Sibling Rivalries 4: Tails in Turmoil

Story by hellhoundswrath on SoFurry

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#5 of Sibling Rivalries

Ava and Scar are in a hurry to get to a concert when they both have a mishap with their tails. (Art by Fluffy_Leopard )

Ava and Scar are in a hurry to get to a concert when they both have a mishap with their tails. This was an idea given to me by my lovely mate @Fluffy_Leopard. Enjoy our characters pain and suffering.


It was about 3 pm on a sunny afternoon. The two felines where going to be late to a Green Day concert. Scar flung open the front door and ran out into the yard with tickets in hand. He wore a black t-shirt with the cover art of Green Day's "American Idiot" album on the front of it and a pair of black jeans. He flung open the door to his 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe and slammed the tickets down on the dash as he sat down. His fingers drummed against the dash as he checked the time. "Fuuuuuck, we're so gonna be late." He growled as he glared at the house, waiting for his leopard mate. Scar stood up and put his arms on top of the open door. "HURRY UP FLUFFY TAIL! WE'LL MISS THE OPENING ACT AT THIS RATE!"

Moments later, Ava came sprinting into the door way wearing a plain black t-shirt and a similar pair of black pants. "Shut the hell up. I'm trying to find my damn ticket!" She yelled in response.

Scar slammed the palm of his hand into his face in annoyance. "I have both of them you absent minded ball of fluff. I told you that 20 minutes ago. They're sitting here on the dash." Scar loved Ava to death but she could certainly be scatterbrained at times. "Now come on before we miss the whole thing."

"I forgot you over grown house cat. Don't get your tail in a knot." She turned around and shut the door behind her, then walked to the car. "Damn furball. How many times do I have to yell at him for rushing me?" She mumbled grumpily to herself. Scar was a great guy but it drove her up a wall when he decided to get anal about time.

"Oh quit griping and get in." He hissed.

"I am I am. Holy shit calm down." She opened the door and sat down in the passenger seat. "Do you have your wallet? I know how often you forget that."

"Oh shut up. I've got.... It." He lifted himself up off of the seat and patted his back pocket. His ears flattened against the top of his head and he gave her a nervous smile. "Oh. I guess I don't. One sec." He got up and sprinted inside the house.

"And he calls me scatter brained." She grumbled to herself, her ears flattening against her head out of sheer annoyance at her mate's stupidity. A few seconds later she saw him coming back. "About time." She grabbed the inner door handle and slammed it shut, but she didn't hear the normal thud of the door shutting. Instead she felt a searing in her tail and the loud painful sound of snapping bone. Her ears shot up and the fur on her body stood in shock. "GOD DAMN IT, HOLY SHIT!" She looked down to see half of her tail buried between the door and the frame of his car. She pried it open and curled her tail into her lap to check the damage. "OH COME ON!"

By that time Scar had run to the car and was now leaning into the drivers side door with a worried look painting his face. "What happened? Are you ok?" He asked frantically with more that an hint of panic in his voice.

"NO IM NOT OK! I just slammed my fucking tail into a car door."

He looked down to see that half of her tail was bent painfully into an L shape. Blood began seeping through her fur, and dripping onto the legs of her jeans. "Ok. Fuck the concert. We need to get you to a hospital." Scar stripped off his shirt and wrapped it around the wound to stop the bleeding, tying it into a truncate.

"ARE YOU NUTS? Have you forgotten how much we paid for these things? Besides I'm fine. See!" She attempted to move her tail but ended up hearing another loud snapping sound. Her eyes filled with tears as she tried to suppress and pain filled scream.

Scar looked at her and rolled his eyes. "Uh huh, Sure you are now strap in and shut up. Your going to the hospital." He sat down quickly and put the keys into the ignition before slamming the door shut. "Oh shit!" He yipped as he felt pain run through him.

Ava raised an eyebrow at him. "Did you just do what I think you did?"

He bit his bottom lip and nodded. "Yep." He was in the process of mentally kicking himself. "Now we both have to go."

"Apparently so." She chuckled. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Now what was that about me being a clumsy feline?" Even through the pain, she still managed to laugh at the irony of both of them slamming their tails into a car door. "Lets get going."

"Yeah." He pushed open the door and slid it over his lap like Ava had done and proceeded to drive to the hospital. After a few hours, Scar was sitting it the emergency room waiting area. The entire lower half of his tail was encased in a white cast. In order to keep it from hitting the ground, the doctors had tied a long strand of high strength wire to it and attached the other end to the belt loops of his pants. His ears were laying flat against his head as he felt humiliated. The doctors nearly pissed themselves laughing when he told them what had happened.

He attempted to sit down on one of the waiting room chairs but couldn't due to the string of the cast.

A white wolf exited out of the ER and walked towards the struggling house cat. "Excuse me sir. Are you Scar? Ava's mate?" He looked at him with an annoyed look.

He sighed and shook his head. "Yes. What did she do now?"

This forced the wolf to pause for a moment and gave him a confused look. "Wait a second, how did you know she did something?"

"Because she usually gets high as fuck when you give her any form of painkillers. Which I'm guessing you gave her some when you where trying to fix her. How close am I?" His tone was blunt and filled with annoyance.

"I think it would be best to come back and see for yourself." He said sheepishly. He looked to be visibly frightened or anxious about bringing the feline back to his mate.

"Ok then lead the way." The wolf lead Scar passed the ER and into the hallway where the patents stayed. Just as he set foot in the hallway, he heard a loud metallic crashing sound followed by the roar of a loud and obviously out of her mind, leopard. He ran down the hall, following the noise until he found the open door to her room. He entered just in time to see her kick the large buck that was her doctor in the stomach as he tried to put a cast on her. This caused him to stumble backwards and slam his large antlers into a cabinet above him.

"I said no Rudolf. I don' wanna be a bob cat!" Her words where being slurred together as she thrashed about, making it nearly impossible to get the cast on her. Her normally purple eyes where painted red where they should have been white.

The deer straightened his obviously sore back and huffed in a clear sign of annoyance. "For the last time miss, we have no plans to amputate your part of your tail." He took off his reading glasses and set them on the table, making sure that she wouldn't be given a second chance to break them. "If you don't calm down, I'll have no choice but to call the police and have you arrested.

"I don't believe you bone head." She stammered forward like she was about to fall. Scar pushed the buck out of the way and caught her. She was clearly out of her mind. The male looked at the buck and gave him an even more embarrassing smile.

"Sorry about that doc. She doesn't handle pain killers very well."

The doctor shot him a look that screamed, 'No shit Sherlock.' But he chose to keep his professional demeanor and straightened his lab coat. "I've noticed. Now since you're here, would you mind helping me by getting her on the bed and holding her down? That way I can actually put the cast on her."

Scar looked down to her, then back to the doctor and then back to her. He let out a sigh. "Ok fine." He lifted the unconscious leopard up, her arms slightly flailing as she tried to weakly fight him off. Her hands slapped against his face several times. By the time he got her to the table and set her down, he rolled her over and kept her on her stomach. Her tail swung painfully around and hit Scar in the back of the head. She was so drugged up that she couldn't feel a thing.

The male growled at her and forced her tail onto the table. His eye began to twitch as he glared at her. "If you hit me one more fucking time, I will hog tie you to the hood of my fucking car." She looked at him and playfully stuck out her tongue. This gave the doctor enough time to finish wrapping her up.

He looked at Scar and sighed. "Ok she is good to go. Just don't give her any more pain killers."

He looked the doctor dead in the eyes. "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!"


Sibling Rivalries 5: Love Struck Feline

This story is dedicated to my lovely mate, @Fluffy\_Leopard. I love you gorgeous * * * It was 2:30 in the afternoon on Monday February 13th. Ava strolled through the house in a pair of green and black pajamas and a plain black tank top. With music...

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Paralyzed with Fear

This short story is based on a real dream that I have experienced. Some things may be exaggerated slightly to make things seem more interesting. Enjoy...

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Chapter 2

Scar awoke when he felt the sack over his head being removed. The sudden rush of light into his eyes momentarily blinded, causing him to turn his head. After a few seconds he was able to see Ava standing in front of him, looking down at him as he sat...

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