Elegy of Emptiness

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#1 of Digital Rescue Squad

Felt like writing something completely different and dealing with a few things I have not written about before. If there is sufficient interest, I will write further chapters.

Elegy of Emptiness

By Kendo Kawabata

Chapter One ?

Black stone. Obsidian. That was what the ceiling was made out of. Roughly hewn obsidian stone cut into squares and haphazardly stacked into place. Should he wonder if the ceiling collapsed on top of him while he slept?

Everyone morning he woke up and saw the ceiling. And the big flickering crystal plugged into the light socket above, the crystal was the source of light, and it didn't stop flickering. Sometimes it was the wall beside him. It looked the same as the ceiling, it was just a lot closer. Or sometimes he'd see the other part of the room, although that was even less interesting then the wall and the ceiling.

He knew his was awake because his eyes were open. Sleep gave him nothing, nothing but a soft warm darkness that filled him each and every night. The darkness disappeared when he opened his eyes in the morning, so he knew he was awake.

He slowly sat up, aware of his nakedness as he pulled his body from his cot. His feet touched the cold stone floor as he slowly stood up. He had slept ok, but then again he always slept ok.

The room was utterly unremarkable. A low cot served as his bed, no pillow or blankets. They were unnecessary comforts, and those provided distractions. Distractions were a sin, and sins could be counted. Desire was also a sin. If he desired blankets because he was cold, it was a sin because it was desire to cover up his bodies inability to keep warm. Desire was a dangerous sin.

There was a small stool with a ceramic water bowl on it, and a cloth. The cloth was black, neatly folded. It was always black. There was a small cabinet drawer beside his bed, that held the most important thing he had. His prayer book. It had be beside his bed every night. It wasn't permitted to be placed anywhere else.

He wondered why. But it was a fleeting thought.

The door to the room, was it wasn't so much a door it was a large metal wall, segmented with metal bars like the wall of a cage. On the other side of the cage door, he could see into the room opposite his across the narrow hallway between.

The room across, was practically a carbon copy of his. Except the occupant was not him. It was someone else. He had lived across from that someone else for as long as he was able to remember, but he had never bothered to learn their name. Or what exactly they were. It didn't matter to him.

He moved over to the water dish and dipped the rag into it, bringing it up to his face as he began to slowly clean himself. There was a small mirror hanging at head height. It wasn't so that he could admire his reflection, it was just to make sure he cleaned himself to be presentable.

He looked at his reflection as he slowly rubbed his face. He had a weird looking face. It was kind of shaped...like a duck? Like a dog? He had a muzzle, he knew that's what it was. The underside was white. The top was a soft powdery blue. He had red eyes. They were kind of dull. Long ears too. They just flopped behind his head. Like a rabbit? He was a duck-dog-rabbit. Was that what he was?

His body was slender, lacking any real definition. But it was toned at the same time. His skin was soft scales, so small you couldn't see them. But it was tough. He didn't get scratched easily. His torso was narrow, but his hips were a bit wide. Round hips, they were called. Slender and long legs with....bi....bip....biped....funny feet where he had to stand on his toes all the time. And a thick tail behind him too.

He was a funny shaped person. But not funny like ha-ha funny, funny as in odd. He was an odd person. Odd like how his front was white too, and so were the palms of his hand. And between his legs and under his tail. It was odd to be two colours.

He finished washing his body clean, he could hear all the others washing themselves. Everyone woke up at the same time. Everyone washed at the same time. They did a lot at the same time.

Once he wrung out the cloth he picked up the black robes that hung from a hook beside the mirror. They fell over his body, somewhat too big for his frame. And they had a hood that covered his head, leaving his face in shadow. They were loose all over, and the material scratched in an uncomfortable way.

Desire for better fitting clothing was a sin.

Once he had fitted himself with his robes, there was a loud buzzing sound coming from beyond the bars. He didn't know where it came from, but sounded like someone pressed a button somewhere and it made that sound.

The doors to the rooms all opened at the same time, and each occupant in the rooms stepped out at the same time. They all fell into line, twelve people in a single line. His neighbour was bigger then him, a lot bigger. Wider too. The robes were loose on him, but he had a big towering body. And a square white muzzle. That was all he could see. He didn't have a curiosity for what more was beyond that.

Curiosity was a sin.

As one, they all began to walk down the hallway and through the area. They were joined by other rows of various shaped people, all clad in their robes. He didn't say a word as he walked, barefoot, across the black stone floor towards the eating hall.

There were several long rows of seats inside, the eating hall built into the compound, which was just a maze of hallways leading to where they needed to be. The hallways and the eating hall were all lit up by the same flickering crystals in the electric sockets.

The hall was quickly filled, easily filling out nearly two hundred seats. Although he had never counted. The tables were wooden, as were the chairs. They were simple luxuries, but the kind of luxuries that were allowed because they were necessary.

He took the same seat he sat in every day, for every meal time. Three times a day. Before him lay a wooden bowl filled with a grey slush, and a wooden spoon to eat it with. It was all he was allowed to eat. He couldn't remember eating anything else. If ever.

Did it always taste so horrible?

No-one started eating as they all sat in silence. Just waiting. Someone coughed. Silence again. Then someone pushed back their seat and stood up.

At the front of the eating hall was a low table, no different from the others. The middle occupant stood up and brought their hands up to the hood and drew it back. Behind the hood was the head of a BlackWeregarurumon. The black and white stripe furred wolf-beast cupped his hands together and bowed his head.

"May our food fill our bodies for the day ahead. May the result of our work be worthy. We live as one, we work as one, we are all one" he said in a deep growly voice as he recited the same message he had spoken three times a day since....well...ever.

"We give thanks as one" they all chanted. He spoke the words as well. You couldn't eat without giving the thanks. It was a sin.

Around him came the sounds of those eating. Some ate with big claws and thick fingers. Others slurped with long tongues. A few drank from their bowls cupped in appendages that were anything but hands. The robes hid their bodies, but they didn't cover everything.

He brought his spoon to his lips, but he found himself unable to eat. Or maybe he was unwilling. Or, maybe he just wasn't hungry. The spoon was pressed against his blue lips, a little tilt and he'd be eating.

Instead, he placed the spoon back in the bowl and pushed it away.

The action did not go unnoticed, as almost immediately someone approached him from behind and tapped him on the shoulder. He slowly stood up and turned around.

Behind him was a Kumamon, a white bear digimon with a green army headband wrapped around his head. He wore no hood. He was a hood-less, and they were permitted to stand out by not having a hood.

"Ebemon wants to see you" Kumamon said in a flat emotionless voice. "Please follow me."

He nodded and began to follow the smaller male as they left the eating hall and headed back into the maze of hallways. He couldn't refuse a direct order from the hood-less. Or from Ebemon.

That was a sin.

He followed the bear through the small maze of hallways, passing a hooded figure who was mopping the floor. The figure stood and stepped aside as they passed. For a brief moment, he thought he saw a twitching nose under the other figures hood, a pointed yellow nose. But the moment passed.

The Kumamon lead him to the end of a long hallway with a closed door made of gleaming silver metal. The silver was reflected every which way from the flickering crystals on either side of it.

"When you are done here, please return to your duties" Kumamon said as he knocked on the door three times and then walked away.

He waited outside the door, just staring at it. It looked like a boring door, nothing special about it. Then it slowly opened.

"Come in. Remove your hood and sit down."

The voice sounded like a mechanical recording. And it carried with it a sense of commandment. That the owner was not to be disobeyed.

He walked in, slowly pulling back his hood as he stepped into the room, the door closing behind him. He took a seat in the only seat that was available to him, a cold sterile chair in the middle of the room that looked like a dentists chair.

The room was a startling contrast to the outside hallways, as the whole room was lined with silver metal plates. The floor, ceiling, walls, it was all a silvery metal. There was a metal desk, dominated by a huge computer that looked like a set of building blocks jumbled together with cables.

"I see you did not wish to eat your meal."

Someone stepped into his vision. The 'someone' , looked like an upright squid made out of metal and cables. He had four arms, two that held a large silvery gun, the other holding what looked like a cartoon space ray. The fourth arm held a hand. It's head was a long hot-dog shaped dome, connecting wires into its torso.

"Tell me, why did you not wish to eat your meal?" Ebemon asked as he walked/shuffled/tentacled his way over to the computer and began to tap on the keyboard.

"I do not know" he said.

"Were you not hungry?"

"I do not know."

"Did you find the taste insulting?"

"I do not know."

Ebemons yellow digital eyes frowned slightly in a displeasing way.

"What is your name?"

"I do not know."

"Your species is Flamedramon" Ebemon said. "That is what you are. Now tell me, what are you?"

"I am a Flamedramon" he said, almost dully. His voice had no emotion to it, it was almost monotone. But surprisingly soft in its deliverance.

"And what is a Flamedramon?"

"A duck-dog-rabbit."

"Was that a joke?"

"I do not know what a joke is."

Ebemon narrowed his eyes again as he stopped typing. There was silence for several moments before he resumed typing.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I slept."


"I slept."

Ebemon nodded as he typed again.

"Tell me, have you been obeying our tenants?"


"Have you had any errant thoughts lately?"


One of Ebemons eyes twitched, almost subtly, but it did twitch. The Flamedramon didn't notice as he was staring off into space, but it did twitch, almost in annoyance.

"What kind of thoughts have you had today?" he asked as he stopped typing and turned his attention to the Flamedramon. "And do not lie. You know very well I am able to detect lies in my subroutine."

"I wondered what I was today" Flamedramon said as he spoke rather easily. "I thought I was a duck-dog-rabbit."

"Why did you think that?"

"I look like a duck with a dogs muzzle and rabbit ears."

Ebemon, briefly, thought he really was joking. But he couldn't detect any lies coming from him. The Flamedramon had to be pretty stupid to believe that. And no-one should be able to make a joke.

That was a good sign that he didn't know how to make a joke.

"Continue" he said.

"Yesterday, I forgot to speak a line in my prayer book." If Ebemon had eyebrows, one would have gone up.

"Which line?"

"The last one. I didn't read it."

"And why not?"

"I do not know."

"Hmmm. Any others? Please do not hold out on me."

"I had a dream two nights ago."

Ebemons eyes narrowed till they were just slits.

"What was it?" he said, each word was said carefully. Warning sign, warning sign.

"I dreamt I was somewhere else. I was standing in a field, filled with flowers that smelled like cotton candy. They looked like pink clouds on the ground" Flamedramon said. Ebemon noticed that his head tilted a little as he spoke.

This was trouble, definitely trouble.

"I started to run. I was fast. I had armour on. They were covered in flames. I was running. Just...running. It felt...." the beginnings of a smile appeared on his face, making the ends of his lips twitch upwards gently. "It felt fun."

Ebemon stopped typing and moved quickly away from the desk as he came up in front of the Flamedramon with surprising speed. A rather large cylindrical scope was in his hands as he pushed it up against the Flamedramons right eye.

"You need therapy. You've sinned" Ebemon said as he glared his digital yellow eye down the scope. "It's only a minor sin, but you know how it starts. Start with one sin and you end up causing more. And you're in danger of causing more. You don't want that, do you?" Ebemon asked, although it sounded more like an order then a question out of care.

"No, I do not" Flamedramon said, although he still had that tiny little smile in the corners of his mouth.

"Then we'll start your therapy session immediately" Ebemon said, a tone of annoyance in his voice as he put the scope away in a compartment in his torso and did his weird shuffling slithering walk over to the desk. He opened a heavy drawer and pulled out a large flickering crystal on a stand.

"Sit up straight and look into the crystal" Ebemon ordered. Flamedramon nodded as he adjusted his position enough that he could have an uninterrupted view of the crystal.

It was large, purple lining the sharp edges and it went from purple to orange in the middle, the center flickering as if there was a candle flame within it. It was plugged into a lamp base as it was positioned within the Flamedramons sight.

"Now, stare into the centre."

Flamedramon did as he was instructed as he looked at the flickering centre.

"Watch the pretty light. It is pretty, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is pretty."

"You like watching it, don't you? It makes you feel good, doesn't it?"

"It....It makes me feel good."

"Your body is relaxing. All the stress is leaving your body. The stress is washing down your body like water, water poured on your head. Can you feel it wash down your head?"

"Yes...I can...."

"It's washing down your shoulders now. The longer you watch the light, the more it washes away. It's washing down your shoulders and down your body.

"Now it's washing down your arms. Your arms feel limp. Limp is good, isn't it?"

"It...it is good."

As Ebemons words bore into Flamedramons mind, his body did begin to fall limp. His arms grew heavy at his sides as his shoulders visibly slumped. But he didn't break concentration. He couldn't have even if he wanted to as he fell deeper into the flickering light.

"Your legs feel limp now. All the way down to your toes, your tension and stress is washing down now, over your feet. It's all washed out of your body now. You feel good and relaxed now, don't you?"


His voice was drawling now. His eyes slide out of focus as they seemed to gloss over. His mouth hung open slightly, the only visible movement in his body was the gentle in and out movement of his chest.

"Can you still hear me?"


"Now, you want to shut off, don't you? You're tired of thinking right now. You want to stop thinking. Thinking is bad, and you don't want to be bad. You want to be good, don't you?"


"You want to stop thinking and be good, don't you? Empty your mind and stop thinking like a good little follower, don't you?"


"I'm going to count backwards from five to one, and then I will snap my fingers. You will stop thinking, you will simply allow your mind to wander away and disappear, you won't be able to hear me, you'll be empty and good, won't you?"








Flamedramons eyes glazed over fully as they seemed to lose whatever glow they might have had. A thin line of drool began to trail down the corner of his mouth, the flamedramon lost whatever thoughts he might have once had as he simply .....stopped.

"Can you still hear me?"

There was no answer. The digimon seemed only capable of breathing.

"Oh thank fuck for that!"

Ebemon spun around and went back to his desk as he began opening drawers rather quickly with loud bangs.

"Third fucking time this month. Third fucking time, you god-dam fucker" Ebemon said loudly. He was finally allowed to curse anyway he wanted now that the flamedramon wasn't able to hear him.

"Yeah, I'm talking about you, you fucking blue skinned dragon prick. Duck-dog-rabbit, are you fucking kidding me? That cannot be a joke, seriously. The Star Wars prequels, THEY were a joke. Duck-dog-rabbit, honestly, I can't fucking even..."

His metal tendril arm whipped around as he tossed folders of papers and various objects around on the desk and into the air as he searched for what he was looking for.

"Good thing you got caught when you didn't eat your meal. Those fucking hood-less are good at spotting incidents. But three times this fucking month. You really are that stupid" he grumbled as he finally found what he was looking for.

He held up his large silvery oversized gun and jammed a much larger oversized thumb drive into where the ammunition slot was supposed to be.

"Get the fuck in there" he grunted as he hammered on it several times to jam it into place. "How the fuck can I keep losing this in the same god-dam fucking drawer I put it in?"

He shuffle/slithered over behind the Flamedramon and slipped his hand over the back of his head. With careful precision he tilted the Flamedramons head towards him. The movement had to be gentle on purpose, not because he gave a fuck about the flamedramon, (which he didn't), but because he couldn't let him break the line of sight on the crystal.

He pushed the tip of the gun into the Flamedramons ear, pushing it in as far as it was able to. Once it was firmly in, he pressed the trigger.

It was only out of reflex that the Flamedramons body began to react, his arms and legs began to twitch as if he was trying to move against his own will. His torso trembled and his tail spas-med behind him as his whole body just twitched almost violently.

"Hold still you fucker" Ebemon grunted as he kept the gun pressed against the Flamedramons ear. The grip on the back of his head grew tighter as he kept him from breaking the line of sight, even as the Flamedramons mouth began to foam with saliva.

The digimons entire body spas-med and he foamed at the mouth for several very long minutes, and they would have been excruciating minutes if the Flamedramon had been unfortunate to even feel anything.

Finally, his body stopped trembling and the foam dripping from mouth onto the hands in his lap ceased as his body grew limp again. Slowly, Ebemon let go of his head but the digimon didn't budge from his sitting position. Ebemon pulled the guntip from the males head and wiped the tip on the males robes.

"There we go you fucking bastard. Ugh, these digital resets are the only thing I enjoy about this job. Too bad I can't do it so I can listen to you scream, but NOOOOO, the fucking program works best when your hypnotised and under influence" Ebemon bemoaned, his tone of voice making it clear that Flamedramon was to blame for this.

The flamedramon simply sat there with a blank expression in his unfocused eyes, and foam dripping from his mouth. He wasn't able to answer.

"If I have to see you again this week....." he said as he pulled the drive from the guns ammunition slot and tossed it back into the desk drawer. "Next time I'll dumb down your intelligence more, or maybe I'll remove it so all you can say is DOI " he said.

"Now get your fucking ass out of here" he ordered as he pointed at the door. When the Flamedramon didn't answer, he actually face-palmed himself in annoyance as he shuffle/slithered over to the crystal and waved his hand in front of it several times. "Seriously, I should remember by now...."

The Flamedramons eyes fluttered a few times as the line of sight was broken, as his body felt heavy once more, his mind suddenly rushing back to him as if he had just been asleep. There was a look of confusion on his face as he found his mouth full of foam. He reached up and wiped it away, but lost interest in it very quickly.

"Did....I fall asleep?" he asked as he looked over at Ebemon.

"Yes, for a while" Ebemon said as he moved over towards the door.

"May I leave now?"

"If you'd like too" Ebemon said as he opened the door. Although his tone of voice suggested he get the fuck out now.

Flamedramon nodded as he stood up, slipping off the dentist style chair and pulled his hood back over his head. He didn't say anything as he left the room. Ebemon slammed the door behind him and shook his head.

"Duck-fucking-dog-rabbit" he growled to himself.

The maze of obsidian stoned hallways led to many rooms, most of them the exact same layout of the dozen cage rooms in different areas. There was the eating hall, but that was not where he was headed. He followed a well practised route to the 'outside' area of the underground compound.

The area was a rather expansive area that opened outwards in a rather cavernous way. It was simply huge, the kind of huge that made you wonder if it really was underground. But to him, it was normal. There was nothing unusual about it.

The area directly in front of him was a wide sweeping area that resembled a place to gather and listen to important speeches, a large flat area for the faithful to kneel and listen to whoever was on the raised dais at the end. Beyond that, was where everyone worked.

The hoodless all stood in a line behind the dais, a dozen assorted digimon that stood and watched as the others worked. The working area, was a deep pit filled with the faithful, all armed with pickaxes and hammers, the air filled with the pinging, chipping, banging noises of mining and the grunting of those who did the mining.

"Please head to work" the Kumamon from earlier instructed once he noticed that the flamedramon had returned. He nodded with a yes as he walked over to a nearby barrel at the beginning of the path into the pit and pulled out a pickaxe. Almost automatically he then descended the path and joined in.

He had no real thoughts as he hacked and pounded the pickaxe into the wall. His mind was filled with only a simple thought, and that was to work. The other faithful around him worked as well with their tools and implements, the air rich with bangs and pings and grunts.

The dirt and rocks fell away easily, and were collected to be removed in mining carts. The mining carts were pushed away to another section, where a selection of faithful were tasked with sorting through the dust and dirt.

Various items kept falling out of the rocks and dust as it was sorted. Some were rare gems and metals, sorted according to how valuable they were. Others, like the occasional hunk of meat or an orange pair of bananas were tossed out. They weren't needed.

As the morning wore on, his arms started to get sore from the repeated motions. But he didn't pay attention to his body. Work was good. And if you became sore from work, then it was a sign you were doing it properly. The more sore you were at the end of the day, was a signal to how hard you worked. If you collapsed on your bed and could not move until morning, then you knew you did a good job.

And so he ignored his body as it began to cry out in discomfort as he continued to swing his pickaxe over and over again. His back soon started to protest from all the bending over to pick up the rubble whenever the mining carts were pushed nearby. He ignored his breathing as it began to get somewhat laboured, and his robes began to stick to his body as he started to get covered in sweat.

He was lost in the work and had no idea how long he had been working until they all heard the buzzer sound overhead again, coming from somewhere they couldn't see. Almost in unison they stopped their work, a few trying hard to hide the sighs of relief when they were able to stop.

Getting line they all began walking up the pathway, dropping their tools into the large barrels as they shuffled their way towards the eating hall.

The bowls had been cleaned away and refilled while they were labouring away, which came as no real surprise to any of them as they all took their assigned seats. Once again, everyone sat waiting as they all looked at the grey slush in their bowls until they heard the seat get pulled back.

The Blackweregarurumon stood up and pulled the hood back from his robe as he went to address the assembled group.

"Brothers and sisters of the faithful" he said, which drew every-ones attention. "I have been advised that after lunch, you will not be needed to work. Instead, you all assemble outside for a special group therapy session, granted by the leader" he said before he clasped his hands together and bowed his head.

"May our food fill our bodies for the day ahead. May the result of our work be worthy. We live as one, we work as one, we are all one" he said as he recited the well practised words in a slightly drawling voice.

"We give thanks as one" they all chanted. He spoke the words as well. You couldn't eat without giving the thanks. It was a sin after all.

He slipped his spoon into the slush and brought it up to his lips, slipping it into his mouth. It tasted good as it always did.

Everyone ate slowly, although there was a hushed conversation going between all the brothers and sisters as they talked about what the big group session was going to be. No-one seemed to have any real idea on what it was, or indeed when the last big session had been held. Although the whispered conversations quickly died down when the hoodless began to walk around the room.

He stopped eating briefly as he noticed one of the occupants at the table was staring off into space. The figure was smaller then the two very large mons beside him, and what he could see was a square red muzzle and large white claws on his red skinned hand.

"Brother, you aren't eating" he said. "Please eat. The food is good for you."

"She's really pretty" the red skinned mon said. He blinked. He hadn't heard something like that before.

"Who is?" he asked in a low voice. "You can't decide someone is pretty."

"But she is" the mon said in a strangely happy tone, as if he was happy to see whoever he was staring at.

"You are talking with desire. Desire is a sin" he said as he went back to eating. "Please eat up. The food is good today."

"She is pretty. She's behind you" the mon said, and he could see the smile crawling across the mons face. He actually felt his eyes go wide in surprise. Smiling was showing emotion. And emotion was a dangerous path that you could not wander down because it led to many a temptation.

And temptation was a sin.

He felt someone behind him and he felt that person move to his side and lean over, brushing a cloth across the table surface between the eating digimons.

He looked sideways and saw a pointed yellow nose poking out from behind the hood of the robes. The mon continued to wipe the table and a little more of the hood fell back, revealing a purple stripe under bright blue eyes.

"You're a Renamon" the red sknned digimon said with a smile now firmly planted on his face. Ren....Renamon? Was that was the yellow mon was?

The renamon nodded slowly, the faintest hint of a smile on her face.

"You're really pretty" the red skinned mon said with a smile across his squared face. Across from the room, one of the hoodless noticed the look on his face and began to head in their direction.

"Thank you, Guilmon. But I am a male" the renamon said in a soft yet definitely masculine tone of voice before he stood up and walked away.

He dropped his spoon into the bowl in surprise to hear that, as the red skinned mon didn't drop his spoon but fully planted his face into his bowl in sheer shock.

"But he's so pretty" the Guilmon gurgled into his bowl. He stared at him, not sure how to react to that as the other eaters around them paid no attention.

One of the hoodless, a Prairriemon, which looked like a large shaggy ferret with a giant clawed gauntlet on each hand, approached behind the Guilmon and touched him on the shoulder.

"Ebemon wants to see you" he said in a flat monotone tone of voice. "Please follow me."

He watched as he saw the Guilmon rather quickly get up, grey slush slowly falling from his face in thick globs as the dragon hurried after the ferret. He turned his attention back to his own meal and began to finish eating it.

Guilmon. Renamon. Those were their names, weren't they?

"What's mine?" he asked softly into his bowl as he lifted it to his lips and licked it clean. The thought didn't last as the others around him finished their food and began to get up to leave at the same time.

They all joined back up in their lines and filed outwards, following the flickering crystals as they made their way outside into the open area. They all began to file their way across the open space, the larger mons in the back and the smaller ones in the front, almost automatically taking their places without being told where it was.

He knelt down on his knees as he took his position, the others sitting in the same position as best as they were able to. Once they were all kneeled the hoodless then made their way up to stand around the podium. Their silent empty gazes were focused on the mons that were seated.

They didn't say anything as they all waited. For perhaps the briefest of moments He wondered if they'd wait for the Guilmon to come back before they started. But then someone approached the podium and that thought vanished as quickly as if it was never there.

Errant thoughts were a sin.

A figure approached the podium. This was not the Blackweregarurumon. This was a new person who pulled back his hood and revealed his face. He stood at the podium centred on the dais as he looked down at them all.

It was a towering lion with a large thick mane brushed behind his head. He had a squared white muzzle and a deep purple scar that ran from his left cheek up over his eye and across his forehead. He gripped the podium with very large hands tipped with lethal looking black claws. He was a Panjyamon, or, as he was most commenly known as, an IceLeomon.

"Brothers and sisters, we have been granted by our leader, to perform in a group therapy session. Today, we have all earned a special release to help make us better, to help clear our minds more thoroughly so that we might serve him better.

"But, to help us perform this special release, we will need one of you brothers and sisters to assist us" he said as he slipped a hand into the side of his robe and withdrew a small ball. He gave it a soft squeeze, a small puff of chalky dust emanating from between its stitches.

"To be chosen, is to be considered a blessing. And a blessing from our leader is not to be ignored. Whoever is chosen will be assisting us all, your actions will be our actions" he said. "We are as one."

"We are as one" they all repeated, even the hoodless repeated the words. The Panjyamon nodded as he held the ball gently in his hand, and then closed his eyes. The seated mass also closed their eyes as they bowed their heads. Without looking or thinking, he tossed the ball upwards over the seated mass.

There was complete silence as the ball flew up into the air, hanging up in the empty space for what seemed like several long moments before it simply fell.

There was a soft thumping noise and one of the seated felt something touch them on the shoulder. There were a couple more soft thuds before silence filled the air again.

With unison, everyone opened their eyes. The Panjyamon cast his gaze out upon the mass of mons before him as he searched for who was hit. Then he saw him.

"Brother, you have been chosen" he said as he extended his hand in a welcoming gesture. "Please, come forward."

The Flamedramon slowly stood up. He had felt the thump on his shoulder, and there was a powedered mark on his shoulder to prove it. He had been chosen. And he was happy to assist.

If he was permitted to be happy.

Obediently he stood and made his way through the spaces between the still seated mons and stepped up to the raised dais. The Panjyamon took the flamedrmaons much smaller hand into his much larger hand and helped move him into position behind the podium.

"Brother, are you ready to assist us?" he asked him. His voice had a low audible growl to it that still managed to sound a little threatening, even in the flat monotone voice he was using.

"Yes, I am ready" the flamedramon said with an obedient and black faced nod.

"Then strip your body of its robes and reveal your nakedness" the lion said as he put his hand back on the podium, and pushed forwards. The podium clicked forward like a giant lever and there was a low rumbling as several gears began to grind and move underneath, the podium righting itself upwards and then began to sink down.

The Flamedramon slipped his arms back into his robes without hesitation as he lifted the robes above his head, revealing his nakedness from his feet upwards. One of the hood-less stepped forward, a green short creature with a bright red Mohawk, large blank eyes and an equally large mouth, a Goblimon, took the robes from the now naked digimon and stepped back into his place.

They all watched as behind them, a set of sturdy black metal stocks rose up from a slot in the dais. There were two of them, one to snap around a mons waist, and the other to snap around his neck and keep hands forward at his shoulders. It was very sturdily designed, to ensure that whoever was in it, was not able to move or get out of them. There was a small set of stone steps that had raised up as well at both the front and back.

The flamedramon stood naked in front of everyone else, no shame or humiliation running through his mind, as he had no real concept of them. The Panjyamon placed his huge hand on the Flamedramons shoulders. Just the skin contact, skin to fur and not through a robe, felt alien to them both. But only slight. And chilly.

"Please get into position, brother" the Panjyamon said as he unhooked the stocks. The Flamedramon didn't hesitate as he was assisted by the large lion into position, bending over and placing his body into the appropriate holes.

*CLANK. The stock at his waist was lowered and locked into place, preventing him from moving his lower body out of that position.

*CLANK. The stock at his neck was lowered and locked into place, preventing him from moving his head other then to turn it to the left or the right. His hands were prevented from moving as well.

The Panjyamon knelt and pulled the mons ankles to either side, and secured them with a metal cuff, locking them in place. The flamedramon was now bent over with his legs spread, his naked round butt exposed to the seated mass behind him.

"Brothers and sisters, it is now time for us to partake in our group therapy. We will attain release in the name of our leader. We give pleasure as one. We take pleasure, as one" the Panjyamon said.

"We give pleasure, as one. We take pleasure, as one" the hood-less began to chant as they stood in an arc around the back of the dais. Their dull repetitive chanting was heard through out the cavern as the Panjyamon lifted up the front of his robes.

Like the others, he was naked beneath his robes, and like some of them, he was definitely all male. A thick fat cock nestled under a thick bush of silver pubic fur hung between his legs with a pair of equally large balls under them.

As the hood-less continued their chanting, the kneeling faithful began to stand up and lift up the front of their robes to expose themselves. Cocks began to harden and throb as they pulsed to life, and pussys began to drip and pulse as their counterparts grew aroused.

The flamedramon did not notice any of this as he could only look forward. The chanting was filling his ears and it was beginning to repeat itself in his already mostly blank mind. His body relaxed in the held position he was in as he felt hands on his smooth round backside.

The lions large thick hands cupped and squeezed the mons supple cheeks. There was a low growl in his throat as his cock surged to life. Arousal was growing within him, the need to breed and release was filling his mind, filling the space between his limited thoughts.

He spread those cheeks with his thumbs, pulling the flesh aside as he exposed the mons tight looking ring nestled between those cheeks. The flamedramon offered no resistance, even if he was able as the lion grabbed his thick cock in his hand.

It pulsed and surged, the tip starting to leak a good sized dollop of pre that was almost an icey shade of blue as it dribbled down the throbbing veins around his cock. It was definitely huge, given the lions big hands that managed to wrap around it. It almost looked too big for the mon to handle.

But that wasn't what was concerning the big lion as he pushed the fat head of his cock up against that ring. The lions usually blank mind was filling with the need to seed the mon under him, regardless of how he might have felt. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he had been permitted to get off, all he knew he needed to do it.

He growled in a loud bestial way as he held his hands on the mons rounded hips, and simply shoved himself forward. With a wet sounding pop, the thick mushroom head was forced into that ring and several inches buried themselves soon after.

The flamedramon cried out as he felt himself suddenly impaled by that fat cock. But it wasn't a cry of pain, it was more of a discomfort. His mind wasn't registering whatever pain he was supposed to be feeling, after being impaled so hard and deep at once. He just felt the discomfort of being penetrated.

The lions thick claws pressed into the mons flesh as he pushed forward with another growl, his robes falling over the front of him covering his actions from around, but it was obvious he was stuffing the mon hard. He growled and grunted with each push forward, sinking more and more of his cock into that tight ass as it slowly opened up.

The flamedramon felt himself panting as his tongue began to loll from his mouth, the chanting echoing in his ears as they started to mix in with the lions growls. A bulge was appearing in his stomach from how much of that fat cock was being stuffed into him, his slender stomach stretching around that large mound.

And it was COLD. The lion was an ice element, and while his body was somewhat cool to the touch, his cock felt like an icicle. A thick, fat, hard but soft, throbbing icicle that was chilling his back passage as it was pushed into him.

He felt the lions hips push flush with his backside for a moment. A long low moan escaped his lips as he felt that big cock slide from his backside almost all the way out, till just the head remained, tugging at his stretched ring. Then it was simply pushed all the way back in with one hard thrust.

His cry was drowned out in the chanting and the lions growls as the Panjyamon began to thrust hard with his hips. Wet slerking sounds began to emanate from under the robes as the lion bucked his hips back and forth, a somewhat audible slapping noise from hips on butt was heard as well, but only to those close enough.

"Oh....oh Gennai...." the flamedramon panted as he felt that chilled cock work its way through his insides. He could actually feel his body temperature start to lower as that big cock moved its way in and out of him, his backside getting pummelled over and over again.

The lion leaned over him as he drove his hips back and forth, his fingers sinking further into the mons supple flesh without breaking the skin, his big balls smacking and slapping the back of the flamedramons slender thighs. There was a blankness to the lions eyes, but his lips were curled back in an obvious snarl, his fangs bared as he growled like a feral beast.

The wet slurking noises got louder as the lion pumped more precum into the ass he was fucking, the flamedramons passage getting wetter with each spurt. Goosebumps were appearing over his scaled flesh as his insides began to go somewhat numb.

His legs shivered and he let out another long panting moan as he felt his body react to the pummelling it was receiving. The slit between his legs parted, dripping slightly from his own arousal as his body gave in to the pleasure it was receiving.

The lion growled more, saliva dripping from between his large pointed teeth as he growled and snarled, splattering onto the flamedramons exposed back. He could even feel it splatter on the back of his head and on his long ears, making him drip.

The chanting continued from the hood-less as the flamedramon was assaulted from behind, the lion growling as he humped over and over. Perhaps once he might have drawn out his pleasure, even taken his time or fucked him in a different position, but all that was on his mind was the need to fuck and release. And his actions did nothing to deter from that.

His growling grew louder as sweat began to drip from the mons mane and down his heaving body. The sweat began to freeze on his body as it ran down, frosting him like a cake as he kept pumping hard and deep, driving his cock in and out over and over again. Precum was dripping from the mons stretched butt and running down the back of his thighs as the lions balls boiled with an imminent release.

His thrusts grew faster and harder, pumping the mon back and forth in the stocks, as limited as his movements were able to be. His breathing grew ragged and deeper, his growling louder as he brought himself close to release.

The flamedramon moaned out loud, feeling his mind fog over with the chanting, the growling and the pleasure that was starting to fill his mind. His ass felt colder then it ever had, his fingers beginning to tremble as his breath grew ragged from the cold that was spreading through his body.

The Panjyamon threw his head back as he slammed his cock in to the hilt, a roar escaping his open lips as he let out a furious roar that echoed even above the chanting as his balls boiled over and surged his climax deep into the mons chilled backside.

It felt like a surge of liquid ice was being poured into his backside as that big throbbing cock erupted with several thick foamy spurts of cum that surged into his backside. The lion must have been pent up as the flamedramons stomach began to bloat and gurgle as it visibly expanded, his flesh stretching over the sudden surge of liquid into him.

Over and over that lion cock spewed, a climax that must have lasted a couple of minutes longer then his roar did, the lion twitching a few times, his hips giving a few jerks as his orgasm finally began to subside.

With a long sigh and a deep breath he lowered his head and let go of the mons hips, simply pulling back now that he had achieved orgasm. With a wet lewd slurping noise his cock was pulled out of the mons backside, along with all the cum that was being backed up.

It didn't look like cum, it looked more like an icey foamy slush, tinted ice blue that splattered out of the mons upturned ass and spread across the floor at the Panyjamons feet. The flamedramon panted loudly with a sorrowful moan as the tightness in his stomach faded and the bloated feeling he had began to vanish as his overfull backside was emptied with several splatters.

With the lions robes no longer hiding his backside, it was evident how aroused the flamedramon was. He had not one, but two pointed looking cocks hung throbbing between his spread legs. They were a contrasting ebony black, and they were dripping with pre.

The Panjyamon stepped back, his robes covering his body, although his cock created a tent as it was slowly deflating as he simply turned and left the dais, his thoughts now emptying of breeding and going back to a state of emptiness. Once he had left the dais, the next mon stepped up.

It was a Floramon, a short plant girl underneath the black robes with petals covering her body like clothing. Under her pink helmet her eyes were as blank as the others as she used her tendril hands to lift up her robes.

However, just like the rest of the sisters that were there, she was carrying both genders. A tight dripping cunt was nestled between her legs, and a squirming cock that seemed both oversized for her small frame, and it looked like a throbbing plant vine.

She was much smaller then the bound flamedramon, her head only coming up to his waist, so she had to use the steps between his legs to get up close enough so she could enjoy him. It would have been somewhat comical, if anyone there was able to actually find it amusing.

She placed her hands on the flamedramons rump cheeks and the vines on her hands began to elongate, slowly wrapping around the flamedramons body as they audibly and visibly constricted, tightening like ropes across his body and limbs.

He gasped out when he felt those vines wrap around his neck and sneak across his cheeks, a plant tendril slipping into his mouth. He did not hesitate or object to it slipping across his tongue, before it was joined by another, and then another. Three of them pushed into his mouth and filled him so he couldn't make a sound other then a gurgle.

With his hole already stretched open and dripping with icy cum, the Floramon didn't have to waste any time as she simply pushed forward, sinking her viney cock into his butt. He moaned and gurgled around the vines in his mouth as she wasted no time in pumping her hips back and forth.

The chanting continued non stop as the hood-less droned on and on as the flamedramon was taken again from behind. The floramon was huffing and panting, her green nipples hardening and small mounds on her flat chest began to slowly grow around them. Most female digimon didn't have obvious female anatomy, and they only seemed to grow into place during times of heightened arousal. Like this one.

The floramons figure began to fill out more, her breasts expanding and bouncing as she pumped back and forth, her hips widening to become more feminine. There was an obvious scent of strawberries emanating from her as her pussy dripped with juice down between her legs, dripping onto the steps below her.

If she had her senses about her, it was almost like she was fucking a sloppy chilled flesh-light, that was filled with ice cold slushie. It chilled her cock and made her body shiver, but she continued to pump him over and over again without hesitation.

Saliva was starting to drip from the flamedramons mouth as he panted and gurgled. He was unable to swallow and the build-up just dripped from around the vines in his mouth as he was taken from behind. Her thrusts made his body bounce back and forth slowly, as the vines constricted and pulsed around his body as she took him.

Two of the vines slipped down his legs, slithering over the puddle of cum around his feet before they slithered up and began to climb up the Floramons legs. She let out a panting cry as the tendrils slipped into her pussy from both sides, plunging in deep and started to writhe and twist around. Pussy juice started to run in small rivers down the vines, and the smell of strawberries got stronger.

She was panting loudly now, her voice mixing in with the chanting as she made her noises of pleasure. Her breasts were fully developed now, bouncing back and forth as she continued to pump forward, taking the captive mon from behind.

As her arousal grew more, the Flamedramon was aware enough of a taste that was mixing into his mouth with the saliva. The pores on the vines were starting to secrete a nectar over his tongue, and the taste was making his eyes roll into the back of his head as just the simple taste was burning his own arousal to new heights.

It was enough to push him over the edge as he started to spurt, hands free, from his twin cocks. The ebony shafts pulsed and throbbed as spurts of seed flew from the tips and splattered onto the floor. He was a fire type himself, but thanks to the decrease in body heat his cum was tinted a pale orange and there was barely a wisp of steam that rose from the puddle that continued to splatter beneath him.

But his orgasmic high did not go down as the tendrils secreted more of the aphrodisiac nectar into his mouth. His body shook and shuddered as his normally empty mind was over-flooded with pleasure, unable to form any coherent thought or desire other then the one to keep cumming.

The floramons thrusts grew harder and faster as her own nectar secreted into her pussy, causing her arousal to rise higher and higher as it dripped down her legs in steady streams. Her viney cock began to twist around like a wiggling snake inside the flamedrmaon as it began to lash back and forth as she kept pumping it in and out.

The flamedramons orgasm finally died down, but his cocks remained as hard as iron as those ebony shafts continued to twitch and throb as his mind was flooded with pleasure. He was panting hard, trying and failing to suck the three tendrils in his mouth for more of that nectar, trying desperately to swallow more of that delicious erotic nectar, but he was unable to and it just dripped from his mouth uselessly.

The floramon finally cried out as she managed to achieve her orgasm. She kept thrusting as her lashing wiggling viney cock started to spurt a green tinted thick cum into the mons chilled backside. Back and forth that cock spewed cum, whitewashing the already filled insides and filling in whatever nook and cranny hadn't been filled yet.

The flamedramons eyes rolled back into his head as he gurgled around the tendrils, his stomach swelling up again. Although nowhere near as big as before, there was still a noticeable swelling and bloating as his gut began to hang in the air under him like an upside down bubble.

She climaxed around the tendrils in her pussy as well, a small flood of juice bursting from her lips and splattering down, a splatter of green tinted juice coated the steps rather easily and dripped everywhere as she rode her own self induced climax.

The flamedramon was panting for breath as the vines finally slipped from his full mouth, a splatter of green nectar falling from his lips as his mouth was finally empty. He ended up swallowing what was in his mouth, and the effect was much more profound then it had been.

Almost immediately upon swallowing his body shook and he let out a gurgling cry as his cocks began to fire another load of cum onto the floor below him. His twin shafts spurted, one after the other as they fired a new load onto the floor. This orgasm lasted longer then it should have as his whole body convulsed from the prolonged pleasure.

He was still shooting as the vines retracted, slipping and unwinding from his body as the floramon dismounted from him, her tendrils disappearing back into her hands. Now that she was sated she let the robes fall back around her body as she went to take her place, the flamedramon still shaking through his orgasm as green tinted cum dribbled from his ass.

The shaking and spasming seemed to stop only when the next digimon stepped up behind him to take him. His twin cocks finally stopped spurting and hung, dangling between his legs and dripping with the remnants of his powerful climax. His head hung, his chest heaving for breath as he was able to make just one coherent thought in his mind, that managed to make it past his lips.


And the digimon behind him was very happy to oblige, if happiness was permitted. The digimon that was next was a round headed purple rabbit digimon with three small horns on his forehead. He was a Turuiemon, and he was next to fuck.


The rabbit mons cock wasn't very thick, nor was it particularly long. In fact, it seemed pretty much average in its size and shape. But that did not mean much the moment the rabbit started to pump.

He had asked for more, and that was what he got as the Flamedramons eyes went as wide as they were able, his mouth hanging open and dripping with the last remnants of the nectar as the rabbit fucked him so hard and fast that it seemed the rabbit was trying to impregnate him.

The digimons body started rocking back and forth so quickly he might as well have been vibrating on the spot. The stocks were now actually being tested as they seemed to vibrate on the spot as well from the rabbits fast and furious fucking.

Turuiemon was a rabbit through and through, and he bottomed out and plunged in deep so hard and fast over and over that the size of his cock was more then made up with with his speed. Constant smacking and slapping of flesh on flesh made the flamedramons backside ripple like it was water.

The flamedramon found himself choking on his own breath as he was rapid fucked, his body unable to keep up a steady breathing as his senses went into a vibrating overload. The rabbit was a fuck machine and he was showing no signs of slowing down.

How the rabbit was able to keep up with such a speed and pacing was beyond his comprehension as that cock slammed into him in rapid succession. The rabbits face was emotionless and black, no change in his expression and he hadn't even uttered a word in any kind of pleasure, so there was no way of knowing how long it would take him to actually get off.

Back and forth swung the flamedramons ebony shafts as they flopped and slapped about all over the place. They were softening up from the less then enjoyable pleasure of being so rapid fucked, but they were still hard enough to stay outside his body, as thin stringy ropes of pre were flying about from the pointed tips.

Then, as suddenly as it hard started, the onslaught stopped as the Turuiemon shoved his length up into that butt to the hilt and held it there. The flamedramon felt his body come to a complete stop in the stocks as he managed to finally inhale a decent breath without making his chest hurt.

Imagine taking a hose, having it inserted into your butt which is already full of water, and then have someone turn the tap on full blast on and off as fast as you can for about five seconds. That, was exactly how the rabbits orgasm felt as it spurted into the flamedramons guts.

He could not help but let out a few uncomfortable mewls as those hard hitting high impact spurts seemed to target parts of his body that hadn't actually been flooded yet, and he felt every single hard blast that hit him inside.

The orgasm was over quickly as the Turuiemon hopped down, his cock popping out with a wet splurting noise and a fresh splatter of cum followed, dripping down the flamedramons thighs. Thanks to all the ice cold cum that had been deposited earlier, the combined seed loads were starting to freeze together, making the mons thighs look like a melted candle.

He managed to regain his breath again as he panted hard, his tongue hanging from his mouth as he slowly looked up at the hoodless as they continued their repetitive chants with a dazed blanked expression on his face.


He had only three digimon fuck him so far. And there was close to two hundred more that needed release from him.

As they continued to one by one fuck the flamedramon and flood his body to overflow with their orgasmic seeds, no-one took notice of who was watching them from well up above them. The chanting just barely reaching the balcony that overlooked the common area. Ebemon was at that balcony, watching with narrowed yellow eyes.

"Seriously, why do we even bother with this crap?" he asked as he shook his head. "I mean, I could just remove the part of them that needs to fuck on a semi regular basis" he said.

There was a deep chuckle from the figure that stood beside him, a chuckle that made the Ebemons metal skin visibly crawl.

"Because that is a part of anyone that cannot really be ignored. Even if you suppress it, it will eventually find a way."

"I'd hate to fucking see that happen" Ebemon muttered.

"You really do have a foul little mouth for someone with no mouth."

Ebemon wanted to reply to that, but for obvious reasons, he did not.

The demonic looking digimon behind him was one of the oldest, and probably the most powerful of the demon digimon that had ever existed since the digital world had first been created. His name, was Daemon.

Daemon was tall and imposing, clad in long flowing robes of a deep crimson red embroidered with various golden patterns and symbols spread out over the fabric. His body was completely covered by the robes, various long scarf tendrils of material that seemed to flow in an invisible current around him.

His head was covered in a pointed crimson hat/hood, it was hard to tell, and there was no way to tell what kind of facial features he had. All that was seen, were two small deep crimson red rings that served as his eyes. That was all that was seen of his face. And his eyes were terribly expressive for such simple looking rings.

What made Ebemons skin crawl though, was the demons power. Some of the more legendary and dangerous digmon just made their power known with their presence. A visible presence, where you just looked at them and knew they meant business. With Daemon though, he didn't just project his power by looking at him. He radiated it.

There was a darkness in Daemon that seemed to permeate the very air around him, creating that swirling current that made his cloth tendrils swirl. Ebemon could only be that close to him because, as an android type digimon, he was immune to many of the effects. But he was still afraid of him. He could still feel fear from that demon, and it didn't just swirl around him, it caressed him with a touch that felt like death. Ebemon had seen digimon break down and wet themselves in fear just seeing Daemon.

"Well, perhaps. But you don't have to deal with the 'therapy' sessions every fucking day" Ebemon muttered. "That flamedramon has seen me for the third time this month. He started dreaming again. And wandering with his thoughts. It's not a good fucking sign".

"Well, perhaps he is just simply more resistant then the others. Many of them haven't seen you since you first gave them a session" Daemon said casually, as if he was having a chat over tea.

"Do you have any fucking clue how hard it is to do this to every single digimon?" Ebemon said, his yellow eyes narrowing. "You have virus types, vaccine types, data types, neutral types. And each one of those is a different combination with a different element. I have to manually fucking rewrite the program for every single of them over and over again."

"I never believed that it would be easy" Daemon said rather casually. He leant forward and a terribly black skinned hand with a shining golden ruby ring on his middle finger was placed on the edge of the balcony. Ebemon took a step slowly in the other direction. That hand just radiated evil. "I did say, that I would expect you to find a way."

"Dark souls 3 was easier then this, even if I did have to endure twenty minutes of evil old women cackling about how I was going to die" Ebemon pointed out. "this, this is just fucking complicated."

"As you are most likely aware, my dear little Ebemon" Daemon spoke. Although Ebemon knew he was nowhere near close to being 'dear' to Daemon. "Is that I have patience. I am in no rush to see perfect results right away. I have allowed you to go at your own pace, and so far, it is working. I do call that satisfactory."

"Except for the fucking hiccups every damn day" Ebemon muttered. Below, an Agunimon had finished his turn, the pool of cum spreading wider at the flamedramons bound feet. There was a shimmering heat surrounding his cock, they were able to see just how hot it was from where they were. Most fire types had cocks that resembled fire pokers when heated up, and had molten seed as a result.

And when it came into contact with the mixed seed buried in the flamedramon, including the icey foam that was still buried deep, it melted it all down into a thick syrup flooded with bright glowing orange seed. There was literal steam coming from the flamedramons mouth and nose as he breathed, his whole body covered in sweat as if he had been in a sauna. The agunimons cock throbbed and spurted a few last thick syrupy spurts of molten orange cum, and they could actually hear it sizzle on the flamedramons flesh when it came into contact, making him moan so loudly.

The Agunimon moved away, his robes falling back over his body and covering his cock as the puddle of melted cum simmered and bubbled at his feet. Once he was clear of the dais, the Blackweregarurumon took his turn, a thick and large throbbing canine cock was pushed into the flamedramons sloppy hole.

"Hiccups are to be expected" Daemon continued. He didn't seem all that interested in the event below, he was just watching it because it was happening. "As I said, I have no desire for you to rush the progress. They are the least of my worries."

"I still don't see why I can't just turn them all into hood-less with that program" Ebemon said in annoyance. "One good hard zap and they're zombies. They only breath and follow orders. No need to trance them to dull the pain either. Not like they'd know what it was they were screaming about after it" he said.

"As I have said before, that is not something I wish have to done, except as a last resort if possible" Daemon said simply. "You know that I consider it, dare I say, Fun, to break them over and over again. It amuses me."

"That's because you don't have to deal with them every fucking day. This is not fun for me" Ebemon grunted as he rubbed at his temple on the side of his domed head. If programs could get headaches."First that fucking flamedramon comes in and calls himself a dam duck-dog-rabbit. UGH, I am surrounded by morons day in and day out. But these are worse then morons. At least morons have a shred of intelligence."

"And then I had to deal with that damn Guilmon. He started calling some Renamon 'pretty', even after he found out it was a fucking male renamon. How the fuck do you get male renamon when they are predominantly female?"


"He just wouldn't shut up about her, even when I put him under the trance. After I had him under he finally shut up after telling me over and over she was pretty. I slipped out that he needed to fucking shut the door, and do you know what the stupid retardmon did? He got up and went over to the door and began to hump it while he was still under."


"He LITERALLY tried to shut the door while fucking it. Broke out of his trance after he couldn't fit his cock in the keyhole and turned to me with the biggest stupid look on his face and a fat hardon. Honestly, I know Guilmon are meant to be stupid fuckers, but seriously, he takes the fucking cake!"


"I swear, I've seen him twice this week alone, every fucking week this month he's been in to see me three times. If I have to have him in my office one more time, I swear I'm going to scramble his brains and turn him into a hoodless. That'll fucking teach him to be a free thinking idiot."



Daemon had to raise his voice to a firm tone of voice as Ebemon hadn't responded enough, although Ebemon had made the mistake of shouting back at him. Ebemon saw those red ring eyes narrow at him in annoyance and, if his mechanisms could have sweated, he would have sweated bullets.

"I ....I mean....what....what d-did you w-want to t-t-t-tell me?" he asked in a nervous sounding voice as he stammered to get out the words. If he could have grinned, he'd be grinning a pathetic way right about now.

"Ebemon, there is a problem you have missed" Daemon said in a rather careful and controlled voice.

"Th-there is? W-what k-kind of p-problem are we h-having?" Ebemon sputtered out as he racked his circuitry to find out what the problem was.

Daemon then slowly leant forward, till his crimson red ring eyes were looking square into Ebemons. Those ring eyes were devoid of any kind of mercy or empathy, and Ebemon felt like they were burning through his circuitry to find his yet to be determined soul.

"There is a problem, and you have missed it" Daemon said clearly. Ebemon was sure he was going to face deletion and he'd never even see it coming. Daemon could probably wipe his digital code with a wave of his hand if he so chose.

"A-and....t-that....i-is?" he found himself whimpering.

"We have no Renamon here."

There was only one moment of silence that passed between them both, before Ebemons eyes grew wide and round and could have almost bulged out of his sockets at the realisation of his mistake. Daemon would kill him for less if he so chose, and since he hadn't yet, he must have been expecting him to do something about it.

So he did something about it.


Ebemon had reached into the storage unit of his torso and whipped out a large metal megaphone, which he had just used to shout at the digimon still fucking below.

He pressed a button on his torso and a loud buzzer was heard echoing around the entirety of the complex. The buzzer was loud enough to cut through the chanting and the moaning of the fucking beasts as they all stopped to listen.

The Blackweregarurumon stopped his thrusting, his knot having already inflated and had yet to be pushed into the flamedramons cum filled backside. The flamedramon was stuck somewhere between blissful ignorance and whimpering for more cock and cum in his butt. His body was exhausted and barely moving, his stomach bloated out to almost pregnant proportions, which gurgled lewdly.


All the robed mons immediately stopped stroking and touching themselves as they let their robes fall back down and cover their bodies as they turned and began to move towards the hallways. The hood-less all watched carefully as they made sure everyone obeyed, in which they were. The blackweregarurumon hadn't yet cum, but he didn't seem to register that fact as he walked with them, a firm tent in his robes that led the way in front of him.


Two of the hood-less quickly turned and began to undo the stocks that the flamedramon was in, supporting the well used mon over their shoulders as they began to carry/drag him back to his room, a thick trail of cum dribbling from his hole onto the floor behind him as he was moved. He moaned softly as he was moved, saliva and nectar dripping from his mouth onto the floor, cum dribbling out of his well stretched hole.

"I-I'm sure I can find this R-Renamon and if I do, I'll pull every file from his m-mind and find out why he's here" Ebemon promised as he had the sudden urge to kneel and grovel at Daemons feet.

Daemon watched him as he had stood back up, regarding with his crimson ring eyes. Ebemon found himself whimpering again as the demons black ringed hand was presented before him, as if the demon was thinking.

"See that you do, Ebemon" Daemon said simply, before he pointed his finger at him. "Please do not disappoint me" he said, before he seemingly was pulled back into the flickering shadows behind him, melting into the darkness. It was almost instantaneous, like he was never really there.

Ebemon couldn't help but shake all over as it took him several moments to recover and register the fact that he was still alive.

"I think I just leaked my engine oil."

The flamedramon found himself dragged back to his room, his mind starting to clear from the fog of lust and haze of pleasure he had been experiencing. His twin cocks had finally slipped back inside of him, now that he wasn't going to be cumming again any-time soon. He was unceremoniously dropped on his hands and knees on the floor of his room before the hood-less turned and walked out.

His stomach sloshed lewdly as it swung back and forth like an overinflated water balloon was attached to his stomach. Cum bubbled and burbled from his ass as it dribbled down his thighs and onto the floor around his knees.

He was panting hard as he tried to crawl to his cot, his aching body yearning for rest. His limbs felt like metal and his ass was aching, cum simply dribbling from his hole with every movement he made. There was another buzzer sound as he managed to cling to the side of the cot as the doors to their cells suddenly closed tight in unison.

With a whimpering moan and groan he shakily managed to pull himself up onto the cot and simply collapsed with a sigh onto his back as he found himself looking blurringly up at the ceiling again. The flickering crystal was the only thing lighting up the room as he panted long and slow, his chest rising and falling as his stomach gurgled lewdly.

It was bedtime now. Bedtime. Bedtime meant sleep. Bedtime meant rest. So sore. But sore was good. Sore meant you did your job well. He did a good job helping his brothers and sisters. He was sore all over. Sore everywhere.

But he couldn't sleep yet. As much as he wanted to fall asleep, he had to stay awake. It was bedtime. So it meant he had to read his prayer book before he could sleep. It was a sin to fall asleep without praying first.

With a whimper he reached over weakly with his arm, fumbling slightly as he tried to pick up his book. It took a few unsuccessfully tries before he managed to grab it in his hands, and even more of an effort to pull it the short distance over to his body.

He was jolted with shock when a hand grabbed him by the muzzle and clamped fingers over it.

The hood-less all followed back and forth over the hallways, carrying a lit torch in their hands as they all searched the hallways one by one. They followed each hallway and looked through the bars in each cell to ensure that the occupants were all in there.

And then they went to the next one to double check.

The kumamon wandered down the hallway as he looked through each cell, nodding when he saw only one figure in each bed. So far, everyone was accounted for, but they couldn't call it a success if they didn't check each hallway once each. Mistakes could be made and mons could miscount. But not a majority.

He peered through the bars into the cell on his right, seeing the Panjyamon was laid out on his cot, sleeping easily. His large thickly muscled body was on full display, his large meaty pectorals rising and falling with each breath the sleeping lion took.

He turned and looked into the cell opposite. There was a trail of cum on the floor leading to the bed, in which the flamedramon was laying. He lay with his back to the door, his cum covered back and ass on display. Kumamon took no notice of that as he made sure it was the flamedramon in his bed, and no-one else before he went to inspect the others.

He reached the end and turned around, reviewing each cell before he left the hallway. The light from his torch went from one end of the hallway to the other, before it eventually faded out.

The flamedramons body wasn't all that big, but it was big enough to hide the renamon from view, especially if he was on his side. The renamon was looking the flamedramon in his eyes, a finger against his lips to indicate him being quite, while his other hand was firmly clamped against his muzzle as a warning.

There was the sound of footsteps in the hallway and another hood-less came into view, making her rounds through the hall from one end to the other before the light faded.

It took two more hood-less to go through the hallway and check each cell before they decided the renamon was not there. It was when several long minutes of uninterrupted silence passed that the renamon finally let go of the flamedramons mouth.

"I was never here" he said quietly, but very firmly. "If anyone asks, you did not see me. I was not here, do you understand Flamedramon?" he asked.

Flamedramon nodded slowly as he listened.

"It is a sin to reveal I was here" Renamon continued. "And if you do not wish to sin, then do not tell anyone I was here, alright?" he said firmly. Again, flamedramon nodded. Renamon nodded as well as he carefully moved off the bed.

It was then that Flamedramon noticed that Renamon was indeed naked, and, as he momentarily saw, he was also very clearly male. The fox digimon made no noise as he crawled off the bed and crawled onto the floor, his soft body moving in the dull light.

Flamedramon moved onto his back, wincing from the ache in his butt as he watched as Renamon very easily slipping his thin body through the bars of the door and vanished from his view.

"Renamon" he said softly. "and I'm Flamedramon" he said before he turned back to look up at the ceiling.

"I thought I was a duck-dog-rabbit" he said simply as he was unable to hold back the rush of sleep that overpowered him and he allowed himself to fall into a dreamless sleep as his stomach continued to gurgle.

"Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes, for a while."

"Can I go now?"

"If you like."

The Guilmon hopped off the chair and adjusted the hood on his robes as he left the office, the silver door closing behind him. Ebemon wanted to throw the fucking computer after him, but he didn't. He wasn't that stupid to break the only computer in the complex.

He had to postpone the therapy session once Daemon instructed him to watch the mass with him, so he had left the dumb dragon hypnotised by the crystal for the last few hours. He only sent him back because he wanted the office ot himself again, and not have a drooling nincompoop for company.

"Fucking fuck fuck "Ebemon grunted as he sat behind his desk, rubbing his temple with his hand. The day had not gone well.

Despite all twelve of the hoodless having checked every one of the sleeping quarters, and the eating hall, and the work pit, and the other rooms and hallways, there was no sign of the intruding renamon anywhere.

Whoever this renamon was, he ws good.

"Fuck, Daemon is not going to be happy about this. He's going to fucking delete me, I just know it. Or worse. Oh fuck there is worse then deletion" he muttered to himself.

There was a knock on the door.

"WHAT?" he shouted as the door opened up and a hood-less walked in.

"Ebemon, we have double checked everywhere. There is no sign of a Renamon anywhere." The hood-less was a purple and white furred Dorurumon, hunched over in his robes with a blank expression on his face like all the other hood-less.

"Don't you think I fucking know that?" Ebemon snapped as he slapped his metal hand on the desks surface. "Keep looking, the fucker is bound to be here. There is no way out for him. But.....but that begs the fucking question on how he got in...." he said as he stroked his chin somewhat.

He lapsed into silence for several moments before he realised the Dorurumon was still standing there.

"The fuck are you still here? Get out of my office" he snapped as he pointed to the door. The Dorurumon nodded dumbly on the spot before he left the office, closing the door behind him.

"Fucktards" Ebemon said as he stood up from his desk and turned around, pressing his hand against a space on the wall behind his desk. A blue circle unfolded around his hand and glowed twice before it vanished, and a section of the wall slid back and opened up, revealing a new room.

Ebemon walked in slowly, his eyes grinning in an absolutely evil way. The room was dark, and lined with glass paned cells on each side. Inside each cell, was a captive digimon.

With a gleefull chuckle he watched them squirm and whipmer and whine as they clawed at the glass, pounded on the walls in a dazed attempt to get out. They hadn't been fed in days, they were dehydrated, and weak.

"Pathetic, useless, weak. Just the way we fucking like them" Ebemon said with a grin as he reached the end of the room, at his pride and joy.

It was another kind of dentist chair, but a far worse one. This one had leather straps all over it, covered in thick buckles and studs. There was a large mesh helmet sittin on the head rest, covered in needles that could be twisted and inserted deeply, very deeply.

And above the chair hung a large cartoony looking ray, but there was nothing haha funny about the ray on the ceiling. No, this was the type of ray that was designed to install fear.

Or rather, remove it.

"You know what my little inductees? I have had a very fucking bad day" Ebemon said as he turned around and addressed the captive mons in the glass walled cells. "And I need to cheer myself up. So, today, one of you lucky little fuckers is going to make me feel better."

"Now, which one of you lucky little devils is going to join our little faithfull group by letting me scramble your fucking brains?"

The Dorurumon made sure he was a good way into the hallways before he ducked into a dead end hall. He looked over his shoulders, making sure that he wasn't followed. The dead end was darkened, as there was no flickering crystal to light it.

He reached up and slid his hand under his skin and pulled at his muzzle, his face easily crumpling as it was pulled away. With a slight gasp the mask was pulled away to reveal the mon underneath.

Gloves fell as well as the robes, the mask flopping to the ground as it was kicked aside. Standing in the Dorurumons place, was the Renamon they were all looking for.

He reached up and pressed the button on the metal band that was around his wrist. A circular gem on the bend started to glow as he brought it up to his lips and spoke quietly into it.

"I found him. But it's bad. It's very bad. I was literally inches away from him several times today, and he had no clue who I was."

He listened.

"No, we can't extract him yet. They're on to me. We have to wait a few days, make them forget I was here."

He listened again.

"Right. He's our first priority, but there are a lot of innocents here. We have to make sure that when we do this, we can get them out too."

He listened again and nodded.

"Right, roger that. Requesting EDT."

He stood still as he closed his eyes. The band glowed twice as a circle of light and symbols appeared at his head, feet and midsection, surrounding him before there was a dull flash and he was gone.

I have never seen my masters face

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