Males' fun

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#6 of A new chance

Eryn and the girls will spend the night in different places. Finally Otto and the boys want to retake the kinky activities between them, but they do not notice that maybe Nolan has found about it.

After getting separated and getting dressed, Lorene and Celestine walk back to the house, the boys would follow them soon because they pick up some things that they brought from the house.

"Do you still feel pain down there?" Celestine asks doing a funny wince of pain. Her sister nods and she laughs impishly while she remembers the pain of the anal penetration, but also the pleasure that she felt being fucked by that hole.

The two girls expect to repeat it again with the boys, but they know that all of them should be careful and prevent that their uncle and Eryn learn about it because, if they make it they would get involved in a big problem.

Celestine and her sister stop when they listen to two laughs that come from behind two trees that are ahead of them, at the sides of the road. Both become terrified seeing that two shaggy-haired and unclean men go out of behind the trees.

They are two coyotes that smile maliciously while they look at them.

"Well two single sweetnesses walking on these places. Do you think that we should accompany them?" One of the men asks looking at his friend.

"Of course, two girls with such desirable tits." The other man says laughing and looking at the girls that become even more frightened.

They back off with fear knowing that they would rape them, the two men rapidly position themselves ahead of them and put their hands in the young breasts of both sisters.

Lorene and Celestine shriek with fear while both men pinch their nipples with force and lust the moment that they drool, but one of them suddenly falls ashore.

His friend looks at him with surprise until he feels a blow on the head that throws him down. Lorene sees that the two men moan with pain while her heads bleed.

The blood that is dripping forms two red puddles below the faces of both men that growl.

Celestine and his sister gets surprised when Wilton and Arlen rapidly position themselves ahead of them to protect them.

They understand that boys had been those who saved them hitting men with rocks that they threw. Wilton and Arlen had been on their way back of the lake and had seen as both men grabbed the girls to rape them.

Arlen was the first one in reacting and picks one rock, his brother imitates him in a few seconds later. Both used them to directly hit to the heads the two men.

The two men get up looking at the two boys with pure hatred and unsheathe two swords that they have tied to their waists. Arlen and Wilton move back while they push the girls back.

This is bad, very bad. Both men are armed while the two boys don't have anything to defend themselves. And even having two swords at hand, Wilton and Arlen know that they should have practice to use them.

The two girls are terrified knowing that soon the boys would be dead and they would be raped by two criminals. Arlen and their brother do not take their look off the two men.

"Well look what we can find a walk." A voice says, it comes from behind of both men. Both turn over challengingly, Arlen and the other ones look in the direction where are looking the two men look.

The challenging attitude of both men finishes seeing that four archers are aim towards them directly and about six soldiers have their unsheathed swords. Little John stands between them and next to him is the captain that also has his sword ready for action.

The two criminals are rapidly surrounded, they look at then soldiers for some moments before dropping their swords.

"Good choice." Little John says while he makes a signal with his hand. Wilton gets surprised when soldiers fall on top of the two men and begins a beating that lasts for some minutes.

Soldiers stop when the bear raises his hand. Little John comes closer and his men make space for him. The bear unsheathes his sword and places under the chin of one of men to raise his face.

The man has blood threads that go over his face.

"The Barret brothers, we have been looking for you two since long time ago." Little John says making a grimace and looking at the two man that do not feel intimidated.

"Do you Know that your escape caused a lot of problems to us, don't you?" Little John asks looking at his prisoners.

"Then return prison to us. We will free in no time." The Man tells with challenge looking directly to the eyes to the bear.

"Come on guys. Do you think that I would condemn you to such a cold and damp place? After what both made that woman and her family." Little John says making a grimace and moving his sword in order that the man's jaw falls ashore.

The bear sheathes his sword again.

"For tomorrow to half a day I want their heads in two rods at side of main road." Little John says while he looks at the two men that get surprised just like the boys.

Soldiers tie up to the criminals rapidly and begin to drag the two man that now look completely fearful and terrified.

"And besides inform men than in the cell number nine will be double fun, two new pussies expect for each one of you." Little John tells his men.

They give exclamations of joy while they drag along the two men that shout and fight to try fleeing. Little John makes a grimace and he gets close to the four young people with the captain.

Arlen and his brother are completely surprised just like the girls, they look as the bear smiles at them while he comes closer.

"I am happy to see that both behave like true men to defend two endangered ladies." Little John says looking at the two boys in a friendly way and next taking Celestine's and Lorene's hands and to kiss them with proper manners.

They laugh smoothly.

"Well some time ago you said that you would like to be a couple of good soldiers, I believe that it is time to begin with training." Little John says looking at the boys.

"Captain, I leave them in his hands in order that you begins to instruct them completely, teach all what they should know." Little John says placing on his hands the shoulders of the boys and giving them some friendly squeezes."

"Of course my Lord. Two good men more would be very good. Tomorrow at nine in the morning I want to see you in the barracks." The wolf says looking at the boys.

"Boys, tell your mother that I will visit her one of these days." Little John says while he winks an eye to the two boys. They get surprised, but they nod understanding what the bear meant.

Arlen and Wilton look at each other and nod with enthusiasm. Little John and the captain smile smoothly before said goodbye and walk away letting the four young couples alone.

"Let's go back home." Wilton says while he looks at his brother and girls. They nod and the four resume their walk. Lorene and Celestine still feel frightened, but they also feel grateful of the intervention of the boys.

Wilton and Arlen walk while both imagine to themselves using armors. It is a fantasy that they like completely.

While the group walks back to the house. Eryn serves the breakfast in the kitchen. She serves milk to Fleur and her brother while Otto prefers to drink some tea.

Eryn notices that Fleur acts a little weird, she seems absent-minded while she avoids looking at her and Otto. Just like Nolan, he tries not to do visual contact with Otto avoiding his look in each opportunity that he has.

The bloodhound notices it and says absolutely nothing because he has an idea of what it happens with the boy. The dog understands that the boy is completely embarrassed by what happened.

While Otto is taking a sip of tea, the front door of the house opens and boys enter in the house and they head toward the kitchen. Arlen and Wilton say hello just like Lorene and Celestine.

"We come across two criminals: Barret brothers." Lorene says looking at her uncle and Eryn. Both get surprised and horrify listening to that, both men were criminal very well known by murders and rapes.

"Did they hurt you?" Otto asks rapidly fearing the worst.

"No... no... thanks to the boys that appeared to protect us." Celestine says looking at Wilton and Nolan just like Lorene. Eryn gets surprised and looks at her children waiting not to see an injury in them.

"Did you two defeat them?" Otto asks with incredulity while he sees the boys with surprise and approval.

"The truth is that everything was becoming difficult until Little John and his men appeared and they arrested the Barret brothers." Arlen says looking at her mother and Otto.

"Besides Little John wants that Arlen and Wilton become soldiers." Celestine says with emotion. Eryn gets surprised and laughs feeling a great happiness in her heart.

"We must be in the barracks early tomorrow." Wilton says looking at his mother.

She nods. This is one of the best changes that there could be for her children, they could finally take a good patch in their lives. Otto also nods content by the great opportunity that had appeared for the boys.

"I suppose that you are no longer interested in learning about blacksmith." Otto says doing a funny face while he looks at the brothers. Arlen and Wilton laugh smoothly.

"Always is better to learn everything that is possible, even it looks a interesting thing." Arlen says looking at Otto. He nods content that boys seek to learn everything that they can.

Arlen and Wilton notice that Nolan feels discomfort being there in addition to not look at Otto directly.

"Well, we will go at the market, perhaps you want to come." Eryn says looking at Celestine and Lorene. They nod please because they wish to forget of the bad experience that they had with the two men.

"Do you want to come too?" Otto asks looking at Nolan with a friendly face, the boy could perhaps have some fun.

"No... I pass." Nolan says lowering the look not to see Otto. He and Eryn notice it and they say absolutely nothing. Otto notices that Eryn looks at him with some worry and confusion.

Otto does her a soft facial expression to indicate to her that he would explain it later.

"Well then will be better to go now, the best things finish early." Eryn says looking at the girls. They nod content and they see to Eryn, Fleur and Otto leave the house with the woman.

Otto takes his cart and stops it in front of the front door of the house to let that Eryn and the girls climb on it. Arlen and Wilton say good-bye while Otto's cart begins to move and getting away from the house.

When the cart disappears of sight, they two get in the house and see that Nolan is still in the kitchen. The boy gets startled when he feels that boys give him a soft squeeze on his shoulders.

"What happens with Otto?" Wilton asks looking at the boy. Nolan looks down shamefacedly while he feels uncomfortable.

"In the morning when you were not here... I was jacking-off in bed and Otto opened the door and put his head into the bedroom to wake me up." Nolan says while he has the low look.

"That's all?" Arlen asks thinking comically that it is not a big deal.

"When I did cum. It sprinkled his nose." Nolan says while he looks down shamefacedly.

Wilton and Arlen burst into cachinnation that fills the room and make Nolan feel more uncomfortable.

"That is incredible, is much better when I did cum on the feet of mom when I was in my room imagining a couple of girls of the town." Wilton says looking at his brother. Arlen nods while he puts his hands on his stomach because he feels pain by laughter.

"Did it really happened?" Nolan asks with surprise while he looks at the two wolves. They nod while they manage to calm down, Nolan laughs smoothly at the thought of that moment.

"Everyone pass by something similar, Otto understands it because he is a male and besides as we told you he is a good guy." Arlen says doing a kind facial expression to the boy.

"As we told you, you must not be afraid to ask or saying something. Let's handle this and the rest like brothers, Ok?" Wilton says while he looks at Nolan. He gets surprised and moves his tail listening the words of the wolf.

Arlen smiles at him and nods. Nolan feels completely happy.

"I think that we should collect firewood, we will need it for food and the chimney." Wilton says while he looks at Nolan. He nods with enthusiasm and rapidly he heads toward the back door and he goes out by the kitchen.

"Good Story, I would have said that mom caught us in the kitchen." Arlen says while he looks at her brother.

"Well, we may have told the truth and that we ejaculate in a lot of times in many parts of mom's body." Wilton says while he looks at his brother.

Both laugh and go out to the patio to go after Nolan and to help it to collect the firewood.

To half a day the three enter for the kitchen charging firewood in the arms, Arlen and Wilton charge more firewood than Nolan. The three begin distributing the firewood in piles close to the chimney and kitchen stove.

While three are piling up the firewood in the kitchen, the front door of the house opens, Otto and the other ones enter in the house charging the things that they had bought on the market.

Lorene and Celestine laugh while they chat animatedly, they place the supplies on the table just Otto and Eryn. Fleur introduces the last thing that is not problem for her.

"We meet with Charlotte and Emma." Celestine says looking at the boys.

They look at them with a little bit of confusion.

"Who are they?" Arlen asks while he looks at the girls that laugh smoothly.

"They are the best friends of Celestine and Lorene in Ely." Nolan says looking at Arlen and Wilton. The two girls nod demonstrating that the boy's affirmation is true.

"Are they pretty? Wilton asks looking at two sisters.

"Wouldn't you introduce them to us?" Arlen asks with enthusiasm looking at the girls. They exchange looks of bother for some moments.

"Obvious no, by chance we find them because they will return to their home with their family tomorrow." Lorene says while she frowns thinking that boys only think about sex and they have certainly plans of that nature for her friends.

"They asked us to pass this night with them, and Fleur also is invited." Celestine adds feeling some bother and some jealousy. Boys has just taking the virginity of both girls this morning and two already are looking for new girls to fuck.

Wilton notices the look of bother of the two sisters while Eryn fits the things into the drawers of the kitchen.

"Well... I will be out tonight too, I got a job with the dressmaker. Unfinished orders." Eryn says looking at her children and the rest of present in the house. The ears of the two boys raise in alert to hear that.

They notice that their mother does them a facial expression that both know well, this means that she will be working in the brothel. Her mother did not make it often and she does it in special cases.

While girls are absent-minded, Wilton and Arlen look at Otto. The bloodhound watches them content and he winks an eye. Both brothers look at each other content because there would be fun anyway.

In the afternoon Wilton and Arlen dedicate to teach to Nolan the basic principles of chess.

The boy with a little bit of difficulty manages to understand the motions of every chess piece.

Nolan still feels uncomfortable with Otto, he knows that there would not be punishment, but also he feels ashamed that the dog would have caught him in so shameful situation.

Just before sunset Otto takes Eryn and the girls to Nottingham to leave them at the places where they spent the night. Wilton begins to play with Nolan a chess game.

Arlen is next to Nolan like an occasional adviser to whispering some motions in the ear of the boy. The two brothers look for that Nolan learn how to make his own decisions and strategies to play.

When Otto returns, he says hello to the boys that give back the greeting, the dog smiles seeing that Nolan is completely concentrated in the chess game.

Otto looks at the boy attentively, he knows that he should talk with Nolan sometime about the morning incident. After an hour Nolan feels that he should go to the restroom and he excuses himself letting Wilton alone.

The boy heads toward the kitchen and gets out of the backyard with the purpose of later on going to the restroom, Nolan feels a great relief when his bladder begins to get empty rapidly.

After some minutes he returns home, getting close to the door, the boy listens to Arlen and Otto chatting.

"We will meet one hour after sleeping, when Nolan is asleep." Otto says laughing smoothly while he is accommodating a couple of logs close to the stove.

"I will tell it to Wilton." Arlen says with enthusiasm. Nolan hears that Arlen gets out of the kitchen, the boy waits for some minutes before entering again. Otto still is piling up firewood and a moment smiles on him before continuing.

Nolan walks to the living room of the house and sees that Wilton is waiting for him. He has a big smile to one's face in the meantime his brother also is content. Nolan knows that it is happening something, but he sits in front of the chessboard to continue with the play.

For the boy it is difficult to be concentrated at play because his mind is fixed in what three has between hands. Nolan looks at Wilton and Arlen a couple of times and they smile at him.

If both are so happy, they should be very good. After one hour and a half the chess game ends with Nolan like the winner, but he is almost sure that this is owed to Wilton, he permitted that he won.

Although also it was not easy, the motions that the wolf made were very good and intelligent.

When the time comes to sleep, the three head toward their bedroom and they change their clothes to put on their pajamas. Nolan notices as Wilton and Arlen make facial expressions of complicity and fun.

When they are ready they get into bed. Wilton turns off the candle that is near and the room sinks in pitch blackness. Both brothers make themselves comfortable to spend the time and waiting.

They had not had masculine fun with Otto since the other ones moved with them. Wilton and his brother like the boy and now much more the girls.

But also it is true that their arrival had broken their daily and sexual routine with their mother and Otto. The minutes pass while they are awake in their bed.

Nolan stays awake with a little bit of difficulty, but he wants to see which is what the two brothers and Otto are hidden from him. After one hour of almost unbearable waiting, Wilton and Arlen look at each other. They do some gestures before get out of the bed with calm and they head toward the door of the room.

Their steps are soft to not make some sound that alerts to Nolan, Wilton and Arlen pass near him and look at him to verify that the boy is asleep.

Nolan rests back on his right side while he has closed eyes and listening as the door opens and it closes slowly. He expects some minutes before getting up and going out of the bed.

Nolan opens the door with calm and takes out his head outside, everything is in silence and dark. The boy gets out of the bedroom and takes a deep breath to get Arlen's and Wilton's aroma.

Both aromas rapidly begin to direct him the exterior of the house, Nolan listens to the sounds of the crickets and insects that pullulate at night. Some Nolan's footsteps break dry sheets and little branches.

The aroma of the boys and of Otto becomes intense, the ears of Nolan suddenly put on in alert when he listens to a groan that comes in a place in front of him.

With care Nolan gets closer and moans become stronger, the boy with calm positions himself behind a tree and some shrubs to see what happens.

His eyes open completely when he sees that Otto is naked backed up against a rock while he has his closed eyes. He is moaning of pleasure, Wilton and Arlen are on their knees while they are licking the dog's cock.

Otto moans feeling that the tongue of the two boys moves in on swollen member, Arlen licks the knot while his brother takes care of lick the shaft of the dog.

Arlen moves his tongue on the knot of Otto slowly enjoying the taste of the hard meat, the young wolf masturbates slowly while her mother's bridegroom gets oral pleasure.

His tongue goes down more to lick the heavy testicles of the dog, Arlen feels the aroma from those furry and big orbs. Wilton moves his tongue on the erection with calm enjoying the drops of precum that slide from the tip of the member.

He likes the precum's unique taste, it is as delicious as his brother's precum. The tongue touches the tip of and it whirls there, Otto shakes and moans with pleasure opening her eyes to see the two boys.

"I love to see you two working so enthusiastically on my cock." Otto says moaning of pleasure and smiling at the two boys. Wilton smiles and takes the hard cock to aim at his mouth.

A growl slips from the mouth of the bloodhound when his palpitating shaft enters in the wet young mouth. Wilton sucks smoothly while his tongue covers with precum.

Nolan cannot believe what sees, Otto also is involved in this. Two nights ago he had seen Arlen and Wilton making something that surprised him completely.

Otto's moans come to the ears of Nolan and he feels that the aroma gets to his nose, Nolan feels that his penis begins to react before the visual and olfactory encouragement.

He sees as both brothers lick and take care of the penis of Otto. The bloodhound moans and growls of pleasure, he sees as the two brothers move their tongue in the tip of their penis.

Both tongues fight to pick up the precum that sprouts of the tip of the hard cock, Otto places his hands behind the heads of the boys and pushes them toward his crotch.

Wilton and Arlen look at each other, both do a couple of facial expressions and take down their snouts while they lick the shaft covering it with their saliva. Every one of wolves take a testicle in their mouth they suck it and they are going steady.

"Damm I love when you mother does the same thing!" Otto says growling and looking at the two boys. They look content while they continue giving oral sex to the older male.

Some moments later Otto stops the boys.

"It is enough boys. Who will be the first to enjoy my cock?" Otto die doing a friendly face the two boys while he masturbates smoothly.

Wilton makes a gesture while he does some steps and he picks up a coin that is in a rock, he comes closer again to his brother and Otto.

Nolan sees that both brothers choose one side of the coin and Wilton is who throws it up.

The three see as the coin is going in circles on the air before falling in the hand of Otto.

The bloodhound looks as both brothers look at his hand with anxiety, the dog opens his hand revealing the result. Nolan puts his hand into his pajamas and takes his penis that already is hard for that moment.

He begins to caress his cock while he sees that Arlen leans on his hands and knees on the ground. Arlen leans forward and he raises his tail on the air while he does a facial expression to Otto.

The dog kneels down behind Arlen and places his hands on the ass of the boy to spread the cheeks completely exposing the hole between them.

Nolan gasps when he sees that Otto introduces his snout between the two cheeks, Arlen begins to moan with pleasure. The young wolf feels the licks in his sphincter.

"Incredible, isn't?" Arlen says moaning and looking at his brother. Wilton does him a friendly facial expression while he masturbates slowly looking as Otto eats his brother's tail hole.

Otto licks the crack moving his tongue up and down, his gets saliva wet Arlen's hole. The boy opens his eyes and moans when Otto's hand closes around his cock and he masturbates him while he continues eating his anus.

Otto's tongue tip moves on the hole, he begins to push his tongue while his fingers caress Arlen's cock tip. The boy shakes and growls when Otto's tongue enters in his rectum.

He moves his tongue in the posterior passage. Nolan swallows hard while his hand moves to on his penis, he stops and slowly gets down the pajamas pants.

His body shakes when a soft breeze caresses his hard meat, Nolan again catches his penis and continues caressing it slowly while he sees as Otto stops.

Arlen pants feeling as the tongue of the dog begins to leave his wet passage. Otto places himself in position and with his penis in his hand he guides it, the tip gets between the young wolf's buttocks.

The tip touches the hole, Otto pushes his penis with force and Arlen moans with pain when the penis tip enters in his hole. Otto pants with pleasure when the boy's warm anal walls surround his penis.

Arlen moans and feels that her anal passage keeps on filling up with hard Otto's meat until the knot touches the boy's buttocks. The internal heat surrounds the shaft. Otto holds Arlen's hips and he begins to fuck him slowly.

Moans of pleasure escape of the mouth of Arlen while he feels as the penis moves in and out of his passage, his body shakes lightly when his gland is rubbed with each thrust.

Nolan looks with a lot of surprise what happens, he sees as Wilton kneels in front of his brother and moves his cock in front of the face of Arlen.

Arlen feels as the penis of his brother hits his snout, he opens his mouth and takes out his tongue to lick the hard and swollen cock. The boy feels the taste of the penis of his brother and it delights him.

Wilton pants with pleasure when his brother's rough tongue moves on his knot covering it with saliva before moving up licking the hard shaft and getting to the tip.

Arlen moans and pants feeling as the tip of the penis of Otto touches the bottom of his ass repeatedly, the young wolf's buttocks shake when the dog's groin hits them.

Otto moans and pants with pleasure fucking the tight hole of the boy, his precum spatters the rectum while the three have no clue that they are observed.

Nolan stimulates his penis of rapidly way. His hand moves up and down on his cock.

The precum appears in the tip. Nolan sees as three moan of pleasure, Arlen moans with pain and closes her eyes while he clenches his teeth feeling that Otto's knot presses his sphincter.

The bloodhound holds Arlen's hips and pushes forcing sphincter to open and to surround his knot slowly. Arlen pants while his opening stretches around the knot.

For the wolf it is not somewhat new to feel that pain, but it is always a little hard because Otto has a penis of bigger size than the one of his brother. Otto does the final push and growls with pleasure when all his member is surrounded by the interior heat of Arlen.

He pants with relief and moans when Otto resumes his truths, his penis moves in the ass of Arlen. The anal walls caress each part of his hard and swollen member.

Arlen feels that her penis hardens more force and releases little spurts of precum that sprinkle the ground. The boy's moans are calmed when Wilton pushes his penis in the mouth of his brother.

Wilton moans with pleasure when his brother sucks his penis with pleasure and force.

The warm saliva covers his cock completely, Arlen's lips touch his knot time after time, and the saliva falls of the shaft of Wilton and gets the grass wet.

Arlen grunts with pleasure, Otto's great knot presses his prostate with force and increases his pleasure that soon becomes something so intense and impossible to resist for the young wolf.

Arlen growls softly when sperm begin to shoot out from the tip of his penis and they sprinkle the green grass below his body.

His pleasure makes him forget that he is sucking his brother's cock and shortly his mouth also fills up on semen. Wilton pushes his penis with force while he growls of pleasure

Arlen's anal walls squeezes Otto's hard meat with force. The dog stops and pushes when his penis explodes in the anus of the boy, the spurts of sticky seed hit and smear the entrails of Arlen.

The young wolf feels that his posterior tunnel is flooded by cum of his future stepfather. Otto pants while he feels as his member is embraced with force and his seed continues flowing by his penis some moments more.

Nolan moves his hand up and down down rapidly, his precum falls on his pants wet forming a visible stain in them. The boy closes his eyes while he enjoys the manual stimulation of his genitals.

Pleasure rapidly is increasing getting to the point limit. Nolan shakes a little when his semen is shoot out of the tip of his penis and they get wet his hand and some parts of the ground.

His breathing is fast and heavy while his body is full of pleasure, he sees that Otto begins to pull his penis, Arlen moans with pain while his posterior hole slowly opens around the knot of Otto.

The bloodhound does it slowly while he feels that his penis begins to get out of the tight anus. He spreads the boy's buttocks and sees as his knot begins to appear and get out.

Arlen clenches his teeth while his sphincter opens, he growls of pain until Otto does a final pull and the rest of his cock slides out of the anus of Arlen.

The young wolf feels as semen drips from his hole and it slides to his balls. Arlen moves to one side and he leans back backwards on the grass looking at the sky while he breathes agitatedly.

Otto still is in his knees when Wilton kneels down before him and he leans forward to take the man's member in his mouth. A pant of surprise of Otto is heard.

He closes his eyes and moans with pleasure when Wilton sucks his shaft with pleasure and force, the boy feels the taste of the canine semen in the meantime with a hand he stimulates Otto's testicles.

The saliva covers Otto's penis while he moans, the dog puts his forefinger into his mouth and sucks it getting it wet in saliva for some moments. He takes out his finger and stretches his hand to place it between the buttocks of Wilton.

The wolf moans smoothly when the middle finger of Otto begins to caress his anus. The tip moves in circles slowly pressing the sphincter, Otto feels as his finger enters in the tight passage.

Wilton sucks and moans smoothly, he has his closed eyes while his head shakes slowly while he sucks the cock with pleasure. Nolan from his place sees everything and feels that his penis does not lose its hardness.

He sees his clothing stained with his semen, the boy begins to caress his balls and his member of slow way.

Nolan sees as Wilton does not stop and his ass budges circularly just like the hand of Otto. The spurts of precum of Otto spatter the walls of the throat of Wilton.

The slippery liquid slides to the stomach of Wilton. After a couple of minutes Otto takes out his finger from the young wolf's at the same time that he pulls it out his cock from the mouth of the boy.

His penis shines by the viscous saliva that covers it. Otto catches Wilton and leans him backwards in the ground, the boy opens his legs when the man places himself on him.

Otto catches Wilton's hips and raises them a little to have a better access to the posterior hole. Wilton's legs are air lightly, he feels that the tip of the penis of Otto touches his sphincter.

He begins to push while he holds Wilton's legs. He the young wolf closes his eyes while he feels that his posterior hole is forced to open by the tip of the member of the dog.

The precum gets his sphincter wet and Otto feels that the tip begins to conquer the resistance of the anus of the boy. Wilton gasps when the shaft begins to open his entrance.

The tip enters and Otto pushes at the same time as he releases Wilton's legs with calm, and he pushes his penis. Wilton feels that his anal walls stretch to receive the cock that keeps on entering in his body slowly.

Otto places himself in a better position and he begins to move rapidly, his ass moves back and forth, his penis enters and gets out of the ass of the wolf.

Wilton moans and grunts of pleasure while Otto moves on him, the precum of the fiancé of his mother covers his anal walls facilitating the penetration of Otto, it is deep.

Otto's growling combines with the ones of Wilton, he catches his penis and he begins to masturbate to increment pleasure. Otto's stomach rubs on the balls of the boy with each motion.

His penis tip touches the bottom of the rectal passage of Wilton and due to the angle of penetration sometimes it enters in the crack of the anus of the boy providing him some unique peaks of pleasure.

Otto growls while he has his closed eyes, he feels that dampish touch his lips, the dog opens his eyes and sees that Arlen's crotch is in front of his face.

Without waiting more, the dog closes his mouth around the member of Arlen and begins to suck it with pleasure. He loves the taste of the hard meat of both brothers at the moment of having fun with them.

He feels as the spurts of young precum spatter his tongue, Arlen holds Otto's head and moans with pleasure, he begins to move his hips to fuck the dog's mouth.

Otto feels as the hard meat enters and gets out of his throat with each push, the knot hits his lips repeatedly. He moans and growl of pleasure while Nolan continues observing them attentively.

The boy masturbates slowly while the drops of their precum sprinkle the ground, his respiration is agitated. His hard penis sends sensations of pleasure to his brain.

Wilton clenches his teeth growling of pain when Otto's knot presses his sphincter forcing it to open. Otto feels that the hole opens and begins to surround his knot.

He sucks with zeal Arlen's shaft. The boy has his closed eyes and he fails to pay attention to the groan of pain of his brother at the moment that he is knotted.

The young wolf has closed eyes while he feels as all of the penis of Otto is stuck in his inside. The penis moves in his passage caressing his anal walls.

Wilton masturbates with more speed while he growls with force just like Otto. The bloodhound pushes with more force and velocity raising the boy's ass on the air for some moments with each thrust.

The dog suddenly stops and closes his eyes when his balls begin to release his cum.

His seed travels by all his penis and it is freed by the opening of the tip.

Wilton feels as the semen bathe his rectum completely, he presses his penis with force at the moment of that his own semen sprinkles his chest and his stomach.

Some spurts smear in the chest of Otto that pushes his hips while he continues ejaculating in the boy. Otto feels that Arlen stops and the seed promptly fills his mouth.

The bloodhound swallows Arlen's semen with pleasure while the boy's knot presses his lips. Arlen does not release Otto's head until the flow stops completely.

The boy takes out his penis from a pull, saliva and seed drips from his cock and form a whitish puddle in the ground.

"I propose a break." Otto says looking at the boys while he pants heavily. Both brothers nod looking content, but in addition to them Nolan agrees.

He pants while he has his penis in his hand and a small brook of white seed descends from his penis tip and goes over his hand with the purpose of later on being dripping to the ground.

Otto slowly pulls out his cock, Wilton grunts with pain feeling that his hole opens around the massive knot. The dog separates with calm, the sphincter of Wilton moves on his knot and touches the shaft.

Wilton gasps when the member gets out of his body, thick cum drips from his dilated hole.

"You know I enjoy these moments with you two." Otto says while he sits on the grass and take a deep sigh.

"Of course, we love it from the first moment although we do not have time neither moment of opportunity to make it lately." Arlen says while he takes her penis and stimulates it slowly trying that it got tough again.

"I know it, it is not the same, but I did not have another option." Otto says while he sees the two brothers.

"We did not complain, they like us. The girls help to mom, I mean maybe it was some lack of feminine company because she has always been with us, many times we gave her a headache." Wilton says while he looks at Otto.

The bloodhound laughs smoothly.

"But you already were in very good terms with her by the time I arrived here." Otto says doing a comic expression. The two brothers laugh and nod.

"In regarding to Nolan... we are his elder brothers now." Wilton says doing a facial expression to his brother. He nods while Otto looks at them with surprise and he nods content.

"Well I believe that we need to prepare for the next thing." Otto says while he moves his forefinger drawing a circle on the air.

Nolan does not understand what it means until he sees as Otto and boys lean on the grass. Otto introduces his head between Arlen's thighs, he begins licking his balls while a hand stimulates the sheath of the boy slowly.

His hand moves up and down while he feels as Wilton has his head between his thighs and begins massaging his balls of slow way. Wilton squeezes and stimulates the weighed testicles of Otto, he feels his heat while stimulates the genitals of the bloodhound.

Wilton places his hand on the sheath of Otto and closes his hand around it massage it.

Inside the sheath the penis begins to harden, Arlen licks his brother's sheath with calm.

The fur gets wet in warm and sticky saliva, the wolf moans while he feels that Otto caresses his penis tip with his tongue. Arlen's tongue moves over to the testicles of his brother and he licks them slowly for some moments.

Wilton's eyes open and he feels that Arlen's tongue touches his anus, he feels as the tip moves circularly on his hole. Wilton moans while his hand moves in the erection of Otto.

The dog gasps when his member enters in the mouth of Wilton, the sucking of his penis makes Otto moan and enjoy of pleasure, and his precum falls on the tongue of the boy.

Otto licks Arlen's penis, the knot he gets cover with saliva while the hand moves on the erection. The little jets of precum shoot out from the tip and fall on the grass.

Nolan looks at with surprise what happens in the meantime his penis again grows by what he sees. He never thought about seeing something like that, the boy shakes lightly when an air draft touches his sensitive penis.

The moans of the trio fills the night in the meantime each one of them receive pleasure.

The dog feels as the tip of the penis of the boy gets to enter in his throat while the aroma of the fur gets to its nose. The aroma of sex can be felt clearly on the air.

Arlen sucks her brother's member with pleasure without stopping. His tongue moves on the tip licking the drops of precum that oozes from the opening.

Wilton takes care of the penis of Otto with pleasure. He has his lips glued to Otto's knot, the bloodhound moans feeling like the muscles of the throat of Wilton.

His precum goes straight to the boy's stomach. Otto separates Wilton from his penis a few minutes after. The dog pants while Arlen's penis slips out of his lips.

Otto stands up and his penis rocks lightly on the air. Wilton and Arlen look at each other and Wilton shrugs his shoulders showing that Arlen would be the first one.

"Let's continue before it is late." Otto says while he does a comic facial expression. He moves and rests his hands on a rock and raises his tail while Nolan looks at this with surprise.

He sees as the big penis of Otto hangs between his legs.

Nolan moves his hand in his penis slowly while he sees that Arlen positions himself behind Otto. Arlen spits a little of saliva on her hand and he introduces it between the buttocks of Otto.

The dog shakes lightly when the boy's forefinger touches his sphincter, Arlen moves his finger slowly in the hole of the adult dog for some moments.

Otto moans smoothly when Arlen's finger enters in his hole, he moves his finger inside and out while he feels that his penis releases more precum, another finger enters and it moves in circles.

Otto's eyes are closed while his penis hardens a little more and more precum leaks. Some moments later the finger gets out of the anus of the dog.

Arlen spits saliva in his hand to scatter it on his penis, the boy positions himself behind the dog and points his cock, his member's tip gets between the buttocks of Otto and it touches the dog's sphincter.

Arlen begins to push his penis, it presses the brown wrinkle and Otto moans with a pain when his hole opens. The tip penetrates into his body and the shaft of the young wolf begins to get in.

Otto pants while his anal walls adapt to the thickness of the member of Arlen. He moans of pleasure feeling that the anal walls embrace his cock of pleasurable way.

Arlen holds Otto's hips and begins to pump his penis, her hips move back and forth while he growls of pleasure just like Otto.

His anal walls are caressed with each thrust, his penis wobbles on the air scattering precum that stains the grass and the rock. The dog feels that his balls are hit by the balls of Arlen.

The tail of the wolf moves with relish while he pants and his tongue hangs from his mouth, Otto is tight like his brother and his mother. His groin hits the ass of Otto without stopping.

Arlen feels as the sphincter moves on his penis that enters and goes out.

Otto opens his eyes with surprise when a mouth closes around her penis, he looks down to see as Wilton is sitting on the grass and sucking his cock with pleasure.

Wilton sucks while he feels that the man's penis enters and gets out of his throat due to the pushes of her brother. Arlen pumps with pleasure while he fucks Otto.

The dog grunts by the double pleasure that he feels, his hard meat is sucked with pleasure in the meantime his posterior tunnel walls are covered with precum. Arlen holds Otto's hips and pushes with force.

Otto clenches his teeth growling with pain when the boy's knot begins to press and opening his posterior hole.

Arlen pushes with force and his knot stretches the tail hole the anus of anus of the dog.

Otto gasps being knotted. He moans with force when Arlen begins to move again, Otto feels as the knot of the boy presses his prostate incrementing his pleasure.

Arlen's hips move with more speed while he growls of pleasure.

Each part of his penis is caressed by the anal walls of Otto. His internal heat is incredible.

Nolan pants with pleasure while he sees the trio having fun, Otto moans enjoying like Arlen and Wilton. The two brother concentrates on what they do, Wilton feels as the spurts of precum of Otto increase with every moment that pass.

Otto moves his ass in circle to enjoy more of the movements of the boy, a motion suddenly makes the knot of Arlen presses and caress one special point.

Otto's body trembles and he growls when his penis begins to shoot white sperm spurts in the mouth of Wilton. He gets surprised a little, but savors and swallows the seed of the dog.

Arlen stops and pushes his hips against the ass of Otto at the same time that he begins to ejaculate in the man. His semen covers the anal walls flooding the cracks.

Nolan releases his penis panting rapidly, of the tip precum drips. The boy had been close to reach the climax, his precum is dripping on the ground while he tries to calm down and seeing what happens.

Otto even is reclined against the tree while he pants rapidly, he growls when Arlen begins to pull out his penis. The dog closes his eyes while he feels that his sphincter slowly opens.

Arlen growls while he tries to separate from Otto. He pulls his cock with calm and slowly, Otto does not move in the meantime his hole again opens and the knot of Arlen begins to go out.

When half knot is out, Arlen does a final pull and all his penis he slips out of the anus Otto. The dog feels as the young seed drips from his dilated hole.

Otto breathes agitatedly while he has his closed eyes, he opens them and sees that Wilton even is below him, he is licking his mouth and making a gesture. The bloodhound understands while he does a gesture to Wilton.

The young wolf leans backwards and takes his penis, Otto positions himself on Wilton and he moves down his hips while his penis releases some semen drops that fall on the stomach and Wilton's chest.

The dog feels the cock's tip gets between his buttocks and he touches his dilated hole, Wilton moans when Otto moves down his hips and the shaft slides without difficulty in his anus.

Otto feels as the length of the member slides in until only the knot is outside. The dog places himself in better position and begins to move his ass up and down.

Wilton moans with pleasure when the warm anal walls begin to caress his erection that enters and that gets out of the ass of Otto. His brother's seed helps to improve the motion.

The penis and Otto's balls rock on the air while he moans and pant with pleasure, the tip of the penis of Wilton touches his gland when he moves his hips down.

That makes the dog shake with pleasure, Wilton moans and pants with pleasure, to him it does not matter that Otto's precum fall on his face after getting out of the tip of the dog and flying through the air.

Both moan and growl of pleasure, Otto is enjoying the moment, he sees as Arlen is jacking off, the dog looks at the other wolf and he licks his mouth. Arlen content positions over his bothers and the tip of his cock touches Otto's lips.

The dog opens his mouth to take the shaft and begin to suck in the meantime his ass still bounces on the groin of the young wolf. Wilton begins to move to increase his pleasure.

His balls get wet with the rests of semen that drip from the hole of Otto, he enjoys the taste of the meat of Arlen again. The boy moves his hips and moans with pleasure fucking Otto's mouth.

Otto shakes and moans with pleasure when the right hand of Wilton takes his erection and he begins to masturbate him rapidly.

Wilton feels the hardness of the canine cock that spits slippery precum, the hand moves rapidly back and forth and touches the knot repeatedly.

Otto takes down his hips with force, he closes his eyes when Wilton's knot enters in his entrails. The young wolf lets off a groan t when all of his penis is hedged in with by the passage of the dog.

Otto's ass moves circularly until Wilton pushes his hips and unloads a good quantity of seed in the rectal passage of Otto. The dog feels as his inside is sprinkled with warm and thick seed.

Wilton has his closed eyes and pushes no matter that semen sprinkles his chest and stomach. Otto's penis shoots long and powerful spurts of canine seed.

Otto moans with pleasure while he continues sucking with force and speed, around two minutes later Arlen growls and fills the mouth with the dog with semen.

While three are enjoying their climax Nolan pants in the meantime even he holds his penis with his hand stained of semen. His young seed had gone out fire a shot from his penis with force and a great white puddle is formed on the ground.

The boy sees as three do not move, Nolan panting takes his pajamas pants to raise them, he returns to the house and the bedroom before somebody discovers him.

Otto Little John © Disney

Eryn, Wilton, Arlen, Fleur, Nolan Lorene, Celestine Wilder and Jake, Giselle, Haze, Gregory are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth

Considerations and feelings

On the next day Allan wakes up slowly when the rays of the sun touch his face, the wolf growls with bother and he turns over getting comfortable to sleep again, but he stops to feel Katherine's body. The wolf looks at the feline female that sleeps...

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