Hot night

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#7 of A new chance

Knowing that Eryn will get married, her friends want to give her a early special gift. Eryn will have a very pleasant surprise.

Shortly after the evening

Otto drives the cart in the meantime behind him, the girls chat excited about the invitation of his friends to spend the night with them.

Eryn does a facial expression to Otto using the nose to point at at the girls, the dog smiles while he knows that girls will have a good night. But they would not be the only ones in having fun, he and the boys would have fun just like Eryn.

The cart moves by the town streets until they arrive the house where girls would stay.

"Ok kids, I do not want problems and behave very well." Otto says while girls come down from the cart.

"Don't worry uncle Otto." Lorene says while she looks at her uncle and smiles at him.

"Of course, you can trust us." Celestine says looking at his sister that nods just like Fleur.

Otto and Eryn smiles at the girls that say good-bye and they get close to the front door.

Celestine knocks at the door a couple of times, the door opens and his friends receive them. Otto sees that his nieces enter in the house and the door closes behind them while they laugh content.

Otto puts in motion the cart to drive it to the next destiny where Eryn would stay.

"Well now tell me what happens with Nolan." Eryn says looking at Otto. The bloodhound laughs smoothly.

"After our moment of fun in the morning, when I went to wake up Nolan, I opened the door and put my head into the bedroom." Otto says while he continues driving and Eryn listens attentively.

"Nolan was masturbating seated at the edge of the bed and in that moment he ejaculated and a couple of drops fell on my nose." Otto says doing a funny face.

Eryn begins to roar with laughter just like Otto. The she-wolf imagines the poor boy with his cock in his hand while he and Otto look each other completely surprised.

Laughter keeps on dying off until both manage to control themselves.

"You must talk with him." Eryn says while she cleans a tear of the eye and sees that they are near by the brothel. The cart stops in front of the door.

"Of course, I just need to find the right moment." Otto says while he looks at Eryn. She nods and prepares to come down from the cart.

"Have fun, but that it does not like you too much." Otto says jokingly while he sees Eryn.

She watches him with the frown some moments before smiling and kissing Otto in the mouth.

She and Otto break off the kiss. Eryn comes down from the cart before saying good-bye to Otto with a smile. The bloodhound nods and takes the reins, the cart begins to move to go away and to return to the house of the woman.

Eryn sees as Otto goes away, the she-wolf turns over and she sees light getting out of the windows of the big house illuminating some trees. She does not know what expects her tonight, but knows that she would enjoy it a lot.

Eryn go up by the stairs to knock at the door. Some minutes later this opens and a rabbit female receives her with a smile and she embraces her before enter in the place.

"Hi." Eryn says when she sees the girls seated in the reception chatting. They turn over greeting her with a group hug.

"It is good to see you again here." Dottiesays while she looks at Eryn and she fits the ears with the motion.

"We miss you." Antonette says while she smiles at her friend. Eryn nods because she loved the company of the girls. All of them were happy and good people.

The she-wolf sees that Ruby enters in the reception.

"Eryn, finally you are here." The tigress says while she enters in the reception and embraces Eryn for some moments. The she-wolf gets surprised when Ruby begins to unbutton her dress.

"Girls... help me with this." Ruby says looking at the girls, they surround Eryn that in a few minutes she is naked. Antonette takes Eryn's hand to pull her and to take to her bathrooms.

Eryn says absolutely nothing while the she-wolf gets carried away, when the two females enter there, she sees that an ample tub is filled with water hot and the vapor comes off from the surface of water.

"Let's take a bath." Antonette says while she looks at Eryn. She nods quietly calm enter in water, her fur keeps on getting wet slowly and the she-wolf relaxes when water covers her body.

Eryn sees that her friend gets undressed rapidly and enters in the water next to her.

The lioness relaxes a little and has her closed eyes before opening them and looking at Eryn. She sees that her friend laughs smoothly when she gets close to her and she kisses her.

The she-wolf closes her eyes and responds the kiss while she feels that her breasts are pressed by the breasts of Antonette. Both have their united mouths while their tongues fight for some moments.

Antonette breaks off the kiss and smiling she moves away a little to take a soap, Eryn comes out of the water and she sits at the edge of the tub leaning her back against the wall of the bathroom.

Antonette begins to soap her body slowly, the lioness covers the breasts of the she-wolf with foam. Eryn moans when her friend twists her nipples and stimulates her tits smoothly.

The lioness presses her tits smoothly and caresses them for some minutes, Antonette stops and takes down her hands to wash Eryn's stomach before the she-wolf opened her legs.

Antonette smiling introduces her head between her thighs, she sees the other female begins to lick her glistening vulva. Eryn moans and shakes with pleasure when she feels as the tongue divides her vaginal lips.

The tip moves up and down before concentrating on the clitoris, Eryn growls of pleasure when her friend's tongue hits that point in particular.

Antonette does not stop while she gives oral sex to her friend, the she-wolf shakes and gasps when the tongue penetrates in her pussy. Her inside is caressed by the tongue touching different points.

Eryn moans with the closed eyes, her juices drip from her slit and fall into water. The mouth of her friend closes around her vulva and sucks.

Antonette moves her tongue while she sees that her friend is enjoying the moment.

The lioness stops and takes out her tongue, Eryn watches her some moments. Antonette turns Eryn over to spread the buttocks of the she-wolf. With a hand she picks up foam and applies it in her friend's crack.

Eryn feels as the hand of her friend moves between her buttocks, the she-wolf moves her tail sprinkling water to the floor.

"Let's see, if you are clean here." Antonette says when she pushes her right forefinger in the anus of her friend. Eryn shakes when the finger sinks in her rectum until the last one knuckle.

Antonette moves her finger in circles in addition to push it and to take it out while her friend moans of pleasure, she feels as her posterior passage is stimulated with each motion.

After some moments Antonette takes out her finger and smiles while Eryn pants rapidly.

She turns over seeing that Antonette leans over the border of the tub and takes out something that is under it.

The she-wolf gets surprised when her friend takes out a strapon made of iron. Antonette smiles at her while she places the toy on place and ties the straps around her waist.

Eryn reclines her hands on the wall while Antonette takes soap and scatters it on the false metal penis, she positions herself behind her friend. Eryn feels that the tip touches her anus.

Antonette pushes and with certain facility the toy slips in ass of Eryn, she moans with some pain, but the penis enters without problems. The lioness takes Eryn's hips and she begins to pump the toy.

Eryn closes her eyes and begins to enjoy the anal sex, her anal walls are caressed by the warm metal that enters and gets out of her anus. Her sphincter moves back and forward on the iron shaft.

Antonette moves with velocity and her hips hit Eryn's buttocks, she moans and pants.

The she-wolf feels that her friend's hands take her breasts and her are nipples twisted and pulled increasing her pleasure.

Eryn moans until the door opens and Antonette stops.

"I am sorry to interrupt, but it already is time." Dottie says while she laughs impishly seeing the two women in such position. Antonette nods and takes out the toy from the anus of Eryn slowly.

"Let's move, you are enough clean here." Antonette says spanking her friend before she gets out of the tub.

"What about you?" Eryn asks in the meantime she also gets out of the tub and proceed to dry her body.

"Ohhh I am not important tonight." Antonette says while she does a face that confuses her friend.

Eryn says absolutely nothing while she thinks that her friend knows something that she is ignorant of. Both go out of the bathrooms to get in a room with a turned-on chimney, the heat rapidly dries their furs.

After around thirty minutes, Eryn and Antonette return to the reception where girls expect them. Eryn gets surprised when Ruby blindfolds her.

"W...what does happen?" Eryn asks with surprise. She listens some laughs at her around.

"Well... the girls wanted to prepare a special gift for you... I mean a hen party just for you, we wanted to make it today not to cause problems later." Ruby says while Eryn is in complete darkness.

She feels that two of the girls take her by the arms and they begin to lead her by the big house, Eryn walks with calm without being able to see where she goes, she follows the instructions of the girls.

Eryn can realize that they take her to one of the bedrooms, after some minutes she and girls stop.

"Have fun." Ruby says laughing. Eryn hears that the room door closes. The she-wolf remains stationary there without moving and without knowing what happens.

Eryn gets surprised and trembles a little when she feels two mouths around her nipples and a tongue touches her vulva. The two mouths suck her tits with pleasure while a big tongue moves on her vulva.

Two big hands separate her thighs and the tongue has a better access. The tip moves between her vaginal lips slowly, Eryn moans with pleasure when another tongue gets inside between her buttocks and begins to pass over her crack.

She shakes lightly, the viscous saliva covers her tail hole. The tip moves on her anus circularly in the meantime a mouth continues closed to her nipple sucking it with pleasure.

Eryn's eyes open when she feels that something begins something to press the entrance of her vagina. Darkness even involves her in the meantime she has still does not have clue of what happens.

Eryn takes a breath and moans when her vagina is invaded, she feels like something flexible and large stretches her vaginal walls. It zigzags and moves without stopping, the she-wolf shakes and she stands on tiptoe when the tongue penetrates in her ass.

It is long and slowly he pushes through in her rectum, it is an incredible feeling to have two tongues in her body. Besides her tits are stimulated, Eryn feels like the object in her vagina continuous moving up touching the entrance of her cervix.

"Nooo... stop!!" Eryn says panting when the object begins to press her entrance. She is hold by two big hands for some moments until the blindfold is taken off her eyes, she blinks repeatedly to get used to the light.

As she had thought previously she is in one of the bedrooms of the brothel, the she-wolf decreases her look and she gets surprised when she sees that Bill Dwight is kneel down in front of her.

She clearly remembers like the elephant stretched her as never before of her life.

The female gets surprised more seeing that the trunk of the elephant is what is in her vagina. Behind the man is Elwin, another one of men of Little John.

Eryn moans when the motion of the tongue in her anus begins to move again, the tip gets inside between her cracks. Moans increase when the tip of trunk resumes the pressure in her canal.

She opens her eyes with surprise when she feels that her cervix is invaded and the trunk advances without stopping. Eryn gets surprised when the trunk of the man enters in her uterus.

The feeling is unique, it is the first time that she feels as her internal walls in that sector are caressed, nothing before got so deep in her body. Bill for his part has fun while he explores the inside of that almost inaccessible place.

His trunk moves caressing the uterus without problems, Eryn pants when Elwin again takes care of his tits, thick lips close around her right nipple while a hand kneads the left tit.

Eryn moans and thinks about who is the man that eats her anus, the tongue is long and the snout between her buttocks is thick and that makes her think that he is a big guy.

The pleasure that the three men give her is incredible and she growls when she loses the control of her body. Elwin holds her in order that she does not fall down while Bill uses his trunk to absorb the female's juices.

Eryn moans and shakes lightly when he feels like the trunk and the tongue begins to leave her body. She feels like the long tube of flesh slowly moves back leaving her canal and it slides out of her vagina.

The tongue in her anus retires from her, her posterior passage is soaked in saliva, the tongue moves back without difficulty. She feels as the tip leaves her rectum.

The female feels as the saliva drips from her dilated hole. She turns over and with a surprise she sees a Rhinoceros that stands up while he cleans his mouth.

"I hope that you enjoyed it, my name is Deryck Crawford." The rhinoceros says introducing himself to Eryn.

"I will remember it. Little John has very good men and very endowed down there." Eryn says while he looks at the Rhinoceros and next to the other two men.

"Where is Irwin?" Eryn asks looking at the zebra.

"Regrettably he is on duty now." Elwin says while he begins to make some funny faces for misfortune of his brother that is on call at that moment.

"Don't remember that it will be fun in the dungeons?" Bill asks looking at the two other men.

"Well guys now... I hope that we have a great time." Eryn says while she kneels in front of Bill and takes the balls of the elephant. The she-wolf feels the weight of both orbs and the thick skin that covers them.

She takes out her tongue and begins to lick the member's head slowly, her tongue gets covered with a drop of precum. Bill moans smoothly enjoying the wrinkled tongue on the head of his penis.

His balls are massaged by the hands of Eryn with calm, she manages to raise his two heavy testicles. Eryn moves her tongue circularly, she sees that the other men surround her.

The she-wolf releases the balls of the elephant and closes her hands around the two free shafts. The she-wolf moves her hands on the members, Deryck's member is thick, but it does not compare in thickness with Bill's member.

Her hand moves for the hard cock in the meantime she can almost close her hand around it. Her mouth sucks the head of the penis of Bill with care while a drop of precum falls on her tongue.

At her left side Elwin's penis releases thick drops of precum that hangs some centimeters on the air before falling on the bedroom's floor. Eryn opens her mouth to release the thick cock.

She begins to lick Elwin's long member, he likes very much the taste of the meat of the zebra. Her tongue moves on the erection and Eryn closes her mouth around rounded tip and she begins to suck it slowly.

Her tongue moves pass on the opening picking up the precum, Elwin moans and pants with pleasure feeling the suction in the tip of his cock. Eryn moves her head trying to take the most that she can of the hard meat.

Her hand moves back and forth, her saliva drips from her chin to her tits. The suction lasts for a couple of minutes before letting that the penis slips from her lips.

She licks the mouth before beginning to pleasure Deryck, her tongue moves for the head of the penis slowly, the rhinoceros shakes and growls while the tongue caresses that part slowly.

The taste of the precum is different to the one of the other two men that even are around her. Eryn opens her mouth and closes it around the penis to suck it, she enjoys it while the precum covers her tongue and teeth.

The erection enters gets out of her mouth, after some minutes she stops and takes Bill's penis again in her mouth. The three men enjoy oral sex and the stimulation of the female for several minutes, she takes turns to suck the hard cocks.

Eryn takes her time to have a good time and to please the males. Around ten minutes after Eryn is sucking Bill's penis again, the elephant enjoys it, but he wants to continue with the next part.

The she-wolf gets surprised when the elephant picks her up from the floor without difficulty and he charges her to bed to lean her backwards there. Eryn sees like the three men climb on the bed.

Eryn opens her legs the amplest that she can while the big man gets comfortable between her legs with her erection in her hand. The female's eyes are focused in the great penis.

She knows that it would be difficult to take it,

"Thanks." Bill says when Deryck passes him a vessel with lubricant, the elephant collects some of the slippery material and applies it to all his penis while Eryn observes him.

Eryn feels that the head of the penis of Deryck touches her cheek, the she-wolf understands and opens her mouth to take the erection of the rhinoceros and begin to suck it slowly.

Deryck moans and pants with pleasure, just a part of his shaft is in the snout of the female that sucks. She uses her right hand to massage the balls of the zebra.

Eryn's hand pulls the balls with calm and next begin to masturbate Elwin with calm, her hand moves from the base to rounded tip.

Eryn sucks while she sees attentively as Bill places himself in position, the head of the penis of the elephant touches her vulva. Bill rubs the tip on the pink slit of the woman before beginning to push.

Eryn's eyes close feeling the pressure on her slit, the member is big, the shaft's head divides the vaginal lips while it tries to enter in Eryn's special place.

The elephant gets upset a little and pushes with more force using his weight to get his objective. The intense pressure finally makes that the slit opens.

Eryn opens her eyes and moans with pain when the thick tip enters in her vagina, the female lets off erections while she clenches her teeth. Bill moans with pleasure when heat finally wraps his member, he pushes his cock and Eryn's wet passage begins to stretch itself.

She takes a breath feeling as each part of her vagina begins to be invaded by the hard shaft. Bill moans with pleasure, the she-wolf is a lot tighter than a female of his own species.

Eryn closes her mouth around member of Elwin and she begins to give oral pleasure to the zebra that moans of pleasure. Eryn uses her free hand to masturbate to Deryck.

The tip of the penis of Bill gets to the bottom of the vagina of Eryn touching the entrance of her cervix. Eryn feels completely full in her tunnel of love, Bill begins to pump his penis in the incredible slit.

The vaginal soft walls caress his penis, a part of his cock is out of the woman. Bill's trunk moves and begins to stimulate the breasts of the she-wolf.

She pants and moans softly while she has a penis in her mouth, the saliva drips from her lips. The trunk moves on her tits, Bill squeezes them with force before beginning to suck a nipple.

Eryn moans while her hands take care of the other two men, she feels the weight of the big sacks that hang from the groin of both males. Elwin's testicles hang much lower than those of his friend and it seems that they are heavier.

The bed creaks with the strong pushes of the elephant, he sucks the erect nipples of the she-wolf with force. Eryn moans and changes penis to suck Deryck's cock.

Her tongue dances on the head, the rhinoceros sees to his friend and both look at each other content. A drop of precum falls from the opening of the penis of Elwin, the precum drips on the forehead of the female.

Eryn feels as the head of the penis of Bill touches her cervix, her vagina again is stretched at its maximum. She waits that the bed resist the weight and the force of the pushes.

The she-wolf enjoys every moment while she gives oral pleasure the two men and Bill continues fucking her with force. Her juices help a lot permitting that the thick shaft moves in and out without problems of her vagina.

Growling and moans increase in intensity until Bill stops and pushes with force, the tip presses the canal of the she-wolf that opens lightly and painfully.

A powerful semen squirt crosses by means the canal and impact directly against the uterus of Eryn. She opens her mouth with surprise and her body shakes uncontrollably.

Her vaginal walls squeeze with more force while she feels a great orgasm, Bill growls feeling the intense squeeze of the vagina. Eryn fails to pay attention to the semen spurts that keep on falling on her face and the grunts of the men.

Her hands move of on the shafts of Elwin and Deryck, thick cum spurts are shoot out of the member of the zebra that moans of pleasure and his growls.

The rhinoceros sees as his semen stains the snout and Eryn's mouth, she opens it and the semen combined of both men falls on her tongue. The mixture produces an unique and tasty taste for the woman.

Bill does not move while his semen keeps on filling to capacity Eryn's vagina and oozes of the pink opening to get wet the bed bedspread.

The four breathe agitatedly and Eryn licks her mouth, she enjoys the rests of cum on her lips and nose. She cleans her face with calm and the two men at her sides are smiling.

They smile and shake their members in front of her. Eryn takes the two cocks and stimulates them rapidly, Deryck moans and growls with pleasure just like her friend. Bill kneels down and with calm keeps on drawing his penis from the vagina of Eryn.

When the head leaves the pink opening, a semen waterfall falls in bed forming Eryn's white and sticky form a puddle between her thighs. She feels very shallow.

Bill's penis had stretched her to her limits, Eryn licks the penises that she has at her reach.

Both members again recover their hardness after some minutes.

"Now you two." Eryn says looking at the two men. She looks at Elwin and she winks an eye, he nods and with great pleasure he leans backwards in bed.

Elwin takes his penis and holds it in position for the she-wolf, Eryn moves in order that her vulva be directly over the penis of Elwin before taking down her hips.

She makes it slowly and soon the rounded head touches her vulva, some precum gets wet the slit and the vaginal lips open when Eryn takes down her ass.

Her eyes close while she forces the tip against her vulva, she moans smoothly of pain, but fortunately she still this loosened. Eryn takes a breath when the head enters in her vagina.

Elwin moans and pants when his member begins to be surrounded by the tight moist passage. He sees as his shaft is disappearing in the female slowly, Eryn takes down her hips with calm.

The big cock enters without a lot of problems until the tip touches the bottom, Eryn has his closed eyes feeling as the penis throbs in her inside. A good part of the penis is out of her vagina.

Elwin moans with pleasure, he loves to fuck females of other smaller species because their pussies are tight. Eryn shakes at the moment that somebody pours oil in the crack of her anus. She sees Deryck is beginning to scatter lubricant on his member.

The she-wolf looks as the shaft of the rhinoceros glistens by the oil and a drop of precum forms on the tip. The member is thick and she does not know, if it will be able to fit into her ass.

"Better that you distend her for me." Bill says placing on a hand the shoulder of his friend and giving his a friendly squeeze. Eryn opens her eyes with surprise and looks at the elephant.

Bill smiles while he gets on the bed and his penis in front of the face of Eryn.

She sees the big cock in front of her face, her sense of smell saturates with its aroma and the aroma of her juices mixed with semen. Bill uses his trunk to Eryn's head.

She begins to lick the balls slowly, the she-wolf feels as Deryck's big hands spread her buttocks, and a finger's tip begins caressing her posterior hole.

The oily fingers move on her posterior hole slowly, the rhinoceros pushes his right forefinger with some force, Eryn moans when her sphincter opens and the first knuckle enters in her.

The ears of the man move and he smiles feeling the squeeze of the entrails of Eryn. She moves ass slowly whining of pleasure, Eryn shakes when another finger adds to the one that is in her anus.

Fingers open and rotate while she licks Bill's sack. Her tongue moves up and down on the halfback line, a drop of precum falls on her head, justly between her ears.

The female moves her ass and the zebra below her moans smoothly. Eryn contracts her vaginal walls repeatedly. She sees that Elwin moans smoothly enjoying the stimulation of his member.

The she-wolf feels that fingers leave her anus after moving circularly for the last time. The bed shakes a little and Eryn feels that Deryck's shaft gets between her buttocks and the head touches her sphincter.

Her hole is covered completely, the rhinoceros with enthusiasm begins to push his cock.

The precum covers her sphincter that is forced by the head of the penis.

She moans and feels as her hole opens slowly, the she-wolf clenches her teeth and moans with pain when the penis head penetrates into her rectum. She feels an intense pain in her tailhole.

Eryn has her closed eyes and opens them when Bill pushes his penis against his lips.

She opens her mouth and closes it around the thick head, her tongue licks the opening savoring the precum.

The penis fills her mouth to capacity, the penis in her ass keeps on sliding slowly in her inside. Her anal walls stretch around the swollen cock.

She hears that the rhinoceros moans with pleasure, Deryck loves the anal sex with smaller females.

His precum covers the anal walls and his penis head touches the bottom of the anus of Eryn. She feels as Deryck's big hands hold her hips and he begins to pump.

Soon his friend Elwin does the same thing. Eryn moans with pleasure having every one of her tunnels filled with masculine meat. She sucks the immense erection in her mouth, the she-wolf uses her hands to stimulate the heavy balls.

Eryn sucks the best that she can, her teeth sink in the penis of the elephant that is not bothered. He enjoys that stimulating pain, his ears move with pleasure while he sees as his companions fuck the she-wolf.

Elwin moves his hips without stopping, the rounded tip of his member hits Eryn's cervix repeatedly. The vagina is tight and the additional pressure of the other member of Deryck makes it a lot more pleasurable.

The zebra covers Eryn's tits with his hands and begins to stimulate them, he feels the firmness of the breasts, her fingers twist the erect nipples and Eryn moans softly.

She enjoys the motion of the two cock in her tunnels. She had not had this class of action since the party of Little John. The she-wolf takes the penis out of his mouth and licks it completely from the base to the tip following the visible veins below the flesh.

Her tongue moves in circles on the head of the shaft, the she-wolf shakes with fear and wonders is something like this would enter in her ass. Otto fucks anally her regularly and his knot is big, but it does not compare to the size of the member of Bill.

She bites that zone smoothly and licks it while she sees Bill. He moans and seems content with the oral sex that he receives. The wrinkled tongue moves on his member and the sensitive tip, Eryn moves her tongue licking the precum.

Eryn takes down her snout and bites Bill's balls with calm to pull them while her body rocks lightly by the thrust of the two men that fuck her with force.

Her buttocks shake with each blow of the crotch of the rhinoceros, the she-wolf moves her content tail. Her juices are secreted by the vaginal walls and with more abundance, Elwin's penis moves more rapidly.

The zebra pumps rapidly just like the other soldier, Eryn moans with force and again place Bill's penis on her mouth. She sucks it with force while she moans softly.

Below her, Elwin increases the speed of his pushes and he stops pushing his cock tip against the cervix with force the moment that he begins to ejaculate.

Eryn opens her eyes when powerful shoots splashes her vaginal walls and it fill her love tunnel before oozing the exterior and to slide on the portion of the penis of the zebra that is outside of her.

The she-wolf growls and shakes feeling the intense and unique orgasm in each part of her body, her anal walls squeeze with more force Deryck's member.

The rhinoceros wheezes with force and growls pushing his penis the deepest that he can and freeing his sperm in the rectum of the female, the powerful cum is shoot out from the tip of his member.

The anal walls are bathed in thick seed that fills the cracks, Eryn continues shaking while her anal passage fills up to the maximum and her anal walls swell.

Eryn is lost in pleasure and her body shakes uncontrollably, but her eyes open with surprise when her mouth begins to be filled. Bill releases his semen in the mouth of Eryn, the female chokes and his cheeks swell up feeling as the thick liquid covers her teeth and tongue.

Bill's seed drains by the corners of the mouth of Eryn, she swallows rapidly not to drown.

The quantity that she feels filling her in her two holes and her mouth is impressive.

She feels as her stomach keeps on filling up on the seed of the elephant that ejaculates with force in her mouth. Eryn takes out the penis from her mouth when she cannot take more, the thick sperm squirts fall on her face.

She coughs and semen falls of her mouth, the she-wolf closes her eyes when cum splashes them. Bill's semen runs out and the last shot of cum falls on the nose of the female.

Eryn feels as her two tunnels are flooded completely and semen oozes from them. Deryck slowly takes out his penis, when the tip slips outside, a big waterfall of cum gets out and it drips from the posterior hole to fall on the balls of his friend.

Some moments later Eryn moves and the zebra's half-way erect penis leaves her pussy, she feels that hers pink opening is open and semen drips from within.

" shoot a lot more seed than any male." Eryn says while she takes a cloth that is near and she cleans her face slowly while men look at her content and they sake their members using their hands.

Some drops drip in the bed.

Eryn sees that three look at her and Deryck does a face to his two friends. The she-wolf smiles seeing that they want to continue. She crawls to position herself at the edge of the bed where the three friends show you her penises in order that she takes care of them.

She sits at the edge of the bed and begins to lick Deryck's penis, that it is tight in front of her. Her tongue moves on the tip of slow way, it is not erect and even so looks big.

The rhinoceros moans with pleasure feeling as his sensitive penis is stimulated by the wrinkled tongue. The two hands of the she-wolf take care of the other two cocks.

Eryn with difficulty closes her hand around the member of Bill. She gives soft pulls to the member in the meantime the elephant enjoys it and closes his eyes, his friend Elwin does a chuckle to Deryck.

He feels as the forefinger of Eryn combs on the dividing line the two heavy balls, the equine member hangs up softly. Eryn closes her hand around the shaft and she begins to move her hand on the meat that again come back to life.

Eryn sucks the tip of the penis of Deryck with calm, her tongue licks a drop of precum.

She enjoys it and sucks smoothly, her teeth bite the penis head smoothly.

Some minutes later her mouth takes care of the member of Elwin, her tongue licks the weighed scrotum of the zebra, the tip of her tongue moves between the cracks.

The thick skin gets cover with saliva. She moves her tongue beginning to lick the long tube of meat that hangs from the crotch of the zebra. The dark skin covers it.

The female dedicates herself to stimulate the three men, when his cock is completely hard, Deryck moves away from the group to go to the restroom where he cleans his cock.

He smiles content waiting to use it in the vagina of the female, Eryn sucks the head of the penis of Bill smoothly. The she-wolf stops and her tongue begins to move for the length of the thick member.

She nuzzles the hard meat that bounces smoothly and releases some precum that land between the ears of Eryn. She for the corner of the eye notices that Deryck returns and his member rocks at every step.

Bill looks at his two friends and they wink at him, the elephant stops Eryn using his trunk.

She watches him smiling and licks her mouth. Eryn sees that Deryck gets on the bed and he leans backwards.

The bed rocks lightly when he makes it. The rhinoceros moves his ears with emotion while the woman sees him. Eryn smiles smoothly and crawls, she gets comfortable on the crotch of the male.

She moves her hips caressing with her vulva the thick and swollen member, she moans when her clitoris caresses the hard meat and provides her a pleasant pleasure that makes her shake.

Eryn stops and she gets up lightly, she catches the member and she aims it at the slit in middle of her legs. Eryn takes down her hips a little in order that the head divides her vaginal lips.

She releases the cock and takes down her ass, her eyes close and she gasps at the moment that the penis keeps on stretching her vaginal walls it keeps on entering.

Deryck also enjoys it, the velvety tunnel keeps on wrapping his penis up and covering with juice and his friend's semen. With calm the female keeps on impaling herself on the long shaft that finally touches her vagina bottom.

Eryn feels complete filled in her pussy, Elwin without problems stops in front of the she-wolf and shakes his penis in front of the face of Eryn. She opens her mouth wide and the rounded tip gets inside passing her lips.

The zebra moans the moment that her penis begins to be lank with calm and slowness Eryn licks the precum that oozes of the opening from the equine member, Eryn becomes tense when he feels that the two big hands of the elephant rest on her ass.

The two hands cover their buttocks completely and they divides them to expose the hole between them. Bill looks at that hole with relish, he takes the vessel with lubricant and pours it in the crack of Eryn.

She shakes feeling as the cold liquid slides through all her crack to her vulva. Bill uses his trunk to caress the brown small crease of the woman, Eryn licks the penis smoothly while she moves slowly.

The trunk's tip moves on the hole circularly for some minutes before it presses the posterior entrance. Eryn refrains not to bite the cock in her mouth.

She moans when the trunk enters in her anus, Bill feels the squeeze of the walls around his flexible organ. He pushes his trunk in the ass of Eryn deeply, she closes her eyes feeling as her anal passage is stimulated.

Eryn feels as the hot respiration that comes from the long tube and caresses her anal walls. Deryck below her feels as the trunk moves in the other tunnel and caresses his penis without wanting it.

Bill moves his trunk with pleasure and sees Elwin, the zebra looks at him with complicity, his two balls are licked slowly and his penis rests over the head the she-wolf, right in the middle of her ears.

The precum falls on the back of Eryn forming a very visible whitish puddle while Bill moves his trunk circularly expanding the posterior hole, the elephant spills oil on his own swollen member.

Eryn moans while she moves her hips circularly and moans enjoying the stimulation of both tunnels, the rhinoceros's member fills completely her vagina.

The tip presses the entrance of her cervix, Deryck closes his mouth around the nipple of Eryn and begins to suck it with force and pleasure, another hand catches the free tit to squeeze it and to massage it with pleasure.

Eryn moans softly while her mouth is full with a part of the equine shaft, the saliva drips from her mouth while she tries to suck the thick cock.

She feels that the motion of the trunk in her anus stops, the organ begins to get out, Bill slowly withdraws his trunk until the tip slips out of the hole of Eryn.

The she-wolf feels more motion in bed and the tip of the thick member of Bill touches her sphincter. She swallows hard when the big hands of the man hold her hips.

Bill begins to push his penis against the little hole between the buttocks of the woman.

Eryn whines of pain and shakes while pressure increases on her hole.

The female tries to take out the penis from her mouth to request to Bill that he stops, but Elwin impedes it and Deryck holds the woman. Both friends had seen this often and knew that they must do.

Eryn's eyes open and two tears appear in her eyes when she whimpers of pain at the moment that the thick head of the cock of the pachyderm enters in her anus.

She shakes with pain and whines feeling an incredible pain in her anal passage, it is much more painful than to take Otto's knot. The female is held in position by the men.

Bill trumpets with pleasure while he pushes his penis, the she-wolf's rectum is very tight squeezing his member with force. Eryn moans feeling that her anal walls are forced to stretch at maximum around the thick shaft.

She feels as if they were introducing a cudgel in her anus, her tears run down from her eyes. The tip of the member of the elephant touches the bottom of her rectum, Bill makes a chuckle to his friends.

The elephant and the rhinoceros begin to move inside the female, she resumes the sucking in the equine cock in her mouth. The thick and continuous precum is swallowed by Eryn.

The sticky liquid slides through her throat, Eryn moans with pleasure, and her two tunnels are stimulated completely. Each part of her rectum is filled by the member of Bill.

Feeling is indescribable, the member's tip whams the bottom of her ass. Bill pumps moaning, his heavy balls rock on the air.

Deryck for his part moves his hips, Eryn's vagina now tighter thanks to the spare pressure of the member of his friend. The soft and wet walls move on his cock caressing it.

Eryn feels the heavy breathing of the rhinoceros on her neck, the two big members move at a perfect rhythm in her body, the she-wolf moves her tongue in the opening of the penis of Elwin, the tip tries to penetrate into the hole.

The zebra moans and has his closed eyes while he keeps his cock in the mouth of Eryn, the female's sharp teeth sink in his hard meat. Eryn sucks the best that can the big mass or meat, her mouth is partially open.

She expects that the equine does not push more his cock, her throat would not receive that large and thick shaft. The bed squeaks while the three friends fuck Eryn with force.

Eryn moans with pleasure, her juices drip on the balls of Deryck getting them wet completely. The she-wolf feels as the penis of Bill leaves almost completely until just the head is in before penetrating in her again deeply.

The bottom of her rectum is hit and getting wet with sticky precum. She increases the suction of the member of Elwin and uses a hand to massage the black hanging balls of the man.

Bill sees his two friends, the three exchange signals and nod, Bill and Deryck increase the force his pushes, and Elwin begins to fuck of the she-wolf's mouth rapidly.

Eryn lets herself be used for men, she feels as her breasts oscillate violently on the air, her sphincter stretched to the utmost moves on the shaft of the elephant.

She feels surprised that her hole supported such punishment.

The growls and sounds of pleasure fill the room, Elwin pushes his penis and begins to release a great quantity of semen in the mouth of Eryn.

She opens her eyes when her mouth becomes flooded and semen runs over by her lips, the female is compelled to swallow the reproductive material, the she-wolf almost drowns when Deryck pushes his penis with force and growl savagely when he pushes his penis with force and release powerful semen spurts.

Cum flies thought her cervix and it whams her uterus bottom triggering the orgasm in her body. Her anal walls squeeze Bill's cock. He trumpets with a great force obscuring the sounds of pleasure.

The bulks and powerful semen shoots are fired of the opening of his penis whamming the anal walls of Eryn bathing them and filling cracks. The she-wolf quivers without control.

Her stomach keeps on filling up on thick semen just like her tunnels. Bill moves drawing his penis from a pull and immediately Eryn moves to manage to get loose.

She coughs semen while her head hangs from the border the bed, the she-wolf feels as cum drips her two holes like two thick waterfall.

Eryn coughs while Elwin's semen drips from her mouth, she moves her hand right-hand to place her on her crotch, she gets surprised when this feels like her stomach is swollen completely full of semen, she thinks that she looks pregnant again.

Her hand gets to her vulva and she examines it by touch, it dilated as it is to be expected, but the she-wolf gets the bigger surprise when she touches her anus. She opens her eyes examining her dilated hole by touch, she thinks that she can introduce her hand without problems while semen even oozes from her ass.

"Well... let's take a break... we have a long night." Bill says from behind.

Eryn with difficulty smiles content, she would enjoy this treatment all the night.

Otto Little John © Disney

Eryn, Wilton, Arlen, Fleur, Nolan Lorene, Celestine Wilder and Jake, Giselle, Haze, Gregory are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth

Males' fun

After getting separated and getting dressed, Lorene and Celestine walk back to the house, the boys would follow them soon because they pick up some things that they brought from the house. "Do you still feel pain down there?" Celestine asks doing a...

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