Kimahri Heat (February 34 #1)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Patreon

Kimahri wanders to the Thunder Plains on a strange instinct where he is drawn to a strange fiend of the plains that delves into his personal desires.

This is the first reward for February voted by my Patreon members of $5 or more; if you'd like to vote over who you'd like to see in the next poll and read the stories well before anyone else please consider supporting!

"Kimahri Heat"

Thunder boomed and echoed through the sky, along with a near-daylight illumination coming from the constant lightning that filled the Thunder Plains as Kimahri returned to one of the few places that oddly gave him a bit of comfort during his journey with Yuna three years before. The area was barren of any real life outside except for the occasional tree that miraculously stood the test of lightning strikes. He'd come into the plains nearly an hour ago, but the storms seemed to accumulate and he was forced to make a stop at one of the high pillars that aided travelers by absorbing the lightning from the pikes atop the stony rock formations. He inhaled the crisp, yet electric air and exhaled slowly, drowning out the intense fireworks that constantly exploded in his ears.

He'd had no real reason for traveling back this far; leaving Gagazet behind so that he could return here, it all felt so very vivid when he started. He knew that for some reason, he needed to return to this place, as if his instinct had drawn him back.


Another loud clap of thunder indicated the lightning was striking oddly close to the shelter. He knew that this was a temporary spot, but if needed he could stay here for some time to catch his breath. "No." Kimahri said to himself. He knew he had to keep moving, his instinct drawing him in the direction of the only inn crazy enough to stay in business in these turbulent lands. He could feel the fur on his body standing on end, likely from the static that filled the air, and he scratched his forearm on instinct as he cautiously made his way toward the next marker on the path.

Two bolts nearly hit Kimahri as he made his way toward the desolate inn at the southern border of the plains, one he jumped away from, the other he had to do a bit of a roll forward to avoid, but he realized to his relief that the door to the inn was only a few feet away at that point. He sighed in relief and stepped through the portal into the building. It was a blessing for the Ronso that this land didn't include rain with its constant stormy weather, it would have cranked up the zone to completely uninhabitable at that point. He sighed and brushed himself off at the entryway, noticing the Al Bhed standing behind the counter staring at him, Kimahri quickly regained his composure and closed the door behind him, cutting out the breezy atmosphere that the storm brought with it. He adjusted his bracers and approached the counter.

"Kimahri need room for the night." He said as the man lifted his goggles, revealing his green eyes to the Ronso.

"Is'at right?" He said. "Well, I'd be happy to accommodate ya, but my rooms are filled."

Kimahri stared questioningly at the man, let out a sigh of frustration, pulled a gold coin from the pouch on his hip and slammed it aggressively onto the counter in front of him. "Al Bhed still have no room for Kimahri?"

The man's eyes gleamed at the coin as he snatched it off the table to examine it. "Oh, no... I might be able to squeeze you in somewhere my fuzzy friend. What's a ronso like you doin' in a place like this anyway?"

"Personal matter." Kimahri answered gruffly. "Room, now."

"Okay, okay. Give me just a minute, I'll have my turndown service get it ready for you." He turned to another man sitting a few feet away, snoozing happily away against the book shelves behind the door. "Rolan? Rao! Kad ouin mywo ycc ib yht lmayh uid dra drent nuus vun drec syh. E tuh'd lyna ev oui ryja du cfaab dra cbetanc uid dra tuun, E fyhd ed tuha huf!"

Immediately the man shook awake like he'd been caught with his hand in a cookie jar, suddenly shrieking; "Cina! Cina! Nekrd yfyo, pucc!" And just like that, he vanished in through a door leading into the back.

The man behind the counter then smiled broadly at Kimahri. "Your room will be ready shortly. How many nights were you planning on staying with us, sir?"

Kimahri paused for a moment. The abruptness of his coming here didn't really give him an indication for how long he'd be staying. He slipped another coin onto the counter. "Kimahri stay two nights, will pay if more needed."

Deftly, the Al Bhed pulled the second coin off the counter and smiled politely. "Of course. And I will call you once your room is prepared."

Kimahri turned to face the waiting room behind him, next to the door and under the small portal windows that provided the best gaze out into the continually dark and flashing sky, he walked over and stared out into the storm. Lightning continually illuminated the ground, giving a good vision of the windblown dust that swirled around in mini-tornados that vanished just as quickly as they appeared. As he watched, another motion caught the Ronso's eye; a strange bluish apparition hovering along the road just outside. Just looking at it gave him a chill down his spine; could this have been a fiend? Someone lost in these plains? Whatever it was, it looked downright terrifying to him. Shapeless, emotionless, the visage appeared to stare at Kimahri with sunken, blackened eyes, but he couldn't make out any features.

Staring long enough, Kimahri felt a bit dizzy and sank out of the view of the window. Sitting down on one of the seats provided for guests, he put his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes.

"Kimahri..." A voice caused him to open his eyes again and immediately he realized something was strange.

Kimahri was lying on his back now, darkness surrounding him instead of the warmth of the inn, a large pair of hands could be felt along his fur, but he couldn't see who it was. The voice was such a faint whisper he couldn't even make out if it were a man or a woman, either way, he gasped as he felt the fingers work at his armor. A warmth was covering him that had no real source, but he could feel his legs buck as though someone was on top of him, holding him down. A passionate warmth touched his neck, causing the warrior to moan softly, immediately he felt aroused by this presence and he shivered in pleasure.

His armor pulled away from him, falling off to the side but being moved by nothing he could see, Kimahri couldn't even think about the logistics of this; it was as if something was invading his mind, bidding him to mate with it. Purring, he felt the backs of his assailant's fingers running along his inner thighs, he breathed heavily as he felt his leggings fall away, then his breechclout fell away, making his cock bounce into the air wantingly. The warmth of being stripped by this being was intense; he tried to move his arms, but a disembodied weight held them down as his thighs parted from each other and he felt something slip between. "Kimahri..." The voice repeated softly into the Ronso's ear as he felt what felt like a torso lay across his own, a muscular feeling pressed down on him a point of heat slipping between his legs made him moan even louder this time. He could feel it pressing against his hole, wanting, almost begging to come in. Kimahri could hear himself begging too. His claws clutching themselves in tight fists as he felt ready to give in...

"Kimahri Ronso?"

A voice alerted Kimahri from his dream and he suddenly realized he was still in the inn; his eyes flashed open to the appearance of the innkeeper's own green pools and he gasped a deep breath suddenly, like he hadn't been breathing in several minutes. "Ki-Kimahri awake!" He said suddenly, realizing the prominent bulge in his breech hadn't quite made itself apparent yet to the man.

The innkeeper looked confused for a moment. "You were moaning in your sleep, sir. Are you alright?"

The ronso rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the lingering feeling coursing through his body. "K-Kimahri fine..." He said. "Just... a bad dream."

"I am sorry to hear this." He said. "It is fairly often that the noise of the Thunder Plains may cause nightmares to travelers sensitive to it. Are you new to these plains?"

"No... Kimahri been here before, on Summoner Yuna's pilgrimage." He explained. "Never has Kimahri felt like this before..."

"Felt like... what? Scared?"

Kimahri bit his tongue somewhat. "Yes." He lied. "Kimahri suspects fiends still nearby?"

The Al Bhed nodded. "Yes. Bound to the plains, we have a good deal of them, seeking energy off travelers. Beware, they may not be corporeal like the rest of us."

"Yes. Kimahri understands."

"And your room is prepared, it is the third room on the left as you go through the door. Sleep well, Kimahri Ronso."

Kimahri felt exhausted, moreso than earlier when all his fatigue came from traveling through the Thunder Plains and the Calmlands, he sighed and put his hand to his face as he made his way into the back. Following the innkeeper's instructions, he made a turn into the third door on the left, stepping into a small room with a single bed roll at the other side. The room appeared to have been hastily swept out and the bed roll only half made up with a blanket hastily thrown over the top of it. Kimahri exhaled sharply through his nose as he stepped in and closed the door. Though the lightning provided somewhat constant light in the room, he turned on the lamp provided and the room looked much better immediately. He slowly removed his clothing, leaving only his loincloth on before sitting down on the roll and rubbing his face in an effort to stay awake. He wasn't sure what happened, or what he saw, but he felt like going to sleep now would only serve as a way for the fiend or... ghost to strike once again.

Leaning against the wall behind him, Kimahri rubbed his eyes and tried to ignore the aching erection beneath his cloth. He wasn't about to give in, and whatever this presence wanted with him, he wouldn't allow it to win.

One hour passed, then two as Kimahri concentrated on not falling asleep. Time was almost meaningless here where the sun never shined, but he could tell when morning would come, and he had already paid for the night. He might as well leave his money in their hands and find his way out in the morning.

On his third hour vigil, Kimahri felt his eyes drooping. He shook his head to stay awake and even splashed himself in the face with a pot of water provided to him with the room, but he knew that he would eventually fall asleep. Perhaps whatever that fiend was, it found a new person to move on to... perhaps...

"Kimahri..." The voice whispered again and he found himself on the floor of this strange cave once again.

"Who... calls?" Kimahri asked between moans of pleasure as the familiar form again wrapped itself around him, and pulled him toward its invisible body. A lick washed over Kimahri's throat, then the sting of teeth nipping into his flesh made him gasp and moan even louder. He tried to move his arms, but once again they were being held down.

The hands then slid down the Ronso's muscular biceps over his shoulders, then down his sides, taunting him by stopping at his waist and keeping his cloth on. "Come to me..." the voice whispered warmly into Kimahri's ear, a soft growl sounded almost animal as the voice then chuckled and the presence vanished.

Kimahri awoke with a start. It was late, extremely late in the evening, his lamp had gone out on its own and he lay alone in the darkness with a chill all over his body. Putting his hands down to his erection; which had torn out of his loincloth, he realized he was soaking in his own precum fluid and it had matted up his fur, filling the room with the familiar smell of sex that made him want even more. Getting up, he didn't bother to dress himself again as he stepped out into the hallway and made his way to the front lobby.

"Hey! Kimahri? Are you insane where are you going without your clothes?"

Kimahri growled and looked at the innkeeper, who of course recoiled in surprise. "Kimahri will return before sunrise." He said sternly as he continued his walk toward the door.

"Wait! It's the influence of the fiends! Kimahri! Kimahri!"

The voices faded as the sounds of the wind and thunder soon flooded the Ronso's ears. Sniffing the air, he continued on the path away from the inn, making his way up the windblown hill toward the rocky cliffs that bordered the plains and abruptly ignoring every bolt of lightning that struck near him. Something was guiding him, pulling him toward the rocky cliffs and even Kimahri couldn't resist the urge to follow his instincts. The wind continued to dry the precum that covered his crotch, while his ready and wanting cock dripped more out with every step he took, he continued onward until he saw what looked like a cave flashing its entrance to him between the beats of lightning that filled the sky.

The Ronso made his way toward the cave, feeling his heart race faster and faster as he approached it. Stepping into the cave, he noticed it was a small incropping that went maybe ten feet into the shelter. Looking around he could see drawings on the walls; Cactaur, Ronsos, even what appeared to be a vision of Sin before he was again accosted by the feelings of something tackling him and sending him hard to the floor.

Kimahri gasped as the warmth washed over him again, it was just like his dreams, he could hear a rough growling breath against his ear as a thick, warm but invisible form pinned him down. He tried to move his arms, but they were pinned at the wrists, he could feel the weight of something on him the wetness of a thick member dripping on his chest, but he couldn't see anything appear that looked wet.

"Knew you would come..." The voice spoke softly. "Kimahri should always come..."

Kimahri still could not recognize the voice, but he was lost in pleasure as the heat radiated through his body, his cock pressing against something warm now that leaned down against him with increasing pressure. Both him and the voice gasped as once as Kimahri felt his cock penetrate whatever or whoever it was that rested on top of him. A heavy weight then rocked against Kimahri as he could feel a pulse of arousal, this being was definitely male and his own member was pushing invisibly between his pectorals as he then brought his weight back, pushing the Ronso's shaft even deeper into him. Growling, Kimahri's claws raked into the floor of the cave, leaving scratches and white marks in their wake as he breathed in and out deeply, moaning with the intensity of the moment. He could feel the hole tighten and loosen as it forced him deeper and deeper with every rock back, then forward almost making him fall out, Kimahri bucked his hips, trying to thrust harder into him.

The essence then licked his neck again, like he'd done in the dreams, further intensifying the echoing moans that filled the cave. He could not hear the other being speak or moan, he could only hear gasping, and the occasional growl.

"Could this be... another Ronso?" He asked himself. It was not like a traditional rut though, this felt intentional, like he had been trying to get Kimahri to come to him all along just for the purpose of mating.

It felt like hours that Kimahri remained pinned under the heavy weight on top of him he could feel precum pouring over his chest now, but now he wasn't sure if it was the fiend's or... if it was possibly his own. Looking down he could see his shaft bobbing and twitching in midair as the occasional mist of blue light swarmed around him. Eventually though, he felt his climax approaching, he growled and rolled his head back before letting out a feral grunt, and suddenly releasing. Looking down at his loins, he couldn't even see the results of his orgasm, he simply moaned and rode out the feeling until it slowly began to settle and he could then hear a slow growl from the essence on top of him.

The fiend's weight shifted, lifting itself from Kimahri's loins and causing him to soak himself with a few remaining spurts of white. Kimahri tried to relax, but he then felt the hands move toward his legs, he could feel it spread them apart and he was suddenly hoisted end-first into the air. The feeling of warm flesh rubbing along his balls made him realize that it had not finished what it wanted, and very quickly the flesh was lowered and forced against this tight ring.

"Hnnn!" He felt the sudden sting of penetration.

The fiend was rather large in size and Kimahri moaned as he grimmaced in pain. The pain slowly began to subside, but that didn't slow his assailant down, who seemed to get enjoyment out of the rough penetration and he began to work into Kimahri even harder, causing the Ronso's loins to once again spring a leak and harden again. "Again?" Kimahri thought to himself. Even in Yevon's name he couldn't contain the passionate moan as he felt himself be mounted harshly from above. His legs lifted high as the fiend pushed them apart, coming down on him with a more urgent want than Kimahri had expected. Kimahri's tip began to twitch and drip precum, which then fell to his lips, forcing the ronso to lap the flavor off of them as the passioned thrusts grew harder and harder, nearly winding him with every crushing blow.

Kimahri was growing aroused by this, his thick ebon shaft pulsing with more and more precum, each deep pounding making it harder for him to resist a second climax... but something told him that this was what it wanted, what it needed... a Ronso's seed...

Before he could piece together the reasons, Kimahri heard a disembodied roar suddenly fill the cave with an echoing, lustful cry. The sudden pressure of being filled then made Kimahri urgently start to release himself. His roar matched that of the fiend's cry and he began to cum; hard, all over himself a pool of cum began to splash across his stomach, his chest, and then as soon as he felt the pulses, the fiend dropped Kimahri's legs, allowing his cum to jet across the Ronso's face, hitting the cave wall behind him before causing it to splatter a few times right in his muzzle.

Kimahri grunted and then felt flooded by the warmth. As he blinked the seed away he glanced back behind him to see the crude Ronso drawing on the wall was now glowing a bluish white color. As the presence that had been rutting him released his legs, Kimahri looked up to see the familiar shade of a Ronso he once knew appear like shapes in smoke, he smiled but then in a brief instant, he was gone and Kimahri again felt alone...

On his way back toward the inn, Kimahri had pieced together that somehow his presence was needed to release the Ronso-turned-fiend's spirit back to the Farplane, that somehow, the pleasure of the moment and his seed served as a Summoner's dance, and both of them could feel at piece. Returning oddly rested, Kimahri gathered his clothes together and readied himself for departure. As the sky lightened from an unseen sunrise, Kimahri bid farewell to the two Al Bhed innkeepers and began to make his way back toward the Calmlands and Gagazet. He would have much to tell them...

As the pair watched the Ronso part, the Innkeeper's assistant shook his head and looked at him: "Cilr y cdnyhka, cdnyhka Nuhcu..."

"E luimth'd yknaa suna. Pid yd maycd ra debc famm!"


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