Dalliance with a Demon

Story by Declan Xavier on SoFurry

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A wolf picks the wrong prey, and pays the ultimate price.

Dalliance with a Demon

by Declan Xavier

A wolf picks the wrong prey, and pays the ultimate price.

The black-furred rabbit made his way down the street, searching the pockets of his jackets. He was sure that he had put his keys in there, but he couldn't find them. He was considering heading back to the club to check there, but the thumping music had already faded from his ears. The lapine stopped, pulling his pockets inside-out and coming up empty. With a heavy sigh, he turned tail and started back for the nightclub. He didn't make it more than a step before someone grabbed him roughly from behind, clamping a paw around his mouth, and dragged him back towards the service entrance of one of the buildings.

Kicking and struggling the whole way, the bunny was taken down the alley and into one of the office buildings through the back door. He was thrown roughly to the ground, letting out a little squeak of pain. He spun around just in time for the fluorescent lights overhead to flicker on, revealing his captor. The wolf that he laid eyes on could easily have been a professional line-backer, and he apparently liked showing that off. He was wearing a leather jacket that lacked sleeves, but had too much material to be called a vest, and a pair of blue jeans that looked so tight that, for a moment, the lapine thought it was latex body paint.

The wolf finagled with the lock for a moment, and when he turned around, the rabbit saw a new combination lock hanging on an old, rusty chain. Something deep down inside told the bunny that the lock, and the combo to undo it, belonged to the wolf. His attention was distracted shortly thereafter by the wolf clearing his throat.

The black-furred morph's eyes traveled up his captor's legs, pausing for a second at the bulge in his crotch. By the stars, those pants were tight! The rabbit was pretty sure he could see the individual strands of fur on the wolf's balls. He continued to look up into the wolf's face, and swallowed the lump in his throat at the smirk he saw there.

"Well, well, well," said the wolf, his deep tenor rolling over the bunny like a wave. "Lookee what I caught. A bunny, in this neighborhood, leaving that club, dressed like that."

The rabbit looked down at his outfit. He was wearing a tight-fit mesh t-shirt and a pair of jeans that had seen better days. There was a bracelet on his wrist, the mark of someone who had entered one of the most notorious dance clubs in town. It was probably what made him stand out to the wolf.

"And you're leaving alone," the wolf said, approaching the rabbit who hadn't found the mental wherewithal to stand. "What's the matter, bunny? Didn't find anyone interested in what you had to offer? Hmm?"

The rabbit started to answer, but caught a strong back-paw to the face. "Did I say you could speak?!" the wolf practically screamed, showering spittle in the lapine's face. The rabbit reached up to wipe his face off, only to find his wrist grabbed by the wolf.

"Here's the rules," the wolf sneered. "You don't speak...ever. The others in the club might not have been interested in you, but I am. I ain't interested in your words...oh no, I'm only interested in your ass."

The rabbit's ears drooped, and he found he couldn't look in the wolf's face any longer. His mind had already come to the end of the logic. He was caught by one pissed off wolf looking for a good time and not caring who he got it from, or if the guy consented. He thought back about the real crime drama he had seen one late night. He tossed out anything like fighting or trying to get away from the bigger wolf. Even if there were three of him, the muscular predator would have no problem taking him down. The last resort was to just go along with whatever the captor said. 'If you're cooperative,' he remembered the narrator's words, trying to impart a bit of wisdom into the audience. 'Your chances of survival go up.'

The wolf let go of the rabbit's wrists and stood up. Both of his paws crept to his pants; his right paw toyed with his zipper, his left went behind his back. From behind, he produced a knife. It wasn't one of those weak little switchblades, but rather it looked like a hunting knife. The tip curved into a wicked point and the back of the blade was serrated near the hilt. It was the kind of knife that required a special sheath. The wolf, however, was unleashing another weapon from its special sheath. His erection poked through the gap in the fabric, the bulge diminishing somewhat as more flesh escaped. The tip was already dripping pre, not giving the rabbit much hope for a less-than-violent yiffing.

Holding one pointed object in each paw, the wolf looked down at the rabbit. "Your choice. I'm gonna stick you with one of these."

The rabbit didn't even try to respond, his face still burning from the blow earlier. He just started to undo the fly to his pants. The wolf made an appreciative noise as the fabric slid down the ebony thighs, causing the rabbit to shiver a bit in the chill of the air-conditioned storeroom. The rabbit then went to work removing his underwear, moving quickly to avoid upsetting the wolf. That knife looked pretty deadly.

As he grabbed the hem of his shirt, the wolf suddenly spoke up. "Hold up." The rabbit saw the wolf approaching, shrinking back from fear. His eyes were immediately draw the knife, which slowly neared his stomach. He let out a whimpering squeak as the metal slid into the thin gap between his body and the fabric. The razor sharp edge of the knife separated the strands of mesh without difficulty, soon leaving the smaller morph completely naked.

"Now, you know what to do," the wolf hissed, standing up to give the rabbit room. For a second, the rabbit contemplated delivering a quick kick to the wolf's groin. It would buy him some time to hopefully find an exit, though that seemed like a long shot. That course of action would probably just earn him an evisceration.

The rabbit opened his mouth, and the wolf chuckled. It was a dark, humorless laugh that made the lapine's skin crawl. A meaty paw clamped his muzzle shut, and the wolf's yellow eyes filled his vision.

"I'm not going to trust my prize to those buckteeth. While I applaud the effort, I said I was interested in your ass. C'mon. Up against the wall."

The wolf lifted the bunny by the muzzle and threw him roughly against the closest available wall. The rabbit's pants being around his ankles, he stumbled halfway there and had to throw his paws out to keep from going face-first into the plaster. Of course, this put him in the prime position for what the wolf was intending. A tap with the flat of the cold steel blade to the rabbit's inner thighs made him spread them a little farther, and the stage was set.

The rabbit bit his lower lip as he felt the wolf's pre-slickened tip rubbing up and down the cleft in his buttocks, only sort of preparing his entrance for what was about to come. Chancing a glance back, the bunny got a clue as to the wolf's anger issues. He was undersized for a creature of his size, not freakishly show, but definitely a bit lacking than the usual six to seven inches. The wolf measured, perhaps, five inches, and didn't make up for it in girth.

"Ready?" the wolf asked, and the bunny nodded, turning to face the wall again. He couldn't stand to watch as the wolf raped him.

There was a slight pressure on his pucker as the wolf's tip begged entrance. The pressure only increased, going deeper into the rabbit's body as the wolf pushed more and more of his length into the soft, muscular tunnel. The rabbit had certainly taken bigger, but the feeling of that hot shaft inside his ass was good on a completely lower-brained level. His teeth buried in his lip prevented him from moaning out, worried that any noise, even pleasure, would cause the wolf to go off in a rage.

Shortly after the feeling began, the pushing ceased. He could feel the wolf's breath on the back of his neck, his fur standing up on end. He was embarrassed to admit a pleasure coming from being raped, but the wolf had guessed correctly that the reason he was out that night was to get yiffed. Same destination, different route.

The wolf pulled his entire length out of the rabbit, and then, with a growl of lust, shoved it right back into the abused, stretched hole. The rabbit bit down harder on his lip, a thin stream of blood issuing forth. The wolf didn't seem to know, or care. His sensitive nose was picking up the smell of his own arousal and the scent of the delicious bunny prey he had caught.

The rough slamming continued, forcing the rabbit to push back in order to prevent a broken nose. The wolf either took this as a challenge or submission, because he only seemed to redouble his efforts. The rabbit's tight tailhole clamped down on the slightly smaller than average member, causing pre to leak out and coat his passage. The sound of thrusting got wetter and wetter, and the rabbit's erection grew out of his sheath as his prostate was stimulated. There were a few thrusts that nearly drove the tip of his cock into the plaster.

The bunny's body rocked with the abuse that the wolf was dishing out until he felt the thrusts get shallower and faster. The wolf was close to climaxing, and then he would let the bunny go, with any luck. The rabbit closed his eyes as he thought of a different kind of release than the wolf. His eyes weren't closed for long, however, as they popped open when he felt the wolf's not-so-tiny knot trying to gain entrance.

"Are you ready? Because here. we. go." the wolf grunted, punctuating each word with a rougher and rougher attempt at shoving his knot into the bunny boi's poor tailhole. This time, the rabbit couldn't help but let out a cry of pained pleasure as he felt himself be stretched to his limits around the puffy flesh of the knot.

The rabbit nearly collapsed against the wall, panting for air as the pain from his ass radiated up his spine and directly into his brain stem. He could only feel the heat of the wolf's released seed as though someone had numbed his lower intestine. He was right in his assumption that the wolf wasn't going to be nice about the act.

The wolf's tongue lolled out as he panted for air, the rabbit's hole leaking a little bit of blood at the sudden stretching the knot gave him. He saw the rabbit in front of him trembling, and thought he heard sobbing.

"Aw, don't worry bunny," the wolf whispered. "You were a great lay. The best of my life."

"That's good," the rabbit whispered, still trembling. The sound became louder, and the wolf realized that the rabbit was laughing. He growled with rage, grip tightening on the knife.

"What's so funny?! Who said you could talk!"

The rabbit moved quicker than he thought possible, lifting his left leg and at impossible angle and twisting his body around the predator's pecker. The intense pleasure of the rabbit's muscles torquing his knot caused the wolf to cum a second time, the fluids pent up by virtue of the flesh plug buried inside him. The rabbit twisted himself around and stood again, facing the wolf.

"I'm glad you saved the best for last," the rabbit spoke with a voice like rolling boulders. The wolf's ears flattened against his skull at the noise, barely intelligence. The bunny put a paw against the wolf's chest, wrapping his other arm around the wolf's neck and shoulders. The bunny brought his face forward, locking the wolf into a passionate kiss. The predator tried to pull the rabbit's muzzle off his face, felt a tearing pain in his chest. He looked down, but didn't see any blood. His jacket wasn't even torn.

The rabbit tightened his paw into a fist. He started to pull, and the wolf felt something near his heart shift. His breath caught in his throat, and he started to wheeze and gasp. The rabbit continued to pull, a strange orange light coming out of the wolf's chest. He felt his heart start to flutter, and a coldness collected around his lungs. The more orange light that came out, the darker his vision got, until all he saw was a brilliant glow. There was a sudden tug, and then wolf fell into darkness.

The bunny pulled himself off the wolf's flagging erection, the flesh giving one more death spurt of semen that splattered back onto his groin. As soon as the flesh pole was out of his tailhole, the wolf's seed dripped down the back of his thighs and onto the cold cement floor and the rapidly cooling body. The corpse crashed to the ground with a heavy thud.

The rabbit meanwhile, placed the ball of orange light onto his bracelet. There was a flash, and the light was gone, trapped inside one of the opaque beads of the jewelry. It was the only piece of clothing that the wolf had not carelessly damaged. Even his semen now stained the inside of the rabbit's jeans, which were still pooled around his ankles.

"Wrath...lust...envy...you racked up quite the list in your short life." The bunny smiled, placing a kiss between the wolf's eyes, which were still wide with fear. "I'm going to enjoy our time together in Hell."

The rabbit looked down at his body and ran a paw over his form. New clothing manifested, seemingly out of his fur. The old clothing evaporated into black smoke, taking the stains with it. It wasn't quite the same, but it would do until he got home. He carefully repackaged the wolf's sheath back into his jeans and zipped them up. All evidence of the crime removed, save the body of the criminal, the rabbit walked to the door. He grabbed the lock, the metal heating and dripping between his fingers. With a final blown kiss to his rough lover, the bunny walked back into the cool night air.

The Curse Realized

This is a continuation of Mir's adventures with Declan. Enjoy. Again, all comments are welcome and encouraged. The Curse Realized by Declan Xavier Mir had just finished up putting the living room back into order when the telephone on the...

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The Gift and the Curse

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