A Sister Speaks

Story by Declan Xavier on SoFurry

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My first crack at lesbian fiction. A nice coming-out story seems to fit, no?

A Sister Speaks

by Declan Xavier

The mid-sized sedan rolled to a stop in front of the beach house. The owner of the car popped the driver's side door open and climbed out, her eyes falling to the daunting flight of concrete steps that led up the hill to the front door of the house. The other option of entire was climbing up the balcony that overlooked the beach, and for a minute, the pantheress thought that wouldn't be a terrible option. She finally mustered up her spine and started the climb to her friend's front door.

Even though college was three years behind them, Chloe kept contact with her friend and sorority sister, Priscilla. They weren't the best of friends, but there were the occasional e-mail updates, a juicy text message, and the obligatory card around the holidays. Chloe lived twenty minutes away from the beach, in a much poorer neighborhood. The house that Priscilla owned was the kind of house that Chloe could only afford if she saved up her entire life and had the luck of the house's price getting slashed in half.

Thirty steps later, Chloe rapped quietly on the door using the big brass knocker. She smiled slightly as she did that. It was true that knockers were more for decoration now-a-days, but Chloe couldn't help but use them whenever she found them. It often annoyed the owner of the knocker she was toying with, including Priscilla. She shifted her weight to her other foot as she waited, reaching up to grab the knocker again when the door flew open.

Priscilla had a single wrinkle between her eyes, which indicated her mild annoyance. Chloe couldn't help as her smile widened at the sight of that wrinkle. The mouse had earned the nickname among the sorority sisters of "Prissy," and it suited her to a T.

"Oh, hi Chloe. Somehow, I thought it would be you," Priscilla stood aside, allowing her friend and Sister inside.

"Gee, I don't know why'd you think that. You're just the one who called me over. Something about last night?'

Priscilla nodded, closing the door and locking it tight. Chloe's eyebrow quirked. She had never known Prissy to lock her doors in the middle of the day. That, combined with the message she received last night, increased Chloe's anxiety for her friend. What had happened the night before?

"Can I get you a drink?" Priscilla asked, Chloe just taking notice of the half-full glass of white wine in her hand. 'Ok, three strikes,' Chloe thought to herself. 'This isn't going to be good.'

"Uh, yeah, I'll take a soda if you have it. If not, water." Chloe wasn't particularly interested in alcohol in the middle of the day, and, if her suspicions were correct, at least one of them should be sober.

Priscilla set her wine down on the coffee table in the living room, using a coaster of course, on her way to the kitchen. Chloe, meanwhile, sat on the sofa after kicking off her sneakers. She took the time of Priscilla's absence to collect her own thoughts and rein in some of her wilder imaginings. Others would have been occupied taking notice of the fine works of art which were arranged tastefully around the living room, or would have noticed the expensive furniture in pristine condition. Chloe had gotten used to Prissy's tastes.

The smaller morph appeared with a can of diet cola in her hand, and Chloe grudgingly accepted it. The reason that Prissy had called Chloe over was more important than whatever type of soda the feline received. Prissy took a seat in one of the chairs across from the sofa, smoothing out her skirt as she did so. Even on a day off, when she was only expecting one of her college friends, Prissy's tastes went unchanged. She wore black pleated skirt that hugged her legs always the way down past her knees over a pair of black leggings. Her top was a pressed blouse with pearl buttons. Prissy had even taken care to include jewelry and make-up.

Chloe, by comparison, was living up to her own nickname of "Comfy Chloe." She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans which were loose enough to be comfortable without the risk of them falling off. Her top was covered by a shirt a size too large, sporting the cover art of some foreign band's album. She had barely taken brush to her hair since it was the weekend.

"Are you ok?" Chloe asked, deciding to forgo the usual formalities and get straight to the point. Her friend's behavior disturbed her enough to be direct.

"Uh...not really," Priscilla said, reaching for the glass of wine but then thinking better of it.

"What's wrong?"

"Ok, so you know how I was dating Evan, right?"

Chloe nodded, vaguely recalling something in the last "update-from-wherever-the-Hell-I-happen-to-be" e-mail about a guy, a bull, named Evan. Still, now was not the time to admit to Prissy that she had only glossed over her sometimes lengthy correspondence.

"Well, last night, we decided to...you know..." Priscilla trailed off, this time grabbing for the wine and taking a sip. Chloe noticed that her lipstick didn't stick to the glass, and something in the back of her mind smirked triumphantly in guessing that Prissy would have non-stick cosmetics.

"You two decided to...and then...what...did he..." Chloe said, trying to let Priscilla jump in to fill in the blanks.

"No, no, he was...nice about it. When he pulled it out, though, I..." Prissy swallowed the lump in her throat. "I couldn't go through with it. I looked at it, and it was," the mouse just waved her hands by her head, as if she saw something on the table she didn't want to touch.

Chloe was still pretty much in the dark, but she thought she saw one possible route this conversation was going to take. "So...Evan wasn't all you thought he was going to be down there?"

"No," Priscilla snapped, then immediately pulled her shoulders forward in an apologetic posture. "No," she said quieter. "I mean...it was gross. I couldn't bring myself to let him touch me with that thing. Then I got to thinking..."

"Yes?" Chloe asked. She had to keep Priscilla talking (something that had never really been a problem in the past). This silence was so unlike her.

"I couldn't imagine any male touching me with that thing." Priscilla's voice was barely a whisper. She rubbed her thighs through her skirt. "I think...I might be a lesbian."

Chloe sat back in her chair, her eyes wide. "You...think?" she asked. "I mean, perhaps you're just overreacting to a bad night?"

Priscilla shook her head. "No. I've been guessing at it for awhile. I mean, you remember my social life in college?"

"What social life?" Chloe countered, and it was true. At first, Chloe just thought that Priscilla's parents kept the suitors at bay. Her father was pretty intimidating the first time they met, and they had just met as friends. Chloe felt sorry for the poor sap who thought himself good enough to date that male's daughter. Now, it seemed that her lack of male relationships was the first indication of a potential lesbian.

"Well...Evan was my test. I didn't really have feelings for him, but I thought that...well, I could at least -try-."

"And the test came back: 'lesbian'?"

Priscilla nodded. "Yeah," she said quietly. She almost looked like she was going to collapse into herself. The act of coming out seemed to take all the energy out of the small mouse, and she looked like a bag of skin and bones. Chloe lost sight of her eyes, so she couldn't really tell her mood. Priscilla always wore her heart on her sleeve, and wasn't the joking type.

"Ok, so...you're a lesbian." Chloe started. She had never had anyone come out to her before. "There's no shame in it."

"You're not...weirded out?" Priscilla asked, chancing a look up at Chloe's face. The feline shook her head, and the mouse sighed. "I knew it."

Chloe blinked. "Knew what?"

"I knew coming out to you was the right choice. I mean, you'd understand, being a lesbian, too."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Chloe said, standing up. "You think I'm a lesbian?"

Priscilla's already small frame seemed to shrink more. "I...you mean...you're not?"

Chloe sighed and sat down. "Is it that obvious?"

Priscilla blinked. Unlike herself, Chloe could be pulling her leg without her knowing it. The look on the pantheress' face told her everything. Chloe had never thought of herself as a 'butch' type of lesbian. A bit tomboy-ish perhaps, but she tried not to give any indication that she was interested in other females. It had been her mother's membership in the sorority as well as a substantial monetary donation which had allowed Chloe in, and she didn't want to disappoint her mother by getting kicked out.

"Well....not obvious," Priscilla started. "But...well, if any of the sisters would understand, I thought it would be you. When you didn't seem to care...I figured..."

Chloe nodded. "Well, coming out isn't easy."

Priscilla nodded, grabbing up the wine glass and taking a deep drink. "No shit," she replied with a soft smile. "I mean, I thought you were a lesbian, and coming out to you took all the courage I had."

"Well, are you sure? I mean, it could just be that you weren't attracted to Evan. It could be your just not sexually attracted to anyone. Just because males are out of the picture doesn't mean it's females-only from here on out."

Prissy blinked, not having seemed to take that into account. "Uh...well, I mean, there's always been 'something' with females. I just assumed that if there was 'something' with females and nothing with males, that made me a lesbian."

"How about another test?" Chloe asked, keeping her face serious.

"A lesbian test?" Priscilla asked, setting down the glass of wine.

"Yeah. I mean, no sense in coming out to everyone if you are, in fact, not a lesbian."

"I...I guess that's true," said the mouse, looking down at her hands.

"We don't have to if you're uncomfortable."

"I just came out to you, we're way past 'uncomfortable'. I guess it would be nice to be sure. And...I've kinda always liked you best, Chloe."

The pantheress gave her a skeptical look. "The best?"

"Of the sorority. I mean, you weren't like the others. You were always yourself. It was...nice."

"So you wouldn't mind if I was your test."

Priscilla smiled, a relaxed, relieved smile of one who finally got a huge weight of her chest. "I wouldn't mind at all."

The pantheress stood up, and the mouse led her to the back of house, down a corridor that was lined with fine art and small statues. While Chloe had been in her house a few times, this was the first time being led back to her bedroom. If her room in college was any indication, then Chloe expected Prissy's boudoir to be neat to the brink of compulsion, with silk sheets and the finest imported linen. A part of Chloe had always been jealous of Prissy's seemingly endless supply of money. For other females who had that much money, college seemed like a giant dating site, or a diversion. Priscilla took it seriously, though, and that's probably why Chloe never truly resented her.

The room was almost as Chloe imagined it, though there was less color than she expected. Everything was brown, scarlet, or black. It gave the room a dark, yet intimate feel. Chloe could almost imagine Evan, splayed out on the bed awaiting Priscilla. Chloe pictured many dirty things going on in this room.

"Well," Priscilla said. "Um...make yourself comfortable?" It was more a question than an invitation.

"Hey, look, I know you're nervous, but if you don't want to-"

"No!" Priscilla cut her off sharply, then retreated. "No. I mean, I want this. It's just...I've never done it before....with a female...or anyone."

Chloe nodded. "All right. How about we start by undressing each other. It works better if we're naked anyway."

Priscilla giggled, then nodded. "Be careful, though, this is an expensive blouse."

Chloe rolled her eyes. Of course it was. She would be gentle, though, especially because this was Prissy's first time. Her fingers worked to undo the buttons, restraining herself from hurrying. This was a project, a work of art that needed to be carefully sculpted. Each move had be planned and executed carefully, or the star of the show might get stage fright.

The mouse's soft-furred, milky white breasts came into view after the second button. Priscilla took in a deep breath, making her chest rise a little bit, as if to greet Chloe. Chloe just smiled softly at the breasts and continued her work. The gentle curves of soon sloped off to a flattened stomach, not the kind of flat that came with exercise, but the kind that came with merely eating right and being active. Chloe couldn't help but tease Priscilla's navel a bit as her fingers finally undid the final button, pulling the fabric free.

The rodent, nude except for the lacy brassiere that kept her modest chest contained, took another deep, shuddering breath. "My turn," she said. Chloe would have argued that she still had a bra on, but didn't want to negate her partner.

Priscilla grabbed the hem of Chloe's T-shirt, pulling it off with none of the care that Chloe had given her blouse. Chloe lifted her arms over her head as her world went dark for a moment, her vision clouded by fabric. Soon, her T-shirt dropped to join Priscilla's blouse on the floor at the foot of the bed.

Chloe wrapped her arms around the mouse's waist, drawing her into a kiss. Her lips weren't refused as Priscilla parted them a bit, a muffled moan escaping into Chloe's mouth. The feline tilted her head a bit and deepened the intensity of the kiss as her hands undid the clasp of the skirt. Soon that fabric, too, fell away. Without pause for breath, Chloe grabbed the elastic at the top of the stockings, rolling them down. After so long, though, the back didn't match the front, and the feline had to reluctantly pull away in order to fully remove the leggings.

Priscilla sat down on the bed, lifting her feet so that the leggings could fully be removed. She covered her breasts with one arm, her other hand going to guard her sex. Even though she was far from naked, this was the most naked she had ever been in front of anyone else. Chloe stopped after tossing the fabric into the growing pile.

"Are you all right?"

Priscilla just nodded, but Chloe wouldn't accept that. She gently pushed the rodent's chin up with one finger, her expression soft and caring. "I need to hear you say it."

Priscilla gave a coy smile. "I'm fine, let's keep going." Her arms fell away from her body, and she reached forward to undo the button of Chloe's jeans. It was only fair, after all, that they both be left to their bra and panties together.

The jeans succumbed to gravity almost instantly, falling around the pantheress' ankles until she kicked them away. Chloe reached behind her own back, unhooking the bra and removing that too. While she was sure that Priscilla knew how to work a bra, she couldn't be sure that the mouse wouldn't be as nervous as a male the first time he got to undo a bra. Priscilla took the hint and undid hers as well. Both brassieres floated to the floor like parachutes.

Chloe was slightly more endowed than Priscilla, but it seemed only by virtue of the fact of being bigger. Each of the four breasts between them was probably only slightly more than a handful; perky orbs topped with pink nipples that all stood erect in excitement. Chloe's hands reached up, gently picking up the breasts of her smaller partner and giving them support. She softly massaged the sensitive spheres, her fingers occasionally flicking over the pert nipples. Priscilla gasped at the attention, and Chloe smiled. Where males would get grabby, getting rougher at the sound of Prissy's moaning, Chloe remained gentle in her caresses. These were prizes to be cared for, not melons to be groped at the supermarket to check for ripeness.

Laying the rodent back on the bed, Chloe put a knee on either side of Priscilla, straddling her body. She leaned down, letting her nose hovering for a few moments in front of one of the pink, stiff nipples. Chloe took in the scent of Priscilla's spicy perfume that contained a note of vanilla. She let her hot breath wash over the most sensitive of sensors on the mouse's upper body, eliciting yet another pleased gasping moan.

Chloe's tongue lanced out, the tip flicking the nipple. She knew that a feline's rough tongue might be too overwhelming for Priscilla's first experience. The mouse, however, arched her back in joy, nearly putting her nipple into the feline's muzzle. Chloe caught it with her lips, sucking on it lightly while her hand kept up the attention with the unoccupied breast. Her other hand crept lower and lower, teasing the mouse's stomach and navel before reaching the still-covered entrance. Her fingers encountered moisture seeping through the cloth of the panties, and Chloe smiled.

"I think you're ready," Chloe whispered, hooking her fingers into the band of the panties and pulling them to Prissy's knees. Prissy shuddered a bit at the cool air hitting her hot, wet vagina. Soon, though, another feeling took hold there. One of Chloe's warm fingers was gently prodding and circling the lips of her labia.

The mouse arched her back again as Chloe worked over some of the more sensitive areas of her sex, massaging one, then prodding the other, like she was trying to figure out a code. So far, she was on the right track, as Priscilla's cunny dripped more and more juices onto her fingers, getting them nice and slick. The tip of the wet finger soon was knocking at the entrance to Priscilla's tunnel, and the mouse nodded her admission.

Just the feeling of one finger in her tunnel made Priscilla's body feel like it was on fire with pleasure. Her cheeks flushed, her breasts heaved, her breaths became quicker and more shallow. Just that one finger was ecstasy as it moved deeper and deeper inside. Chloe was not shocked to find that the obstruction that might have been there was gone. Using tampons was enough to break a female's hymen, and she trusted Priscilla when she said she was a virgin.

The pink cavern made a lewd slurping noise as Chloe pulled her finger free. She brought it to her nose and sniffed in the most intimate of Priscilla's scents. She licked her finger clean of Priscilla's love juices. Then moved her hand back, this time putting a second fingertip at the ready.

"Let me know if you want this stop," Chloe said quietly, pushing both fingers inside. Priscilla cried out in pleasure as her sex was stretched around the two digits. When they were just halfway in, Chloe started making them dance, occasionally putting pressure on the same pleasure spot, sometimes scissoring gently to hit two at once.

"D...don't stop."

"I have to eventually. This is just the warm up act."

"Oh...oh God..." Priscilla muttered, grabbing bunches of fabric in her fists as wave after wave of pleasure erupted from her loins. She clamped her muscles around Chloe's fingers tightly, only to let them go back to work. This pattern repeated until Chloe withdrew her fingers, allowing a bit of time for Priscilla to catch her breath.

"Ready for the real thing?"

Priscilla could only nod, but it was so rapid and decisive that Chloe didn't make her say it. It was pretty clear she was enjoying this. The feline slid her body down Priscilla's, the combined heat making Priscilla moan in pleasure. Ultimately, Chloe found herself face-to-face with Priscilla's stretched, leaking sex. She gave a loving lick up the side, cleaning it of its juices. The rough feline tongue just created another wave, and Chloe was fighting a losing battle if she thought she was going to clean Priscilla up like this.

Chloe explored the cavern with her tongue, using the sides to prod the more sensitive areas, and occasionally tapping her clit with the flat underside. Priscilla's toes curled, her hips pushing forward in pleasure. Chloe set her tongue against the nub of pleasure and started to slowly pull it in and out of her mouth, rubbing it softly. This sent Priscilla over the edge. Silly virgins and their lack of stamina.

Chloe's nose and chin were awash in Priscilla's sexual fluids. She kept her tongue inside her vagina to catch more and more of the honey as it poured forth, drinking deep of Priscilla's bounty. Finally, she pulled her face away from Prissy's crotch. She wiped her face with her hands, then slowly cleaned them while Priscilla came down from her afterglow.

"I think you're a lesbian," Chloe said with a chuckle. Priscilla only smiled and nodded.

"You've got to teach me how to do that."

Chloe smiled and removed her own wet panties, showing off her still unpleasured tunnel. "Oh, I think you'll have plenty of practice."

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