A night of lust and pleasure

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#2 of Full Circle

After interesting audience with some people, Little John finds himself having a good night with his mother and remember a great moment of his life while his father has a chance to enjoy two pussies for himself. And Marian will not let that Skippy stays out of the fun.

On the next day Little John wakes up in his bed and stretches his naked body under the bedspreads. The bear smiles smoothly and reclines his head on his crossed arms at the same time that he relaxes a moment.

In his mind still what happened the previous night, an honest conversation and some wine had led to something more interesting that did not happen on a lot of years and it was a good mode of remembering it.

The bear opens his eyes when somebody knocks at the door, the door opens and sees that Marian Marian's head appears.

"Breakfast is ready." Marian says while she smiles at the bear. Little John nods and Marian closes the door again and the bear takes his clothes and he begins to get dressed at the same time that he reads over in his head the jobs that he has in this day.

When Little John is ready, he gets out of the bedroom and goes down to the kitchen yawning.

When arrives there he notices that everyone already are there, Faith and Dana chat while his mother and Ruth are serving milk and bread on the table.

Skippy is close to Marian, Little John laughs softly seeing like the boy has his attention put in Faith. His sister has clearly has noticed it, Marian meanwhile feeds the little Robin Junior.

Matilde runs to Little John and hangs from him. The bear smiles and carries the girl while he greets his family that turns over and say hello. Little John places Matilde on the floor before sitting at the table.

When Little John and his father cross their looks, both make gestures of complicity. Little John realizes that some the tension of the day before had apparently disappeared.

That is good, Little John expects that they all get along very well.

Ruth and Leanna sit at the table also to share the breakfast with the other ones. The bear notices that his mother looks at him fleetingly in repeated occasions.

She seems a bit nervous, and Little John does him a soft gesture as when he was a cub. Leanna gets surprised and smiles softly before continuing eating breakfast.

Little John notices that his father looks at him and with disguise with the head he points toward Ruth and Dana that eat their breakfast. Little John nods, during the previous he had talked with the rabbit about his conversation with his father.

She had gotten surprised and accepted with emotion, Little John expects that Dana not have problems with that either.

"What will you make today?" Lowell asks looking at Little John.

"Well what's usual I guess, I should go to the barracks and see, if there is no new thing, there are papers to make." Little John says looking at his father.

"I guess that being a Lord is not easy." Lowell says while he does grimace and looks at Little John.

"Yes it is, if you do not do your work." Little John responds looking at his father. They all laugh by that declaration. When laughter ends all of them resume breakfast chatting about different themes.

When Little John finishes drinking his milk completely, he goes back to his bedroom where he changes his clothes before going out to the main patio where his carriage awaits for him.

Ruth and Dana are standing next to the carriage. They would go to the town to buy supplies that are necessary. Garrett greets Little John, he greets back while he helps Ruth and her daughter to enter the carriage.

Little John climbs in the carriage and he orders to depart to Garrett, the wolf nods and pulls the reins of the horses that begin to move. The carriage gets out of the castle to move on the road that leads to Nottingham.

"Well... Did your mom say to you about what happened to the other night?" Little John asks looking at Dana. She nods with enthusiasm and a little bit of worry.

"Don't you like the idea?" Little John asks seeing that the girl to be somewhat concerned.

"Well I do not know, if I will do it well... it is my first time with somebody else. I mean your dad..." Dana says looking at Little John. The bear gets surprised and does a friendly face to the girl.

"Take it easy, my father is not bad in that aspect. He had a lot of patience with me when he taught me, besides I know that both are great in this." Little John says laughing smoothly.

Dana and her mother laugh next to the bear for some moments. When the carriage stops in front of the market, Dana and Ruth get out to buy what they need. Little John says good-bye to them while he closes the door.

The bear sits once and the carriage again moves to go to them barracks where it arrives some minutes after. That morning he spends it seeing papers and costs, in addition to deal with a few scoundrels.

At midday he returns to his home to have a good lunch with his family. They sit at the table and begin to eat and talk.

"Brother... are there good suitors here?" Faith asks while she looks at Little John.

He laughs smoothly just like his parents. The ears of Skippy are in alert to listen to this.

"Well... everything depends about in whom you are interested, there are a lot of good men here." Little John says looking at his sister. She opens her eyes with interest, Lowell and Leanna laugh smoothly.

Dana also smiles, that one was her interest some time ago, but now it seems somewhat unimportant to her because at last she no longer needs one. The girl elbows Skippy noticing that her brother is dreaming awake.

Skippy shakes off the head and looks at his sister.

"I know you." Dana says smoothly in the meantime she takes food to her mouth. Skippy looks down with discomfort, his mother laughs smoothly when noticing that.

Little John notices it and feels some grief for the boy, apparently his sister did not noticed nothing, she is not interested in the young rabbit. Lowell feels a little restless thinking that his little daughter already is thinking about men, but Leanna's caresses his thigh to calm him.

Lowell nods and decides not to take much interest about it, she already is a little woman.

After finishing lunch Ruth and her family would go out for a walk while Marian would stay in care of the babies. Little John spends the evening in hall for audiences to listen to the petitions of the people that are under his government.

That afternoon her attention focuses on the people that live in a close town located north of Nottingham and an alone woman that asks for a prorogation to pay her taxes.

Little John firstly takes care of the village matters, apparently caudal of the river that pass near of the town is growing and maybe soon it will flood the village ruining cultivations and the houses of the people.

The bear notices that his family looks through the window at him from the patio. His parents and his sister look at him proudly with a lot of attention, Little John feels a little uncomfortable, but he continues his work.

Some minutes later the bear loses sight of his family, certainly they got tired of seeing him and to listen to the unending debates.

After listening to the opinion of many people with care, Little John decides to deviate the riverbed toward another place that does not represent a threat for the town and that does not damage nobody else.

For that matter it is necessary to plan it well before beginning the works, he puts to some men in charge of mapping the whole sector.

When that theme is concluded, Little John sighs and orders the guards that take out the people.

The guards with order guide the people out of the hall before closing the front door to let Little John alone with the woman that requires the prorogation of her taxes. She is a female cat with a white fur with a green dress.

She has heavenly beautiful eyes and her whiskers move lightly. When the door closes she kneels in front of Little John and looks at the bear with plea.

"My Lord please... I request you give time me to pay, some of my children are sick and I need the money to cure them." The female says while she looks at the bear with a couple of tears in his eyes.

"I know that I ask much but my children are all that I have." the woman says cleaning his eyes.

"Mrs..." Little John says while he looks at the woman. He had not asked her name.

"Dianne Smith." The woman says looking at Little John.

"Mrs. Smith something that I take into account a lot for these concessions is the honesty of the petition and the responsibility. I see that you really are honest, a son is a big responsibility and you love them." Little John says looking at the female.

She nods while she smiles lightly because it is truth, she loves her cubs with all her heart.

"The second thing is that according to my treasurer, you in spite of your difficulties, you always did pay your taxes and I know that in the future you will honor your taxes when all this finishes." The bear says while the woman that gets happy listening to Little John.

"I will give you three months of exception of tributes. I hope that it is enough." Little John says looking at the female cat.

"Definitely yes my Lord." Dianne says while she refrains not to burst into tears.

"Besides this will help." Little John says putting his hand into a pocket and taking out a little sack with coins. The woman's eyes open when the bear shows her the sack and he does her a friendly gesture.

Dianne gets up and with calm she comes closer, she swallows hard when he picks up the little sack and opens it. In the inside there are some coins, at first sight it is a quantity that will help her a lot.

"Thank you my Lord." The female cat says rapidly bending over and kissing the hand of Little John. He stops her after some moments, for the bear is a joy to see the happy woman.

He can be the Lord, but his humble origins help him to understand better to the people. As many times as he had seen that money became scarce for a vital matter like health, and everything always got worse for the taxes that were charged without mercy, as if were a programmed theft .

"Lord I know that you usually take a woman for this kind of favor... I am ready." Dianne says while she kneels in front of Little John and nodding in the meantime with her hands she squeezes the money sack and looks at the bear.

Little John looks at the woman with attention, he studies all her body.

"Get naked." Little John says while he looks at the woman. She nods and rapidly opens her dress and she gets undressed slowly dropping her dress to the floor, Little John's eyes go over the naked body slowly.

She has a white brilliant fur, her breasts are medium-sized that match with her frame very well.

The long and silky tail moves slowly, the woman looks to the floor with some shame before facing the bear.

Little John indicates his crotch with his forefinger. Dianne kneels in front of Little John and with calm takes pants away from him and puts them on a close chair.

The female looks with a little bit of surprise the balls of the bear, they are big, and she places her hands on the furry sack and begins to massage it slowly. Her hands move on the testicles of Little John with calm.

The female eyes open when she sees as the penis of Little John begins to harden, the shaft slowly comes alive, Dianne gasps and Little John smiles content seeing the face of surprise of the woman.

Dianne begins to lick the balls of the bear, her tongue moves slowly and carefully on the furry orbs. Little John feels the licks on his two balls, it is a pleasant sensation, the tongue of a female is wrinkled.

The female has her closed eyes while he uses her techniques of cleanliness on the crotch of Little John. Her hand massages balls while she gets them wet with saliva, Little John does not moves while he has a good time.

The tongue moves up and begins to climb the cock slowly, she enjoys the taste, different one to the one of a cat. The penis does not have barbs like the one of a cat and it is thick in comparison of her former husband.

The tongue arrives at the head of the penis, Little John growls smoothly feeling the licks on the head of his member, the licks are tender and carefully. Dianne does not stop while she has her closed eyes.

Her tongue touches a drop of precum, she licks the drop with her tongue and opens her eyes to see the bear. She purrs while he masturbates Little John slowly, he smiles at the woman that moves her tail slowly.

She feels that her slit gets wet, this had started as a payment, but seeing that big penis arouses her desire. Nobody had touched at her in a long time and she needs this.

Dianne licks Little John's shaft slowly from the base to the tip without stopping, she closes her eyes when her mouth opens and closes it around the head of the penis.

She sucks softly feeling as the precum drips on her tongue, Little John moans and sees that Dianne begins to move her head while she sucks. The penis enters and gets out of the female's warm mouth.

The saliva drips from the member of the bear to his balls, Dianne tries to take more of the masculinity in her mouth, Little John moans and growls with pleasure, he places his hand on the nape of the neck of the female and pushes it down.

Dianne gets surprised and she chokes when the thick erection touches the entrance of her throat, the precum splashes her throat. Little John notices it and pushes with a little more force.

The female's eyes open when she feels that the member slides in her throat, her little nose disappears in the thick fur of the bear. She shakes off in the meantime the big hand of Little John maintains her head in her place.

The bear has his eyes closed while he feels as the muscles of the throat move around his penis, his precum slides directly to the female's stomach. He opens his eyes and releases Dianne's head after some moments, the female takes out the penis rapidly of her mouth and she takes air.

She breathes finally feeling air in her bellows, she looks at Little John, and he smiles at her and again aims at his penis. Dianne nods and again takes the cock in her mouth, she sucks it softly while Little John closes his eyes enjoying the sensation.

The sound of sucking is heard with clarity at the place due to the echo, Dianne moves her head some moments more until she feels that Little John stops her with calm.

Diane feels as her saliva drips from her chin, she looks at the shining shaft before standing up.

She with calm gets comfortable on the thighs of the bear, Little John with his hand points his cock between the female's thighs.

The penis head touches the pink slit, the female cat begins to take down her hips and to try taking the hard member. The tip presses her vaginal lips, Little John feels the heat that comes from the inside of the female.

Dianne takes down her hips and begins to force the tip in her vulva, she pants and doubts that the thick shaft would enter in her little pink hole. She had never copulated with a big guy like the bear.

Little John seizes the hips of the female and pushes them down to help the woman, Dianne's mouth opens and she gasps when the penis head enters in her vagina.

She feels that her vaginal walls stretch around the tip, it is big. Little John moans softly feeling the pressure in that sensitive part of his penis, the female cat is tight.

Dianne moves her ass circularly and moans while she impales herself in the hard axis of the bear. She pants while her vaginal walls stretch themselves around the member, she never felt so full in her life.

The bear enjoys in the meantime his penis slowly disappear in the soft and wet slit of the feline female. Dianne moans and the head of the penis of Little John finally touches the entrance of her cervix.

A part of the member still is out. Dianne reclines her hands on the arms of the chair and she begins to move slowly, she has her closed eyes while she pants feeling as the penis enters and gets out of her vagina.

Little John moans softly, the female squeezes his penis with force. He looks as she rides him slowly while he pants. The bear stretches his hands and catches the two white tits.

Dianne feels that the big hands begin to squeeze her breasts, Little John enjoys warmth and firmness of both breasts. He begins to twist nipples smoothly achieving that the female moaned with pleasure and her purring becomes stronger.

The female opens her eyes and looks at the bear seductively, Little John smiles while he has a good time completely, Dianne's juices slide on his member axis and get wet the fur that covers his testicles.

Little John releases his breasts and his hands seize the buttocks of the female, he begins to move the body of Dianne up and down without difficulty. She feels as the penis enters deeper inside her vagina.

The head gets in her cervix shooting spurts of precum right into her canal, it is something lightly painful. The female whines while her tail moves showing her pleasure.

The bear begins to pump his penis in the cat while he uses his hands to move the woman's body the way he likes it. Dianne's breasts rock and she moans when Little John's lips close around her nipple.

Little John's mouth sucks and moves her tongue on the pink nipple, he nibbles that sensitive part achieving that the woman shakes with pleasure.

After some minutes Little John clenches his teeth and growls when he shoots a powerful spurt of seed in the vagina of Dianne. She feels as her vaginal walls are bathed with hot and sticky semen unleashing an orgasm in their body.

Spurt after spurt of semen are shoot out of the penis of the bear, he enjoys this sensation while he holds the female that shakes her body. She leans on the bear while she pants heavily and her juices drip of her slit abundantly.

She opens her eyes when Little John begins to push her penis inside her and to fuck her again, Dianne moans of pleasure. In her inside the member even is hard and caress her vaginal walls.

Little John squeezes the white buttocks of the cat in the meantime in his mind he thinks about the next move. Diane gains control of herself while her body moves up and down due the strong trusts of the bear.

When it is enough Little John stops and without difficulty raises Dianne's body, his member slides out of the pink grotto. Semen and juices drip from the slit and fall on the floor.

Little John gets up and reclines Dianne on his chair, she reclines her elbows on the cushion and raising her ass. A smile appears in the face of the bear when he sees that Dianne's vulva is open and semen drips from the interior.

The female opens her eyes when Little John's hands spread her buttocks, Little John licks his mouth and introduces his snout between the white cheeks of the cat. Dianne moans and meows with pleasure when she feels the lick on her posterior hole.

Little John's tongue tip moves circularly in the brown pinhole, his saliva gets that place wet. Little John introduces his hand between the woman's thighs and picks up juices and semen.

He scatters the juices on his penis in the meantime he continues eating the ass of the female, for some moments. Little John stands up and introduces his penis between the buttocks of the female, his penis head covers the hole completely.

Little John realizes that this would be a little hard and exciting, but at the same time somewhat dangerous because he refuses to attract somebody. The bear sees a green tape in the ground, he crouches and takes it.

Dianne gets surprised when she is muzzled, the green tape is tied around her snout. Little John again positions his penis and begins to push, wailing of pain escape of the mouth of the cat when her posterior hole begins to be forced to open.

She contorts while she moans with pain, Little John's penis is big and perhaps impossible that enters her little hole. Little John holds her hips and pushes with more force his hard cock.

The female's eyes open when her sphincter is unable resist more and it opens to receive the member's tip, the female shakes feeling a burning pain in her ass, a big one.

The whining of pain is calmed but not stop completely. Little John continues pushing his penis, tears slide down from the eyes of the female. She feels as her anal walls stretches around Little John's member.

He pushes enjoying the tight posterior passage of the female, his penis head touches the rectal bottom. His member is squeezed with force and Little John begins to pump his penis with pleasure.

She moans while he feels as the penis enters and gets out of her anus, she feels as each part of her rectum is filled with hard meat. The squirts of precum sprinkle her bowels.

Dianne loves the anal sex and this is a new sensation, her anus never was so full.

Little John pumps and growls while he fucks the female, his hands hold the female's narrow hips, Dianne's white tail rest on his right shoulder.

The tail moves lightly and hits Little John's face, it does not matter to him because he is concentrating in the marvelous sensation that her penis transmits to her brain.

The pushes of the bear begin to accelerate and the force of the purring of Dianne increases, she feels that her juices drip from her opening while her pleasure increases just like the pleasure of Little John.

He pumps with more force and feels that his balls are ready to free a new load of seed that is fired some moments later covering each part of the rectum of Dianne with semen.

She shakes when he feels a new orgasm, she feels as semen keeps on filling some cracks in her anus. Her juice drips from her slit and falls to the floor, the anal spasms squeeze Little John's shaft extracting more semen.

He pants and slowly pulls his penis out until the tip slips of the passage, the bear sees that his semen drips from the gaping hole in middle of the buttocks of the female, Little John unties the tape and Dianne finally feels that her snout is free.

Little John opens his eyes with surprise when he directs his look toward the left and sees that his mother is looking by the window. She does not seem angry and smiles before she moves to get out of view.

Dianne stands up and feels as semen slides from her buttocks to her thighs, she picks up the sticky substance with her fingers and she takes her to the mouth to savor it while Little John feels a little confused and excited for what he saw.

"You are big, my Lord." Dianne says while she turns over and caresses Little John's flaccid cock with the tip of her forefinger. The fingertip goes over the shaft from the base to the tip.

"I hope that you liked it." Little John says smiling and taking his pants to get dressed. Dianne nods and takes her clothes to get dressed too, when her clothes are in their place Dianne does a final reverence before getting out of the hall by the front door.

Little John sighs and smiling he goes out to his home's patio and getting some rest. The bear rests in his bedroom until he hears that someone knocks at the door. He sees that the door opens and Dana enters in the bedroom.

"The dinner is served." The female says while she looks at Little John. He nods and he gets out of bed, Little John stretches his body some moments before meeting with the girl and getting out of the bedroom.

"Are you excited?" Little John asks looking at the girl. She nods and smiles because she feels excited. That night it would be somewhat new for her, the girl expects that it will be awesome.

Little John and Dana gather in the dining room with the other ones. Food is delicious while they chat animatedly. Little John listens as his sister had fun taking a walk with Ruth and Dana.

The bear feels content that Faith gets along well with Dana and Ruth. Skippy for his side had had fun with his friends, regardless of everything, they keep on being friend no matter that they had to walk a long distance to meet.

Little John notices that his father smiles at him while he winks him an eye, this is due to the arrangements that they did and each one would spend an incredible night. The bear also notices that his mother watches him with complicity.

She with calm and care comes closer to lean lightly on his shoulder while everyone see the chimney.

"Do we use your bedroom or mine?" Leanna asks softly and care that nobody listens to them.

"In yours... dad needs space and my bed is bigger." Little John says while he looks at his mother smiling smoothly. She nods and she licks the mouth before waiting for a little more raisin to separate and sitting next to her husband.

Both look at each other and say absolutely nothing while they know what they desire, after the dinner, everyone pass the time in front of the chimney. Faith and Dana exchange opinions of some dresses.

Marian and Ruth chat while they breast-feed their cubs before putting them to sleep next to the cubs of Dana. They had fallen asleep a little early.

Cubs fortunately are not bothersome at night. After a half-hour they all decide to go away to sleep.

Little John notices that Marian looks at Skippy and she moves her lips lightly.

The boy nods and he seems content, that night the boy also would have fun. Little John sees that his mother smiles at him and makes a gesture while his father makes good use of that Faith does not look at him and she talks with Dana and Ruth.

Little John goes to the kitchen to take a cup of water and returning he realizes that all his family no longer is there. Little John is going to the bedrooms and he stops in front of the door of the bedroom of his mother and he knocks three times.

"Come in." His mother's voice says. Little John looks at the sides before opening the door and entering in the bedroom. The bear closes the door and sees that his mother is turning the back on him while she takes off her clothes.

Little John sees as last garments of his mother falls to the floor before she turns over seeing her son.

"What do you think?" Leanna asks while she places her hands on her hips and smiles smoothly.

"Excellent." Little John says while he watches his mother's nudity. Her breasts are ample and as he remembered them, they are not firm like the one of the young girls. Her stomach is not flat either, but it is not a problem for Little John.

"Well let's see how much you have grown up there down." Leanna says while she does a gesture and she gets close to Little John. The female begins to undress her son with calm and slowness.

"What happens?" Leanna asks noticing that Little John smiles soft and shamefacedly some moments.

"Well you do not undress me since long time ago." Little John says while he scratches his head lightly. His mother laughs smoothly remembering as she used to dress and undress her son when he was little boy.

"Well... you did not have fuck me since long time ago too, sometimes when I was bathing you, wondered myself, if you would have your father's size... here." Leanna says laying her hand on the crotch of her son.

"You will find it out soon." Little John says while he smiles at his mother.

She moves back a little to admire her son, the resemblance with his father is evident.

"Come on." Leanna says looking at her Little John before moving and climbing in the bed. Little John nods and in a few minutes he is in bed. His mother leans backwards in bed and she smiles at Little John.

He positions himself on his mother and she closes her arms around the neck of her son. Little John feels uncomfortable without knowing, if he kisses her or no, but she surprises him when he kisses him.

The bear responds the kiss and pushes his tongue in the mouth of his mother. He feels as his tongue fights against the one of his mother. Leanna enjoys the kiss and breaks it after some moments.

Little John smiles before taking down his head and closing his mouth around the nipple of his mother to suck it with care and calm. He moves his tongue circularly, his other hand takes the other tit to knead and caressing it.

Leanna moans and pants with pleasure while he sees her son, she feels as the lips of Little John get her nipple wet. She closes her eyes, her other tit. The nipple is pinched and twist with calm by the forefinger and thumb.

Little John does not stop the sucking the tit until he decides to put his attention in the other nipple, he moves his head to suck the nipple, the bear gets surprised a little when his mother begins to caress his head.

Leanna moans and moves her hand on the head of her son, she smiles when he remembers the little cub breast-feeding her nipple. She growls when her son's hand moves further down and it gets in her thighs.

The palm caresses the vulva, Little John releases the nipple and looks at her mother's face, he watches pleasure as her mother whines and shakes with pleasure while he has his eyes closed, and her forefinger gets inside between the vaginal lips to touch the inside lightly.

Little John feels the wetness in the tip of his finger while his thumb caresses his mother's clitoris.

She growls and opens her eyes to see as her son observes her.

"Do not tease your mother." Leanna says growling and pushing her son's head to move it down.

Little John moves down his head while his mother opens her legs wide, in some moments the face of Little John is in front of his mother's shining vulva.

The bear looks at it a moment and with care he introduces his forefinger, he begins to move it inside and out with calm, he moves in circles his finger achieving that his mother moaned with pleasure. Little John stops and takes out his finger.

He takes out his tongue and begins to lick the pink slit, juices cause Little John's tongue to burst banks. That pleasant and delicious taste, the first female juice that he tried in his life.

The tip moves between the vaginal labia of Leanna, picking up the tasty juice before touching the swollen clitoris. Leanna shakes and squeezes the bedspread when her son's tongue you go over her pink sensitive point.

The bear sees that his mother's vulva is swollen and red, Little John closes his mouth around the slit and pushes his tongue with force. Leanna growls with force when her pussy is invaded by the big tongue.

The juice falls directly in Little John's mouth.

"Uhhh you eat a lot of pussies, don't you?" Leanna says growling and looking at her boy. Little John uses his right forefinger to pick up the juice, the bear introduces his forefinger between the buttocks of his mother and moves it up and down in the crack until he finds her anus.

Leanna gasps and moans when the finger presses her anus and enters in her rectum without difficulty, she feels as the tongue of Little John continues moving in her vagina while the finger in ass moves too.

The hot respiration that gets out of the nose of Little John hits Leanna's clitoris, she shakes while her pleasure increases rapidly. Little John sinks all his finger in the rectum of his mother and moves it with more velocity.

Leanna's body suddenly becomes taut and she growls with force. Her legs close around the head of Little John. He sucks with force absorbing the juices of the orgasm of his mother.

They are plentiful, Leanna arches her body while his body squeezes the bedspreads with force, after some moments she falls and bounce in bed in the meantime her legs even they are closed around the head of Little John.

He uses his hands to open his mother's legs. Little John sees as his mother pants rapidly, she shakes when his son caresses her wet vulva in juices with his hand.

The bear licks his hand to taste the remains of the juices. Leanna opens her eyes and looks as her son licks his hand as if he tried a portion of honey. Leanna moves and takes the hand of her son.

Little John gets surprised when his mother pulls him to lean him on bed, the bear sees that she positions herself on him and she caresses his chest slowly. She smiles and she moves down and her vulva rubs Little John's penis.

She feels as the cock caresses her vulva and the tip gets her wet with a drop of precum, Leanna takes down more her body she moves to be between the legs of Little John. The female closes her hand around the penis of her son and caresses it slowly feeling its hardness.

His hand moves up and down on the hard member, Leanna thinks that it has the same size that the member of his father. Little John sees that his mother looks at him and smiles before taking down her head and opening her mouth.

Little John moans and pants when his mother's lips close around the tip of his penis, she sucks smoothly moving her tongue on the sensitive head of the hard cock of his son.

She feels the taste of meat and the precum that oozes of the opening, is different of the one of Lowell, but delicious. The female begins to move her head slowly and massage balls with care.

Little John moans feeling as his mother's warm mouth moves up and down, the saliva gets his shaft wet and drips to his balls. The sound of sucking is heard in the bedroom.

Leanna takes out the penis from her mouth and licks it slowly, her tongue moves down and begins to lick her son's balls, and she closes her mouth in the right testicle and she begins to suck it.

Little John's eyes closes to enjoy the sensation, he feels as his testicle is bit and pulled softly repeatedly. His mother takes upon herself to suck the other testicle for some moments.

Leanna stops and using her breasts surround Little John's shaft, she moves her tits up and down.

Little John moans and growls feeling as his penis slides between the soft breasts of his mom.

The little spurts of precum sprinkle the breasts and chin of Leanna, she enjoys seeing as her son moans and enjoys her work. The female bear stops and again puts the penis into her mouth, she takes down more her head and the shaft is disappearing in her mouth.

Little John opens his eyes and pants when he sees as the mouth of her mother touches the base of his penis. He feels as the muscles of the throat move on his penis, Leanna does not have in problems with taking his son's shaft completely.

She had made it with quite a large number of times with her husband and she already is accustomed, Little John begins to move his hips and to fuck his mother's mouth. Leanna feels as the member enters and gets out of her throat, her saliva drips on the crotch of Little John getting his brown fur wet.

The spurts of precum begin to increase and Leanna holds Little John's hips, she increases the force of her suction. Little John growls and he shoots his seed.

The white and sticky spurts sprinkle the palate, teeth and Leanna's tongue, the female swallows and sucks while her hand moves up and down on the shaft of her boy to drink more delicious semen.

She collects with her tongue the last trails of semen, she takes out the penis and licks it completely collecting large drops, Little John shakes when her mother's tongue goes by the head of his penis.

Leanna masturbates Little John rapidly. The mother and son look at each other smiling, Leanna moves and lays her crotch on the cock of Little John. He feels as the hand of his mother moves his cock aiming it.

The penis head touches Leanna's vulva, she smiles at her son before taking down her hips. Little John and his mom close their eyes, the bear perceive as the soft and affectionate inside of the female slowly he surrounds his cock as she takes down her hips.

Leanna shakes with emotion when her vagina is invaded, she in her mind remembers her cub's penis, it was little and now it is a penis of respectable and big size.

Leanna's vulva touches the base of the penis of Little John. Leanna takes some seconds to enjoy the masculinity in her vagina, she places her hands on the chest of Little John and she begins to ride him rapidly.

Leanna moans and growls with pleasure, she feels as the member of her son moves in her vagina, it is an incredible sensation. The penis fills her in addition to know that it is her son's cock, the thought makes her more wet and horny.

Little John moans and pants with pleasure, his mother's vaginal walls caress his shaft, he sees as her bouncing tits and he takes them. His hands squeezes the breasts with force twisting nipples lightly.

His mother growls with pleasure, her juices drip from her opening getting wet Little John's balls. The bear has a good time and his pleasure intensifies he surprises his mother catching her and throwing her at the bed.

Little John positions himself on his mother and she opens her legs largely, Little John pushes his hips penetrating again to Leanna, he begins to fuck with force and velocity.

"Fuck me John... fuck your mother!" Leanna moans with force while she embraces her son.

"Mom... you are as soft as I remember it." Little John says while he pumps with force, his ass moves in a constant rhythm. His member enters deeply in his mother that enjoys it, the juice and precum combines.

The bed creaks with force and Little John hopes that it would not break, Leanna closes her legs around the hips of her son, and her wet vulva is hit by the groin of Little John.

Little John growls and he stops pushing his penis with force. Semen spurts come out from the opening his penis splashing the vaginal walls that contract with force.

"John... you are flooding me much more that when you made me pregnant of Faith!!!" Leanna shrieks feeling a great orgasm, her vaginal walls release juices that get wet the bedspreads.

Little John does not move in the meantime he still has his penis inside his mother, she does not move either permitting that the pleasure of her body fades away slowly. She pants and caresses the chest of her loved boy.

"John you... fuck so good as your father does." Leanna says panting and looking at Little John.

He smiles and sucks his mother's left nipple for some moments.

"You continue sucking so well as that first time." Little John says watching content to his mother.

She smiles softly to him.

"Well.... I guess that you are like your father and you like this a lot." Leanna says while she moves her hand further down going over Little John's back. The bear gets surprised a little when his mother's fingers get inside between his buttocks and they caress his hole.

"I love it a lot." Little John says smiling. His mom licks her mouth and pushes her son, Little John falls backwards in bed and his body bounces lightly.

Leanna moves and without a lot of effort she rolls over her son, Little John lets himself be move, he raises his ass when her mother catches her hips and raises them. The bear has his chest leant in bed while his ass is on the air.

Leanna places her hands on the buttocks of her son and spreads them, the female bear smiles seeing her boy's sphincter. Little John moans with pleasure the moment that his mother's tongue touches his anus.

She licks the hole with calm and slowness, Leanna moves her tongue up and down in the middle of the buttocks of her son, the bear shakes when the tongue passes on his anus time after time.

Leanna takes down her mouth and kisses the two balls from behind before going back to concentrate on sphincter of Little John. He feels that his testicles are caught by his mother, Leanna caresses them a moment before moving his hand between the legs of Little John.

Her hand begins to masturbate Little John, Leanna pushes her tongue that enters in the rectum of Little John. He growls feeling as his anal walls are touched by the wet tongue, the tip moves between the cracks covering it with saliva.

Leanna's hand moves of up and down, she feels as the member of her son hardens again, her fingers caress the head and pick up some precum that oozes by the opening. The female stops and sees content like the sphincter is shining by her saliva.

Little John gets up and sees as his mother turns over and to rest on her elbows and knees.

"Fuck my ass." Leanna says while she opens her buttocks and showing her little posterior hole.

Little John kneels down behind his mother and catches his cock to aim it down.

He pushes his penis sinking it in the wet and hot vagina of his mother, the bear begins to fuck her rapidly. Leanna moans with pleasure, Little John's penis gets cover with juices and semen.

Little John picks up juices and applies them to his mother's anus for some moments before stopping, he takes out his member and he guides it up. Leanna feels as the head touches her sphincter.

Little John holds his mother's buttocks and pushes with force, he feels as the sphincter opens and his member sinks in his hot entrails. Leanna moans with pain for the sudden anal penetration.

She feels that Little John's groin touches her buttocks, her rectum is full with hard meat.

The bear begins to move rapidly, his penis enters and gets rapidly out of the tight passage. Little John moans and pumps his penis.

Leanna moans and pants with pleasure, her tits rock rapidly. Her sphincter moves with each thrust, the spurts of precum sprinkle her anal walls. She enjoys being fuck in the ass.

Little John releases his mother's hips and he leans forward to take her breasts to stimulate them incrementing Leanna's pleasure. He makes it for some minutes before releasing them.

Leanna moans with pain when he feels a spank on her right gluteus.

"Typical... your father does the same thing!" Leanna says growling and looking at her son. Little John smiles and closes his eyes to concentrate on what he does, the rectal squeeze is delicious.

His balls rock and hit Leanna's vulva, both growl with force and suddenly Little John feels juice squirts that hit his balls and thighs. His mother moans and clenches her teeth.

The bear feels that his member is squeezed with more force, he pumps with more force and growls at the moment of filling the cracks in the rectum of his mom with sticky and warm semen.

Leanna feels the shoot-out of semen in her ass while her juices drip abundantly between her thighs and they get wet the bed. Little John takes out his penis and sees as his white seed gets out of the anus of his mother and it wriggles through both cheeks to drip on the bed.

Leanna and Little John lean upon the bed while they pant heavily.

"I had not had an orgasm that way in years." Leanna says breathing agitatedly and looking at her son.

"It was as intense as that one first time... something special." Little John responds while he rolls over seeing his mother's bother. She smiles and pushes her son's head to her chest, she smiles Little John's lips catch her left nipple and sucks it smoothly.

While Little John went to the kitchen, Lowell looks at Ruth and Dana to do them some friendly gesture. Dana looks content and looks at her mother, she says absolutely nothing and she heads toward the bedrooms, her daughter follows her.

They all get on way to for their bedrooms, they intentionally permit that Faith get ahead to enter in her bedroom. She says good-bye to her parents before closing the door.

"Be careful with that girl." Leanna says smoothly and looking at her husband. He nods and makes a grimace while he sees that Ruth and Dana await for him in the door with some excitation.

Lowell comes closer and next to the two females enter in the bedroom, it is a comfortable room.

The bed is ample too and enough for what will happen that night.

"Well I hope that a night be very good." Lowell says looking at Ruth and Dana.

"We expect the same thing." Ruth says with some nervousness while she helps Dana to get undressed.

Lowell sees the two women, the eyes of the bear open when Ruth permits that Dana's dress slide to the floor before she aids her to take off her underwear.

The naked back and the ass of Dana are the first thing that Lowell sees, an attractive sight is for the bear. The girl turns over showing up completely, Lowell looks at the girl with surprise.

She is beautiful with a white clear and showy fur, her breasts have a good size and Lowell is sure that they are full completely. The bear cannot believe that a girl likes that gave her son a couple of beautiful cubs.

"Beautiful." Lowell says smiling and looking at Dana. She gets surprised and she blushes lightly while she feels content that her body is desirable for father of Little John.

Ruth smiles and she begins to take off her clothes in front of the bear, Lowell puts his attention in her and he licks his lips when the woman's dress join to the one of her daughter to lie on the floor covering her feet.

The mother looks good without her clothes, she has a body that attracts his interest, and she after having several children still looks very good. Her breasts are big and two pink nipples stick up from the fur.

"Of such mother such daughter." Lowell says looking at the two women. They get ashamed a little, but they feel content. They see that the bear gets undressed rapidly, Dana and her mother agree approvingly seeing naked to Lowell.

He smiles seeing that the two women look at him attentively. Dana and Ruth laugh when Lowell with a chivalrously expression he invites them to get on the bed. Both catch Lowell's hands and walk together to the bed.

When three enter in bed, Lowell leans backwards to the two women and he positions himself in the middle of both. The bear introduces her hands between the thighs of both women.

The middle fingers of Lowell begin to caress the two slits slowly, Dana pants feeling that the finger moves between her vaginal labia of slow and soft way.

Ruth shakes when the bear's fingertip caresses her clitoris, she moans and her body becomes taut a little. Lowell moves his fingers while he sees as the two women moan and they shake with pleasure.

The bear pushes his fingers sinking them in the vaginas of the two females, Lowell takes down his head and closes his lips around the left nipple of Ruth. He begins to suck slowly, in a few moments his mouth fills up with milk that get out of the woman's breast.

She moans and closes her eyes with pleasure, her sensitive and erect nipple is nibbled and pulled by the bear. Lowell with pleasure savors the milk, he had not tried something like this since his cubs were born.

Lowell loved to fuck his wife when she was pregnant, the bear releases the nipple and he licks his mouth before to begin to suck Dana's right tit.

The girl moans and pants with pleasure.

The milk taste is different to the one of his mother, it is sweeter. Lowell nibbles the nipple softly while his fingers move in the slits of both women, the juice flows from their openings getting wet Lowell's fingers.

The bear feels that the vaginal walls of Dana squeezes his finger with force, she moans of pleasure feeling that the finger moves with deftness in her vagina besides the suction of her milk from her erect and hard nipple pleasures her.

Lowell stops and sees that the two females pant heavily. The bear takes Dana and leans her on her mother with calm. Dana feels that her back gets wet with the warm milk of her mother.

Lowell's hands separate wide from the legs of both women, the bear looks with desire at the two slits surrounded by white fur. Dana moans with pleasure and shakes when Little John's father begins to lick her vulva of slow way.

Lowell moves his tongue on the vulva of the girl, the taste of the juices gets to her tongue and he likes it. It is a delicious and sweet taste that gets wet his lips, the tip divides the vaginal labia.

She shakes and moans with pleasure, her mother's hands surround her and take her tits. Ruth begins to massage and to stimulate his daughter's breasts, her thumbs and index of both hands twist and pull the erect nipples.

Ruth feels that the small brooks of milk of her daughter get her hands wet while she moans of pleasure and moves her hips on the face of the bear. A few minutes later is moment of moaning of the mother.

The rabbit moans when she begins to receive oral sex of Lowell, she feels as the tip budges on her clitoris filling her with pleasure, the stimulation of the breasts of her daughter stop.

Lowell licks the mother's vulva rabbit up and down, also he likes very much the taste, and his penis is completely hard while he is reclining on his chest between the legs of both women.

The bear pushes his tongue and penetrates into the vagina of the woman. Ruth moans and pants while his hands press the tits of Dana. She moans with pleasure and milk little squirts are shoot out of her nipples.

Lowell's tongue moves circularly in the inside of Ruth, she has her closed eyes enjoying completely the moment, the bear stops and raises her snout to give oral pleasure to Dana.

She moans and closes her eyes, her vaginal walls are caressed, her mother also moans of pleasure. Ruth feels that the forefinger penetrates into her vagina and it begins to move in her inside.

Lowell moves his finger in circles and considering the sensitive spots of the woman, Ruth arches her body when the fingertip touches the G-Spot in her pussy. Dana surprises herself at a little by the reaction her mother.

The finger of the bear gets out of the vagina and enters in the slit and the girl, she moans of pleasure until her mother feels the same touch she felt. Ruth holds her daughter when she shakes and arches her body of pleasure, her crotch touches Lowell's mouth.

The bear has fun caressing and giving oral sex to the females of intercalated way, none of them is left out while they whimper with pleasure. Lowell moans lightly when his penis tip rubs on the bedspread the moment that he moves a little at every moment.

His precum that gets out of the tip gets the bed wet. He concentrates on licking Ruth's opening while he continues moving his finger in the vagina of Dana, she shakes and moans with pleasure just like her mother.

The rabbit female feels as the tongue budges in her inside and she no longer resists more and loses the control of her body when her orgasm rockets in her body. Lowell's tongue is squeezed by the vaginal walls.

The mother's juices get wet the bear's mouth, he savors them with pleasure while his mouth is closed around the vulva. Lowell listens to a strong growl of Dana, his vaginal walls embraces Lowell's forefinger with force.

The body of Dana shakes and juice squirts begin to get out of the vagina of the girl falling on the head of Lowell, he immediately raises his head and opens his mouth.

Her tongue perceives the taste of the juices of the girl, it is sweeter than the one of the mother, and the girl shakes feeling as the tongue moves between her vaginal labia. The bear never tasted a so young female's juice, is delicious like few juices that he savored in his life.

Dana moans while she sees the head of the father of Little John is between her legs, she feels the incredible pleasure in her body. Lowell stops and he cleans his mouth while the girl breathes agitatedly.

"Both are delicious." The bear says looking at the two females. Dana smiles weakly just like her mother. Lowell catches Dana and he leans her near, the bear opens Ruth's legs and he positions himself between them.

He decides to begin with the mother and to give a time to recover to Dana. The rabbit watches the great erection between the legs of Lowell, a great drop of precum is formed on the tip.

Lowell rubs his cock's tip on the vulva of the female, she shakes when the bear moves the tip on her clitoris and it gets covered with precum. The penis head gets inside between the vaginal labia, the bear pushes and slowly enters in the woman.

Ruth closes his eyes and pants feeling that the man's penis slowly stretches her vaginal walls that open to receive the hard member. The father is so well gifted like the son.

Lowell begins to fuck Ruth with pleasure and force, his ass move up and down while he pumps his penis in the soft passage of the female. Ruth moans and pants with pleasure while her eyes are closed.

The bear's crotch hits her vulva repeatedly and juices mixes with the precum inside of the female. She feels as her breasts wobble by the strong thrusts of the bear.

The female pants when her right nipple is surrounded by the lips of Lowell, he sucks and tugs the nipple while it continues fucking her son's woman, the bear enjoys the moment a lot.

Besides his mouth fills with the refreshing taste of the milk of Ruth, the female moans while she has her eyes closed, the bed creaks with force. Lowell does not stop while his penis enters and gets out of the soft vagina.

His groin gets wet with the juices that splash of the inside of the vulva, the female's clitoris is stimulated lightly by the fur of the stomach of Lowell. The female shakes and closes her legs around the hips of the bear with force.

She hangs form the male's body while he penetrates her vigorously, Lowell opens his eyes with surprise when a hand takes his balls from behind and begins to caress them.

The bear looks over his shoulder. Lowell sees that Dana stands behind while she is sitting on her thighs while she caresses the two big orbs.

She perceives the heat of the heavy testicles, they are comparable to the ones of Little John. The girl massages that point while he listens as her mother moans in the meantime the man mates with her.

Dana feels as her juices are dripping from her slit while she looks forward, she leans forward introducing her snout between the cheeks of the bear. Lowell opens his eyes wide by surprise.

He growls with pleasure feeling the first lick on his sphincter, the girl's tongue touches his hole repeatedly and slowly getting it wet with saliva. The bear pumps with more speed and he stops for a moment between thrusts to enjoy the tongue of Dana.

Ruth moans with force the pushes accelerates in her vagina, she pants and moans with more pleasure. The bear feels that the caresses around his shaft begin to lead him at the point of maximum pleasure.

Lowell feels a lick in his hole that makes him to growl and his muscles become taut and the first semen spurt is shoot out from the opening of his penis and hits Ruth's vaginal sensitive walls.

She shrieks with pleasure and her orgasm is liberate in her body, her vaginal walls clenches with more force around the member of the bear to extract more semen. Lowell growls while he ejaculates inside the female.

Ruth has her mind lost in pleasure, she moans and shakes feeling that semen deposits in her vagina, her body relaxes and she stays lying-down in bed. Lowell moves and he moves out of the way on top of Ruth.

The bear is resting on his hands and knees, he moves his tail and looks over the top of the shoulder to make a grimace to the girl. Dana opens her eyes with some surprise and she simpers before positioning herself behind Lowell.

He moans feeling as Dana continues eating his ass, she does not stop. The tongue moves up and down, the tip presses the center of the sphincter before penetrating into the posterior tunnel of the bear.

Lowell growls and feels as the tongue of Dana does not go deeply, but caresses his anal walls of pleasurable way, the girl moves his tongue inside the bear, and she introduces his right hand between the legs of Lowell.

She takes the erection of the bear, the girl does not get surprised feeling that the member retook its previous hardness. Lowell moans when the fingertip the index of Dana caresses his penis head and scatters a drop of precum on all that place.

The pleasure of the bear increases and Dana stops, she takes out her tongue and hears that the bear is panting heavily. Lowell leans backwards on bed while he breathes agitatedly.

He sees that the girl looks at him and she moves to place herself on him. Dana takes the erection of the bear and caresses it slowly using her hands for some moments before getting up a little and aim the member at her crotch.

She moans when the tip enters in her body, the girl gasps when the shaft begins to slide in her body. Lowell moans feeling that the vaginal soft walls of Dana begin to wrap his cock.

"She is very tight." Lowell says muttering feeling the squeeze of the vagina of Dana around his Shaft. She is tight like no female that he fucked in his life, his penis slides slowly in the passage until the vulva touches Lowell's crotch.

Dana pants feeling that Lowell's penis fills her as Little John's penis makes it.

The girl leans forward placing on her hands the chest of the bear and she begins to move slowly.

Lowell moans when his penis begins to enter and getting out of the vagina of Dana.

His cock is caressed slowly every time that the ass of the girl moves up and down. Dana moans and pants with pleasure, the erection in her vagina feels so good.

Lowell moans and growls while he sees the girl moving, he fixes his attention in the face of expression of pleasure of Dana. Her mouth is lightly open and has her eyes closed while she moans of pleasure.

The girl moves with pleasure riding the bear without stopping, she opens her eyes with a little bit of surprise and feels that Lowell's hands lie on her breasts. He squeezes them slowly with pleasure.

Lowell smiles while he massages the tits of Dana, some drops of milk go out and fall on his chest.

Dana moans when her hard and sensitive nipples are twisted smoothly.

Lowell takes her right hand away when he sees that Ruth comes closer she and her daughter look at each other, Dana nods and his mother positions herself on Lowell and she turns over, the bear licks his mouth seeing Ruth's vulva in front of his face.

The woman takes down her hips and moans when her vulva touches the tongue of the bear. Lowell seizes the buttocks by the woman and squeezes them while he begins to eat that slit again.

Ruth moans and tilts his head forward to take her daughter's right nipple in her mouth, she moans when that place is suctioned smoothly. The girl has a good time enjoying the feelings in her tits.

She shakes lightly while her mother drinks her milk, Dana increases the velocity of motion of her ass that bounces on the groin the bear, the spurts of precum of sprinkle her inside and they mix with her juices.

Juices drip of the slit and make the member of the male shine smoothly, the head of the penis of Lowell touches the entrance of her cervix getting lightly in the canal of the girl.

Lowell licks and moans with pleasure, he uses his hands to scatter Ruth's buttocks and to see the hole in the middle. The mother rabbit releases her daughter's nipple and gasps when she feels a lick on her sphincter.

Lowell licks smoothly the crack, his tongue's tip attacks the female's posterior hole of slow way. Ruth moans and pants with pleasure enjoying that incredible pleasure.

Dana moans with more force and increases the velocity of her motions, her ass move up and down on the erection of the bear that growls with force. Her vaginal walls send more pleasure to her brain.

The bear has his closed eyes while his tongue moves between the buttocks of the mother. The three moan and Dana suddenly takes down her ass with force and her crotch hits the base of the penis of Lowell.

The girl shakes with pleasure when her orgasm begins to spread to each part of her body, her juices are freed in abundance covering the member of the bear and the vaginal walls squeezes the penis with force.

Lowell growls and a powerful semen spurt is shoot out of the opening of his penis and spatters the vaginal walls of the girl, she shakes with more pleasure and her mother must hold her in order that she did not fall down.

The bear has his closed eyes while he ejaculates sticky cum, the vaginal walls squeezes his with force to extract more semen. Lowell pushes his hips until semen runs out.

Ruth smiles seeing that her daughter is panting and she smiles smoothly. The two females move and Lowell sits while he breathes agitatedly. Ruth takes a couple of pillows and it passes two to her daughter.

Dana places the pillows in bed and she leans her stomach on them and raising her ass, her mother does the same thing and both get comfortable better before facing the bear.

"Make a choice." Ruth says laughing soft and impishly at the moment of spreading his buttocks using her hands. Lowell opens his eyes with surprise seeing that the girl does the same thing.

Dana looks at him while her hands keep her buttocks separate. The bear moves to position himself behind both women. Lowell firstly places his hands on the buttocks of Ruth.

The bear squeezes them feeling their firmness, his hands divide buttocks and he sees the mother rabbit's brown hole. It is shining due to the saliva, Ruth shakes when Lowell's fingertip caresses her brown small crease.

The tip moves circularly some moments before stopping, Lowell moves to position himself behind Dana. The bear sees the girl's firm and white cheeks, Lowell places his hands on his two cheeks and kneads them slowly.

They are very firm and soft, to tail of Dana moves slowly in the meantime she sees over her shoulder to the bear. Lowell notices it and moments after his big hands spreads the buttocks of Dana.

He immediately sees the hole in middle the cheeks, it is a pink orifice that attracts the attention of the bear. Lowell licks the mouth without noticing that the two females laugh impishly.

"It is decided." Ruth makes a comment looking at her daughter. Dana nods and moans when Little John's father begins to eat her ass. She shakes feeling as the tongue moves in her crack.

Lowell eats the girl's tail hole with calm while he has his closed eyes, the tip moves on the sphincter in a circular way for some moments. The saliva promptly covers the hole, the bear begins to push his tongue with force.

Dana gasps when the tip enters in her anus, the tongue begins to invade the rectum of the girl of slow way. Moans escape of the mouth of Dana and she shakes with pleasure.

The tongue tip moves between the pleats of her rectum, the saliva begins to cover the anal walls.

Lowell moves his tongue and he feels pleased when the girl pushes her ass against his face.

Lowell moans when Ruth's mouth closes around his penis, she rests back backwards in bed with her head between the thighs of the bear. The female sucks the member smoothly without stopping.

The saliva covers Lowell's cock, the mother's member takes out the penis and she licks it slowly from up and down. Her tongue whirls on the tip of the shaft that now is completely hard.

Lowell shakes with each lick on his member, he slowly takes out his tongue from the anus of Dana and he gets comfortable. With his hand he aims his cock and his penis head touches Dana's sphincter.

She gets comfortable a little better and she gets ready, the penis tip begins to press her hole, Lowell pushes with determination his penis while her precum gets wet the center of the crack between the white cheeks.

Dana moans with pain and clenches her teeth when the penis opens her hole slowly.

Lowell gasps when he feels that his penis head passes by the pink ring of the girl, he feels that the sphincter closes behind that part of his penis. Dana feels content when that difficult part passes.

The bear holds the girl's hips and pushes his penis, the thick member slowly enters in the rectal passage of the young female. The anal walls conform to the mold slowly to the hard meat that invades her.

The young rabbit feels that the penis tip touches the bottom of her anus and her cheeks are touched by the groin of Lowell. He enjoys the tight ass for some moments before beginning to pump his penis inside Dana.

She moans and pants with pleasure with each thrust, the precum sprinkles her rectum. The cheeks of Dana shake every time that the bear's groin hits them. Lowell increases the velocity of his movements while he moans with pleasure.

His balls rock on the air while he fucks the girls, Dana moans while she closed her eyes and embraces the pillow, her teats rock on the air rapidly and some milk little squirts leak of her nipples.

The girl feels as her sphincter moves on the shaft that enters and that gets out of her rectum repeatedly, Lowell stops and embraces the girl from behind and pulls her toward him, her hands catch the girl's breasts.

Dana moans while cock moves in her ass, her breasts are pinched and milk drips of her nipples.

Lowell leans backwards while he continues pounding Dana's ass.

She moans and shakes when she feels a lick on a vulva completely, her mother begins to give her oral sex at the same time that she is fuck. Ruth enjoys the juices of her daughter, her tongue decreases more and licks Lowell's erection.

He feels as the tongue moves on his cock, the woman resumes her licked on vulva of his daughter.

Lowell's and Dana's moan increase until the bear gives a powerful thrust and he growls at the moment that sperm come out from of the opening of his penis and they hit the bottom of her anus.

Dana shakes and whimpers with pleasure when her mother's tongue and the stimulation in her rectum take her to the orgasm. Her body arches of pleasure while she has her closed eyes.

Her anal walls embrace Lowell's shaft and he moans with more pleasure while his semen covers his penis and the anal walls of the girl. Dana relaxes after some moments and Lowell leans her in bed while her penis slips out of the anus of his lover.

Dana feels as semen drips through her gluteus before touching the bed bedspread. Lowell breathes agitatedly while he sees that his penis begins to go flat.

"I do not think that it will get hard again soon." Lowell says when Dana's mother catches his penis and begins to move it slowly. The female does not give up and introduces the cock in her mouth.

Lowell moans when Ruth begins to suck his cock slowly, the female feels the taste of the semen of the bear. After some moments Ruth takes out the flat cock and begins to lick Lowell's balls.

Her tongue moves on the big orbs, the bear gets surprised when Ruth's nose gets in the crack of his anus. Lowell turns over leaning his hands and knees in bed.

Ruth laughs impishly when she spreads Lowell's buttocks. He growls and shakes when the tongue touches his sphincter. The rabbit licks the hole slowly moving the tip in that sector circularly.

Lowell has his closed eyes while he enjoys each lick, the bears always he has a good time when his wife makes this. The eyes of the bear open with surprise when another tongue adds to Ruth's tongue.

Dana moves her tongue in the crack of the bear, her tongue and the one of her mother meet and they fight on the brown hole of Lowell. The bear feels that his member slowly hardens while he hangs in the air.

The girl catches the cock and she aims it towards back begin to suck in the meantime her mother still she takes care of the posterior hole of the bear. Lowell moans and growls of pleasure.

The mother and daughter stop some moments after and Ruth leans upon his left side in bed.

Lowell places behind her with his penis in his hand, he introduces the tip between the buttocks of the rabbit.

The bear finds the female's hole and pushes his penis. Ruth feels the pressure of the head of the penis on his sphincter, Lowell pushes with more force and listens to the groan of pain of Ruth when his posterior passage is pierced.

Lowell feels the internal heat of the woman, he pushes his hips and his hard member slides in the posterior cave of the mother. Ruth moans and pants feeling that the thick erection of the bear penetrates her.

She does not have problems in taking the erection that looks alike in size to Little John's member.

Lowell raises the right leg of Ruth and he begins to move his penis in the anus of the female.

She moans feeling that her buttocks are hit by the crotch of the bear, Ruth moans with pleasure while her eyes are closed and her juices begin to dip from her pink slit.

She feels motion and the woman gasps when a mouth closes around her left nipple. Ruth opens his eyes and sees that his daughter breast-feeds her tit nibbling her nipple softly.

Dana sucks and perceives the taste of the milk of her mother, it delights her while she takes down her hand to get inside between the thighs of her mother. She shakes when her daughter's hand caresses her slit and clitoris.

He likes the double pleasure that she feels, her anal walls are stimulated with each push and the stimulation on her clitoris. Dana pushes two fingers in the vagina of her mother, she moans when her vaginal walls also begin to be caressed.

Dana moves her fingers with calm while her mouth stimulates her mother's nipples. Ruth moans with more speed, her juices are secreted in abundance and she suddenly becomes tense and moans of pleasure.

Her vaginal walls are squeeze with more force the fingers of her daughter that get wet with abundant juices that also get wet the palm of the hand of Dana, she continues rubbing her mother's crotch.

The spasms in the rectum of the female makes Lowell stop and growl with rage shooting a new load of semen that fills completely Ruth's rectum and semen oozes the exterior getting wet the balls of the bear.

Lowell does not move for some moments until his semen runs out, he pulls his penis taking out from the anus of Ruth. The bear leans backwards in bed panting heavily.

"My son was right, you two are incredible." Lowell says looking at the two females that laugh impishly while they kneel down to the sides of the bear to caress his body and to try having more fun with him.

Skippy closes the bedroom's door and feels that Marian embraces him from behind, the woman places her hand on the crotch of the rabbit and begins to rub his genitals. The boy closes his eyes and feels that the woman's hand catches his balls and stimulates them slowly.

She has a good time seeing that Skippy has his closed eyes, the boy's penis slowly hardens and gets out of his white sheath, he shakes when Marian catches his cock and he masturbates him slowly.

Marian smiles content feeling that her slit between her legs gets wet slowly while she knows she would make it with the boy. Skippy for this moment is very good in bed, with several females to his around it is the logical thing.

The vixen stops her caresses and she moves away from the boy to begin to take off her clothes, she takes off the kerchief of her head and opens her dress buttons while Skippy looks at her without moving.

He sees as the tits of Marian slowly get exposed.

When the last button opens, the two magnificent breasts are freed of their confinement and bounce lightly, Skippy immediately catches them and his mouth catches the right nipple.

Marian moans and smiles seeing that the boy sucks her tit with pleasure, the vixen does not separate the boy while she finishes gotten undressed, her dress falls to her feet and covers them, the adult female takes Skippy's clothing and begins to undress the boy.

Skippy raises his arms to permit that Marian undresses him without problems she smiles when she accumulates the boy's clothes on one side. The female kneels in front of Skippy and he begins to caress the balls with her nose.

The boy closes his eyes feeling that his balls are raised without difficulty and the vixen's hot respiration stirs his white fur. Marian takes out her tongue and gives a complete lick to Skippy's balls.

He feels as his testicles get wet with warm and viscous saliva. Marian licks the two balls smoothly for some moments before beginning to lick the boy's white sheath.

The tongue moves up and down in slow way, Marian sees that Skippy's eyes are closed, he feels as the tip of his penis comes out.

A groan of pleasure slips from the mouth of Skippy when the tongue of touches his sensitive meat.

Marian delights in the taste of the young meat that slowly grows. Skippy's penis rapidly leaves his sheath while Marian's tongue licks it slowly.

Skippy's penis does not equal the size and thickness of the penises of Robin and less Little John, but Marian does not cares about it because it is delicious.

Marian's mouth closes around the penis, the woman begins to suck the boy's shaft slowly, her lips move up and down on the cock while Skippy moans with pleasure.

He feels as the saliva drips to his balls, the vixen moves her head slowly and it is heard the sound of sucking in the bedroom, the little spurts of precum are tasted by the female.

She introduces her hand between her legs and begins to rub her vulva with her hand, her fingers caress her clitoris in circles. She moans of pleasure and pushes two fingers in her vagina.

"Miss Marian!" Skippy says whimpering of pleasure and pushing his hips against the face of Marian and shooting cum. Marian does not release the penis that frees spurts of semen in her mouth.

She savors it and enjoys the sweeter taste different of an adult male, Skippy moans and of a pull he takes out his member from the hot and wet mouth. He pants and sees that Robin's woman licks her mouth.

Marian smiling stands up and takes Skippy by the hand to lead him the bed, she gets on the bed and pulls the boy to attract him to toward her. The woman laughs when the boy is on her.

Skippy feels the pressure of the round breast on his chest, Skippy kisses Marian and pushes his tongue, the vixen gets surprised a little and responds the kiss while she uses his hands to caress Skippy's back.

She places her hands on the gluteuses of the boy and presses them with force. Their tongues fight for some moments before Skippy break the kiss, Marian smiles at the boy.

Skippy takes down his body and begins to lick the left nipple of the woman of slow way, his tongue hits the pink and sensitive flesh. Marian moans seeing the boy stimulates her pink nipple.

A white milk drop gets out of the opening of the nipple and Skippy notices it, he licks it slowly and the woman shakes.

Skippy's mouth closes around the nipple and begins to suck it, he takes the other tit with his hand and presses it with pleasure. Softness and firmness of the tits of the vixen is something amazing for Skippy.

The milk of Marian fills Skippy's mouth while he sucks slowly, the boy likes the savor. Marian moans of pleasure, she loves that someone breast-feed her tits, the female enjoys giving milk to the little Robin.

After some minutes Skippy change of nipple, continues sucking and nibbles the nipple while the vixen moans of pleasure. She feels as her hard nipple is stimulated of a great way.

"Please leave something for my son." Marian says panting while she looks at the boy. Skippy moves down slowly and his nose moves on the white and flat stomach of the woman.

Marian opens her legs largely and in a few moments after Skippy's face is in front of the swollen and shining vulva of Marian. She shakes when Skippy's tongue touches her clitoris.

He swirls his tongue on the woman little pink point, Marian moans of pleasure and the toes of her feet contract and stretch involuntarily. Skippy licks the pink slit and perceives the feminine juices.

They are delicious like the ones of his mother or sister, the boy moves his tongue dividing the vaginal lips with each lick, Skippy pushes his tongue and Marian moans with more pleasure.

She feels like some parts of his vaginal sensitive walls are caressed while Skippy's mouth has closes around the vulva the best that he can. The lips of the rabbit get wet with delicious juice.

Skippy looks as Marian squeezes her breasts and some white milk squirts get out of them forming some small fountains. Marian feels that her chest gets wet with her own warm milk.

"Uhmmm keep going... Skippy!" Marian says while she stirs the fur of the head of Skippy with a hand. She moans with force feeling that all her body gets tense until the orgasm comes.

Her vaginal walls squeezes with more force Skippy's tongue and juices surround it completely.

Skippy's chin gets wet and some squirts fall on the eyes of Skippy.

He does not care to clean his face while he continues drinking the female's delicious nectar, Marian moans and Skippy's tongue twists with pleasure in bed in the meantime it still moves in his slit.

The young rabbit stops and licks the labia of the vulva of the vixen. Marian pants while she looks at Skippy kneels down between her thighs. Skippy catches his penis and it aims at the pink crack.

The penis tip gets between the vaginal lips, he pushes and moans when the woman's vaginal walls surround his cock. A few moments after his groin touches Marian's vulva.

She moans when the boy begins to fuck her of fast way, his penis enters and gets out of the cave of the love of the woman. Marian moans of pleasure, the boy penetrates his needed sex with vigor and speed.

His penis does not go deeply, but it is equally a pleasurable feeling, the spurts of precum splashes Marian's inside. Skippy moans while he leans forward and closes his mouth around the right nipple and begins to suck it with pleasure.

His teeth bite the nipple and his tongue hits it. His mouth fills with milk that comes from the tit of Marian, the pleasant flavor is delicious for the boy that moves ass up and down.

Marian pants while he feels as the penis enters and get out, she sees as the boy is attached to her breast. Her sensitive nipple is stimulated, she feels a great pleasure when he suck her milk.

His juices get the bed wet while the vixen caresses Skippy's back up and down at the same time as she moans. Her hands go down and catch Skippy's buttocks, the vixen squeezes and kneads them.

Skippy moans with pain when the claws of the vixen dive in her gluteuses of unexpected way at the moment that he moves his hips in circles and the tip of penis caresses the G-Spot of the female.

Marian growls with pleasure and he puts his right forefinger into the crack between the cheeks of the boy, Skippy shakes when the yolk the finger caresses her hole of slow and circular way.

The vixen smiles content seeing the boy quivering, the female pushes her finger with some force and she feels that the sphincter opens and the heat of the entrails of Skippy surrounds her finger.

Marian pushes her finger a deeper little until she finds what she looks for.

"Miss... Marian!!" Skippy moans of pleasure when the woman caresses his prostate and increments his pleasure. Skippy begins to pump savagely in the woman, his balls get wet with the juice that gets out of the opening.

"Fuck me... Skippy you are a good lover!!!" Marian moans while she permits that her pleasure controls her. Herr juices increase rapidly covering Skippy's penis.

Skippy does not stop and releases the nipple to utter a strong groan of pleasure when his penis begins to shoot semen spurts that sprinkle Marian's vaginal walls and mixes in with the juices forming a whitish liquid that drips from the opening.

Marian shakes and presses Skippy's body against her body with force, the boy's head is pressed between her breasts while the female shakes with pleasure. Her juice gets wet Skippy's white stomach.

Both pant heavily while they say absolutely nothing, Skippy's eyes open with surprise when he feels that the muscles of the vagina of Marian begin squeeze his penis stimulating it.

Marian smiles when the boy moans of pleasure, she caresses Skippy's head slowly while she feels that the boy's penis retakes its previous hardness. The vixen pushes Skippy and she leans him backwards in bed.

Skippy looks at the woman without moving, Marian positions herself on Skippy and she grabs the boy's erection, she introduces it between her thighs, the tip touches her vulva. Marian takes down her hips slowly, she and Skippy moan smoothly when the shaft slides in the pink and wet cave of Marian.

When her vulva touches Skippy's crotch, she begins to ride the boy of slow way. Skippy closes his eyes feeling as his penis enters and gets slowly out of the vagina of Marian.

The bed creaks while the female moves, she places her hands on the chest of Skippy and she moves with joy. She looks content to the boy while her ass moves circularly.

She reclines her left nipple on the lips of the boy, he immediately opens his mouth and closes it to suck the female's tit, and his other hand squeezes and stimulate the other free tit.

"Well... Skippy I want to know something." Marian says moaning and looking at Skippy. The vixen tries not to laugh when the boy sees at her in the meantime he has the nipple in his mouth.

Marian gets up and she sits on the crotch of Skippy.

He moans smoothly feeling that the vaginal walls squeeze his repeatedly.

"Are you interested in Faith, aren't you?" Marian asks looking at Skippy directly to the eyes. Skippy gets surprised by the question.

"No... no Lady Marian." Skippy responds stammeringly while he looks at woman shamefacedly.

"Come on Skippy, we all know it." Marian says digging her claws in the chest of Skippy. He moans of pain for some moments before the vixen draws her claws.

"I... I..." Skippy says looking at the woman. Marian smiles smoothly.

"What does stop you?" Marian asks beginning to move slowly. Skippy moans with pleasure again.

"Perhaps Little John will get upset with me." Skippy says while he looks at the woman. Marian gets surprised and she laughs smoothly.

"Both know that it will not happen, Little John is not that kind of people, you should worry about Lowell." Marian says looking at Skippy making a grimace

Skippy gets surprised and shakes lightly with fear. The vixen feels content seeing Skippy's reaction.

"I do not believe that also would be a problem, certainly you are shy with her." Marian says taking down her head to have her face in front of the face of Skippy. He opens his eyes with surprise and avoids the woman's look.

Skippy moans when Marian's hips begin to move faster and she kisses him on his mouth.

"That is it is a surprise, you are very good in bed, but shy with the girls." Marian says looking at Skippy smiling. The boy becomes uncomfortable.

"You must be direct with her, I do not want you to try to take her in your bed. Take her to a visit to Nottingham, Ok?" Marian asks looking at Skippy and digging her claws in the flesh of the boy again.

Skippy growls with pain and nods while Marian smiles and again she places herself in position and rides Skippy rapidly. The boy moans and sees as the tits of the woman wobble on the air uncontrollably.

"Miss Marian I want to fuck your ass!" Skippy says they moan of pleasure and looking at Marian with petition. She stops and moves her hips circularly.

"It is ok, if you allow me to fuck yours." Marian says looking at Skippy and licking his mouth. Skippy nods and Marian moves, the boy's penis slips out of her wet vagina.

The vixen leans on her hands and knees to raise her ass and to move it slow and sensually for the boy. Skippy does waste time and he positions himself behind the woman, he lays his hand on the cheeks of Marian and squeezes them.

Marian laughs smoothly noticing that the boy touches his round globes with pleasure, Skippy catches his penis and aims his cock at the middle of the crack of the woman. His hand moves and his member's tip touches the hole of the wife of Robin.

The boy finds it some moments later, Skippy holds Marian's hips and he pushes his penis. The female opens her eyes and moans with pain by the sudden intrusion in her tail hole. She feels as the whole shaft enters in his ass and the boy's crotch touches her buttocks.

Skippy closes his eyes and begins to pump his penis inside Marian, she moans with pleasure with each thrust. The walls of her rectum are caressed by the penis of the rabbit that fucks her.

The boy moves rapidly, the vixen loves this and enjoys each push. Her juices drip in bed and she places her hand on her vulva to masturbate. Skippy feels as the anal walls of the woman squeezes his penis.

The little spurts of precum splash them while he does not stop, the boy places his hands on the buttocks of the woman to squeeze them. Skippy does not bother when the long and thick tail of the vixen hits his face.

Marian moans and moves her hands on her clitoris rapidly, two fingers enter in her vagina and she moans with more force. Her hand gets wet in her juices while she stimulates her vaginal walls.

Marian pushes her ass against Skippy and she moves it in circles, she and her young lover moan with pleasure. The female feels that her pleasure is intensifying rapidly until she suddenly opens her eyes and growls while she pushes two fingers deeply in her vagina.

Her orgasm begins to fulfill her with an incredible pleasure that goes over each part of her body and her muscles become tense. Marian gets lost in pleasure, the rectal walls squeeze Skippy's penis with force.

The boy stops and moans while he has closed eyes, his semen is shoot out from the tip of his penis and splashes the rectum of the female. Marian feels it, but she does not pay attention to it while her body convulses by the orgasm that she has.

Skippy releases Marian's hips and withdraws his penis of a pull to sit in bed and to breathe agitatedly. The vixen pants rapidly while she is lying-down in bed.

Marian rolls over and takes out her fingers slowly, she takes her fingers to the mouth and sucks them to savor her juice. She enjoys them some moments before sitting and jumping on Skippy surprising him while she smiles.

"Well my little prey, tonight we will have a lot of fun." Marian says moving her forefinger up down on the chest of Skippy. He looks surprised as Marian licks her mouth like a hungry predator.

Robin Hood, Little John, Marian, Skippy and King Richard (all of them from the animated movie) © Disney

Ruth, Dana and Matilde © Disney (they appear in the movie, but they don't have names)

Lowell, Leanna, Faith are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

Considerations and feelings

On the next day Allan wakes up slowly when the rays of the sun touch his face, the wolf growls with bother and he turns over getting comfortable to sleep again, but he stops to feel Katherine's body. The wolf looks at the feline female that sleeps...

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