The Curse Realized

Story by Declan Xavier on SoFurry

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#2 of The Curse

This is a continuation of Mir's adventures with Declan. Enjoy. Again, all comments are welcome and encouraged.

The Curse Realized

by Declan Xavier

Mir had just finished up putting the living room back into order when the telephone on the wall rang. The still-nude lion made his way over to it, his tail swishing in a kind of primal excitement as he picked up the white plastic receiver.

"Hey, Mir, it's Saul again. It looks like Toby and I are going to be heading your way soon, if that's still all right?"

Mir looked at the clock. "Yeah, that should be fine," he said.

"See you in about ten minutes?"

Mir's lips quickly turned into a smile. "Yep, I'll see you then." And with that, he hung up the phone. The lion, whose clothing had been discarded earlier in the evening, thought it wouldn't be appropriate to answer the door in such a state, even if he was just going to end up that way again anyway.

The feline went into his bedroom and looked for a pair of his exercise shorts and a muscle shirt. Since his earlier encounter, his balls felt a little heavier, and they were definitely bigger. That, and his sheath still felt extremely sensitive. He felt as though he would have no problem pulling a marathon session of yiffing with Saul and his friend. He slipped on the shorts, not bothering with the underwear. The blend of elastic and cotton felt wonderful against his groin, and he liked the bulge he had when he looked in the mirror.

Mir looked at the outline of his testicles in the mirror, wondering what had happened to Declan after he had been ingested. As soon as his mind returned to the demon, Mir had a horrifying thought. The whole apartment probably reeked of rotten eggs from the demon's entrance. Mir hadn't smelled it in a while, but he figured that he had just gotten used to it. That or other smells, like his own masculine musk, had masked the odor.

The lion made his way into the kitchen, walking a bit quicker than he had to on account of nerves. As he passed through the living room again, he sniffed the air and paused. No, the smell had definitely disappeared with the demon. Mir shrugged, figuring a blast of air freshener probably wouldn't hurt the place anyway.

After the ten minutes that it usually took Saul to get across town ticked by, Mir began to get impatient. There was always a chance that traffic was bad that night, but Mir couldn't help himself. His balls ached with such need to be released, and the wait was unbearable. He thought he would strip Saul to the waist the minute he walked through the door.

Just as Mir had resolved to try Saul's cell phone, the intercom to his apartment buzzed. Mir let out a sigh of relief and hit the button.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"It's Saul," came the crackly voice from the wall-mounted speaker.

"I'll buzz you up," Mir said, hitting the button next to the 'talk' button. His tail lashed back and forth, and he couldn't help the stupid grin that grew onto his face now that his friend was here. He rubbed the front of his shorts, but teasing it only seemed to make the need worse. Wouldn't Saul be surprised when he saw what was in store for him?

The knock on the door jostled Mir out of his pleasant fantasy, and he opened the door to find his lupine friend standing in the hallway, and behind him, a German Shepherd. The wolf stood about three inches taller than Mir, but was almost the same build. They had met at the gym, had worked out together, and shared casual encounters when neither of them was seeing anyone else. Saul was born in a rural community northeast of the city. Growing up on his parents' farm left him with a strong work ethic and a decent body. Unfortunately, they didn't take kindly to the fact that he was gay, and when he was old enough, he moved to the city proper. He still had some throwbacks from his farm living that Mir found quite charming, and the gym membership had only let him keep that fine musculature, which he showed off by frequently wearing T-shirts that were one size too small.

The Shepherd was about half a foot shorter than the other two. He was dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt and baggy jeans, and Mir couldn't tell how he looked. He had to have been thin, though, since the clothes were loose on him.

"Hi guys, c'mon in."

"Hey Mir," Saul said, giving him a small wave as he took one step inside the door. "This is Toby."

The Shepherd scooted around the bigger wolf and nodded. "Hi," he said, his voice surprisingly deep for someone so small.

"Nice to meet you, Toby." Mir said with a smile.

"Hey, look, I hate to do this, but I have to go find another space to park. The visitor's parking lot is a madhouse."

Mir slapped his forehead. "Is there a party going on somewhere else in the building?" That was the one complaint Mir had about his living arrangements, the visitor's parking lot never had enough room.

"Must be, because every spot's full. I'm double-parked right now, so I better move it before I get a ticket."

Mir nodded, then got an idea, darting into his bedroom for a second. "Here, take my keys so you can get back into the building. The law offices down at the end of the street are closed, so you can park there if you don't mind walking."

Mir tossed the keys across the room, and Saul caught them easily, offering the lion a smile. "Yeah, I'll walk. Meanwhile, you two can get better acquainted." He offered a wink to Toby before heading back down the hallway. Mir closed the door behind him, and turned to look at the friend of his friend.

To his surprise, pleasantly, of course, Toby had already taken off his hooded sweatshirt to reveal that he wore nothing underneath. His stomach didn't have the definition that Mir and Saul's had, but he did have toned muscle under his fur. His arms looked about the same, and Mir got the sense of someone who exercised when he thought of it, but probably had never seen the inside of gym after high school.

"Well, this is a fine how-do-you-do," Mir said with a crooked grin.

"Saul told me when you called us over," Toby said, returning the smile. "Unless he was lying to me."

Mir laughed, crossing the room towards the canine. "No, no, you're right. It's see that you're so eager."

Toby shrugged. "I aim to please," he said, starting to unbuckle the fly of his jeans.

"Wait," Mir said, grabbing his hands. "Not here." He gestured with his head towards the back bedroom, and the dog took the hint, following the lion.

"How long have you known Saul?" Mir asked as they walked down the short hallway.

"Aw, you didn't invite me over to talk," Toby said, tracing a line up Mir's back with his finger. "Did you?"

Mir shivered at the touch along his back. "Well, doesn't mean we can't make conversation. Saul said we should get acquainted."

Toby laughed softly, his deep voice rumbling. "I can think of a few better ways to get acquainted." His finger hooked onto the back of Mir's shorts and pulled them down a bit.

Mir opened the door to the bedroom, having to restrain himself from shoving the German Shepherd inside. That teasing, combined with his aching need, was making it hard for Mir not to throw him down and take him violently. He calmed himself, though, knowing that the pleasure would be sweeter if it lasted longer. Too much more teasing, though, and there were no guarantees.

The German Shepherd walked inside, and wasted no time at all in ridding himself of the rest of his clothing. Like his upper body, once he took off the first layer of clothing, he was naked. Mir chuckled at the naughty doggie for not wearing any underwear as his eyes traveled further south. Even from behind, the reason for Toby's deep voice was apparent, with two large orbs obvious underneath that neatly turned-up tail. They rivaled Mir's new size, and for a moment, Mir thought he had found another morph who shared his condition.

Toby turned around, holding his arms out to display his naked glory and giving Mir a full view of what he had to offer. His sheath was a little swollen, perhaps a side effect from the teasing that he had given Mir. It was nice to see that it was a double-edged sword.

"Well, should we get to know each other?" Toby asked, pressing his naked body against the lion and giving a low, lusty growl. That was about all the provocation Mir needed to throw off his own clothing. The shirt's tightness gave him a bit of a problem, but the shorts fell away easily. He could see the Shepherd's eyes widen as he took in the lion's proud form. Mir could tell when Toby's eyes traveled south of the equator, as upon sight of the feline's package, his tail wagged wildly.

"I'm so glad Saul brought me over," Toby whispered, his hands grabbing hold of the lion's hips. Mir pulled Toby into a passionate kiss, bending over to reach the shorter morph's muzzle. As they embraced, Mir spun himself around until his back was to the bed. He let his tongue snake between the eager lips of his new friend as he sat upon the bed, spreading his legs a little and letting his heavy balls hit the fabric beneath him.

Toby dropped his knees in between the lion's powerful thighs, putting his hands on the bedside. He leaned forward, a hot blast of air from his nostrils washing over Mir's exposed maleness. The dog took a tentative lick of the golden orbs in front of him, the moisture from his tongue darkening the fur and making it clump a little. The lion moaned in pleasure as his balls, which had been tingling for a long time, were finally getting attention.

"Been awhile, has it?" Toby asked, toying with the lion's sheath while he was using his tongue to talk.

"Too long," Mir moaned. The Shepherd went back to licking, and was soon rewarded by the emergence of the feline's member. It started pink, but gradually turned redder and redder as hot blood filled it, making it grow larger and larger outside the sheath. In just a couple of licks, Mir's cock stood out, bright red and demanding attention; attention which Toby was all too happy to provide. The thick, wet tongue of the dog gave the head a few generous licks before he accepted the tip into his mouth. He suckled on it for a few seconds before taking more into his mouth.

Mir quietly thanked whoever decided to give dogs long muzzles as more and more of his throbbing shaft went from the air conditioned apartment to the hot, moist environment of Toby's mouth. Already, his shaft was leaking precum onto the dog's waiting tongue. His entire body felt electric as the Shepherd continued the blowjob with experienced skill. With the residual pleasure of ingesting the demon, this felt like his very first blowjob all over again, and he felt like he would cum any moment. He would have blushed at the thought of having no stamina, if his blood wasn't required elsewhere.

Toby, encouraged by Mir's pleasurable mewlings from above, ran his tongue along the underside of the shaft, letting the barbs tickle the back of his throat. His hands went to work on those glorious balls, big enough that they required both his hands for proper attention. The taste of the precum was intoxicating, more so than anything he had ever experienced, and he had experienced quite a bit. As soon as that fluid slipped into his mouth, his head swam with thoughts of what he would do to please the big feline. As he snorted more and more of the musk that was coming off the lion's shaft, he became more and more enthralled with the cat.

Both yiffers soon lost track of time, but it wasn't all that long before Mir's burdened balls finally unleashed their load. Toby's cheeks quickly ballooned with the wave of semen that poured forth from Mir's cock, but he swallowed it as quickly as he could and continued to rub Mir's testicles, wanting more. He wasn't even aware of how long the orgasm was lasting, only that there was more delicious seed to devour.

Ultimately, though, Toby had to admit defeat, and fell back onto his tail, his mouth full of lion cum with still more firing out, hitting him in the face, the shoulders, the ears, the stomach. He felt like he was being coated in the stuff, but he didn't care. It felt so damn good, and all he wanted was more to follow. He swallowed what was in his mouth, and went to work cleaning off his arms, even as more sticky fluid was added to his already saturated coat. With one last jet hitting Toby right between the eyes, Mir's climax ended.

Mir was lolling on the bed in post-orgasmic ecstasy, so he didn't see Toby rise from the floor. He also didn't see the German Shepard examine his own, cum-covered body, or the look of restrained fear that was there for an instant but then gone just as quickly. The lion only opened his eyes to see the canine smirking at him and take two fingers, dragging them along his muzzle away from his eyes. Toby put the fingers into his mouth and sucked for a moment, eyes rolling back in his head from the deliciously salty taste.

"Not the body I would have chosen, but, given the circumstances, not altogether unpleasant." As Toby spoke, his voice shifted in pitch and tone. It went from the dog's somewhat gravelly bass to a lighter, softer baritone, one that talked with a dangerously seductive tone. One that Mir had heard for the first time earlier in the evening.

Mir's eyes widened, and he started white-knuckling the edge of the mattress with nothing that had to do with pleasure. His brain was screaming at him to run, but his limbs were not responding. Finally, he managed to get his mouth and tongue to obey his mental orders.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed.

"Half right," Toby said in his new voice. "Hello again, Mir."

"What are you doing in there, Declan?"

Toby/Declan sat casually on the edge of the bed, and Mir managed to pull himself to the furthest corner away from him. "Well, let's do the math. You put me into your testicles, you then shot me out of your testicles into the face of this canine. That's what I'm doing in here." Toby/Declan smiled at the lion. "Are we clear now?"

"You're not going to hurt me, are you?" Mir asked, but then something in the back of his brain, something that he pictured was hiding behind a counter or wall while it was shouting suggestions, answered his own question. "Wait, you can't hurt me, not until dawn."

The lion gained some courage, able to pull himself into a sitting position. Toby/Declan, meanwhile, made no effort on his part to rise. "You're -technically- right. Not that I would want to, anyway. I have much bigger plans for you."

"Yeah, well, forgive me for not wanting to play with you anymore," Mir said. "I summoned you, and now, I can banish you, too."

This made Declan-in-Toby's-skin rise quickly, but rather than fear or anger, there was an expression of humor on his face. Declan leaned Toby's head back and raised a bout of raucous laughter that Mir had quickly come to know and hate.

"I'm no longer just a summoning. I'm a metaphysical entity in a formerly free physical entity. That makes me a possession. It's going to take an exorcism to get me out, and since you put me in here, there's no way you can get me back out."

"I didn't put you in there!" Mir protested quickly.

"Oh, you didn't?" Declan/Toby reached behind the hinge of his jaw, taking another strand of semen onto his fingers. "I beg to differ. You summoned me up, then you turned me into your seed and shot me into the face and throat of this poor creature. What about that says you didn't get me into his body?"

Mir blinked, his eyes darting back and forth as he tried to process the information. He had ended up sticking Declan into Toby's body, even if he didn't mean to. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, his mind racing around in a panic. He grabbed onto the first thought and forced it into words before it could get away.

"I could just vore you again!" Mir shouted.

The German Shepard clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "You wouldn't get halfway through before Saul came back, and then he'd call the authorities, or try to kill you, or something stupid like that, and...well, let's just say that it wouldn't end well for you. Besides, even if you did succeed, it'd be just a temporary fix."

Mir sighed, defeated. "All do I get rid of you?" Mir would have liked to get the demon out of Toby's body, but would have settled for having them both removed from his apartment.

"Oh, I'll go my own way soon enough. First, though, I'm going to enjoy watching you ingest your friend out there."

Mir growled. "I'm not going to vore Saul for your pleasure!"

Declan's smile widened. "No, you're going to do it for your own." The possessed dog moved closer to Mir. "With your new...ability, you have two states of being: empty, and full." The Shepherd held up two fingers, in case the lion had trouble comprehending the number.

"No matter what state you're in, you're constantly going to try and be in the other. If you're empty, you're going to want to be filled. If you're full, you're going to want to empty yourself out. Unless you manage to vore something small." The dog held up his hands about two feet apart.

Mir snorted. "You think I'm going to become addicted?"

Declan forced Toby's lips into a smile. "I know it. You see, those born with this condition experience it gradually, starting at puberty, and they learn to deal with the urges. You got an adult-sized dose all at once. You're not going to be able to control it for awhile, and by the time you learn how to control it, it's just going to feel too good to stop."

Mir's retort was stalled by a sudden jangling of keys in the lock. Declan smiled. "And look, your next meal is here. I bet you can't wait to be full of seed again. Speaking of..." Declan/Toby closed his eyes, and his form seemed to ripple. The ropes of semen that had been sitting on his face, neck, and shoulders sunk through his fur and into his skin. The tan portions of the German Shepherd became darker, nearly brown. His muscles, which were already sort of toned, became more defined. His flat stomach turned into the beginning of a six pack, and his arms started to show some bicep. He was clean, and much more attractive.

Mir drew his eyes away from Toby's body long enough to think of a retort. "I'll just send you both home. I don't care if it's rude, he'll be safe." Already, he could feel a strange hunger well up inside him, one that didn't come from his stomach, but just slightly lower. It was a gnawing hunger, one that could be ignored...for now, anyway.

Declan/Toby shook his head. "Oh, no you won't," he said, pointing at Mir, his fingers in the gesture of a gun. Toby dropped his thumb, and Mir gasped for breath as a chill washed over him and nestled against his fur. The iciness hung over him, pressed into him. It invaded his nostrils, his mouth, his tailhole, his cock-slit, his pores. It seemed to take any advantage that it could to get inside Mir's body, and once inside, went straight to his core.

Mir coughed as he felt his lungs struggle, as if he was outside on a cold winter's night. Soon, the chill in the room faded, and Mir could feel his heartbeat again. The chill on the inside; however, remained strong, even when the exterior temperature returned to normal.

"What the Hell was that?" Mir asked, breathless, his voice flat.

"I gave you the power, you tested it, you enjoyed it. I just took my payment. Like any good soulless creature, you now exist only for physical pleasure. No music shall move you, no poem shall speak to you spiritually. All that you will care about now is your baser needs."

Mir knew he was right. That strange hunger that just a little while ago had been a small gnawing was a rampaging urge. It was almost as hard to suppress as the ache of fullness had been at its height. It was only going to get worse, he had to have something in his balls, and he needed it now!

"Guys?" Saul's tentative voice came from the hallway.

"In here!" Toby called cheerfully, his voice having returned to normal so quickly that Mir couldn't believe it.

The door to the bedroom swung open, and Saul started when he saw both of the naked morphs. He smiled, though, slipping and closing the door behind him. "Well, I see you both have become fast friends."

Toby turned and smiled at Mir, a genuine smile rather than that fake grin Declan had been giving him. Mir casually returned the smile, his mind focused on trying to shut up the voice in his mind that was demanding he devour both of the other males in the room.

"Have you been working out?" Saul asked Toby as he bent over to take his socks off. Toby just spun in a circle, giving his tail a little flick as he did so. Saul let out a low, pleased growl, working on taking off his tight T-shirt to join the fun.

Mir watched as the wolf stripped, exposing his finely sculpted upper body to the air. He had seen that body many times in the gym, and plenty times in the bedroom, but never before had he looked so literally delicious. Mir's hand wandered between his legs, rubbing his empty, aching scrotum. There was a lot of mass to the wolf, more than there was to the small, scrawnier Shepherd. He would turn into a wonderful load of cum.

Toby caught sight of Mir's staring and rubbing, his eyes narrowing a bit and his smile becoming a bit more wicked. He pressed his naked body against the wolf, making his attempts to undo his pants that much more difficult. "Why don't we put on a show for our host, as a way of thanking him?"

Saul wrapped his powerful arm around the Shepherd's shoulder, pulling him closer and getting a good whiff of the musk coming off him. The wolf's tail started fanning the air behind him, pausing only to allow the fabric to fall to the floor and leave its owner completely nude.

"What kind of show?" Saul asked, his hand wrapping around his still growing erection. Just the sight of the two sexy males had started the process along nicely, and the musk was only finishing the job.

Toby just laughed, walking over to the bed and throwing himself face-down onto the mattress. He raised his butt up into the air, flipping his tail up to give Saul an all-access pass to the pink pucker below. He crawled forward on his hands and knees, allowing enough room for Saul to kneel on the bed behind him. Mir watched the pair in profile, still idly rubbing his balls while seated against the headrest.

Saul wasted no time in joining his friend on the bed, looking at the lion. "Hey, Mir, you got any lube?"

Mir broke out of his trance long enough to reach into the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out a half-full bottle of personal lubricant and tossing it to the wolf. The wolf nodded his thanks, then popped the cap and gave the bottle a healthy squeeze. Clear gel fell onto the wolf's erect penis, causing him to shiver at the chill. He wrapped his left hand around his shaft and rubbed the lube up and down the length while his right hand was busy applying the slippery substance to the Toby's tailhole. Toby drew in a sharp breath as the cold gel hit his hot entrance, and he wagged his tail slowly.

The wolf guided the tip of his tapered shaft towards the lubed-up hole, pushing in slowly with wet, lewd squishes accompanying the effort. All three morphs in the room let out a moan of pleasure at the act, and Mir's cock decided to make its second appearance of the night. Toby and Saul's moans eclipsed Mir's as more and more of the lupine's dick was swallowed up by the warm, tight, slippery passage of the smaller canine. Finally hilted in his friend, Saul began to pull out and thrust in, each time more and more of his cock emerged only to get shoved back in. The wolf grabbed onto the black-furred hips to aid him as he picked up speed and power.

The smells of the two males yiffing on the other end of the bed, along with the scent of the lube, helped to beat back the chill from inside Mir. The lion's cock extended further and further out from his body as the wolf began to thrust furiously into his partner, shaking the bed and nearly sending the German Shepherd muzzle-first into the mattress. The knot at the end of Saul's cock began to flare, the puffy flesh no longer able to fit into Toby's passage without extra effort. Finally, the wolf pushed the knot against the ring of muscle, and then with a grunt pushed it in with a wet pop, tying the two together as he climaxed.

Mir stood up from the bed, knowing now was the best time to get Saul. He was still tied to Toby, unable to run until the swelling of his knot receded. The hunger from his balls was screaming now, and Mir obliged by putting the tip of his penis against one of Saul's toes. From there, his cock seemed to take over, engulfing one of the wolf's toes and slowly crawling further up the foot. Mir took Saul's other foot, crossing it over the one that was already halfway in his cock.

"Hey, cut that out Mir, that tickles."

"It's going to get worse," Mir said, a smile finally gracing his lips as pleasure shot through his penis. It was as pleasurable now as it had been the first time. He watched as the head of his shaft bulged around the wolf's feet, crawling up his ankles. Precum oozed out of the head, coating the gray fur and matting it down.

"What are you doing?" Saul asked, trying to turn his head to see what was going on.

"Just relax," Mir purred, letting out a small roar of pleasure as the wolf began to wiggle his toes, each wiggle sending a pulse of pleasure straight up the lion's spine. "Ooh, keep doing that."

Saul was almost pulled off his knees by a sharp and sudden tug from behind. Mir's cock was hungry, and despite its owner's wishes that the pleasure last forever, his balls wanted to be full, and they wanted to be full now. The cock-slit hit the back of his prey's knees, a wet slurping noise coming from the pocket of air between the red flesh of the lion's shaft and the gray fur of the wolf.

A third tug succeeded in dislodging the wolf's knot from the Shepherd's tailhole, and it came free with a loud pop and a pained scream of pleasure from the small canine. Saul made a grab for the other side of the mattress to prevent himself from being pulled off the bed, but his wrists were caught by Toby, who was grinning down at him with an evil glint in his eye.

The Shepherd's eyes rolled back into his head, and his grip seemed to get stronger as his pectorals started to gain some definition. Mir noticed this change, too, but was much more focused on the wolf that was nearly halfway in his cock, his toes already in the entrance to his balls. Toby's eyes returned to normal quickly, after all, there wasn't as much seed from Saul's orgasm as there had been from Mir's, but it would suffice.

Toby kept Saul's arms over his head and in a stream-lined position as Mir's cock's pulls became stronger and stronger, the wolf going waist deep into the engorged shaft in a single yank. Mir let out a loud roar of pleasure, rubbing his hands over the bulging flesh. He could feel Saul's thighs under the flesh, could trace the wolf's tail alongside the thick veins that ran down his length.

"What's going on?" Saul asked, looking up at Toby for help. Toby just shook his head, still grinning in that odd, evil way that Saul had never seen before. Suddenly, Toby began pushing in, helping Mir's cock consume the trapped wolf. He leaned down and, almost tenderly, kissed the wolf on the lips before the cock-slit reached the back of his head. Not wanting to risk a second trip down the hot, wet tunnel, Toby broke the kiss, winking at Saul as the urethra closed, blocking out the last of the light.

Declan, in Toby's body, walked around to stand by Mir's side, stroking the python-like shaft as it swallowed its prey whole. Mir was beside himself, roaring in pleasure, the chill inside almost completely gone, the emptiness filled in a way that he could never imagine. Not since before Declan 'shot' him had he ever been happier.

Mir's balls began to inflate like balloons as the wolf's legs, then torso entered into his sac. The wolf's head finally disappeared, leaving the lion with a normal-looking, although slightly larger and much more sensitive, prick. Mir's scrotum hit the floor beneath him, and the loud gurgling noises told the pair that Mir's balls were already going to work digesting the wolf.

Hand prints appeared in the lion's fur as the wolf shoved against the walls that were binding him. This only served to heighten the pleasure of the experience, and Mir would have cum if he had anything to fire. Instead, a wad of pre shot out and coated most of the bed. The wolf's struggles became lesser and lesser as the narcotic effect, combined with the lack of air, lulled him to sleep.

Declan reached up and scratched under Mir's chin, causing the cat to close his eyes and point his nose towards the ceiling.

"Good kitty," Declan whispered. He looked down at his new body, thinking how much better he would leave it than when he got it. "Are you enjoying your gift?"

Mir nodded, and Declan rubbed his chest.

"Good. You're going to do this again, aren't you?"

Mir nodded again, and Declan just smiled. The lion would do it again, and again. Eventually, someone would notice those who were going missing. Someone would call for an investigation, and Mir didn't seem too concerned about covering his tracks. Phone records would reveal that he had been the last person to speak to Saul before the wolf went missing. Eventually, the lion would get caught, and then go to jail, where he would be starved for victims. He might be dissected for science, or just outright executed, or locked up forever. Either way, it was only a matter of time before he began to suffer for the crimes he was about to commit.

It was a long time before the gurgling stopped. There was a lot more mass to Saul's body than there had been to the form Declan had appeared in, and it showed. The lion's balls hung bigger and fuller than they ever had, and Mir wondered if anything other than his exercise shorts would hide them. Still, they would leave little to the imagination. Mir smiled as he thought about the next person to approach him at the bar, more interested in his groin than they were in him. Wouldn't they be in for a surprise.

The hunger finally silenced, Declan ran his over Mir's face. The lion fell unconscious, his head and arms on the mattress and everything else on the floor. It wasn't a comfortable position, but it would serve long enough for Declan to make his escaped. Collecting the clothing that Toby discarded, Declan dressed quickly and quietly. Putting his hands in the pocket of the hooded sweatshirt, Declan left the apartment, whistling softly to himself.

The Gift and the Curse

This is a cock vore story told in reverse. I hope you all enjoy. My first furry story, so comments of all types welcome. The Gift and the Curse by: Declan Xavier I can't see what's going on, but I know my body is being dissolved. It's...

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