A unforgettable night

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#7 of Dad's girl

Finally the moment has come. Samantha has made her decision, her father receives some help to prepare the ground and do this a special occasion for her loved daughter.

The next morning Samantha wakes up in her bedroom feeling some delicate touches on her shoulder. She turns over blinking and she sees that her father is tilted lightly on her.

"Time to wake up." Alan says while he does a friendly face to his daughter before taking bedspreads and taking them off of his daughter. Samantha growls with some bother and she sits in bed while she rubs her eyes.

"It is time to go to school." Alan says while he sees his daughter. Samantha looks at him sleepily for some moments before that her eyes opened completely and gets up rapidly to begin to take off the pajamas for surprise of Alan.

"Dad... Can you go out?" Samantha asks while she remembers that her father is still there.

"Of course." Alan says in the meantime he turns over and gets out of the bedroom of his daughter. He smiles thinking about the suddenly mood change of his daughter. Certainly there is something interesting in school.

In fact that is it what happens. Samantha hurries up to get dressed and to get ready to go to school. She cannot wait to meet with Susan and to ask to her, if she made it last night.

Samantha had not been able to sleep the previous night, the idea of her friend making it with her parents excites her and it also confuses her because she thinks about her own situation.

The female dog is ready shortly and comes down to the living room where her father awaits for her. Alan smiles seeing that his girl goes rapidly down the stair, both go to the automobile that is parked in front the house and they enter in in.

Alan turns on the automobile motor and begins to drive it by the streets of the city.

Samantha looks out the window and he feels impatient without being able to wait to get to school and to see Susan.

They get to school and the automobile stops almost in front of the main entrance.

Samantha rapidly comes down from the automobile and she hurries up to the front entrance, but she turns over and she says saying good-bye to his father waving her hand.

Alan laughs seeing that his daughter is distracted, he again begins to drive his automobile toward his work. He has in mind what would do that day and that also the board that he has on Friday.

Samantha comes across her friends in school, she realizes rapidly that Susan is not present. Girls rapidly head toward class room.

"Where is Susan?" Samantha asks while she walks among her friends.

"She did not come." Amy says in the meantime looks at Samantha. She gets worried a little while they get in the class room and they sit on their respective places.

The class begins and Samantha takes out what she requires from her backpack, she puts her attention on her teacher the moment that he starts talking. After some somebody knocks and the door opens up.

Samantha gets surprised seeing that Susan enters in the class and she excuses herself for the delay. The teacher obviously gets upset, but just permits that Susan occupy her seat.

She sits beside Samantha rapidly to take out her books and notebooks before putting her complete attention in the class. Samantha looks at her friend and tries to say something to her, but the teacher continuous with the class.

Samantha puts her attention on the teacher again in the meantime she sees that her friend does the same thing. She does not seem to act different of what's habitual.

In the following hours Samantha wants to talk with her friend, but he cannot touch the important subject because someone can hear them.

Finally the recess's bell is heard and they all begin to get out from the class room that fills up with conversations and laughs. Samantha goes out next to her friends and they are going to eat.

After some minutes Samantha sees her opportunity when Amy and Tabatha go to the restroom to trim. Susan is taken completely by surprise when Samantha catches her and drags her to the patio.

"Did you make it?" Samantha asks looking at her friend.

"What thing?" Susan asks looking confused at her friend. Samantha growls and raises an eyebrow.

Susan laughs and taking to her by hand her friend, she goes to her usual place where nobody can hear them.

"Of course. Did you believe that I would not have the nerve?" Susan asks while she seems overconfident.

"How... how was it?" Samantha asks trying not to show a lot of emotion, but that is very difficult. She notices that her friend avoids looking at her seeming repentant

"It... was... was incredible." Susan says while she simpers seeing that her friend looks at her with surprise and confusion.

"I got below the bedspreads to lick my dad's cock, he thought that I was my mother until she got in the bedroom." Susan says roaring with laughter while Samantha looks at her with complete surprise.

"What happened next?" Samantha asks looking at her friend with interest and emotion that she cannot hide in addition to some laughter.

"When they discovered it... my dad was surprised and he was very doubtful, but my mom was not it, and she rapidly began to lick me... you know where." Susan says while she looks at Samantha.

She swallows hard and feels that her heart pumps rapidly listening that.

"We sucked him and he fucked me with a lust and incredible desire, his cock is very large and it filled me completely." Susan says while she makes a face of pleasure that surprises her friend.

"After that while dad was resting, my mother make it out with me using a strapon and I kissed her passionately as my father made it." Susan says while she sees Samantha.

The girl gets surprised and opens her eyes.

"Between both... they fucked me at the same time, my father pounded my ass... it was incredible never I had something big there." Susan says laughing impishly.

Samantha cannot believe that her friend spend it so well with her parents. Apparently none of them felt guilty about it.

"Why you were late?" Samantha asks. Susan laughs impishly again.

"Well... I woke up being fucked in the ass by my dad, my mom was eating my pussy and Dad suggested that today I should not come to the school, but mom refused." Susan says looking at her friend.

"And my father took his time." Susan says making a funny face and rolling eyes.

"So then sleepovers in your house had end." Samantha says looking at her friend.

"No at all, but I have a preferential treatment." Susan says while he places her hands on her hips and she looks content and animate. Samantha laughs a little, but also she feels a little excited.

"My dad says that he has an eye in you, but I clarify him that he must not try nothing, unless you solve that subject. I did not say anything about it... your secret." Susan says while a hand places on the shoulder of Samantha.

The female German shepherd dog gets surprised and she feels a little inconvenience in addition to ashamed, but she feels flattered also.

"Thanks." Samantha says while she sees at her friend. She knows that Susan always thinks about her knowing the whole history.

At that moment the recess finishes and both return to classes. But Samantha cannot avoid thinking about what her friend said about her and her night of incest.

As is usual Allan at the end of the classes he picks up Samantha. The wolf is distracted thinking about his board of Friday to notice that his daughter also this distracted while she looks at him.

They arrive home and retake their routine. Alan rests a couple of hours before going to buy something to eat. Samantha dedicates herself to watch television listening to her favorite canal of music.

When Alan returns, they eat with pleasure while both talk about their day and next watching television a moment before Samantha began to do his tasks while his father would prepare his notes for the meeting.

Samantha requires one hour finishing everything. She when finishing sighs with weariness and she stretches her body. She leans on her bed to listen to music until her father informs her it is bedtime.

Samantha laughs when her father also yawns. Alan gets out of the bedroom and lets that his daughter changes her clothes and get inside the bed. The wolf returns after some minutes to say good night to her daughter.

When Alan closes the door, Samantha turns the lights off and tries to sleep, but her mind is cloudless of the tasks of that day, she thinks about her conversation with her friend again.

Two days after in Friday, during the recess Samantha is sitting under the shade of a tree while she types a message on her cellular phone.

Since her friend told her about what happened with her parents, Samantha had thought a great deal about the subject. She had seen some videos for adults that show incest.

But she knew that in most instances they are false and performed by actors very well paid, but a couple of cases the resemblance of them was great, particularly of a video of a couple of wolves that were father and daughter.

In spite of the fact that the theme incest is a taboo and brings a lot of complications along particularly with the age, it continues to be something so exciting that there many vids of that kind

There were a lot of groups and organizations that claim for a change, due many of the cases they were unwanted accidents because they were committed in the mating season.

In spite of wanting to show that now they are a civilized society that had abandoned those behaviors without morality, the majority refused to believe it knowing that anyone can fall under the spell of the instinct that is present in each specie.

Samantha finishes written the message and reads it once while she lays her finger on the button of sending. The girl heaves a sigh while she presses the button and the message is sent.

A message that changes a lot of things.

In the company's boardroom, Alan is standing in front of the company directory explaining the new cost-reducing readjustment plan. Every one of presents has his look put in Alan that explains a series of cost-reducing graphics.

A sound is heard from the pocket of Alan, he feels a light vibration that announces him that he has a message. The wolf does not pay attention to it and continues explaining his plan for about thirty minutes more.

"And in this way we can save a 10 %, a money that we can invest in more publicity because the new commercials that apparently they are paying by themselves and attracting to more young people." Alan says.

His friend Barret nods content in agreement knowing that his department will have more resources. Alan responds a couple of questions before descending and sitting in order that the Department of Development's boss exposed his ideas.

"I love that plan." Barret says doing a gesture to his friend. Alan nods and smiles at his friend at the same time that the exposition begins.

Alan pays attention to it until he remembers the message, he puts his hand into his pocket and takes his cellphone to take it out. He sees the mailbox of messages and he gets surprised a little seeing one of his daughter's messages.

The wolf smiles smoothly thinking that it is one of the so many messages that she sends him to. It is usually a short sentence saying as much she loves him.

Alan opens the message and begins to read it.

Hi dad:

I am making good use of the recess, I seems that it went me very well in

the Mathematic exam. I will show it to you when I get home.

Dad... have been thinking about it and... I want... learning with you

You know... with you.

Alan smiles when he begins to read the first paragraph, but that finishes when he reads the second one.

His hands release the cellphone and it falls on the table attracting the attention of everyone and interrupting the meeting. Alan feels that all looks are on him, the wolf clears his throat and he apologizes.

Obviously there are some faces of bother before the meeting continues, Alan looks at his cellular phone while he feels that his heart pumps rapidly.

"Are you ok?" Barret asks while he looks at Alan a moment.

"Yes... yes... everything is fine." Alan says while he saves his cellular phone and again tries to put his attention in the meeting. But his mind is elsewhere.

This is what he less expects to happen, but now in his head everything is mixed-up. Alan knows that he can refuse, but that would cause that Samantha got angry or accept it, this could also make that she distrust him too.

Alan shakes his head while he tries to get rid of the little useful thoughts, he does not know what to do until finally he decides to ask for help. The wolf expects the next recess with despair.

After around thirty distressing minutes a recess finally comes, Alan gets up and gets out of the place to go to his office where he enters and closes the door.

The wolf takes his cellular phone and dials the number of Katherine, Alan grows impatient while he listens to the dial tone. Some moments later his friend responds the call.

· "Katherine, this is Alan." The wolf says with relief that his friend finally responds the phone.

· "Hi Alan. Does it pass something bad?" The female asks at other side of the telephone. She had noticed the urgency in the voice of her friend.

· "It is Samantha..." Alan responds while he sees the door of his office hoping that nobody enters.

· "Did happen something bad to her?" Katherine asks immediately.

· "No... I received a message from her some moments ago... it is about... you know... that issue." Alan says with undertone feeling very worried that somebody hears him. The wolf listens the silence at other side of the line.

· "I do not know how to make it." Alan says while he sighs anxiously.

· "Come on Alan. That one is the question of a virgin boy that does not know to do it neither as putting on a condom." Katherine says while she laughs smoothly.

Alan gets surprised and growls with distaste.

· "Look Alan, you are good in bed, I know it. And in this occasion as you have more experience in this, you must direct everything. She waits that you take the control of the situation." Katherine says.

· "Come on Katherine, she is not an ordinary female... I do not what to say or do it good for her." Alan says while he feels a great discomfort while he sees a photo of Samantha that he has on his desk.

· "I will put it to you easier. What would do you to achieve that a girl consents to go to bed with you?" Katherine asks.

· "Mmm... I would take her for a dinner... to the movies." Alan responds while he hears that somebody knocks at the door and it opens. Barret introduces his head and does him some gestures to indicate to him that the meeting is about to resume. Alan nods and his friend leaves him alone.

· "There is the answer, have fun with her to be more relaxed." Katherine says content.

· "It is a good idea." Alan says while he starts to walk toward the door of his office and gets out of his office to go to the boardroom.

· "Let me know how it goes to you." Katherine says laughing impishly before saying goodbye and cutting the call.

Alan looks at his cellular phone while he breathes deep to try calming down and to focus in the meeting.

During the following hours Samantha is distracted completely in the classes while she thinks about the message that she sent to her dad. There was an answer as far as she is concerned.

The girl is not sure, if he did read the message. Samantha looks at her around to see what her classmates do, her look rests in Richard.

He looks at the blackboard attentively without falling in account of the girl he is looking at him attentively.

She looks at him considering that perhaps he may have been a best option, but that thought fades away rapidly. Both had not talked since the incident and Samantha is not sure, if he is still his boyfriend.

The fact also is that like most of the boys he should not be good at sex. She knows that many of the males of their class boast of their sexual encounters.

Even one of them claimed to have had an afternoon of pleasure with one of the sexiest female teachers of the school. Samantha shakes her head thinking that for something so important she does not want a silly good-for-nothing.

But to make it with her father does not seem the healthiest either. She is almost sure that her dad would be patient with her, however Samantha knows that a male or the frenzied woman for lust is unpredictable.

That does not matter now. It is done and she cannot move back, if she stops maybe she can already have the value to continue again. For the moment she finds herself determined.

After a couple of hours finally the final bell sounds and Samantha hears that her friends bark with joy, they howl and they burst into joy knowing that finally the weekend begins.

Samantha picks up her things and begins to put them into her backpack. She listens as Susan comments her plans for the weekend to her. Her friend had invited her to an excursion with her family, but Samantha refused the invitation thinking that the situation in her house would be more interesting.

Amy and Tabatha already had gone. Samantha and Susan the last ones in leaving the classroom. They greet some friends that pass near to leave the school.

The two girls pass by the front door of the school.

"See you on Monday." Susan says at the moment of going away while she waves her hand. Samantha sees that her friend enters in the automobile of her parents, the girl is sure that there is a lot of sex in the plans of the three.

Samantha sits on the steps to wait, some minutes later her father's automobile stops in front of the school and Samantha runs towards the automobile and opens the passenger door and she sits next to her father.

"How did you do, darling?" Alan asks while he runs the motor.

"Awesome, I did it well in the exam of mathematics." Samantha responds confused.

His father already should know that she did it well in the exam, unless he did not see the message that she sent him.

"How did it go to you? Something interesting happened?" Samantha asks trying finding out if her intuition is the correct. She buckles up the safety belt of the seat while her father begins to drive.

"Nothing interesting, the meeting was tedious, Richard's father is very happy with the new assignment of budget." Alan says while he does not avert his attention from the streets and of cars that move near.

"I hope that nobody called. I left cell phone at my office since the beginning of the meeting and now it already is late to return." Alan says while he turns over in the corner a street.

Samantha understands that her message had not been received. She did not count with this, precisely the message would avoid talking with her father directly.

Both arrive home and Alan puts the automobile into the garage and gets down the automatic door. Both get out of the automobile and close up the doors.

"I was thinking that we could go to eat to The Big Boot." Alan says while he looks at Samantha.

The wolf smiles seeing that his daughter's eyes light up with joy because that one is a great restaurant where they cook delicious dishes.

"Yes dad!" She says with emotion. Alan makes a gesture and both head toward their bedrooms to rest and next getting ready. After resting back for an hour looking at the roof and weighing a lot, Alan begins to get ready.

Alan decides use his clothing that he used in the meeting. The restaurant where they will go is elegant and expensive. Only usually they eat there in special occasions as in the birthday of Samantha.

The wolf gets out of his bedroom and goes down to the living room to wait for his daughter.

While Alan sees his clock, he listens to steps that get close to the stair. Alan looks up and his eyes open completely when he sees his daughter coming downstairs.

She is wearing a sky-blue beautiful dress not so low-necked, but that it allows appreciating her juvenile breasts. Close to her right ear she uses a barrette shaped like one red rose.

The wolf swallows hard.

"What happens dad?" Samantha asks simpering when she sees that her father is looking at her.

"Nothing dear... it is just that look so beautiful." Alan says looking at Samantha.

She opens her eyes with surprise and she feels content by the comment.

They go to the automobile and Alan. The wolf drives the automobile through the streets with calm while he sees that his daughter seems very content.

Samantha cannot wait for arriving, she loves to eat there. Alan and Samantha needs about forty minutes to arrive there. The girl gets excited seeing the figure of a great leaning tower of Pisa in the front part.

Alan parks the automobile and both go out of him, the valet parks the automobile while both enter in the restaurant.

Samantha listens to the pleasant dreamy music that gives a quiet environment to the place, and a couple of minutes more they are sitting on their table.

Fortunately for Alan, the owner of the restaurant is his friend and he managed find him a table. The waiter gets close to the table of Alan to give them the menu, Samantha looks at the menu for some moments before electing lasagna.

Alan indicates that he would eat the same thing. The waiter goes away with the order letting the two alone.

Alan notices that some looks are on him and Samantha. They are disapproving looks.

"Dad... How was your first date with mom?" Samantha asks while she gets a little more comfortable. Alan notices that many of the looks disappear when they realize the truth.

"Well... the truth is that it was a little hard deal with your grandfather. When I went to pick up your mother, he did not stop kept on looking at me neither of growling to warn me that I should not tried nothing." Alan says laughing smoothly.

"Did grandpa behave in that way? It cannot be, always he smiled on me." Samantha asks raising an eyebrow. Alan laughs smoothly.

"That is because you were his granddaughter, the light of his eyes. I would show the teeth any boy that date with you." Alan says while he sees as a couple of waiters pass near carrying the orders to the respective tables.

"What about Richard?" Samantha asks with a mocking and playful tone.

"That is different, I know him since he was a cub and his parents are good friends of mine." Alan responds while he looks at his daughter, she crosses her arms.

"What does it make you be sure that we did not something?" Samantha asks with little annoying that father did not believe her capable to make it.

"Maybe I should not respond that question." Alan says with calm in the meantime he looks to his daughter. She opens her eyes with surprise and decreases the look with sadness, she notices that her father sighs and with sadness.

"Dad..." Samantha says with discomfort, but her cell phone sounds at that moment.

She takes a little purse and opens it to take her cell phone. She notices that it is one of her friend's messages.

Alan sees that his daughter's eyes open completely and she is very excited.

"Dad... Can I go for a concert in two weeks?" Samantha asks with emotion and implores with her look.

"Of whom is the concert?" Alan asks while she sees her cellular phone again.

"Shadow fang... we thought that there were not tickets!" Samantha says with emotion in the meantime she sees a selfy of her friend, she is showing some tickets to the camera while she winks an eye.

"That we will see later dear." Alan says not to discourage the girl. Samantha nods while she puts the look of entreaty of a cub. Alan smiles openly until the waiter gets close to the table with their dishes.

Both eat calmly and with pleasure. Alan should admit that as always they are delicious. Samantha eats hers enjoying each mouthful.

They eat until they are completely satiated. Samantha and her father pay the bill and get out of the restaurant. The valet brings Alan's car, he gives the boy a tip and climbs on the automobile with Samantha.

They buckle up their belts and Alan begins to drive while Samantha uses her cellular phone to chat with Susan about the plans that they would have to go to the concert.

She is very thrilled. As they are four tickets, Samantha he knows that she should talk with Richard in order that he accompanied her. The girl feels worried that he is angry with her.

When they get to their home, Alan and Samantha come down from the automobile while the garage's automatic gate closes. Alan sits on the sofa and sees as Samantha enters in the kitchen.

She drinks a glass of water with pleasure before going back to the living room. The girl sees that the father is watching television, in some moments after she sits next to him has she does usually.

Samantha closes her eyes some moments and opens them when she hears the ringing of a cellular phone. She gets surprised seeing that her father takes out his cell phone from his pocket and checks it to see that he has a message.

The wolf sees that his daughter looks at him with the open eyes. Alan shrugs his shoulders and he smiles at her softly.

"Yep, I received with your message." Alan says while he laughs smoothly and looks at Samantha.

She looks at him with a lot of surprise and she feels very uncomfortable. Alan places his arm on Samantha and he pulls her to him smoothly to kiss her on the forehead.

"My father told me that if I wanted to take a girl to the bed, I should be a gentleman first." Alan says looking down to his daughter.

She looks at him with surprise and she laughs uncomfortable timidly. His grandfather was a good man that always try to do the right thing. Although her memories are vague because he and her grandmother died next to their mother in that accident when she was very young.

"I expected that you were who tells it to me personally." Alan says looking at his daughter.

"I did not know how to make it, perhaps you did not want." Samantha says while he separates from the arm of her father.

"Well... the truth is that always is your decision, of course you can change opinion and I got the name of a good specialist psychologist in this type of cases." Alan says while he does a friendly facial expression to Samantha.

She opens her eyes and decreases her look a moment. Alan looks at her without saying nothing in order that she does not lose attention. Samantha looks at her hands while she thinks about her dilemma.

She perhaps is hurrying up and should wait, but also the fact is that her impatience and desires are consuming her internally. She comes back to reality when she listens to different sounds that come from television.

Samantha sees that her father had changed the channel to see the something more interesting. Alan is watching television and he is taken by surprise when Samantha clings to his arm.

"Of course that not!" The girl says while she looks at her father and nod with certainty.

Alan gets surprised and does not know how to say during some moments.

"Well dear... will it be your bed or mine." Alan says smiling with affectation while he tries not to look nervous. Samantha simpers while she watches him a moment.

"It can be your bed, but I would like prepare it. Can I?" Samantha asks with a look of cub to her father. Alan looks at her with surprise and smiles a little.

"Ehhh... of course, it is your night." Alan says while he winks. She stands up and goes to her bedroom while Alan observes her attentively until she disappears of sight.

Alan watches television without trying to think in the least about what will happen, if he thinks about it a lot, he will get nervous and everything would come off badly. Minutes pass and Alan concentrates on the news bulletins.

Several news have him trapped completely, until he almost gives a jump of fear feeling a vibration in his pocket. The wolf had been very concentrating in the television.

Alan takes out his cellular phone and sees that he has a message.


I am ready.

Alan's eyes open completely and he feels a trembling seeing that message.

Alan stands up, he turns the lights off and locks the doors before with care before calmly go toward the stairs to get on the first floor of the house.

The wolf feels a knot in the stomach while he gets close to his bedroom, the door is half-open door and he stops in front of it. Alan closes his eyes and breathes deep to calm down.

The wolf gets close to the door and opens it with calm. The bedroom is half-way dark, some candles in the bedside table in addition to other ones in other sectors clarify the inside in addition to the light that penetrates by the window.

Alan sees that Samantha is in the bed covered by the blankets, she looks at him shamefacedly. Alan does not need a lot of light to see that she is fearful.

The light of the candle illuminates her white fur giving it a reddish orange color tone. Her ears are in submissive position while she clings to the blankets that coat her up to the neck.

"Well... this is kind of romantic." Alan says while he does a facial expression to his daughter. She blushes smoothly while Alan gets close to the bed and she sits on the edge.

"You have a lot of clothes on, dad." Samantha says in the meantime she again blushes and she sees her father. Alan's eyes open completely due the comment.

He begins to laugh while he scratches his head with discomfort, Samantha laughs smoothly. Alan takes off his sack and places it on a chair that is near, he wins the tie and unbuttons his shirt.

Samantha sees with complete attention as her father gets undressed, she sees as he takes his shirt. Samantha sees her father's back while he proceeds to open his pants.

Alan gets rid of them with calm and places them on the chair.

Alan takes a deep breathing before taking the waistband of his shorts and drop them on his feet. She sees that her father kicks his shorts to one side.

Alan turns over and sees that Samantha's eyes open completely. She observes him naked for the first time, her father looks very good just as her friends were thinking.

Still it is in good shape, the look of the focuses in the crotch of her father, Samantha sees the black sheath and the big testicles below it.

The white light of the moon illuminates them partially. Samantha does move her view of the crotch of her father and she gets startled when she feels that he places a hand on her shoulder.

She looks at her father that does her a friendly face, Samantha's eyes again focus in the crotch of her father that is in front of her face.

Alan sits at the edge of the bed and takes the bedspreads, Samantha gets surprised and she clings more to the blankets until her father smiles at her and makes her an affectionate facial expression.

The wolf pulls with a little more force and blankets move leaving Samantha's naked body in the open. Alan's eyes open completely seeing his daughter.

His look go over the naked body, his daughter is perfect. She is very beautiful, her white fur covers it. Her breasts are big for a girl of her age, like her mother.

The two pink two beautiful nipples crown the hills. The look of Alan downs by the stomach to crotch of the female. He gets surprised a little when seeing that Samantha's hands cover that place.

Alan sees that his daughter feels very ashamed while she looks at him. Samantha avoids looking at her father, she gets surprised when he places a hand on his head and caresses her just when she was a pup.

"You have grown up a lot, I no longer can call you my little girl." Alan says while he looks at his daughter and he makes a face. She gets surprised and feels more embarrasses.

Alan says absolutely nothing when he gets on the bed and he positions himself on Samantha, she looks at his father with fear. The wolf smiles and for surprise of the girl, she gets a tender and soft lick.

She has half-closed one eye feeling the lick on her left cheek, when Alan finishes the lick he smiles at her daughter. He nuzzles his neck smoothly and bites it playfully while he growls.

"Dad, be serious about it." Samantha says looking at her father with light bother.

This is somewhat serious for her, is about to lose his virginity. Alan laughs smoothly and watches her a moment.

"Be Serious?" Alan asks making a funny face. Samantha's eyes open completely with surprise when he feels that her father's hand rests on his right breast.

She feels as her teat is squeezed smoothly. Alan swallows hard feeling firmness and the heat of the tit of his daughter, it is perfect. The pink nipple stands out between his fingers.

The wolf squeezes while he feels fascination, he touched a lot of breasts in his life, but this seems the most incredible to him. Samantha's mouth opens and she gasps when her father's mouth closes around her left nipple.

Alan begins to suck the nipple, it is stimulated for the first time by a male. Samantha closes her eyes and pants feeling that her father fidgets with her nipple.

He nibbles it smoothly while he sucks, Alan enjoys it a lot in the meantime his another hand massages the other tit. A groan of pleasure and surprise slips from the mouth of Samantha when his father twists his nipple using his fingers.

Alan feels pleased hearing that his daughter moans and shakes with pleasure, he feels as the legs of Samantha move while she moans. Samantha opens an eye to see as her father sucks with pleasure.

The girl feels that her thighs begin to get wet with her juices, she moans while candles illuminate their bodies completely. Alan changes of tit and proceeds to suck the other one.

The wolf has his closed eyes while he listens to his daughter to moan, Alan goes down his left hand moving it on the stomach of his daughter. The wolf perceives his daughter's fine and soft fur.

His hand rests on the hands of Samantha, she feels that her father tries to get below them. The girl resists while he moans, Alan gives taps with his tongue to Samantha's nipple.

She shakes feeling as the saliva covers her nipple, Alan pushes with more force and his hand gets between the closed thighs of his daughter. She gaps again and shakes when her father's fingers touches her clitoris.

Alan moves his forefinger on that pink and sensitive point, his daughter shakes with pleasure uncontrollably. She shakes her head while her father watches this content.

That reaction was the same one that his mother had in the first time, although she was a little older than Samantha in that occasion. Alan moves his hand further down and feels his daughter's opening.

Alan licks his daughter's neck while he plays with the vaginal labia before pushing his middle finger inside his little girl. Samantha moans and she becomes tense when she feels that her father's finger enters in her pussy.

Heat and wetness surround the finger, Alan moves his finger smoothly and the body of her daughter arches involuntarily. The soft caresses of the fingertip of the wolf make she moans with a lot of pleasure.

Alan stops after some moments and sees that Samantha is panting rapidly. She sees as her father looks at her with an affectionate smile, he does a last lick on the right nipple before taking down his body nuzzling her daughter's stomach with affection.

The girl becomes tense when her father's snout gets close to her hands that continue covering her crotch. Alan takes his daughter's hands and moves them away delicately.

Samantha feels uncomfortable when the father opens his legs slowly, Alan shakes when the aroma of juices and young vagina get to his nose. His eyes open seeing the pink vulva between the white fur of his daughter.

It is shining and there is a puddle in the bedspread. Samantha looks at other side feeling ashamed knowing that her father looks at that private part of her body.

Alan looks at the slit remembering how it was tiny a lot of years ago, he again looks at his daughter before leaning upon his chest between the legs of Samantha.

She shakes when he feels her father's hot respiration against her clitoris, Alan takes a deep breath and shakes feeling such a delicious aroma. His respiration accelerates and pant heavily, Alan takes out his tongue.

Samantha's eyes open and she utters a great groan of pleasure when his father's tongue moves in the length of her slit passing over her inflamed and sensitive clitoris.

Alan tastes the taste of the juices of his daughter, he is unique and celestial. A sweet nectar that he needs to drink more, he begins to lick the slit with despair while his hands hold his daughter's thighs to keep them separate.

Samantha moans and she quivers with pleasure, her hands squeezes the bedspreads while she moans. Her father's tongue divides her vaginal labia with each motion.

It is an incredible sensation, much better than masturbation. Alan licks and feels as his member begins to swell up in his sheath sliding out.

Alan eats up the slit without stopping, he closes his mouth around the vulva digging his canine teeth in the skin of his daughter of soft way. Samantha feels that the tip gets inside between her vaginal lips and begins to penetrate her.

Alan's tongue is surrounded by the delicious taste of the inside his daughter, she grunts of pleasure without stopping. The vaginal walls closes around the tongue with force.

Alan looks as his daughter takes her breasts and squeezes them to stimulate them, juices pour in his mouth while he does not stop. For that moment his penis already is completely hard below his stomach, some little squirts of precum get the bed wet.

The tip touches the sensitive places inside the girl and also the hymen that is pressed lightly. Alan gets surprised a little when Samantha's thighs close around his head trapping it.

"Dad... I am...!" Samantha's body begins to convulse without control.

Alan feels as juice squirts spatter the palate filling his mouth when his daughter has a strong orgasm. Alan closes his eyes and sucks smoothly while she whines of pleasure uncontrollably.

Samantha is quivering while she has her closed eyes feeling a great pleasure that does not diminish because her father even moves his tongue in her body.

After some moments Alan takes his daughter's thighs and spreads them, he takes out his tongue and separates his mouth of the crotch of the girl. Alan licks his mouth while he sees that his daughter is reclining panting rapidly.

Her slit is completely wet glistening in juices that form a large puddle on bed.

Samantha breathes agitatedly while she recovers from the most incredible orgasm that she had in her life until that time. She sees that her father kneels down between her legs.

The girl's eyes open when she sees her father's erect member, as she expected, it is big.

She had seen many in vids, the precum is dripping from the tip of the swollen cock.

"Don't you want that I suck it...?" Samantha asks swallowing hard remembering that terrible day, the taste of that penis was the most disgusting that she felt in her live.

"You don't have to make it, you do not need not to make something that you do not want." Alan says licking his daughter's cheek affectionately. Samantha feels calmer, each part of her body vibes with emotion and fear knowing what comes.

Samantha swallows hard when he sees that her father stretches his hand to open the drawer of the bedside table.

Alan takes out a condom from the drawer and he begins to unwrap it.

"Without condom..." Samantha says while she sees at her father. Alan opens his eyes with surprise and considers it a little.

"I am using the pill." Samantha says while she laughs soft and nervously. Alan nods and swallows hard while he places himself in position over his daughter.

The wolf takes his penis and he aims it at his daughter's slit, she shakes when the tip is between her vaginal lips. Alan is in good time to stop and not to do the next step.

Alan sees that Samantha looks at him with a little bit of fear, the wolf smiles at her and he nuzzles her neck smoothly.

"Do you want to continue?" Alan asks looking at his daughter and smiling smoothly.

"Yes... but dad... Can you kiss me?" Samantha asks while she looks at her father nervously. Alan gets surprised and does not know what to do for some moments before shrugging his shoulders.

Samantha gets surprised when her father kisses her, she feels that her father pushes his tongue in her mouth. Alan looks for the tongue of his daughter that he some moments later, the girl closes her eyes and responds the kiss.

Her tongue begins to fight with the tongue of her father, she closes her arms around his neck. Alan takes his penis and pushes it against the vaginal lips of his daughter.

She feels as the tip divides her petals and enters partially in her vagina, Alan shakes feeling the internal heat of her daughter. The wolf pushes and with a hand he massages his daughter's right breast.

She has still her closed eyes when the tip of the penis of her father touches her barrier, Alan knows that it is the moment and he pushes his penis with force while he twists her daughter's nipple using his fingers.

Samantha's eyes open when her virgin barrier is ripped by the member, her groan of pain is choked back by the kiss while her tears slide from her eyes.

Alan stops and nuzzles his daughter's cheeks affectionately, he dries her tears delicately.

Samantha sees that her father smiles at her smoothly.

Alan's hips go down and the penis begins to enter in the passage of the love. Alan's eyes are closed having a good time, his daughter is tight, very tight with a velvety vagina that wraps shaft.

Samantha pants and moans while her vaginal walls stretch for the first time to receive a penis, her father's member enters in her body giving her an unknown feeling until that moment.

Alan stops when his knot touches his daughter's vulva, he gets up a little to see it.

The wolf sees a blood thread coming from the rosy slit.

"Are you ready?" Alan asks looking at his daughter affectionately. Samantha nods while she gets ready. Alan begins to move slowly, his penis enters and gets out of the pussy.

His thrusts are short and steady. Samantha moans and close her eyes enjoying each push, she feels the friction of the hard meat with her sensitive vaginal walls.

Every moment is enjoyed completely, Samantha did not imagine herself having sex like this, it is much more intense that just masturbating. Her dad fucks her with force.

Alan moans with pleasure with each movement, his ass moves up and down pumping his cock in his daughter. She is completely moist and her juices cover his shaft, his knot hits the soaked slit and a sound of splashing is heard.

The wolf closes his mouth around the right nipple and sucks it while her pumps with pleasure without importing him now that this female is his daughter. She is very beautiful with a body that Alan wishes to enjoy completely.

His tongue hits the erect nipple. Alan listens the moan and heavy breathing of pleasure of Samantha, she is enjoying it completely. His daughter's warm inside gets wetter at every moment that pass.

Samantha feels as the little spurts of precum sprinkle her vaginal walls, that makes her tremble with pleasure, she growls every time that her father pushes his shaft in her cave.

She feels that two third parts are full, the girl embraces her father while she feels as the bed shakes and the head board hits the wall. The growling of both fill the room.

Alan feels that it is the right time and he begins to push his knot, Samantha opens her eyes and moans with pain feeling that her opening is forced to dilate for the first time by a knot.

The knot presses with force while juices cover it, Alan pushes with more force and determination. Samantha whimpers with pain when her vulva opens complete and the knot of slides in her body.

She gasps feeling as all her vagina is full by the hard meat of her father. Alan stops while he enjoys the squeeze of the pussy, each part of his member is squeezed with force.

Alan begins to move rapidly and force again and to mating with his daughter, he gets surprised when his daughter's legs close around his hips.

"Yes dad.... fuck me... fuck me." Samantha says growling and clinging to her father with force, Alan moves his hips in circles and moans with pleasure, her little squirts of precum increase inside his daughter.

"Sam sweetheart...I... am going..." Alan he says at the moment of pushing her hips and growl with rage at the moment of that her penis does eruption in his daughter shooting large and thick tapes of seed in his daughter.

The semen spurts hit Samantha's vaginal walls, she feels that indescribable feeling for the first time in her life. The female growls and whimpers with pleasure when her body begins to shake and feeling a very intense orgasm.

Her toes contract and distend uncontrollably, her vaginal walls tighten his penis with more force extracting more seed. Alan moans with pain feeling that his daughter's fingernails are digging in his back.

The girl's vaginal walls are covered with wolf semen and she has her closed eyes while her dad does not move and he enjoys the climax completely.

Both moan with pleasure, after some moments the last spurt of semen slides out of the tip of his penis. Samantha has her closed eyes, she still is lost in pleasure.

Alan looks at her in silence and pleasure. She had enjoyed it, many of his friends talked on fucking a virgin and young girl. Also Alan liked it and dreamed with it, but he was not very interested in that and now he had taken his own sweet daughter's virginity.

Samantha opens her eyes when he feels that an affectionate lick on her right cheek. The girl sees that his father looks at her with a smile in his face.

"Was that good?" Alan asks looking at his daughter. He wants to hear it from his daughter, he needs it.

"Definitely... it was much better of what I thought dad... a lot of my friends complained of in their first time were extremely painful." Samantha says simpering. Her father smiles at her.

"And in addition to that boys do not know doing it well, for them the most important is fucking no matter what... I guess that an experienced mature man is best for an inexperienced girl." Samantha says while she blushes smoothly.

Alan bites her neck playfully.

"Dad stop...!" Samantha says laughing and trying to push her father, but even they are united as soon as Alan bites the neck, breasts and other body parts of his daughter.

"Please stop..." Samantha asks while she feels that she cannot keep on laughing.

Alan stops and sees content to his daughter, she slowly recovers and pants rapidly.

"Dad... Can you fuck my ass?" Samantha asks blushing and looking at her father that opens his eyes.

"Do you really want it? It will hurt." Alan asks while he swallows hard.

"Yes, I want to lose that virginity too, with you it will be better. Susan likes it and she says that it is incredible." Samantha says while she nods with determination.

"I like to fuck a virgin ass." Alan says growling fierce and playfully.

"Come on dad." dad Samantha says simpering.

"Your mother liked to play while we made it." Alan says while he looks at her making a funny face.

"Can you proved it?" Samantha asks smiling smoothly.

"Of course. I have the videos that we made." Alan says while he looks at his daughter.

"Can we see them?" Samantha asks with discomfort. Her father looks at her with surprise and he nods in silence.

"I do not see why I should hide this... after all it is nor worse of you have seen in the net." Alan says while he smiles smoothly. His daughter smiles at him, Alan closes his mouth around the left nipple to suck it smoothly.

Samantha pants weakly, her father sucks her tit with slowness. She loves the sensation and in her mind thinks that certainly this what is felt when a cub breast-feeds.

After many minutes when the knot enough decreases in size, Alan begins to pull his cock out. He and his daughter begin to growl with pain when the girl's opening stretches slowly.

A couple of attempts later Alan manages to pull out his member of the cave of the love of his daughter, his meat glistens by the juices and semen that drip from it. Samantha feels as the semen drips from her dilated opening.

Alan takes his daughter for her hips and delicately rolls her over, she leans on her knees and elbows raising her ass. Alan's hands moves away the tail of Samantha.

Alan's eyes see as his seed drips from the rosy opening of his daughter and form a puddle in bed.

His hands caress the silky and long tail, it has a orange tone by the light of the candle. The hands of the wolf go over each centimeter of the tail slowly.

"Dad..." Samantha says laughing a little.

"When you were a pup... you loved that I played with your tail." Alan says while he looks at his daughter. She laughs softly a moment and raises her tail higher, her father's hands release it.

Alan places his hands on the buttocks of his daughter, he swallows hard while he squeezes them with calm. They are firm and round, he feels attracted by them; Samantha feels that her father explores the cheeks with calm and fascination.

She gets surprised when her father bites her right gluteus of playful way. Canine teeth sink in her flesh for some moments.

Alan bites the other buttock some moments before spreading the two perfect buttocks to delight in the treasure in middle of them. His look is focused on Samantha's tiny posterior hole.

It is completely closed, its pink color gives it a spotless image that Alan loves. The wolf unconsciously licks the mouth thinking that he will take that anal virginity.

Samantha expects the next motion while she sees the head of the bed. Her eyes open and she gasps when one feels a complete lick that goes over the whole crack of her ass.

Alan does not make this very often, but his daughter will have a good moment. The wolf licks that sector slowly, His tongue pass again and again on the posterior hole.

The girl moans and shakes with pleasure, this feeling is marvelous. In several occasions she in movies had seen somebody making this, but she never thought that it would feel so marvelous.

Her father's viscous saliva gets wet her hole, it is warm. The tip moves circularly before begin to press her hole. Alan pushes with calm trying his daughter's resistance.

Samantha laughs when her father nuzzles her hole playfully before probing the tail hole with his tongue again. Alan pushes with more force while he kneads and caresses the female's buttocks.

The girl opens her eyes with surprise again when her father's efforts are rewarded, the tongue penetrates into her ass. Samantha moans and pants while she feels as her rectum is invaded

The tongue moves touching her entrails, she shakes every time that the tip gets inside in her cracks of her anus. Her anal passage is bathed in saliva, Alan eats the passage with pleasure and some saliva drips in the bedspread.

Alan has his snout introduced between the buttocks of his daughter, he sees as the tail of Samantha moves uncontrollably while she moans. Samantha moans and sees that her father stretches her hand to put it into the drawer of the bedside table.

The hand moves inside the drawer until he finds something. The wolf takes out a bottle of lubricant. Alan stops and slowly takes out his tongue, Samantha pants when the tongue leaves her ass.

Alan kneels down and pours some lubricant on the forefinger and ring finger of his right hand. Samantha does a small jump when the cold substance touches her anus.

Alan's fingers scatter the lubricant on the posterior hole slowly, he moves his fingers circularly on the pink small crease. Samantha moans when her father pushes his ring finger.

She feels as the finger opens her sphincter and enters in her rectum. It is a weird feeling, the girl feels that the finger moves in a circular and slow way. She moans smoothly while her father prepares her.

Alan looks as the sphincter of moves following the motion of his fingers, the wolf pushes another finger and his daughter moans. She feels that her father begins to open her forefinger and ring finger at the same time that he moves them circularly.

Alan repeatedly adds lubricant until he believes that his daughter's hole is sufficiently loose. The wolf extracts more lubricant and begins to scatter it for all his member that begins to glistening with an orange color.

When it is ready, he places himself in better position. Samantha becomes tense when the member's tip touches her sphincter. Alan caresses his daughter's back slowly to calm her.

She feels a kiss on her back just between her shoulders. Samantha embraces the pillow and she gets ready knowing that her anus soon would not be virgin anymore.

Alan holds Samantha's hips and begins to push his penis, the girl closes her eyes and moans with pain feeling the pressure on her sphincter. The hole resist to be open, Alan increases the force of his pressure and the tip suddenly penetrates in Samantha.

The grunt of pain of Samantha is heard when she feels a burning and intense pain in her anus. Her father does not move in the meantime he pants feeling his daughter's interior heat.

Both do not move for a couple of minutes. The girl cleans her tears while she hopes that the worst now is over.

"Dad...do it" Samantha says while she feels that the pain had died out almost. Alan pushes his penis slowly, he closes his eyes and enjoys the anal passage of his daughter.

She is very tight, somewhat sublime. Heat surrounds his shaft that slowly keeps on penetrating his daughter's anus, she pants while she has her closed eyes feeling as her rectal walls keep on stretching around the erection.

The cock is thick and keeps on filling to her slowly, the female dog opens her eyes with surprise when the tip touches the bottom of her rectum. His father's knot is between her cheeks touching her hole.

Alan spreads his daughter's buttocks and sees as the ring is closed around its cock. He caresses it a moment before holding Samantha's hips and beginning to pump.

Samantha feels as the cock begins to enter and getting out of her body. The hard meat stimulates his rectal walls and she begins to moan feeling that the movement in her rectum send a sensation of pleasure.

Alan moves his ass enjoying the hot hug of the entrails of his daughter around his member, he feels as the tail of daughter moves and hits his face repeatedly.

The wolf watches content as his daughter has her closed eyes while he has possession of her ass, in a single night he has taken his daughter's two virginities.

Alan feels as the tail of her daughter hits his face while she grunts of pleasure, seeing this makes that he feels joy while he moves his cock in the tight passage.

Samantha for her part is concentrated in the sensations that she perceives, the penis tip hits the bottom of her anus repeatedly, squirts of precum splashes her entrails.

Her breasts rock and her buttocks shake every time that her father's crotch hits them. The girl feels as her juices are dripping from their vulva and they get the bed wet.

Her dad fucks her with force and vigor that surprises her a little, it seems that he is rude and savage, his howls of pleasure belongs to a male possessed by lust while he pounds her posterior passage.

That is not far from the reality for Alan, he closes his eyes and he opens them again, Alan remembers that mental picture of his daughter when he was fucking Katherine, except that now it is completely real.

Alan growls of pleasure with each push, his balls rock and hit his daughter's vulva stimulating her clitoris. She moans and growls of pleasure for delight of Alan, he leans forward and take his daughter's tits.

She grunts when her nipples are twisted by her father, Samantha moans with more pleasure and he pushes her ass back to increase the contact, she feels as the knot is between her cheeks.

Alan's motions do not stop while his shaft enters and gets rapidly out of the anus of the girl. She leans forward raising more her ass and her father releases her breast to catch Samantha's hips and to pump with more speed.

"Dad... the knot, push it." Samantha says panting and moaning while she looks at her father.

"It will hurt." Alan says panting without stopping while he sees that her daughter nods and she looks at him pleadingly while she moans of pleasure. Alan holds Samantha's hips with more force and he begins to push his knot against the hole.

She feels pressure and moans with pain feeling pain in her posterior hole.

Alan stops and takes the lubricant's bottle and pour more of the slippery substance. He covers his knot with it and he trembles lightly feeling the cold liquid.

Samantha moans when her father again begins to push his cock, the knot presses her sphincter with force. Alan spreads his daughter's cheeks and looks as the mass of meat in the base of his penis tries to enter.

Alan pushes with more force and his eyes open when he sees as a part of the sphincter wraps his knot. He pushes with more force and listens to the barking of pain of his daughter.

Samantha clenches the bedspread and her eyes are closed. She squeezes them while tears drip from her eyes and they descend for her cheeks at the moment that the knot begins to enter.

She moans of pain feeling as her hole opens excessively around the knot that enters in her rectum in a single push. The girl feels a sharp and intense pain in her anus as never before in her life.

Alan pants feeling the squeeze of the anal walls. It is somewhat exquisite, the wolf leans forward to nuzzle her daughter's back, and he resumes his movements.

Samantha wipe away her tears and moans beginning to feel that the pain in her ass slowly abandons her, she feels herself completely full in her rectum. His father's knot distends a part of her inside while it moves.

Alan pumps while his tongue hangs from his mouth, each part of his hard meat is stimulated and pleasure grows. Samantha stretches her hand to place it between her legs, she moans at the moment of pushing two fingers in her vagina.

The girl feels that they get wet with the juices and her father's sperm that even is inside her. Fingers begin to move rapidly, and her grunts and moans become stronger.

Samantha feels that her juices get her hand wet while she does not stop, the bottom of her rectum is hit continuously, her body suddenly becomes taut and her juices begin to squirt from her vagina.

The female growls and she cannot control herself, her anal walls squeeze Alan's cock with more force. The wolf cannot resist more and howls for the first time in a long time.

Alan pushes with force in the meantime still he has his lifted snout and his primitive instinct takes control of his body. His cum flows by the whole length of his cock and it expelled with force by the opening.

Semen rapidly floods Samantha's posterior passage. She feels as spurts sprinkle her rectum and semen fills her cracks. Her body even quivers when she collapses in bed with her father on her.

"Did you enjoy it... dear?" Alan asks while he breathes agitatedly in the right ear of his daughter.

"Y... yes dad... Can we make it one more time?" Samantha asks while she breathes heavily. Alan gets surprised completely and says absolutely nothing while he recovers his breath.

"OK when I get clean... but you will be in charge." Alan says while he closes his eyes feeling that the last little squirt of his seed slides out by the opening of his penis.

No one of them move for almost half-hour until Alan's knot has lost almost all of its previous size. Alan takes out his cock slowly and Samantha moans when his father's member leaves her body.

Alan separates the buttocks of his daughter and looks at the gaping hole of his girl, his semen oozes running down by the crack and passing over the vulva.

Alan gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom to clean up. The wolf takes his penis and he stimulates it slowly. He closes his eyes while he remembers the delicious body of Samantha, he closes his eyes and in his mind he can hear daughter's moaning and the pleasure that she was showing,

The hot anal passage was the best, Alan feels that his cock again gets filled with blood and shortly he is hard again. Alan cleans completely each part of his penis.

Soap makes it slippery while he moans smoothly and pants. His pleasure slowly grows and he stops when it is ready. The wolf dries his genitals before going back to the bedroom.

When he gets there, he sees that Samantha is waiting for him, Alan's eyes go over her body. She looks radiant and beautiful with her orange fur due to the light of the candles.

Alan gets on the bed and he leans back backwards next to his daughter that looks at him with surprise. She expected that her father penetrate her and pounds her

"I told you that you would be in charge, I need to get some rest." Alan says smiling smoothly and shaking his penis. Samantha gets surprised a little and nods.

She with calm crawls and positions herself on her father, she looks under to point her crotch and to align it with the penis. She takes down her hips and she stops when the tip gets between her vaginal lips.

Samantha closes her eyes when she takes down her ass, she pants feeling as the length of the reproductive organ again enters in her cave of love slowly.

Her vaginal walls keep on swelling in while she does not stop, Alan closes his eyes and enjoys the hot inside. His penis moves and it is caressed by the soft velvety walls.

Samantha stops when the knot touches her vulva and presses her vaginal lips. She sees that her father makes a gesture, the girl begins to move her ass with slowness.

She closes her eyes feeling that pleasure again begins to get to her brain, the hard shaft stimulates her inside with each motion. Samantha feels as the knot touches her clitoris and presses every time that she takes down her hips.

Her hands press with force the chest of her father, her tail moves in the air to side showing the happiness that he feels. Samantha does not stop and keeps on increasing rhythm.

Alan moans and enjoys the pussy of his daughter, the wolf can still perceive his semen remains that help to lubricate his shaft although his daughter's abundant juices are the most effective.

Alan has a good time every time that his penis enters and goes out, he half-opens the eyes to see as his daughter rides him with the greatest pleasure like a female lost in pleasure.

Alan never imagined this, the fire of the candles illuminates her white fur and the wolf sees like the breasts of bounce with each motion. They look incredible, Alan's hands take them and this surprises Samantha.

She moans and growls feeling that her father kneads and twists her nipples giving her more pleasure, the girl begins to move with more speed, her juices they cover and drip from the knot getting wet her father's balls.

Alan pants and moans with pleasure, his hands caress his daughter's body completely, he squeezes Samantha's buttocks delighting in their firmness and the softness of the fur that covers them.

Samantha takes a breath when he takes down her hips with force and her vaginal opening again stretches to receive her father's knot. Alan moans when he feels that all his member is trapped inside of his daughter.

She begins to move with more speed, the little spurts of precum sprinkle her inside, and each motion brings her closer to the orgasm. Her ass moves circularly and the room fills with her moans and the one of her father.

Alan clenches his teeth and growls with rage when his penis begins to shoot thick- semen that have impact the sensitive vaginal walls.

This triggers the orgasm in the body of Samantha, she whimpers of pleasure when each muscle of her body becomes taut and pleasure dims her mind completely.

Alan growls and sees that his daughter trembles while she has the mouth lightly opened and her head thrown toward back. Juices flood the tunnel blending in with the semen that stems from the penis of her father completely.

When pleasure Samantha disappears she lets herself fall on her father.

"A good night, huh?" Alan asks nuzzling his daughter's face affectionately. She laughs smoothly and tries to separate her father.

"Well... it is bedtime." Alan says while he caresses his daughter's head.

"Ok dad.... good night... thank you." Samantha says cuddling with her father that embraces her. She pulls the blankets to cover herself and her dad.

Alan bites her ears smoothly until she falls asleep. He watches her for some moments before to make himself comfortable and falling asleep without releasing her.

On the next day Samantha wakes up slowly, the girl feels the heat of the body of her father behind her. Samantha moves lightly, she feels as the dry semen covers the fur around her vulva.

A soft pain is present in her anus. Samantha's mind is completely full of the memories of the previous night, she cannot yet believe it.

Her father's hand is on her left breast while he still sleeps soundly. Samantha feels as the sheath and the balls of press her buttocks softly. The girl moves with care and she slips out of the grasp of her father.

With calm she turns over taking away the blankets and bedspread. His father is leant on his left side and he sleeps calmly while Samantha's eyes examine him completely.

It is evident because her friends pay attention to him and they say that he is handsome.

Samantha's look rests in the crotch of her father, she sees the black sheath and the big balls below it.

Samantha takes down her body until her face is in front of her father's genital region. She sniffs balls and the sheath, her sense of smell fills up with scent the fur mixed with her juices aroma.

She sniffs each part and places her hand on the balls of her father to examine them, they squeeze smoothly and Alan moans in the meantime even sleep. Samantha perceives the weight.

For her they are heavy, it is the first time that he touches a couple of testicles and the girl finds them interesting. Her free hand closes around the sheath feeling its heat, she begins to give it pulls.

She feels the heat of the fur of the sheath and some parts fur of the balls have dry cum.

Samantha's hand moves back and forth, each motion begins to make the cock inside the sheath reacts.

Samantha perceives it, her father's member begins to bulk while she moves her hand.

The girl sees that the red tip appears up sliding through the opening outside.

A drop of glistening precum forms, Samantha continues stimulating the sheath and her father's member grows up and gets thick in front of her eyes. The girl's eyes open completely when the knot finally gets out and it grows on the base of the penis.

She had seen several penises in the movies, but having one in front of her face is different. Samantha closes her hand around the meat of her father, she gets surprised by its hardness and heat.

Her hand moves back and forth without stopping, Samantha releases balls and she places her hand on the knot to examine it. Her hand has the same size that the knot.

Samantha's hand caresses it while the other hand moves on the length of the erection.

The precum begins to drip from the tip with more frequency falling on the bed.

Samantha sees it and she takes out her tongue to place it below the penis and a couple of drops fall on her taste buds. The taste surprises her, it is salty and lightly hot, but not bad.

A couple of drops more fall on the tongue of the female, she savors it some frees the penis, it wobbles lightly on the air. Samantha brings near her nose and sniffs her father's penis.

The musky aroma fills her nose complete and makes her body shake lightly and his vagina get wet lightly getting wet her slit and the internal part of her thighs.

Samantha looks at her hard cock, she takes out her tongue and she stops for a moment.

The penis that she savored for the first time was nauseating, stank while that fox obliged her to give him oral sex.

Samantha does not move her look from the crotch and she thinks as her father gave her oral sex without showing disgust. She enjoyed it a lot and her father also did it.

If his father had given her a moment of great pleasure using his mouth, she should do the same thing. The precum was not bad and his father's member apparently is clean.

Samantha only can perceive the aroma of her juices mixed with the aroma of her father.

She closes her eyes and the German shepherd takes out her tongue, the female dog feels as her tongue touches her father's meat.

She moves her tongue circularly on the tip slowly and she opens her eyes, he does not dislike the taste and it begins to like her now that she makes this for own desire.

Samantha opens her mouth the most he can and closes it around the shaft of her father trying to take a good portion of it. She sucks slowly while she moves her head.

The little spurts of precum sprinkle her palate and teeth in addition to her tongue, the hard meat gets completely cover in saliva, the viscous saliva drips on the bed.

Samantha sucks with slowness while her eyes are closed to get to the point in what he makes this without think much about it. The taste is felt each time that her tongue touches the meat.

She gets surprised and startles when she feels a hand on her head.

She looks up to see that her father looks at her and smiles while he caresses her head slowly. Alan laughs smoothly seeing as she looks at him in the meantime still she has his penis in her mouth.

Samantha again begins to suck the shaft with a little more force to please her father now that he is awake. Her suction becomes stronger.

"With calm dear, be careful with your teeth." Alan says growling with some pain feeling as his sensitive meat is touched by the sharp teeth of her daughter. She understands and slows down her sucking.

She takes out her penis and masturbates her father slowly, she feels like her lukewarm saliva and viscous help a lot while her hand moves of back and forth on the cock.

Alan moans and pants with pleasure, she shakes when his daughter licks his penis tip and next the rest of the erection, the wrinkled tongue moves by all his knot that gets covers with saliva.

"Lick and suck my balls." Alan he asks for looking at his daughter at the same time that he moans of pleasure.

Samantha takes down her snout and begins to lick her father's furry sack, her tongue moves for all the scrotum without stopping. Alan gets surprised and shakes with relish when his daughter begins to suck his right ball.

The girl some difficulty does it wanting not to hurt that place of her dad, she feels that the skin is pressed in her canine teeth, Samantha gets surprised a little that her father moans the moment that she bites smoothly by mistake.

So she repeats the action time after time on her father's two testicles in the meantime the penis is on her head, the shaft is in middle of her white ears.

Alan's moans increase rapidly, he catches his penis and pushes it in the mouth of his daughter. She gets surprised when her father pushes her head against his penis and her lips touch the knot at the same time that part of the cock slides in her throat and explodes there.

Alan growls and pushes his hips while he shots his sperm in the mouth of his daughter.

She savors the warm sticky substance that he covers her tongue and teeth before it fills her mouth and swells her cheeks.

Samantha is surprised while she tries to swallow the whole seed that her father shoots, the girl had not expected this quantity. Hands hold her head in position for some moments.

Alan pants and withdraws his cock of the mouth of his daughter slowly, he sees as the tip slips of the lips of his daughter. Samantha coughs some the thick seed and her father smiles at her seeing that her nose is stained.

She licks the mouth to clean it while her father stretches her body to wake up completely.

"Did you enjoyed it?" Alan asks while he looks at Samantha. He had not expected oral sex from his daughter. Not after what it happened, he would not oblige her to make it either.

"Yes dad... you cum a lot. Like breeder." Samantha says with some shame.

"I have heard that before." Alan says before laughing smoothly for the comment.

"I will go to take a bath, we have things to make and we cannot spend the day fucking, I would like it, but I also need rest too." Alan says doing a friendly facial expression to his daughter.

Samantha laughs while he sees that her father gets out of the bed and he heads toward the bathroom. Alan gets there some moments after and turns on the watering can, hot water and the vapor begins to fill the box bath.

Alan enters in the shower and closes his eyes when hot water begins to fall on his head

His fur keeps on getting wet rapidly from the head to his feet.

Water makes him relax his body completely, his muscles feel better. Alan gets surprised when the door of box bath opens and Samantha enters also.

"Dad, I want to take a bath too." Samantha says while she smiles at her father feeling that water falls in her body and gets her fur wet. The vapor surrounds them while Alan nods content.

Samantha takes the shampoo container and empties a little one the palm tree of her hand before passing it to her father that does the same thing. The girl places the Shampoo on her head and begins to create foam on her hair.

Her hands move while she has her eyes closed, Alan makes the same thing without stopping to look at the back and the ass of his daughter. The water descends for the body of the girl and drips from the tail.

Alan moves his hands on his head while water hits his shoulders and slides to his chest to his groin and his thighs. His sheath and balls are completely wet by the hot water.

Samantha places her head under the watering can and she begins to wash the shampoo that disappears of her fur. Alan perceives the light aroma of apple that comes from the fur of his daughter.

She moves her tail a little and it rubs the balls and her father's sheath. The girl does a step backwards and her buttocks touch her father's crotch, the girl feels it and she does not move for some moments.

Alan positions himself under water to get rid of shampoo, his hands rub his head fur rinsing it completely. Shampoo falls on his shoulders before disappear.

After some moments Alan turns over and his daughter looks at him from head to foot, Samantha takes soap and does a facial expression to her father.

Alan gets surprised a little and smiles. His daughter creates foam begin to rub her hands for the chest of her father, she makes it slowly perceiving the muscles below the fur.

The girl's hands move on the chest from side to side with calm, each motion is followed with the look by Alan. Samantha takes soap and makes more foam before concentrating on washing her father's stomach.

While water continues falling in both, she moves her hands further down and Alan gets surprised when her daughter puts her right forefinger into his navel, the wolf laughs while he feels as the finger moves circularly.

Samantha moves her some moments more before taking down her hands, and concentrating on the groin of her father. Alan does not move and closes his eyes enjoying the hands of his daughter that manipulate his balls.

The girl covers with froth the two heavy and furry orbs, she likes it completely. Her hands moves slowly and caress the balls, Alan shakes when his member's tip slides outside, a drop of water falls from it.

Alan pants when his daughter begins to caress his cock tip with her soapy fingers. The hard members begins to go out and to show up in all its glory for the eyes of the girl.

In a few moments later, she sees as the member is completely hard, water drips from of it increasing its attraction. Samantha closes her right hand around the shaft and begins to move it.

Alan moans with pleasure, his daughter's hand masturbates him slowly, she uses his other hand to caress testicles. Alan's, the pleasure slowly grows and he stops his daughter.

"There is more to wash of me." Alan says doing a funny face. He turns over and his daughter begins to wash his back, his hands move in that part of his body.

Samantha's hands move on his shoulders and next go down all his back slowly. Alan gets surprised when his cheeks are touched, the wolf feels uncomfortable when his daughter caresses his ass.

Samantha presses her father's buttocks and releases them after some moments. The girl takes more soap and creates foam to apply to her father's tail.

She washes it with calm for some minutes before stop. Alan turns over and his daughter smiles at him softly.

The wolf takes the soap to create foam, when it is enough Alan places his hands on the tits of his daughter. The wolf covers them with foam and massages slowly, he likes very much the softness and firmness of the breasts.

Samantha closes her eyes and has a good time, her father's hands press her breasts with pleasure and the palm caresses her nipple that rapidly hardens below foam.

Alan notices it and twists nipples lightly achieving that his daughter moaned with more pleasure. She does not stop her father that does not take the hands off her tits for several minutes.

"Dad..." Samantha says simpering and looking at his father. Alan looks at her and nods with some discomfort, he had concentrated completely on his daughter's magnificent breasts.

Alan's hands go down and they move for the flat and wet stomach of his daughter until he gets to her crotch. Samantha opens her legs lightly and pants when her father's hand moves between her thighs.

Alan rubs the palm of his hand on the pink slit, his fingers move between her vaginal lips back and forth. Samantha moans when her clitoris is caressed.

Water continues dripping on both while Alan feels that his cock hardens more, he with calm and softness pushes two fingers in her daughter. Samantha quivers when her father begins to move her fingers circularly exploring her vagina.

Alan sees that his girl moans and pants with pleasure while she is reclined on the wall, the water falls on her tits and runs down on her stomach to her crotch.

Samantha's wet heat surrounds Alan's fingers completely, she moves circularly her hips to increment the contact. Alan sees that his daughter begins to moan with more force.

Alan rapidly takes out his fingers and Samantha gets disappointed and growls with some frustration. Her father smiles at him for some moments before turning her over, Alan creates more foam to take upon oneself to wash shoulders and his daughter's back with calm.

Soap rapidly disappears due the water that is falling on Samantha, she has his closed eyes feeling as the two hands move on her body and they stop in her ass.

Alan presses caressing the two soft cheeks. She has a very good and desirable ass.

Samantha gasps and she becomes tense lightly when her father's finger gets in her crack and pass over her anus.

Alan's hands spread the buttocks and he sees like the water runs on the small crease of the girl. It looks beautiful, Samantha shakes a little and she relaxes when the right forefinger begins to press her sphincter.

Alan pushes delicately and feels that the hole opens, his finger slips inside without difficulty and heat surrounds it. Alan pushes another finger and his daughter moans when he begins to fucker her using his fingers.

The sphincter moves with each motion of Alan. He has fun a little until Samantha moves and fingers slip outside.

"Dad, you can wash me there inside with more effectiveness, if you use your cock." Samantha says laughing mischievously and moving rapidly her tail to throw water at her father.

Alan rapidly covers his member with soap and he positions himself, the tip touches the sphincter. Alan pushes with force and moans with pleasure at the moment that the hole opens and it receives his length.

Samantha pants when her posterior passage again is filled with the hard meat of their father, the knot touches its sphincter. Alan enjoys the moment and holding Samantha's hips he begins fuck her.

She reclines her hands to the wall while water drips on her body and it is dripping from her wet fur. Alan moves moaning of pleasure, he moves his hips while his hands are placed on the buttocks of Samantha.

He squeezes the two cheeks, his penis enters and rushes out, and the anal walls wrap it.

The tip of the member of Alan touches the bottom of the rectum of Samantha and she growls smoothly feeling that sensation.

The sound of splashing is heard every time that his father's groin hits her wet buttocks, drops fly on the air. Samantha's juice begins to drip of her pink slit and it dissolves with water on the floor.

Samantha places her right hand between her thighs, she begins to rub her clitoris. She moans of pleasure, her tits wobble on the air and from the nipples drip water.

Both moan and growl of pleasure, the vapor surrounds them completely.

Alan's balls hit the hand of his daughter while she rubs her slit frantically, she bawls out of pain and closes the eyes when her father forces his knot in her little hole.

The wolf feels as the sphincter of his daughter closes behind his knot, he begins to move with velocity and fierceness. His growling joins to the one of his daughter, Samantha's pleasure grows more at every moment.

Alan stops and pushes his hips pressing his daughter's body against the wall at the moment of beginning to ejaculate in the ass of Samantha. She feels the pressure of her breasts against the wall.

Her body shakes, her orgasm controls her while she grunts with pleasure, she begins to howl feeling that the semen jets deluge the cracks in her entrails.

Alan gets surprised when listening to the howl of pleasure of his daughter, the rectal walls squeeze his cock with more force milking each drop of seed.

No one of them moves for some minutes, the sound of water falling is the only thing that is heard until Samantha moves and shakes lightly.

"Water already is cold." Samantha says shaking when shower's cold water falls on her back.

Alan turns off the shower and both simper while they go out with care and a little bit of difficulty. Alan grabs a couple of towels to begin to dry their bodies.

Alan helps his daughter, he smiles smoothly while he dries her back. The wolf remembers as he used to dry her after a bath when she was a pup.

After getting dry the best that they can, both get out of the bathroom and they enter in the bedroom of Alan.

"Dad!" Samantha shrieks when her father tripped with a shoe. Both lose balance and Alan fortunately falls sit in the edged of thebed. Samantha begins to laugh strepitously due what happened.

Alan laughs also and nuzzles her in the shoulder affectionately from behind in the meantime he still feels the heat of the anus of his daughter around his cock.

"Sweetheart... we should talk a little about what happened last night." Alan says while he caresses his daughter smoothly with his nose.

"What's do you have in your mind, dad?" Samantha asks with some worry.

"I want that you not misinterpret what happened, I mean about the kiss. I love you like my daughter and I cannot do that more than that." Alan says while he leans on his hands on the bed.

"Ok dad... I just wanted a kiss in my first time." Samantha says laughing impishly.

"And as I know that you like this, in the future you should be careful with whom you choose to go to bed. I do not want you give yourself to any good-looking subject that you find, not they all are good." Alan says anxiously and warning her.

"Is it ok with Richard?" Samantha asks turning the head over to see her father.

"Of course I mean... I doubt that you stay with him, you are young and you have a lot of things to learn and experimenting. You should not close down your options in the first boy that you have, but if it is the indicated it can be best, everything will depend of what you believe correct for you." Alan says while he makes a friendly and parental look at his daughter.

Samantha nods and Alan pushes his hips surprising his daughter. Her body bounces, Alan sees for the mirror that the breasts of his daughter make the same thing.

"We can play the pony." Alan says neighing gracefully and again raising his hips pushing his penis in the ass of his daughter.

"Dad!" Samantha shouts with surprise and he begins to laugh while she fastens of the bedspread of the bed. She feels as the penis of her father moves in her rectum.

Alan enjoys each push and he takes his time, Samantha is enjoying the moment. This is a little silly, but he does not care about it, both have a good time until Alan again growls and a new discharge of semen is fired in the anus of his daughter.

Both pant and they wait for being able to separate. A half-hour later Samantha gets up and growls with pain just like her father. He separates the buttocks of his daughter with his hands.

Alan sees as the sphincter opens and his member suddenly slips out without problems, his daughter's hole lightly is open and semen drips on the bed.

"We cannot spend the day fucking." Alan says doing a facial expression to his daughter and breathing with weariness.

"I could make it." Samantha says laughing impishly.

"Speak for yourself... my cock and I need rest." Alan says while he collapses backwards on the bed and looks at the roof. His member is resting on his stomach.

The rest of the afternoon Allan and Samantha spend it as usually they do in a Saturday, she talks on the phone with her friends while Alan checks some notes of his work thinking about what he will have to do in Monday of the following week.

For the night Allan this leant on his bed enjoying the hand of his daughter on his cock.

She has her head leant in the chest of her father while her hand moves slowly in the erection.

The girl moves slowly her hand up and down on the hard meat, she loves the feeling of heat and the hardness of the masculine genitals. She watches television, her father fucks her mother with force.

She is seeing the old mating videos that their parents had recorded. She sees as the breasts of her mom mother are rocking while she moans and smiles at the camera.

Her mother had been an attractive female with ample breasts, Samantha feels that her father embraces her and he begins to caress her tits with a hand. She enjoys it feeling as her nipple is pinched with calm.

Alan never imagined himself spending a weekend like this, naked in his bed with his daughter and seeing those old vids. He watches television remembering those good times when Sarah was alive and they fucked like wild beasts every night even with Samantha in the belly of his mother.

She feels like the precum of her father fall on her hand and some spurts are shoot out.

Alan moans smoothly and closes his eyes feeling that pleasure increases.

Samantha stops and releases her father's cock, she looks as the swollen member shines by the light of television.

"Dad... Can I suck it?" Samantha asks looking up to see her father. Alan laughs smoothly.

"Of course honey, but give me a piece of that succulent pussy." Alan responds doing a friendly facial expression to his daughter. She moves her tail content and he moves to crawl on her father and to have the penis in front of her face and to be in position for sixty nine with him.

She sniffs the hard member a moment perceiving its musky aroma, Alan moans when he feels a complete lick from the tip of his shaft to his knot. The tongue moves slowly and her daughter enjoys the taste.

The wolf opens his eyes to see the pink slit surrounded by white-fur. It is glistening and the delicious aroma gets to his nose, Alan seizes the ass of his daughter and pushes it down.

Samantha takes a breath and moans when her father's tongue tip touches its clitoris, she shakes feeling that the tip whirls on that sensitive place.

Her juices drip from her slit, Samantha opens her mouth and takes her dad's member in it, her tongue touches the sore meat and the girl perceives the taste that pleases her.

Her head begins to move slowly, her father's penis enters and gets out of her mouth slowly, and the spurts of precum spatter the inside of her mouth and her teeth.

Alan moans with pleasure, his penis tip rubs on his daughter's palate increasing his pleasure. The wolf licks the slit smoothly of back and forward dividing the swollen pink petals.

Samantha moans and shakes with pleasure when her father pushes his tongue, she feels as he keeps on entering in her pink tunnel slowly until the mouth surrounds the slit.

Alan enjoys the juices that surround his tongue, he moves her considering the soft and moist inside. The vaginal walls vibrate at its around, Alan feels as the saliva of her daughter drips of his shaft and he slides to its knot.

He gets surprised when he feels that the tip touches the entrance of the throat of Samantha, she takes down her head more and with effort push the shaft in her throat.

Alan growls the moment that his meat slides in the throat of his daughter and her lips touch his knot. He feels the squeeze of the muscles around his member.

Samantha breathes agitatedly feeling that her step of air is closed off, but some moments after she calms down and sucks massaging her dad's orbs with her hand.

Alan caresses his daughter's cheeks with his hands while he continues eating up the young and delicious slit.

He introduces a finger between the cheeks white of his daughter and caresses the crack between them of slow way. Samantha shakes with pleasure and whines softly while he has her father's penis in her mouth.

She moves her head with a little more speed, the sound of sucking is heard with force.

Her juices drip from her opening and some drops fall in the head and in the right eye of Alan.

He closes his eyes and continues moving his tongue, the wolf moans with pleasure and his member hardens more in the wet and warm mouth of his daughter. The she-wolf opens her eyes when her father's forefinger presses her sphincter.

Alan feels that his daughter shakes when his finger invades the girl's posterior passage.

Samantha moans and moves her ass while she increases the force of her sucking in the shaft of her father.

Alan moves his finger with more velocity, introducing it and taking out from the anus of his daughter until he no longer can resist more and he pushes his hips. The knot presses Samantha's lips.

The young female feels as the penis of her dad does eruption in her mouth, the squirts of wolf seed cover the walls of her throat.

Her mouth is filled and her cheeks swell up in the meantime she is moving her ass and suddenly she stops. Alan closes his eyes when juice squirts fall on his face.

Her daughter growls with force, her vaginal walls squeeze her father's tongue with force.

Alan opens his mouth and he closes it around the pink slit, his mouth fills up on the delicious and sweet liquid.

Samantha swallows the semen that gets out of the penis of her father the best that he can, but a little oozes by the commissure of her lips and falls on the balls.

When both calm down Samantha moves to one side and the penis slips of her lips just like the tongue of her father leaves his vagina. Alan licks his mouth and moans when he feels that his daughter licks his penis slowly cleaning the rests off semen.

"Dad... Can we do that?" Samantha asks while he licks the tip of the penis of her father and watches television. Alan raises the head while he moans and it sees as in the television his wife rides him in the reverse cowgirl position.

"Of course sweetheart... but I need a break. Can you bring me a glass of water?" Alan asks smiling smoothly at his daughter. She nods and comes down from the bed to go to the bedroom's door.

Her father's look follows every one of her motions, Alan sees the rhythmical motion of the hips and the tail of his daughter before she got out of the bedroom.

Alan breathes agitatedly, he listens the moan and heavy breathing that come from television. He raises the head to see as Sarah rides him with passion, his breasts bounce on the air while she growls.

Those old memories come to Alan's mind, he loved her so much until that terrible accident happened. Alan asks himself what she would think, if he knew that he fucks Samantha.

"Would she hate him? Perhaps, although Sarah always told him that in front a great doubt following the heart is best and Alan feels that this is best somehow.

Samantha had loved it and enjoys it. What had happened to her had marked her deeply, but now she is having a good time of what previously it caused conflict and pain to her.

Alan no longer can consider more when Samantha gets in the bedroom and climbs on the bed while she holds a glass of water.

"Thanks." Alan says while he takes the glass and begins to drink water. The wolf chokes when his daughter's mouth closes around his penis. Samantha sucks and massages her father's balls.

She moves her tongue in the sensitive meat, the member again hardens and grows up in the mouth of the girl. Samantha sees as the knot takes shape in the base of the member.

It is a big knot. Alan moans and pants with the closed eyes, his daughter's lips move on his cock. The wolf stretches his hand and takes a small bottle of lubricant.

He pours some the slippery liquid in his fingers and stretches his hand. Samantha shakes when her father's fingers get between his buttocks and they touch her anus, she feels that the yolks of the fingers move circularly on her sphincter.

She moans smoothly enjoying the stimulation in that part of her body, the female dog shakes lightly when her father pushes his finger in her anus. Alan moves his finger circularly in anus of the girl before inserting another finger.

Samantha stops the suction while she has a good time, she should admit that she likes sex there. Alan stops stimulation and he gives the bottle to his daughter.

The girl opens the small bottle and spills the liquid on the penis of her father, she sees as the lubricant overflows for the red shaft. The knot also gets cover with the lubricant that glisten by light that comes from the television.

Samantha stands up and places in position on the crotch of her father.

"Dad... you guide me." Samantha says laughing impishly and taking down ass. Alan nods while he has his cock in his hand, in a few moments the tip gets between the gluteuses of his girl.

The tip touches the sphincter, Samantha takes down more her hips and the tip presses her hole, she moans with pain when the tip penetrates in her tailhole. Alan pants when his daughter's hot inside hedges the tip of his member.

The female dog takes down her ass more, she gasps feeling as the hard rod slips inside her anus slowly stretching her anal walls. Alan sees as his penis is disappearing slowly between the white and firm cheeks of his daughter.

The knot touches Samantha's buttocks, his father holds her while she leans backwards upon him. Alan lays his hands on the flat stomach of his daughter.

Alan caresses it slowly, the soft fur covers it. Alan begins to move and fuck her loved girl's ass with calm. His hips moves up and down, Samantha's sphincter moves on his shaft.

Samantha moans and smoothly, her father's penis caresses her anal walls with calm. She begins to move her ass in circles to increase the contact.

The little spurts of precum sprinkle her tunnel, Alan moans too, his daughter's rectum is very thigh. The hands of the wolf move up and take Samantha's tits.

She moans when her father fucks her and caresses her breasts, Samantha knows that her breast attracts any male and her dad certainly makes it also. Alan twists his daughter's nipples and she growls of pleasure.

His hips hit Samantha's buttocks with more speed, and the sound of slapping meat is heard it is heard in the bedroom. He moves down his right hand to place it between the thighs of the girl.

Samantha's mouth open and she moans with more pleasure when her father stimulates her clitoris. Alan stimulates the rosy point achieving that his daughter trembles of pleasure.

He continues pumping his penis in the anal passage, his fingers sink in the vagina of Samantha and they are wet in juices. Alan pushes his hips with force and her sphincter is pressed.

The pleasure in the body of the girl does not stop and she growls with pain when his hole opens and his father knots her. Alan pants with pleasure, each part of his penis is wrapped by his daughter's hot entrails.

Alan pumps with more force and increases the stimulation of the vagina of his daughter and his breasts. Samantha pants and growls, she suddenly loses the control of her body and grunts with pleasure the moment that her orgasm fills her with pleasure.

Alan's hands hold Samantha that convulses on him, his daughter's rectum squeezes his penis with more force. Alan growls and pushes his hips, sperm is shoot out of the tip of his cock and bathe the anal walls.

Samantha feels as her inside is covered with sticky seed that was the same that brought her into the world many years ago. Alan embraces his daughter while both breathe agitatedly.

He caresses his daughter's body slowly, his hands go over breasts, the stomach and her thighs slowly.

Too early on Monday Allan wakes up slowly feeling motion, he yawns in the meantime he blinks lightly, he feels something soft and warm pressed against his erect member.

Alan's eyes get accustomed to the light rapidly and he sees that his daughter is asleep at his side, she rest on her chest while she embraces the pillow while she sleeps.

Alan sees that the bedroom is lightly illuminated by the light of the sun, he moves and takes a clock that is on the bedside table and he sees that it is six o'clock.

The wolf feels calmer because he has time, he feels as the bedspread touches his cock.

He takes them off and smiles when seeing his awake friend, that surprises him a little because he thought that his daughter had exhausted him completely.

"Dad, fuck... my ass hard." She stammers while she holds the pillow. Alan smiles smoothly listening to her.

Since the night of her first time, she practically obliged him to fuck daily, Alan laughs smoothly thinking that the daughter acts just like her mother in that subject.

Alan with calm uncovers Samantha's body, when bedspreads are out of his way, he can delight in the nudity of his daughter. She is a beauty, Alan's sight rests of dry cum on the buttocks of the girl.

He takes his erection and caresses it thinking in which he had penetrated between those delicious cheeks. The wolf with calm positions himself on Samantha, he uses his hands to separate the two white and firm hills delicately.

Alan sees the girl's pink posterior hole, he is closed and he plans to open it again. Alan's hand stretches and he takes the small bottle of lubricant, Alan opens it and pours some on his hand.

He shakes lightly when he scatters the slippery liquid on his erection, his penis glistens again. Alan gets comfortable better and with calm introduce his penis tip between the cheeks of his girl.

He uses his hand to move the penis a little until the tip touches the sphincter, Alan begins to press her daughter's posterior entrance with calm. The hole stands against opening while Samantha is still asleep.

Alan increases him pressure a little and moans when the tip invades his daughter's anal passage. The wolf pants and has his closed eyes enjoying the interior heat of the young body.

He takes down his hips slowly inserting his member in the rectum of his daughter. Alan leans on his elbows and in bed and begins to pump his penis slowly.

He moans and his groin hits Samantha's buttocks, the two cheeks shake with each impact. Alan feels as the sphincter moves on his hard cock back and forth.

"Dad... Are you fucking my ass to wake me up?" Samantha asks with not much emotion and still sleepy.

"It was not my intention to wake you up sweetheart, but while you were sleeping you requested me do it." Alan says softly whispering in the ear his daughter.

"Really...? Don't worry." Samantha says embracing the pillow with more force and again falling asleep. Alan gets surprised and smiles while he continues pumping his penis in the tight anus.

He does not stop and the bed creaks, Alan gets surprised that Samantha does not wake up with such noise. His thrusts are strong and deep, his member's tip touches the bottom of the rectum of Samantha.

Alan pants and moans without stopping to move, he stops and begins pushing his knot that is between the buttocks of Samantha. She moves a little without waking up, pressure increases and the sphincter looks obliged to open.

Samantha growls with pain while she still sleeps. Alan closes his eyes with pleasure feeling as his penis is trapped by the entrails of his daughter. The heat surrounds it completely.

Alan resumes his pushes and his ass moves while he is growling. Pleasure keeps on increasing rapidly and after some minutes he stops.

He grunts of pleasure does not wake up Samantha, she does not feel as her anal walls are baths with sticky and lukewarm seed that floods her posterior passage.

Alan does not move while minutes pass, he enjoys the hot inside of his daughter, he enjoys it completely until she wakes up. The girl feels as the penis throbs in her ass.

The knot slowly loses its size, Alan nuzzles his daughter's neck and bites it affectionately.

She simpers and tries to stop her father, when the correct moment comes, Allan pulls his penis out.

The moment that the member slips, a great quantity of seed oozes of the opened hole of his daughter.

"Dad now I should clean up this mess." Alan says turning over and embracing his father with force. Alan gets surprised a little and embraces her too. Their naked bodies press themselves mutually.

"We should get ready, this is not an excuse in order that you lose a class today." Alan says while he looks at his girl. She growls with distaste and her father laughs, they move and get out of the bed and Samantha goes to her bedroom.

She does not see that her father follows with the look her motions until she gets out of the bedroom. Samantha gets to her bedroom and she takes a moment to see her naked body in front of the mirror.

Samantha cannot believe what happened in the weekend, it was the intense and exciting that she had lived in her life. The girl begins to prepare to go to school.

In the moment that they are ready, they get on the automobile. Alan begins to drive it while Samantha is sitting at his side.

"Samantha... we should talk of what it happened, you know that this is something with what you should be cautious." Alan says while he drives the automobile.

"Of course dad, I know it very well." Samantha says with bother. She is not silly to comment with his friends about this.

"I know, but this has me restless and we should put rules." Alan says while he stops the automobile for a red light of the traffic light. Other automobiles stop next to his.

"Rules?" Samantha asks.

"Yep, this cannot affect your grades in school neither my job... sex is exhausting. Do you know?" Alan says looking at his daughter and making a funny face.

She roars with laughter and his father joins up shortly. Alan calms down and continues driving and talking with her. The automobile parks in front of the school after about thirty minutes.

Samantha says good-bye to her father at the moment that she gets out of the automobile, she heads toward the man entrance of the school and she stops half-way.

She turns over going back to the automobile and to introduce her head inside the car.

"Thank you for everything, dad." She says licking her father's cheek.

"You're welcome sweetheart." Alan responds kissing her on her. She smiles and hurries up to get to the main entrance of the school. When she enters, Alan runs the car and to continue driving to get to his job in time.

Alan, Barret, Franny, Richard, Tristan Elwyn, Franklin Wiley, Susan, Samantha, Katherine, Diane, Start, Rosalyn, Tabatha, Amy, Travis, Stan are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

Males' fun

After getting separated and getting dressed, Lorene and Celestine walk back to the house, the boys would follow them soon because they pick up some things that they brought from the house. "Do you still feel pain down there?" Celestine asks doing a...

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