasm. He huffed and growled more as he felt that release becoming imminent, and he wanted to blast the bitch under him full.

He buried his cock deep into that ass, then started to jack hammer as hard as he could, only pumping a few inches in and out at a rapid pace instead of the entire fat shaft, which made the Flamedramon rock back and forth even harder. The dragon's cocks swung back and forth, streaming pre over and over.

His body started to react more as the Flamedramon was heated up with his sexual arousal, his bodies arousal starting to take over. Being a fire element, his skin started to heat up slowly, rising in temperature and causing the dripping saliva to start to steam on his flesh.

Flamedramon's face started to flush, his cheeks turning purple from the amount of blood pumping up his face, his face warm to the touch of the Fugamon's thick fingers clamping down on his head. The air began to shimmer around the Flamedramon's crotch, as his pulsing throbbing black cocks heated up as well, his precum starting to steam as it dripped.

The rising temperature in the Flamedramon's body caused his innards to heat up as well, the Fugamon getting the impression that he was shoving his cock into a well lubed hole that felt like a heated glove was massing his cock as he fucked it. He huffed and growled, his balls boiling over as his climax was heated up hard.

Flamedramon's eyes bugged out almost out of his skull as his entire body seized up, every nerve and tendon in his body suddenly seizing up and clamping hard in place. The Fugamon had just climaxed deep into the Flamedramon's body, and it was not an orgasm for him to forget.

It felt like he had just been tasered on the inside while being pumped with cum as thick as pancake mix. Like he was being fucked with a cattle-prod buried inside a fat dildo that pumped semen. The Fugamon's electrical element also gave its element to his orgasm, which was now filling the poor mon from the inside.

And it was a hard internal zap that made the Flamedramon's body seize up from the first thick stream that pumped its way into him. The seizure that rocked his body seemed to last minutes to his empty mind, if it was aware of time, but in reality it lasted only a second before his body went limp.

As his body jerked from that hard seizing spasm, his head turned to the side and Fugamon held on tight, forcing his head down into the cot and forcibly breaking contact with the crystal. His empty state of mind suddenly crashed around him as he was now suddenly aware of the huge cock inside of him, just as his body went limp and he tried to make sense of what was going on

And then came the second spurt. And with it a second jolt of electricity that struck him from the inside, seizing up his body from the inside. And then his body relaxed again. Before the third spurt made him seize up again. He couldn't cry out as his voice caught in his throat, his mind getting assaulted hard from the sensation and pushing him into unconsciousness.

And then he was shocked back awake by the fourth spurt of cum inside of him. And he almost passed out again from that. His body and his mind began to go through a rapid succession of passing out only to be shocked awake till he almost passed out again. And the ogre showed no signs of stopping his climax.

Back and forth the Fugamon pumped his cock, now going slowly as he seemed to ride out his orgasm, holding the dragon down as he force fed his shocking cock deep into the mon's insides. His balls were overflowing with cum, each hard thick spurt of batter shocking different parts of the Flamedramon's tunnel.

The shocking sensation was too much for his highly aroused body to take as he stimulated to new heights. And his cocks were the target as his own internal balls boiled over and he whimpered and moaned around his own tongue as he started spurting hands free.

His cocks spurted through the shimmering haze of their risen temperatures, thick hot molten streams of cum spurting out and splattering onto the stone floor beneath him. His cum was hot and bright orange to signal the temperature of his seed, his seed hissing on the stone floor like water on a hot plate.

The Fugamon did not seem to stop spurting as he kept pumping steadily, pumping what felt like liters of electrical cum deep into the bitch he was breeding. The mon's poor stomach bloated and began to bulge, like an upside down bubble being blown as his skin stretched and his stomach gurgled as it was forcibly filled. He could even swear there was a crackling electricity arcing around his stomach a few times with how full he was being pumped.

The Fugamon did not stop, even when his orgasm began to taper off. He seemed ready and eager to go a second around, growling low in his lust induced enjoyment as he kept steadily pumping. The mon's swollen stomach wobbled back and forth, sloshing audibly as his own orgasm died off, steam rising up from the heated cum on the floor beneath him.

He couldn't even muster the strength to ask him to stop as his mind started to crash and his vision blurred, the stimulation far too much for him as his body grew limp once more, but now it was a dead weight, all the energy sapped from his body from the electrical orgasm. His entire body felt like lead as he simply slumped under the Fugamon, held up only by his big hands and his still pumping cock.

Flamedramon was on the verge of passing out, shocked deep from the inside of that hot electric orgasm that struck his insides when, vaguely, he thought he heard a loud growl. A growl that was not coming from the cumming Fugamon that was gyrating his hips against him. His whole body twitched as he felt the minute shocks of the orgasm strike him over and over as the orgasm died down.

He cried out in surprise and discomfort as the Fugamon's cock was suddenly yanked out of his backside, and there was a loud thumping noise. With nothing to plug up his butt anymore, there was a loud splatter as a thick burst of cum erupted from his stretched out hole, splattering onto the floor behind him as the seed seemed to crackle with electricity.

His stomach seemed to empty rapidly as it lost most of its contents, seed coating the floor like a spilt bottle of cream. Flamedramon slowly turned to look over his shoulder as he looked through his blurring vision to try and see what happened.

Somehow, he managed to make out the blurred shape of some big pale blue figure holding a bright orange figure behind him. The flickering light of the crystal was making it hard for him to see as he kind of wanted to pass out again, but he fought hard to see through it.

"P....panjyamon" he panted as he saw the shape of the hulking blue lion come into sharper focus. The naked lion was standing there, his huge hand clamped around the Fugamon's throat as he held him up against the wall, the ogres feet dangling and whipping around at least a foot from the floor.

There was a murderous look in the blue lions eyes as he held the orange ogre in place, the ogre trying hard to grip at the lions arm as his fat cock dangled and spewed a few ropes of errant cum across the floor.

Then with relative ease the Panjyamon hauled the ogre across the room and out through the open door.

The digimon landed with a heavy thud on the floor as he scrambled to get up, gasping and panting for air as he looked at the hulking lion, his glazed expression turning to one of fear as he scrambled to get up.

Panjyamon just glared down at him as the Fugamon managed to pick himself up, rubbing his neck as he ran down the hallway and out of sight, leaving the two of them in silence for several moments.

Flamedramon panted as he tried to maintain control of his vision as the Panjyamon simply walked back to his cell on the other side of the hallway and proceeded to get back into his cot, laying his huge body out on the bed-frame. Within a few moments he could hear the lions heavy breathing as he fell back into slumber.

"Why....did he ..... do that...." Flamedramon weakly asked as he slowly lowered his head onto the cot, still bent over with his legs on the floor and his used backside in full view. As he finally managed to pass out, he briefly wondered which one he had directed the question at.

He managed to sleep for the rest of the night with no troubling thoughts or dreams, and he woke up briefly forgetting everything that had happened the previous night. However, when he realized there was cold cum on the back of his thighs that had dripped down to his knees, it all kind of came back to him.

Well, enough to know that he was going to be in a lot of trouble if he was caught like that. He had not only failed to get a good nights sleep, but he was simply filthy. And that was not allowed. He slowly picked himself up, feeling the various aches in his body from being bent over in that position for several hours.

He had to actually scrub hard to get the cum off his body after it had congealed and dried out over the past few hours, but thankfully he was able to get himself rather presentable enough, even if they wouldn't have noticed under his robes anyway. His bloated stomach was now flat again, no indication whatsoever of how much had been pumped into him earlier.

He managed to get himself dressed and ready by the time the buzzer sounded and the doors to their rooms opened. He took his place next to Panjyamon. He suddenly felt slightly confused. Not only did he have no idea that it had been Panjyamon under the robes and living across from him the entire time, but he wondered why he had never bothered to find that out.

The Panjyamon didn't say anything, or act anyway out of the ordinary as they all started to walk towards the eating hall. Flamedramon couldn't help but wonder about that as they made their way there.

"Does he even know what he did last night?" he asked himself as they walked along in silence. He didn't see Guilmon anywhere around him either, and he felt a twinge inside him when he thought about him. "I hope he's there" he thought to himself as they all filed their way through the halls.

He took his usual seat at the table again, wincing slightly as he had to sit down. His butt felt very sore and his legs felt a bit like they were filled with lead and were too heavy. He tried very hard not to show his discomfort as he sat with everyone else. A wooden stool was not enjoyable to sit on with a sore and tender butt.

He heard the silence around him as everyone settled in, looking down at the bowl full of gray slush. It was looking more and more unappetizing the more that he stared at it. He was really starting to think that something was going wrong around there. This hadn't happened before.

Had it?

He heard the chair scrape on the floor once more as he waited for the words to be spoken like everyone else.

"May our food fill our bodies for the day ahead. May the result of our work be worthy. We live as one, we work as one, we are all one" The Blackweregarurumon spoke as he held his hands in thoughtful prayer as he recited the words once more.

"We give thanks as one" they all chanted in complete unison back. A moment of silence as the Blackweregarurumon sat back down and then as one everyone began to eat. Flamedramon picked up his spoon and swirled it into his bowl as he watched the grey slush move around in circles.

It looked like slurry. Wait, where did he know that from?

And it tasted foul. Absolutely disgusting. He had to force it past his lips and down this throat. It hadn't tasted this bad before. Had it always just tasted this bad, and was he only now just realizing it?

After forcing a few mouthfuls down his throat, he took the chance to look up after seeing the hood-less pass by without paying him attention. Guilmon was there across from him again, eating slowly as he brought the spoon up and down to his mouth.

At least he seemed OK, well, as OK as the rest of them were. But it didn't make him feel any better to see him like that. He looked back down at his meal, suddenly having the urge to throw it against the wall. Where the hell were these feelings coming from? Why was he feeling this way? What was going on with him?


His foreign thoughts he was not supposed to be having were interrupted by the noise that wasn't supposed to be made. The noise had been made, when Guilmon had face planted himself back into his bowl. Although there was no Renamon around for him to get surprised over, he had just...simply planted his face into the bowl.

"Guilmon?" Flamedramon asked in surprise as carefully as he could. Guilmon didn't move or answer him, but there were a couple of bubbles blurping to the surface around his muzzle in the slush.

"Guilmon?" he asked again, suddenly feeling fear in his chest. The Guilmon didn't answer as his face stayed in the slush. None of those sitting beside him had noticed, or seemed to care. Another few bubbles blurped to the surface but other then that there was no sign he was actually OK.

Flamedramon didn't have time to do anything before the hood-less Goblimon walked up behind Guilmon and took one look at him. He then gestured with his hand and another hood-less, the Kumamon walked up. He took one look at the face planted Guilmon and nodded as well.

"He needs therapy" the Goblimon said.

"Yes he does" the Kumamon said as they both went to either side of Guilmon and hooked their hands under his shoulders. Guilmon did not respond as he was moved away, his body completely limp and his face dripping slush as the two hood-less carry-dragged him away and out of the eating hall.

"They're taking him to see Ebemon" Flamedramon thought. Guilmon had been annoying the previous morning, and had been acting different, so they took him to Ebemon for a therapy session. Then he was different, like everyone else. Ebemon had done something to him.

But now he was worse. He.... he wasn't Guilmon. What was going to happen to him now? What was Ebemon going to do to him?

He looked back down at his meal, the spoon in his hand and the half full bowl of slush. It shouldn't be any of his business. He had to eat and he had to go to his duties that day. He wasn't supposed to think about anything except what he was supposed to do. Which was work.

So, as he forced himself to eat the rest of his slush, why did he feel like crying again?Why did he feel like....like this?

"Oh thank Gennai" he thought to himself as the buzzer to signal that the meal was over finally buzzed overhead. He had managed to get through the meal without attracting any attention so as far as anyone thought, he was normal. He stood up and adjusted his robes as he filed out of the eating hall with everyone else.

He was back on janitorial duties again, so he didn't need to join the others in the pit. There was a bucket of water and a mop ready and waiting for him again as he left the group and walked over to them, picking them up in each hand.

He proceeded to walk down the hallway as he carried the cleaning equipment with him, not paying attention to where he was going. His mind was buzzing with confusing thoughts on everything that was going around him, and he was actually starting to get a headache from over-thinking.

He kind of just wanted to go back to his room, or cell or whatever it was, and just go back to sleep. Was...it a sin to do that? Or was that OK? He was having trouble remembering. Things were just getting more and more confusing by the minute.

It took him a few moments to realize that he had not only stopped moving, but he had somehow found himself standing outside of Ebemon's room. The silvery metal door was closed, the flicking crystal light reflecting from the surface back at him.

"Guilmon's in there" he thought to himself, before he looked over his shoulders a couple of times. There were no signs of the hood-less that had carried him there anywhere, so that meant he was completely by himself. Unless someone saw him there.

But why would they assume that he was up to anything at all, since he was meant to be cleaning? What if...what if he started cleaning, and just happened to peek through the door and see if Guilmon was OK? That wouldn't be bad, would it? He was meant to be cleaning, but no-one had actually said he couldn't clean Ebemon's area, right?

"Maybe I shouldn't....." he thought to himself. As confused as he was, stepping into Ebemon's area without permission, that was one hell of a big sin to be committing. Was he actually ready to do that, willingly even?

It was the scream behind the door that made up his mind.

It sounded like whoever was in there, was in a lot of pain. And he was screaming out...it sounded like 'Stop, it hurts.' Flamedramon hadn't heard anyone scream around in the place before, but the sound was incredibly unsettling. And it made him feel horrible that he was hearing it.

The only mons that were in there, were Ebemon....and Guilmon. Was that Guilmon screaming?

Flamedramon moved the mop under his arm as he pressed his shoulder against the door, pushing against it as he felt the door slowly open inwards. There was another scream of pain and he could clearly hear Guilmon begging for it to stop.

But the room was empty. There was just the desk with the ugly building black style computer sitting on it, and the empty dentist chair. It confused him for a moment. He had heard Guilmon screaming a moment ago. So where was he?


"It's supposed to fucking hurt you little annoying shit. Now stay the fuck still."


Hang on, there was another opening the wall behind the desk he hadn't noticed. Had that always been there? He had the feeling that it hadn't been there before. Was that where Guilmon was?

Flamedramon carefully stepped into the room, trying his hardest not to make a sound. He was now in dangerous territory, and if he was caught...he didn't actually know what would happen to him.


Flamedramon swallowed a lump in his throat as he carefully stepped up to the opening and peeked around the corner, having no clue what he was about to witness.

Surrounded by multiple empty glass lined cells, was another large dentist chair. And Guilmon was strapped naked to it. There was some kind of giant laser cannon hanging from the ceiling above it, with the tip just a foot away from the Guilmon's head.


"Continue to scream if it makes you feel any better, because trust me, you won't fucking remember it later. Now hold still you brainless idiot, I'm trying to work here."

Flamedramon could see why Guilmon was screaming, and it was horrifying for him to witness. There was some kind of metal cage thing strapped to the mon's head, with several very large screw ended probes sticking out of it like some kind of twisted pin cushion.

Ebemon wrapped his metal fingers around one of the probes and began to twist, the sharp lethal screw probe began to slowly screw itself into Guilmon's skin and past it. Guilmon let out another scream of pure pain as his head was pierced.

"Oh please, you think this is pain, that this fucking hurts? Just wait till I fire the laser. You'll probably pass out from the pain. Well, they all do. Which is a shame, because I enjoy their screams. So please, don't go the fuck to sleep" Ebemon said with a rather delighted sounding tone of voice as he continued to screw further, paying no mind to the dragons tortured cries of pain.


"See, I actually had hope for you, when you took the last fucking therapy session so well. Then you have to go and have a fucking little brain fart during your meal, so here you are again. So, it's you're own fucking fault that I'm doing this to you" Ebemon said casually, as if he was just making conversation over drinks.

"Now, these little screws are going to access the deepest little parts of that hard drive you call a mind. And once I have them all into position, I'm going to fire this big fucking gun....sorry, laser. Sorry, I was playing games earlier" Ebemon said as he corrected himself, gesturing to the big laser up on the ceiling, which Guilmon couldn't see with his eyes closed and tears streaming down his face.

"Anyway, this big fella here is going to shoot a special little laser onto the little probes in your head and start working its way into the deepest parts of your core. And do you know what it's gonna do to your pretty little fucking mind?" Ebemon asked with his yellow eyes grinning widely.

"It's going to turn you into one of my faithful little hood-less" Ebemon said, with pride in his voice. "No more mind. No more thought. No more fucking anything in that little head of yours, except to do everything I say" the android digimon said in a rather gleeful tone of voice. "Oh, I'm going to be so fucking happy to not have to deal with your stupid retardness any longer."


"Ummm. NO" Ebemon said with a smirk in his voice. "I'm not going to stop. And trust me, you haven't felt the kind of pain I want you to go through just yet. And trust me, I'm going to take my fucking time and take all day long with this."

"Now, hold still. Or don't. I really don't fucking care right now, I just want to shove this probe further into the back of your he-


If Ebemon had a mouth, it would have been wide open in the utter shock at the fact that someone had thrown a bucket of water on him. Not only that, it was added insult to injury that it was water used to mop the floor.


He didn't get an answer before a mop, a wet mop, was shoved into his face and he was thrust backwards. Total surprise had taken over him so he didn't realize enough to actually fight back as he was shoved backwards into one of the empty cells behind him. Once he fell back into the cell, it activated and the glass door suddenly slammed shut and sealed itself shut.

"The FUCK! HEY, GET THIS FUCKING DOOR OPEN" Ebemon shouted as he quickly pulled himself up and started banging on the door. But the cell was designed so that it couldn't be opened from the inside, regardless. The switch was on the other side of the door, a big fat obvious red button with the word "Press Me" written on it.

Flamedramon dropped the mop, momentarily frozen in place at the fact that he had just attacked Ebemon so openly, and without thinking about it first. It took him a moment to register that fact before he could move.

"I think I'm going to hell" he whimpered as he turned his attention away from the raging Ebemon and started to unscrew the probes in Guilmon's head. The dragon screamed out again as the probes were slowly removed, more trickles of blood running down the sides of his face.

"It...it's going to be OK, I hope" Flameramon said as he tried as carefully but as quickly as he could to remove the probes. One by one they were unscrewed as the dragon continued to cry out in pain till they were all pulled out. "Just...just hold still, please. I need to get these out."

"YOU OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR RIGHT NOW YOU FUCKING BITCH! OPEN IT. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" Ebemon shouted as he banged repeatedly on the door. "Oh yeah, like that's gonna fucking work. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!"

Flamedrmaon was starting to panic as he heard Ebemon screaming at him from behind as he his hands shook while he tried to undo the straps. Thankfully they weren't too complicated to undo as he unfastened the buckles and pulled the straps through.

"Guilmon...guilmon...can you hear me?" Flamedramon asked as he saw that the dragon had stopped screaming and was now laying back on the chair, having passed out. "Guilmon?" Flamedramon asked as he grabbed the dragons shoulders and shook him.

His body shook back and forth a few times before he let out a whining gurgle, a large dribble of saliva running out of the side of his mouth. Flamedramon took that as a sign he was still alive as he helped pull him off the chair.


"Oh wait, I can still call the hood-less from in here" He said with realization as he resisted the urge to slap himself as he pulled a small speaker from the compartment on his side. "HOOD-LESS. GET THE FUCKING FLAMEDRAMON!!"

"Come on Guilmon, I gotta get you out of here" Flamedramon said as he pulled the knocked out Guilmon onto his back. With the dragon dead weighted, he felt heavier then he should have been, with his arms dangling over Flamedramon's front as his head slumped on his shoulder.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS YOU FUCKER" Ebemon shouted as Flamedramon struggled to carry the dead weighted dragon on his back as he left the area as quickly as he could.

"Don't worry Guilmon, I'll get you out of here.....I won't let them hurt you" Flamedramon said as he ran out past the silvery doors and into the maze of hallways ahead of him. If Ebemon had called for the hood-less, then they would be heading their way right now. And if he didn't get away, he knew they'd capture them both. And Ebemon, was PISSED.

As he hurried away as fast as he could, Flamedramon realized one thing that made him panic even more.

He had no actual idea on how to get out there.

Elegy of Emptiness 3

Elegy of Emptiness Chapter 3 By Kendo Kawabata Flamedramon could hear Ebemon continue to scream at him as he hurried out of the office, holding Guilmon over his back as he started running as fast as he was able to into the...

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Elegy of Emptiness

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I have never seen my masters face

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