I have never seen my masters face

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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I've never seen my masters face

By Kendo Kawabata

As Jay pulled up to the side of the road, his heart was beating heavily and he felt a swelling in his crotch that had been growing the closer he got to his destination. A simple flick of his wrist and the engine cut out, filling the car with silence as Jay sat there, his hands on the steering wheel.

His car had parked in front of a non descript house, a single level home with a basic front yard and a side garage. It looked no more special then the other houses that surrounded it. It was what was inside that made it so special, something hidden behind the facade of normalcy.

Slowly, Jay eased himself out of his car. The rat was definitely a sight to behold, an impressive sight at that. Star of the local wrestling team, clad in tight fitting jeans and a lettermans jacket of white with red sleeves. The jeans and the jacket were far too small for his huge body, the rat was literally a wall of muscle.

His jacket couldn't have even zipped up even if he wanted to, his bulging pecs like a shelf of a chest that stuck out on his body. His body was a testament to the countless hours he spent bulking up so that he could be the best on his team.

And he was nervous as all hell as he picked up his gear bag from the passenger seat and shut the door behind him, looking up again at the house. He thought he saw movement behind one of the curtains, just a slight change in the curtains position, but he quickly forgot about it as the door to the garage began to open upwards.

Jay swallowed a lump in his throat as he carefully looked around over his shoulders, having a slight notion in his mind that he was being followed by someone he knew. But the street was empty. It was well past the time when many were supposed to be in bed. All the houses were dark. He was alone on the street.

The thought of being caught just made his dick swell more.

Jay slowly made his way up to the garage, his boots carrying him for each step before he made it into the garage. He jumped slightly when the door began to close behind him, looking over his shoulder to see it close down with a surprisingly loud thudding noise as it closed fully.

The garage looked like any normal type of garage found in suburbia. A long work bench with a tool rack behind it. Several large tool boxes and cupboards lining the walls. An open space on the flooring with a large drain in the middle.

Except there were no actual tools in sight. The work bench had a line of sexual toys lined up in a neat row, like a surgeons tools on display. The tool rack held various straps, masks, gags and even a straight jacket on full display. Two of the cupboards were opened up, one was empty with just a few coathangers hanging inside it, while the other was full of a range of various sized dildos and bottles of lubricants.

Jay felt his heart race and his face flush as he walked over to the empty cupboard and began to strip the clothes from his body. First his boots, placing them in the bottom of the cupboard with his socks. Then he hung his jacked up, followed by the thing well stretched shirt he was wearing.

Without the shirt covering his chest his thick covering of chest fur was exposed, a thick carpet of dark fur that spread over his pectorals and tapered down in a triangle towards his crotch. The area around his rather thick and large nipples was shaved smooth, two thick gold bars through each thick nipple.

His pants came next, sliding down his thick muscled legs to reveal a thick plump ass framed by a tightly fitting red jockstrap. His cheeks gave a soft jiggle with each movement he made, both mounds perfectly spherical and stuck out like a small shelf of their own against his muscled body.

After hanging his jeans up, Jay removed his jockstrap, working it over his already hard cock. The rat was gifted once more in that department, with a cock that had broken many a pussy and ass during his high school years. At full mast it was a good ten inches of fat breeding machine, with a pair of fat large balls, larger then normal, that hung down under his hard stick.

He was now naked in the garage, his heart still racing as his face flushed with the embaressment of what he was going to do. Once more, he found himself wondering why he had come back to this house, to do what he was going to do. He was the damn star of the wrestling team, walking the halls of his school with a cheerleader on each arm ready to fuck at any given moment. He even bent over the fan boys that swanned over him and fucked their tight little asses till they couldn't walk. He was a goddamn dominant top, he could outwrestle anyone, and he could fuck anyone he wanted.

So why the hell was he here, about to do what he did? And why did he like it so much?

His cock throbbing and starting to leak pre like a leaking faucet, Jay knelt and began to unpack his gear bag. Except instead of his wrestling uniform and equipement, he had something much less approvable in there that his school would most likely forbid him to even carry.

First came small container of baby powder. He gave his entire body a dusting over, patting the powder over each part of his body to get himself coated and dried. Then came the full body latex suit. First it slid up his legs, hugging against the muscles like a second skin as he worked it slowly upwards.

His cock had to go into a special sleeve that stretched along with his cock when it grew hard, a hole under it that allowed his big balls to dangle freely and vulnerable. The suit rode deep into his buttcrack, pushing up against his taint and leaving a perfect opening against his hole if he bent over and spread those cheeks apart.

He could see every muscle on his developed body, the suit crushing the hair on his body as he slowly covered himself in the latex, each muscle perfectly outlined. The suit ended at his head, leaving an oval gap for him to slide his face through. The only bare parts of his body were his feet, his face, his balls and his tail. Everything else was covered in a reflective coating of pitch black rubberised latex.

And his cock was throbbing hard as it pointed upwards, slapping against his defined abs as the rat whimpered as he suppressed the urge to just kneel down and start pawing as hard as he could till he blew his load. But if he touched his cock for any reason other then to adjust it, there would be hell to pay.

God, even fucking that slutty doe Emily in the bathroom during second recess earlier that day, fucking her till he climaxed three times, twice in her cunt and once in her ass for good measure, his balls were already swollen with seed and his cock ached for release. He needed this, he really needed this. Next came a thick leather strap covered in small metal studs. This was wrapped around the base of his cock, the strap just the right size so that it was good and tight. The little leather restraint just made his cock throb harder and made it swell, if that was possible at that time.

The next thing he put on was his boots. Heavy leather. Large silver buckles that ran up the side, his boots reaching halfway up his shins. They were freshly polished, gleaming black leather that wrapped around his feet and his ankles almost perfectly.

The last things he had to dress himself in, were a gas mask and a black leather military hat. The hat was made of pure leather with a white band that ran across the font. The gas mask was an old vintage style, completely covering his face with two large reflective goggles on the eyes, and a large circular filter tube at the front that covered his nose. There was a specially made gap underneath that covered his mouth, held in place by a thick black zipper.

Jay slowly slipped on the mask, securing it behind his head with a thick leather strap. Then the hat was placed on his head. His outfit was now complete as he took a moment to check over his body to make sure everything was in place.

He could hear each breath echo in the mask as he put his bag into the cupboard and closed it, then turned around and stood upright as still as he was able to, keeping his gaze on the garage door. Each breath he took echoed loudly against his mask as he felt his cock throb heavily in front of him.

There was no way of telling the time as it passed as he stood there, only able to listen to the breathing echoing in his mask. His cock started to soften slightly as he lost his arousal the longer he stood there, keeping as still as he was able to.

At least until the side door opened.

Jay had never been past the garage in the house, so he had no idea what lay beyond that door. He had never been asked or permitted to enter, so it only added to the mystery. And standing there in the doorway was the person and the reason that he kept coming back.

All he really knew about the figure in the doorway, was that he was a lion. They were both the same height, but the lion was smaller. A much thinner build, the kind of thin build that Jay could have easily dealt with. The thinner lion was someone that Jay could have easily lifted up and thrown across the room with one hand tied behind his back if he wanted.

But he couldn't.

The lions tail was the only visible part of his body that wasn't covered, a pale brown with a black tuft at the end. The rest of him was covered in a black leather uniform that covered him from head to toe.

His boots were a polished black leather, tied with black laces. Black leather pants that covered his legs that vanished under the stiff black leather jacket that covered the torso. A clean white shirt and a black tie accentuated the uniform. And a bright red band that was worn on his upper right arm with a white circle on the side.

And the lion too, wore a gask mask. But his was more sophisticated, moulded to cover his face while pertaining to the feline look. The goggle lenses were reflective, and there were two circuler vents on the sides of the muzzle. The latex of the mask was much more reflective then the leathter uniform.

And on top of his head lay a tight fitting military hat. The insignia on the front was the medal of a captain, while Jays hat reflected that of the subordinate. Jay had never seen his face, only ever hearing the lions voice over the phone, or through the mask. He honestly had no idea who the lion was. He only knew, that he couldn't resist him.

The moment the door closed behind the lion, Jay snapped his hand up against the side of his head in a saluted greeting, holding it there in place as the lion slowly stepped forward. Each step of his boots echoed on the tiled garage floor as he walked forward, his hands behind his back.

He stepped up in front of the rubberised rat and stood facing him as Jay dropped the salute and stood still, his cock suddenly ballooning back to full hardness as his entire body was now on display to the lion. They stood like that for several moments, Jay completely unable to know what the lion was thinking, or what emotion he was displaying.

The lion snapped his fingers behind his back, his gloved fingers making a squeaking rubbery sound and Jay immediately dropped to all fours, his ass raised high in the air as he unzipped the opening at his mouth and quickly moved forward, kissing his lips against the lions polished boots.

"Thank you, master" Jay panted as he almost lovingly smooched at those boots. They were freshly polished, he could taste the bitter taste of the polish, but he didn't care. His lips left wet smooch marks and his tongue bathed those boots in saliva and made them start to shine.

Master simply looked down at him, not moving from his position as he watched the big jock rat debase himself so willingly and easily by licking his boots like they were made of candy. Wet slurping and smooching noises filled the air from the rats hungry actions.

Jay kept licking and kissing till the right boot was completely licked over and covered in a shining sheen of saliva. Then he switched to the other foot, huffing inside his mask as he eagerly started to lick and slurp at the boot with as much hunger as he had done the other one.

It was only when both boots had been thoroughly licked clean and shined up by the rats saliva that Master snapped his fingers again. Jay immediately pulled back, sitting back on his knees with his legs spread, zipping the zipper back up as his fat balls rested on the tiled garage floor beneath him, his hands going behind his back.

"What do you say?" Master asked, his voice muffled behing the mask. Jay felt his cheeks flush red with embarrassment.

"Thank you...for letting me lick your boots clean" Jay said as clearly as he could, his cock throbbing rather needily.

"And why did you lick my boots?" Master asked as he continued to look down at the kneeling rat.

"Because....because I needed to" Jay said, his cheeks by now burning in shame.

"And why did you need to?"

"Because I'm your slut" Jay admitted, wanting to look away as he had to admit that out in the open.

"You like being my slut." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Jay felt his cheeks burn again, but his cock throbbed harder, almost bouncing as he spoke.

"Yes Master, I do" Jay panted into his mask.

Master stepped forward and placed his gloved hand on the rats head. He knocked the hat off rather easily with a simple motion of his hand before he caressed the side of the rats face. Jay found himself nuzzling into that rubber gloved hand, the rubber and latex squeeking against each other.

Then he found his head pushed forward into the lions crotch, the frontal ventilator pushed right up against the lions bulge.

"Slut" Master growled as he held the rubber boy by the back of his head and began to grind his hips in a circle. Jay whimpered as he could smell the lions musk through his pants and through the filter, The scent just made Jay moan more as he found himself licking his lips, wanting to taste it as the lion ground the boys face into his crotch.

"Look at you bitch, so damn hungry for someone's cock" Master said as he held the rats head against his crotch, grinding it firmly back and forth. The mask was pushed against the rats face, smooshing his features as the lions musk wafted against his nose, making the rat pant and whine as his head was simply used.

"You want my cock, don't you slut?" Master asked as he grabbed the sides of the rats head and pulled him back, forcing the rat to look up at him. Jay panted into his mask as it slowly adjusted itself back into place. There was already a sheen of sweat building up on the rats forehead as his breath exhaled through the filter.

"N....no....." Jay panted out as he tried to get himself some level of dignity. "no....no I hate sucking cock...I'm not gay like that..." he panted out, whining as he tried to fight what was going on.

"You don't like sucking cock? I think this begs to differ" Master said as Jay felt the lions thick boot nudge against his low hangers. Jay squirmed a little as he felt the tip of the thick boot nudge against his massive hardon.

"No...no I hate it...." Jay whimpered, then gasped as he felt the lions boot press firmly against his shaft, the thick patterned sole pushing against his covered shaft as it was pressed against his stomach.

"And yet your hard as a rock slut" Master said as he pushed his boot firmly forward, Jay whining as he felt his cock throb hard from the contact. He just wanted to hump at that boot till his cock blew all over it, but he tried to keep his composure as he fought against himself.

"I'm....i'm straight....i'm straight...i'm not gay like that" Jay protested with a whine.

"You sure about that?" Master asked as he removed his foot. Jay let out a sigh of relief as his aching cock was let go, a thick string of pre was hanging from his cockhead. Then he gasped out loud as he felt those rough ridges press against his vulnerable balls.

"I said, are you sure about that?" Master demanded as he pressed his foot forward.

"YES" Jay whine out as he felt the unmerciful pressure on his balls as they were pressed down, sandwiched between the tiled floor and the rough boot. He winced and whined as he felt that pressure, his torso twisting a little, but he kept his hands behind his back as he clenched at his own wrists. "Doesn't look like you're sure. It looks like you're going to blow any moment" Master said as he lifted his foot back enough to release some of the pressure on the rats balls, then pushed back down.

Jay gasped and whined in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the lion rocked his boot back and forth, pushing down and lifting off the rats fat balls over and over. Jay could see the goggles on his mask were fogging up as the sweat built up on his face, his breath coming out faster as he panted loudly.

And his cock kept throbbing powerfully, bouncing with each throb, the veins on his fat shaft starting to show through the covering as his pre leaked in thick strings to the floor.

"Please....please...." Jay whined as he twisted his torso back and forth, the mixture of pleasure and pain was starting to get too much for him as the lion continued to rock his boot back and forth.

"Please what?" Master asked.


"Say "Please master, let me cum while you abuse my fat bitch balls""

"No.....Please...I'm ......

"Say it bitch."


Jay could feel his cheeks burn with the utter embarrassment and humiliation of having to shout that sentence to the faceless lion. But the pleasure and pain was getting too much to bear and he needed to bust his nut hard.

"Then cum, you worthless ratfag" Master said as he pushed down on his balls as hard as he could. It wasn't enough to actually do any permanent damage to the rats balls, but it had the desired effect as Jay cried out in a rather pitiful whimpering as his cock couldn't take it anymore.

Ribbon after ribbon of pearly white rat cum spurted from the end of his cock like a small hose going off. It splattered up into the air, shooting quite considerable distance upwards before it splattered back down on the rat.

Jay whined in humiliation, embarrassment and pleasure as his balls were literally squeezed of their cum, and it splattered in streaks onto his black outfit like spilt milk. His mask was fogged up, sweat building up against his face on the other side of the mask as his breathing became ragged as the explosive orgasm tapered off.

"Look at you. Big highschool jock boy, top of the high school food chain I bet" the lion said as he removed his boot. "cumming from getting his balls stepped on like some worthless little slut."

Jay hung his head in pure embarrassment at the words. It was true. He was the biggest and the best in the highschool, the top rat in the halls who everyone looked up to, admired, awed and lusted over.

And here he was, trussed up like some rubber toy getting his balls stepped on and climaxing too easily from it, and eager for more.

"Still think you're straight slut?" Master asked.

"I...I am straight......I'm not gay" he whined out almost pleadingly as he looked up at the lion. Well, he tried to see him through the fog on his goggles, but even if he could, the lions face was hidden away and most likely, there would be no mercy written on it.

"You're pathetic. Still think you're straight, and yet you came for me. On my uniform" the lion said. "take off that fucking mask now" he ordered.

Jay whimpered as he unclenched his fingers from around his wrists and brought his hands up, removing the mask from his head. The fresh air against his face was a welcome feeling, as it also made obvious how much sweat had built up behind the mask.

Once he had it off though, he could see how big of a mess he had made. His own seed had splattered down on his large heaving chest muscles, and was dribbling down his abs slowly. And it was splattered across his thighs and on the floor.

But there were several streaks of pearly white on the lions legs, streaked across the black leather in a far too obvious way.

Jay gulped and whimpered as he looked up at his master, begging with his eyes to tell his master it was an accident. But that blank emotionless mask gave nothing away.

"You have a choice boy" the lion said as he held up a gloved hand and held one finger up. "one. You lick the mess off my pants, and suck my cock till I blow on your face, and you thank me for it. And we'll end it there and you can go home."

"Or two" he said as he held up a second finger "you can put on the puppy mask."

Jay gulped and whined at the choices. Not so much the first one, but the second one made his heart beat fast in a panic again and his cock throbbed just at the thought of it.

"I'll give you to the count of three to start licking. Or, it's the mask" Master said as he held up one finger again. "ONE."

Jay whimpered and shook his head back and forth, drops of sweat splattering onto his bodysuit as he felt his big body tremble.

"No...no not the mask....I'm not gay....i don't suck cock...." he whimpered, but his pleading went unnoticed.


"I'm....i'm not gay.... I can't suck your cock...." Jay whimpered. But his cock continued to get hard again as he pleaded with a brick wall.

"THREE" The lion said as he held up his third finger.

"I WO'NT SUCK YOUR COCK. I'M NOT GAY" Jay cried out as he felt himself whimpering, almost tearing up at the thought of doing something so gay.

"Get the puppy mask" the lion said as he pointed to the open cupboard.

"Please....." Jay whimpered.

"You had your chance to end this early. Now put on the mask, or I will get angry" the lion said as he kept his finger pointed at the cupboard.

Jay almost felt himself burst into tears as he slowly stood up, his hard cock bobbing back and froth. He had just blown a huge load of cum all over himself, but he was rock hard and ready for more as he made his way to the cupboard.

At the back of the cupboard, on a styrofoam head, lay another mask. Another black rubber mask, in the shape of a wolfs head. It was a solid piece, moulded into shape with an opening at the mouth and holes around the eyes. It was a perfectly solid hood mask, and jay hated wearing it as much as it excited him.

Master only made him wear it when he wanted to further debase and humiliate the rat, so he treated it as a punishment. A punishment that Jay routinely found himself on the receiving end of. He whimpered as he slid it on, feeling the mask cover his face completely, robbing him further of his identity. But his cock remained a solid hardness.

"Now, what does the puppy say?" Master asked.

"I...I'm sorry...."

"No, that's not it" Master said as he looked at the rubberised rat. "What does the puppy say?"


"On all fours."

Jay whined as he slowly sank back to his knees, getting on all fours. His thick plump ass was held up high as he arched his back, looking up at his master through the puppy mask.

"Now, what does the puppy say?"


"You'll have to do better then that."

"Bark bark"

"Come on puppy. You want to please me don't you?"

"Woof woof"

Master smiled. He could hear the rat was panting behind his mask like a real dog, woofing against every natural instinct in his body just to please the lion in front of him.

"Has puppy been a bad puppy?" Master asked.

"Woof. Yes Master, Puppy has been bad."

"Does puppy need to be punished?"

"Woof. Yes master, woof."

The lion made his way over the countertop and began to move his hands over all the implements on the surface. Jay watched, whimpering slightly as he saw his Master move his hand over a riding crop, a flogger, a leather whip, a small electric wand, and various other instruments of sexual torture till he came to a black flask.

"I think puppy needs to be put in his place" Master said as he reached a hand down and unzipped the front of his uniform pants. His hard length was immediately on display, and Jay found himself licking his lips to the sight of it, even as he whimpered at the sight of it.

The lions cock was not that big, nor was there anything really special about it. At a hard six inches in length with an average girth, with a pair of normal sized balls under it, the lion was about as average as could be in that department.

But Jay could feel his own ass twitch and his hole clench at the thought of that cock going anywhere near him, and as much as he complained earlier, he just wanted that cock to shove itself down his throat over and over.

"I think the puppy needs to be reminded of his place. Don't you, puppy?" Master asked as he uncapped the flask.

Jay whimpered and hung his head, but he kept in his position as he gave a slow nod.

"Yes, Master" he whimpered out.

"Louder puppy."

"Yes Master. Puppy needs it."

The lion held the flask over his cock and a thick black liquid began to pour out slowly. It looked like liquid black rubber, but it was actually just a black coloured lubricant. He drizzled a healthy dose over his cock before putting the flask down and began to stroke his cock with his gloved hand.

"What does the puppy need?" he asked.

"Puppy....puppy needs cock" Jay whimpered, his cheeks burning in embarrassment, while his thin whiplike take wagged back and forth over his backside. "Puppy...puppy needs your cock master."

"And where does puppy need it?" the lion asked.

"Puppy...puppy wants it....in his ass" Jay whimpered.

"For a straight jock alpha male, you sure are hard, wanting to be fucked like a slut" Master said, his rubber gloves squeaking slightly as he rubbed his hand back and forth on his cock. "I bet you fucked a lot of sluts today, didn't' you? Bet you fucked some slutty cheerleader or little fan boy of yours all day long, trying to prove to yourself you're the big macho man on campus, didn't you?"

Jay whimpered and hung his head slightly.

"I bet you couldn't get off properly, fucking those slutty bitches. Not until you thought of me" Master said as he stepped forward. "I bet you thought of me, fucking that fat ass of yours and violating your big alpha body, making you my little rubber sex doll again."

Jay whimpered again, feeling tears in his eyes from the stinging words.

"I bet you couldn't even stay hard, even in some sluts cunt, till you thought of my hard cock. Your big fat throbbing manly cock couldn't stay hard, until you thought of my small little lion cock, stuffing itself between your lips and shooting cum down your throat."

Jay whimpered again, feeling a spurt of pre shoot out of his cock and hit the tiled floor.

"What's that? No defiance? No denial? I bet it's true. I bet you tried to fuck that little whore all day, but you couldn't do the job till you thought of me, fucking you and treating you like the cheap piece of ass you are."

There was a slight nod of Jays head.

"what was that puppy slut?"


"Admit it slut. Admit it to me that that is what happened."

"It.....it happened like that...."

"What happened ratfag?"

"I couldn't finish till I thought of you Master" Jay wailed out as he looked up at the lion, stroking his cock before him. "I couldn't finish, because I wanted to be the slutty cheerleader. I wanted to be on my back on my desk, getting fucked in my classroom by you as you owned my ass. I wanted you to do it to me, I wanted to be the bitch so badly, I couldn't finish in her because it wasn't you fucking me" he wailed out.

"How did you finish?"

"By thinking of you violating me and putting me in my place as you bitch master" Jay whimpered as he broke his stance and moved forward and all fours, wrapping his arms around the lions legs and hugging them tightly against his bulky body.

"Please master, fuck me" he whimpered. "Your puppy needs it so badly. I need my puppy ass fucked so hard I'll be feeling it all day tomorrow. I need you to seed me, mark your puppy as your property, please master. Fuck me, I'm such a dirty slutty whore, fuck me like one, please master" he begged as he whimpered further.

"The big manly alpha male rat, wants to be fucked like some slutty whore varsity cheerleader does he?" Master asked, his hard cock throbbing and dribbling both oil and pre onto the puppy mask the slut was wearing. "Then prove it."

Jay practically had tears in his eyes at his point, his cheeks burning with humiliation as he let go of his masters legs and turned himself around on all fours, resting his head down on the tiled floor as he hiked his ass up as high as he could, exposing himself to his master.

It was a humiliating position to find himself in, his round ass lifted up in the air with his legs spread apart, his tail raised and the slit that exposed his hole was by now probably wide open. His cheeks were spread apart enough that the lion probably had the best view of that pink little rosebud buried between those two large black mounds.

"Puppy...puppy needs fucking" Jay whimpered as he blinked away the tears, shaking his hips a little to make his ass jiggle softly. "Please....puppy needs cock....puppy needs his masters cock" he whimpered out.

He heard movement behind him as he felt two hands rub themselves over his large butt, helping to spread those cheeks apart further, making Jay whimper in his humiliation. He felt those covered thumbs hook themselves between his cheeks right against his tight little hole and spread his flesh apart, exposing him completely.

"Look at that hole, winking at me already" Master said as he watched that hot little hole pulsate as he looked down at that deep valley. "Looks like an eager little cunt to me" he said.

Jay whined and hung his head in shame, his face burning as he felt so vulnerable in that position, his cock throbbing underneath him as it swayed back and forth, drooling a thick stream of pre onto the floor beneath him.

"Is that what it is boy?" Master asked as he let go of the rats rear end with his hand and gave that rump a hard slap, making the rat yelp.

"Yes master" Jay whimpered as he kept his head hung.

"Yes master what?" SLAP!

"Yes Master, it's a needy little cunt" Jay whimpered.

"And what do needy little cunts need?" SLAP!

"A COCK" Jay cried out as he felt those firm smacks on his ass.

He felt the hand back on his rump as he was spread once again, his tight pink ring winking and flexing as he heard movement behind him. Then something hot and hard poked itself against his vulnerable entrance.

Jay let out a loud cry as his hips were grabbed and he was pulled back hard, his ring getting forcibly spread around his masters cock, whether he was ready for it or not. The rats fingers and the large carrots he sneaked away from the fridge were nothing against that throbbing hot piece of lion cock that was buried inside his ass in one firm thrust forward.

"You feel kind of loose ratfag. You been playing with your cunt?" Master asked as he leant over the rats large back. Jay could hear the lions breathing through his filter against the back of his ear. The lions breathing was a little ragged, giving Jay the impression that the lion was really enjoying what he was doing to the slutty rat, and it just made Jay throb harder at the thought.

"Yes" Jay whimpered as he lifted his head up, arching his back as best he could as he flexed his ring against that hard lion cock.

"Been fingering your bitch hole thinking of your masters cock?" Master asked as he slid his hands slowly over the rats hard abs.

"Yes master" Jay whimpered as he felt those firm fingers against is body.

"Bet they didn't feel as good as my cock, did they?" Master asked as he rubbed his hands up to the rats bulging pecs, his fingers finding the hard pierced nipples under the rubbery latex.

"No master, your cock feels so much better" Jay whimpered as his hard nubs were teased.

"Bet your fingers didn't feel as good as my little lion cock does, do they puppy?" Master asked as he gave those nipples an unmerciful twisting, making the rat squeal from the sudden pain.

"No master, your little cock feels so much better" Jay whimpered, his cheeks flushing something fierce under his mask.

"Big fucking alpha jock like you, submitting to a little bitty lion like a cheap whore. Does my little lion cock make your big fat alpha cock want to spill your alpha seed all over the place?" Master asked as he twisted those nipples again.

"YES" Jay whimpered out. That smaller lion cock, one easily dwarfed by his own throbbing malehood, felt too dam good in his ass for him to deny it. He arched his back more, pushing his big thick pecs into those hands as they continued to rub and squeeze at his nipples more.

"Then tell me what to do with it, puppy" Master said as he ground his hips against that rubber rump, the material squeaking a little from the movements as his cock throbbed inside that hot warm tunnel. The rats insides felt like a hot soft glove massaging his cock, a tunnel that was meant to be fucked and fucked often.

"Fuck Puppy. Fuck puppy" Jay whimpered out loud as he clenched and squeezed his ass muscles against that invading cock. He could actually feel his ass tunnel start to itch for that cock to start fucking him.

There was no confirmation as Jay felt his hips get grabbed, fingers hooking around his hard waist as the lion began to fuck. The rat was fucked doggy style, his ass cheeks bouncing against each hard firm thrust of the lions hips.

Jay whimpered as he was bred, his cheeks feeling like they were permanently burned from the humiliation of what he was going through. Here he was, on all fours, getting fucked by a lion half his size in every department.

And his cock throbbed and pulsed from how much he was loving it.

There was no words spoken from Master this time around as he held the rat down, pumping his hips back and forth as he used the rat for his own pleasure. He fucked the rats ass like it was a fleshlight, just a toy for him to get off in.

Jay whimpered and whined as his ass was pounded into from behind, his body rocking forward with each thrust. The audible smack smack smack of hips against his ass was ringing in the garage as he was bred hard.

Each inch of that hard throbbing lion cock pumped its way in and out, burying itself to the hilt and then pulling all the way back till just the head remained, before it was simply shoved back in. Because of his size, Master was able to simply slam his cock into that big ass over and over again without worrying about damage or hurting the rat. He was able to just bottom out over and over again, pumping as hard as he could without caring about the rats comfort.

And fuck he did. The rats cheeks were getting spanked repeatedly from the lion's hips, those big rump cheeks shaking and jiggling from the impact over and over again. The lion simply fucked, and that was what Jay was getting.

"Master" Jay whimpered out as he was pounded into from behind. He could feel the sweat behind his mask build up and dribble down against his face, pooling into the corners of the mask. Much of it was saliva, as he found his tongue was lolling from his mouth and drooling constantly from his state of arousal.

Pump pump pump, smack smack smack went the lions cock and his hips, Jay feeling a warmth against his ass from the repeated smacking. Beneath him his cock drooled, bobbing and wagging back and forth from the constant pounding from behind.

"Master...master please" Jay whimpered as he felt that familiar feeling in his balls. If his master didn't stop soon, he was going to blast his load again, practically hands free this time if his master kept it up.

But master said nothing, giving no indication that he had heard the rat or that he really cared. Or even if he was close himself as he continued ot pump and thrust hard. The rats pleasure and his near climax was not something that concerned him as he kept up his constant thrusts.

"Master.... puppy is so close" Jay whimpered as the lion kept thrusting, he could hear the masters huffing behind him, panting through the mask. The boiling in his abused balls was growing and his climax could not be stopped now.

Jay was unable to hold himself back as he cried out, giving his best puppy howling as his climax surged through his cock. Not as big as the previous one, after cumming so many times during the day, but it was still impressive as he shot several pearly strings of rat cum across the floor under him.

His ass trembled and his hole convulsed around the lion's cock, adding to the stimulation as he kept fucking the rat through his climax. Jay whimpered and wailed as his body was assaulted through his climax, his hole spasming so warmly and wetly that it helped drive the lion over the edge.

Unlike the rat, Master hadn't bothered to climax for the last few days, saving up his load so he could deposit it right up the rats fat ass. And that was what he did. He let out a muffled roar of pleasure as he slammed his hips right up against the rats ass, burying himself to the hilt as he let loose his flood of lion spunk.

Jay choked back a cry as he felt that liquid hot cum sear through his back passage, flooding him with a surge of cum. The volume was far bigger then his own pitiful orgasm, which only added to the humiliation as his ass was filled full with just one orgasm.

Master leant over the rat, keeping his cock buried up that warm clenching hole as he leant over the rats broad back, panting loudly and hotly through his mask against the rats ear, letting him hear how hard his climax was as he sure as hell felt it.

Neither said a word as the lion panted through his mask and Jay whimpered, his cock finally started to soften as it let loose a few weak spurts and drools of now watery rat seed across the floor. It took several moments, perhaps a few minuets, before the lions panting ceased and his hard cock began to finally soften.

"Now tell me, what does the puppy say?" Master growled through his mask against Jays ear.

"Thank...thank you master" Jay whimpered as he felt the last of his climax drool off onto the floor.


"For fucking my cunt" Jay whimpered out.

Master nodded and didn't pull, but yanked his cock from that now fucked ass, his shaft exiting with a wet popping noise as the rats hole was left gaping slightly, winking several times before it started to close up.

Master stood up and tucked his semi hard cock back into his pants, the outline of his cock still visible against his leather outfit. He then stood behind the rat, his hands behind his back as he looked down at the violated rodent.

Jay slowly got to his feet, his knees shaking slightly and his hole throbbing as he picked up his large body, his limbs protesting a little as he stood himself up. A trickle of cum began to leak from his still open hole and run down the back of his fat balls as he turned around.

He was now finally half hard, his big cock swinging in the air as he turned, and it was actually aching after being so hard and climaxing so much during the day. But it was still threatening to get hard again as he pulled himself up into position.

"You have five minutes. Then the door opens. Wether you're ready or not" Master said with a simple nod of his still covered head.

"Yes Master. Thank you Master" Jay said as he stood himself up as straight as he could and gave a salute with his hand, standing as proudly as he could as cum leaked from his open hole.

His master said nothing as he then left the rat and left the garage by the way of the side door, shutting it firmly behind him. The lock clicked and Jay was left alone. Jay sighed loudly as he felt his body want to collapse after all it had been through, feeling his limbs become tired as he started to undress himself.

The puppy mask had to go back in the cupboard where he got it from, and he started to slowly unzip his uniform and remove each piece of his rubberised clothing. His head and hair were drenched in sweat, small rivers pouring off his face from the removal of the mask. The rubber bodysuit peeled itself off like a second layer of skin, the stench of bottled up sweat assaulting his nose the moment he unzipped.

He tried to make it as quick as he possibly could, but his tired aching body was making it hard for him to get everything off. Plus he had to carefully stow his uniform away carefully so as not to cause any damage to it.

But five minutes was five minutes, and Jay had just finished zipping his bag up when the door to the garage opened up.

"SHIT" he whimpered as he grabbed his jacket and threw it across his shoulders, his lower half now naked and exposed as he quickly grabbed the rest of his clothes and tried to haul his naked ass out of the garage before someone in the neighbourhood saw him by mistake.

His big naked rat ass and half hard cock jiggled and swayed as he all but ran his way to his car, huffing loudly as he didn't want to be seen in such a state. He thanked every god in creation that his car had been left unlocked as he threw everything into the back seat before plopping his cum dripping ass in the driver seat, slamming the door behind him.

He didn't drive off right away as he panted a little, calming himself down as he stared back at the house he had just run away from, the garage door now closing. There was again no lights in the windows, or movement to be seen. Perhaps his master had simply gone to bed now. Or maybe he was watching him through the window.

"I...I can't keep doing this" Jay muttered to himself as he felt his cheeks burn at the thought. "I can' come back. It's not right. I'm ...I'm not like this" he whimpered to himself as he gripped the steering wheel. "No..no this is the last time. I can't come back here again. It's settled. I'm not gay, I'm straight. I'm not gay, I'm straight" he said, battling against himself as he tried to insist to himself that this was the last time.

But, like every other time, his phone on the dashboard suddenly lit up as he got a text message.

"Same time next week Ratfag."

Even though Jay was shaking his head and muttering that he shouldn't go, that this wasn't him and he wasn't gay like that, his cock simply ballooned back to hardness and slapped itself against the steering wheel as he typed his reply.

"Yes Master, I will come back."

The Helpline Chapter 6

The Helpline Chapter : 6 Prodigal By Kendo Kawabata A lion stood in front of the square pond, standing in just a long tan robe that seemed somewhat too big for him, the edges reaching the grass at his feet. He had his eyes closed, his...

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A Favourite Situation : Closure

A Favourite Situation : Closure By Kendo Kawabata I never thought I would do another chapter in this series after everything that had happened, but recently I found a few new comments on some chapters and I reread the last few chapters in the...

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The Fallout 4

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